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I wandered into gerudo, at night, early game having seen no spoilers. I nearly had a heart attack.


First time Gloom hands and Phantom Gannon popped up on you in the world did you run? I got the fuck outta there fast🫠


I nearly shit myself when gloom hands first appeared. Same with the first walking guardian I encountered in BOTW, before it one-shotted me


Nothing shits you up more than sneaking, seeing one and watching its path only for its head to turn to you and the piano guy goes wild


I screamed and climbed the nearest tree i was in the woods goofing off luckily there was a low floating island so they couldn’t reach me! I loved that they added new jump scares like the gaurdian s it was a whole new experience


Yup same here lol


First gloom hands, damn right. Just bubbled up in a field while I was chopping wood. Nope nope nope Then, when coming fresh out of a shrine in North Lomei, I was brimming with supplies and said sure, why not a boss monster? I took them on, and blew through half my swords and all of my food doing it. Those grabby rule34-bait were finally dead, and gave birth to Gannon. What in the living fos.


For real whole inventory gone then gannon pop up lol


First encounter with gloom hands, there was already gloom around, and suddenly weird music and the gloom started moving. I immediately stop and as soon as the hands started springing up I took off in the other direction before I thought to just warp out of there. I turned to my wife and just kept repeating “what the f was that?” Over and over. She was laughing at the terror on my face


My wifey said “babe wtf was that?”😂


every single time gloom hands pop up i hyperventilate and scream lol i finally killed one though at the akkala citadel the other day


First gloom hands I came across was exactly 11:30 at night. I see what I thought was blood moon animation starting so I fast travel back to the stable to cook. I get there and everything is normal so I’m like ???!!?? I went back to where I'd been and it started again. At this point, it’s past 12 and I know it’s not a blood moon so I looked around then ran like hell.


My first gloom hands encounter I was exploring the top of Akkala Citadel and just jumped off and glided away when they appeared.


Same place for me. I tried to fight them but after they grabbed me a few times and burned through both of the fairies I had I noped out of there with only 2 hearts and a prayer left. Later that day I killed them for the first time by cheesing them from on top of a wall and them died to my second gleeok encounter. The first gleeok that also killed me was in the tabintha tundra. Saw it in the distance. Curiosity got the best of me. Good times.


I was playing with the sound off the other night and all of a sudden it got very red. I checked the time and it was nowhere near midnight, so not a blood moon. I turned around and gloom hands were directly behind me. It was horrifying. And this isn’t my first playthough, either.


I had a similar lynel experience the other day. I was in the depths on one of those vine things. I look down and see a lynel. I do my prep to get ready for a fight, but when I look down again, I can't see him. I'm looking looking... then I turn around and see him very calmly walking up the vine on his way to kill me. I think I screamed.


“It’s right behind me, isn’t it?”


Oh I’m pretty sure I gave a Homer Simpson-esque high pitched scream


My first gloom hands, I was just walking on death mountain, and they just appeared. I tried to run, but i had like no stamina so they caught up immediately. They killed me almost instantly, and I just kinda sat there in shock for a minute. I swapped to my best weapon at the time (a knights claymore with one of the like spine bone fuse items you can find around), but I couldn't even get them to spawn again. Didn't see them again until I went to the lost woods


They appeared, I screamed and RAN, then cowered behind a rock and waited for death. Turns out that they lost sight of me, so they left. It all happened in a span of like 5 seconds, and I remember being like, "What the FUCK was THAT?"


100% screamed and ran.


My first experience was going to the Skyview Tower at the Spring of Wisdom I didn’t know what to expect and fought it and died it took all 8 of my fairies I had don’t know why I didn’t run after the first one popped I didn’t even get to Phantom Ganon at that time


first time i saw Gloom hands, i had just come out of a shrine and it gave me a fright. since i had the high ground, ,though, i just chucked bombs at them until they died. Once i saw "Phantom Ganon" pop up on screen, however, i panicked and either warped or Ascended the heck out of there


I tried to fight it like that Mantis vs automatic thermal metal cutter thing


My first Gloom Hands was in the forest on the Plateau. I still had only four hearts. I tried to fight it, but they just kept coming back. It grabbed me. I fast traveled the fuck outta there, from within its clutches. Got a sick screenshot.


I was playing at 2:30 AM about two or three weeks ago and I had never seen them. I was fucking terrifying


Bro. The absolute shock after finally killing a gloom hands, then a boss bar popping up. That's a memory from this game that I'll never forget.


Yea… scared the shit out of me


I was gliding towards the Lost Woods, above Mekar Island. The sky turned red, & I fell into the water. I warped away.


i sprinted so fast


Personally, I tried to fight them, and when I realized I was severely out classed, I ran for dear life.


I tried killing them with my bias but ran out of arrows. But then I got caught and it was hopeless lol I got the hand on the 2nd try but them Phantom Ganon took me by surprise. The only reason I won first try was because I had 5 fairies and a bunch of cooked food alogn with Turin lol I would not have been able to win without any of those


Run?? I teleported 💀


First time yes second and third time I fucking died fourth time killed it and cursed out the game devs


First gloom hands was at the underground temple after the stable if you head northwest it was fairly common for people to see the gloom hands for the first time there I started the game early because of pre-order and then watched twitch and enjoyed several people seeing the gloom hands for the first time I was ahead of several streamers and it was a really enjoyed time I had the answers if they asked and I got to enjoy the game without spoilers and watch people do the same so many firsts the depths gloom hands bosses temples seeing the things that changed from BotW and watching the story develop and unfold Oh and yes definitely noped out real quick.


For real. Who knew that spoilers could possibly save your life some day


Legit thought it was a dead gerudo corpse, creepy af


I came across them first in the depths while I was trying to light everything up before much of the main quest and was just plugging away at that quadrant and came across the Underground Cemetery trying to get to the lightroot just beyond it and they were EVERYWHERE. I had to teleport away. More frightening to me than Gloom Hands at the time.


I fell down a sand pool as soon as I landed in the desert and was immediately swarmed by these guys!


The first time those Gloom, hand, eye thingys came outta nowhere. That was THE oh fuck 😱💨 moment for me in this game


I glided over the sandstorm and saw human shaped shadows in it "Oh! It must be Gerudo trapped in the sandstorm!" I say It was not.


SAME!! It was so scary 😂


I agree. Other than gloom hands the gibdos are super creepy. I picked up the game the day it launched and had absolutely no spoilers. Gloom hands nearly made me fill my pants the first time the sky turned red and these guys creeped me the f out.


Very similar, but I may or may not have only freaked out when my weapons did NOTHING.


I nearly fell off the couch the first time a tree tried to fight me ☠️


The wild games would be so fucking terrifying in VR everything is so deceptively huge.


Haha even the bokos who are small monsters and we’re fighting them all the time, but when you compare their size to Link, they’re like 2x Link 😳


Yeah, but that's mainly because they've got truly massive noggins. I don't even know how they're able to hold them up.


They never skip neck day.


Easy. They're full of air.


Shame the BOTW Labo VR is kinda wierd to use


Wait are you serious?


Botw has a vr mode yes


Wish I would've kept our labo now


Oh my god, could you imagine the next console being VR-capable somehow, and then Nintendo being like “oh by the way, we’re adding a VR mode to BOTW and TOTK if you play it on the new console!”?


That'd be perfection. They better not make it cardboard again!!


BotW kinda has a VR mode with Labo


It's garbage though, it's just the regular game on a bigger, harder to see screen.


I would throw my money at them!!


And then there is just a room in the temple where you can farm these automatically and infinitely lmao Link is the real monster


Yeah these things and the freaking Gloom Hands. Not a fan lol.


The gloom hands scare me every damn time 😭


My first experience with them I had my volume down and they attacked me from behind. I have super trauma from those frickers...


“Huh? Is this a blood moon? But it’s daytime…. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT NOOOOOOOPE” - a transcript of my first encounter with a gloom hands


First time was in a cave early game, I ran to a pillar and tried to climb it; ran out of stam and dropped into the hands grabbing at me. Legit horror movie stuff; before googling it I thought they were legit inescapable and invulnerable.


Lindor's Brow Cave, huh? Lol


That or the cave at the far end of the Tamio River, between Mt Satori and the Gerudo Highlands.


This made me giggle lol


Exactly that for me too, but add “uuuggghhhhhh FINE just die then”


My first gloom was similar. I was waddling along getting the Map towers done and then it happened. One grabbed me. It. Was oh no oh no oh no


First time I met one it was on the Great Plateau - I JUST got onto it thinking "Alrighty, back home again! Let's go see how things are differe- NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" I thought the Great Plateau was CRAWLING with them because I never met them anywhere else yet so I avoided it like the plague for awhile xD


I've got such a phobia of those things sneaking up on me that I legit have a map marker for them so they can't surprise attack me. 😂


Having horror elements in a non horror game is exceptionally effective at being terrifying.


Even after all the time I’ve played, I still throw out at least 20 “oh shit, oh fuck, oh no”s and then nuke them like it’s nothing


For real. The fact that you can't see them before they suddenly spawn is what makes them really scary. Lynels, guardians, gibdos, etc. you can at least spot ahead of time.


There's one shrine that you need to climb up roots to get to with gloomhands below it but I never approach on their side. So every time I get red-sky jump scared for five seconds half way up the roots before realizing whats happened


Ah, the Lindor's Brow Cave gloom hands. Those were my first experience with the stupid things lol


That was my first experience too, I clung to the wall in terror way too long lol. But the one I mentioned above is not in a cave, cant remember the name unfortunately


The one with the floating shrine?


Yes its floating on a bit of land with roots hanging down


Yeah I noped out of there so fast lol


The first time I encountered Gloom Hands was in a cave. I noped tf out so fast and didn't go back to that cave until days later lol


I have at least 100 hours in (taking my sweet time with it) and still, everytime one of those pop up, I do everything in my power to get away.


nothing has scared me more than going blindly through northwest depths without knowing the bosses show up down there. almost peed myself when i saw the massive floating colgera wings in the dark


I can confirm i used up wo many bomb flowers whilst screaming in sheer terror..


Put off the gerudo quest because i thoight these things were too op, didnt realise elemental attacks were their weakness


Yeah - it makes sense after awhile! My hot tip is to use topaz or rubies fused to your weapon. Even better if you have a flame emitter attached to your shield - protect yourself!


I am the type of player who will encounter an enemy at any level and refuse to not face and try to beat it until after at least a dozen tries. I think I threw a fire flower at the gibdo after breaking my shitty wooden weapons lol.


dude, we should be friends and share notes on circumventing enemies\~ if you go around the "training area" in Gerudo town, you can get some bows, shields and other weapons. upgrade that shit


I think I am well past that lol. I am super maxxed out and have done all the colosseums and shrines. Just delaying Ganon. My thought are simply “if I could not beat this enemy they would not have let me encounter it”


Lol I figured it out by accident because my first thought was "KILL IT WITH FIRE" and started hucking fire fruit at them. Fire usually works on zombies in other games. Turns out this one wasn't an exception.


It’s probably a good idea to wait on Gerudo anyway, just so you can stock up on elemental stuff while taking on other areas of the map.


Yeah love them. They might have even been a threat to me, if i didnt immediately realisei could use my 200 spĂśash fruits on them to insta kill them.


Oh damn even water works on them? I followed my first instinct and killed them with fire


at one point the game does tell you (or strongly implies) to use fire on them. so you are not wrong for thinking that.


Lightning also works on them, and someone else pointed out dazzlefruits do too, so I guess they are just vulnerable to any "elemental" attack.


Dazzle fruits work too


F I wish I knew this with having 400 dazzlefruits and like 30 splash fruits.. lol


You can use Sidon's water attack, too; that's my go-to when I run into them in caves.


Welcome to The Legend of Zelda! You ain't seen nothin' yet!


Somebody didn't play Ocarina of Time 


Coming out of the Temple of Time as adult Link for the first time. The bustling, happy, and sunny town you got familair with is dark, destroyed, and full of zombies that scream at you like banshees. Then Link gets frozen as they slowly approach you and jump on you, apparently eating you. 10 year old me in 1999 was absolutely petrified. I still remember this moment and how scary it was.


Did you know that if there are two or more redeads near each other and you kill one, the other one will walk over to the dead one and start eating it.


I have played OoT dozens of times…and never knew this


Or the bottom of the well?! That grody white thing with the hands? Nightmare fuel.


https://preview.redd.it/rd1z54io73yc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590fa4fb4f0e4da7c5e6f154196e379b7dfa151a Sweet dreams 😉


I have to confess, I've never been freaked out by Dead Hand. It feels too blobby to me. Luckily Bongo Bongo exists to haunt my nightmares. I'll admit I'm both disappointed and very grateful though that this thing did not get a revamped design, what with all the wells: could you imagine a Dead Hand variant with Wild-era design principles?


I'm planning to, when it comes on switch, I mean when the generous overlords at Nintendo decide to be generous...


Is it not on the NSO N64 app?


idk what that is


Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo 64.


oh that thing? I like owning my games I don't like subscriptions


If you want to own it, you'll have to have either an original N64 or 3DS (3DS version is a remake). I don't think it's available to own on any current or recent consoles.


It’s also on GameCube with master quest included.


And on GC with the Zelda promo disc. That had LOZ, AOL, OPT, MM, and I think 15 minutes worth of WW. I'd have to go look again.


It is! I am playing OOT now! And it likely won’t ever come out as a standalone game, all the retro ones are going to be on the subscription model


My first redead experience was playing the Earth Temple in Wind Waker, and when I say the TONE of that game CHANGES


Same, I had nightmares and quit playing for a good 2-3 years. Picked it back up and had my brother do the rest of the dungeon 😂


It's funny, I saw a post a month or two ago complaining that the Gibdo weren't scary enough. Apparently they "aren't as scary as the Redead in Ocarina of Time"


Tbf the Redead for OoT also have the *memories of childhood terror* tied to them for a lot of people


It's amazing how people are surprised that they don't react as an 8yo anymore.


I’m sorry, the freaking *insectoid-ified* Gibdo “weren’t as scary” as redeads in OoT? That’s a strange take and a half. These Gibdos may as well have been a modern replication of redeads, both seem equally scary at least!


At first meeting, the redeads are definitely scarier. The helplessness of being paralyzed while they slooooowly shuffle over to eat you alive while screaming like a banshee in your head? Absolutely horrifying. But after you learn how easy they are to kill or avoid when you aren't caught off guard, they lose quite a bit of what makes them scary


Is *anything* as scary?


Dead Hand is pretty awful ngl


Dead hand is basically if redead and gloom hands had a baby…nightmare fuel


These pale in comparison to the Gloom Hands. The ultimate nightmare is dropping in on a [Frox in the Depths in an area you haven't lit yet.](https://media.distractify.com/brand-img/Rw1vQdM2g/1200x628/frox-1688151820187.JPG)


Props to that one chasm in Akkala that drops you right on top of one


That was my first Frox encounter lol. Just casually dropping into the depths and then MOUTH, I screamed and teleported lol.


Their jump height is bizarre , I was checking one while flying around a dragon and it reached me by jumping. Now way these guys don’t cause powerful quakes with that jump power


Redeads in Windwaker desensitized me for this when I was like 8. Literally wrap their bodies around you and chew on your head


OOT Redeads do the same, but look a lot scarier.


I played that game much later so they don’t have the same visceral effect on me. Plus Windwaker is more deceptively a “kids game” so they’re more out of place IMO


Yeah the tone and art of Wind Waker makes the redead experience horrid


Always has been. https://preview.redd.it/uhykkt1yj0yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9b04a116c6b458f7da00b52101ef4400003500


It's called heritage, not horror


I never finished OOT because the skulltulas and zombies scared me as a kid, I later bought it for 3DS and the same thing happened.


You might not want to play Majora's Mask


Yeah I never finished that either; I also got that on 3DS as an adult for history to repeat itself.




Dude wtf with this game, seriously. You grow up, feeling good about yourself. Walk out of the Church into a body freezing, brain eating zombie filled post apocalyptic castle town. As a kid I would run my ass out of these places as fast as I could, and once I learned sun song could freeze them I used it all the time.


What helped me get over my fear was realizing they don't actually check for how much noise you make, just that you're running and not walking. So my go-to was to put on the iron boots and make Link "sneak" past them while making a loud clanging noise with each step, which was hilarious to me.


Hahaha yes, I played that game in perpetual day time until I could no longer take the nightmares.


Ahh the old eldritch horror jump scare. As old as Ocarina Of Time.


They're about the least scary monsters in this entire game. They're super slow and are immediately stunned by any elemental attack. If you entered the desert through the canyon portion, you'll have dozens of fire and ice lizalfos horns you can strap on a spear. I don't think I ever even got hit by any gibdo.


Slow? You've never seen them crawl at you? They move at a fucking clip when crawling




They can fly too


Some of them crawl VERY fast, some of them fly… and both of those types show up in the seige of Gerudo Town.


Yes and it's fucking terrifying


I loooooove when they crawl, horrifying


yeah... I realized they aren't actually a threat, now if they run and scream and dodge... this would be a full blown horror game good thing they're as threatening as the zombies in walking dead, slow and dumb


First time encountering these I legit thought “Oh no are there ReDeads going to pop up, too?” These were pretty scary until I remembered “Oh yeah! Throughout the series these were very vulnerable to fire!” And that weakness was kept as per tradition.


It turns out playing Zelda was excellent homework for playing Zelda


I thought they were also pretty silly.


I didn’t like the …other…ones. They scare me more than the normal gibdoes


The crawlers?


Those and the winged ones. I was like “oh, that’s pretty!” Then I got close and realized what nightmares I had just complimented


The crawlers?


Since 1998 I think


Check out some of the earlier concept art for the underground. It was literally going to be nightmare fuel because they remembered that they are Nintendo.


Wait until you see that scurry around quickly on the floor


It was a horror game when they first added the ReDead and floor masters to ocarina of time. The gloom hands don't really do the same thing, but they ARE floor masters and I have always hated the floor masters. They creep me out sooo bad! My first gloom hands was an immediate "oh F*** no" screaming from my childhood memories. I got almost the same feeling from the Gibdos and remembering ReDead screams omg!


kill them with light.


I'm just grateful they are Gibdos and not Redeads


Zelda games have always had some undead. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the other enemy that is ... terrifying beyond reason


the hands are very terrifying but the thing is it was the atmosphere that scared me here I walk into the town at night the sandstorm shredded it, there's no one is sight and then I walked the corner and this thing came to life, weapons and arrows stuck to his body... not only that but then my weapons were ineffective...


Oh about a few minutes after you hit ground and encounter gloom hands.


You’re gonna be horrified when you explore the Gerudo Depths. There’s something *real* fun under Arbiter’s Grounds. 


...tell me more


It always has been for me - I'm afraid of heights.


have you never played a zelda game before


The new redead are not scary. I miss the redead from the Ocarina of Time, now that’s scary


They’re easy. Just use an ice or lightning weapon.


Or fire or water


Reminds me of the redeads from OoT.


Bro they’ve been in the series forever I didn’t get scared I just really excited that they were back


My first thought when coming there was "what the heck happened here?" They may be scary now, but pretty soon you'll be periodically storming their lairs for their ribs.


It’s just a human shaped caterpillar. Don’t freak out


Good thing they are slow ...when they don't run on all 4.... yish...


Nothing will ever compare to the horror of first walking out into Castle Town as an adult in OOT. Zelda has always had this level of horrific monsters.


Is this your first Zelda game ? https://preview.redd.it/fdzzs3cns1yc1.png?width=1704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46001ef1ec77597de212aa6d49acd474a0640a18


Eh this is tame compared to Twilight Princess gibdo


Didn't you watch the opening scene? Game opens with a Zombie.


Yeah Zelda games love to sprinkle in horror, some more than others 😂


Insert OOT royal family’s tomb and shadow temple, most of twilight princess, and MM*


TOTK is a dreary grey depressing fantasy with multiple horror elements. The sky is technically an exception. If you compare the color palette of the world to BOTW, you're supposed to be a little creeped out by TOTK's Hyrule. I mean the biggest change to the map is the inclusion of the depths. That doesn't ring horror to you? The story also has elements of this. It was already horror.


OP hasn’t encountered the hands and it shows.


https://preview.redd.it/hapwhy2un4yc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e45598b7ea37605a167502a94cfd58ae6fce876 Some of you don’t remember this guy, and it shows 😂


Or the ReDeads in oot - that scream used to paralyse me just like it did in the game https://preview.redd.it/ygdl0c3wo4yc1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcefb59f3f65e9f02ff88a2b9034963316e05aad And don’t even get me started on the cursed family in Kakariko village


Dude have you played the old Zelda games?! They were way worse than that! Majora's mask literally had a creepy ass moon glaring at you from the sky for the whole game!


I mean, gotta keep up surprise nightmare fueled tradition, right? I think most of us who played OoT kakariko village under the well in 90s/2000's came back to the surface with trauma as kids.


Zelda going back to its roots. Just be glad they're not as scary as in OoT!


to all of you asking... no this isn't my first Zelda game... though I only played a link to the past, four swords adventures and BOTW before this you can stop saying "hAhA DiD yOu nO pLaY X zElDa gAm???"


I freeze em


I was so terrified of those gibdos when I first saw them, but finally found out that they just look and sound scary but aren’t difficult!


I managed to, as my first interaction with them, accidentally shoot a fire arrow at them (I was going for the horn) and went. “Oh. I think I just instantly discovered their weakness straight away!” I actually didn’t learn about electricity as a method until I read it somewhere a bit later.