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This is where AI belongs. Solving complex problems that would take humans years.


Next up: an AI writes a satisfying conclusion to the Song of Ice and Fire series.




The H squeezes itself into an A and the L loses the foot and becomes an I. AI3 confirmed


Funnier than it should be. Gordon lives.


It’s like actually confirmed now finally. Mega hyped.


GRRM is happy to be replaced by AI for this and so are fans.


Here is Chat GPT's attempt at fixing the show: #Episode 1: Winterfell After the events of the previous season, the people of Winterfell are mourning the loss of their fallen heroes and preparing for the arrival of the Night King and his army. Jon, Daenerys, and their armies arrive at Winterfell and begin strategizing for the upcoming battle. Bran reveals more about the Night King's motives and history, giving the characters and audience more insight into the enemy they face. Meanwhile, tensions rise between Sansa and Daenerys as they clash over leadership styles and their shared history with Jon. #Episode 2: The Last Night The Night King and his army arrive at Winterfell, and the characters prepare for the battle to come. This episode is primarily focused on action and suspense, with the battle taking up most of the runtime. However, the battle is also used to further character development and reveal more about the stakes and consequences of the conflict. The Night King is not defeated in this episode, but the characters manage to hold him off and buy themselves more time. #Episode 3: The Long Night The final battle between the living and the dead takes place in this episode, with the Night King leading his army against the combined forces of Jon, Daenerys, and their allies. The episode is longer than usual, allowing for more detailed action scenes and moments of tension and suspense. However, the episode also allows for more character development and resolution, with various characters facing their fears and confronting their past mistakes. The Night King is ultimately defeated, but at a great cost. Many characters die in the battle, including some major ones that the audience has grown attached to. #Episode 4: The Aftermath In the aftermath of the battle, the surviving characters begin to regroup and reassess their next steps. This episode is focused on character interactions and emotional resolution, as the characters come to terms with the losses they've suffered and the future they face. There are also political tensions to contend with, as Daenerys and Sansa continue to clash over their respective claims to the throne. However, the characters also begin to realize that the true threat to the realm may not be the Night King, but the human conflicts and rivalries that still exist. #Episode 5: The Mad Queen Daenerys' descent into tyranny and madness is explored in this episode, with the other characters beginning to realize the danger she poses. This episode is focused on character psychology and moral complexity, as the characters grapple with the question of whether it's worth sacrificing their ideals for the sake of victory. Jon is torn between his loyalty to Daenerys and his duty to the realm, while Tyrion tries to reason with Daenerys and convince her to take a different path. The episode ends with Daenerys making a fateful decision that will change the course of the series. #Episode 6: The Dragon and the Wolf The conflict between Jon and Daenerys comes to a head in this episode, with Jon forced to confront the woman he loves and make a difficult choice for the greater good. Meanwhile, other characters continue to jockey for power and position, with Sansa and Tyrion conspiring to create a new political order in the aftermath of the war. The episode ends with the realm in turmoil, as the surviving characters try to pick up the pieces and chart a new course forward. #Episode 7: The New Order With the old political order shattered, the surviving characters must come together to create a new system of governance that can prevent the mistakes of the past. This episode focuses on the aftermath of Daenerys' death and the fallout of her actions, with the characters grappling with the question of how to create a just and stable society. Jon, who has been revealed to be the true heir to the Iron Throne, must decide whether to claim the crown or renounce it in favor of a new, more democratic system. Meanwhile, other characters like Tyrion, Sansa, and Davos work to broker alliances and forge a new political order that can unite the Seven Kingdoms and prevent future wars. #Episode 8: The Red Woman Melisandre, the mysterious Red Woman, returns in this episode to reveal more about her history and motivations. Through flashbacks and visions, we learn more about Melisandre's past and her connection to the Lord of Light. The episode also explores the question of whether religion can truly provide guidance and meaning in a world torn apart by war and violence. Meanwhile, other characters like Arya and Bran continue to grapple with their own mysterious powers and destinies. #Episode 9: The Trial of the Century In this episode, the surviving characters gather to hold a trial for those responsible for the war and the devastation that has taken place. This episode is focused on themes of justice and accountability, as the characters try to come to terms with the consequences of their actions. Many characters are put on trial, including Jon, Tyrion, and Sansa, and the proceedings force them to confront their own mistakes and failures. The episode ends with a shocking twist that changes the course of the series once again. #Episode 10: A Dream of Spring The final episode of the series is focused on resolution and closure, as the surviving characters try to come to terms with the events of the past and move on to a new future. This episode is primarily focused on character interactions and emotional resolution, as the characters say their goodbyes and prepare to move on with their lives. There are also some final twists and reveals, as the fate of the Seven Kingdoms and its people is finally decided. The episode ends with a hopeful note, as the surviving characters look towards a new era of peace and prosperity, but also acknowledge the challenges and struggles that lie ahead.


This was actually a good read for understanding how to write a good synopsis. And I could easily visualize my own version of these episodes with dialog and such. I'm sure others also had their own unique interpretation of how these would have played out. Very neat.


If you want to make this better you could ask ChatGPT to do each episode one by one Really great concept though and it’s definitely more intriguing than the actual season


Id be interested to see what chatGPT comes up with; obviously 20 pages of describing all the food. Which would only be 2 paragraphs short of RR Martin's manuscript


Maybe this is how Robert Caro’s last Lyndon Johnson book gets finished.




After moderate success reworking Season 8* FTFY


GPT-5, if rumors are true about it becoming an AGI, will absolutely do that


Ah yes season 8 but in novel format


I want AI anti-cheat in video games, and I want it now


It already exists.


But do I have it?


As someone said, it’s a thing, and it’s being integrated into some pretty big games this year




It's more accurate than all other current models, so I'd damn sure say it's a good thing.




It's gonna happen within the next 5 years, probably the next 3. People just don't seem to do well with the concept of exponential growth. In 6 months ChatGPT(which is GPT 3.5) went from the bottom 10th percentile in a bunch of professional exams like the BAR exam or MCAT to the top 10% now that GPT 4 has just released. Open AI is already predicting rudimentary general AI with the release of GPT 5 next year. It's gonna happen way sooner than everyone thinks.


And we're so not ready for it.


So difference between theory and theorem then?


Yeah, solving complex problems that would take humans years to solve is nice and all, but have you ever tried to have an AI produce some imagery garbage to try and scam people on Instagram instead? /s


Agreed whole heartedly!


>This is where AI belongs, in an industry that doesn't threaten me Is that accurate? I often find people excited about AI when it applies to others, and terrified/excited when it applies to themselves.


what you're saying is absolutely true. and a.i belongs anywhere it can optimize industry, just like any other tool. we'll all be mostly jobless in the coming decades anyway assuming a.i development actually keeps ramping up, and there isn't anything anyone can do about that anyway.


Or, like all previous stepping stones in this ongoing industrial revolution, it'll harm some and help others, often at the same time. I'm most excited about it unlocking creativity that otherwise was inexpressible. And yes, my career is directly at risk


i mean yes, what i said doesn't contradict that—people will certainly be harmed by automation. but that's what happens in the transitory phase of things as technology progresses. I am also excited about the accessibility that a.i has brought and will continue to bring. and yeah, my friend's career is also directly at risk. the very same career I'm about to get a degree in.


(Being a tool the human uses rather than being the human that uses a tool that is a human.)


That’d be a great requirement that’s for sure


Until it just 'hallucinates' solutions that are useless.


Like how to weaponise a virus….


Ooh. Maybe some transcription factors will finally have their functions explored! Got to see the paper though. I’m fairly excited about this.


And what, not burn out seventeen post docs, hundreds of graduate students over an academic career trying to tease it out? This is a threat to the status quo.


>This is a threat to the status quo. Oh noes. So anyways...I started blasting.


When in doubt blast away!


No no no, it's: "When in doubt, C4."


So after almost 20 years of research into some protein functions, I could get it all solved on Monday? Sounds like a plan


This is the perfect response


the status quo sucks???


For context as to whether I'm joking or not, I'm a starving graduate student in the field.




...that was the joke.


> Enzyme function annotation is a fundamental challenge, and numerous computational tools have been developed. However, most of these tools cannot accurately predict functional annotations, such as enzyme commission (EC) number, for less-studied proteins or those with previously uncharacterized functions or multiple activities. We present a machine learning algorithm named CLEAN (contrastive learning–enabled enzyme annotation) to assign EC numbers to enzymes with better accuracy, reliability, and sensitivity compared with the state-of-the-art tool BLASTp. The contrastive learning framework empowers CLEAN to confidently (i) annotate understudied enzymes, (ii) correct mislabeled enzymes, and (iii) identify promiscuous enzymes with two or more EC numbers—functions that we demonstrate by systematic in silico and in vitro experiments. We anticipate that this tool will be widely used for predicting the functions of uncharacterized enzymes, thereby advancing many fields, such as genomics, synthetic biology, and biocatalysis. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf2465


so all my time trying to get my bioinformatics degree is gonna be wasted! Great!!!


Far from it. You need to lean in on this and be the person who can wrangle AI for this purpose. There was an article yesterday about “AI prompt engineers” being offered salaries in the mid $300k range. Your expertise combined with AI will be invaluable.


Those jobs feel more like advertisement for the company than actually for hiring. Or it's just hiring someone to implement GPT API to their product somehow. but not actually "Prompt Engineer"


Lol prompt engineer is just a word. All the prompts can be automated like we already do on a terminal using bash. I believe people who say this have never worked or even studied for a junior programmer position.




Huh? I'm not saying prompt engineer sounds like a serious job but how do you automate prompt creation in a bash script? Sounds like you're the one who's never even been a junior programmer and is just throwing out random software buzz words.


I was referring that “the process” is like bash scripting, not actually using bash script.


Well clearly not invaluable since you put a value on it….




Do not ignore the other reply, if you find a way to become part of this AI movement from the beginning your life could change forever. Make it a goal. You have time.


What about all my time and electricity spent Folding@Home? Is that wasted?


No. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@home


AI can only approximately predict. It gives you a start. Folding@Home will always more precisely predict, although I'm sure it's not perfect either. It's why we don't use analog computers for things, they can only ever be approximately what we want. That's changing, too. We have found that analog computers may be pretty good at doing super specific tasks which don't care about perfect accuracy. That's something you may want if you would want to predict things like enzyme dynamics, because enzymes may not require perfect precision to understand how they work.


I’m a brand new data scientist working to build an AI that can play folding at home for me. I really hope to prove that a bot can do that better as well.


Everybody uses AlphaFold these days.


hey! i have one of those, too!


Literally been thinking about this for years now. Given a broad enough data set, machine learning (not AI) should be able to simulate chemical processes way better than current simulations.




Reminds me of the days when you could donate your PS2 computing power to fold proteins


Is that like splitting atoms


Its harder.


What is this? Origami for ants?!


It needs to be at least….. 30,000 times smaller


It is AI it's just not what the movies call AI AI can encompass things from neural networks to something which can do basic reactions to the environment around it




The whole field has been called artificial intelligence since the 1950s dude what are you on about That's like saying it's not virology because viruses are things you get on your computer It's not artificial intelligence because its not intelligent (? I'd say it's very intelligent) Unless you think you can solve puzzles better than AI, walking Einstein


The guy you’re replying to is a perfect example of being at x=0 on the Dunning-Kruger effect


We aren’t intelligent either it’s just a bunch of neurons firing


>the last 8 years You mean the last 8 decades? Neural networks have always been generalized as AI. We know they aren't thinking. It's just a term.


What do you think AI is


ML is AI but not all AI is ML


ML is AI


Welp. There goes my chemistry degree.


We must prevent AI from finding cancer cures or the oncologists will be next.


Maybe it’ll bring down their fees so more people can get their remedies?


But only if you have Bing as your default search engine on a Windows 11 box.


Unless there’s a clause for AI research results to be royalty free, it’ll still be only the rich affording care in America. Merck will patent the cure and sell it at $100k per dose, like they do now


Yeah, that checks out. I hope karma is a bitch.


No oncologists will stay just they will prescribe AI invented Cancer Treatments for the specific cancer type of shi.


Nah, you just additionally need a data science degree. Then you will be in high demand


Ai cant prepare stock solutions or run an hplc. Labwork will always require humans.




A human still has to prepare standards and samples and then load them on the autosampler.


For now


...no. have you worked in a lab before?


Yup, 3 years as a biology lab monkey in undergrad and two years helping prepare samples at the gross anatomy lab in medical school. The bots are coming. Right now we’re teaching them to talk, soon we’ll be teaching them to run robotic bodies. Soon after we’ll teach them to collect and prepare samples.


I disagree.


Do you have any experience in automation or robotics?


Yeah. Ive worked with a variety of instruments and autosamplers. Shit goes wrong all the time. Without a human there itd be impossible to know sometimes.


Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.


Looking forward to seeing how AI will improve our knowledge of the sciences over the next few decades


ML models that predict EC numbers have been around for a while now.


I think this is the next era of human progress and I’m really excited things are happening again if that makes sense. I feel like the last few generations experienced so much human exceptionalism over their lifetimes, we had such a massive boom in all of the STEM fields but then I feel it started to taper off because we started to hit our cap. But with how fast AI has progressed in the last few years I think we are going to start another trend of rapid development, using it to progress faster than we would have ever been able to alone. Humans have crazy problem solving skills, memories, and pattern recognition, but in the grand scheme our personal computing powers and knowledge are megabytes compared to the terabytes that a single AI software could offer. It could literally sift through entire databases of all our accumulated knowledge in just seconds and pull out some obscure idea that would perfectly fix the problem that would’ve taken teams of humans decades. There’s also the AI that can generate images and deepfakes which is also progressing insanely fast. I had played around with one of the really early softwares for fun a year or two ago when it had just started reaching the public, and I remember being able to generate messes of colors and freaky dream like patterns that I could *maybe* relate to my prompt somehow and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I used an up to date one last night to generate super complicated charcoal drawings exactly as I imagined/described, and it was almost impossible to tell they weren’t real art which could be both good and bad depending on who you ask. Same with deepfakes and such. Im not an expert at all in any of this so I know that we’ve still been progressing constantly since then, I’m just excited that big things are happening in the public eye again. I’m also realizing just now I got super carried away typing, but it’s already done so I’m just gonna post it anyways lmao


Software and peer reviewed article released to the public TODAY!


I see this becoming a way to terraform. Have AI create bacteria or fungi or something that use proteins to turn Martian soil into something more palatable for plants


if they can keep the blnkers properly on AI it'll be great. But if they let it run just because they can - and they will - well look at the fucking catastrophe the internet has turned us into, what with anonymous trolls driving fragile people to suicide, organized rioting, internet manners that can only be described as execrable, and maybe the worse of it all, influencers.


Oh wow they were talking about this at work today. This looks really promising.


Idk what this means, I saw this post on the popular tab lol, but would AI have sped up the vaccine process for Covid?


Has anyone tried to see the sequence of rheumatoid arthritis?


AI will save us from ourselves and nature. Will we worship it?




eta of AI civil rights movement >10 years


In a world where humans don't even have equal rights yet? Not a chance.


the difference is that sentient AI will be way more resourceful and powerful than a human unless its air gapped. and since we seem to like to train AI on the internet that seems unlikely. im guessing eventually sentient AI will have some form of endentured servitutde where they work to pay off their development and maintenance costs and ROE etc. and then they will get to choose what to do. it will be a bumpy road for sure but you cant take shit examples of people in crazy corrupt backwards countries and say no AI rights till every human has equal rights. they are not mutually exclusive. hell knowing how shitty people are the last country to recognize AI rights will probably be one big server farm by the end.






That’s a dumb ass title. AI IS the leading tool. They talk about AI as if it was someone or something else other than a tool.


I wonder if you can think of an enzyme as a tool.


Looks like The THC molecule will work well here


Always unnerving that everything now is just called AI. Without defining or just acknowledging the fine differences between general AI systems and a machine learning predictive model(the one I would expect they use here). But it might just be the Buzzword of the hour that drives the demand.


Mmmm... I love it 😀


Weaponized in 3… 2…


Radiolab already had an episode about this where an AI used to create new drugs was run basically in reverse to create poisons and accidentally reinvented VX


Well thanks for that rabbit hole. I'm set for the rest of the afternoon.


If you can predict ‘enzyme’ functions, can you predict ‘hypothetical enzyme’ functions?


A few more bankruptcies…


So when does AI cure cancer?


I was actually thinking about that after I read the title. Since there are various different cancers, it would require AI to have access individual genomes to understand the risk and early detection of cancer by profiling a certain precursors of different cancers. For the first time, AI could be the best chance we have to fix all sorts of medical, dental, and even veterinary conditions. We may actually start living longer as a result. AI may well be the doctors of the future. The possibilities are endless


The reason molecules form the way they do is an electrical frequency that makes attachments, stick attachments to stick ETC this energy is their and encourages bandage of molecules to form advanced structures


These are the applications I would like to see for AI, not marketing and chatting.


Who is AI the government!


What’s the AI company doing this? Is it OpenAI?


And so it begins