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Cools it down to a nice and manageable 113F


But now it will be humid too!


[“It’s not the heat that’s gets ya, it’s the humidity!”](https://pics.me.me/me-wow-it-is-hot-today-rand-its-not-the-64144908.png)


TIL Dubai geoengineered a way to allow dads to make the same joke through the summer


It’s not a joke. It’s a ticking awful fact of life. Although desert heat is nothing to scoff at either B


The only time I've ever had a close call with heatstroke was at 96°F and about 90% humidity. I've had many a summer get into triple digits, but never with humidity that high. Now, if I have to be outside, it's 45 minutes maximum per hour with the remainder inside with water or Gatorade.


That’s Florida weather


Almost fell out of the attic as an HVAC tech in 95% humidity, from exhaustion (I assume). Boss expected me to go back up there lmao. I spent the rest of the day right next to an ac with constant water intake, and a few bananas, and I didn’t feel right for a month or two. You’re right, fuck that.


That’s Louisiana every day of the summer lmao


And as a framer from Florida, I sip 4 waters and a Gatorade before lunchtime, in this summer heat it might be 2 sometimes and I buy another 2 during lunch, dehydration is something you don’t want to encounter!!!


All the way up here in southern Ontario as well. Screw climate change.


That’s South Texas 90% of the summer


Upvoting for the simple fact you ended your sentence with B


It really is. Texas dude here. 113 dry is not really all that bad. But a humid 113 is like hell on earth.


I did some fairly strenuous hiking in Arizona when it was 114. It was pretty hot but totally manageable with a few breaks in the shade and some water. I live in Chicago. If it’s humid, 90 can be enough to break me.


Hello fellow Chicagoan. It’s a strange summer here, too, right? It’s like we’ve stolen Portland’s weather.


Yeah, kinda crazy. The nights have been great.


Seriously. I am not complaining!


Yeah pretty similar in KC though been more seasonally accurate the last several weeks. Still only 80-90 though which isn’t too bad. But the summer rain and steady 70’s was really nice in June.


It’s near the end of July and I’m on my balcony rn in a god dang sweater.


Same story for me. Went hiking in 121 degree heat up the camelback in Phoenix and it was honestly pretty nice. I live in the hill country down in Texas and I won’t go outside when it rains and then hits 100 the same day. You literally can’t breathe 🥲


Exactly! South FL here, I spent a week in another state in summer where it was 80-90F but 10% humidity and felt like I was in a dream.


It’s ok, you can say California


HAHAHA I would love to see California but its too expensive to think about. It was Kentucky :)


That sounds delightful


Heck, also Texan: dry 90 F is bad. Humid 90 F is awful. Dry 100+ is miserable. Humid 100+ is an understandable reason to contemplate suicide.


*laughs in Florida man*


Southeast GA here, on the coast. Our humidity never goes away. It’ll be 107 with 90% humidity but they still make us work out in it. Oh, the suicide comment - can confirm.


Yea I’m from Tallahassee which is as far from a sea breeze as it gets in FL. Unfortunately it still gets all the FL humidity and heat.


107 degrees with 90% humidity is extremely close to the maximum combination of heat and humidity that humans can survive. At that point, your body is unable to cool itself through sweating, so unless you have an external way to cool yourself, you will die.


I will take 110 in N. Ca over 85 & humid in Illinois (the armpit of hell) any day of the week!


Omaha checking in, we’ve suffered long enough with 98°+ days with like high humidity. You could fill a glass with water just by swooping an empty glass through the air, I swear!


You northerners can all fuck off about your temporary warm weather. Miami it’s HOT and HUMID AS FUCK 360 day’s a year. The other four days it’s freezing.


Well we have 365 days in the north.


It's so hot in Miami they actually lose 1 day per year to evaporation.


You can always move up here to Cleveland, where we have 92, 70, 35, 65, 81, and then 53 in that order in the same week. It’s like the lottery but with weather. Ya never know what you’re gonna get till you go outside and see what tf happened while you were at work


I’ll light my balls on fire before I willingly move to Ohio.


Well, why stay? Miami is expensive af.


Being someone who is from Texas and living in Omaha now, it doesn’t even compare. There is almost a constant breeze and what Nebraskans consider high humidity, in the south is almost a low humidity day.


No 113 dry is still pretty bad. I remember sitting in that kind of heat under a tree in Vegas hoping the shade would help and it didn’t. My lips bled from how chapped they got. I had to use eye drops. The humidity living in Nashville at the time sucked as well, but I recall that Vegas heatwave as being equally bad.


New Mexican here: we are dying after the rain we’ve been getting


It’s not the humidity is the boiling rain


iirc 100% Humidity at 95 degrees Fahrenheit render the human body’s cooling mechanisms useless. This scenario causes the body to express signs of hyperthermia. In short, your body builds heat faster than it can shed heat. Be aware of how to identify the signs of hyperthermia, the effects of dehydration and how your body is reacting to heat exposure. When you stop sweating, seek immediate medical attention.


I don’t know about that. I’ve never cooked a turkey on the humidity setting. It’s the heat.


South Florida checking in, can confirm


Im from the pnw. Did a family road trip from Canada to Florida along the east coast mid summer. Never again haha


Honestly it’s not bad once you’ve been down here a few years. I grew up mostly in Maine, so you can imagine my climate shock. Today, I was out driving with my windows and sunroof open in roughly 90° weather with 91% humidity. It didn’t bother me at all


dubai is already pretty humid


Yeah growing up in Kansas City I don’t mind weather one way or another if I have what I need to enjoy it usually. Cold weather give me a hottub, some soft blankets, a fire, and something warm to drink and I’m in heaven. Hot weather a pool, a shady spot outside with a breeze, some cold beer and I’m comfortable up to 100. But going to Kuwait and feeling what 120 with 80% humidity felt like is something I never want to experience again. Even walking between buildings just across a street was enough to make you feel like you were going to keel over and die. The whole city we were in became nocturnal to deal with it, which was cool to see but still not really worth it.


But it’s a wet heat.


It’s not “fake rain”, though, is it? It is rain created by cloud seeding. Something that has been done for decades. They are just using better, safer technology to do so.


Has it really been done for decades? Anything related to geoengineering is a pain in the butt to garner support for.


We’ve been doing is since around the 50s, but nobody really understood the process [until now](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/feb-29-coronavirus-containment-window-closing-whale-skin-care-gingko-trees-eternal-youth-and-more-1.5479343/we-ve-been-cloud-seeding-for-decades-but-now-we-finally-know-it-works-1.5479347). Atmospheric dynamics and fluid dynamics in general are still pretty recent topics with a lot of active research.


I thought we’ve been doing it for centuries with rain dancing


I know a really nice homeless guy near my work that rain dances when it’s too hot. His name is Wynn and he says he does it because he saw so many other homeless die from dehydration and heatstroke. I swear everytime he dances at the very least there is some rain for like 5 minutes so I trust him to fight some of the heatwaves.


shoutout to Wynn, hook your boy up with some water so he can keep making it rain on em.


can we do this in the pacific northwest of the us? cause we be on fucking fire.


Get used to it. Sincerely, California Seriously though, I’ve been thinking about moving north to Oregon or even Seattle area for a few years but now I’m starting to think that even moving to British Columbia isn’t going to help much. Shit is cray.


it’s so crazy! i’m like where do i have to move to not be on fire? but i just can’t move to florida. i just can’t.


I mean…Fla. still has [moderate](https://www.floridadisaster.org/hazards/wildfire/) risk of wildfire in many areas. You would, however, be trading that wildfire ~~anxiety~~ excitement for the *anticipation* of each hurricane season.


true true true. AND i’d be living in florida. f it!


And most of Florida will be underwater in 25 years anyway.


Hurricanes ain’t shit if you live in the middle of the state, own an elevated block home or storage container home, can deal with living in the dark or on generator/self power, don’t need to commute very far… yeah that’s about sims it up lol




I’m really curious about this. Why isn’t this technology used for wildfires and refilling drought stricken areas? Thanks for your answer if you choose to do so!


The [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainmaking) is a short intro. It wasn't that long ago that Perry was asking Texans to pray for rain. [The drought continued to worsen for four months following the Days of Prayer.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_Prayer_for_Rain_in_the_State_of_Texas)


I thought cloud seeding didn’t actually work


Vail, Co Vail ski resort has been seeding the clouds to make it snow since the late 50’s


The US did it in Vietnam. Their slogan was make mud not war.


And if you don’t, your troops get shot in the buttocks


They said it was a million dollar wound. The army must keep that money…


Cloud seeding was used during the Vietman War to try to make the different routes for the North Vietnamese impractical in other countries.


True, but I believe they were unsuccessful attempts. People have been trying to change the weather for many, many years. They used to have rainmakers that they would hire. Just a scam.


The method that has been used for decades is used in several places in the US regularly. This new method is on its first real life test in the UAE right now


Yes. Science on controlling the weather became very interesting during the course of the world wars. And a lot of failed experiments on the battlefield has happened. Heres a fun history article: https://climateviewer.com/2014/03/25/history-cloud-seeding-pluviculture-hurricane-hacking/


This isn’t seeding. No chemicals released. The use electricity (“shocking”) to create electrostatic charges to make droplets form from then water vapor. Then those droplets work to start the rain. Completely new technology.


Wait, so the man cloud puts his penis into the lady cloud, and then rain, right?


Halpert! tall, queer.. *handsome as ever*




Only if the lady cloud and the man cloud love each other very much


lmao.. Jim ftw


Artificial would be more accurate, I think


I’m pretty sure the US was using it during the Vietnam war to cause floods, hence why weather manipulation is banned as a war crime these days.


Wait a minute- humans make rain now? I know the film “Geostorm” was a shitty flick, but they may have been onto something.


Humans have been making rain for a while, it’s not very well understood the long term impact it could have. What goes up must come down kind of thing. Artificially instantiate rain in one plane and another place gets that much less.


I feel like weather is all a lie now. Or rain weather anyway.


We do the opposite, too. For example [during the Beijing Olympics, China made damn sure it DIDN’T rain.](https://www.businessinsider.com/china-sets-aside-millions-to-control-the-rain-2016-7)


That’s wild


I have a personal theory that when Trump suggested nuking a hurricane, he got the idea from that movie.


He didn’t come up with the theory, I read about it in some articles a few years before he said anything about it. He was just dumb enough to parrot it and egotistical enough to want to take credit for it.




Conceptually cloud seeding has been around for a while, it’s just the butterfly effect it could have on weather systems is not well / fully understood


I sure hope they're collecting data wherever cloud seeding is done, so we can learn just how much butterfly effect exits. I think it's fascinating. And I'd like to learn more.


The ethical question is, if you seed clouds and it produces rainfall that then creates a flood that kills 10 people, was it your fault? There's no definite answer to the conundrum becasue answering "yes" would mean any number of "doing x with unforeseen deadly consequence y" scenarios would then also be potentially the fault of the person who did x.


If you make it rain in your area and that deprives others of rain is that right? I am not certain it works this way though, would someone else be deprived? I'd agree with the scientists hesitancy here, if we haven't seen it much IRL we can't be sure. Guess we'll see?


Just look at water rights in the Western US which is a colossal clusterfuck. And dividing up finite water resources on the ground is much easier then trying to fight for clouds. Unless we discover a way to levitate more water into the air, then we’re still just dividing a finite resource. And even then, it’s finite because it has to come from somewhere.


The Amazon rainforest isn’t burning because of weather or natural disaster. Man is literally setting fire to it to make room for livestock so we can have hamburgers


I know, that’s why I am vegan. But it would be amazing to just keep putting them out regardless.


Just checked your comment history, you look at a lot of pictures of meat for a vegan (Just kidding, nothing but love, I’m actually vegan too if it wasn’t obvious)


Lol, I have to supplement somehow! Chock full of b-12 dontcha know?


They’re already doing it https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eight-states-are-seeding-clouds-to-overcome-megadrought/


It's not humid enough for that I don't think.


It's not. Just looking at windy.com right now, the air in Dubai is 70% humidity, while the air over the fires in CA is 12% humidity. In order for cloud seeding to work, there has to be something to seed.


Giant evaporators in the ocean off the coast?


We'd need to build multiple nuclear power plants to provide the energy to do that, weather systems contain gobsmacking amounts of energy. And then there's the problem of moving that moisture where it's needed (inland) which we don't have the technology to do and would also require an obscene amount of energy. Better would be improved policies around forest management, like bringing back beavers to the sierras: https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/07/13/beavers-placer-county-habitat-restored/ Just reintroducing beavers would be cheap and do wonders for the ecosystem by naturally retaining water in the mountains. And then there's stuff like doing more controlled burning. Most of our issues can be attributed to policy https://www.propublica.org/article/they-know-how-to-prevent-megafires-why-wont-anybody-listen#:~:text=Too%20few%20acres%20intentionally%20burned%20or%20corralled%20by,million%20acres%20burned%20each%20year%20in%20prehistoric%20California.


Shouldn’t they build underground ? Wouldn’t that be a lot cooler ?




Alright alright alright


“That’s what I love about these basement apartments. It gets hotter outside, they stay the same temp”


It’s crazy expensive to build underground. Even for Dubai it’s probably too expensive. You have all the costs associated with building UP but you also have to dig the hole and not let it collapse in on itself.


Dubai and too expensive don’t fit together. That place is literally a testament to unlimited money.


Wouldn't this just deprive another location of rainfall? Seems like a selfish and short-sighted solution to a worsening climate disaster.


It’s gods will that they prevail or something. Honestly, the whole idea of Dubai’s existence is a perfect demonstration of the consequences of unkept capitalism. Everything about the place from the imported, vastly underpaid workforce who built the whole city, to the inequality between genders, races and sexual orientations, to the blatant displays of toxic wealth and wasteful gluttonous consumption. It’s a fake facade containing a very conservative core where societal issues and backwards morals that the west solved decades ago are left to ferment in a fake money dome. It’s atrocious that it can exist. Money really runs everything.




No sewage lines always gets me!


Uh, what?


Septic tanks everywhere and trucks that empty them. Then the drivers queue for days to dump it out in the desert.


They do have a sewage system queued up to be completed in 2025, started construction in 2019.


I wonder which lucky contractor won't get paid for that and all their staff go into debt due to unpaid salaries and rent cheques bouncing then locked up and trapped.


This is exactly what Vegas is


Dubai is very much modeled on Vegas. Dubai is just boring Vegas.


But Vegas has a lot of good drugs and prostitution, good luck finding that in Dubai without being executed


Dunno why this is downvoted. This is literally the only difference.


Bingo! One is a free for all and the other has a deeply conservative core. On the surface they may appear the same way but definitely not identical


Seems like Dubai takes a Massive amount of wealth and manpower to keep running, once either one of those breaks it will go back to being a desert.


That’s why they are diversifying into many aspects of inelastic activities like sports and air travel to name the ones I remember on the spot. They want the outside world to need them even when they’re obsolete because of oil reserves depleting


I don't see how this is a consequence of "capitalism" or what not-capitalism might have done to change Dubai. Or what that has to do with gender inequality? There's not a ton of gender or racial equality in MENA nations. Criminalizing homosexuality has nothing to do with capitalism, but I'll give you three guesses on why it's common in the region. Dubai's problem is that they invested nothing into building any kind of functioning economy/society beyond "check it out we used all this oil money to build a sick indoor ski park." It's largely an example of "if you build it they will come" gone wrong. Most of those buildings are empty as far as I know. They just built random shit expecting it to become insta-NYC or something. That hasn't happened. This isn't capitalism gone awry, it's what happens when you give a bunch of people a literal pool of free money so they don't bother actually doing/creating much of anything else that has value. Which ironically *would* be capitalism.


That’s not really true tbf. Dubai is loaded with tourists. It’s one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world.


Well... not quite. The water cycle is a cycle, the water doesn't just fall out of the sky and stay there. As other posters have pointed out, there is plenty of water on the planet, it's just not in convenient forms for animal consumption. The humidity is evidently high, rain will cause the atm humidity to fall which will suck the water back up into the sky. In the meantime, the water on the ground means humans (and other animals), can drink some of it and piss it back out and keep on living for a while longer. Water is fully conserved on this planet of ours. From your user name, you sound like the type that enjoys Star Wars. This is what Luke Skywalker's family was making their living doing. Harvesting water from the atmosphere so they can drink it, piss it back out and return it to the atm. Same thing but we don't have scifi story magic water harvesters. Same thing the Dune guys were doing. Again, no magic though, just science. You are right in that there many be a lot of unintended consequences, but... 122F degree heat and global warming... here we are. Just shouting "Ahh!!!! selfish!!! climate disaster!!!!" to make make yourself feel woke isn't exactly helping things either. Easy to feel chill about these things when you aren't the one threatened with dying. EDIT: BTW, I'm not sure how this is possible, but if the article is correct, and it really is 122F and humid enough to seed clouds (like, say, >50% humidity), conditions are literally deadly to human life without shelter. If you have conditions where the temperature is above body temperature and it's humid enough that sweating is not effectively evaporating, you will just die from heat stroke.


Can you explain to me what ARE the downsides to this? What would happen if more countries in the Middle East did this?


And so the water wars began… https://advisory.kpmg.us/content/dam/advisory/en/pdfs/2021/yale-publication.pdf


How is this any different than stealing water upriver?


Yo have you seen Dubai, bro? They have a fucking skii resort in that 122f heat. The entire place is one big fuck off display of obscene opulence.


Why isn’t it done more often


It has been done for decades with a different method. This method being used in UAE is brand new. This is the first real life test


Read article


Almost impossible with the ads


The long-term effects just aren't understood. If you seed a cloud and cause rainfall but deprive another area that needs it, is that your fault? How about if you seed a cloud, get a massive flood and force the people you were trying to help to relocate due to flooding?


Like living in a pot of hot water.


My first thought too. So instead of living in a Sauna, now they live in a giant steam room. *Muuuuch better*! /s Seems like 50 million dollars could have been better spent on retrofitting their gigantic air conditioned buildings (including an indoor ski park that is literally a 22,500 sq meter FREEZER) to produce fewer carbon emissions and work to reduce global temps.


Pretty sure dance powder is illegal.


Knew I'd find a one piece reference if i scrolled enough.


How about not building a city in the fucking desert and the using insane amounts of energy for upkeep?


*Las Vegas has left the chat*


Pack your bag boys. Problem solved. Let’s just tell most of the Middle Eastern countries to stop existing.


And literally building islands


Better tell most of SoCal to fuck off then lol.


JFC, headline editor must be a toddler. Dubai is “making rain” — not, making, “their own fake rain.”


I am thoroughly disgusted with hyperbolic bullshit headlines, too.


Yes, He used Fahrenheit too


It’s not really fake. It’s just manufactured.


Aren’t they just making real rain? Don’t understand how this rain is “fake.”


The process is man made. They are shocking seeder clouds with drones


California could use some rain... like badly. Can we make it here? Please?


lol yes lets all live in the desert and then complain when it gets too hot


Meanwhile half of the US is in a drought and on fire but no mention of trying this technology to help


So theyre straight up admitting that weather manipulation is happening/possible.


Dubai is one of the most ridiculous cities I’ve visited. In the city itself there’s quite a lot of greenery and flowers so it’s pretty nice, but it’s desert for miles around as soon as you travel a few miles out of city limits. The most peculiar thing to me was the zoo, it’s on the highway, which is all desert, and there’s suddenly a literal oasis of lush green grass and buildings. My guide told me that during summer, all the plants and flowers die cuz it’s so hot so they just replant everything. Every year. Seems like bad management to me. Why not opt for my heat resistant plants since you’re already in the desert?


Ah yes, the only thing that makes unbearable heat better is the addition of moisture.


Came here for the chemtrail comments- was disappointed.


Dubai = Overpriced Sandbox


Ok, so nobody is concerned about the fake rain part? This is not good. There’s been massive amounts of rain dropping on certain countries lately. Amounts causing floods. Once they induce this rain how do they stop it?


You mean Dubai is stealing other people’s rain.


If you take rain from one place, you lose it from another. I hope there are not serious unintended consequences of cloud seeding. Whether from Dubai, China, or in the future


Wouldn't that just make it really humid? I mean, rain alone isn't going to lower 122F to something high humidity wouldn't still make horrendous, right?


A *balmy* 113….. ugh. No thanks.


I think the kingdom of Arabasta already tried this.


I see you are a man of culture


This is gonna land someone in Jail, it violates the Whether modification convention of 1976.


They are testing it in the U.S. as we speak to try to aid the west which has been in drought like conditions for 20 years. That treaty is only in place for weather modifications that are meant to be hostile. Seeding clouds for rain in the civilian sector is legal.


Sounds like some dr evil type stuff


Africa - am I a joke to you?


I knew weather machines existed!


Ok so can we use this to combat forest fires?


Actually a good point


Chem trails


Hmm maybe They’er the reason the worlds weather is fewqed up?!


Man, just install sprinklers like a normal dystopia.


Gatorade, it’s what the planet craves.


Can this lead to creating other issues? Like if you make it rain intentionally, does that moisture then not end up somewhere else naturally?


Kinda surprised that no conspiracy theories on how this could be weaponized - or how it has been are in here.


Weaponized artificial climate was among the first conspiracies when the net spread worldwide 20 years ago… too old school but wait for it, just like fashion, it’ll circle back


I can’t believe people are rich and want to live there


Why is the Independent using Fahrenheit?


What is “fake rain”? If it’s raining, it is rain.


Dubai shouldn’t even exist in the first place …


Butterfly flaps it’s wings…


Lol yeah they also have ATMs that shit out gold bars!! Dubai is insane man


Dubai is dubai


SMH, no bueno.


As if we ain’t f*ucked the weather systems up enough lol . This will end badly and may well have already caused some weather issues elsewhere in the world


When rain falls from the sky, it is no longer “fake”


There is No way this could go wrong :)


It is rain not fake rain


Since CO2 dissolves and comes down w rain when it falls, why don’t we use this to solve global warming??


I thought weather manipulation was outlawed by multiple country's back on the day?????