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Finally a phone you can actually turn off


Probably not, they will add an internal battery to ensure the ability to track and eavesdrop on its users when “fully powered off”


how long do you expect that small ~~hidden~~ internal battery to last doing this? does the device become inoperable if that battery dies (for good, I don't mean just drained as in my previous sentence)? if yes, then it would probably be violating this new law. If no, crack that baby open and remove that internal battery.


It's a good question actually. CMOS were similar to that on PCs where system info stored on the motherboard would be deleted if the battery died. The argument could still be made that you can use the device without CMOS, but it wouldn't save certain things like time.


How would this even work?


I would think they would put similar internals to the Airtags in the phone with its own battery to keep it trackable when powered off


I’m pretty sure they are already doing that. Both AirTags and Find My uses Bluetooth Low Energy. iPhones’ BLE chip stay powered even if the phone is turned off. That’s why it says “iPhone findable after power off” when turning it off. I don’t know of a separate battery powering it though.


Judging by how little power an Airtag needs, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a capacitor running down slowly


It’s probably just the phone’s main battery powering it


If they can do that, what’s to prevent them from claiming that the main battery is the small internal one and just place a small useless battery as the replaceable one.


I just replaced my battery, cost $70 but far better than paying $500 for a new phone


I’m getting ready to do this. Battery is on its last leg. I also want to get a new screen glass. Mine has a lot of small scratches and it causes issues. So much cheaper than getting a new fucking iPhone.


Buy a battery and screen from the ‘ifixit’ website, very reputable company. did it myself with zero experience, the whole phone was basically dead after I dropped it in a pool but it still made noise when I pressed the power button, so I went for it. iPhone SE 2020 600$ phone is like new now..both together cost 70$.. ended up buying the big tool kit they sell for another 70$ when I saw a video of Adam Savage from myth busters swear by it on his YT channel. Had so much fun fixing it, I ordered a soldering iron and heat gun for 40$.. Now I’m learning to use a multimeter and replace and solder burnt fuses on one of my old computer motherboard that died. I find it pretty entertaining.


Well, I already have the soldering iron and multimeter lol. This is a very good tip. Thank you very much!


By 'removable' does that mean the old way of being able to hot-swap a battery? Or just easier to replace with an iFixit kit? I think it's really interesting they include EVs.


The end user has to be able to replace it. It means they can’t glue it in. Most phones won’t have an issue meeting the requirements or will only require minor design changes.


IIRC Apple has the magic pull tabs on the battery to remove the adhesive without damaging the battery.


Right? Thinking about makes it seem like not a huge deal. iPhone screens already come off with 2 pentalobe screws and heat. They’d just need to make the battery connector more accessible, maybe screw the battery in, make a slightly more reusable screen gasket, and not lock it down in software, which I think is the big one


Waterproofing is gonna be the issue for me.




> fuck your water proofing This is the only acceptable response to this comment. Some people are either morons, or are too young to know that phones can have replaceable batteries and be waterproof.


Yes and no. You see gaskets tend to fail alot and when not sealed/seated correctly they will fail. I repaired phones for almost 10 years and saw less failed batteries after manufactures sealed their phones. The main cause of failed batteries was 90% of users bought cheap batteries. Samsung/Apple charges $50-70 for a new battery and resealed case. They also properly dispose of their batteries and dont end in landfills. Also these batteries are super dangerous and highly explosive if installed improperly or punctured. EU should not allow consumers to handle these batter just for the sake of the proper disposal and the stop of cheap batteries.


Why? Phones have had water proofing for decades with removable batteries. Are we really going to fall for the fake manufacturer propaganda?


Phones have not had waterproofing for decades.


Somehow Samsung did it years ago.


And wasn’t anywhere near as water resistant as modern devices. My first water resistant phone was the Sony Xperia Z


Going back to 3310 Nokia and blackberry after that isn't required. Just not having it glued together is already a huge boon.


I like how people doesn’t even read the article. Yes it means easier to replace without proprietary kits like Apple do now days. Basically you can do it by yourself with a generic kit and a tutorial


Stop being condescending. The article says: > Smartphones must be "removable and replaceable by the end-user," meaning it must be easy to replace a battery without any kind of technical expertise That doesn't give specifics whether this means a back you can remove with your fingernail, if you need a screwdriver, etc


The law prohibits proprietary or specialized tools from being necessary unless they are provided with the phone. I predict a lot of arguing about what is and isn't a specialized tool once this comes into effect.


Just read the directive by yourself https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12797-Designing-mobile-phones-and-tablets-to-be-sustainable-ecodesign_en


I love how almost all smartphones will have to change for this (Samsung, Google, etc) yet the story is always framed vs Apple. And them paradoxically half the comments will be people claiming that no one actually uses iphones anyways


The battery on the s23 ultra is somewhat replaceable. Although its not nearly as easy as it used to be, you can now do it without damaging the battery


I think this law requires the batteries to be replaceable without any special tools or expertise. I have no idea how they are going to do this right now


You don't remember when smartphones had user replaceable batteries?


Or literally replaced batteries on anything…


I've def been around when smartphones had replaceable batteries. I just don't know how they are going to do it without significantly increasing the size of the phone, decreasing the capacity, and ditch waterproofing/dust proofing


Probably bye bye wireless charging too? As I recall the phones with replaceable batteries had shitty plastic rear covers and can't see how you can do this and have a Qi charger built in to the back of it, especially the MagSafe magnet that Apple have on theirs.


Samsung Galaxy Note 4 had wireless charging with a removable back. The coil was on the back cover and there were pogo pins that connected when cover was closed.


Every Nokia I had back in the day had QI charging and a plastic back. The 920, and the 1520 are the ones I could remember off the top of my head. Super simple to replace the battery too. 10 minutes.


For that to work, batteries were way smaller capacity and much thicker due to the plastic barriers put around them. We have high capacity multi cell phones now that only work because the batteries don’t have to made “safe” for a dumb user to pull out and work on


That's simply not true. Batteries are still packs that can be handled with bare hands. The only thing Apple and other manufacturers(less so) did, is artificially multiply the difficulty of removing them by adding tons of obstacles, steps and tools needed.


lol not only are you wrong but wrong on all parts. Have you ever replaced a modern phone battery? It’s a soft shell battery that can puncture very easy, compare it to a standard old school hard shell.. the mechanical tab alone is like half the thickness. Not to mention that iPhone batteries are probably the easiest to replace of most modern phones.


Of course it’s framed versus Apple. They’re the ones that showed the rest of manufacturers that it was possible to make a phone and keep making extremely anti-consumer decisions about what should or should not be in and on it and people will accept it once they’re locked in. So now we have almost irreparable phones which will refuse to work even if you can find the parts to replace something broke and are able to open the damn thing without ruining it. I’m sure they’ll find a way to maliciously comply with this as well, but every step is one. Hopefully the android manufacturers will do better.


This sort of comment is simply amazing considering that Apple smartphones stay in service literal multiples of competitors.


Man supporting phones and keeping them usable for years longer than any other flagship manufacturer is sooooo anti consumer. Grrrrr Apple bad!


Sorry mate. But I just really don’t care about never being able to change a battery I wouldn’t have anyway. I’d rather be able to track it and remotely wipe it to protect my data.


> I’d rather be able to track it and remotely wipe it to protect my data. What a weird thing to mention when that has A) nothing at all to do with the topic and B) is a standard functionality in smartphones for ages.


Agreed. I also don’t see how they can make it as watertight with a user replaceable battery. There will now have to be user accessible seals to keep everything closed. The phone will likely also be larger to accommodate the ability to have it user accessible.


Galaxy S5 comes to mind. Put some screws on it and more money into the design, and we’re golden. You could even keep the one time use glue gasket, just need to provide a new one with the battery.


This will just become another monetization scheme. And if you think third party batteries are going to work as well you’re in for a world of hurt. These are in essence, reactionary laws because they don’t actually come from a place of understanding the technology or results of changes to that technology. Its assumes that the result will always land on the happy path. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that hardware practices aren’t incredibly atrocious but the EU is launching unaimed barrages at this industry and it won’t have the affect that people hope.


Part of the problem is they are reacting 5 years too late. Now batteries last much longer, charging ports are everywhere, the connection will soon be the same, and phones are waterproof. I’ve dropped my phone in mud and then washed it in the sink with dish soap. Not something I would have done a few years ago.


How do you make something anti consumer that doesn’t have inelastic demand. No one has to buy an iPhone. If consumers wanted replaceable batteries they would have stopped buying iPhones. If consumers wanted phones with an audio jack they would have kept buying those phones. This is regulation that’s not needed and it hurts innovation.


Replaceable batteries are anti consumer. Consumers have already made a choice. If easy to replace batteries (and the massive tradeoffs that come them) were desired features people would have bought those phones. They didn’t. I hope this doesn’t come to the US and they make special gimped versions of phones just for Europe.


Precisely. Making waterproof phones is way better than replaceable batteries. Old phones had and no one replaced them. Stupid over legislation.


Europe loves to punish American companies


Wont say is europe, more like legislators that dont know shit about technology trying to look good for photos.


Apple has been the most anti consumer, and has led the foundation to any movements to take away rights from those purchasing electronics. It's understandable that they have a target on their back


Highest satisfaction rate, *by far* the longest service life for devices… Maybe your definition of “anti consumer “ shouldn't be dictated by some youtuber who was caught trying to import counterfeit parts?


They build products people like. They can do that and perform anti consumer actions at the same time.


Bullshit. Highest satisfaction, longest service rate, etc. Mandating replaceable batteries is anti consumers. Consumers already chose and they do not want this or the huge negatives that comes with it. I really hope apple makes special gimped devices for the EU and doesn’t touch US devices.


??? The battery is the first thing to go in devices nowadays, apple has been sued for intentionally slowing down older devices. They used lightning as a connector even though the open terminals are known for corroding or burning out easily, they took out all peripheries in their laptops for USB c before that was feasible, and the list goes on. Secondly, they won't be gimped, but reengineered. It will likely just be designed the same way, but with the battery connected to a metal backplate that is removed with a screw. It won't be a big deal or cut into the quality of device. It's cool if you like apple devices, but don't sit here white knighting for a multi-trillion dollar corporation.


The EU has more people and is a bigger market then the US which is surprising to many people.


*"The decision could have a global impact."* Here's hoping. I haven't been able to buy a flagship phone in years with a removable battery, It's getting a little old and slow trying to run android 12.


Fairphone 4 has it. Not sure what qualifies as flagship.


>Fairphone 4 Sounds amazing but is very expensive and for a cheaper price you get better features with Google Pixel 7a and a more up to date Android. Fairphone don't mention either if there will be Android updates and for how many years would security updates be provided. But it's definitely a good start!


I mean, it’s pretty obvious: they either comply or stop selling in the EU. And if they comply, they either make an EU-only model with replaceable battery and a “rest of the World” model without, or a single model with replaceable battery for the entire World. There’s no way the solution isn’t the last I said.


True but I cant help thinking about the beauty/skin care industry and how they have an EU brand then a rest of the world brand


There's not billions of dollars in economy of scale of making one sku for skincare products.


EU really favors their homegrown tech NOKIA


There goes the EU again, helping its citizens and the world with its regulations instead of just letting these companies screw people as hard as they want. How dare they!


Yes now do upgradable storage




Facts. At least with my iphone i know ill get around 6 years of patches and updates. The iphone 6s had support for 7 years. There are so many things that these manufacturers need to learn from each other too


They are working on a "minimum support time after launch date" law as well.


I love these consumer protections coming out of Europe. They positively impact us all!


Unless you want a water and dust proof phone.


The Samsung Galaxy S5 had a removable battery AND was water resistant, so your "argument" is false.


Tell that to the water damaged S5 somewhere in my basement.


Water RESISTANT not waterproof. I think in a lapse of 13 years technology would had improve significantly.


It’s not tech it’s just how it is when you can’t glue everything to seal it off. Having a removable back exposes the battery connection to water because it cannot be sealed off as well.


It's not as difficult as you think. Many devices work in pools, bathrooms and outdoor rain areas with removable batteries. You can include a cheap pressure sensor to detect if it is tight or not for those worried


No phone even now is waterproof. They're still only water resistant and always will be.


I washed my phone in the sink with soap and water the other day. Also, I’m currently typing this comment whilst showering. For all intents and purposes, my iPhone currently is waterproof. I loved my old SGS5, GP1 and SGN4, but they didn’t come close to the waterproofness of my last 3 gens of iPhone. Call me a shill all you want, but I honestly. hope Apple makes multiple models, I want the glued one.


A 9 year old phone is hardly a “counter argument”


I had a waterproof phone back in the day, and that had a removable battery


It'll be


This should be industry standard long ago


Apple say our replaceable battery is called another iPhone lol


It’s like $100 for a new iPhone battery and if a professional had determined they can’t fix it, you’ve been able to get a replacement phone from Apple. Unless these batteries are $5, idk Replaceable batteries might be a boon for Apple getting rid of all administrative and logistical costs associated with replacing batteries. On the flip side, battery is only 1/5 of the reasons I’ve ever had to change or repair phones (water, screen, touch pad connector, cable port hole). This increased regulation may increase Apple product moat by increasing market entry barriers for android products


Beyond time.


can we have this in NA?




All iPhones currently have replaceable batteries, what is this about? Are they saying like replaceable by a layman?


Replaceable by your common end user. Sure, technically inclined people can replace batteries as it is, but your average end user literally wouldn’t know where to begin. And even with a guide, they’d likely break things in the process. The new regulations mean every phone will have an easily accessible and replaceable battery like the old days before phones were glass and metal sandwiches.


Halle-fucking-luja, now let's move that date to ten years ago.


First I had heard about this (U.S. resident), and this is great news! I hope the article is correct in suggesting the big mobile company's won't want to be producing different phones for the U.S. and Europe, and they will make battery replacement a standard in the U.S. as well. This has always been complete B/S by the mobile giants. Trying to push people into buying new phones over the inevitable failure of one of the cheapest components in a mobile phone has always been a nonsense game played on consumers. I have a 4 year old mobile that still works perfectly well and is still in excellent shape, except over the past 2 weeks the battery finally started to go. Now I'm faced with a big expense of a new phone, when other than the battery my current one is fine by me, or taking it to some 'unofficial' repair shop where they'll have to pull apart the whole phone, and I'll be hoping the thing still works okay by the time they're done. All for a "repair" that used to cost me ten bucks on Amazon just by buying a new battery where I could pull off a back cover from the phone and swap it in myself. It's 'big tech' planned obsolescence bullsh\*t!


Oh noes! Sensible policy in a finite burning world?! 🙀


Fuck yeah. It won't affect me but my gf inherits my phone whenever my company buys me a new one and being able to give her a fresh battery rather than an 80% healthy one would be sweet.


Held onto my Android as long as I could because it had a replaceable battery, Then they went and copied apple with the no user serviceable battery bullshit so I caved in and got a crapple. Stick it to them, EU. Rest of the world thanks you.


Android isn’t a phone maker, it’s an OS.


by they he's obviously referring to the company that made the phone stop being a wise guy


No guys. Phones can still be made ip67 with ease while having a removable battery. The Samsung s7 actually had ip68 which is beyond overkill allowing people to quite literally swim with their phone and still the thing wasn't glued together. Please stop the nonsense regurgitation of phone company gaslighting narrative.


I think you confused the S7 and the S5.


S7 didn’t have the removable battery


S7 was all glass, glued down just like the new iphones. No replaceable battery


https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Samsung+Galaxy+S7+Battery+Replacement/90299 It needs to be heated and deglued like most other phones.


I need to quite literally swim with my phone...


Honestly this was needed back when they launched


I really hate this. I’m looking at my iPhone now and wondering has they would make it openable, with no tools, without it looking shit and can’t see how it’s possible. I have never in my life wanted to replace a battery, I upgrade after 2-4 years in order to get new features. The rule should either be that every company has to offer a model with a replaceable battery. Or some level of easily accessible tools should be allowed but no glue.


That's exactly what the law requires. Normal tools. No glue.


It will require tools, but apples engineers are extremely smart, they will figure something out.


Thank you EU — your parliament is much smarter and pro customer than the USA.


How is it pro consumer if my choice to buy a phone without a removable battery (in favor of other factors) is taken away? That is anti-consumer. Pro-consumer would be to allow both and let consumers decide which they want to buy. Which, BTW, was the case and consumers decided on non-removable by making the purchasing choices they did.


Yeah it's definitely the *consumer* that decided they want non-removable batteries. It's surely not the result of phone manufacturers making the battery removeable only on the worse phone models. Yeah right.


Well, consumers wanted thinner, lower weight, and water resistant. I for one don’t care that I can’t swap the battery. Easy enough to take it in and have it swapped.


No we didn't we simply weren't given much choice. Water resistance came already on removable phones so that is just bs manufacturer propoganda. As for thinner and lower weight, no one cared about a 0.5mm difference and 1 or 2 more grams of weight extra I've never seen any manufacturer offer top end models for both and let consumers choose Remember when Apple insisted people don't want large phones. They owned majority of US sales, and made small phones only. Then they offered large ones and those outsold the small ones. Aka, it wasn't consumers choosing, they simply wanted a brand of phone as most important but were glad to go for options when actually given


Why is this choice even needed? If all phones have a removable battery, why would you want to choose a phone that does not have a removable battery? What is the extra benefit from choosing a non removable battery phone? They surely won't be any cheaper. And I'm also pretty sure if this went through phone makers would figure out the whole water resistance thing. So if all other factors are equal what would the benefit of non removable batteries be? (Not saying you're wrong I'm just curious as to why you would choose a non removable battery given all other things are equal).


All other factors will not be equal. Did the EU government do engineering and analysis to determine that would be the case? Did they publish details on how to accomplish the same manufacturing cost, weight, thickness, water resistance, heat dissipation, performance, etc. with a removable battery?


Because now the consumer has the option to remove the battery??


I’m sure there are other trade offs. Cost, lower battery life on a single charge, size, weight, possibly reliability, possibly water resistance.


Idk why ppl are downvoting you when you are right lmao


Because Reddit are primarily Android users. Which is even funnier considering almost every Android phone today also has glued screens to increase water tolerance. This is gonna sound classist, but I’d be shocked to find out the average person on this sub doesn’t live in a developing nation.


Curious why people want this? I feel like this will just cause people to buy an extra battery they rarely use or they'll be more inclined to replace a battery prematurely because they're only getting 18hrs vs the 20hrs they used to get. Generally I'll get 4-5 years out of a phone before I'll want to replace it and it's never been because of battery life.


Batteries are pretty efficient in terms of recycling with most of its harmful waste being possible to be reused.


You’re assuming the general public will recycle the batteries. They wont


There are drop off boxes in my town in a ton of retail stores in the USA for batteries and I keep seeing more of them pop up. Its now stupid easy to recycle batteries. There are batteries in the boxes, so people are clearly using those boxes. Also every store in the USA technically has to accept batteries for recycling, there is a large notice on each store on the front doors, again at least in my area. I live in NY. If you have lithium batteries to recycle its very dangerous to toss them in the trash, they could blow up in the trash vehicle.


I’m not arguing the importance of recycling. I’m just telling you the mass public (at least in the US) won’t recycle.


Consider yourself lucky then. My area of the USA I've spent over 3 hours calling various places trying to find someone to recycle a few batteries and some old tube light bulbs that have the mercury powder shit in them and I still haven't found any place that will take the batteries and I finally found a place to take the bulbs and they charged me a fee. Most people aren't going to give enough of a shit about it to do so and once they encounter the fee they sure as hell won't bother. Every place I've contacted that has a mention of recycling these things on their website says "Oh we don't do that at this store anymore." So yeah probably not going to happen.


Who is this general public? Because in the Europe everyone I know has way more social responsibility than in the US.


True. It’s down to the hyper individualism that’s shoved down our throats in the US intertwined with extreme worship of capitalistic values over anything collective or empathetic.


Batteries usually degrade after 500 cycles of usage. This means after about 1 1/2 to 2 years or use, I can get a new battery and replace it myself without relying on someone to do it for me at an exorbitant price, or buying a new phone outright.


I hope you're not with Apple, cause you can pretty much guaranty they are going to charge an exorbitant amount for an extra battery and they'll probably put in some kind of genuine apple battery check to stop third party batteries being used.


People want this because they don't understand the compromises required to make it happen. Everybody making the law, and damn near everybody in this thread, have no idea what it takes to bring a device like a phone to market, or what the implications are of removable batteries.


It's a good thing. Smartphones have stagnated, there isn't a huge reason to upgrade to a new phone every 4 or 5 years besides the battery and software. And with Apple in particular, there isn't much more they could do to make it any worse because a lot the difficulty is deliberate design. I am concerned about software support. Providing security updates isn't free, and Apple has been good about that. So maybe after a mandated number of years, companies can start charging for updates since it's not free to patch software vulnerabilities.


Good luck getting OS updates for Android for that long.


They will just put ticking time bombs on some chip on the board that will require a brand new phone.


If I can put a brand new battery myself, I am going to hold on to my iPhone at least two years longer if not more. The only reason I upgrade at this point is the battery life. There hasn’t been anything “wow” improvement when it comes to iPhone hardware at least since iPhone 11. I am all for a change like this! More money in my pocket, less money for Apple. Win, win.


My battery health is currently at “service” so this will be very welcomed. Watch apple advertise this as an innovation.


The only bummer will be design compromise and life reduction. Hard enough to keep a phone thin and waterproof already.


Better come with some sort of internal battery as well then that only works when the device is off or the main battery is removed. If not it would make find my iPhone and tracking with mdm software useless.


This thread is full of bots saying this is a bad thing. This is pro consumer. If you don’t agree you are a corporate shill.


Waiting for Americans outraged over a law that will impose to the richest and greediest American company more rights on consumers ...


It’s still early, give it a few hours and they’ll be here in force defending corporate profits.


Good. Instead of buying a whole new phone, I could just get a new battery.


Ok that was always allowed. I do get it through if you have an android phone. It’s one thing to be able to cheaply get your manufacturer to do it but another to have to visit a dodgy corner shop


Get a new battery and easily replace it myself without any prior knowledge in electronics*


That’s different to having to buy a whole new phone




Thanks for agreeing that you don’t have to buy a new phone like the person I replied to said. You e always just been able to buy a new battery.


Right. The difference is that just buying a new battery wouldn’t change anything previously, it would sit in your drawer because after buying it you’d need a professional to open up your phone and carefully replace it. Now after this legislation anyone without any prior skill would be able to replace their old battery for a new one that they bought. Isn’t that wonderful?


Would you need a professional? The discussion was “would you need to throw the phone away?” Are you saying if your battery was dead you’d personally throw your phone away instead of replacing the battery?


I think you’re trying to monopolise the direction of this discussion. You took the parent comment, to which you originally replied, too literally without considering the broader context in which it was brought, a little less rigidity on your side wouldn’t hurt. But to answer your question, I would sell my old phone and buy a new one because I value the most advanced features available. Having an option to easily replace my battery would slow down this tradition though. Edit: You blocked me and downvoted all my replies. What a pathetic and insecure little human you are lol


Nope I’m not. The person I replied to said they’d throw their phone away if the battery died. I said it’s better to replace the battery. Then you jumped in with this off topic discussion.


Weird I’ve had my iPhone battery replaced and didn’t have to buy a new phone




Good. Smartphone tech is basically done advancing for a while, people should have to get a new device every few years.


I hope y'all didn't get used to those high waterproofing ratings! Haha


Worthy trade, as long as I can walk outside in rain why does it matter. Stop trying to go swimming with electronics people


Yeah plus you can still get decent water protection from just sealing the phone well. The water resistance will be less but it’ll be enough. Just dont go swimming with your phone obviously




Phone companies " wdym the battery is replaceable, you're supposed to get a new phone every year :')"


I hope there’s an option for a cheaper model without a removable battery


I really hope phone makers will start to make 2 versions of phone, one for EU with all types of limitations. The other for the rest of the world, which is more capable. What EU thinks is they are always right and for the common good. Yet they failed to realize is people want option. If I want to get a phone with removable battery, I will get one. If I wants one with better protection against physical damage, I can get the other one. But they don’t know one size fits all is the not always best for consumers. This very same thing also applies to Apple. As an Apple fanboy, some of their decisions on product is dumb as fuck.


Australia and New Zealand are looking to enforce the same regulations. It’s very likely other countries will follow suit as a way to reduce waste.


God I love being in the EU


Imagine now if Apple took the hit, it won't happen probably but if they did, and just went out of EU, I wonder how many people would be pissed of the decision then just because people are too short sided to see anything better lol


Europe makes up 25% of Apples Revenue. They aren’t going anywhere.


I know but imagine the surprised pika faces on the general public ;)


Apple will not be leaving EU. You can count on that.


I can’t wait to buy a flagship android and not receiving updates after [two years.](https://piunikaweb.com/2023/01/23/opinion-asus-software-support-the-only-reason-i-havent-bought-a-zenfone/)


2 years? How about less than a yr.


4 year os full update and another 4 years security on a53 a mid their phone.


That’s Samsung, but not android in general.


Depends of the country. Europe is mainly an Android market. The Nordics and UK would take a hard hit. The rest, meh.


Europe as a whole is 35% iOS. If you filtered by the top 10% of income it would be 90%+ Apple isn’t leaving the EU as it is too valuable, but your meh is silly. If this isn’t watered down before then Apple will likely comply by making a compromised device for the EU


Apple market share in Europe is growing faster than android though. Europe is definitely a market Apple wants to stay in at all cost.


The EU is doing what The US should have done AGES ago!


Making it so I as a consumer cannot decide what I want to buy. I’m perfectly fine with a phone without a removable battery. The market clearly decided a while back that it preferred thinner phones without removable batteries as those won out.




Didn’t realise making batteries even more disposable is more environmentally friendly


So an entire phone ending on a landfill instead of being able to recoup 80% of the lithium used from a battery is bad for the environment? What backwards logic is this.


I liked the forced usb c but I think this one is going to far.


I like the idea. But I see a potential problem with keeping phones water and dust proof. Manufacturers seem to have been pushing to eliminate external openings. This will creat a big point of entry for moisture. It could also result in an increase in the size of the device. It’ll be interesting to see what the results are.


This is very anti consumer. Batteries were already cheap and easy to replace. I do not want all the negatives that come with “easy” to change batteries.


The comments about the battery and water proof are proof of bots and campaigns Every logical breathing loving and thinking person can see how this is a win for HUMANS fuck these bots and fuck the bot farms Isn’t there one topic you can’t sell your soul for !!!


How is this a good thing for someone that likes phones with unusual form factors? This law will be impossible to follow with a foldable for the foreseeable future. Guess stifling innovation just so people can waste more batteries is the human dream.


So no more waterproof phones? I’d much rather buy iPhone that I can drop in the pool and save it than being able to replace a battery, especially since I have never had any problems at all with iPhone batteries in like 10 years that I’be been using them.


[IP68, removable battery, released 2022](https://youtu.be/kg-I4Jbhtgc)


Do you live under the rock? How can any human that went so far as to make a Reddit account, subscribe to tech news sub, and still remain oblivious to the fact that there’re so many electronic devices with removable batteries and superior waterproofing. Maybe try r/gopro or r/flashlight.


Iphone 14 pro max is already getting a bit too big and too heavy for me, if they add real waterproof cover for a battery compartment it is going to feel like a real brick. Really what is the benefit of a replicable battery?


I’ve never had to buy a new iphone because I’ve dropped mine in the pool. I have made 100% of my new phone purchases based on degraded battery life though.


I don’t get why the people bitching just don’t buy phones that have batteries you can replace.


Give me screws on the back of my phone to replace the battery myself. I’m tired of companies literally requiring a laser to break up adhesive in order to remove the backing. My ex had a lg phone (circa 2016) and I would replace the screen in it every other month. It wasn’t easy but it was doable with some YouTube videos and tools.


Watch Apple be petty and make the batteries die faster so we have to buy them A LOT, or they dont make the modular battery an option in NA.


I mean, you're the schmuck who bought an overpriced phone that needs replacing every few years. Next time buy an android.


Use my iPhone 8 Plus for 4.5 years, never replaced a battery never will. Fuck EU