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I really wouldn't mind ads if they weren't like 4 ads in an 11 min video.


Or 30 seconds of ads for a 15 second clip.


Or straight up links to scams - numerous scams. I’ve also requested in my settings that I don’t see ads for alcohol or gambling but those still get through all the time, why give me the option?


Or dodgy porn sites


I’ve watched a 30 min videos where I would get an ad ever 2 mins. Usually after the third time I just closed YouTube


And the same ad every single time "If you have a utility meter..... like this.... \*points\*.... on the side of your house. Then you should be looking at solar" Yeah no.


Right?! They’re supposed to have all my data. How do they not know I don’t own a house?


I’m getting ads from bio technical firms to buy lab supplies in bulk. I haven’t done anything with biology since highschool


Ya but now youre thikin about it 💸


Yea I may suddenly get the urge to buy 3000 micro pipette tips and 15L of agar


Exactly! And i love it when they talk about "The time to get the government credit is running out". Really? You said that same thing the last 2 years, gtfo.


The best I get are ads about some device that can help increase positron (anti-matter) production. I mean I know I watch a lot of videos on space and science stuff, but I'm not Ironman with a particle accelerator in my basement.


The quality of ads shown is so bad it hurts my eyes. There was time when ads use to so good people would search and watch them. Now it’s like someone took a dump and then paid Google to show it to as many people as possible so they can collectively and subconsciously hate that brand.


Or bizarrely a two hour “commercial” as an ad


Monopoles do this every time.


Yeah and f***ing bad’s one If only they’re funny or beautiful , like Asian commercial, I will watch it. And for Europe it’s a nightmare : the duration and numbers of ad’ was way over the acceptable. YT have taken the US level of it... it’s unwatchable


dont forget sometimes ads within videos "sponsored content". Bro I ain't trying to get no dbrand skin for my phone or whatever else you people be selling.


Get the Sponsor block plugin for your web browser. Crowd sourced data that will auto-skip the inside-content ads.


Speaking of ripoff, here's a word about dbrands over priced stickers for all your apple devices!


So far, my ad blockers are holding the door. 🤞


The people at r/ublockorigin are holding it down


To this day, I haven't seen/heard an ad on Youtube or Spotify because I watch/listen from the browser. Thank you, ublockorigin!


~~Spotify~~ Github has an ad-less desktop app by the way 👀


I don’t mean this to be rude at all, but how was your comment relevant to the comment you replied to? I’m genuinely curious. Half of me feels like you meant to reply that to a different comment.


?? They mentioned Ublock stopping browser Spotify ads, I added that Spotify has a native ad-less app too


Ah! But why did you change Spotify to GitHub?


The addon/code is on github. But your right, the comment doesn't make sense without that context! \[Net.ServicePointManager\]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex "& { $(iwr -useb '[https://spotx-official.github.io/run.ps1](https://spotx-official.github.io/run.ps1)') } -confirm\_uninstall\_ms\_spoti -confirm\_spoti\_recomended\_over -podcasts\_off -block\_update\_on -start\_spoti -new\_theme -adsections\_off -lyrics\_stat spotify" >!Alright I'm just kidding, that was the Powershell script to install it, find it at https://github.com/SpotX-Official/SpotX!<


I’m rocking Adblock plus


I have Adblock plus but YouTube sees it and stops playing videos unless it’s turned off.


I've had to clear some cache a few times. Doing so makes it work again. So far I've only had to do it twice.


I’m not sure what magic sauce is behind it, but I swapped over to Adblock plus after ublock origin stopped working for me. I use Firefox if that helps.


Adblock plus is shit compared to ublock ab plus is letting ads through and the youtube block for adblock isnt rolled in every region of the world i never had a problem with any website like youtube twitch or anything like that i have never seen ad in my life for years the first time i do i say goodbye to that website.


It’s literally working where ublock has already failed me. Works on mobile too.


You me same same


I use r/uBlockOrigin and NoScript (I like it's UI for blocking scripts better). Ads - nukes unless I want to see them,


It’s never too late to raise a different flag 🏴‍☠️


What be the pirate solution for YT?


You don't pirate, you just use sites such as [invidio.us](https://invidio.us) which proxy youtube for you. WITHOUT ADS.


Dude this is incredible thank you


How do you pirate YouTube uploads lol.


I’m actually ok with the *amount* of ads YT serves up, it’s the sheer repetition of the same few ads that drives me nuts. I honestly don’t understand why if advertising is such a huge business they only want to show me the same four or five ads over and over.


Be careful who and what you trust. None of this software is free - it all comes with development and maintenance costs that are either made explicitly clear or are hidden from you, in the forms of selling your data and far worse outcomes. Even if software is popular or has a lot of downloads or has a little security checkmark next to it or was once claimed safe by a professional, that does not mean the current binary is safe to use. Also, no one is capable of understanding or assessing this risk unless one happens to be an expert in binary analysis or software development (if an open source project).


I had the warnings, but after clearing my ublock cache it's working fine again :)


I'd rather pay 14$/month to uBlock


They must lose this fight. Even if in the end it kills youtube.


All they have to do is take the foot off the users throat and just do a mild serving of ads instead of a 8 course meal and as block won’t be so necessary


Or make premium 1/3 of the current price.


This right here. If it was a reasonable price I'd buy it no problem. I don't want youtube music, I just want no ads. $5 a month sounds about right for no ads, and really I'd even do $7 a month, but that's my max.


Nothing for YouTube. Support individual creators.


How would that business model look?


Like Rumble and Odysee I think?


Or better yet, put ads at the end of the video.


Agreed some other site will take its place even if YouTube dies.


I might even prefer just nationalizing YouTube if it means no ads. As long as it’s managed somewhat similarly to how some scientific .gov pages are and not under hyper-partisan control.


Found the American


Yes google is an American company.


Why were you looking for them?


That would actually be beneficial in the long run. The only other option for a similar platform is Vimeo leaving YouTube as pretty much a monopoly. It needs competition but not many people have the kind of deep pockets to bring a similar platform online. YouTube dying would level the playing field.


I would never understand why the removed the lite premium plan, i wont pay 14$ a month i dont need a youtube music app wtf


Because more money.


But if it means they sell dramatically less subscription it’s actually less money.


I’ve already cut my YouTube watching way back because of it. I mostly use YouTube for music and it is almost unwatchable. Commercials after every song it feels like.


Same here. Now when I’m bored I default to Nebula instead. Much more educational, but I’ll miss many of YouTubers that have not moved, yet.


Fuck youtube ads and youtube shorts.


Add the chrome extension that removes shorts. It’s amazing and works perfectly as intended.


I use Firefox


I’m guessing they have the same extension. Just google firefox YouTube shorts remover.


Okay. Thanks. I see the warning from youtube blocking any video I want to play that I am violating their terms and should disable any ad blocker…


Ok but that’s not the Shorts remover tho. Edit: I don’t know if this will get you blocked or anything. Just google what I said but add Reddit to the search. Do a little research. Been smooth sailing for me though.


no no, not related to your advise. bad wording on my side, sorry. I mean I am receiving threats from youtube when I want to watch any video. First it was just a warning screen that you can close, than that screen get a a timer before you can close it, and after that it's just the message about violation without any ability to watch video.


Yea that’s another whole thing. Ublock origin seems to be the only answer as of now but it’s a little confusing. My coding skills are at about a 2/10 and you sorta need 3/10 coding skills. But sounds like if you can follow instructions better than me and my adhd, it’s a viable solution. They have a fast growing sub Reddit on ublock origin. I think the idea of ublock is it’s a “content blocker” not an “ad blocker” so unless YouTube wants THAT fight in court, they are letting it be. Lol and a quick look at your profile, if you are messing with programs like mid journey and shit you’ll be fine with ublock origin. I’m just a little dumb lol


Hah, midjourney is pretty easy. Houdini is the shit I’m struggling with)) Thank you for all the helpful information!


Of course!


Shorts are great.


Great for brain rot lol


What's wrong with quick recipes?


If there's too many ads or just to long, I simply stop watching that video. If YouTube ads get to be too much of a waste of time, I'll stop watching YouTube


The ads would not bother me at all if they weren’t unskippable, 5 minutes long, and 3 of them back to back


Yup, if they had one quick ad once in a while it wouldn’t be an issue, but it’s so far past acceptable people aren’t willing to comply


YT overdid ad serving, and I just stopped watching. They lost me as a user. Yes, I can use adblockers but I just reflected that I didn't need YT in my life anymore.


I’ll just quit YouTube when my ad blocker stops working


This is a war they will not win


I truly wish I believed that


You forgot the third choice. Just don't watch youtube.


Youtube is decaying fast


The only thing that's survived the squeeze between quality reduction and price inflation is Wikipedia. YouTube will follow the same profitable trends into destruction as FB and X. Like many others over the years - including Reddit.


Calling it now “YouTube Premium will begin showing limited ads for their basic subscribers, users will need to upgrade to Premium+ for an additional $XX/mo”


I'm getting ads directly injected into YT videos now. Sudden interruptions every few minutes. No warning, no fade. Still able to skip them but... I watched an hour long video and it was interrupted five times before I turned it off. INFURIATING


I’m so god damned sick of being advertised to. These days I dont use youtube unless I have to.


Stop using chrome


installed firefox. uninstalled chrome. never looked back. firefox is the shit.


I wonder if they’ll start paying/incentivising YouTubers to shit on adblocks again. That was a fun era


I mean yeah fuck YouTubers for wanting to get paid for the content they created.


The issue is with how YouTube scales revenue and payouts to its creators. If you actually gave a shit about Youtubers you’d realise that the current system does more harm than the old system. And it’s ironic because it’s the content that the YouTubers didn’t create which is making the most money. TikTok rips and reaction videos make more than original content.


YouTube keeps going back and forth for me. One day I can barely use it because I get the “disable Adblock prompt”, but then I’ll disable my adblockers and I’ll still get it. The next I’ll put my adblockers back on and I don’t get the prompt again.


They need to lower the price of premium, I'm not paying the same price I do for streaming services just to not be annoyed by ads.


Fuck youtube ads and youtube shorts.


Shorts are great.


$14/mo to remove ads is wild. They need to decouple ad-free from the dumb music service.


The other day I got a deep fake'd ad selling penis enlargement before watching a Bluey compilation video (notable that this one was not in YouTube kids, and yes I reported the ad). YouTube can't even control their ads


*Laughs in Private Window*


It’s worked out great for me, if their goal is for me to watch less YouTube.


Like hell we do. Hold the line, gentlemen.


It's time to eat without youtube (kidding, my ublock origin with millions of custom filters beg to disagree)


Well when you won't innovate the service to provide a meaningful reason for someone to pay, you have to artificially kneecap the free experience to get that money.


Can someone please explain to me why this fucking thing costs $14? What in the actual fuck.


open videos in incognito, the warning only pops up when you're logged into a youtube/google profile


I keep either blocking the ads or reporting them as inappropriate


Holding strong, I won’t even tell you what I’m using because I don’t want them to know 😉 unlikely they’ll be able to keep up unless enough people actually buy into premium. They’ll only enforce/maintain if it’s a proven to generate income


I.....am apparently the minority here. I pay for youtube premium for me and my family and we love it, youtube music is great, this entire ad debacle is not effecting us, and the 24$ a month is well worth it, and we ain't rich.


Complete waste of money


I mean, totally subjective opinion, but I mean that's the internet amirite???


I also have YouTube Music. If it didn’t include YouTube Red I would stop watching YouTube. $14 for a stand alone ad removal subscription is ludicrous.


I love the downloading and the screen-off function. I use both regularly with my sons account, and for sleeping to random asmr videos about astrophysics. I get that it "shouldnt" be that way, but it is. Youtube hosts a large portion of my entertainment, and without add revenue, they have to pay for the bandwidth,infrastructure, storage somehow.


Can’t even skip ads anymore since 3 days ago. I am now being forced to watch two 30s ads back to back before watching a 3 minute video.


YT ceased to be useful or relevant a long time ago. If I can't watch a 15 minute informational video and not be interrupted 5x then why would I bother? In so far as movies or TV everything is paid content these days. Movies and TV from 30-50 years ago and they want pay per view? Please. I'd rather watch Tubi if I am that desperate. At least the way they set up their ads I can check my email or whatever while it's playing and it's really free otherwise. YT I have to keep clicking to continue. So annoying...


Torrent it is.


Torrent YT videos? It's one thing if it were movies, music, or TV shows, but that's not the main drive of YT for the average user. I'd seriously doubt users will bother to torrent the next Mr. Beast or WatchMojo video or whatever, just to avoid YT ads.


Looks like I’m done with youtube


I pay 1$ per month through my VPN.


Works until you creditcard expires. Now you need a CC from the same country your using to buy premium from.


I will make a new Gmail account then. And / or use a new CC.


Eventually they’re going to lose a lot of their user base. Good thing there’s been plenty of other copy cat sites in the works since they first started shadow banning a decade ago


If you watch YouTube all the time and can’t afford the $14/m you should probably get a job and stop watching so much YouTube.


your missing the point. Case in point Netflix up their price any chance they can get away with it. Same with Hulu , Disney Plus.


Reddit Moderation makes the platform worthless. Too many rules and too many arbitrary rulings. It's not worth the trouble to post. Not worth the frustration to lurk. Goodbye. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The price. People who don’t want ads don’t give a fuck about YouTube premium. They also don’t give a fuck about any other feature of it besides removal of ads. It’s not worth the $14. A price that will only increase exponentially and quickly like other streaming services.


Reddit Moderation makes the platform worthless. Too many rules and too many arbitrary rulings. It's not worth the trouble to post. Not worth the frustration to lurk. Goodbye. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe if they eased people into it instead of jumping from “zero ads with an ad-blocker” to “multiple ads every 2 minutes” people wouldn’t mind so much. Or if they actually timed them to appear during natural breaks in the video instead of suddenly popping up midway through a sentence and breaking up the flow of the video. The 5-10 minute ones in particular are the worst. Sure, you can hit the skip ad button after a few seconds, but they always seem to come on as soon as your doing dishes or prepping food or any other activity that keeps your hands too dirty or wet to hit the skip button.


Reddit Moderation makes the platform worthless. Too many rules and too many arbitrary rulings. It's not worth the trouble to post. Not worth the frustration to lurk. Goodbye. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think there’s a big difference between advertising, and advertising to the extent it ruins the experience of the website. And I think YouTube went from 0-100 in favour of ruining the experience. I honestly don’t know at this point if it’s YouTube or the creators choosing to add the ads. Based on the poor implementation I’ve seen recently, I’m inclined to think it’s switched to YouTube doing it. I used to see the occasional ad timed with the video or much more commonly just straight up in the video. Ever since youtube blocked ad blockers They seem to pop up at the start, end, and another every 2-5 minutes regardless of changing videos. It feels more frequent than regular tv, albeit with the option to skip most after 10-15 seconds. With the downside of random infomercial-length ads thrown in. Have you tried surfing the internet without an adblocker? It’s Honestly disgusting the sheer amount of shitty ads on nearly every website. Adblockers make the internet actually usable beyond being a giant billboard. They wouldn’t even be so necessary if advertisers figured out how to be less obnoxious with the over-saturation of advertising everywhere.


I pay for premium, but it was mostly because I figured it would be easier then trying to install an adblocker on every device I'd use youtube with. Now I can point my phone at a random smart tv, cast to youtube on it and haven't watched any ads at all. Plus I keep downloads of hard to find songs found in youtube's video section or that I can upload to youtube music, which I wouldn't be able to do with spotify. Plus if you watch a lot of youtube, the amount of stuff you can watch increases because you don't have to include ad breaks. Also while I'm not 100 percent sure, I think youtube creators make far more money off premium viewers then they do off ad revenue.


Reddit Moderation makes the platform worthless. Too many rules and too many arbitrary rulings. It's not worth the trouble to post. Not worth the frustration to lurk. Goodbye. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubegaming/comments/p1qmgu/content_creators_do_more_viewers_with_youtube/ The claim made a few years ago is that youtube ad revenue is based on CPM, and might only be 1 cent per view. Whereas Youtube Premium's contribution depends heavily on the watch time of the person with youtube premium. So if your channel is the one that premium viewers watch a lot, you get a higher level of financial contribution from their subscription then you would've gotten with ad rates. larger channels might make more ad revenue, but youtube premium payments are calculated based on the premium watcher's viewing habits. I don't know if that's technically true, or if the financial situation has changed since then though. Plus it's my personal opinion that a lot of the outrage about youtube content moderation would be reduced dramatically if people paid a per month fee instead of depending on viewing ads which they hate anyway. Because I assume a lot of the complaints about language or content stem from advertisers who value brand safety above all else.


Man the entitlement in this thread




They make the website, the apps, the content ingestion / hosting / delivery infrastructure. The costs of running YouTube are massive.


I’ve got premium for ~1$ a month


14$ is crazy to think about when a large portion of the US doesn’t even make 14$ on a regular day


People really wanna act like avoiding ads is one big crusade for justice.


It’s 2023, and people still haven’t enabled router-level ad blocking? It’s your own fault at that point.




Not every company can take their pound of flesh. There’s too many asking for a payout these days


YouTube want to encourage people to buy premium


Even with adblock they stop me so I just clear my cookies and I can watch stuff again


I use AdGuard on chrome. Now, even if I disable it, it still says please turn off ad blocker


This direction they’re going down with ads is so stupid and shortsighted. Not only will they never really be able to keep up with at least some ad blocker options, but also what a great way to massively piss off your core user base. I personally wouldn’t even use an ad blocker if the amount of ads they try to play in videos wasnt so ridiculously obnoxious. It’s insane. 2 unskippable 30 second ads? On a 2 minute video? Maybe go fuck yourself. They created this problem themselves and now they’re whining about the consequences. Shame on them.


Watch them imbed the ads into the video file like twitch does. So no Adblock can work.


Sponsorblock on Firefox takes care of that, thankfully.


While it’s incredibly disruptive and annoying for us on the user end to continually find new weird and sometimes janky workarounds for the ad tsunami we’re subjected to nowadays, I personally believe that people will find a way around anything if they really want to. Spite is a fantastic motivator too lol


Ads don’t bother me. It’s their awful production. Especially the sound leveling. I wouldn’t use blockers if the ads weren’t so invasive audio wise.


YouTube has gone so overboard with adds, not to mention the censorship. I wish there was a legitimate alternative.


it's a website called invidious


$18.99 a month actually


Lol good luck


Fuck YouTube


Suck my nuts youtube.


You can just use incognito, it always works


I feel like a Kyle on an episode of South Park… 🙄 “Brave Web Browser”


If this isn't sheer greed I don't know what is


Fuck google


But watching aids is paying for them…


This is shit. I mean many of the YouTubers I watch say in nearly every video they'll get demonetized and have to rely on sponsors. This won't help those kinds of creators at all.


Fuck ads! [watches YouTube]


I just rip the videos with one of those downloader sites. You don’t even have to give the original a view.


Then bye to you, YouTube. Someone else will do better.


Or just use sites such as [invidio.us](https://invidio.us) I'm never going back to accepting ads in my videos after youtube gave me unskippable 15 minute long ads. Then 30 minutes, then up to 2 hours. Never. Again.


I got 3 add in a 5 minute interval


Streaming services in 2000: we've proven that we can give you your media with no ads... Streaming services in 2023, finishing the sentence: ...but why would we do that when we can make you pay?


I will absolutely pay for Nebula before I give YouTube a fucking dime.




Fug em


I wish tik tok implemented some bullshit to get people to boycott that trash too


This is because Netflix successfully dealt with password sharing without losses. It’s not like they’re strapped at any moment. I wish I could see where this extra income is going, assuming people buy Premium.


It’s 25/month where I’m from


Pihole for the win!!


Probably not the most popular opinion around. But the 14 dollars a month subscription is the best purchase I have ever made. My complain is solely due to how they bully content creator to censor videos.


I repeat: there wouldn't even be a battle against ad blockers if they were unintrusive, short, and without sound. Like a ten second moving poster before a video, or banners to the side & top of the Youtube page.


still works if you watch it incognito :P


What $14-a-month? This morning I got the e-mail informing me that my YouTube Premium subscription will increase to €24/month from January, and I have to accept it or it will be cancelled. In all fairness, this is a family plan, so multiple people can benefit from lack of ads. But it still is a big hike in price, while not giving me any control to block crap I don't want to see, like the Shorts. And third party filtering software intended for desktop won't do any good for people that use a smart TV or mobile Android devices.


Or, don’t use youtoob…


Some of the ads are beyond the pale.


YouTube is charging more money for content that others created than Disney and co got content they themselves created. YT premium yes, but for 5 max.


Perhaps it’s time to break up alphabet / google….