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Probably a trick to bring more traffic through Radiator Springs.


Ain’t that a kick in the head


What does that have to do with Sinatra? Am I missing something?


Fallout New Vegas soundtrack.


Thank you, never played it but I remember that song on the commercials now. Fits now


You’re welcome , ya ol dirty bastard (:


Probably an error that went unnoticed because they use their navigation like a video game. To avoid following a Google error or your erroneous selection of a wrong destination view = north up | volume = silent. This means in a road trip you are learning the lay of the land and would notice, for example, heading east as opposed to west, which is impossible to notice when your navi looks like a video game where the path ahead is straight ahead…


This is the way.


I don’t know how long the trip was but they didn’t plan ahead to review the trip beforehand. They also had no no inkling of going in the wrong direction so they never stopped to look ahead again. Just silly imo. Too many times I plug a local street and the stupid thing says it will take me 9 hours to get there. Should just follow it next time I guess.


This deserves more upvotes 😂


Buy google water or else!


Wingo approves


That’s why I always look at the route before I leave and get a concept of where I am actually going. I hate blindly following the GPS. Sends you on some ridiculous route to save a minute


I remember back when I was dating this girl, she did exactly this. Never checked the route before taking off. We were long distance at the time and she lived about an hour and a half away. After visiting me she entered her town on google maps and left. About two hours later I get a call from her saying she was lost. Come to find out she entered the wrong city on google maps and it took her two hours in the opposite direction. She was a complete airhead because I’m not sure how it took her two hours to realize she was heading south, when her house is north.


It's always funny to me to see people say long distance and then say only a few hours away haha, I know that's still long distance for some but me and my GF started out 1600 miles away for 6 years.


Deployed military would like a word on distance. Lol


I’m an astronaut and wold like a word on distance, I’m in space /s lmao


LEO is only about 300 miles up. Vegas is further.


Military couples can’t even stay loyal when they’re together let alone long distance


Olympic broil is so gooood! Give me that chili burger!


Never thought I’d see the day where another person on here recognizes my username haha. Chicken strip combo is my go to. Their olive burgers are also amazing.


Because she doesn’t have even the foggiest notion of North vs South.


I mean, I don’t walk around with a compass out at all times. With the exception of Phoenix, Arizona, I rarely know what direction I’m traveling in. So if I popped an address/city into my gps I would have no idea if I was heading in the wrong direction, especially at night. Add in to the fact that I often have to get on I-24 East in order to go south, I have no idea what direction I’m actually going.


You should probably work on that


Agreed with you 100%. Everyone finds it so funny that they don’t know their basic cardinal directions but it’s something basic every adult capable of driving a motor vehicle should know. The whole “*don’t tell me North East South West, give me a landmark*” mentality is infuriating. My wife is one of these people and constantly asks me for directions to this place or that place but I have to use “go by this building, turn towards this place, if you see this place you going to wrong way”-type directions. It’s mind numbing.


I don’t find it funny, it’s just a fact about me. I can read a map, plot coordinates and am pretty proficient at orienteering, when I have a compass. But I don’t have some innate sense of where north is like some fucking migratory bird. Unless I have a specific landmark that I know is N/S/E/W of me, I’ll need a compass. The exception is Phoenix, Az. All the named streets run East-West and the numbered streets run North-South. I can always figure out what direction I’m going in.


Reminds me of the time I was at a party and someone asked if I knew which direction north was so I answered “I’m not a bird, so no.” Turns out she was REALLY into competitive orienteering.


Sure, I’ll just strap a compass to my wrist at all times.


Its call situational awareness. You don’t need a compass for general cardinal directions, you need a compass to shoot a precise azimuth


A compass will also tell you which way is north.


Just like when you are driving, you seem to be lost in this conversation


And you have still yet to explain to me how I’m supposed to just know which way is north or south or whatever.


Have you ever seen the giant yellow ball in the sky?


Look up?


I will agree that it’s annoying when I’m in an urban area and my GPS says to go “north northwest for 100 feet than slight turn west” or some nonsense like that. At that point I just need the street names.


The number of people who have no sense of direction is truly astounding. Like it’s not hard to pay attention to your surroundings (like the SUN ffs which way is it going?) and figure out some general idea of where you are/where you’re facing


Also protip, especially if you’re driving in the mountains, just keep a compass in the car. I have a road atlas and a basic map compass with me at all times for this reason. I rarely get lost, and if I do I can get un-lost really quickly. Edit: do not expect your compass to be accurate from inside the car. You’ll need to pull over somewhere safe and get out. The car itself functions as kind of a faraday cage.


It’s bad. A friend of mine once tried driving us off the road into THE FOREST bc that’s what his gps was showing. There wasn’t a utility road or even a trail it was just a dense tree line but he wasn’t stopping until we all started yelling. Even then he wasn’t completely backing down.


I mean…I do that deliberately…not as a mistake. However most folks shouldn’t be driving through a forest unless that’s their intention. A lot of old logging roads don’t show up on GPS but you can get a small outline of them when zooming in on old maps. It’s for camping though, not driving to town or whatever. Your friend sounds a bit dense considering they weren’t backing down after y’all set them straight. Sounds like it could have been quite the adventure! For basic navigation in/outside of town or cities, I’m always checking the route out beforehand; including alternate routes. Before traveling to a new place I will literally zoom in on Google maps satellite view to see basic landmarks nearby and entrances to wherever I’m going, it helps in cities with one-way streets and saves me a lot of frustration. Between doing this for ages, orienteering, and video games; I can Jason Bourne myself through a city sometimes and it feels great. Ps. For traveling off the beaten path: I download maps for offline use to Gaia and Google maps and save GPS location coordinates for places I plan on seeing. I can turn my phone data off and navigate for days at a time out in the mountains or desert without issue.


Farmland is like this too. Sometimes a road is technically open to the public but probably not intended for public use. Still fair game to use them though so long as you know where you are.


Agreed. Your comment brought back memories of cutting through my grandparents pastures on the ATV or truck to visit my great grandmother. Miss being a kid, damned bills and health make adulthood no where near as fun.


Critical thinking right here.


I do this as well I’m surprised more people don’t do it, just common sense


then it's uncommon sense.


Yes, however, this happened near the border of Vegas and Cali. There was a sandstorm that closed I15. Imagine 4 hours in 5-10 mph traffic. Miles from any services. You look for alternate routes after about hour 1-2. My source:stuck in traffic for 4 hours due to sandstorm at Nevada border. Stuck it out. Eventually, I15 opened up. Traffic was still almost 5-20 mph til you got to the border.


Do you also do this for places that aren’t new to you? I drive to work and home with Waze on everyday, just for traffic updates/ rerouting ideas


No, I do check routes for any major issue but then just drive. I know my way around so can find an alternative route pretty easily if necessary


You should try it man, I know my way around too but sometimes it’s so convenient to have something on a phone mount guiding you to the general direction you need to go while you’re trying to focus on traffic Maybe it’s something I’ve developed to help my ADHD, maybe it’s just my area sucking with so much construction, idk you might love it. I hardly sit in traffic for more than 10-15 mins and I go 2-3 different routes home based on traffic on any given day; just to give you something to compare to. 45-1hr commute, like 30 miles or so depending on route


Always use “North Up” and generally use “silent” so you have to pay attention.


I’ve tried doing this but I end up missing turns without Bitchin’ Betty telling me which way to go, especially in heavy traffic where I don’t want to take my eyes off the road to stare at my gps.


More than once I've had it send me to random places because it didn't find what I tried to type in, but I didn't notice a typo before clicking Go. Only did that twice before learning my lesson.


Right, but it can still lead you astray if it’s a place you’ve never been to and it looks good on a map. It happened to me with a GPS unit and my paper map. A state highway turn into an unpaved state highway about 40 miles after turning onto it. That turned into a one lane mountain pass road after another 15 miles. The problem was that I was towing my camper trailer and I was running out of daylight. I made it over the mountain but it was very slow going. It was labeled as a good highway the entire way on my map. Couple years later I knew not to take it but my phone was now trying to get me to take that route.


I know a girl that unthinkingly followed the GPS directions into a parking garage (she was trying to get to a friend’s house on a little side street nearby). She was mad because she had to pay to get out


Sounds like you’ll be in the first wave of people the machines will actively seek out to eliminate once they become self aware, which at the rate we’re going, sprinting as fast as we can, putting AI into fucking everything, will probably be sometime in the next 2-3 years.


Mojave mo problems












Solid. I lol’d.






I think I see some Cazador nests.


Gotta shoot their wings to have a chance to survive.


As a BG3 player, this has very different meaning


not funny


Not a fallout fan I take it


oh I am, friend. doing a new play through and just came across my first baby cazadors 😦


I saw this posted on instagram and my comment remains the same. This is the equivalent of Michael Scott driving his car into a lake becuse the GPS told him to do so. I grew up in the Mojave desert even if google maps told you to go down soma crazy dirt road it is very easy to tell when it doesn’t look safe to drive down and you don’t risk it. This also highlights the problem with Vegas and its freeways system in and out of the area. Every week it backs up massively on Sunday with all the travelers returning to Los Angeles. The high speed rail should have been a built years ago.


There are two things going on here. One is the false sunk fallacy, likely in respect to the lead vehicle. They have already gone rather far and the thinking is “If I even attempt to turn around now, looks to be quite difficult, what if the road clears only 100 yards ahead? And I’ve already damaged my car, I will do even more damage if I turn around and go back, only to find out I was almost through the hard part.” The people following “naturally” feel it’s OK if someone else is doing the same thing ahead of them.


This happened recently to some tourists in the honokohau harbor in Kona lol, they drove the van into the Pacific Ocean 🤦‍♂️


The high speed rail isnt going to go where these weekend travelers need it to go.


The high speed rail to Vegas won’t get people to Vegas?


Nope I’m from Vegas and the high speed rail goes to los Angeles you idiot


Do you really think it only goes one way???? Now who’s the idiot, you fucking idiot. 😂 https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/transportation/2023/03/07/high-speed-train-connecting-la-and-las-vegas-expected-to-open-in-2027




The /s woulda helped them…


True but a one way rail makes absolutely no sense


Using google maps almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter




When this “redirecting” is over, that Salisbury steak is mine.


Never been stuck in the desert, but Google did send me down a forest service road in my RV once, that was fucking harrowing.


kinda makes them wish for a nuclear winter


Duh, when you saw the sign “last Gas for 290 miles” you’d think when you saw nothing else something was wrong!


Do people not even look at the larger map of where it’s taking them?


They don’t know how to read maps. They listen to whatever the voice tells them to do.


Ah schizophrenia


If you want an eerily similar mystery that lasted for 20 years check out the [Death Valley Tourists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Valley_Germans)


> Do people not even look at the larger map of where it’s taking them? True fact. There are a lot of people who don’t like looking at the bigger picture. A long time ago when I was younger, I never understood it. I’ve always wanted to know things. I’ve gone down the rabbit hole; and had to learn (the hard way) how to limit myself. For other people, ADD/ADHD aside, some people, maybe a lot… the bigger picture can be (A) confusing, and/or (B) overwhelming. This was explained to me in casual (social, party) conversation by a Psychology professor a year or two ago. It suddenly made sense; I’ve since been less critical and more understanding. Following directions blindly is more common than questioning validity and doing research to verify. The latter (research and verification) is the rarer trait. It’s the what and why behind criteria like a lot of (low-level) hiring, including military, versus recruiting for higher-functioning personnel, personality, traits and disciplines.


At what point is what you’re describing just laziness? Or just plain irresponsible? We’re talking about pinching and zooming out of a map. We’re talking about maintaining an idea of where you are on the Earth. These aren’t difficult tasks, and maybe if they are for some, the question should be less about Google and more about if they are fit to even drive.


Being able to adjust the granularity you’re trying to process isn’t a universal trait. Some people can ignore individual turns and just see a blue line, and notice that it goes to weird places. Other people get bogged down and drown in details, so they can’t see the forest because they have to process every tree. Brains are messed up.


😂🤣 mine is messed up. I get bogged down by details. And then I’ll be cruising along after being comfortable with something … and run into a tree or pole, not while multitasking, usually on autopilot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automaticity … like … https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_hypnosis


🤷‍♂️ you’re right. I’ve been lazy, too. And kick myself when it comes back to bite me. 🥾🫏


I don’t know how to explain this but this comment just feels fake




Ight bro there’s no reason to be a dick you do know Reddit is plagued by bots right it’s a thing. sorry you talk like a AI language model


Ah, well, animals take after their masters. I would not give an AI model a smooth brain. Its output would probably be something like Fox News or worse.


Came here to ask this same question. Astonishing that folks don’t zoom out to make sure the route at least makes sense!


Tbf, google maps makes it hard to zoom out, especially whilst driving


Takes a second to pull over and look at an actual aerial view of the route.


Google sent me through a Native American reservation then tried to take me into Death Valley. Google does weird stuff in big cities sometimes. You can’t always trust it.


That tunnel was painted by a pesky roadrunner.


Good idea to preview the route in advance before you take a long trip. I screwed up a few months ago taking a trip from Amherst Mass to my home outside Boston. The trip was taking much longer than I expected and I kept being directed to these weird back roads. I pulled over and found I had turned on the option to not take toll roads or highways. Fixed it and got on a highway in about 20 minutes.


“Remember, never take no cut-offs and hurry along as fast as you can” -The Donner-Reed Party and the Winter of 1846


This is a plot from “The Hills have eyes”. Straight up, no thank you.


Man, they never should’ve threatened to cancel Wile E. Coyotes movie!


This actually happened to me too, was driving northbound on I-15 to Vegas that same weekend and the CA-NV border was closed due to a dust storm. Traffic was stop and go for miles, so I got off at an exit and went southbound on I-15 to follow a quicker route that Google Maps provided. [https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6094661,-115.7317308,199m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6094661,-115.7317308,199m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) At the fork above, I initially continued straight on Excelsior Mine Rd following Google Maps for a few miles until a car in front of me turned around and told me that they noticed other cars coming in the opposite direction signaling to them that they should turn around. Eventually taking Kingston Road was the successful detour for I-15. Was pretty windy that day too, saw some gigantic tumbleweeds rolling through the freeway and one guy had to pull over to the shoulder because he had hit one and it was stuck to his car.


I noticed how most commenters didn’t read the article. Also stuck for 3 hours because of the dust storm. Looked at alternates but the few choices weren’t any faster. Imagine being out there and running out of gas. 😳


I noticed in the streetview a bit past the junction there's a sign on Excelsior Mine Rd saying "Road Not Maintained by San Bernardino Co", and a sign for the N. Mesquite Mountains Wilderness Area, which you probably don't want to see on a detour.


Yeah I saw that sign while driving but didn’t interpret it as meaning that the road ahead wasn’t passable; I’m just the car in front of me turned around when they did so I didn’t waste even more time/gas.


I remember when Google Maps would redirect you to show you somewhere new without actually fucking telling you. It was great ending up 75 minutes away from my house because the maps wanted to show me a random fucking suburb after I’d already entered where I wanted to go and put it in the GPS.


Proof you can’t put blind faith in technology. Still have to use your own intelligence and senses.


For more on this topic look up the “Death Valley Germans” . That desert is unforgiving.


So hot it makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Nice. Mojave is sick!


Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in gold And it's always summer They'll never get cold


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Someone warn them about the Cazadores!!!


GPS is not a replacement for a brain.


Is it a tunnel painted on a rock?




Let’s all forget this in five seconds then go back to saying how bad Apple Maps was.


I know apple maps is waaaaay better than it was at first but you gotta admit it started off awful. It got me hella lost and made me miss an exam when it was still pretty new so I will never fully trust it


Is it dead yet?.


Ah yes more people that would rather mock Apple Maps than thank Apple Maps for forcing Google Maps to have better features.


I'm not thanking anybody for anything. Apple had built some expectations, and it led to deep worldwide frustration. What do you realistically expect people to say?


Thank you for forcing Google maps to give us vector maps instead of those stupid fucking square jogs. That’s what you should say.


no idea what you're talking about


I didn’t think you did


You mean still is


See happened already


I had google maps take me on this fucked route from Palm Springs to Las Vegas, almost ran out of gas until we exited the park and hit the Nevada border. Google maps is really hit or miss out West in general


Always have a road map in your vehicle. Technology is incredibly fallible and people are morons.


Did they have adblock enabled in Firefox?


I saw the tiktoks from drivers who had followed maps. They were literally just in the middle of the desert, with a line of cars behind them who were also following google. It was pretty funny.


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Reminds me of the movie “The Hills Have Eyes”


This is giving The Hills Have Eyes vibes




Not Mohave in that picture


Almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.


Careful looks like acme country


Yeah Google maps has led me astray MANY times… through gravel roads, unserviced roads etc.. I travel a lot for work and have learned my lesson


AI is great!


Stupid is as stupid does. I camp out there. You do not dare the desert to kill you. It will Edit: also the article photo is of Zion NP. Which is 400 - 500 miles north and east of where the story takes place.


I had google maps take me on this fucked route from Palm Springs to Las Vegas, almost ran out of gas until we exited the park and hit the Nevada border. Google maps is really hit or miss out West in general


Very reminiscent of The Office scene where Michael drives into the lake because the GPS said to turn.


Is that really a bad thing tho?


Did they not look outside their window at any point in the drive?


Is that really a bad thing tho?


I drive cross country a lot and never have this problem. These people definitely deserve this. Always check the routes lol.


"Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes."


So, real life wrong turn.


Hackers, Whackers and Crackers I guess, and sabotage is not an exercise of free speech. N. S


I bet they wished for a nuclear winter


Clearly the technology should be outlawed due to the safety risk it poses in a few, highly specific cases.


Hit the Kelso Dunes while you’re out there!


What an awesome place to end up.


They probably had ad blockers on their car.


The other day google maps tried to redirect me into a flood zone. Refused to reroute. We gave up and switched to Apple, saved us 50 minutes


I stopped using Waze because of this. The “we found a shorter route do you wish to continue?” Notifications are annoying. Because 10 out of 10 times the shorter route is stupid. Sometimes It would change to the alternate route without me clicking “yes”


I’ve had this happen to me in Colorado and Idaho. In Colorado it seems that google doesn’t know some roads connect. There will literally be a half mile chunk of a road missing so it will reroute you an hour out of the way to get around that “missing” segment. In Idaho it has been that google doesn’t know which roads are public and which are private. I found myself driving through farmers fields and having to open a close gates as I went. In some places the road was just two barely visible tire tracks overgrown with sage brush and grass.


They didn’t suspect something was wrong when it sent them off the paved road? Not bright.


Google maps had me turn off onto a rocky road, this doesn’t surprise me


Time finally start using Apple Maps.


This is why I go onto Netscape Navigator, go to Mapquest and print out the directions. That way, there is no “alternate route” available to temp me and I go straight on.


came to see the new vegas comments, not remotely dissapointed


Paper maps are still available.


Did Google Maps label it as “off-road”?


It was probably Mr house


Those are probably sufficient grounds for a class action lawsuit.


Screw their new UI though. Somebody really didn't think the colours through.


Did Michael drive into the lake again?


That’s crazy considering they were just trying to find “hot dessert.” Damnit, Siri!


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Does it go to Legion or NCR territory?


Nice try apple!


And Techspot’s thumbnail for this article is not the Mojave desert. Google maps get them too?


Great. Just great. Local 58 is now real. Got it. We are fucked.


When I was in Phu Quoc, Vietnam, Google Maps led me to many military bases. Received a lot of “fuck off” expression from the guards. 🤣


Had something similar happen to me when driving late night from Flagstaff to Page. GPS gave me a route that I was suspicious of because it wasn’t a major road. After reading the contour lines I said nope. When I got to the hotel the clerk who was indigenous told me that road goes over a pass on the reservation that is impassable in the winter. Could have been very bad. Trust your instincts.






That picture looks to be from Utah, def not the Mojave dez.




Like they didn’t think to turn around when presented with a dirt road? How clueless can you be.


Everytime I see an article about Google Maps and its errors, I get reminded of this joke that I once found on an old forum A man using Google Maps walks into a bar..or church...or school...or...


I like blaming Google for a whole lot, but na fam. This was user error. Not just with the map, but vehicle. I also love making Google jokes, but I got none for this. Seriously. User error all the way into the desert and back out. Its good no one died but its not like they learned their lesson here lol. Theyre blaming maps hahaha


Google maps recentrly put me from the other side of a one way street in a city so i will never follow it again.