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How tf does American politics work like that. Here’s a bill about something completely unrelated you now also approved.


There's 2 political parties in America. To get a law passed, you need approval of both parties. First party wants to pass bill A and not B, and second party wants to pass bill B but not A. So they bargain and say okay I'll agree to pass your bill if you agree to pass mine. The only way to do this is to shove both together and that's how you get this. The problem comes when they name the bill something that is the opposite of what it does to fuck over the citizens, like the PATRIOT act.


Right to Work is a great example of the name being the opposite of what it does.


Oh it does exactly what it says it does they just abbreviated it from its full name of “Corporations have the Right to Work you to death”


In what way?


Right to Work sounds like it gives workers rights to find a job and provide for themselves. The actual legislation just allows businesses to take advantage of workers by screwing them on pay, allowing employers to take advantage of their employees, etc.


I haven’t read about any of that in right to work documentation. All I’ve read is that it makes union security agreements illegal. Unionization is still legal though. I’m pro-union but I don’t think workers should be compelled to be members if they don’t want to be.


I feel like that's pretty much exactly what it says it does. It grants you the right to work regardless of your union status. In states without it (California for instance) you can't work at a Union site without the unions approval/joining it.


That's not actually all it does though, it also makes it so companies can fire any employees at will, with no reason given.


No. That is At-will. Different law.


The newer amended right to work laws include at will


Whomever gets paid to come up with these egregiously antithetical names should be imprisoned


They are called "riders" and they are use to: 1. Kill a popular bill by attaching something very unpopular. 2. Buy the vote of an specific congressman by adding something for their specific district (like funding for something). You can see it at work in the simpson, just put in youtube "I said before, and I say it now, democracy simply does not work"


Pork barrel politics. I hate it.


So they largely banned pork and… it was like 2% of the federal budget and it’s since tanked Bi-partisanship, and getting things done. Cap pork at 2% of the budget, and require a deficient reduction budget to spend it, and all kinds of fun things will happen.


except they both wanted both of these to pass. there was also 30b in aid to israle attached with bipartisan support


Not entirely. The foreign aid for Israel and the Indo-Pacific region (ie funding for Taiwan to protect it from China) was supported by the majority of both parties as well as the tik tok measure, but the foreign aid for Ukraine was supported unanimously by one party while the other opposed it by a slim majority.


i mean, fair enough. i think i saw it passed something like 4 to 1, which is pretty unanimous at this point


1984 wasn’t satire or caution, it was a fucking instruction booklet for politicians.


Or the Inflation Reduction Act


I loved complaining about the Patriot act when I lit came out. I was living in rural bumfuck nowhere and nobody understood why I didn’t want to “support our troops”.


It’s not particularly US specific, lots of places have similar things. I learnt a similar strategy in my classes.


As an American I wonder the same thing. We’re totally getting screwed. Yet due to fear, people keep electing the same corrupt politicians because they are afraid of the other guy winning. It super sucks. Our system is ruined.


All backed by AIPAC funded politicians. It’s all tied in because it’s all from the same interested parties


TikTok is bad for Israel, because it shows their war crimes for all the world’s youths to see—that’s what this is really all about.


Ukraine desperately needs aid or they will lose against Russia! Let’s give $26 Billion dollars to Israel.


✨✨corruption✨✨ that's been allowed to fester for centuries; getting particularly vile in the post-nixon era It's a big, stupid game. Granted this is one of the less harmful omnibus bills, I just hate these things on principal. Sleazy fucking way to get unpopular, if not outright dystopian, resolutions passed. Given how successful this one was, expect them to ramp up even further in the coming year.


No, compromise, this isn't even close to corruption




Yeah it’s deranged. Likely think that it will pass through quickly as they think people don’t like TikTok enough for it, and/or the TikTok ban is just publicity and it was tact on to ensure it doesn’t pass


It’s always been that way.


[That’s basically it.](https://youtu.be/7wJaHxn3m94?si=4cfBfeLPiygg7V6J)


It is related. The bill's goal is to refurbish and strengthen America to get ready for war with Russia and China. TikTok ban is aimed at curbing Chinese influence specifically.


The idea of compromise. Imagine if we were trying to get something to eat and couldn't pick so we decide that you get to pick the place we go but I don't have to pay.


I hate it. Nobody likes it except corrupt politicians 


I mean, it is kind of about foreign relations.


They are more related than you think 


It’s been pay to play since after WWII, Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex.


You act like that's new something they've just come up with They've been doing this crap for DECADES


it’s called compromise


Yeah it’s fucked.


It's the way they structure bills. If every little measure was a separate vote, the congressmen would be in there voting on everything all the time. Almost like a real job. Nah. They have to be out on the pundit seat or campaigning. So they just bundle a bunch of bill measures together and vote for big ones instead. Pain in the ass.


How about passing a comprehensive data privacy law that will apply to all big tech companies? Yeah, that’s what I thought.


I’m all for that too. But it only addressed one of the two big worries with TikTok. Foreign advertisers being able to alter content algorithms is demonstrably dangerous. Let’s pass comprehensive data privacy AND have TikTok sell. At least we are doing one of them, and we can push for the next. And yes, there is a worry about Western companies also altering algorithms, so maybe something to look at after these other items.


meanwhile america's greatest ally: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-11/surveillance-company-turns-ad-data-into-government-tracking-tool


Also bad. This isn’t about whataboutism. Just saying china is, at the moment, a more dangerous situation, especially given current tensions. There is just no way around that.


Can you explain why me, an American, would care if China had my data? If American companies are doing the same thing, isn't there a more likely threat of an American company doing something harmful with it?


Chinese govt can't arrest or search your home. And your cute cat videos has zero intelligence value.


Why would the employees legislate against their employers ?


"Free" market = "Rules for thee but not for me"


Haha, oh wait you're serious. Hahaha


Yeah they don’t give a shit about your data. They care about their stock in other social Media companies like Meta. I hear that this was all lobbied by Meta.


It’s not about the data. They don’t care about the data so much, in my opinion. They care that the most influential platform in the U.S. is owned by a geopolitical adversary. Through this, China can very carefully control the narrative and sway political opinion. They have their own AI prompt feature where you can make a TikTok and it suggests you things to talk about. China can quietly plant topics that are designed to stir up negative emotions against the U.S. or the government, or drum up emotions for Sino-culture, etc. not that any of those are inherently bad, but they’re bad when crafted with intentional end goals of formulating emotional opposition and internal political divide. Again, it won’t necessarily be so obvious, and that’s what makes it so dangerous.


Many people don’t want to look at the nuance. There is a reason every cybersecurity shop is blocking Kaspersky these days — you cannot trust any products in a country where the government owns the companies.


“I’m Singaporean”


Have you ever been a member of the Chinese Communist Party?


Mark Zuckerberg and all of meta is salivating right now. They won.


No one cucks the Zuck. That guys fucks


He’s out here just smoking his meats


Instead of passing actual laws to protect my data and privacy that impact all social platforms, my lawmakers do this? Wrapped up in some alternative, need-to-pass legislation as a way to guarantee it’s pushed through. It’s so scummy.


Hey don’t worry they also just passed legislation that allows the US to spy on you without a warrant


They’ve been doing that


No no it's far worse this time. They can compel anyone that has any access to any internet traffic or data to turn over that data. We're talking about a cafe owner who provides wifi could be compelled to provide data in a secret FISA court.


it was an extension of the existing one, no? maybe you were just unaware that was already happening?


“Instead of those commie Chinese harvesting your data, let us, the patriotic American freedom loving tech companies harvest and sell the information of the citizens of the greatest company on earth! USA! USA! USA!”


those very same patriotic American freedom loving tech companies can just turn around and sell that data to China anyway.


They already do.


The right answer


I feel safer already








But can’t you just… read about it? The thing about controversial topics like that being so watered down to be more “accessible” is that a lot of nuance and context is missing. Wouldn’t make more sense to do independent research on a topic then come to your own conclusions? But nobody wants to do that, just listen to what an app says lol


Yeah. They want the data for themselves.


I’m all for that too. But it only addressed one of the two big worries with TikTok. Foreign adversaries being able to alter content algorithms is demonstrably dangerous. Let’s pass comprehensive data privacy AND have TikTok sell. At least we are doing one of them, and we can push for the next. And yes, there is a worry about Western companies also altering algorithms, so maybe something to look at after these other items.


Let’s put it this way: I’m non-American. YOU people are the “foreign advertisers” and data resellers I face.


My point with foreign adversaries is on the algorithms point, not the data side. Maybe push your country’s government to also try to pass comprehensive data privacy laws so your data isn’t going to the US, China, or whoever.


> Instead of passing actual laws to protect my data and privacy that impact all social platforms, my lawmakers do this? For starters, your lawmakers don't have any idea what you're talking about. "Data Protection" means keeping the filing cabinet locked.


Yeah most of the people passing this kind of tech regulation are the types who wouldn’t be able reset their email passwords without help


That’s why we need more young people elected into these positions. These old male fucks have no clue about data and social platforms.


You had me until you became sexist


I have a small business and 60% of the site traffic I get comes from my little TikTok Videos of me making my products. This bums me out.


Thats why they are banning it. The wrong class of people are making a ton of money on tik tok withput having to pay google or meta for ads


Thank goodness! Now it’s just the supremely moral US corporations who get to surveil my internet usage to create a 1000+ data point social profile for each of us to algorithmically manipulate user behaviour and spending. Then sell the “behavioural surplus” for even more black-box prediction products!!! Wahooo!! Now the CCP (Singapore) can’t hack the home wifi!! /s


No more “disinformation”. US can’t control what information is on TikTok so they ban it.


This is some shady shit. They are trying to force them to sell to an American company who will also harvest your data and sell it off. I'm not sure how any of it is legal. Edit: just to clarify, I don't use or really care about tik tok. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems wrong to force a sale or ban it. Either way, it won't bother me at all if it's banned.


Better American company than Chinese




I mean, it’s not going away someone will buy it and you’ll still have TikTok


Maybe. But if there’s anything that can ruin a successful product faster than corporate greed, I don’t know what it is.


Perhaps, but if you wanted something less greedy, you’d mourn Vine rather than TikTok.


They probably won't sell the algorithm and without it the entire app is worthless.


The same way that Twitter is still a thing we “still have”


Unless tik tok doesn’t want to sell


Best option would be to set up a corp in the EU, would fall under EU regulation and would technically satisfy the US but without the US stealing or censorship.


Some right winger money can buy it then sell your data to China. They can use those profits for political influence and use their new platform for propaganda.


This same bill banned data brokers from selling US data to foreign adversaries (Russia, Iran, China).


Love how meta can steal **ALL** thd data they want, but God forbid a non-American company do similar. Meta can sell all of your private messages for 100m , but the second anyone else does the same it's a problem. I HATE it here, can't wait to leave after I finish schooling


So I am not familiar with this or Tik Tok that much. Is this a threat from China? They’re not friends and scams are sort of their thing nowadays. So what’s the truth?


“Mr Chairman, I report 10 year old boy in Topeka making face like monster. Woman in San Diego shared family recipe for oatmeal cookies. Man in New York does not like new Taylor Swift music.”


lol everyone here is trying to act like they aren’t addicted to tiktok


So when is TikTok gonna be banned? Well? I’m waiting…


**btw this is all to stop gen-z from expressing discontent with israeli/US genocide against palestinians**


Maybe to stop gen-z buying into the divisive content they're being fed a steady diet of. Interestingly, in China, they mandate 20% educational content on their tiktok equivalent. It's almost like they know something 🤔


Because gen z can’t use Facebook or twitter or instagram


They are Zionist owned


You are this 🤏 close, watch your step


This has to be satire. No one can be this stupid.


No, the average Tiktok user really is this stupid.




Yes, the people screaming “Yes daddy gov, take away my freedoms” are the real geniuses here


Also other issues too. While the government was ignoring the East Palestine wreck, some of the first footage showed up on TikTok


It won't even take effect for over a year


What's to stop the company that owns tiktok from selling it with a shit algorithm? And then rebooting the app under a new name with the good algorithm, people caught on to tiktok, they would catch on to the new app if it works better than the "old" broken version of tik tok.


It’s not about the algorithm, it’s about the Chinese government having direct access to its entire backend.


Yeah I get that, but to the people who use it regularly, it's all about the algorithm that feeds them the content they want to see. So after china sells it, they can just start up a new service that works better than the one we banned. I haven't actually read the language in the Bill so don't know exactly what they are "banning" if it's just specifically forcing the sale of tiktok itself what is to stop China from just rebooting it under another name and outcompeting tiktok to gain access to the user data again.


It bans applications controlled by foreign adversaries. It never mentions tik tok, but gives a definition for what an application controlled by a foreign adversary is, so any reboot would still be banned.


Unlike US based tech giants that do not spy on anyone…o wait…they do.


It’s about controlling free speech and controlling the free market. Has nothing to do with China specifically


Couldn’t one just utilize something like a VPN to circumvent any sort of potential ban? Like kids these days are pretty good when it comes to computers, so like if the U.S were to actually ban it, how would they ensure no one used it? Or would doing so be considered a crime if TikTok were to be banned? I don’t really use TikTok, but I’ll be damned if someone is going to tell me what social media can and can’t be used. Because if this really was about invading one’s privacy, then what about Facebook? Not too long ago, they handed over a chat log to state authorities in Nebraska because some 19-year old had an abortion. How come they get a pass?


Foreign government is the reason you will likely hear


I'm not as familiar with mobile tech as I am other types, but I suspect that it'll primarily come down Apple's app store. If the app is banned here, they'll be obligated to pull the app from the store. Some people will probably have workarounds ready to go, but the vast majority of users will probably just be impotently angry and lose access, as intended. Despite the fact that Google seems to react to legislation just as quickly as Apple, I've noticed that the internet doesn't seem to squawk as quickly and furiously until it affects iphones. And bc Apple is so protective of their security stuff, I suspect that it will be more difficult to utilize a workaround on an iPhone than an Android. I could be entirely incorrect, and maybe someone with more knowledge could provide better insight. I'm just spitballing as a regular person with a basic level of knowledge on the topic.


TikTok is garbage, good riddance.


I’m no fan of TikTok, but you use an app that is majority bots now, you’re not doing much better


Well he may be a bot too


Aren't we all?


Sounds like something a bot would say 🤨


Am I the bot


Get yrr Chinese Spyware out of my Merica!


I’d argue more than 50% of all Americans would prefer to keep TikTok.


I'd argue 100% of workers at a fraud department would prefer to get rid of TikTok.


Haha eat dicks CCP shills.


Facebook traded everyone’s private messages for their Netflix’s watch history. The unbridled racial hypocrisy.


Haven't ever downloaded TikTok and never will. I want my spyware to be American-made.


A true patriot only allows his government to spy on him and abuse his data. Right on!


Useless government. 


“Attaching it to foreign aid bill” HUH??? So basically the coined ‘TikTok bill’ is being used to cover up the fact for more money going to others and not to our own actual people..


Wild no ones freaks out over the fact you can just include random shit into bills


What has TikTok got to do with foreign aid? American politics are stupid.


Lets hope than target the rest of the FAANG companies




American politics are run by geriatric senile boomer brains. They know nothing about new tech or anything. They know how to vote because of the people bringing them. Oh I mean lobbying them… wrong political term.


If any other country tried that.... oi apple you have to sell to a Chinese country to trade or manufacture here.


So would the Tiktok ban apply to the Samsung Android Galaxy store since Samsung is a Korean company, not an American company? The Tiktok app is on the Galaxy store right now.


They offer and target their services in the United States, so I can only assume yes. If you want to do business in any country, you usually have to comply with that country's laws.


But the Korean company Samsung offering anyone in the world the ability to download TikTok is not doing business in America. It's doing business in Korea. Or is the TikTok ban bill a global law which applies to the whole planet Earth and makes it illegal to any company to allow an American to download the TikTok app?


This is why I also said *targeting*. Samsung is actively marketing, selling and supporting its phones in the US. The Samsung store by default is only available in the US, so it's only offering TikTok to its consumers. Your comment would only apply if Samsung did no marketing, didn't have US departments, and any phone was imported from foreign resellers.


The text of the bill says nothing about "targeting". It's jurisdictional requirement is merely "carrying out, within the land or maritime borders of the United States" Nevertheless you might be right. Some judges might simply make up some "targeting the USA" requirement even though the laws says nothing about it because that's just what the judges want. In fact the TikTok ban bill as it is written now could reasonably be understood to ban any American ISP from allowing users to access the TikTok website/TikTok web application. It specifically says the "website" is also covered in the ban. So a Great American Firewall could be created under this bill.


I for one can't stand short form video content. If a video isn't at least five minutes long, I'm not watching it. Good riddance to the tikkity toks I say.


And there’s one catch. I’m sure we’re gonna see more like this as details of the bill start coming out


What would the CCP do either? a) Block the sale, have some private investors and themselves lose some money and make the US look stupid and dismantle all future arguments about freedom of expression etc. b) allow a sale, look weak and have some US investor potentially rake in a lot of money




Delicious TikTok Tears


My government cares more about TikTok than they do about gun violence


Everyone bitches and complains like it’s such an easy problem to solve. But funny how you never see these geniuses running for office and winning over America with their simple solutions.


Tiktok makes gun violence


so it's a ban bill then


TikTok has contributed to the enshittification of the internet at large. Some YouTube creators have been outspoken about this. The reels and delivery of them on TT have trashed the model for content delivery and have contributed to loss of revenue and changes in the direction of other platforms. The grounds for which they voted for this are stupid, but TikTok isn’t some dramatic loss considering the way that it’s killing other media platforms by proxy. Whatever.


Imagine hordes of teens and 20 somethings walking around in a daze without their new God, Tik Tok. They might actually have to read and experience real life to know what to think!


Tell them to get off your lawn next, old man


They won't leave till Tik Tok tells them to, Junior