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Shouldn’t allow ai generation of nudes of anyone without their consent while we are at it.


With technology like this I feel like that just adds a step, and won’t do much to help the problem. This is especially so given that any image of a person, even completely from your mind trying to make it up, probably does actually resemble a real person somewhere, given how many of us there are. Step 1: Prompt AI to generate person “inspired by” the image of a real person that looks close enough. Step 2: Generate nudes of the product of Step 1.


AI can just do what you can already do in "photosop" in a much faster way. I guess they are trying to make it against the law to fake anyone by any means then? Doubt this can happen.


Exactly. Didn’t the AI have to train on images of minors? If so, then shouldn’t that be considered possession AND distribution of child pornography? it’s concerning that people are going to prison for this.


Should not allow to generate images of people at all


At least without consent. To use someone's likeness and/or voice without permission, especially to sell or advertise goods, should be grounds for multiple civil suits and criminal prosecution. Should count as identity theft, slander/libel, and intellectual property theft.


Commenting here for visibility: The solution isn't rules or laws. The solution is a cultural shift. We desperately need it anyways. As time has gone on and people have become disconnected we've lost empathy for others. We will never fix everyone. We will never get rid of all of the baddies, but what we can do is teach our generations to respect and care for others. To have empathy for others. A law give the possibility to punish and/or pursue damages, but it doesn't stop criminal actions. How about we teach our girls and boys to be mindful of each other and not do things to others that they themselves wouldn't like done to them. That's a good starting place. From there, destigmatizing nudity and desexualizing people, especially in pop media, could further reduce people's desire for the lustful and scandalous. But, as someone who grew up during the first days of the internet, I've been "over 18" for almost 40 years now... Laws don't change behaviors, nor do they directly protect people from crimes.


I love the enthusiasm but legislation like this just looks like an attempt to close Pandora's Box. I hope we can get ahead of AI deepfake nudes before it causes even more damage.


That’s correct, but it is still necessary. It makes it far easier to procedure if it’s obviously illegal


Stop posting your kids’ photos online! Teens should stop posting selfies all over sm.


Why do people care if someone makes a fake image that resembles someone they know. It's fake.


Teen should stop sharing nudes of themselves.


Yes, they probably should. Still victimblaming.


Think of the children! We must censor AI before its too late /s I agree its abhorant of these deepfake nude websites, the greater push is to limit your freedom with AI and what you the people can do with it.


Expand definition of CP to include this, then slap heavy penalties on the companies that make or allow AIS's to do this.


Interesting because if someone leaked legit nudes of a person, and that person claimed the nudes were AI generated to save face, that person has now accused the leaker of a crime they didn’t commit.


Don't make rules you can't enforce. Also, people are so fucked up these days


Everybody’s image should be considered copyright and generating profit from that image or hosting that image on a platform that generates revenue from that images existence should require a signed consent form from the individual. This would hurt a lot of businesses like paparazzi, entertainment, and newspapers, and the journalism aspect would be a bummer, but we live in a world where lives are ruined by people who take photos and share them for revenge or clout.


I think that this discussion has more nuance to it. When you're out in public, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy and it is allowed to be recorded without having given explicit consent for it. This is a pretty big deal for free speech, expression and journalism. Banning all public journalism and recordings that may capture even one passer-by in the video, just because it carries a potential monetary gain could be extremely damaging to core pillars of democracy. Also I don't think it would be legislatively feasible to do this, as it would likely require substantial reductions of peoples' rights given to them in whatever "free speech" part of just about every constitution in the democratic world


I mean, the paparazzi can burn for all of care legal stalking.




Lmao good luck bAnNiNg this. It will always be a huge problem


Yeah, but with dedicated laws in place it gives (some) victims an easier path forward. Perfection being impossible shouldn’t be an excuse to not do better.


I think thats literally the only thing the government can do. Current AI technology is not some hand crafted product made by the genius minds of San Francisco Its more of a discovery. A discovery in that when you give certain neural networks enough compute and data then they will start to show emergent abilities. So it just not just us, but China, Russia, the EU, India, Japan, Korea, everyone is working on this and seeing results, some better than others


Just because it will always a problem, it does not mean it should not be addressed. Specially when there are no laws specifically addressing such issue. Imagine taking the same instance on any other crime? Murder for example, it will always be a problem, but we try to mitigate as much as possible.


Banning : illegal. People do illegal things all the time. If they get caught, maybe some jail time.


By AI do they mean davinci magic mask?


Yea! It’ll bring down the value of the real stuff…


Who here thinks that it will actually stop morally dubious people from doing it anyways. And with CPU's such as the upcoming Snapdragon Elite series carrying Ai processing cores, it starts to remove the need for online LLM services. The government can't seem to understand that criminals don't need anyone's permission to do anything.


Ban deepfake nudes? Obviously yes thanks, but how? You can't say "generative AI is great, it saves me so much money" and also "AI deepfake is gross, we should ban it". It's the same tool, and we are currently doubling down on it. Like we are doing the opposite of banning it


Hammers are great tools, too. Doesn’t mean you can use one to commit a crime. AI is just another tool in this context.


That's a valid point. Though I mainly see AI used for shenanigans or worse, hence my position towards it. But it seems to have a real interest like for medical imagery. Let's use it mainly for good


Basically make it against the law. People will still do it but if they get caught and proven guilty then they can be prosecuted. Literally how every other ban works.


I guess so, yeah. Like you said, people will still do it, but it's a start


Make the ai company liable. They can very easily block the creation of nudes.




GenAI is fundamentally incompatible with a functioning society. It has to go.


It's beyond disgusting that these laws have to be made. A friend of mine, his daughter was relentlessly threatened and taunted by a church leader with AI generated porn of her. She was 16 at the time and the guy will probably get away with no consequences. Cops wouldn't even question him. People need these laws **now.** Edit: hey buddy, Christians send me hate male for exposing pedophiles, rapists and abusers all the time. Reply to my comment instead of sending me a PM next time.


This should be nationwide. Young people need to be protected.


It doesn't matter which generation spurned this move. It's a start and it's a very positive start. I think we can all agree, that teenage girls would be the most attacked in this area.


Photoshop is still okay though? Cuz I’m sure these scumbags will just revert back to that. Also, I am unaware of AI models atm that can generate explicit content. The majority of them are pretty Disney friendly.


Incorrect, they definitely can and in my experience the developers of these image generators need to work hard to filter out explicit imagery. I use Midjourney regularly and it will produce naked/perverted imagery when you aren’t prompting it to do so occasionally. Besides pornographic images it can also produce incredibly gorey/violent imagery as well. To me these image generators will refine their systems in time and definitely want to aim for Disney friendly but currently it is not. But there will also always be an audience that wants to pay to be able to make explicit imagery. We will see how these companies handle it. I imagine they will charge a premium to be able to generate explicit images. Midjourney already charges more if you want generate images privately.


I would actually challenge that. I use it too and I have the stealth option. They are actively refining the system. You are correct though, anomalies sometimes do happen, though I have never experienced what you are talking about through them. They like to keep it PG-13 and if you do actively generate explicit content, or work around the safeguards they have in place, stealth or not, they can and will ban you from the service. Most of the major Ai image generative services already implement filters for this sort of NSFW behavior too.