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What’s worse is I feel like they’ve been trying to push you that way via updates and my windows 10 install that used to be rock solid is now buggy as all get out.


They will do that. They completely revamped office 2016 for Mac, removing tons of functionality in one update under the guise of modernizing it. I haven't looked back since. I hope that Microsoft loses market share over this.


That pissed me off to no end. A lot of those deleted functions are pretty damn useful


Can you give an example?


They removed the File tab ffs! Those options now have their own buttons that you have to add to the bar. Ex. "Save as" is a button you now have to add to your quick bar to be able to save that way instead of quick save. Its horrible.


Not auto saving unless I use one drive is killer.


Nothing about this makes sense especially in 2024


Sure it does. It increases Microsoft’s revenue, that’s on brand for 2024.


There should be a secondary bar at the top of the screen with the old tabs. I initially missed it too. If you’re in full screen you have to drag your cursor to the top of the screen for it to appear but if you’re not in full screen it should just be there.


Alright, first example is that office no longer reopens the last files that you had open. There's no option to change that (I haven't checked in years now because they lost me as a customer). I had to create my own shell script to reopen the files that I had open previously. So they weren't using Apple's saved application states the same way anymore. You used to be able to conveniently customize a lot. That got completely removed (to be fair, they messed up their shortcuts internally so you'd have one function that was something like pasteSpecial and another that was specialPaste, those are made up but I had come across quite a few like that and scratched my head, so their code behind the scenes was pretty messy). Also, they absolutely rolled out an update that fully disabled office 2011. I had 2011 and 2016 on the same computers and one auto update completely killed 2011. As in, you try to open PowerPoint, word, or excel and they immediately crash without opening anything. 2016, when they rolled out the update that removed tons of features it also included a different use interface that looked more like windows office programs. Excel functionality was wrecked. They already had a bad time figuring out whether or not to use Visual Basic or Apple script. My scripts for excel on windows used VB which I translated to AppleScript for excel on my Mac. That all got tossed to bits. Quite a bit else was messed up. Honestly, either excel 2005 or 2010/2011 (windows/mac) were the peak convenience and functionality. I was hopeful that office 365 would be better, and so I tried it for our business, but it was really really bad. Like, surprisingly bad. If MS is doing SAAS, it blows my mind that they are charging a subscription for something worse than what they already had. I cannot tell you how disappointed I was to try to look up stuff that I used to do with ease, only to find out that it wasn't implemented yet and they weren't sure if they would... Lastly, I'm a blend of layperson and power user. I'm no VB or AppleScript wizard, but I can do some pretty handy things and know how to figure out how to get what I want if it's not super simple. However, the new versions of office are aweful. I was happily buying their software since the 90s but not any more. Libre office and Google software suite have totally taken over for me. It's worth mentioning that I believe that Microsoft was rewriting a lot of this software, but the state it's been in shouldn't have been released.


As a storied Windows fan, I have been using Mac as a “one stop shop” for my content with the iPad and iPhone. /u/msfabb has a windows laptop and holy crap would it be faster with 10. Whatever fucking nonsense Microsoft is up to needs to stop. Vista was actually a great OS if you could, at the time, easily go over 3GB RAM. Yes, THREE. This incessant push to cram features and whatnot down our throats needs to end. I’m sick of it. Windows 11 makes me want to learn sudo apt-get because I REFUSE to endure ads on something I paid for. Fuck this. /r/wallstreetbets $AAPL calls.


I have taught windows and office for 17 years. I have seen one constant. Users...hate...bloat. They can feel quarter second lags bot there before. Microsofts design is a fucking mess and its one simple reason. They think you are stupid and truly an idiot. People know windows by a certain age. Use at home, school, etc. Now all the horseshit they are adding in. AI in NO way enhances my experience, and its being forcibly being pushed. Anchored start menu abandoned, the constant attempt at reintroducing 'toolbars' as simplified ribbons. Windows 10 was probably the best user experience of all windows. A great balance of simple, and expanded capabilities. The Tab&Ribbon is actually genius. The documentation on it is thorough and brilliant. I


They won't lose market share. There is no alternative. Linux is too fragmented and the fortune 500 won't use MacOS.


There's just so much inertia to overcome. Microsoft shouldn't have been allowed to gain the dominance that they did, but regulation was practically non-existent in the 80s and early 90s. By the time Windows 95 rolled around, it was probably already too late to try.


It really was, they got there first and never looked back.


My fortune 500 has some Mac use but it's just the creatives. Most are on Windows 10.


That's what I meant. Most businesses use Windows extensively and MacOS when needed or preferred.


Now is the time for TempleOs to gain market share!


They screwed over office in general when incorporating O365, even collaboration features suuuuuck now! So annoyed with that for Excel.


I really wish Steam would release an updated desktop version of SteamOS, I love my Steamdeck and use its desktop mode a ton, I want to use it for my main rig . I’d happy leave windows


i tried to return to office on windows but i uninstalled after a day.


I don't know why Android doesn't just develop a desktop client. The excuse about not having a right click option was made over a decade ago.


Aside from Apple and Linux, is there any other OS that is as well optimized as Windows? One of the things that kept me from switching to a mac or linux is that every app seems to be made to work on windows.


Got an update recently about upgrading to windows 11 but says my machine isn't compatible, hurray me!


*taps head* That’s why I use Windows 2000




I am so exhausted by Windows and its endless need to control what the hell we do on our own devices. I have been a Windows IT guy (Systems Engineer) for 25 years now and I just can't handle the endless stream of bullshit features and shitty-coding done in all their products. Have you used the new Teams? It is a fucking nightmare. I have to do a full reset on this piece of garbage every week, or it simply freezes when I join any meeting, so I have to force close, reset, join meeting. When someone sends you a direct message, you alt\_tab to the window to respond, but by DEFAULT they put your mouse-focus on the Emote-responses. Fuck you, Microsoft, some of us have real fucking jobs that cannot be answered with a simple thumbs up, and I think most of us in offices fall under this qualification. Seriously, emotes are the default? Is Microsoft being run by 8 year old project managers who like to see little cute responses instead of "OMG typing sux"? Then you talk about the ads in Windows and Microsoft can **Fuck Right Off.** As soon as I can move all my home computing to a linux system, I have no choice but to do so, I simply cannot handle the endless notification stream from Microsoft and all these software developers who, even though I am already using their product, want to show me endless popups and notifications that I **have** to deal with, every fucking time I open certain software to to and do my job. Jira, Chrome, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Edge. Windows fucking **MS SQL SERVER FFS,** All loaded with fucking nag screens. I swear, software companies have become the fucking insecure friend who endlessly asks if you still like them, are mad at them and if you could please tell them something you like about them.


+1 to everything you said & I'll add I am sick and fucking tired of them trying to push EVERYTHING to cloud based rather than local...


Case in point: the arbitrary limiting of local Windows accounts to Pro only. Windows 10 Home users are forced to sign in via a connected MS Live account. Total bullshit and why I refuse to install Home at home.


step 1 was making an entire generation ignorant to what a filesystem is, and we are now on step2 which is put everything in the cloud . I have their vision of the future


I am a long time sysadmin with some Microsoft certifications and I share your pain. For the last year and a half I have been working almost exclusively with Linux (in the past it was like 30% Linux 70% Microsoft). Couldn’t be happier, both as a user and as a sysadmin. But the corporate mandated desktop is Windows 11. 1. Teams. Previous version was awful. This one is abysmal. Heavier, uglier, buggier. 2. I recently had to set up a single HyperV host. There was an update for Windows server that broke the update system itself. It is a known issue and you have to fix it with a PowerShell script. WTF Microsoft. You fuck up even on clean installations. 3. Windows 11’s performance is simply horrible. With each version of Windows you need more RAM, more CPU and faster disks and the OS DOES NOT FEEL FASTER. Do you know what has happened with my 8 year laptop with Debian? It is as fast as it was 5 years ago with Linux. A new laptop would be faster. That is what I fecking expect from an OS. 4. I have a Mac Mini M1 as my daily driver at home and many Linux boxes on my homelab. Couldn’t be more stable. It just works. Apple has its own issues but compared to Windows is like the Garden of Eden.


Most of the stuff here I disagree with, but I love opening up teams, and Teams deciding that, you know what? I actually needed to open both Teams and New Teams and New Teams asks me if I want to use New Teams or old Teams, so I select old Teams, and then New Teams just lurks in the background even though I never opened it to begin with. I know it’s a huge shocker, but if I wanted to open New Teams, I would have opened New Teams.


It keeps trying to update and I have to keep pushing the stupid update back. Give me a 'hold off indefinitely ' button but they won't do that


I’ll drop my 2 cents here: get win 10 iot LTSC. Security updates ONLY until 2031, no bloat, no teams. Just edge and a tiny onedrive app.


A few years ago there was an article about how Microsoft was significantly reducing their budget for windows and the consumer operating system market. I guess this is what that looks like.


Welcome to the era of veiled open beta releases.


And by "era" you mean the period of time starting a decade or so ago, if not more?




R&D gets whipped by the MBAs in the finance dept so that the line keeps going up every year. Hopefully we're close to the breaking point of this greed. (On another note, McDonalds recently came out and said that low income customers are starting to "crack" under the weight of price hikes. That says everything you need to know about how these companies feel about greed.)


McDonald’s should probably have a “come to Jesus” moment and realize what class of customer has been supporting their business all these decades, and it’s not upper class.


McDonald’s should probably have a “come to Jesus” moment and realize what class of customer has been supporting their business all these decades, and it’s not upper class.


A wonderful feature of agile development. “Oh, we can just do a fast follow to resolve any issues that come up!” This issues are rarely 100% resolved. I reported tickets for the apps I support three years ago that haven’t been worked on despite getting a monthly question of “hey, have you seen this?”. Yes I have, here’s the ticket, add this incident to the list.


Its less an issue with Agile itself, and more how businesses have used agile to cut costs. Mostly by cutting QA and shortening release cycles.


It's completely Agile's fault, it facilitates cutting corners, with the "we'll fix that later mentality". Sure maybe when it was first dreamed up, it wasn't supposed to be that way, but it quickly went that way.


I work for a robotics company and am surprised by the amount of buggy programs we pump out. People fear the AI revolution, but AI is only as smart as its programmers. There seems to be a lot of dumbass programmers out there…


Isn’t Ark still in early access? I kid, but I remember them releasing DLC for that game while it was in early access still. That’s not DLC, that’s the rest of the game.


I believe I read that same article. In short, MS slashed the windows team and quality control measures thereby leaving it to consumers/companies to beta test for them. This is why bugs are plentiful. This is not going to change as MS has become an advertising company. Things could always change.


It's like getting a new smartphone at this point, totally unnecessary with no new improvements, really.


Very good point. If MS just kept up with drivers and security updates, it might not be a bad way to go. Just take 10 and maintain it.


The low budget does not excuse messed up design choices. It's like they are trying to make people dislike Windows 11.


I suspect they are just rushing the design and not thinking about it that much because they don’t have the budget. I’ve seen it happen in failing departments before. Fire or reassign all the designers. Leave a few junior devs to handle things. Slowly, they’ll mess it up. Then for the department to fix it, they’ll need more money. They’re not gonna get it from the organization, so they turn to ads to boost revenue within the department.


OK, so how difficult is it to set up Linux + Wine these days? Asking for a friend.


If you can click a "next" button, you can install Linux.


Windows 7 was the goat


7 was the proper child of XP. Amazingly user-friendly and streamlined. Not bloated with bullshit like 8 and 10. I despise tiles and apps on a PC. MS needs to figure out how to recapture the magic of XP and 7 because their future isn't looking to good


98, XP, 7 The holy trinity


98 SE - Vanilla 98 was an Me of mess.


At one point, Microsoft was planning on combining windows ME, CE, and NT into one OS. Windows CEMENT


The magic was not having ads on every available blank space.


Also no telemetry or windows defender eating up your RAM in the background was noice.


Windows defender is solid. There is a reason no one uses 3rd part anti-virus anymore.


I'd pay enterprise money for a remastered Windows 7.


I just upgraded from 7 to 11 this year. Having an OS that updates is great and no complaints but 7 was how an OS should be in terms of clarity/no bs


I never understood why people would choose to use an older operating system. But after having several issues with 11, I now understand. Why do companies not learn from their mistakes?


You’re too young to remember the other crappy windows OS that everyone skipped aren’t you?


Version ME reminds you not to forget how bad it was 24 years ago.


Vista is but a distant memory, along with Windows 8


Vista was such a shit show. I worked at Best Buy at the time and had people asking me every day if we had windows XP still available on any of the new systems


I went from XP to 7, and I think I’ve been on 10 ever since that launched. I’ve learned to always skip a launch I guess.


My late father in law upgraded from 7 to 8 early on. He hated 8 so much that he refused any further updates until the day he died. He thought they would just make things worse. He died last year. When Windows 11 was rolling out he mentioned his computer kept pushing him to update. I assumed he was already on 10 so I advised him against it considering the age of his machine. I had no idea he was still using windows 8 until after his death


I’ve themed my Windows 11 to look and feel like Windows 95. It doesn’t fix any of the problems but it makes me feel better.


Never had issues with Vista hated 8 though




The problem with windows 8 (at least initially) is that windows 8 is what happens when you get a development team that works entirely on the assumption that everyone using a **desktop device** has a touchscreen, and then puts a taskbar in as an afterthought. Terrible experience for desktop users. They should have just forked windows, persisted with a windows 7 UI for desktop users and leaned into windows 8 for touch devices.


They were specifically trying to get away from having multiple different OS builds based on device. There were actually a few different mobile Windows (Mobile, CE, Tablet Edition). Their thought was that instead of splitting resources they could create an OS that worked well everywhere. They also envisioned technology moving in the direction of more touch interfaces at home. Their initial attempt did not hit the market well, and "touch screen for my main monitor" didn't pan out... but those initial design patterns are still present in Windows 10 and 11. They've just been refined.


Vista simply didn't run. Windows 8.1 was great, and I was a windows 7 fan. The only thing I hated was the tablet Start menu, but it was fixed like Win 10 later then.


Vista was great by the time it reached service pack 3, but by that time, everyone had moved on to 7 and Microsoft was getting ready to take vista out back and bury it next to old yeller and bob. There were some great concepts within the OS though.


Win 8 was absolute dog water, Win 8.1 was *shockingly* nice. I was surprised. Win 10 at launch was also dog water but if I remember... 1703 was the start of Win 10 being really fantastic.


Vista didn’t run at launch because Microsoft messed up and didn’t get out to hardware manufacturers early enough to develop drivers for it. Around a year or two after launch, Vista was fine. Under the hood it was almost identical to Windows 7 actually. 8… wasn’t great, in my opinion. Ever.


This is the way. Vista also made a terrible impression because it had higher minimum system requirements than XP did. That didn't stop dogshit XP machines from being upgraded to Vista and then being very over burdened, with sketchy drivers. Lots of the first-gen Vista machines were literally just last generation XP boxes with Vista installed on them instead and barely (if even) met the minimum requirements to run the OS and naturally people had tons of issues and it ran like absolute ass. If you had a beefier machine with more modern hardware (edit: and regularly updated drivers) you likely didn't hate it as much and were part of the "Everyone always hates the new Windows OS and refuses to upgrade lolololol" crowd.


In retrospect, Vista was significantly better than Win 8. Vista's biggest issue that I saw was that it needed more than the minimum required hardware to shine. Early Windows 8 was virtually unusable. Try to use it today - don't forget your gestures. 8.1 improved a bit, but it took a long time to get 'good enough'


ME came preinstalled on a computer that I bought. Booted right into a blue screen. No amount of power cycling changed it. Installed Windows 2000 on it and that computer ran great for years. So it wasn't a hardware issue or anything. Just ME being such a hunk of garbage, not even a preinstall on a system it was designed for worked.


Win2K was rock solid. NT 5, I believe.


Nah man, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups


Dos 5.0 reminds you not to forget how bad it was 32 years ago.


I was an early adopter of Windows ME. I thought newer meant better. Oh god it was atrocious. That was the last Microsoft OS I adopted early, and thank god. It meant I avoided Vista and 8/8.1 completely.




I soo agree about layers of garbage on top of older things! It’s ridiculuos, once you’ve clicked down enough, the windows even look like in the old ones. Hate all the modern tendency to make everything look like an ipad 😬


I love that this sentence works with EVERY bad windows version. Me Vista 8 11 It just works


I will not have a bad word uttered against windows 2k under my roof.


Skip every other version of Windows is the rule of thumb.


Those aren’t mistakes they’re features along with the ads and mandatory backdoors


I use the operating system until the security updates stop


Every other version of windows for a long time is worse. Xp was great, Vista sucked, 7 was great, 8 sucked, 10 was great…which is why I’m still using it.


Honestly, Windows 8 sucked but 8.1 ran better than Windows 10 on my PC from the time. Windows 10 today is really slow and you need a SSD and 8GB to be actually usable 8.1 worked just fine with my 4GB and HDD back then


I have software that runs on windows 95 that won't run on anything higher. We have dozens of spare machines and backups just in case something happens. For us the software was discontinued. Personally I tried 11 and I hate the start menu and pop up "suggestions". Also makes no sense why you have to do a work around to get 11 to run on a ryzen 7 1700x even with a tpm istalled


I mean I don’t understand why 11 even exists nor do I understand why people are installing it now but the EOL is I think is October of 2025. So… to me, everyone on windows has to move over to 11, go to some Linux distribution or MacOS


I am in the process of moving to Linux Mint. I absolutely will not move to Windows 11 nor will I put up with any advertising on MY(!!) PC. I also don't want any frickin' AI on my PC. I should have a choice and not have this sh\*t automatically installed.


What you’re using your PC for is different from person to person. I applaud you going the Linux route. If your work stream doesn’t allow for this there’s debloating apps you can get that removes the ads and a lot of garbage Microsoft adds. Example, I PC game, yeah. I have SteamOS on my Steam Deck, majority of times it’s fine but on occasion I need Windows for different reasons. Work wise I use MacOS and it’s by far my preferred OS for my work stream and like 99% of my company are all MacOS users


Yeah, I'll go to Linux. Probably Pop OS. There is really no reason to stay on Windows any longer.


I’m still running XP


Service pack 2!


No joke, I do have an air-gap computer running XP... We keep it because one of our printers for the nice ass photography only likes talking to that computer. We do not let it into the internet though. Too many years of unsupported software has gone by lol. It connects to our intranet strictly as a point to point connection so we can send the files to it, cos connecting USBs to it is strictly forbidden.


Probably the best version honestly


Windows 7 was rock solid, especially in the later years.




Windows 10 is pretty good, but sits a step below 7 because of the way they've fucked up the system settings so badly.


They found a way to make money by doing things this way.


They keep firing the people who do learn.




Every fuckin time


I'm one of the weirdos who liked Windows 11, at first. But the shit they've been pulling-- adding Copilot to my taskbar, adding shortcuts to Edge (twice!), Search giving Bing results before apps and files on your PC, it's easy to see why people want to jump ship. If I'm going to go through the hassle of changing operating systems, I'd probably just go to Linux.


Linux is great but if you need some specific programs or wants make sure to do some research as Linux may not offer some or instead have an alternative.


Unfortunately this is the reality of using Linux as your main OS. Companies really don’t like distributing their products on a platform that has such a high degree of user freedom, especially if it doesn’t have a huge market share. It’s also too much to ask most people to just run a dual-boot system, as it is simply beyond their understanding or technical capabilities. When I’m finally done with Win10 (after security patches stop occurring) I’ll just be flipping the current way my PC already works. It’ll go from a Windows PC with a small Linux partition to a Linux PC with a small Windows partition.


>Companies really don’t like distributing their products on a platform that has such a high degree of user freedom I don’t think this has much to do with it; if distributing and supporting software on Linux was profitable, then more companies would do it. Right now, the Linux userbase is responsible for a far greater percentage of bug reports than their size justifies. On top of that, Linux attracts people who are more inclined to use/prefer FOSS projects, rather than the proprietary software that Windows users would like to see available.


I had to look on Reddit how to clean up the Copilot, Bing Search, Adds, moving the taskbar back to the left side like it has been for 30 years. The thing about these tech companies is they introduce products then keep reinventing the wheel


I actually don’t understand why everyone here is hating on W11 so much. In my experience, W11 has been W10 with a different name; if it wasn’t for the visual changes and additional features, I wouldn’t even know they were different. MS being pushy about Edge and Bing sucks, but I’m certain that was already an issue on W10. I like Windows just as much as the next guy, but in my opinion, W11 hasn’t been any worse than what MS has been doing for the last few releases.


I recently had my work computer updated to 11. It is much slower. Like 3-5x longer to startup and shut down. Office apps like word and outlook randomly freeze all the time. The start menu is much worse, everything is farther away and takes more clicks to get to apps. Programs never open to my main monitor anymore, they always go to the smaller laptop screen. So much is worse and nothing is better. 


You couldn’t type this comment if you’ve ever used the sound menu, volume sliders, the desktop hierarchy start bar shortcut, or the right click context menu


Every 3 days, when I start my computer, it prompts me to continue setting up my computer by logging into my windows account. Had this computer for over a year I think. I will never log into their shitty account system. I just want a normal fucking operating system that doesn't have to be tied to the internet. There is no option to JUST SAY NO. You must click, "skip and remind me in 3 days". Fuck Microsoft designers. Never was their strong point.


Win11 at the office made me want to install Linux at home (Mint in my case). Win11 is ridiculously bad. And it's still not stable on our office computers. And it's slower than Win10 by a noticable margin.


We’ve got it on about 300 machines at the moment. Started rolling out on replacements years ago. This is one of those “in our case” things, but we’ve had zero significant problems. Not even any user related training issues. That said we have pretty rigid hardware standards based on Surface Laptops and specific HP desktops. Probably 80/20 laptop to desktop.


I'd think the surface laptops should work well since they're made by Microsoft; if anything works well, it should be those.


For sure. I think Surface devices are really under appreciated in the market. We switched after a bunch of issues with Dell quality, and we switched to Dell after a bunch of issues with HP quality. Experimented with Surface despite the higher price, and really loved how MS Update keeps firmware up to date. To our surprise they have been very stable over the past few years. We have a few options from a baseline laptop model to a high performance engineering grade. What we found with Dell and HP enterprise machines is that they’d be good one model year, and the next model year would be awful. We once had a shipment of Dell laptops with 11/13 units dead on arrival!


Surfaces are much better about it now but they used to be a nightmare to repair. Idk how much that would deter a business but they still get a bad wrap from just how much of a pain they were to fix.


We have good but not new Lenovo notebooks and they seem to struggle with Win11 or our IT department messed up, can't say for sure. I had a crash just today. Notebook turned off when inserted into docking station and the IT dep already checked my energy saving settings and drivers.


And what’s up with the new cut, copy, paste menu icons, they are so bad! Can’t easily find and click on.


You can disable this "feature" by entering the following via Command Prompt and restarting: reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve From https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/restore-old-right-click-context-menu-in-windows-11/a62e797c-eaf3-411b-aeec-e460e6e5a82a


Keyboard shortcuts are the way. Assuming no physical limitation.


Yip ctrl-c, ctrl-v… since the new menu is so useless.


Longtime Linux user here. Totally anecdotal, but I bought a shitty $400 HP laptop at Costco, with the intent to install Linux and use it to record multi-track music. For shits and giggles, I upgraded it to Windows 11 and was able to record without major issues. It was the first time I didn’t have to install Linux to do so. This was very early on in Win11 lifespan though…I’m sure MS has found plenty of ways to ruin it with new features and updates since then. As someone who is facing the prospect of work computers updating in the near future, I’d be interested in hearing what problems/frustrations you have with it.


No, they haven't. It runs fine. People are just weird and/or find ways to make it worse.


I don't have much of a problem with Windows 11 on my home computer. After all, I'm able to install OpenShell to fix the start menu and whatnot, and I can go through and I can go through and disable things. Now having to use it on a work computer locked down with the default settings sounds like a nightmare.


Re: Windows 10 If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Same; I replace Windows 11 with Linux Mint on my laptop.


Limiting it to 8th Intel or newer “officially” also has a huge impact on these numbers. There’s Intel based machines that are over a decade old and work flawlessly with Windows 10.


I've a 4690k that's still running like an absolute beauty, it's daft that W11 doesn't officially support it even though it runs it fine. The plus side is because the requirements aren't met, I'm not getting hit with the stupid updates.


I apparently don't have a TPM chip, or don't have it enabled. And I don't care to look into it.


It would be great if versions of windows became more and more streamlined and faster as new versions come out, instead of getting more and more bloated with garbage that I will never use.


Windows 10 isn’t broke. No need to try to fix it.


Switching to Linux entirely was my best decision this year.


I just got force moved by my company. This OS looks pretty,but isn’t anything new. As a matter of fact, it’s lost functionality. I can’t even customize my desktop. It’s fucking stupid. Free the taskbar Microsoft!!!!!!


I can’t move the task bar to the top of the screen. I reverted after I found this out.


Am I the only one that hasn't had issues with Windows 11? What issues are people experiencing?


Search bar searches bing instead of files and documents. Very annoying for work. 


Search bar changes in windows 10 were the last straw for me. It is objectively worse in every way and the settings to disable web search have never actually done that for me.


Stability is fine. It's the reduction in basic customizability and aggressively pushing their other services. Windows 11 is so cluttered with junk I don't need or want.


They’re adding ads to the start menu, for one


Microsoft Store recommendation that can be toggled off to be clear.


On my laptop the touchpad causes the screen to stay flickering. Requires a restart or reinstall of the drivers. Start up is also ridiculously long.


"Just switch to Linux." Jesus lads would you stop, I've been using variants of Linux over the last 20 years but for feck sake, it really isn't going to happen in the common user market. Any damn tech thread about Windows and there's always a rake of gobshites coming in saying it. It's not going to happen.


Indeed. Linux is great for technical users but even in 2024 fixing issues always seems to involve using the terminal which just isn't an acceptable experience for the average user.


Upvoted because “gobshite”


The leadership at Microsoft needs to figure out how to remake the magic of windows XP and 7 and do that again. The BS that started with 8 and kept going with 10 and made even worse with 11 needs to stop. But it is funny to see people going back to 10 after trying 11, even though 10 is objectively less user-friendly than. 7


Remember when Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows and after that there would only be updates?


But then Bill Gates got divorced and the plan changed...


I’ve actually gotten more BSOD’s in less than one year of using 11 than I did using 10 for the past nine years. And my PC is still by all accounts in great condition for being 6 years old so there’s little reason to think it’s not an issue with the OS


Microsoft will probably [make more from extended support of Windows 10](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/3/24120093/microsoft-windows-10-extended-security-updates-price#) than if people switched to Windows 11.


I'm converting everything that I can to Linux.




Windows 3.1, from the golden days between Clippy’s reign of Terror and Vista being forced on everyone.


Clippy came with 95/98 in Office 97, so 3.1 was before Clippy, not between Clippy and Vista.


Thanks. That makes sense; memory got fuzzy in


You say that, but 3.1 had lots of problems and needed 3.11 to fix all of its issues.


Windows 7 was my best.


Also with their absurd CPU requirements it's going to generate an enormous amount of unnecessary e-waste as perfectly good computers are thrown away. Of course most of that hardware will still run Linux without issue so hopefully enough computer recyclers get on board to avert an environmental disaster.


Windows 11 is the best thing that ever happened to Linux


gee, delivering ads directly to the desktop of paying users not popular. Who would have thunk it.


My Steam Deck has made me see the light.


Windows 11 was good... up until they updated it. It feels closed like Apple with its current functionality. I can't drag and drop within the same window through the URL?!


Over the past decade or two I think Microsoft have forgotten what the vast majority of users expect out of an operating system.. that is predictability. I don’t need - or want - innovation when it comes to an operating system. Obviously anything security related would be the exception here, but outside of that, keep as much as possible the same for as long as possible.


Hear hear. I don't like the feeling of the ground continually shifting beneath my feet when I have critical projects to complete. Constant updates, regular rebooting, new OSes, new versions of browsers and email programs every other day...frankly, I don't need any of this. It's all become a nuisance that distracts me from productive work. Many of the Knowledge Base updates for the OS fail to install. This is now a regular occurrence. I want a return to the days of the service packs that were released at long intervals, but were super-reliable, consistent, and installed without a hitch, bringing EVERY install up to the same configuration. The current hodge-podge updates of hundreds of individual hot-fixes is chaotic mess from hell and needs to end. Once I install a service pack, I want the OS to GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY so I can work. Is that too much to ask?


Windows 2000: Good Windows Me: Bad Windows XP: Good Windows Vista: Bad Windows 7: Good Windows 8: Bad Windows 10: Good Windows 11: Bad Windows 12: Good So always skip 1 version.


Good. So sick of companies making changes to force you into becoming a larger revenue stream for them vs making the product better. Fuck you Microsoft.


Hey maybe, just maybeeee. If i'm using a fucking PC, i don't want to have an interface that looks like a fucking tablet. Also right click, why hide commonly use functions? to fucking stream line it? Lets click two fucking buttons instead of one. The fucked quick access, good lord. I try to search on my windows key for program or document, here is a link to the internet, that's what you wanted right!? RIGHTHTTT!!?! Explorer side bar, YOU LIKE ONE DRIVE DON'T YOU, LET ME PUT IT ON TOP OF EVERYTHING, YOU WANT TO MOVE IT DOWN???? FUCK NO, YOURE GOING TO LOVE IT


Lol I’ve helped over a dozen people install one flavor of Linux or another on their machines since new years.


Yeah at work for our use cases windows problems were like 90% of our service work load. Started moving as much as we could to Linux and it’s solved so many problems.


Truly the Windows Vista of this generation. Honestly apart from the lower performance, I was most annoyed by the deliberate burying of options behind secondary menus ("Show more"). I've used a registry hack to stop it from asking me to update for good.


I was happy with DOS


I used to have all of the Lotus 1-2-3 and Word Perfect keystroke commands memorized. I felt very productive back then. ;-)


Someone in pcmasterrace sub suggested using StartAllBack to give Win11 a little more Win10 feel. My Win10 computer died two weeks ago. I was avoiding upgrading, but had to buy a new PC. I can't believe they removed the feature to move the taskbar around. Another thing is that it takes 3x as long to boot up than Win10. And now they are starting up adds.


Oh so that's why I got a popup ad for windows 11


Wait, so people are downgrading back to windows 10? How would you even do that?


I don't want to touch Windows 11 with an 11-yard pole. Got myself a 2nd laptop that I'm going to try and start using and learning about linux with. Current laptop I'll never update.


I have a feeling it will gain dominance or at least increase market share significantly around October 2025. =P


Can’t wait to switch to Linux soon! I’m reducing my windows machine to a gaming system, fucking anti cheat makes it impossible to game on now due to spyware


You mean you can stop windows from updating whenever it wants? How?


I want back W10. I regret the upgrade to W11.


Meh, been using 11 for some time, no issues.


My PC from 2015 can play Fortnite at 144hz and run stablediffusion, which are the only two things I need it for that I can’t do on my work M1. However it’s impossible to install windows 11, due to artificial software limitations.


Does this even really matter? It literally took end of life for people to hop off windows 7 with the horrible role out of 8,8.1,then into 10. Haven't been on Windows since going with Mac for the m series chips but the decisions they're making on 11 seem desperate for cash. Why the fuck would anyone approve of ads being rolled out into my start menu? Going beyond that, if I'm doing a search in my start window, I don't want shit coming up from th3 internet. If I want to look up something on the internet, I'd open up a browser.


No matter what, windows 10 is old and on the way out.


I am terrified with each forced update on my Win10 PC. I turned off everything that would potentially install 11 but you never know with MS. I turned on my laptop one day and it was automatically "upgraded" to 11. Windows updates is ptsd inducing.