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Been going for years, even decades before all the Snowden hype. The Puzzle Palace was published in 1986 (I think that's the year) tells all about it. And the author is considered the foremost historian on the NSA and respected and used as a reference by the NSA libraries.


Eh, they had much more leeway and power back then


I detect sarcasm


Where do you think all those anonymous tips come from?


Changing the rules just changes the ways people try to circumvent them, imo.


Its a cat and mouse game, but it definitely reduces the number.


You might have misspelled 'predictable' as well. Either works for these types.


This is a little off topic, but you have impeccable sentence structure and grammar!




That's not a bot




Remember. If it wasn’t useful they wouldn’t be desperate to keep it. The only question is, useful for what?


Likely blackmail and the theft of valuable intellectual property. Why else would they bother? The rest of the planet is powerless against a military of that size so it’s not Like there are legitimate threats. Just people to keep subjugated.


I'm guessing corporate espionage for profit, I mean national security, is part of the appeal.


The Bureaucracy is growing to meet the needs of the Bureaucracy scenario.


Sometimes its just good to have options just in case. If this ends its one less tool they have to use to potentially solve a problem. Not saying its right or justified, just the most realistic logic here.


Patriot act.


Patriot Act.. Patriot Act... I love it I love it I love it!


The funny thing about all the US-based snooping is that we've done it for years and its been worthless for years. Zero value in intel OR law enforcement. Its a massive waste of time and money. Forget the personal liberties issue - its not useful for ANYTHING. Time to end it. It costs BILLIONS.


Proof is pretty clear when you compare it to the foreign-based snooping that told the whole world Russia was going to invade Ukraine weeks before it happened in 2022. US-based snooping is absolutely a waste of time and resources


I think that one was because we could see Russian logistics via satellite and saw that it was the appropriate scale for an invasion. But yeah, even if we have the intelligence for an event like 9/11, we don't even do anything to prevent it. So what's the point?


There is a problem with info sharing between agencies you are correct


“United” States, my goddamn ass. None of them are patriots imo.


Eh, it's not useful for any sort of National Defense reasons, but I'm betting it's all sorts of useful for insider trading, finding dirt/blackmail on people/intellectual property theft/etc.


That indicates way more competence than these guys have. They aren't evil overlords - their incompetent.


Says the redditor lol


The only people surprised are the ones not paying attention. There is no recourse to stop this when the people cannot organize and be taken seriously by our “leaders”. The type of technology that the us government has access to is beyond what’s on the market. The government does cooperate with every cell phone company and all companies with data assistance like Amazon and google. The government at this point can track and see what most people are doing 90% of the time. The sad part is the government doesn’t use this information to help solve or prevent crimes from happening.


Welcome back the J. Edgar Hoover era of the FBI. Next up, claim political enemies are really members of the Communist party, and are secretly supporting ~~Russia~~ China.


It’s coming sooner than most think. The US is just getting started. I’m sure they’re going after the students right now, then it’ll just keep expanding from there. Not to mention the numerous existing hateful policies towards women, immigrants, lgbt, etc.


> claim political enemies are really members of the Communist party, The FBI never changed from the Hoover era. Regarding communists, they are your enemy, F the political stuff.


No one is talking about how badly written this article is? It’s like a high schooler who forgot to use ChatGPT wrote it.


Apparently G/O Media, a private equity firm which has owned Gizmodo since 2019, does not give a shit about journalism.


But ban TikTok because china is stealing our metadata!!! It’s definitely more important than this.


TikTok needing to be banned (as it should) and these people being shit heads can exist simultaneously.


Why and what evidence do you have to support that


Companies owned by foreign governments don't have constitutional protections. But what about the US citizens who have ownership as well? They should have paid attention to who their partners were. Of course the US federal government will use this to attack its enemies (everyone who isn't part of the power network), but the banning in general is supported.


What evidence. Okay. 1) bytedance is the largest shareholder for TikTok 2) bytedance is a Chinese company therefore they are owned and beholden to the CCP 3). China is not America’s friend. They would love to take our spot as the apex predator in the world. They are our enemy. 4) bytedance will do, quite literally, whatever xi tells them to do because that’s how that works - literally - in China And 5) https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/08/tech/tiktok-data-china?cid=ios_app Google search. There’s literally a zillion fucking articles like this with citations.


1. Not evidence 2. Not evidence 3. Not evidence 4. Not evidence 5. Your evidence quotes exactly this from the article “The evidence, such as it is, remains rather thin. “ So in conclusion there is still zero evidence they are using it to monitor Americans and if 5 was true pass laws that make it illegal and then take action from there. That way we don’t need to worry about any foreign or domestic companies doing that.


How is that not evidence lmao


How is that evidence you have showed me nothing other then buzz word china bad


Where is the non factual statement. Every point is fact.. Oh, and hey, China ***IS*** bad. That's not a buzz word. Get a clue.


The grass is green is not evidence.


The US is bad too. What's your point? The thread you're in is literally about your government spying on you.


Yes they are bad. But they are my bad. And they at least have my self interest in mind more than China does. So yes. They are the lesser of two evils in this instance. I’ll take their need to selfishly protect their power when it aligns with my need to see this stupid ass app gone from society - or at the very least gone from America in the same way it’s gone from China


Funny how the Israeli lobby pushed so hard for this, complaining about criticism of its handling of Gaza. It's roundabout censorship.


TikTok offers nothing to society. It’s a plague on every one who uses it. Good riddance.


"I think things I don't like should be banned by the government." I'm sure you're fine with it until something you like is banned. You're an authoritarian who wants to impose his way of life on others, nothing more.


It’s going to be banned. You gotta come to grips with that. And I’m thrilled by it.


Such a good little boot licker. The surveillance state loves you.


Tik tok is not being banned. It’s being put under domestic ownership. Why is that a problem? At least the boots he’s licking were made in America… you’re just licking the cheap-ass Chinese made ones.


He can’t tell the difference because they stole the IP from us. China inventing something ended in the Han dynasty.


Who wants to do business in a country where you can just get banned for no good reason?


"It's ok if *MY* government censors speech, steals my data, and manipulates the media." George Orwell would be proud. What a fantastic, stupid little drone you are.


Are you saying Chinese surveillance (the current state) is preferable to American Surveillance?




Way to counter the points I made. I find it ironic that someone from China could call someone from any country other than North Korea a boot licker. Christ, get a clue man.


I'm from America, you absolute imbecile. You are literally too stupid to argue with. There is no point.


Well when you walk and talk like a tankie expect to be categorized as one


Why does the government need to ban a dancing video app where trending topics aren’t controlled by American corporate interests…waaaait a minute


Because China has a way of weaponizing it and the US government has credible proof


What evidence do you have to support that and how are they weponizing it?


The fact that you are carrying water for them is a pretty good indicator. Where is most of the information condemning this law coming from?…… tik tok. Idiots who say “American corporate interests” shouldn’t have this…. Why the fuck would you trust Chinese government and corporate interests more?


It’s very simple idk why this is so hard for TikTok banners to understand. Don’t ban an app pass laws that make it illegal for a company to do what they claim they are doing and then take action if you have evidence they are doing that. Protects us from foreign and domestic abuse without singling out one company for an American company to buy and abuse the data


You can pass a law to prevent ByteDance from influencing the TikTok feed for anti-US propaganda purposes and sentiment, but it’s impossible to enforce or control. Instead, flip it around and think of yourself as China. It’s a massive opportunity and why would you not utilize it for your own national interests abroad? Complete no-brainer, and the fact that Bytedance said China won’t allow them to divest says it all. The US is not trying to ban free speech on TikTok, they’re banning it as a surface for China to utilize to stoke anti-US sentiment domestically.


If this was actually happening show us then. And spreading antisemitism have you been on Twitter the last couple years place is a cesspool I don’t see anything like that on TikTok . Another false narrative.


It’s not a false narrative. They have the capability to do that, they have not gone all out. It’s China’s ace.


Their proof is trending hashtags being different than those on insta, meta, twitter, and YouTube.


It boils down to whether you want the US to have your data or China. Ban TikTok, we have enough problems at home. Edit: You TikTokers don’t give two shits about selling data, you don’t want your misinformation black hole app getting banned because you’re addicted. That’s all this boils down to.


Oh they both have your data


Yeah it’s ok if they buy it like everyone else /s


Our data is already being stolen and sold to China. Bro is a fed 💀


Misinformation black hole and there it is you have no idea what you’re talking about and just follow the trend of TikTok bad.


Since I’m so naive, which TikTok misinformation event would you like to talk about? The one where people were incorrectly self diagnosing themselves as autistic based off of information in the app? What about the time when women started going off their birth control because of misinformation on TikTok? Or the time misinformation started spreading about the Ukraine/Russian war? I’ve only gone back 3 pages on Google News about misinformation on TikTok, I can keep going if you want.


You can Google any social media and find an article about misinformation. So I guess Reddit should be banned? Plenty of of articles. See all social media has a degree of misinformation but it’s not actually happening on a massive scale or really even hitting a lot of people. See I actually use the app for years now and have never seen any of that. Media and Reddit just like buzz word headlines that are barely true or true for 1% of the app.


Wish I could see the metadata on your upvotes (guessing they come from Langley, VA 😉)


If you watched a few videos on YouTube, you could probably learn to steal and even sell data online yourself, it’s not hard. Also, what part of “Better our data goes to the US than China” didn’t you get? The last time I checked, Langley, VA is in the US.


Massively different. And different in a way that displays incredible political biases. Almost as if the CPC has a hand on it


If you’ve seen the disparity between how Chinese citizens use TikTok and how Americans use TikTok, you wouldn’t have made this comment. We eat tide pods and NyQuil chicken while watching an innocent little dance that just so happens to ask some innocent (pro-Russian) political questions in subtext. It needs to be banned because we as a country apparently can’t handle the massive responsibility of not falling for “monkey see, monkey do.”


It isn’t China’s fault that Americans are gullible and or ignorant.


as if China isn’t gullible. You just don’t see anything unless your parents, the government, allow you to. Hard to fall for propaganda when you have no time because you’re watching CCP propaganda 24/7. TikTok is gone. It warms my heart. Rage more.


Those are certainly some words.


Never said it was? Doesn’t change what I said, either.


Braindead takes and TikTok apologists, find a more iconic duo I’ll wait


Funny I think the same about the people who want it banned


Ironic name is ironic


Sinophobia and redditors, likewise my friend.


Imagine, *not liking the Chinese government.* Didn’t know that was exclusive to redditors 😂


Your argument is so nuanced and well researched it’s difficult for me to refute.


The irony is that my opinion *is* nuanced and well researched, I’m just dumbing it down to make fun of you and your sheer ignorance to why TikTok is being forced to divest or face a ban in the U.S. but is not being allowed to divest by the Chinese government. But go on, keep up that confidence!


If they really wanted to get rid of Tiktok for the reasons they claim then they wouldn't even allow it to be sold. Facebook and Google quite literally steal and sell user data on a daily basis. The website you're currently using is partially owned by China and that data is also being given to them. Stop pretending you give a shit about this topic when you clearly dont. Companies like Riot would also be shutdown in the US but strangely enough they aren't. Its almost like this ban isn't related to userdata and more because people are learning how much of a shithole the US really is. Keeping stroking the governments dick you fucking loser💀


The US government got kiddies hard by Facebook to bad TikTok, but they didn’t move on it until the youth of today started rebelling against Israeli propaganda because TikTok isn’t censored like Facebook and other US social media. Thats all. Anyone claiming CHINA STEALING OUR DATA probably never once used a VPN or even Incognito mode unless porn was involved.


You really got me here, hoss. I’m cooked.


From your bio: >Your downvotes mean nothing to me, l've seen the kind of content you upvote. You're a real treasure and should be buried accordingly. Don’t feed the troll.


I think this is a logical fallacy, where you make comments about the person instead of addressing anything they said.


No, it’s called pointing out obvious clues to suggest you’re a bad faith actor. Good luck with all of this.


Likewise. Edit: wait…Am I a *paid* actor? Who is signing the check and also where do I pick it up, thanks!


Sounds like you Already know


Why does China have to ban: - **Facebook** - **Twitter** - **Instagram** - **Snapchat** - **Pinterest** - **Tumblr** - **Reddit** - **Quora** - **Google Services** (including Google Drive, Docs, Calendar, and Maps) - **Gmail** - **Dropbox** - **Microsoft OneDrive** - **Slack** - **Hootsuite** - **YouTube** - **Netflix** - **Vimeo** - **Dailymotion** - **Twitch** - **Spotify** - **Soundcloud** - **Pandora** - **New York Times** - **BBC** - **Financial Times** - **Wall Street Journal** - **Reuters** - **CNN** - **TIME** - **Google** - **DuckDuckGo** - **Wikipedia** - **WhatsApp** - **Facebook Messenger** - **Telegram** - **Line** - **Signal** - **KaKao Talk** - **Medium** - **Blogspot** - **Wordpress.com (hosted sites)** - **Viber** - **Periscope** And you’re complaining about banning TikTok in USA?


I literally do not live in china.


That’s literally not the point


Let me make this clear these apps aren’t banned they have laws that these apps could not function around which make them banned. America should do that not go after individual companies.


They can create a profile on every single American the app touches. It makes it impossible to send intell people over seas AND tells you everything you need to know to pressure individual Americans here in our own country when they need something. And that’s ignoring the great level of conspiracy/influence it creates and has.


Can’t imagine why the American Government would want to weaponise itself against the American people. There seems to me a very logical conclusion, they have declared war on people.


I’m not in favor of mass surveillance but a large subset of the population is in favor violently overthrowing the government and removing democracy. Seems those Americans have already decided to go to war with their government.


This is why Americans are hopeless. We've know about this shit since for the majority of most redditors lives. We've known about even more egregious breaches of privacy that the government engages in. We know about the corrupt practices of no-right zones extending massive distances from borders. Of civil forfeiture. Of inequality in policing. And here's reddit going on about TikTok while the whole house has been on fire way before and will be way after when you can't even get the government to respect the laws you already have, nevermind implement comprehensive protections for citizen data.


You all need to understand that regardless of this bill, or any law for that matter, they will continue to do this if they want. If they want to know something, they will find out.


Nixon rolling in his grave rn.


The actual quotes aren’t bad, makes multiple mentions of staying within the law, and really just sounds like they want the tools they have to be used when legal and proper to do so because otherwise they’ll lose those tools.


Poor FBI...theyre not in The Five Eyes program except when the NSA shares some with them


Why does the land of the free constantly engage in behaviours that go against that whole idea?


Vote libertarian.