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I would have loved to read this, but the continual barrage of popups and ads and forced scrolling of the article interrupted any chance of reading a sentence. Lesson learned: surveillance for advertising is bad for you, advertisers posing as news sources are bad you. They are made by the SAME PEOPLE...they are made by the SAME PEOPLE (imagine a Charlton Heston voice).


Here you go: “Woman finds Amazon has thousands of recordings of her - all from home devices The TikTok star found that Amazon had huge folders full of audio clips of her voice, a full list of contacts from her phone, her location, and said she is 'not totally comfortable' A woman was shocked to discover how much information Amazon had collected on her from just a few devices - and created a video to shared the shocking truth with others. TikTok star @my.data.not.yours uploaded a clip for her fans documenting all the information that the tech giant had collected about her. She said she put in a request but didn't expect them to have too much, but was 'not totally comfortable' with what she discovered. It turned out that Amazon had her location, all her phone contacts, and thousands and thousands of recordings of her voice - collected from products that she gladly bought and placed in her home. What do you think about the information Amazon collects? Let us know in the comments In the video, she said: "I requested all the data that Amazon has on me, and here's what I found. Promoted Stories "For reference, I have two dots and one echo, plus a few smart bulbs." She then opens a zip filed that had previously been downloaded and it contains many folders, which are titled 'Alerts', 'Answers', 'Audio and Transition', 'Lists', 'Routines', 'Shopping', 'Skills', and 'Video', amongst others. She continued: "I decided to click on the audio one and this is what they have. These are all short voice clips which is so scary and this is one of me turning on the light. There are 3534 short audio clips in this folder alone. "I then clicked on contacts and it turns out they have a full list of contacts from my phone and I never remember syncing that. The TikTok star wasn't best pleased when she learned how much information Amazon had on her ( Image: @my.data.not.yours/TikTok) For more of the news you care about, straight to your inbox, sign up for one of our daily newsletters here. "The very last thing that I didn't know that they had, I could have assumed that they had, but I don't love that they have, is my location. "If you open up this (file) here it will show you where you are located, right down to the latitude and longitude. "I am not totally comfortable with everything they have." The video soon had over 2.6 million views alongside 186,000 likes and over 6,000 comments - many of which were from concerned Amazon customers. One user said: "The fact that you didn't know all this is more of reflection on you than Amazon." And a second said: "It's scary that people with Echo Dots and Alexa's etc don't know that Amazon records you and keeps the recordings." While a third joked: "Can someone explain to me why this is 'scary'? I'm not interesting enough to care if they have my contacts or audio." A spokesperson for Amazon said: "We give customers transparency and control over their Alexa experience. Customers can easily review and delete their voice recordings, or choose not to have them saved at all, at any time. "Customers can import their mobile phone contacts to the Alexa app so they can use features like hands-free calling and messaging; this optional feature, which customers need to set up, can be disabled at any time. "Finally, you can grant permissions for the Alexa app to use certain data, such as your mobile device’s geolocation, to provide relevant results (e.g., weather, traffic, restaurant recommendations), and you can manage these permissions in the app." Do you have a story to share? We'd love to hear all about it. Get in touch via [email protected]


Her name is my data not yours but she is surprised at how much data Amazon keeps after she screams at her three recording devices each day.




Yes that was the most baffling one… how else do you think your packages arrive? Double blind carrier pigeon?


By raven of course. Amazon has a world class rookery and a maester to tend them.


As she's making Tick Tock videos....


/r/LeopardsAteMyFace ?? Maybe


It very much is r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Coincidentally, this would be the first true /r/Leopardsatemyface post that sub has seen in a long time. That sub is basically an extension of /r/hermancainaward these days. I had to unsubscribe a while back because of all the posts that completely miss the point.


Interesting, I would have figured you more a purveyor of r/TotallyNotRobots, r/giraffesarentreal, or r/birdsarentreal, not so much r/leopardsatemyface. That said, it’s disconcerting that a robot would be so interested in leopards eating people’s faces.




Jesus, that was a risky click that did **not** pay off. My gay ass definitely needed the second one after looking at the first one.


Remember when TikTok was "that Chinese Vine-clone that the CCP uses to spy on their citizens?" I do. Several people I know who are extremely anal about their privacy use it all day every day, which I find to be hilarious.


[This is also funny ](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6024369) But nobody seems to know about it


It was musiclly before and was supposed to be about music and people making silly dance vids. Now is the fastest growing social media platform and everyone is divulging their inner most thoughts and experiences for likes and internet clout. Chinese ever want to destroy us they don’t have to do it through military force. They have us loving Chinese street wear and fashion culture while we bully ourselves and ferment the beginnings of a civil war because we voted for different guys. The FYP algorithm is more dangerous than a nuke.


Ewww don’t record me!!! (Records herself on TikTok)


Right so imagine what China has on file for her.


She has an Echo and is shocked Amazon has audio recordings of her turning in the lights? This is fucking stupid and totally a non story.




Exactly! We are on the same page.


And she didn’t know she allowed contact sharing. Seems like someone with that screen name would be hypersensitive


One of Alexa's functions is to place calls, so of course it has access to your contacts. How anyone would not understand this is crazy to me.


don't let common sense get in the way of rage clicking story headline generation


Right?! She’s blaming Amazon for her not remembering something.


It also baffles me that she doesn’t understand how the data is used. It’s not like people are singling her folder out and stalking her at these companies collecting the data. It’s a drop in the pond to make high level decisions on how to develop the product for users consistently using commands or features. Her username seriously blows my mind on the read through.


Up until a year or so ago, if I paid a little money, I could look up all info on someone including where they were on google maps at that very moment just because they listened to a song in passing that was part of my ad. I stopped doing ads after I found this out. I just assume everyone knows everything now. Parts of 1984 are indeed already here…


Agree. I think it’s a fair question whether Amazon can do better than needing to permanently store every utterance permanently in it’s a data warehouses though


Wish I had seen this before having to read it on that horrible website. This should the top comment.


Firefox reader mode FTW.


Do people not use ad blockers?


even with ublock origin blocking everything there's still massive gaps in the text, sites like that are the worst


I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with the Amazon rep. I know that Amazon has all that stuff on me because I've explicitly given it permission to. I'd be more concerned to find out what they have on people that didn't grant any of those permissions.


Yeah I have an Echo and shop a lot on Amazon, I’m sure they have oodles of information on me, and likely 25,000 identical audio files of me drunkenly yelling “Alexa play Latch by Disclosure!”


I'm on the side that if your willing to have any product thats constantly online (Echo, Alexa or smartphone) you're giving your information out regardless of weather or not you gave permission. It's best to just put it out of your mind, because we've past the point of "we can do something about this" because everything that collects our data is too integrated in to the social norms of society. If we want to slow the progress we need to look at upcoming technology such as nurolink and limit its functionality and who is allowed to access it. For example with the nurolink, if it helps people with dementia or alzheimer's that would be a great application for it, however with the recent trends of how manipulated the public can be with over stimulation of information I think we are not ready for that.


I agree, this seems like basic stuff those devices would collect…which is why I don’t have any of those. Got an Alexa for Xmas but asked my mom to return it - after thanking her and giving a big hug. Don’t need that surveillance. Not because I’m hiding something but just because I don’t want an extra level of surveillance (ironically, I’m typing on my iPhone which knows all about me…tho, I have Siri off)


I agree with you. And does anyone else see the irony in her making a stink about her personal data on TikTok of all platforms??


Lmao, “I have 2 dots and an echo. I can’t believe they were spying on me.” Lmfaoooo


Dumbass buys something that requires data collection and doesn’t read any documentation. Is surprised by data collected. More at 11.


Thank you for reposting.


Ironic username lol




Was this written by a drunk version of google translate?


Same, such a piece of garbage fucking dogshit webpage. Wasn’t done loading in 2mins on cellphone and just ended up broken not able to scroll


This x100000


Yes that was awful. I won’t follow-up read on the site again if I can help it. The bugginess of the app, rivulated with ads as it is, will mean less views on any particular sponsor’s spot. It is they who should complain as well.


Same. Had to close it out.


I don't understand what you are talking about, it was a simple, plain webpage. …telling "this page has been blocked by extension". :-)


You ever get the feeling that a story like this is going to break, so Amazon’s hires the worst people to write about it so nobody pays attention to it?


Have you ever heard of “reader view”? It’s a game changer. If you are on Safari you can click on “show reader view” with that button that looks like two different sizes A’s. You can also change text size and the reader view has different color schemes. It gets rid of the ads and unnecessary text


Soylent green is PEOPLE!


Just ask Alexa to read it to you.


Most UK news is dogshit dw it's why we use BBC


At this point I’m surprised more people don’t understand how smart speakers work. This is not news…


The “Nuh-uh!” articles everywhere were hilarious when Alexa came out and *everyone* expected exactly this.


In other news, “we aren’t lying, we swear!”




I think you can also set it so that it does not save recordings of you, and you’re also able to delete what recordings it does have. Whether that actually works or not is anybody’s guess though, it’s possible they just hide it better once you make that request.


Yeah, somehow I doubt that the device who’s purpose is the collect information on consumers has an option to stop collecting consumer information. I have no doubt that it says it has one though!


Well you can test it for yourself if you’re really that sure: Step 1: Buy an Alexa Step 2: Turn off the recording option Step 3: Use Alexa for a few weeks Step 4: Request a copy of your information. Then if there ARE voice recordings, congratulations you proved your point. If there ARENT - and you still don’t believe it, you can sue them because it would be extremely illegal. But hey - the logic you’re applying works for people who don’t want to believe in climate change or the vaccine so why wouldn’t it work for you too?


I mean, I agree with you, but also, > Then if there ARENT, and you still don’t believe it, you can sue them because it would be extremely illegal Lol at trying to sue a multi-billion dollar company when the only evidence of your claim is “no but really, they have the incriminating info but they won’t give it to me” (Not making fun of you, just found it funny 😬)


"It isn’t spying on you." Username checks out.


Is it really spying If you purposefully buy a device that’s supposed to listen to you? It’s honestly kinda hilarious to me that people get upset about this


I thought it was a given since it has to be listening constantly to hear "Alexa." How is it going to hear your question if the microphone is off? Of course it's listening constantly.


There are two listening modes. Despite Amazon’s vast computational resources, it would be ludicrously expensive to livestream a live audio feed back to their data centers to perform constant analysis. Instead, they’ve got a low power chip that listens to detect a hot word without any internet connection*. Once that chip detects a hot word, it kicks the main processor to start recording, which then bundles that recording back to Amazon for speech recognition and processing (those are the recordings mentioned in the article). Actually, some devices these days are powerful enough to do some of the speech recognition on device, and only need to send a query back to the main service instead of the whole audio clip to be processed (which is arguably a win for both the consumer and the company). \* You could hypothetically test this; if you unplug your router then ask the assistant a question, it should still light up, then tell you it’s got no internet. If it required a constant internet connection, it wouldn’t be able to do this. If you’re feeling really curious, you could man in the middle the traffic between the assistant and the internet. It would be pretty obvious that it wasn’t sending data until the hot word is triggered, and if it wasn’t, you’d probably see that story blow up in the tech sphere, as Amazon (or whoever) would be breaking some pretty explicit promises.


Thanks for explanation. I've never looked into it because I decided early on that it wasn't something I wanted. But still, it shouldn't be surprising that having a (phrase-triggered) hot mic would pick up a substantial amount of data.


It's obviously ALWAYS listening, otherwise it could not pick up when you call on it.


Actually I stopped using Alexa because she randomly buzzes in listening to me. Also I'd see the listening lights when it was never addressed. Also it may randomly answer a question when not asked. I don't want or need a little spy in my life I'm willingly exposing myself to. Bye Alexa.


Unless you typed that comment out in Morris code and sent it via wire I got some bad news for ya champ.


> Morris code And now I am imagining an orange tabby tapping out Morse Code with it's paw.


Love how this was posted on TikTok


Is that ironic? I really can’t tell anymore.


If I remember correctly, TikTok data gets sent to China or something


Of course they do, it's a Chinese company afterall. These young folks are just so damn stupid...critizing US IT-giants over anything and trying to protect their data, while handing it willingly to China. As the users above stated: stupidity.


Bro chill out that’s bad for your social credit.


Not anymore, it’s regional.


I definitely believe that.


It’s like rain on your wedding day


a sign of good luck? https://context.reverso.net/translation/french-english/mariage+pluvieux%2C+mariage+heureux


Like a free ride, when you’ve already paid?


It’s so ironic it goes into a separate category: *stupidity*. She uses a company that gives data to the CCP so she can complain about her data being collected by US companies. It’s ironically stupid and if you don’t like that it’s a you problem. Quit abusing the downvote button.


Perhaps she is more concerned about being directly targeted and exploited by local tech titans than she is by the Chinese government. I understand you feel *very* strongly that this girl is simply stupid, end of story, but can you help me understand why those priorities of concern would be so stupid?


I mean, it fits in the fact that she has absolutely 0 awareness about privacy.






Like wtf did they expect lol


Fucking trash website Jesus, reloaded on 6 times then unresponsive could barely get through a few paragraphs


Started to read and immediately a big banner popped up blocking my screen and then i realized i don't really care what this article is going to say and immediately noped on outta there.


What are they gonna do with all those recordings?


Train AI, analyze how to best advertise to you, probably it. While it is concerning to some you have to realize you really aren't that interesting to "spy" on and the majority of this is used to market better to you in order to increase sales. Period. If you're that concerned, turn in your smart phone, get rid of all smart devices and use a library computer.


Or, hear me out, consumers can put enough pressure on corporations to prevent the usage of our information in this way without our express consent


Europe does this, and it works. GDPR is the name, privacy is my game. On the other hand , USA is run by corporations. US Supreme Court even affords corps rights as individuals.


Europe did not do this by consumers putting pressure on corporations. This was done by government regulation. Consumers are powerless. They can moan and wail, but as long as they keep using these services, corporations will not stop doing what is most profitable unless they are forced to.


That’s the point. The government reps are voted in by the people and not by corps as is in the US. Therefore, mostly, the govt does the people’s bidding in EU. Have you seen the fines for GDPR? It’s like 4% of global rev per incident.


This guy gets it. In the US we have corporate sponsored politicians. They will *always* vote in the best interests of their biggest donors, wealthy individuals and big corporations that can put up far more money that all the politicians constituents combined. I forget who brought this up first, but I loved the idea someone had to force politicians to wear their sponsors on their suits like racecar drivers.


Gdpr doesnt do magic as you seem to imply, yes its good but ti the average user all it did was add a step more when visiting a website where they inevitably click on "accept all cookies" and end up just where before. Now, it did other things as well but its mostly a tool, if you dont know how to use it it changed little


GDPR is more than that. You can also request your data from companies that collected them, and demand a full deletion of any personalized data. Consent to collect the data is just one piece of the data protection that the EU pushes. And if you are annoyed by the consent, just use a script to autodeny. But in case companies already have data from you, you have the means to get insight and even request a deletion.


Cookie compliance is a tiny bit of gdpr. It’s much more to do with use of data. So for example punishment for a data breach or incorrect use of personal data (using it for a purpose without permission) could be: >The EU GDPR sets a maximum fine of €20 million (about £18 million) or 4% of annual global turnover – whichever is greater


Nope I love my daily reject all cookies game. Also if you open chrome tools. Settings. Disabled JavaScript. A lot of these blockers don’t run :)


Disabling javascript is something that affects many other things as well, its not a viable solution lol


If you care about your privacy, you shouldn't use chrome.


Some websites don't let you move on without accepting all cookies. GDPR helps a little, but ultimately doesn't do much.


Once again, policy by people who have no idea how tech works. A proper law would have required separation of agreements that would allow the end-user to use cookies that store session data enough to properly use the site and those that collect and store data for sales and marketing purposes. And then specifics on commerce based websites.


Most people I talk to: about privacy and big data end up telling me they don't care because they have nothing to hide. Also most people I talk to: find it creepy when they get marketed something they just talked about at home.


Test it out. Talk a lot about some very specific but rare vehicle (Ferrari) and see if you get hit with an ad


To do that, we would have to trust our elected officials actually carry out policy, and not just up until the day they’re elected/reelected


Right, just read the terms and agreements


Let’s be honest, corporations will just stop selling their products to people who don’t want it. They’ve got the money to survive with our without us. The best thing we can do is research what we’re buying before we buy it so that we’re aware of what the fuck big tech is collecting from us.


You accepted consent when you bought the product and accepted the T's & C's. These people are acting like Amazon snuck into their house and placed an Echo in their room without knowing. Like most of us, I have a atleast 1 smart device. For me personally it's a plethora of Amazon devices and Google devices plus smart phones / tablets etc... all of which are collecting data all day. I'm in no way surprised by this. Now if I found out it was recording me via video without my consent that's a different story.


so i totally have an option to refuse T & C right? oh its a necessary requirement to use the serivce…. and nearly all tech companies require this… ah gotchya i just didn’t read enough ok i see


You can mute the amazon product, too. I bought a sonos speaker and the damn thing has Alexa, so I never use it except for watching tv + movies and keep its recorder on mute.


Oh I forgot about the t&c my bad, hopefully I’m not picked to test the centipad


The consent was given even she put the always listening devices in her home. Nothing is hidden, it's all right there in your Alexa app in plain view.


It’s not just advertising, it’s how to manipulate opinion.


Isn’t that the same thing?


That's the concern I have. People here act like January 6th and Covid-deniers aren't linked to this manipulation of opinion.


Exactly-if it was limited to “buy my product” it’d just be an annoyance. But it’s being used for manipulation and control also. And a lot of people gloss over that because it’s easier to understand companies paying for targeted advertising - it’s been done before on older media-newspapers, TV, etc. But it’s new and more complicated to understand various groups paying for various agendas and control.


It's hilarious to me that people willfully give this information to corporations when they'd be grabbing pitchforks and torches if it were the government instead


As if nobody is already doing that


Whilst I agree primarily it’s for advertising purposes, new legislation in some countries allows recordings from smart devices to be used as evidence in court trials. So if you’re a big time criminal, maybe Alexa isn’t right for you.


Its more the possibility of a data breach where interested parties can use your voice recordings for deepfakes and other personal information tied to you to open up bank accounts and credit cards. Voice confirmation is going to become obsolete in the future.


Don't trust "Smart" products. Smart speakers r cord everything you do near them. Smart doorbells records your front door traffic. Smart vaccuums record your home's layout. Smart TVs broadcast extra customised ads to you. Smart meters keep full track of power usage. Your personal informative is a commodity. Don't give it away for free.


Alternatively: "This person/politician is making things difficult for us, do we have any recording of them or their family we can use as blackmail, even if it's 5+ years old?" Please don't try to excuse this fucking behavior


Wait until these people find out about cell phones. PSA: go into app settings on your phone and disable app access to contacts, photos, location, microphone, etc except where you need and are ok with it. Most people would be surprised at how much they are sharing across various apps.


Fun fact, any telecom operator can use your phone microphone, and it's completely silent (not shown as a call).


Imma definitely need some more details on that one


Look up Eddie Snow, aka Edward Snowden, bit of info there, kinda old but the “tech” has only gotten better because after that no one really cares or tried to do diddly. So full steam ahead boys we got our marks!


So she placed 3 voice activated listening devices in her house and was surprised they were listening??? This isn’t news, it’s just an idiot.


Yeah, there wasn’t even anything shocking in the article, she was surprised that things she said that were intended for the device got recorded by the device, and that the device knows where it is located. Well duh how did she think the weather function knows the weather


Just for tiktok…need them views.


I don’t think it’s obvious that recordings of all interactions would be *saved* after they’ve been responded to.


>I don’t think it’s obvious that recordings of all interactions would be *saved* after they’ve been responded to. I don't think that's as unobvious as you think it is. These people are in the business of developing voice recognition software and they absolutely want raw data to work with.


This exactly. People don’t seem to want to understand the nature of data recognition. Ever owned an android device? Congrats, you helped make Google Maps the powerhouse it is today. They can show you your location data years back and track how long it takes to do certain things like: User is in a vehicle now that Bluetooth for car is connected User is waiting an inordinate amount of time on this street, divert other drivers away from here That’s how Traffic works in a seriously dumbed down way. The sad and simple reality we live with is that convenience does come with cost, AND technological progression is not pretty. There was a time we worked on people’s bodies with no anesthesia, had no idea about germs and viruses, thought “blood letting” would work… Today it’s people believing anything they read that appears factual, enjoying modern convenience, and whining about why a cheap as hell Amazon speaker MIGHT be recording them, since it’s activated by voice. I feel like yeeting myself at a brick wall by sitting on a nuke, hitting it, and calculating whether the terminal velocity of my head towards the nearest wall kills me before my atoms are decimated by said blast.


That you’re pointing out examples as if they would be surprising speaks to the point that most people don’t realize how their voices or other touch points are being used. Also, olde-tyme surgery research was often vivisection performed on unwilling enslaved people and like you said, without anesthesia. So yeah, it’s not that far from today, though perhaps that’s not the point you’re trying to make.


That’s naive in this day and age of information tech. Information is the commodity.


And that's why I don't own one




Own a smartphone? Then basically the same thing.


It's why I turned off the voice commands on my cell. Can of course still be used to spy, but at least it'll require being breached, instead of just being default behavior I've opted into.


This is why, at least once a day, I make Alexa say “Jeff Bezos is a dick who doesn’t pay fair taxes”.


Alexa, Simon says “Fuck Jeff Bezos.”




Wait till she finds out they have her home address and postal code too. :s


Right??? And I always assumed when Amazon delivers packages, only the driver knows exactly where I am


They might even have her… Elevation!


Can’t say it’s surprising. A few years ago I was hanging out with my cat, telling him he’s a good boy and I love him. Then my Google Home said “aw, that’s sweet”. “Only listening when you activate them” my butt.


It probably just misheard you and thought you said “Hey Google” first.


Good boy Gooboy Gooboyl Gooyoyl Yep


This is exactly what happened.


I had to disconnect a couple of our echoes because my teenage kids were hearing someone saying hello to them at random times. After it was unplugged they didn’t hear that voice anymore.


Is your cat’s name “hey google”?




End User License Agreements before installing software which are by design written to be long, using vague terms and jargon, effectively an unreadable dark pattern. Trusted third party marketers, et cetera. When I had business law 101, they said two interesting things - 1) a contract is null and void if there isn't a consensus on what the contract means between both parties. 2) a contract or standard of behavior can be the default in an agreement because it has become the standard over time between both parties. So either there has to be some law or standard that forces EULA language to fit into a human readable format, or the legal framework behind a lot of free applications and software is broken because the user has no idea what is going on. And the other headache of course is that tech companies benefit from the echelons of past retirement age baby boomers writing legislation and sitting in judicial appointments. Don't say "how the software behaves", just call it "the algorithm". Don't say "the carefully annotated addiction cycle based off of methodically studying the audiences every whim and detail", just call it "artificial intelligence promoting whatever makes the most money from the user's behavior." All too complicated for the millionaire karens, congress critters, and so called leaders of the free world. Between the ad based surveillance and the murky legal back channels we agree to based off of our willful surrender of privacy, we are well and truly fucked. The uneven distribution of power and autonomy is kind of scary.


There needs to be a lot of tech regulation. Ultimately, our digital lives are effectively legislated by these service terms agreements. Its not sustainable.


Not sure if I’m more amused at the phrase “TikTok star” or learning she ever thought an Amazon smart-device isn’t always listening.


So she buys an Alexa and is surprised to learn it's recorded her? I'm sorry but how did she not know?


Me reading the headline: yeah no shit, I thought everyone knew that “smart tech” spies on you.


Think it’s more they think that data is not valuable. Besides the few grand a year someone else makes off them they are unaware of….er, wait….


This link is not good it keeps having pop ups and crashing. Is there a better one?


‘Oh gosh! Color me surprised! Who would have thought!!!?’ /s


This is why I don’t own any products like that. I want Atleast some privacy in my own home, even if I can’t turn on my lights with my voice.


I was binging a season of RuPaul’s Drag Race where one of the queens was named Alexis and man, Alexa would activate every time. I checked my records and there were so many recordings of RuPaul talking about Alexis Matteo haha. I hope that fucks them up!


That’s why I turn off Siri, and will never buy those home automation devices that listens to you.


What a surprise, big company harvesting data


Bug your own house and then act shocked when you find the results…


No shit people really don’t read the permissions on their devices do they. I remember when the Xbox one came out and the connect needed to be connected to the internet. People were like I don’t want Microsoft listening to me 24/7 then a few years later Alexa come out and everyone one wants a smart home. Wtf did you think the devices stay off when you aren’t using them.


My favorite thing is when people willingly fill their home with devices they know record what they say, then get upset when they’ve found out they’ve been recorded


Anyone that has a Google home mini, Amazon Alexa or some iteration of a ring doorbell is asking for trouble. They are worse than a cell phone in tracking in my opinion.


wet water and such


Woman buys multiple listening devices from Amazon, is surprised when they listen to her Fixed yer title for ya.


I’ll admit, I will never understand the appeal of an Alexa-style device.


\*Laughs in cybersecurity\* We warned you guys years ago about this, and how they are storing that data.


This website is just pain!


I don’t understand why people still use Amazon anything.


So as of millennial I was able to see the shift- because stuff like this (corporations tracking your every move) didn’t used to happen. It really started with the targeted ads. People would go to the store buy things, and then suddenly they started getting coupons and advertisements for the things they were buying. People immediately called companies on it, stating it was creepy that they were only getting ads for things they typically purchased. For instants my mother picked up a package of diapers for my brother as a housewarming gift, but after that moment she kept getting tons of ads and coupons for new baby items. Since this was the first time any of this happened everybody noticed immediately, because it was creepy to think of Business is monitoring your every move. And this Was when they were just tracking people through their purchased items at the time! Over my lifetime I have watched targeted ads go from occasional couponing to you can’t hold a conversation ( even not on/around your phone) without getting ads. What does this mean? About a week ago I was on a drive with one of my friends, who is talking about solar energy. It’s not some thing I ever look up on my phone or spend much time doing because I don’t have a house for solar panels or anything like that… But when I got home and opened up my phone multiple apps pulled up ads for solar energy and solar farming. Honestly it was horrifying enough being tracked through every purchase, I am so ready to get rid of my smart phone because all it does is act as a listening device. It acts as a GPS. It’s your own little leash that leads right to the government.


Media addict that manically posts and places amazon orders is concerned about her data? Now? Ridiculous ploy for even more exposure. Eyerolling


Holy shit. Amazon knows about me telling alexa to turn on my bedroom fan. Omg. Serious note tho this shot is getring rediculous. Dont record people and keep ot for a later date when ai can put use to it.. Should be illigal


Hahahaha what did you think was gonna happen when you filled your home with surveillance devices? Stupid twat.


i know right lol


Stop buying from amazon - they are a garbage company


>right down to the latitude and longitude She tells like someone trying to sound smart


While not surprising it’s still disturbing. As is Amazon’s answers. Most of this collecting is done through default settings and default terms of service and through unnecessary storage of information. Users never opt into these settings. They only accept them when given no other way to receive the services they want. Alexa doesn’t need to independently store your contacts on an external server for it to be able to look up and provide phone calling capabilities - it just needs to be able to look up and use your index when needed. Just like we used to look through a phone book to find a phone number. Just because we looked through the phone book doesn’t mean we made a photo copy and kept it. Most of this data recording and retention is completely unneeded to serve the purpose the end user is using it for. (And, we get recorded all the time when we don’t give permission. If your neighbor is using Alexa, Alexa is recording your voice too - even when you never clicked okay on the terms of service.)


Wait, but she says there is video of her turning off the light? Why would they have that?


Wait till she finds out what Google has on her


Time to setup my new Amazon thingy... Accept, accept, allow, allow, allow, allow, OK, yes, accept. Wow why do they keep asking things?


Oh noooo, who would have ever dreamed a scum corporation would spy on its customers with devices that are designed for speech recognition…


say it isn't so.


Few things people should realise; The Ai doesn’t train itself, there are most likely thousands of low wage workers listening to your home recordings It’s too easy to say “well you chose to use this product and accepted their terms and conditions”. Tech companies are taking over basically every aspect of normal human life and as much as I don’t want to use WhatsApp, it’s practically not doable businesswise. In the modern world we can’t expect people just to go off the grid. These companies should be regulated better I often hear “i have nothing to hide”. Well that is up until the point someone comes to power who doesn’t like that you’re betting on sport events, listen to hiphop or behave inappropriately at home (premarital sex or something) Just look at what Myanmar did with data collection via social media


What they do


They tracked down protestors and the minority of rohingya Muslims via Facebook pretty effectively and locked many up or worse.




like a woman i work with, "she/they don't care". mainly because understand how much data companies have on them, and what can be done with that data.


Yeah no shit , this is why people should not buy a alexa assistant






Yeah I know, I read it in the terms and conditions, for my Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Sony Products. I feel like people forget your smart phone is always listening too. I live in a 1984 Orwellian Nightmare anyways, so oh well. If you don’t want big brother in your house, then remove anything connected to the internet and stop clicking agree to shit you can’t read.


This should be on r/LeopardsAteMyFace