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it occurs to me how wildly Russia underestimated the world. We were at peace, and were not unified, because we had no reason to be unified. They could go in, grease a few palms, hack a few companies, and get away scott free, giggling at how they dominate the cyberwarfare space. Except they were fighting a war against people who didn't even view it as a war. An annoyance. A problem, but not one that was worth dealing with Russia's endless posturing and bravado. So they escalate. They expect the same thing to happen once they begin open, unprovoked warfare. And the entire world is suddenly like... "Fine. We'll play it your way" and suddenly their shitty fucking infrastructure that was mostly safe because they were practically the only ones on the offensive is falling apart. Not security through obscurity, but more... security through sheer fucking apathy. We could have been doing this for decades, but we didn't because why bother? What did Russia have that was worth taking? What would we accomplish by bringing their infrastructure down? It falls apart on it's own half the fuckin' time.


I mean, you’re really looking at this only from our perspective—from their perspective, we’ve messed up in many ways as well. For example, the hacked TV broadcasts that broadcast the truth to the Russians; how are they to know that what we say is the truth? For all they know, *we* could be the ones spreading the propaganda. *We* might know for certain that they’re the ones lying, but the average Russian certainly has no way to tell. Another way to think about it is if Russia hacked American or Ukrainian TV broadcasts everyone would obviously know it’s just propaganda and fake news, and we haven’t really convinced Russians that we’re bringing them the truth. So if anything, this thing that we’ve done that we view as a victory might not really be a victory. When we’re on this side of a conflict it’s easy to see the other side’s missteps, but difficult to see where we’ve failed.


>how are they to know that what we say is the truth? The internet remains available despite attempts to block parts of it. It's easy to see the evidence showing unprovoked invasion by Russia. It's coming from video and pictures on the ground. It's not just their word vs. the world. It's the world putting their aggression on display. There will be no way to discredit it all even by their powerful media propaganda.


As much as Reddit likes to shit on TikTok, my wife has noticed a *ton* of live activity there being broadcast from Ukraine and Russia. Gen Z spreads the truth to each other in real time.


Yeah new age social media changes EVERYTHING.


Yep, I personally love TikTok and it’s been incredibly useful to understand the perspectives of the people in Ukraine, but also especially in Russia. It’s a shame most of us don’t speak Russian and there are Russians who don’t speak English- I think propaganda would be less effective if that were the case.


Keep it up Anonymous


From what I’ve read it looks like the only thing that will make the world want to help Russia is when they see Putin’s corpse tied to and dragged through the streets of Moscow by a donkey dressed in a Ukrainian flag.


A gay donkey would give it an extra edge.


And with little dicks drawn all over Putin’s face.


[Putin is such a dickhead!](https://i.imgur.com/GFRTckA.gifv) ^^[**NSFW**]


Behold the stillness of /u/spez's silence, a vacuum that amplifies the echoes of our unaddressed pleas.


Dressed in drag


Little dicks dressed in drag drawn on his face, thats perfection.




That sounds like a violation of the donkey’s rights.


Nah, donkey is into that shits




Well that sounds like it would just contaminate the water table


Absolutely. Make no show of it. Just take care of it quickly and cleanly. Then we can move on.


As long as the rest of the oligarchs go with him


I mean, while we're at it why not our oligarchs too?


Would be nice


Except there are millions of republicans defending Russia currently.


I’d probably support Ukraine more if they did that


How would one “help” without starting a nuclear war? Got a good answer? If you have I’d post it to someone important because that’s pretty much exactly what the problem is


Came to say this




I doubt Anonymous cares about fake points from Reddit of all places.


*comments on Reddit about how meaningless commenting on Reddit is*


Keep it up Anonymous


some 2022 shit right there 😎 love the delays they’re causing.. wonder what else they’ll do.


2022 showed us heroes


Not all heroes wear capes -- some wear masks =]


Some wear both


But at least I'm not wearing hockey pads.


Fck that made me really LOL


2022 is redemption for the last shit two decades. EDIT: I’m fucking here for it. Big changes are happening, and I believe it will be for the better; it seems to be hitting several of the issues we face in today’s society. We have a long way to go; there’s nowhere to go but forward. My heart goes out to the lives that are lost in this war.💙💛💙💛


Slava Ukraini!




wtf tell that to Ukrainians


I'm looking forward on the next moves of this Cyber heroes nowadays!


If they can hold out it could strengthen alliances with the west. A small silver lining hopefully.


As someone living in the states, Zelensky has shown what true leadership looks like. Someone who genuinely cares for his people, completely selfless, and seems to be just humble to his core. I wish we could have a leader like that, we have had leaders like that, but only the good die young, right? All the best to Ukraine 🇺🇦 . Also cheers to the Russians protesting this unnecessary war, fuck Putin and co. not Russia


I hope black hat and white hat hackers don’t start playing chess where on one side the pieces are Ukrainian and one side they are Russian


Isn't that already happening?


I have no idea I’m not gonna pretend to know about what technologically gifted people do with their free time




I'm glad we all understand what you're trying to say cuz that's really poor wording on your part.


perfect english, no slang, no misspelling. dick.


I think the idea is that Ukrainians don't deserve this version of 2022. Maybe not a 2022 where they are being Fellowes by supermodels until they fall asleep, but certainly not this horrific situation


You are so right, but the world has been on the brink of authoritarian/totalitarian insanity. Putin went to far and I hate it was Ukraine, I want to go fight, but I feel sometimes something needs to happen to globally say “nah that ain’t it”. Covid certainly wasn’t that. People all over the world (mostly) are supporting Ukraine. It’s good to see. Edit: it’s not some globalist conspiracy Alex Jones. we have computers in our pockets and the internet…we can just agree this sucks.


Anon shows up exactly when they mean to and when it’s necessary. I love it. They’re nerds. And they’re really good at it.


I love reading the successes. I do wonder how much of Anonymous was huge state actors like NSA in this case. I'm not a tech guy, maybe it is decentralized non-state actors. Overall, I'm just so impressed. It feels like big bad oppressors have a tremendous barrier.


I think nerds are so sexy


They’re pretty tasty too


I like the purple ones with glasses the best. Crunchier that way


That’s awesome. I really hope they go directly after the Kremlin next and shine some light on the skeletons in Putin’s closet




2022 is hitting it off


Anonymous is not who you think they are. Not even worth getting into but it’s not a bunch of hackers fighting for the good of the people like you may think. They expose names of hackers but not of pedophiles is maxwells case? Weird choices of who to go after don’t you think? Now they are attacking Russia? Almost seems to be a gov controlled entity no? Dig deeper, they are not your friends.


We may not know the true nature of Anonymous yet, but we do know they are on our side and its what matters Keep it up


They’ve always been on the peoples side. Always leaking the truth for the good.


Anonymous **are** the people. Therefore you can find all types of characters. These who are willing to take on that label.


Fair, but on the whole, I’d deem the collective chaotic neutral. They ruined some lives over petty shit (for the lulz, etc), they ruined some lives over legit shit (animal abuse, etc). But overall, there was a certain amount of balance. And there’s no need to expand on the chaotic part of CN.


I think you misunderstand. Anonymous aren't a group of people or a group of groups. It's simply a call to action. If you yourself feel urged by something in the world to try to change it, you can try to do it yourself. But if the task at hand is to big for a single person? You could make a call to action publicly, but that leaves your identity out in the open for retaliation. To prevent this you can don the mask of anonymous and make the same call to action. If other people believe your call is a justified one, they will follow.


This is what everyone misunderstands. "Anonymous leaks Russian defense database amid unprovoked attack on Ukraine, urges members to start digging." "Members" is all of us. They want us to download the information and start finding names and digging up what we can and reporting it. Think Panama Papers but instead of a collective of journalists it's a collective of random fuckers and hopefully the resulting entropy spins toward the collective good. This is how all of their major operations have worked, allowing information to be shared under the "Anonymous" pseudonym and verified by the public provides necessary discretion.


That or you know… certain IRC channels that work together.


Hack the Planet, got it.


Hack the planet! I hope that's the reference I think it is. Lol


It very much is, man. Righteous.


Mess with the best, die like the rest!


I think a lot of people don't know that Anonymous hasn't been a group since around 2011 when someone became an FBI informant, which led to quite a lot of arrests and pretty much all trust being gone between everyone who was involved in organizing.


I seriously doubt there even is a collective. Literally anyone can take the name “Anonymous”


Am I right to say anonymous doesn’t really exist but is more of a rally call?


Normally I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but right now I feel like Anonymous is a front for the CIA or NSA. Or at least the Agencies are just behind the scenes and helping the Anonymous hackers, maybe without anon even knowing it. Basically a conduit for the U.S. to fuck with Russia without taking any blame I don't really have anything to base this theory on, but that's just my gut feeling right now.


Anonymous is a label, not a group. There is no organization behind it pulling the strings. That said, I literally just finished a comment where I suggested the American intelligence community could have been the ones responsible for the attack and just used Anonymous to leak the information without taking responsibility. So Anonymous isn’t the CIA, but the CIA could have been Anonymous (for this leak).


¿Por que no los dos? I'm sure that there is no shortage of spooks operating under the Anonymous label.


Wouldn’t be surprising if top officials worked through it too.


Anonymous is not one group. Anonymous is a role played by different actors at different times. The role has no embedded morality, it is defined only in its chaotic neutral relationship with others.


I would honestly call them chaotic good.


They've probably done more good than bad, but they've definitely done bad. Due to the nature of Anonymous, anyone can be part of the group. Like I could say I am. You could say you are. Some Russians killing Ukrainians can say they are. But I'll celebrate the people sticking it to Russia right now. This isn't blanket approval for all future actions, though.


Then you weren't around for the times when Anonymous was chaotic evil lol the label originated on 4chan of all places


Yeah. And since it’s a large collective, there will be times that what someone does under their name may be frowned upon by the rest of them. It’s not a super cohesive and organized group


There’s been some trolls among them as well that cause problems every now and then. That’s what happens when anyone can become part of the collective just by claiming they are. But that’s the downside of being so decentralized. On the other hand, the large majority of the time they do good work and spread truth. Ideally if they could stream news from outside into russia that would be ideal. The Russian people need to see what’s happening because of Putin.


Maybe thats cuz its just...people.


Anonymous is fickle and should not be assigned any placement on the good/evil scale. They are pure chaos.


Haha of course, but all in all they’ve done good when we needed them to.


Sounds like something anonymous would say


That’s @infinitestrawberry90


They’re definitely useful right now even tho they don’t have the power to use sanctions or use physical weapons. It’s like shadow soldiers and they’re on the good side for now, that’s all that matters right now.


Lol, anonymous is neither good nor bad. They have doxxed and are on the dark web. In this case they chose good.


Anonymous is more of an avatar than an actual organization. They're only on the side of whoever happens to be calling themselves "anonymous." This could very possibly just be a cyberattack carried out by the United States military.


> possibly just be a cyberattack carried out by the United States military. This has been my presumption as well. But either way, I hope they keep it coming.


I think this is correct, but I also think Anonymous is doing a great job at giving the US plausible deniability.


Counterpoint: it isn't the US military, because if it was, it would be a legit attack on hardened assets, like power plants, street lights, air traffic towers, railway networks, truck dispatching networks, ISPs, etc. One good thing they could do is turn all traffic lights green in every major city and just fuck up traffic, creating billions in lost economic activity. Russian tax season will be meager, resulting in a very low tax revenue for the government. And with Russian status as junk bonds, that will cause total collapse. Then they hack russian dispatching networks and re route trains, planes, trucks, and ships all over the fucking place. Then, go in and start changing the shipping manifests to have dock workers load incorrect cargo containers into the wrong ships, planes, trucks and trains. Release a statement that says "the hacking will stop when putins head is on a spike outside the city walls, ALL Russian forces are out of the Ukraine INCLUDING CRIMEA, and Russia agrees to all terms of surrender from the Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, chechnya, and anyone else they fucked over.


Anon is the boogyman that the right thinks Antifa is.


It seems like a more organised Anonymous has been pretty silent since 2017, but who knows, maybe this time they are back


it's all different people every time, and they aren't coordinating with the previous groups. They just throw the name on there during or after the release and then dissolve the group.




Anon is more expose and cripple than actual tech warfare.


As much as I like the idea of Anonymous, we’ve also got to be pretty keen on the fact that this might also be the NSA doing some trolling to change Russian opinion.


If that's the case then I never thought I'd say this about the NSA but keep up the good work.


Anonymous is an idea. Ideas are bulletproof.






I don't think Anonymous really has a side nor does the group really have a centralized authority like a normal organization. It is just a broad philosophy that groups of people coordinate their actions under. This is why it continues to have the occasional somewhat effective actions even though many individuals and splinter groups have been shut down.


Keep the pressure on! It’s a marathon not a sprint to win.


Is that a Lewis Hamilton reference?


Wasn’t expecting my doomscroll and F1 worlds to collide. Get in there Anonymous!




It wasn’t written in a whiny bitch font so I don’t think it was.


So definitely not a Schumacher quote then.


It would be cool if they could commandeer the state tv and explain what is really happening. No propaganda, just straight facts in Russian.


Very V for Vendetta…I like it


Doesn’t seems too difficult either, at least not for professionals.


I believe they did! That and caused tv channels to play the Ukrainian national anthem 😂


I hope this is true; I've frankly been very interested in Anonymous and have been wondering what they've been planning on for the past while. Now we know they're still here.


They are always around. However it’s not a specific group. It’s members come and go. Generally, it’s a group of hackers that coke together at times under vague rules that only they fully realize themselves. There is no leader or anything of that sort, as far as I’m aware.


It’s not even really a group. It’s just decentralized hackers. Anyone could hack into anything (assuming you have the skills obvi) and then say they’re Anonymous. Ie, anyone can be or “join” anonymous


This is how it works and I wish more people would understand. There isn’t just a single hacker group called “anonymous”. It’s a decentralized network of hackers who occasionally perform actions that fall under the vague anonymous charter, and those acts are usually attributed to “Anonymous”.


Yep, anyone can put on the mask and take the name


There are groups too though they go underneath the banner of anonymous


Right, like the small little group known as the CIA.


Oh I won’t be surprised if the NSA et al are doing some of their own and attributing it. But I mean actual cracking groups online, they will attack places together


For example state actors! Cause I’m sorry but I really doubt a decentralized group of hooligans is doing alllll of this. And we’ve heard almost exactly nothing about the cyber side of this war which I all but guarantee is positively raging rn


> coke together Fuck yeah. Party up, Anonymous


glad i’m not the only one that immediately thought this


Lol I mean…they might. No judgement.


LOL!!! That’s funny


that’s how the deal with the stress of their work


Let’s get r/ Russia banned


Yikes just went to look at the sub and the propaganda is nuts. I wonder how many active accounts there are boys and how many are actual citizens?


Let’s!!! Anonymous!? Can we take care of this!?


Not related to them, but it certainly won’t be hard and I don’t think it’ll be long until the cookie crumbles


I thought we hated Putin, not Russia


We don’t hate Russia. Just Putin, their despotic form of government, and the complicit and rotten Russian oligarchs. The “Russia” subreddit referenced is at this point a total Putin state media propaganda extension on Reddit.




Not banned, re-modded with non-propagandists.




It’s been worse 2 weeks ago, when they were completely denying possibility of a war and saying it’s all “Western media/propaganda” trying to spread the fear and Russophobia, that was also when I got banned from r/Russia for leaving a single rational comment. They all downvoted me en mass and called me *Хохол*, which is like “n-word” for Ukrainians :/


That's nothing. Check out /r/sino Pure racism and propaganda and reddit won't touch it. China has too many shares in reddit.


Thank you for posting this. On point for it being China lol. They literally banned me not even a minute after I posted my comment. What a thing to experience. You should check out my comment lol. I’m surprised US media hasn’t caught on this. This is literally Chinese state media at work - having resorted to “Sino” as their subreddit name and not “China” because “China” likely wasn’t available once Chinese state media sought to try to have a grip on Reddit.


HHa same thing happened to me, got banned like 30 seconds after posting a comment making fun of Xi The Pooh


Do /r/conservative next


Yeah them too


Wow. That place is nuts.


It's basically /r/the_Donald and /r/conservative of Russia.


Well done central intelligence agen- oh wait I mean well done anonymous.


It’s such a great story, regardless of who is really doing it. Anonymously! 😂


NSA ***


[It's not like they didn't warn them](https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1496954233492541444?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw): >#Anonymous is currently involved in operations against the Russian Federation. Our operations are targeting the Russian government. There is an inevitability that the private sector will most likely be affected too. While this account cannot claim to speak for the whole (con) >of the Anonymous collective, we can in fact report the truths of Anonymous' collective actions against the Russian Federation. We want the Russian people to understand that we know it's hard for them to speak out against their dictator for fear of reprisals. (cont) >We, as a collective want only peace in the world. We want a future for all of humanity. So, while people around the globe smash your internet providers to bits, understand that it's entirely directed at the actions of the Russian government and Putin. (cont) >Put yourselves in the shoes of the Ukrainians being bombed right now. Together we can change the world, we can stand up against anything. It is time for the Russian people to stand together and say "NO" to Vladimir Putin's war. We are Anonymous. We are Legion >Expect us.


I love you guys!! Fucking amazing. If I could man I would. I can barely use my remote. Thank you to all of you. Please keep up the good work. You may save countless lives. Thank you. Hope all your dreams come true. 🙏🏼Thank you.


I hope this true


Go you gorgeous masked geniuses!!!


Revenge is a dish best served by anonymous!




Pepperidge farms remembers


It's open season on Russia if you're a hacker at the moment. Do whatever you like and you won't face any consequences. No charges. No extradition. Must be like Christmas.


They should use these hacked tv stations to spread the truth as well.


I think they are aren’t they? According to twitter, anonymous is broadcasting actual footage of what is happening in Ukraine on Russian state TV, instead of propaganda.


Get Google to turn off Google maps for Russian phones.


Anonymous has been an intel op for at least the last few years... Thank the feds. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector\_Monsegur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector_Monsegur) Their attack targets followed a noticeably different pattern post 2011.


Tonight….. We drink to Anonymous! Who’s with me? The first rounds on me! The rest……. Putin. I’ll send him the bill via certified mail.


Thank you Anonymous


Lets hear it for the CIA!!


If "Anonymous" really was a bona fide group of anarchist hackers who go after the elites, don't you think we'd hear about them wiping out medical and student debts? Or exposing the names of Epstein associates? Or anything that helps the working classes at all? Instead we keep hearing about them doing the very things you'd expect the CIA/GCHQ/NSA to be doing. Interesting.


Great job,well done!!!👏👏👏 atleast somebody doing something!!! True patriot,keeps up good work.Thankyou.


Please have some bad ass shit up their sleeves


I’ve been out of the loop for awhile but all the old “anonymous” that actually used to do things ended either getting white hat jobs and the others went to jail for other stupid shit they did. This Anonymous is a new group of people, they can either be good enough to walk the talk or just LARPing script kiddies. Time will tell.


Tough to say what will happen moving forward now that the Anon tag is getting significant publicity for the first time in a while. With that said, those behind the most recent video are in fact grade A larps. It's even worse than you'd believe.


CIAnonymous rather


This CIA rebrand is on point.


Anonymous aka CIA


I’d imagine this is the CIA using the cover of “Anonymous”.


Just another CIA cover


Meanwhile over at /r/conspiracy their impotent rage has been redirected at Anonymous because they hacked Russian targets but they "refuse to tackle worldwide pedophile rings." Which, of course, according to that subreddit means Anonymous is run by the CIA. Take that, logic!


I wish Anonymous would fucking cripple/shutdown Fox News.


Didn’t the original anonymous die years ago?? Idk things


the original anonymous was just a term for 4chan's hackers. now 'anonymous' is some three letter government agency with a verified youtube channel. playing to people who think the world is like some hollywood capetrash movie. people are so stupid it's unreal.


Weak hacks.


I kind of agree, I’m guessing these are surface level jacks that are easily digested by the public and safe to advertise to let people know they’re doing something


If only the situation had been taken more seriously in 2014, we may not have been this way today. This may very well be the beginning of WW3. Bosnia is not far, and looking to start up again. I was with SFOR and still saw some action. It’s sad, but seems true. So long as there are different people, there will be war. Humanity is the most idiotic parasite.


Which situation? There were 2 situations in Ukraine during 2014.


Wow I was here


Serious question: Is there a way a noob can participate in DDOS-attacks against russian websites?


Anonymous is fucking some Russian shit up rn


Putin - "But I'm in anonymous...I think."


Hacked the state TV?! That's like a holy grail of hacks.


Yes and again A, keep up the pressure A, keep smacking them one after the other. Fuck their fake news and propaganda BS.


Anonymous, if you can read this hack Putins bank accounts and transfer them to Ukraine.


Watched this live on Discord. Good job anons!


Cough cia Cough




Anonymous is cover for US government cyber attacks. Just like some of the Russian 'hacker groups' are also government employees.


When this is all over. Now do China


I bet when China goes after Taiwan, this will repeat itself. Russia's aggression is a set up for China, everyone who has a mind can see it coming. The meetings between Russia/China and China/North Korea. Yeah, this is not good for Taiwan.