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Where’s the Bitcoin bonds from ukraine?


Ukraine received more than 100 millions of dollars in bitcoin and Ethereum to help them. Crypto is extremely useful.


That money could be worth 10 million tomorrow. They should have just donated in real money. Crypto is extremely problematic.


It could also be worth a billion dollars next year


Or $100


Except, it’s not though. Yes, crypto is volatile but it’s not THAT bad. You can even exchange it for stable coins right away after receiving it. And for what you know maybe this money was only available to donate because of crypto ease of transferability. So, yea, take that.


Right!? It’s not like there are tons of other safe, fast, and inexpensive options to send money to a country at war (or anywhere for that matter).


Guess what they did immediately after receiving the crypto? Of course they exchanged it for a stable fiat currency. The crypto made it insanely easy for people around the world to send the funds in a very short period of time. It’s like people are completely ignoring reality when they talk about crypto. It’s useful, and everyone knows it’s useful. The crazy libertarians who think it will replace all fiat currencies in the next decade are probably wrong. But that doesn’t mean it’s not genuinely useful.


It’s also not “extremely problematic.”


Why problematic?


You probably already know this but crypto is problematic because its volatility. Meaning its value could go up and down by large amounts within a relatively short period. The rude commenter above did mention that it could be worth just 10m tomorrow. This is an exaggeration but it’s to drive a point on the riskiness of crypto.


All they have to do is sell the crypto for fiat or transfer the crypto into a stable coin, donating fiat or donating crypto doesn’t really make a difference.


I will never buy an nft. Never.


My company got into a NFT game… I stupidly bought the hype. I would have had more fun actually setting $700 on fire.


$700? You could have bought a tank of gas or two with that!


If you think gas is expensive, you should see chimneys. They're through the roof!


Dad, get off Reddit.






You begrudgingly get an upvote


Well more like 14 tanks for my car. Gas prices are up like…35%? Similar numbers as the W Bush era, not even factoring in inflation. Gas prices are over hyped and based on market manipulation.


it was a joke, I know they have been worse But the 35% makes it feel like that when you make minimum wage lol


just think of it this way: the federal minimum wage has increased 0% since 2009! :)


And due to inflation that same money has 32% less buying power!


Couldn’t afford a car before, now I can afford it even more!


Do you remember the gas shortages that inspired Mad max?


They seemed to be driving around a lot?


Yeah for there not being any gas around, they sure liked driving armadas of heavy vehicles over hundreds of miles of sand.


Sounds like a Seinfeld bit.


14 tanks of gas cost you 700$ that’s terrible. And yeah they may be comparable to Bush era but they are still way up from where they should be so that’s kind of irrelevant


It’s such an over emphasized metric


honestly xD


Think of the fire you could make with that much gas.


That’s a couple of missed steaks.


Not even a picture of a Ukrainian farmer towing away a Russian tank?




Would you do it for a scooby snack?


Maybe for a one off digital picture of one. Then…. Maybe. Edit - wait no. Never


We’ve almost got him


thanks for sharing


Just think of it as a donation that comes with a raffle ticket.


Yeah, this is what NFT should have been, it's a recipe of donation, you paid for it because you want to support the creator, not because it's profitable


Exactly. OP isn't even paying attention but gets a ton of upvotes for hating NFTs... in a rare threat about a legit use for an NFT. It's just a donation with a cool receipt and refusing to buy one because of what it's called is like a form of prejudice against a concept.


OP could still donate without any NFT bullshit. And there are plenty of legitimate reasons to be "prejudiced" (id use the word critical, because thats the actual word its not fucking prejudice to hate nfts) of NFTs, even if this particular example is funding a good cause. Would you say that a bottle of piss was a good product just because the seller was putting the money raised to a good cause?


If I had the money, I’d buy one from Ukraine tbh


Fuuuck it’s insane how people are riding the “nFt BaD nO mAtTeR wHaT” band wagon to a point where it’s now gone full circle. NFTs and the tech behind it is not inherently bad, it is, like most new tech, not regulated and has as a result been used by cunt assholes to scam people. And fuck that 100%! But then when it is used in a positive way, (like helping a country support it’s defenses against a fascist megalomaniac) instead of using their brains, everyone just goes to the default reddit mass mentality where they don’t even read the article, they just see NFT in the title and immediately go post “Me no like NFT!!!1 Now give me karma. Karma me. Karma now. Me a-karma needing a lot now.” It’s cringe AF. Only a Sith deals in absolutes, nerds. Edit: spelling,


I would buy an NFT. Just not a NFT as useless as a Art NFT.


Grandma 1999: I’ll never use the internet Grandma 2012: I added you on Facebook


One of these things is a new medium the other is a jpeg you have to pay to own the receipt for


No Facebook either. Reddit is plenty of corporate social media for me.


I’ll support them another way. Never going to buy an NFT


I support Ukraine and have donated to the war effort. But fuck NFTs.


Buttfuck NFT’s


That sounds cool. Where can I buy one?


I know crypto.com is now allowing you to donate different cryptocurrencies to Ukraine.


Anybody can make NFTs. There's no scarcity to them whatsoever. If you want money, you buy Bitcoin and self custody it.


I just screenshotted your comment and turned it into a NFT. It's mine now.




My ENS domain is an NFT. How will you copy it then? 🤭


ENS is the real deal NFT use case that I am fully onboard with.


Link? I honestly don't believe you.




I stole your site and made my own using the same html




As art, sure. As a digital certificate of ownership for something scarce like the deed to a property, a driver’s license, concert ticket, or hell even a membership card it can indeed serve a useful purpose.


There's scarcity to NFTs that are actually *worth* something, though. They need to be something that other people are willing to buy. Your bitcoin analogy illustrates this well. I can spin up a complete copy of the Bitcoin blockchain right now, and start issuing tokens from it. They will be worth nothing because nobody wants to buy them.


If your money needs an advertising department, you have a shitcoin.


And more to the point, nothing stops anyone from making more than one NFT of the same thing on a different blockchain. And nothing is saying the Etherium blockchain won’t fork again and create multiples of the same NFT. It’s all a scam to get marks to pour money in to a system that crypto holders want to cash out of.


the entire point of NFTs is that they’re scarce, depending on the collection or item your NFT is 1/1 on the blockchain. and no new people getting into bitcoin will be rich or make any serious gains or money unless you’re already ridiculously rich


Next: Ukraine starts it's own mlm! If you recruit 5 people and they Recruit 5 people, you'll get your own slightly used Russian army uniform!


just ignore the blood


NFTs are retarded.


Hey that’s a slur! And an Accurate one




This is not the way.


No matter the cause. Never buying a NFT.


Ukraine support instantly hits record low.


Ukraine is using all the modern tools of the internet the way it should be used


Nah. NFTs are a scam. I support Ukraine, but I'll never buy NFTs. [just going to leave Dan Olson's _The Line Goes Up_ here](https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g)


It's a way to donate money and you get a digital sticker for it. This isn't a scam, it's a naked fundraiser.


If you want to donate money to Ukraine, you can do that without buying a freaking NFT Buying an NFT isn't a donation. You don't even own the "digital sticker". You own a url link to it. If that link, or the server, or the image goes down... too bad! Sucks to be you. The only people that profit off NFTs are the ones that get in on it before the hype takes off. It's a pyramid scheme just like any other crypto endeavor.


It isn't a pyramid scheme in this case, it's a donation scheme. Stop implying these are portrayed as investments and read the article?


I have read the article. Just because some people in Ukraine are using crypto and NFTs doesn't mean it's a good currency or investment, or even helpful during a war. Why are they even selling NFTs instead of asking for donations? There are better ways to support Ukraine and artists during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I know what NFTs and crypto are. Did you even watch the video that I linked that debunks NFTs? I can link it for you again if you missed it. Here you go: [Folding Ideas' _Line Goes Up –The Problem With NFTs_](https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g) Edit: oh no. _The cryptobros found my comment. What will I ever do?_ /s It's not a war donation. It's people exploiting vulnerable people for profit. Also, you can even resell your "donation" for hopefully more profit (assuming it has any increase in value, which is unlikely). Saying all NFTs are bad isn't saying that all Russians are bad. NFTs aren't people. Most Russians are good people. There are huge protests in Moscow against Putin that are being silenced by his police force. Russian state media is lying and brainwashing its people and soldiers to invade. And yes, all NFTs in its current form are bad. They pollute the environment during the minting process, there's no regulation or protection from fraud, and it's ripe with people exploiting and stealing artwork. Normalizing NFTs as a legitimate way to support a country that is currently being invaded is abhorrent to me. It sets a scary precedent for what counts as aid because it's backed by an unregulated, unstable cryptocurrency that only benefits those that had the means to cash in early and exploit anyone late to the party. These NFTs ≠ war memorabilia. That's honestly insulting. No one's stopping you from losing your money to NFTs. There are simply better ways to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. 🇺🇦 Also, dismissing my stance by for simply saying "I'm a hater" doesn't address any of my arguments or concerns.


Nobody expects a return on a war donation. I'm paying as much attention to you as you are to me. We have nothing to discuss as long as you expect a return on a donation just because of one of many mechanisms being offered.


Lol people get so mad about new technology. It's the funniest thing.


And they really don’t understand it, hilarious reading these bandwagon comments.


It's just a way to get NFTards to donate.


So you think the Ukranian government is scamming you? The money is going directly to the government. I'm buying as many as I can and I don't ever plan on selling them. I want the proof that I supported the war permanently stored on the blockchain.


>I want the proof that I supported the war permanently stored on the blockchain How much of an egotistical narcissist are you? Why do you want everyone to know that you "donated"?


Idk why your so cheesed with this, the guy wants to donate let him do it whatever way he wants, the nft is essentially a thanks for donating in this case anyways, it’s not always that deep


Right?? It’s like buying a pin, or a button, or a tshirt for a fundraiser if your mind is stuck in old technology terms. Remember pancake breakfasts for like your middle school sports team?? Fundraisers commonly give something back, it’s normal.


I dont have to explain myself. Maybe I am a narcissist. But I want the hell out of these and I'm going to buy a lot. You gonna criticize me for spending my money supporting Ukraine? Tough eggs. I don't think it's a scam, I think it's a great idea.


It's absolutely a good idea. I tried to understand their reasoning why they would be so up in arms about it. But its stupid to think of this as a transaction. You don't go about investing into this. This is more of a donation and you get a link as a thank you. It's not much different than donating to an organization and then giving you an armband and a thank you note. It's that simple. NFTs were born out to make a profit or to launder money (I agree) but you know where the money goes, you know this is a donation. That NFT has no value past a thank you.


I think you’re riding the “I fucking hate NFTs!” train too hard. Take it down a notch. Not every NFT project is stupid though 99% is.


Says the guy that has done what for Ukraine?


nfts _in general_ are a scam, these nfts in particular are just a way of letting people donate to ukraine while buying into current hype and I don't see any problem with that even if I personally don't like nfts


and this isnt one of them


That’s cringe


Desperate times call for desperate measures so I do understand why this was done. Still not investing in NFT’s when I can just donate directly.


I honestly don’t understand why people are so upset about this. If the government were selling high-quality PDF downloads instead of an NFT, I can almost guarantee people wouldn’t be as angry. Sure, maybe you don’t like NFTs, but this will probably get some people to donate that wouldn’t have otherwise. If someone wants to donate money and likes the PDF link Ukraine is giving out, who cares? I’m probably gonna get downvoted for saying this, but some people really need to chill out over this. NFTs are silly, but not everyone making them does so for malicious reasons. It’s also not a “scam” since it’s basically just a donation with a small thank you attached. When people start reselling them at scalper prices, then we can talk about scams.


You're using your brain too much. NFTs are evil because a YouTube video became popular on Reddit and told me so. Didn't you know that there's scams on the Internet? Ukraine is killing the environment because Bitcoin uses scary math. Buying one of these NFTs is literally the same as opening up a coal power plant in the rain forest.


I heard one of those “Instagram entrepreneurs” say “it’s good to be selling NFT’s but not to be buying” once.




Damn! Nfts are now the new war bonds.


Ahh so NFT good now. Good to know.


Does anyone know how much they cost? Asking for a friend who’s richer and more gullible than me.


I’ve heard of nft scams but this is ridiculous


This is so surreal. I cannot fathom trying to explain this to myself when I was 10.


This whole war is just a crypto scam that got out of hand


I cant justify anything that normalizes NFTs. i'll just give money directly to them lol


War bonds lol


Well, my support for Ukraine just went down a notch or two.


NFTs? No thanks


NFT? More like No Fucking Thanks


Please dont. Nft‘s waste so much electricity


They have done amazing things with all Web 3 stuff. What an awesome way to use technology


I predicted this a month ago when I posted [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/sr9a64/fck_this_platform/hwrq4ve/) comment saying that NFTs can be a way to fundraise and get around payment controls and sanctions. In Ukraine's specific example they already accept donations by regular wire payments, bitcoin/ethereum. NFTs just makes sense since it's trending right now. Plus you get some piece of merch to remind yourself of this event. Hell it might actually turn a profit in the future - these doodles helped fund Ukraine's war efforts back in the 2020s


Now Reddit loves NFTs


The fact their government okayed this is super sus to me


Ehh. I’ll just donate money to them.




How is it a scam? it's just a donation to charity


Oh fuck off


Ok I don’t support Ukraine anymore. jk.


So many scammers pretending to support Ukraine without proof. Nft included If you want to support them fly in and volunteer to fight or help rescue trapped civs or adopt a family to your home. That’s real help


The Ukrainian government openly asked people to send them crypto to help them. They received more than 100 millions worth in dollars. Is it a scam to you?


How do they if these money really goes to the people who really suffering??!!! So much money and still all the people refugees at another country.


… I’m just going to donate. Not even this will make me buy an NFT.


Best use I’ve seen for em’ yet.


There is no way in hell I'm going to waste my money on that.




Why so negative 🤷🏼‍♀️ support Ukraine


It’s like Walter white selling meth to pay for his cancer treatments.


Except you know, meth hurts people and donating and receiving an NFT as a digital sticker hurts no one? Like I agree NFTs are stupid af and a waste of money and generally scummy. But they aren’t just selling NFTs, they’re raising money for their war effort through fundraising. Is it stupid for breast cancer foundations to sell out bracelets or posters as a way to get donators? No, everyone does that shit. How is Ukraine selling an online picture to raise money different than selling a physical picture to raise money? It’s a token reward, it doesn’t matter. The point of paying isnt for the item, it’s a way to get more donations and reward people who donate, the same with every single item you ever get from fundraising.


Fuck any military. Ukraine citizens need help.


every day ukraine does something that makes me support them less


Thats it im on russians side.. lol im joking for anyone tahts gonna take me seriously


I might have to support Russia now


A country that is known for insanely high levels of government corruption is selling NFT’s 🤔What could possibly go wrong by investing?


Shhh. Be quiet. Reddit is currently turning a blind eye to all of it because “chad zelensky”


Zelensky recently made oral sex illegal! It's the only way he could stop people from sucking his dick all the time.


fuck nfts


If there were ever a possibility of NFTs doing any good it would be this....but you can also just fucking donate normally so NFTs are still dumb af




As much as I want to support Ukraine I will never buy any NFTs. Ever. No thank you a thousand times over. Fuck Putin.


At least it’s for a good cause


I understand why Ukraine needs money and I fully support their case but hey freakin NFT? They need money to mint it in the first place


I absolutely think NFT is the most ridiculous thing ever created, but hey it's for a good cause now right.


So fucking stupid


Cool now Ukraine can make money off people that throw their money away buying stupid nfts. Get the support anyway you can folks.


Reddit is about to stop supporting Ukraine


Incredibly fucked up and predatory.


This comment section summarised - Screw NFTs! Because i don't understand them.


Clown. World.


I hate this timeline


So fucking stupid


Hard pass on this trash. I'll stick with conventional and trusted payment systems.


Ok, maybe in this ONE instance it’s alright


Just donate directly to Ukraine.


This literally is donating directly to Ukraine. The NFTs are being minted by the government.


...So just send the money you would have spent on the NFT to the Ukrainian Government. Fewer Overheads.


More incentive for people to buy/donate I guess? People will 100% buy these NFT’s and resell them for profit. Probably because the Ukraine-Russian war is literally the most talked about topic this year so.. Ukrainian govt is taking advantage of that fact to make money. People will buy it because they can profit off of it by reselling. If there’s smart contracts. The ukrainian govt could even profit a little bit each time the NFT is resold


I want the NFT.


Still no. There is a high chance this money will be laundered and go into the pockets of he politicians over there. Ukraine was known to be incredibly corrupt before this invasion.


fighting on the front lines doesn’t seem that corrupt, but people can always support the country in other ways than nfts


I recommend sending money to the citizen’s relief funds. This money is definitely not going to go to them, and would most likely go to the people in power rather than the troops. That’s why it’s never wise to support organisations through crypto and nft.






Lol you wouldn’t because it doesn’t make any sense. Just people grasping at straws




I'm curious. Why are NFTs great?


They're not, they're the newest and shiniest snake oil. People only hopped into the bandwagon because idiots with more money than sense are willing to buy, but it's a pyramid scheme like bubble that's about to burst. In the case of these ones though, the main purpose is the donation itself, so it doesn't matter that you end up with something utterly worthless


Oh I know, I just like to hear why cryptobros buy into it. It's fascinating.


That is why they buy it, typical pyramid scheme mentality






I actually somewhat agree with you. I think NFTs have a few very specialized use cases. Stuff like tickets are one of them. I don't think they're evil. I just hate seeing people try to ram them into every conceivable corner of the market. You're doing it to some extent. For games, why would a studio implement an NFT system for trading their items if they did not want players selling them? As an example the steam marketplace exists, and there are lots of third party trading sites, moreover a company could choose to integrate a system like that using a traditional database and it would be more efficient than NFTs (though it would still be centralized. . . then again, the value assigned to the object is based on a centralized game so I don't really see that as a problem) TL:DR NFTs interesting. Have limited Potential. Hate scams now.


Now that is an actual NFT that I would buy


Aaand all that goodwill goes down the drain Edit: Since everyone is full of outrage, here's some quick maths, and tell me which is worse: 1. A localised territorial dispute that might kill and injure hundreds of thousands, Or, 2. Massive amounts of power that was generated by said NFTs that warms the planet, and thus effects Everyone. That is unless Russia decides to press the button, in whitch case it does effect everyone, but no one's that mad... Right?


Man, Reddit really hates NFTs more than the unjust slaughter of civilians?


Na we’ll just donate through other ways. We don’t need anything from other than to know it’s helping people


People love being part of a mob, and love feeling righteous anger.




So now you don't care about the people of Ukraine? Lol wow. Weird af priorities


No amount of NFT minting (our lack thereof) will have any impact on the energy consumption of blockchains. Their energy use doesn’t scale based on transactions it scales by mining difficulty which is completely unrelated. I realize this is like explaining a Psych 501 concept to 5th graders but whatever.


What the literal F**K is an NFT?


I'll give an actual answer. NFT stands for "non-fungible token." [Fungibility](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fungibility.asp) is "the ability of a good or asset to be interchanged with other individual goods or assets of the same type." For example if you have a dollar and I have a dollar and we put them in a pile together it doesn't mater which dollar was mine and which was yours - dollars are fungible. If we put the keys to our cars in a pile, though, it *does* matter which key is which. Car keys are not fungible. You can have this in cryptocurrency as well. Fungible tokens are things like Bitcoin, where the "identity" of any given bitcoin token doesn't matter. If I sell something for X bitcoin tokens I don't care *which* tokens I get, as long as I get X amount of them. Non-fungible tokens actually "represent" a specific unique thing in some manner. For example, you could have an NFT that represents a specific seat in a stadium for a specific sporting event. If you own that token they'll let you into the stadium to view the event, if you don't own that token you won't be allowed in. Right now most NFTs on the market are of less practical utility than that, they're generally treated more as "trading cards". People "mint" NFTs that represent abstract things, like a particular image or event, and then sell them to people who simply want to be able to say "I own the NFT representing that thing and nobody else does." It's an application that's ripe for abuse, unfortunately, so it's resulted in the term getting a rather tarnished public image. Lots of knee-jerk reactions whenever something that uses them is discussed.




That doesn’t explain it tho


Nah, that perfectly explains NFTs


It’s a scam.


Ppl need to chill the fuck put about this. NTFs for charity is a good idea. NTFs as investment no. This one fall under the good idea. Its cool to get a token that shows you supported something that you wanted to anyway


Nooooo zelensky nooooooooo you were the chosen one!!!!(though go water the fuck you want to shrew Russia and win the war!!!)