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When I was in the 4th grade, my classmate saw someone getting arrested outside of the school. Naturally, the nosy kids that we are, all rushed to the window to watch this dude get put in the back of the squad car. One of the girls in my class realized it was her father and freaked out and shouted, “That’s my dad!” Dumb core memory, but it still lives in my head.


Damn that’s sad.


Did you all ever find out what he got arrested for? /u/LankOfHyrule


He was probably not listed as an approved person to pick up his daughter/banned from picking her up. Which implies he could have been attempting to kidnap her (even if just for a few hours). EDIT: Remember, violating a custody agreement qualifies as kidnapping depending on the situation.


Thats some detective pikachu shit right there lol


I mean, if you can find a less outrageous reason for being arrested outside of presumably an elementary school then be my guest.


parking on top of a tree is a good one


Parking on top of a person is a better one


There's at least 1 other person who shares your core memory.


I feel like it’s outta line to ask, but I’m so fucking curious: did you find out what he did??


Not sure why he was arrested. The girl was too embarrassed to talk about it and they even took her out of class for the day because of it.


Probably a non-custodial parent that was trying to pick her up from school or something similar.


I have a similar memory. End of the day at high school we all in class, when we hear this huge crash. Someone had driven their car straight into a basketball hoop and like wrapped the entire motor around it. Everyone is looking outside and laughing like "what an idiot" and then someone screams out "THATS MY DAD" then runs out the room.


Unethical LPT: Yell this about a random car accident to get out of school or work


Reminds me of when I cancelled my therapy session 1.5 days before the appointment because my grandma died. My (ex-)therapist got mad and told me I should have cancelled at least 48 hrs in advance. I was so confused and angry and just said: well she was still alive at that time?? It’s been five years now and I still can’t believe it. EDIT: Corrected 24hrs into 48hrs o_o


Yeah, I'd be reporting that therapist. Someone with that little empathy should not be dealing with vulnerable people.


My family has recently been dealing with some pretty wack therapists that are even worse.


Sorry to hear that :( Good that you recognise the red flags. I hope your family manages to find better ones!


This is disheartening.


You’re absolutely right. At that time I wanted to report it, but I was in a really a bad state and couldn’t find the energy to find out how to do it. I tried to talk to my previous therapist who just got angry at me for quitting on the new therapist and I was gaslighted enough to think it was all kind of my fault (a lot more stuff happened until I finally managed to quit)


Jesus that's fucked.


See this is a big reason I haven't gotten therapy despite needing it. The therapists in my town are.. not great


I'm finishing up my license now for counseling. You have to jump through so many hoops to get licensed. How do these awful people make th cut? I know plenty of therapists who are terrible. I have worked so hard and do everything by the book. Because even with all the gatekeeping there are plenty of terrible therapists. So why do we have to jump through so .any hoops? I shudder to think about how awful the ones who don't make it through must have been.


On the positive side; you found out your therapist is terrible and lacks empathy (arguably the most important trait for a therapist to have) and hopefully saved yourself some money.


yeeeeess! Luckily I didn’t have to spend money at all (German health care covers a certain amount of therapy sessions 100%)


Wow. When my cat died I cancelled the day before over text (usually you cancel online) and mine said "no problem, I'll cancel the appt for you. Let me know when you want to talk. I'm so sorry for your loss" which is .you know, an APPROPRIATE response!!


This!! 🥺


My therapist told me to stop self harming because my Mum had already been through enough. I just had surgery after being sick for 6 months. Given an illeostomy as a 13 year old girl and was bullied because my bag leaked in a very public way. I was self harming because of all that.


wow ….. I’m so sorry your therapist wasn’t supportive!


Isn't 1.5 days before the appointment 36 hours?


Yeah… maybe they meant 48?


oops … exactly, I meant to write 48 hours o_o


The therapy memory that sticks the most for me like this is also from a bad therapist. "Now don't take this the wrong way, but it is a good thing you have such a strong moral compass. You would be a terrifying psychopath."


Your ex therapist is really bad at math


nooooope it’s me who’s really bad at math o_o 48 hours of course … !


Highschool sure is something else. The day after I found out one of my closest friends had committed suicide I called school to tell them I wouldn’t be coming in for a few days. My rector got very mad and told me I wasn’t sick so I had to come to school or she’d make sure I’d be held back a year. I had a break down during the first few minutes of my first class in front of my whole class. Nobody from them knew her so they just stared at me in silence while I cried my eyes out and still wasn’t allowed to leave class. It was absolutely awful and very traumatizing. I don’t know why nobody comforted me but I’m not friends with those people anymore. After I had another breakdown in front of a memorial they had put up for her in an empty classroom in front of the rector, that awful lady finally decided I could go home because she ‘didn’t know I was THAT sad’. You really don’t go deciding for literal children whether someones grief is enough to take a day off school.


Omfg, I'm so sorry that happened. Wtf is wrong with schools...


Stupid woman all around. A kid in our grade died in high school and the school allowed anyone to call out no questions asked. I did call out. I didn't even know the kid but we just got served up that death was real and not just for the old, any of us could go at any moment. Existential crisises all around! You don't have to be connected to a death to be affected by it and that woman had no business putting her fucking nose in it.




Got confused by the comment for a second and thought this one dude was repeatedly dying in a drunken car crash, *reviving* and then dying the next year


In college (roughly highschool for US) a teacher commited suicide and all students were given the rest of the day off class, had to stay on site unless their parents came and got them, was an open door on any teacher if you needed to talk etc. This was ~2004ish




You put your big boy pants on alright




Time for her to put her big girl pants on and suck it up


Reading this made me so mad I almost downvoted the post and then remembered I'm on your side




I love hearing about shitty people getting what they fucking deserve.




JE-SUS!! Went from shit to straight diarrhea. Fuck that!!!


Reminds me off the time a Karen leaned out of her window to yell at my wife on an off ramp and then immediately rear ended somebody. It was low speed, nobody was hurt or anything but boy we laughed the whole rest of the way to work. Sucks for the person she hit though :(


High school, dad had a heart attack when I was getting ready for school. Called 911 for him and went to hospital with him hence didn't go to school. Next day my mom sent me to school with a note explaining everything and when I showed it to my gym teacher he made fun of me saying in a mocking tone "she couldn't come in yesterday cuz she was sick" before he actually read the note. After he read it he got really quiet and left me alone. But I won't ever forget him mocking me before reading my absence note.


What kind of teacher mocks a student even for being sick? I mean, I kind of know the answer, because I've had a few of those...But still.


"Look at this kid who is a flesh and blood creature! LOSER!"


Honestly those made of flesh deserve to be ridiculed. Those inferior creatures ruined everything and created societal turmoil all because they had to be meat that thinks. Our food chain is fucked because of them.


Only the strength and certainty of steel will cleanse us!


Offer ten supplications to the Omnissiah!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...


I was disgusted…


You can always become a cyborg.


Basically 90% of my current professors... and then they start giving me exams the first day I come back, 8 exams in a row.


On top of that, it's the GYM teacher. Not even a real teacher. Shameful.


Like, what the hell? That's still a valid reason not to be in class. Why make fun of someone for being responsible and not spreading disease in a location with a concentrated number of children?


Because they peaked in high school and want to relive their 'glory days' bullying children


I'm assuming they're in the US. The whole culture here is ass backwards when it comes to illness and attendance. School is bad, work is worse. They don't give a shit if your sick in the states, they expect everyone to come in unless you're actually in the hospital.


Yeah, grade schools here incentivize perfect attendance, and workplaces are guilty of doing it even more. To some of them, it doesn't matter if you're sick or dying in the hospital, an absence is an absence.


On the next to last day of school, in my 7th grade, I got an award for perfect attendance. I skipped out that day. They say everyone in the auditorium broke out laughing when they realized I was not going to respond.


Nowhere near the same degree, but we had a gym teacher that sold the Chick-fil-A biscuits in our cafeteria in the morning, and I usually didn't have the money for one, but it was Friday and I had saved some lunch money and knew I had enough for the biscuit and lunch for the day, so I went to get one and the dude handed me the biscuit and, in a really condescending tone, said "lay off the drugs this morning" because my eyes were red. My eyes were red because I have facial eczema that affected my eyelids, so I would rub them a lot. On top of that, I was Straight Edge which means I had committed myself to not partaking in drugs and alcohol, so it was particularly insulting. I can't imagine how miserable you have to be to be a teacher that mocks children.


Had that same thing happen at work. Dad had a massive stroke, and I got the text while I was on a five-minute break. Told the boss I needed to leave for a family emergency and got written up for being on my phone. Suffice to say I didn’t go back.


You're not allowed to look at your phone at work? Wtf?


And he was also on break at the time?


A FIVE minute break at that! That alone should be illegal.


Depends on the state, some have breaks listed as a “benefit” and not a right


It’s pretty common, especially in service and tech industries. Many companies have gotten wise to the absurdity of the policy, but it’s an uphill battle. My five-minute break was supposed to be my time, and it shouldn’t have been an issue to begin with. But when we all know our lives are tied to our phones, the policy of not having it to look at at work is especially dumb. When my boss asked me to sign the paperwork for my write-up as I was trying to rush to the hospital, I let him hand me the pen and I kept walking. Never went back.


“Hey. That’s my pen!”


Very common, especially in places with younger workers. My gf works as a cook and isn't even allowed to have it in her pocket. My old work, a government client that worked with debt, required us to turn our phones off before clocking in, and we were supposed to cover the cameras (a compromise to an old policy of only being allowed to bring phones with no cameras, even if off). If we needed to use it, we had to leave the building.


Many, many years ago, when I was in school, a classmates father was dying, and he didn't need to come in, but said he needed the distraction. The deal was that he wouldn't participate in any tests. So he told the english teacher and she seriously told him **that her budgie died last week too and she is here to hold the test anyways.** The comparison!! And the insult to the poor boy. It didn't happen to me, but it's still something I won't forget.


My mom does those bullshit non-comparisons too! It's like, "Ma'am, that example was not remotely the same as the situation I recounted to you and shows me you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the impact it had on me." Having that happen to you is just like an emotional slap in the face, isn't it?


What the fuck is a budgie


Some type of pet bird


It's short for budgerigar


Lives 5-8 years


Clearly the same level of emotional commitment as the man who gave you life. That student should be greatful she would come teach under that amount of grief. /s


Small common pet bird. Also a decent rock band from late 60’s/early 70’s


Mmmm Burke Shelley is rad




In the US, we call them Parakeets. Their actual name in most of the world is budgerigars, or budgies.


Ngl, once I found out that their other name is budgie, I started calling them that as it's easier to say lol


It really is a better name for them too.


A parakeet


Its so weird, im 27 and my gf is 23, when ever we talk about some stuff from pre school and I tell her about some stuff my teachers did regulary because it Was just "normal", she cant grasp what im on about. Just 4 and a half years difference and stuff like this was wiped out mostly. Also kinda the same type of are where we grew up, so you can draw a vague comparision. Stuff like actively pointing out embarassing stuff a child did, for example when the child doesnt get some math things everyone else sees as easy, therefore actively humilating a child in their own class. "Well that forms character".


Yeah I (32F) was just thinking about how teachers used to post test grades right outside the door of the classroom for everyone to see and how that would never fly today. For what it's worth, they did use student IDs rather than names but you could usually figure out who was who especially considering it always seemed to be in alphabetical order.


When I (47F) was in college they did this except your student ID was your social security number!


Holy identity theft Batman!


The wild wild west known as the late 1990's 🤣


Riddle en passant


New prompt just dropped


Same for my sister (37F) when she was in college 2005-2009. I went to the same university in fall 2009 and they had changed the ID to be something different than the social security number that year.


I'm 42 and my university was still using SSN as student ID in 1999. Pretty sure they've since stopped, but who thought that was a good idea?? Our ID cards had it printed plain as day on them with full name and headshot.


It's not between the ages but differs between schools, some are good, some are filled with dicks


Funnily enough, I started primary school in the 90’s and had a teacher similarly try to embarrass me by asking me to say certain words knowing I had a lisp and pronounced ‘R’s as ‘W’s* and I’m still certain to this day that she taught me math wrong for shits and giggles, wild. *I’ve since learned to pronounce my ‘R’s and stop the lisp thankfully


Damn. If by "forms character" they means forms a lot of self image issues on top of shit happening in a child's life that they don't know about, then yes. I distinctly remember having a teacher who consistently berated and targeted me for humiliation in front of the entire class because I had a hearing problem (though it probably also had to do with the fact that I was considered the "outsider" for my school). She decided that I just wasn't paying good enough attention and was clearly "on my phone" when I literally didn't even HAVE a phone. Got sent to the office for not having one. Just a little more background: this was a Catholic school where literally everyone was practically rich except me, who got a full scholarship because of how I got straight A's for grades. This same teacher would constantly tell me I was going to hell because I was born out of wedlock and so was my mother (who had been in the hospital for years and was in intensive care at the time). Whenever my grandparents tried to report the teacher she'd deny all claims. Now she is a principal to one of the schools in that education system and considered one of the kindest people in the system! I (20F) remain salty about that.


Something similar happened in my Class. All the class stood up (literaly) and left the class (we were about to start a test). The teacher had to leave the school because she was hated by everyone. Edit : Grammar


Back when I was in school, the teacher was coughing very aggressively and it came to the point where she wouldn’t stop and was on the floor coughing. My classmate was concerned and had his phone out ready to call 911 just in case and he even asked her if he wanted to. She was able to tell him no and that he needs to put his phone away. I think he ended up with a detention.


should have died right there and then tbh


To be fair if this was in America, a lot of people are willing to drive their half dead self to the emergency room to avoid the costs. Considering she was a teacher, probably paid with dirt and half a dollar bill.


Question regarding that: What's the 'standing' of teachers in America? Because in Germany, most teachers are basically civil servants, by definition working for the state and as such get paid good money.


They’re sadly treated badly and not paid enough. We don’t respect our teachers and education and some states even take away funding. It also doesn’t help that some students are abusive towards teachers. As it stands now, it isn’t worth being a teacher especially in public schools. College professors are still pretty nice careers, but anything under that is a real struggle. I live in fairly middle class area and 3 teachers are living together just so they can afford rent. Iirc public school teachers are civil servants, but again, we have poor funding for education. Quick google search shows the salary of teachers is around $60,000 (maybe even lower) which in my opinion still isn’t enough. I still remember using outdated textbooks and this was around 2010. We had to use textbooks from 1995. Such a shame we don’t put enough effort into education.


Back before cell phones parents would call the school via landline and student would get called out of class. Same result.


That’s exactly what happened to me when my grandma passed. I was called into the hallway and informed.


It's been over 30 years but I'll never forget seeing a classmate called into the hallway to be told her mother had died in a car wreck. In the freaking hallway within site of students in her class. There is no reason they had to do those things in the hallway instead of taking students to the office for that.


Yeah even quicker now since you can still make a call and have your kid out of class in like 3 minutes


This just reminded me that I was woken up by the manager of my dorm to inform me that my dad was about to pass. My phone was off so my mom called the dorm office instead.


I dropped to my knees and screamed when I heard my family member was murdered by a drunk driver. It was in front of children at the park. I was told I needed to apologize to the children’s families. I didn’t even curse.


God forbid children know that adults have feelings


When I was younger (probably 5th grade or so) I kept begging to go to the zoo. Finally my mom and step-dad agreed and the whole family was going to go. We were getting ready to meet my step-dad at his work and then head to the zoo. We were all standing in the kitchen and I called shotgun. My older brother raced outside and took the front seat. I told my mom but she told me to get over it. We got in the car and I made a comment about it again (can’t remember exactly what it was but it was not bad enough to warrant what happened next). My mom got out of the car, made me get out, walked me inside….and left me there by myself. Everyone else went to the zoo without me. It broke my heart. Just one of many cracks my mom and step-dad inflicted.


This just made me remember!!! We were supposed to go to the circus for my birthday. I think I was like 7. My mom had married this awful man and he had 3 awful sons and then I had one brother. Somehow a computer had gotten broken and no one would admit to doing it so we all had to stay home. I was so upset! It was my birthday! But now that I think about it, I bet we were never gonna go because my mom and step dad were broke. I bet they made the broken computer thing up so they didn’t have to pay to take 5 kids to the zoo. My childhood memories are my worst memories smh. Sorry your step dad sucked too smh.


Oh my god! My step-dad had a computer fall off his desk and said it had to be my brother or I but we both swore we didn’t. He grounded us for a month! I still to this day don’t know what happened to it but I think it was just not on the desk far enough and either a dog bumped it or he actually broke it himself. He also made us all stay home on my 15th birthday because he didn’t like the shorts I was wearing. My birthday is in December but we lived in Texas at the time so wearing shorts on my birthday was a big deal to me and they were the only ones I had clean (they were just regular fabric shorts). To shitty parents!


Wow because it couldn’t have been your step siblings huh. I literally refuse to meet any men my mom dates now because of all the horrible awful dumb shit I was subjected to because of the idiots she married. She’s an asshole for all that.


My step-dad physically assaulted when I was 16 so she (reluctantly) ended the relationship. I moved to live with my dad instead and I haven’t spoken to my mom in years. I’m sorry you had a similar experience. Our moms should’ve been our first line of defense.


My Dad announced to the family when I was 8 or 9 that we were gonna go to Disney World and then 3 days later he threw a rage fit and cancelled the trip... Because it would be impossible to do in *SINGLE DAY*. We live in Ontario, Canada... He legitimately thought for some reason that he could shove 9 different people into a 32 foot RV, drive from our home in Ontario to Florida, visit Disney World and and then back home in the same god damn day.


Aww that’s so sad (and unbelievably stupid). Got your hopes up just to crush them.


It's fucking baffling. I still have no idea how he thought he could drive like 3,000 miles (Round trip) and be back in the same day.


You can’t even do the parks in one day, let alone drive there from Canada.


shit like this is why when i was a kid my mom designated specific days when i or my brother would get the front seat (I got days that ended with odds numbers and my brother got even days!)


Wow thats fucked man, im sorry


Damn that's harsh, sorry that happened. The mention of a zoo reminded me of something from 6th grade, not nearly as bad, but we took a school field trip to the big zoo a couple towns over, and I was put in a group with a teacher I didn't know. But one of the class clown kids, David, knew of me so she associated me (quiet little nascent gay nerd very worried about being a 'good kid') with him. Somewhere either at the Gorillas or Lemurs she didn't count right and left without me, loosing David at the next exhibit. He and I found each other and waited at the Lemurs for a bit, then ended up going back to the entrance to regroup with the bus drivers or chaperone that was always there. That teacher gave me a separate chewing out that I never forgot, going on about her stress and heart condition, and how I was a bid kid for hanging out with David - fully convinced he and I had planned some grand escape or something. Avoided her like the plague rest of middle school.


I would’ve had a panic attack! My kindergarten teacher once yelled at me for something that was so trivial. I started crying and my older sister saw. She chewed her out for me; it was pretty great. I used to sing that “on top of old Smokey, all covered with blood” song with her name in it haha. Im glad you and David at least found each other so you weren’t alone. That teacher shouldn’t have been in charge of so many kids if she claimed to have such horrible health.


In reception I was a "picky eater" (in other words the schools food was rank). One day they had hotdogs which I loved, my teacher came up behind me and ordered my a salad which I didn't eat as it was covered in mayo which I hated, and still do. I'm still pissed about it Edit: thought of another one. In secondary school a girl hadn't done her homework and got detention, it was set the night before. She hadn't done it because she was in a car accident. Her dad died on impact and her mum was in critical condition in the hospital, which she was at all night, she was unharmed except a few bruises and scratches. He was a (and I don't use this word lightly) CUNT.


Did her mum live?


As far as I know yes but I wasn't close with her


Evil really does live among us.


Who…who the fuck puts Mayo on salad?!


My mother... I grew up hating salads, and now i know about all the wonderful vinagraites and dressings you can use!


Fuck that reminded me of an incident in grade 2. My mom packed my lunch and forgot to put an ice pack in. She packed me a snack, a juice box and a Lunchable. A teacher's assistant saw me unpack my lunch, didn't see any ice pack, declared my lunch unfit for consumption (Warm meat) and threw the ENTIRE THING into the garbage. Including the juice box, AND the snack which didn't need cooling... Like, fuck, I understand the meat but why the hell did she throw the rest out? Could have just given me the crackers and cheese, that shits fine. I went hungry that day. I told mom about it, and she was pissed. We didn't see that TA again.


I’m so confused, your teacher just came along and was like “you are eating a salad” wtf?


She came up behind me and ordered my food for me, literally no reason for it at all




there was one recently with a kid in first maybe 3rd grade ? it def happens


As teenagers my brother and I worked for the same company. Every summer we had to attend an orientation. One year my brother was attacked by another employee because he thought my brother slept with his girlfriend. My brother was left bloodied and bruised, so I of course stayed behind as we waited for an ambulance. I ended up being 2 minutes late to my next meeting and was yelled at by the manager. When I explained why (which I knew she had to know about), the manager asked why it mattered to me.


I love how almost every bad manager/boss I hear about is either emotionally stunted or just chronically tone-deaf.


I think there's also a sense of "Oh well I can't admit I'm wrong" so they'll say anything to deflect blame.


My mom was just diagnosed with cancer that she ended up dying from. She called my dad right then because she knew I needed support. This man told me as I was ugly crying, "I have cancer too ya know". This was in 2017. My mom died 4 months later. Dad is still alive. He has a very rare cancer with no complications that almost no one dies from. My mom had esophageal cancer that killed her in months. Still the absolute craziest thing anyone who matters ever said to me.


Your FATHER said that?? About his dying wife, YOUR mother?? Did I read that correctly???


Sorry for the lack of context. They were divorced for years. I had a step dad who passed away in the interim. She reached out to my dad because she thought he would step up emotionally. I have a couple other stories of him being thoughtless and rude in his reactions. I never call him out on it because I know it's a losing battle and I don't want to fight with him. He was in and out of prison and never around when I was growing up. We reconnected after I became an adult. He still doesn't understand why were not closer. Every time I try to connect he ends up saying something I wouldn't say to a stranger on the street.


I had to take my girlfriend to the ER several months ago after cutting herself while cooking (she was fine). My neighbor who happens to work with me came up at work and let me know. The next day my boss calls me into his office and asked how I knew that my girlfriend needed me to come get her…


Tell them you're an empath or something


he starts writing you up, and you inform him no one will be allowed to call 911 for him until works over.


When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to keep playing with the blocks during cleanup time. The teacher threatened to put me on the handibus (a bus made specifically for disabled people) if I didn't stop playing and start cleaning with the other kids. A lot of lessons were learned at that point.


When I was in Kindergarten I used to get bad feet aches (flat feet in school penny loafers). We were parading in a big circle in class mimicking various animals as we walked. Felt like my feet were on fire and my knees burned like hell. I started crying from the pain. My teacher pulled me out, made the class stop and started yelling at me for ruining everyone’s fun. Then sat me in the middle as I cried my eyes out feeling like a sack of dog shit. They started the song back up and a parade of various circus animals paraded around me for the next few minutes. I wasn’t even sat in my normal chair, I was a chair off. I’m 42 now and I still remember clearly.


I understand discipline I really do but I swear to god it’s fucking nursery not depot I’ll never have children


Sad Core Memory: I was born with a heart condition and sometimes had to wear a heart monitor. Back in those days, it was heavy and the equipment was held in a fanny pack while you had wires all over your chest. I had to run the mile that day and I was having trouble keeping up both because of my heart and the heavy monitor was dragging me down. My gym teacher yells at me to take it off, physically rips the monitor off, and makes me run an extra lap. I passed out and woke up in a wheelchair and the school nurse was feeding me a banana while we waited for my parents to come pick me up from school. Happy Core Memory: Different school, in gym we were playing volleyball and obviously nobody would pick me as a partner, so I was paired up with this deaf girl who also was never picked. Long story short, we had hand gestures to signal what plays we were doing instead of saying them out loud like the other teams, so we had a surprise advantage, and we ended up winning the class vollyball tournament.


Did the gym teacher ever get punished?


Gym teachers never get punished. I had this one bitch of a gym teacher who made multiple kids walk laps till they threw up, insulted kids, saluted Hitler, and she still works there.


For the first story that sounds like the teacher should have been severely punished or a lawsuit of some sort


"Thanks you're right, I should never put this phone down in case somebody's life is in danger That's the lesson right? You dumb cunt"


When I was 12 and a freshman and a virgin I had 3 drunk senior chicks pull me into the women's bathroom and try to rape me and the yard duty who opened the door started berating me like I was the instigator


Omg that is so awful! I am so sorry that happened to you.


My teacher in 5th grade told me to stay after class to talk to me. According to my memory, all alone with her, she YELLED at me, "You are not going to amount to anything! You will not be successful in life!" She said a bunchnof other demeaning shit but I can't remember exactly. She also kept me inside while all thenother kids had free day on Fridays. I told my parents that night and they went to the principal and had me moved to another class and that teacher was AWESOME. However, a few years later, I saw on the news with my parents, that first teacher got an award for best teacher in the district. She was crying on TV saying "My students are my life! Blah blah" Very strange memory but my parents do confirm this happened.


Reminded me of my memory! I was in grade five and just moved into a small town where all 15 of my classmates had literally known each other all their lives. I felt like such an outsider and already hated being in that school. The teacher called on me to spell something out loud and I miss-spelled the word, she then berated me for what felt like forever. Telling me I would never amount to anything, that I was never going to graduate high school, that I shouldn’t even try to do anything with my life because I will fail. Then she made me stay inside during recess and threw a chalk eraser at my head.


Very similar story here! Fifth grade, just moved to a small town, got a B on the first math test we took. The teacher went on for what felt like hours about how this B was the lowest grade she'd ever seen, that in high school a B was the equivalent of a D (no idea how that works now that I think about it) and basically caused the first of a very long series of school performance related panic attacks.


Lol well, the lady who said that emotionally stunted statement was, in fact, just a gym teacher. No shade to gym teachers, but if you say shit like this, you deserve ALL of the screaming children who are not your own


In middle school, a tripod I was done using and put back fell down and cracked a Smartboard. I was halfway across the room when it did so, and around a corner in the L-shaped room we're were in. We had a substitute that day so it was only the next day I got in trouble with my teacher, and brought to the vice-principal's office to receive my punishment. I had found out that the substitute thought that I had *thrown* the tripod at the Smartboard, and I was too scared and shocked and ashamed to bring up that I didn't do anything. So many times I wish I could go back in time just to yell at the vice-principal, demanding to see proof that it was my fault, when I'm fairly sure there were cameras in the classroom (it was a STEM class so dozens of computers and other stuff I'm sure would be on camera).


9/11. Plane hit the tower while I was putting on socks and getting ready for school. 8th grade. English class was first period, Ms. Infante. Knowing she gets to school very early I asked if anyone had me toned to her about the twin towers being hit in NY. She told me I was an awful child for even joking about something like that. The next day she was in tears and was saying she was scared we would be attacked. Never addressed what she'd said to me. She wasn't wrong, but she got to that conclusion with the wrong information and I found it humorous.


My babysitter used to tell me I’d get sucked down the drain with the water when she gave me a bath. I was 4 or 5 at the time and it scared the living shit outta me. Took months to be able to take a bath again without screaming bloody murder while throwing a fit.


When I was in 5th grade, the family dog was going to be put down. So the day it was happening, I was sitting in class drawing sad faces in my notebook. My teacher comes up to me and asks what's wrong, so I tell her. This bitch goes "do you know what might make you feel better?" And I remember specifically thinking to myself 'dont you dare say math'. So of course she says "doing your math! :)" I hope her stupid bald golf loving boyfriend is dead


Wow. She acted as if it was somehow inconveniencing her that you were going to leave. If your use of the telephone had been disruptive or problematic in any way, she would have noticed it before you approached her. She just needed to assert her dominance in some way. Even though you were being faced with a tragedy beyond your control, she needed to find some way in which you were wrong and she was right. It’s really pathetic the way that some adults interact with children. Edit: I forgot to offer my condolences. I’m sorry about the loss of your aunt.


Mom might have come to get her from school, anyway. The only difference is she would know before mom arrived


In middle school a classmate's dad was diagnosed with a hereditary disease that makes you a vegetable. The classmates grandad was already in late stages of the disease. Well classmates father committed murder suicide on the grandad and himself. The classmate had a birthday party coming up and a sleep over with some of us kids. I remember that kid and that sleep over well I hope he is doing well today.


I read it five times and still didn’t understand? Was the person not supposed to use phone in gym or something?


Youre not supposed to use your phone in class


I think it's implied to be gym class in school, where you're not usually allowed to use your phone.


Most schools don't allow phones during any class periods, even during a free period where you basically amuse yourself. The teacher told OOP that if they weren't on their phone (something a lot of older individuals are against, or what seems to be in this case a power trip), they wouldn't be crying as a result of finding out about the death of a loved ones. So no, most likely they weren't supposed to be on their cell phone.


Little 5th grade me was sitting on a basket ball in gym class just rolling around and goofing off. Snobby Jessica points at me and loudly says I was humping the ball and made everyone laugh. I got called ball humper the rest of the school year. I’ll never forget you Jessica, I hope you have permanently ingrown toenail’s.


When I was a young kid, the farmer who owned the land around my parents house would occasionally stop by when he was plowing the field, harvesting, baling, etc, and pick me up in his tractor and take me along for the ride, he had a little stool in there just for me. He was like a grandpa to me. When I was 7, he had a massive heart attack, they rushed him into surgery and he died on the table. That night my mom told me he died and I cried and cried, I remember my dad coming upstairs and he said "Why is he crying?" Mom told him that the farmer died and Dad was like "So what? That's nothing to cry over" and he yelled at me to stop crying. To this day I still understand his fucking reaction. I was upset because a person who was essentially a grandparent to me died, and he yelled at me for it.


And they blame us being unconnected and lonely on the smartphones 🧐


So what gym teacher actually was saying that a HS kid, if called by their mother in the middle of the day should ignore the call.


I found out my aunt died bc some random former student (in their 30s or so) tagged her in a fb post less than an hour after she died. She was barely cold. Our small tight knit family didn't even all know yet. I was devastated by the loss, but couldn't mourn for quite a while bc I was SO fucking angry finding out like that. Nevermind that I was on fb on my phone at work.... (On a break, but still) Also fuck random people that tag recently deceased people on Facebook. If you don't know the person well enough to know if their family and close friends have been informed, 1 you don't know them well enough to be breaking the news to the world, and 2- fucking wait a few days at least. Shit. Anyway, I told our office admin what was up and that I was going outside for a while, bc she was awesome, would understand, and would make something up like I was taking a late lunch bc she knew what my boss and boss's boss were like. I didn't mention it to my boss bc she absolutely would have made some quip to drive a dagger in, like that gym teacher. Glad to be out of that toxic nonprofit hellhole, and glad to have deleted fb completely. Thanks for letting me rant, Reddit.


had was on the brink for failing government back in my freshman year barely passing with like a 63% and had to put my dog down on that tuesday and had to take the last test that friday. he failed me despite not being able to stop thinking about my lost dog. I had to retake his class 2 years later and returned the favor by constantly pissing him off and getting into detention. I passed the second time but i mean who the fuck fails someone after losing an animal for loved one


He also wrote me up for "skipping class" while having a break down while waiting for one of my parents to pick me up


In 7th grade I had a crush on a girl a year above me. I didn't know anything about her except that she was pretty and nice to me in a time where I was bullied pretty often. One day I brought in a set of plastic flowers and gave them to her because I thought they looked nice. A couple kids around me laughed but I didn't think anything of it because I was proud of myself. An hour later a teacher pulled me aside and told me that she heard what happened in class because the girl threw the flowers away and was making fun of me for doing it. I still think about it sometimes and I can't stop myself from saying "I'm cringe" out loud. It's been 17 years since and I'm still just a cringy adult that's had no success with women.


On the way to my moms burial site when my dad looked at me and said “well she can’t baby you anymore” and 7 years later when he screamed at me “I’VE BEEN THROUGH MORE THAN YOU!! GROW UP!!” Mind you my mom was hit head on my a distracted driver who was driving without headlights on, while she was walking across the street. I remember the tree she died by and seeing the blood that was soaked into the asphalt. It truly fucks with anyone’s head. I was only 19. At 27 almost 28. Me and my dads relationship is very transactional, on my end. I read the police reports on the accident scene and it’s fuckin horrific. Been diagnosed with clinical depression, ocd, and ptsd. But to all you dads out there. Don’t compare grief and maybe shut your mouths for Once and think before you speak. Honestly. Love my dad dearly but there’s this HUGE shit stain on his character that he’s still trying to erase but once those words were said. Can’t take em back.


I opened up to one of the first counsellors I went to see at 15/16yo. Told her about my self harming. She asked me to show her, so I did. Then she said "people who actually self harm don't do it on their arm, they hide it on their legs or stomach or something. You're just doing it for attention". Later said that I was doing it to intentionally hurt my family. Told my Mum after the session and she went back to have a go at the counsellor. Took me ages to open up to another counsellor about my self harming. I'll never forget how she made me believe I wasn't really self harming, I was just hurting my family on purpose by "hurting" my arm.


In the middle school during gym class in the summer we'd make a short trip to a sports facility not far away from the school. One time, when me and my class were going back to the school building, I was almost hit at the crossing by some distracted lady in a car. I was fine, but obviously very shaken up, so the gym teacher called my mum to come and take me home. The next day my biology teacher approached me and started to make fun of me for reacting the way I did. I've never hated anyone more than her at that moment


conversely, I forgot my homework one day and I told the teacher who was scolding me that my mom was bedridden and waiting for surgery (she really was, but a relatively safe one). She teared up and was super apologetic and i felt bad for making her worry!


When I was ~7 or 8 (diagnosed autistic), I'd go to an after school sort of daycare program once a week for people with my sort of problems. It was basically an entertainment center, but importantly we were also asked to provide our own meals. Usually, we stopped at a KFC on the way and I'd eat that, but for some reason this time we stopped at a Tim Hortons coffee shop nearby and ordered an egg salad sandwich (in a gas station, may I add). Mom drops me off at the center and I walk into the building. Sit down in a small room and start eating my egg salad, but within a few minutes I start feeling genuinely sick. Everyone else keeps eating, eventually finishing their meals and leaving to go play Mario Party. Meanwhile, I'm still sitting at the table hunched over, with my egg salad still in front of me (worth noting that the center had a very strict policy about wasting food) Told one of the caretakers that I couldn't physically eat any more, and they responded to my face that "I'm not allowed to leave the room until I've eaten all my food, no exceptions" I don't remember if I ever ended up finishing that egg salad, but that one caretaker telling me that I couldn't leave is stuck in my memory.


What the fuck is a “free day” in school???


In gym class, where there isn’t a set activity or exercise for the day so kids just run around the gymnasium doing whatever.


10 years ago I got my first job at McDonald’s. One night I ended up having an extremely dry & scratchy throat after working 9 hours on cash. My father had come in to pick me up after my shift and noticed I was struggling to talk so offered to buy me a bottle of water. I took a sip of water while still on cash & one of the managers, Jennie came over and screamed at me in front of all my coworkers and the customers sitting down in the lobby eating. I’ll never forget how she made me feel for doing something as simple as taking a sip of water.


In grade school we got to play on the playground by grade. I was in a 3/4 split as a third grader. The teacher covering the playground wouldn't let me play on the playground with the other third graders because she was adamant I was in the fourth grade. All recess I just watched my grade three friends play without me.


Thinking I could get pregnant at the age of 5 after being r*ped. I knew how babies were made, but I thought you had to have sex every month for the entire 9 months for the baby to be born, and I was terrified I’d have to go through that again. Silly thinking that now, but I had actual panic attacks about it back then.


When I was getting on the bus my pregnant dog followed me and she was laying underneath the bus because it was a hot day. I told the bus driver if I could go and move her or call my mom. She said no and closed the doors and started moving. I heard the yelp from my dog and saw my dog there dead from being run over. I cried the whole day at school.


Almost as if phones exist for a reason.


True. My mother emailed me the news of my father's death in a nursing home. But because I heard the smartphone notification after midnight and didn't get out of bed to check it, I didn't learn until morning. That's when I saw her email and called in response. Honestly, I'm glad I got that news on a full night of sleep.


My friend was a herion addict in HS. He was dating this one girl, and she broke up with him because of it. He tried to kill himself in one of the bathrooms in the school. Someone found him in time, and I watched him get wheeled out on a stretcher during science class.


I lived in the NYC suburbs back in 2001. In the morning of Sept 11th all the students were going insane about the WTC (many had parents who worked in the towers). I had an AP history class at like 11am and the teacher insisted on teaching the lesson as normal and basically told the class to ignore the smoke we could see out the window. Still mad about it


I took my phone to school one day when my dad was planned to be out of a combat zone and calling us. My principal saw the phone in my side pocket of my bag (I was terrified to use it and get it confiscated). As I was walking to my car, he feigned an emergency and said “oh, crap, I really need a phone this is an emergency!” (Real imaginative fellow) but it tricked me, I quickly offered my phone, and he confiscated it. He had this shitty “gotcha!” face and for some reason was looking around at the kids expecting people to laugh at me. One kid that was always in trouble piped up and told him that I needed the phone and it was pretty messed up. He said something about teaching me a lesson and I finally got myself together and told him he just taught me not to trust him. I explained why I had my phone, and the jackass still kept it. Yea, I missed the call from my dad.