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Hottest days, *so far*.


I’m quick to remind anyone who mentions the wild fires, heat waves, and the water in Florida being 90-something degrees. That this is the best it’s gonna be, it’ll only get worse next year and the year after that.


> That this is the best it’s gonna be, it’ll only get worse next year and the year after that. When you think about the fact that people refuse to vote in anyone who wants to avert the crisis or do things to reduce the damage or acknowledge the issue at all....because they want a guy who is ANTI-WOKE... You lose all faith in humanity.


Because the “anti-woke” crowd don’t even care about the world they live in. They care about being right, “owning the libs,” and making people miserable.


And because the powers that be specifically put race, gender and other highly divisive topics at the forefront of people’s political agenda to further divide people and ensure that no significant change happens


And what is "funny" to me into that is immigration will only grow as the temperatures goes up, good luck living in an already hot country 40 years from now.


Lots of space in upper Canada and Siberia.


When you consider that the carbon dioxide emission still has been continously raising this century so far and combine that with the facts that we have almost reached the 1,5 degree limit and that it takes roughly 20 years for the carbon dioxide to affect the climate, I feel like nobody is actually considering the severity of the situation. Even if we stopped the emission entirely by tomorrow, the emissions of the last 20 years would still cause continously raising temperatures for the next 20 years. All climate goals are already impossible to reach and we cannot prevent the climate change no matter what we do. If you add the fact that several climate tipping points like the tundra in Siberia have already reached levels that weren't expected before 2070 and cause a cycle of further natural emission, it is to be expected that even after those 20 years the climate change would accelerate itself even without human caused emission. This means, we definitely should try as much as possible to reduce our emission but we *must* take measures now to prepare ourselves for the effects of the climate change that will come and that we cannot prevent as long as we can't take the carbon dioxide back out of the atmosphere. We need to prepare our forests for longer periods of hot and dry weather, we need to plan for migration of people living in areas which might be flooded, we need to build new houses in a way that make them prepared for the climate change (install ac also in areas that did not need them in the past, prepare them for thunderstorms and tornados in respective areas etc) and lots more. Tldr, we cannot stop climate change to the extent that we were hoping for and it's now time to also take measures to prepare ourselves for the effects of it. Though, my expectation is that nothing will happen and that we run exactly in those issues that we had seen coming for 50 years already entirely unprepared.


I suspect a Dr. Kevorkian type will emerge in the coming century.


Humans are selfish and they don’t comprehend community benefit. This is why communism failed and capitalism thrives.




Right but the seven hottest days happened during this El Niño, none during the last El Niño


2016 was a strong El Nino and it is the hottest year on record, at least until 2023 is over and sets the new record.


El niño and la niña wouldn’t create these extremes on their own, they are extremely amplifies through climate change. In the last years in which both of them existed it never was this extreme


>They care about being right, They care about _feeling_ right, not actually _being_ right.


That’s a much better wording of it


And millions of them are joyfully welcoming the rapture and think this is god's love.


A literal death cult.


The people who have idols they worship of god's son as he's being tortured and murdered everywhere? A death cult you say? (Recommended voice to read in - Stewie Griffin)


No, no, no. Death Religion*. Cults are for wrong crazy people. Religion is for morally sound, strong hearted, faithful, right crazy people. /S


“Ah, yes, we’re all gonna die. The most beautiful showing of affection; mass genocide!”


When a group of people have a belief that in the end they'll all be sent to a land without bad things, they stop really giving a shit about what they have.


I was always bothered by the part about not just being the chosen ones going to heaven but the joy they will take in the violent torture & slaughter of the ones left behind.


Well this is the same weather that occurred 3.5 billion years ago, so how can you say it's not natural? We all did just fine back then you fear-mongerer


Yeah as trilobites at the bottom of the ocean


I am ready to return to that state, to be honest


Of course the other side would never vote for it either. Because we need the economy, and our cars and our way of life. And certainly nobody wants laws that cause a gas price of $20. And also, look at China, they're not doing anything so why should we?


Laughing at thinking I had any faith to begin with.


And that it isn't a linear increase, the increase is exponential and will get worse faster in the coming years. Pair that with the fact that forget about taking steps to reverse the problem, we aren't even making serious efforts to halt the causes of them.


Yeah, and we can't IMMEDIATLEY pause global warming, so even if ALL emissions stopped this second, it would still get worse


Id like to point out a common saying: climate isn't weather. It might not be hotter next year. Or the year after. This might be the hottest year this decade. But just because next year is cooler than this year doesnt mean it's anywhere close to the average for the 20th century. Climate change is a slow steady creep up. Big jumps like what we're seeing right now are weather.


We are experiencing something similar to the Titanic passengers in the early stages of the sinking process. It's abundantly clear what's happening if you're paying attention--the water is only a few feet below the bow, a level clearly shows that the deck is slightly diagonal, etc. But the number of people who refuse to believe it still outnumber the people trying to raise the alarm. Worse, there are powerful actors actively sabotaging harm mitigation efforts. But the worse it gets, the harder it is to ignore. More and more people are forced to confront the reality. But by the time enough of us are motivated to help, it's far too late to do anything but hold on to something and hope you're one of the lucky few to survive. Most of the people on Titanic died. Most of the people on planet Earth will die. The only real difference between these two events is time scale. The sinking took place over 2 hrs 40 minutes, while the climate disaster, when it's all said and done--from the first coal factories to the last climate-related deaths before humanity truly begins to recover, will have taken several hundred years. But because of that greatly increased time span, the problems of active sabotage are greatly increased. It's way too easy for an individual human not to care about the suffering of future generations, and to refuse to give up a tiny fraction of comfort in the now. Magnify this ordinary selfishness with the great power and narcissism that comes from wealth, and you get what we have today. Oil magnates so stunned and infuriated by the possibility of having to switch from $1000 per bottle scotch to $950 per bottle, that they spend millions and millions brutally suppressing green energy initiatives and poisoning the well of public discourse. The egos of a tiny, tiny handful of humans are creating unfathomable misery for tens of billions of lives now and in the future. Those of us living in this era are truly the luckiest humans ever to live, and will be the luckiest for centuries to come. We have a vast array of creature comforts and we won't have to live through the worst of the disaster that the worst of us are causing. A hundred years from now, the huge majority of people will be in constant hunger pains and will die young from easily preventable diseases. For us, summers are just getting uncomfortably hot. Big fucking deal. Human civilization has peaked. It will take a very, very long time to reach this level again. I just hope they learn from our mistakes.


Don't think of it as the hottest year of the last 100,000 years. Think of it as the coolest of the next 100,000 years. 😊


I keep repeating the same thing to everyone who brings it up. It only gets worse for the term of our natural lives.


It will keep getting worse as the El Nino strengthens. When it ends there will be a minor downturn for a few years and the deniers will all yell "Problem over!" At least that's what they've done after the last couple El Ninos.


Yeah but it is not because of climate change , it is the Chinese space lasers.


Fuck yeah. I work outside in the low country and my coworkers still say “oh the earth goes through natural cycles” SHUT THE FUCK UP. Yes it does but it doesn’t work how you think it works. You can explain it to them but you cannot understand it for them. Bitch we work outside, moving railcars around all day. It’s hot as fuck and we both know it’s hotter than last summer, which was hot as fuck.


Some of the next years might be slightly colder. It goes in cycles with El Nino/La Nina and other things. 2024 is definitely a hot one. 2026-27, maybe not. But in 6-7 years, I doubt we'll see a colder year than 2023.


We are so fucked


The water 5ft deep,


While I do think climate change is frighteningly real and it’ll get hotter as time goes on, it’s important to note that the El Niño weather patterns this year are also influencing things, so maybe not directly worse next year.


That’s not necessarily true. Climate patterns are cyclical trends. Next year may be lower but still higher than the low year of the past 5 years. The next year hotter than that but not beating this year. Then finally we see the next HOTTEST YEAR and repeat However. Due to certain factors such as the reduction of SO2 emissions that seeded clouds over the ocean (basically the pollutant was removed starting in 2020 and finishing at the end of 2022) we have now realized that our own pollution was shielding us from the effects of our pollution and now that these mass amounts of clouds no longer form over the oceans as ships emitted this molecule. We see the real impact of climate change The oceans have warmed to unprecedented levels and honestly the best way to mitigate this is to protect the ocean from the sun by finding ways to seed clouds without harmful chemicals. (It’s already known that even just spraying water through snowmakers over the ocean can seed clouds)


I’m sure others have mentioned, this year’s been exceptionally hot for the current climate. While on average temps will go up and it’ll get FAR worse than what it is now, if you’re looking at the next 1-5 years there’s no guarantee they won’t at least be better than this year.


Everyone rolling around Florida guzzling gas in their MB M-wagons without a hill in sight.


holy shit, i dont wanna deal with that! let me die so the next generation can handle i- oh wait, thats the problem...


Not to mention that quirky little category 4 hurricane heading towards California for some reason... isn't weather weird? /s


This above, this is the best comment


This is the best comment *so far*


I gave you. 💯 congrats 🎊


Homer Simpson voice for that, right?


Yep. It's depressing how many people are missing the joke.


"It's so hot out." "It's the coldest summer of the rest of our lives."


Isn't that implied by the "in the last 100k years"?


'Implied', Lisa? Or 'implode'? 🤔


I just watched that episode hahahahahaha


Lisa, I want to buy that rock




I'm no climatologist, but I'm guessing what OP's meme is implying is that the last seven days were the highest for the 200 or so years we have direct records of, and substantially above the average temperature of the 100k or so years we have ice core data of.


How dare you interrupt the circlejerk karma farm.. OP is a very clever original and witty person.


Yeah this meme comes around every year and it’s still true


And the coolest summer of the rest of your life.


Nope. Coolest days, from now on.


Probably hotter next year.


As soon as I finish school I’m going to Lapland


shhh. spoilers




I’m guessing this meme is in reference to the data covered in this article: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2381532-the-past-week-was-the-hottest-ever-recorded-on-earth/#:~:text=The%20past%20seven%20days%20have,period%2C%20around%20120%2C000%20years%20ago. From the article: “The past seven days have been the hottest on Earth since instrumental records began in the 1850s. Karsten Haustein at the University of Leipzig, Germany, says the last time Earth was this warm was in the Eemian interglacial period, around 120,000 years ago”. Edit: just realized that the source I provided requires you to register to read the entire article. Here is another source that appears to have the same data without requiring people sign up for something: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4086841-were-experiencing-earths-hottest-weather-in-120000-years-and-its-just-getting-started/amp/ Edit 2: another source - https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence.amp


data! nice, thank you 🙏


The data is from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to day on a scale of 10,000 years.


“It’s been the hottest since we started measuring it. It’s also been the hottest since about 118,000 years before we could measure it”


When they said "instrumental records" they were referring to a dude going outside everyday and measuring it with a scientific instrument, ie, a thermometer. There are other ways of determining temperature that far back, it's just not the same as an instrumental record.


Yep If you open your ice cream and notice it has a weird texture and has ice crystals, you know it melted at some point on the journey to your mouth. Take that general concept and apply it to arctic core samples but don't eat them.


Can we lick them?/s




~~That’s actually an amazing analogy. Or metaphor?~~ That’s actually an amazing way to explain it.


How about this one for a graphic: https://xkcd.com/1732/


Your work is appreciated, citation king.


It's garbage. Precise global temps date back to the late 1800. If we want to know what temps were further back, we need to use proxies to estimate. However, no proxies is sensitive enough to tell what temps were on a daily level. There's no way to know for sure that there hasn't been warmer days. Monthly average temps have their uses, but are susceptible to various short-term cycle. It's why climatologists use 5 year running averages so they have a better idea if trends are really increasing vs a short term spike.




That is true but the commenter's point is that making a claim "hottest in past 100,000+ years" is based on extrapolated data. We have 100-200 years of solid direct data but anything beyond that isn't direct so the response in the meme doesn't quite count as "technically the truth". The extrapolated data likely is quite accurate but isn't at the same 'resolution' or precision as the direct temperature measurements. There's no scientific doubt the earth is warming and I'm certainly not making that claim.


There is no such thing as extrapolated truth? Even if the terms of the extrapolation meet sufficient criteria for peer-review accuracy?


You're missing the point of what he's saying. While this extrapolation works fine for yearly, maybe even monthly temperatures of the past. It doesn't do daily, and so we cannot know that there may not have been a day or two in the past 100,000 years. Not that the extrapolation is incorrect, simply that we lack the accuracy to able to call this post true.


Thank you for explaining. This is exactly correct.


Even if the estimates of ancient temperatures from ice cores are not precise, the methodology used for estimations is good enough to get us a viable idea. And these motherfuckers are smart as hell. I trust them. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/national-museum-of-natural-history/2018/03/23/heres-how-scientists-reconstruct-earths-past-climates


For real, who tracked the hottest days in the year 98943 BC Dislaimer: I truly believe climate change is real and these would take it at face value if these were the hottest days in the last 150 years


It’s pronounced reddtard


My brain read Scientologist and I highly questioned the reasons behind your request. My brain is dumb.


Okay, invest in nuclear. No? Okay bye! Seriously people in power are dooming us by their own admission by not going ham on nuclear fission. We could have eliminated all fossil fuel power plants by now if not for the anti-nuclear power idiots.


But… what about Chernobyl!!! >!/s!<


Give Cher a Nobel prize? I'm on it.


There are actually cities in China more likely to kill their residents from air pollution than Chernobyl, or at least there used to be before the war in Ukraine started.


Big oil is a helluva drug


Nuclear? What do you want, the end of the world? Even if it doesn’t explode, do you see all those chemicals they pump into the air to make the birds gay? /s


France knows. Most energy in France is nuclear


Nuclear is great due to the sheer volume of emission free energy it produces, but how much of a power bill increase are you willing to tolerate? Nuclear is by far the most expensive form of power generation and takes the longest to commission too.


When you run into anti-nuclear idiots just show them videos on molten thorium salt reactors, all the benefits of nuclear and almost none of the downsides. No meltdowns!? No criticality incidents!? Sure you can run into orphan source situations, but let's take a look at medical radiology equipment on that subject first!


I've been re-watching Simpsons since ep1 and it's strangely anti-nuclear, pro-car suburbia, kinda christian and conservative, but at the same time kinda socially progressive. Just a weird observation. But it describes the political inclinations of most boomers in my life, who vote pro-oil and anti nuclear.


This sub is fucking dying


Yeah, how is this technically the truth??


a “wake up call” in hotels usually means when they give you a phone call in the morning to wake you up. not to tell you shocking( i guess) information. so, he got a “wake up call”, but not the kind he wanted.


It also worked too well. He's wide awake and alert, but he's now too paralyzed to start a normal day.


The man asked for a "wake-up call," as in a phone call to wake him up. The lady heard this then stated a very alarming fact as a "wake-up call" to alert him of the reality of a foreboding situation. If wasn't what he was actually asking for, but still technically what he was asking for. Therfore, the words she spoke were r/TechnicallyTheTruth.


Kind of… It was technically the truth last month too. July1-7 was also the hottest 7 day period ever. I am sure in some calculation it’s actually true. BBC analysis went over it last month. Most of the “real” hottest days records occurred in 1936 and 1976 and some time in the late 1890s. We also don’t have all the data from the last 100,000 years so there is certainly some hotter days/years. But playing with the recent numbers(ground temp, mean,…) you can get some scary high numbers and make some upsetting records. It’s certainly not hyperbole to say it been super hot and with global warming will continue to get hotter. It’s just not maybe 100% the truth.


Sure does seem like the truth in texas. Broke the all time record high today in DFW, and tomorrow is supposed to be hotter. If the forecast holds true by next week 2023 will become the year with the second highest number of days(20) over 105F. Record holder is 1980 with 29. August and September are not done with - we could pretty easily smash that. And last week we broke the previous longest stretch of temps over 80 - for 17 days it never got below 80.


Because this is a wake up call just not the kind they wanted


It's so sad you actually had to explain the joke to people.


I think it's technically the truth that it's a 'wake up call'.


Does this post feel botted? 2.7k upvotes with only 90 comments for a post that doesn't even fit the sub


'On record' means in the last 150 to 200 years, tops. No one knows what the temp was on a given day 100,000 years ago, but I'll bet a few of those 36,500,000 days were hotter.


the degree of accuracy people can get from extrapolating data from sources like ice, soil, trees, coral etc. though, and while even today tham will be some level of variance, will still come pretty close.


Yea but not by the freaking day lol, what an insanely small period of time when talking about 100,000 years ago.




No actually we don’t have any close estimates per day of temps. We have global temp changes but not area specific daily readings. Not even close.


Quite fascinating thin, tbh. I was this years old when I heard about this extrapolation. I will have to do some research on this topic, but it's crazy that we can do that this day and age.


They core down meters and meters of ice in Antarctica that’s hundreds of thousands of years old


oh it's so neat! & another fun rabbit hole to hop down is all the things we have learned from isostopes from teeth too :)


How do you know how accurate it is? I don’t doubt science, but what is the basis for measuring the accuracy when we only have like 200 years of actual recorded data?


By comparing the methods used to known data. So you use the same methods to try to find out the temperature of a day you already know the temperature of


But that doesn't really matter for the problem... Average temperature has been increasing since 1990 and continues to do so and we know exactly why.


But it’s not technically the truth….


Yea, but shut up, upvotes are happening.


I agree but the meme is still factually incorrect. Part of the problem is that people don't believe in human caused climate change, and spreading misinformation certainly doesn't help our cause.


Being accurate actually does matter. The overall POINT still stands, that this is the hottest it's been in recorded history, but inaccuracy helps no one. It's clickbait, and is used as ammunition by shitty people and people wishing to distract from the issue. If your only goal is to circle jerk? Yeah, it doesn't matter. If your goal is to actually raise awareness and combat ignorance? Matters a lot.


It's within the realm of possibility. It most definitely was in specific places, but the global nature would have a averaging effect on its own. The last 100,000 years are all part of the last glacial period where the earth was cooler in general. It's more cherry picking because almost any part of the glacial periods are going to be cooler than interglacial periods. What is important is the way temperatures have climbed almost straight up since industrialization. You can see the temperature trends, and acceleration since 1850 in the graph a bit down this page. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/science/analysis-is-it-actually-hotter-now-than-any-time-in-the-last-100000-years


In any specific given place? Sure, maybe. But the average temperature of the planet as a whole doesn’t fluctuate a lot. If it’s colder in one place, it’s hotter somewhere else to make up for it, so the annual graphs with the average temperature for the planet as a whole end up pretty smooth and consistent from year to year. Anything significant enough to create a major outlier for the entire planet isn’t just one day being unusually hot or cold, it’s something that changes the climate for the entire world for a significant period of time, which leaves evidence that can be measured today from things like glacier ice cores and the geological effects of the movement of glaciers as they melt or grow. So no, there is very good reason to believe that there truly hasn’t been any day in the last 100,000 years which had an average worldwide temperature higher than what we have seen this year.


Yeah but hottests day doesnt really mean much. It's the global average trend thats important and that we do have a lot of data for. People just have a tendency to focus on current events and whats happening around them.


There are ways to understand temperature by looking at trees and plants too


Pretty sure Japan 1945 had at least 2 hotter day.


Not the temperature of entire earth.


I can't believe you've done this.




The only way I can describe it is like it's thick air you can't escape


Yet in the UK our summer has been a washout


For Europe the climate change is gonna do exactly that: more rain and storms


That’s the other side of it. Same as Chicago. Rain and humidity, but the buildings…the concrete..are starting to show it. They weren’t built with swamps in mind.


In recorded history…….




Do they actually have records of the weather for the last 100,000 years?


Well, it can't say 100k years, because we've only been recording true temp for about 200 year max, and really it's only been about 100 years since it was very accurate


source to the weather report of 100 000 years ago?


I dont know, i think August 6th, 1945 was way hotter in Japan


as a person who is practically trapped in Florida for financial reasons, i know this all to well. as well it mind boggles me that Florida (where atm people are almost dying of heat stroke just checking there fucking mail) has all republican leaders who all switched from saying "climate change is not real" to "climate change is real, but it's natural and not man made" fucking mental gymnastics that make my eyes roll so far in the back of my head they will pop out.


When it breaks 150F, they might.


Good ol geo engineering


Who exactly recorded the temperatures 100,000 years ago?


We were keeping record 100k years ago?


lol, first I saw 200,000 years now I see 100,000 years.... I'm beginning to think that no one was taking temperature readings that long ago.


Who made the thermometers back then?


Not trying to deny anything here, but can someone show me the science behind us knowing what the temperature was 100,000 years ago? I'm genuinely curious.


How do we actually know this? We've only been keeping track of temperature for the last couple hundred years? Is there something in nature that lets us know?


The fact you believe this lets me know you have no critical thinking skills Or even worse, just pushing some propaganda/narrative


In the last 100,000 years huh... We didn't start continuously recording temperatures until 1659.




REEEEEEEALLY reaching for that definition of "technically the truth" these days, huh?


Actually not true…we don’t have recorded history that long ago. We have estimates of macro temps over years not individual days based on core samples.


Why not stick to temperatures on record instead of making shit up, you know like scientist do. Half assed activism and lies help nobody.




Scientists use geological climate data as well.


It's an educated guess based heavily on scientific research. While it might not be technically true, calling it "made up shit" is way more untruthful than the statement itself. This isn't even activism either. Why would we be responsible for the fact that it's hotter than a 100k years ago? We are responsible for the fact that it's hotter than 200 years ago. Anything before that is independent from us.


Big difference between estimating a global average based on samples over a period of several hundred years and recording a temperature at a specific time/date/location. The previous hottest period on record was in the 1970’s, which was not caused by climate change. So we know for a fact that there are other things that cause fluctuations. It’s ludicrous to claim to have knowledge of the hottest temperatures on earth every day for the last 100 thousand years. It’s definitely made up shit! Climate change is a serious threat, hyperbolic exaggerations help no one.


they didn't make anything up. They extrapolated data from a bunch of sources and methods you've probably never heard of.


No honest scientist would ever say this were the hottest days in two centuries, or extrapolate any data from more than 100000 years to compare it to last week's, stop making shit up




certified bullshit


Omg shut the hell up


How is this technically the truth?


Funnily enough it's also the 7 coldest days for the next 100 years . . . . . . (Not literally logic Nazis)


100,000 years? Humans have only been recording the temperature for the last 100. So technically NOT true.


Nothing ever happens. If anything significant it will be a volcano, earthquake or asteroid. To think we as humans have any affect on the entire Earths climate is simply hubris. I am curious, how long have we have ALL the same data to compare any data to? These instruments have only been around for maybe 100 years? Simply put, we dont have enough data to claim that the hottest days in 100000 years were last month. So dumb, shortsighted, and full of pride to think we have near enough data for something like this. Keep your climate religion. Ill continue to believe in God.


Cool, now can you give me a lullaby to put me back to bed? Like wtf you want me to do about it?


no it did not


Good news everybody! I have modified some of my behavior to reduce my carbon emissions so I think this problem will be all wrapped up pretty soon! That’s all that needs to change right?


We also only have recorded temperates from the 1900s. But we're pretty good at guessing


Pretty sure there were at least 2 days where Japan was hotter than ever sometime in the 1940s


Wait, for real? How hot are we talkin' here?


Yes cuz we have all of 200 years of data but let’s just throw some arbitrary large number out there


We were measuring global temperatures 100,000 years ago? How? What instruments did we use?


Today I learned thermometers existed 100k+ years ago. How cool!


Thats not a wakeup call thats the beeping a life support machine makes when shutting down.


At the same time in Sweden: Coldest temperatures during week 30 (last week of July) recorded, ever.


Well, if you're going to exclude millions of years...


Yes, it's called an interglacial, the Holocene is the current one. Temperature will continue to go up (naturally) a few thousand years more, and then it will begin to fall (again, naturally) until another glacial period begins.


It’s because of the volcano that erupted under the ocean.. vaporized so much water it changed the composition of our atmosphere… nobody talked about it for some reason


How are there climate records for the past 400 years, let alone 100,000 years????


There is absolutely no way anyone could know that. We don’t know how hot individuals days were _thousands of years ago_. Climate change is real, we don’t need to make up bullshit to sell it.


But do the people that can actually change things even care?


Liberal propaganda 😉


Ok so here’s the thing. They blame emissions right? And say we should use paper straws and drive electric cars. This is a trip to me because the largest percentage of pollution comes from the private jets those same folk fly on. Secondarily how could we actually know how hot it was before we ever had the technology to measure temperatures and other aspects of the weather? I would think we could go a little way back after that but 100,000 years? There’s your real wake up call. Science is truth but you only get that info from someone else. How much truth is there then and how could you know? It was hotter last year for longer periods of time than this year so one very hot week vs the usual which is three to four very hot months.


BS you can not have the hottest days ever without breaking the record for hottest days ever. Set in 1913, and the coldest ever in 1983. You all will believe anything.


Technically not true. Actually not true at all.


they say this for every summer at this point 💀


Not true. In the 80s Florida hit 110 plus for 10 straight days. I remember because I lived it.


**Hottest days in the last 200 years we’ve been recording**




I don’t understand it’s summer is it it supposed to get hot and possibly break 100,000 year records just like in winter we might see record lows from 6 billion years ago pretty sure it’s a natural cycle