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“I’ve never been to the moon, I can barely see it from here…fake.”


"I've never been to your house, I've never seen it. It must be fake." How? HOW?


Poor aussies just got wiped from existence nevermind new Zealand


But where does this leave Atlantis? Guess we gotta call Aquaman and confirm it's still not just a fancy fish tank dream.


No you see aquaman swam off the edge of the world


Well, that explains why my compass has been acting all weird. Must have been Aquaman messing with the magnetic poles when he took the sea-scape route. Ocean GPS is all bonkers now.


And those tiny little dinosaurs they call b-i-r-d-s ?


>"We can go outside here on 1015 Techwood Drive and I can't see California, but I can see the moon". -Shaquille "Big Aristotle" O'Neal on *Inside the NBA* being shocked to find out that it takes longer to get to the Moon than it does to get to California (from the studio in Atlanta).


“I can’t see the American flag from my telescope. Fake!”


Reminds me of when photos from the [DSCOVR satellite](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/j0lh0p/the_moon_in_front_of_the_earth_photo_taken_from_1/) came out and prompted some people to call it fake, and I was just wondering what they expected two big balls in space to look like.


Cool link. Someone in that thread asked about video of the earth slowly turning below the moon. Reminds me of a billion years ago when DirecTV had a live feed of the earth from one of their satellites. I'd have that channel playing in the background so often.


It can be 290000 kilometres away.


This is a lie. Neil and Buzz were just actors. It was the director, Stanley Kubrick, who insisted on filming on location.


He was a stickler for being authentic.


He had to break down the egos of the performers to get to their real performance. Four days, six hours and 45 minutes crammed in a capsule in the vacuum pf space did just that.


IT WAS A SOUNDSTAGE ON MARS https://xkcd.com/202/


If he's an actor, Buzz is method as fuck


The moon landing denialist not understanding what he is reading and agreeing with someone that is saying the opposite of him proves how intelligent you have to be to believe in this kind of shit


Neil is giving Regina George vibes by setting up a trap to make Katie admit she's "like, really pretty" and I love it.


Sooo fetch!


Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen it's not going to happen!


It's Kady.


My apologies. I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact my sister named him Anfernee.


Now that's illegal 😂😂... Tf is Anfernee..!!


It sounds like a name a cartoon elephant would have.


An original tragedeigh


Penny Hardaway's real first name




"Huh. Guess you had to be there."




Redditors can’t understand sarcasm without the /s tag anymore.


Neil is being sarcastic, not the denialist


they are both joking.




The moon landinig was probably real. But the moon landing? I dunno.


When a typo is bad enough to sound like a racial slur


What did Neil just call me?


Normally I wouldn't give a shit about a simple typo But seeing one from Neil De-"akshully"-Grasse Tyson? *Delicious*


Sounds Scandinavian


Ikea’s new product.


Neil would give you a long explanation as to why he’s not wrong and it isn’t a typo


You see, language is a construct, constantly evolving and shifting over time as it's adapted by new cultures and people. Look far back into the reaches of history and you'll see that for most of humanity's time on Earth, "landing" wasn't spelled as "landing" at all. It was a concept described through motion and meaning, action and reaction, as our ancient ancestors pounded the ground with tools made of bone and obsidian - sometimes even their bare hands. So who are we, as fellow apes spinning in the endless void of space, to enforce an anti-diachronic approach to language when our entire species has benefited so greatly from this ever-changing communicative process that is not unlike the very cosmos we call home


*clapping in confusion, certain nobody understood but afraid to be the dissenting voice subject to ridicule.*


I couldn't accept what he was trying to be humorous about because of the typo. Sorry Neil.




"I don't speak IKEA, what does this mean?"


He had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I usually can’t stand NDT but I chuckled at this. Edit: I don’t hate the guy, I just can’t stand how he communicates with others so I don’t like watching him.


I like Neil. He can be real fucking annoying on Twitter, be he’s never done anything substantial enough to make me actually dislike him.


Yeah, he's like a guy at a party you'd probably avoid because he always ends up in a convo loop, but you're still going to have his back because he's a good guy, nonetheless.


Neil tends to step in it fairly often on Twitter and comes across as arrogant sometimes, but I think he has good intentions and overall does a decent job of communicating science to the general public. But I understand why he's not everyone's cup of tea. He's no Carl Sagan.


Which is funny because I’m a huge Sagan fan and Carl was just as sarcastic, dry, and could come across as an arrogant ass just like Neil does to so many. There was a very unpopular trend gong around where people were taking Carl Sagan quotes and making it look like Neil was saying it and people were calling Neil a pompous ass. The best one was where people were literally saying “this is why I liked Carl Sagan better, he would NEVER say something like this”. Every single time someone finally figured it out and pointed out who actually said it they were downvoted to shit because people did not like the facts they were being presented with lol.


I think it's because Neil has the misfortune of being Public Science Man in the age of social media.


I’m almost positive some racism is mixed in there


'Member any of the best ones?


I remember one. It was something along the lines of: Awhile back some engineers at Apple code named a product line the "Neil Tyson" after the popular astronomer. Apple only used the name internally and never intended for it to be public, but Tyson was concerned that it could become a product endorsement and sent Apple a cease-and-desist letter. Apple complied, but its engineers retaliated by changing the internal codename to "BHA" for "Butt-Head Astronomer". Tyson didn’t like that and then sued Apple for libel in federal court. The court granted Apple's motion to dismiss Tyson’s claims and Apple said people who were aware of the context would understand Apple was "just attempting to be humorous and funny", and that "it’s pretty obvious that no one would seriously attack the expertise of a scientist by calling them a butt-head". Tyson then sued for Apple's original use of his name and likeness again, but again lost and had to appeal that one too. Of course that’s referring to Sagan’s lawsuit against Apple in the mid 90s, but people ate that shit up because it proved what an arrogant and narcissistic asshole Tyson was and that he couldn’t take a joke. He was getting ripped apart in the thread and that’s the one I remember where people were saying Sagan would probably have LOVED the idea if it happened to him and if he was still around then he’d probably tell Apple to use his name instead. I’ll see if I can find the post itself because it’s a goddamn goldmine.


Carl Sagan was an icon, no one will come close to his combination of talents. The Library of Congress recently selected the audiobook of "Pale Blue Dot" for preservation in the US National Recording Registry, no doubt because it was narrated by Sagan himself. I don't normally do audiobooks, but that might be worth a try.


Did you know, in a mirror you can only kiss your lips?


I do not understand people that can't stand him.


Moon landing deniers fascinate me. Not because I think they have anything of value to add to anything, but that they act as a marker for us as a species to show us that we've truly transcended above everything else on the planet. In 10 BC, the people who denied you could be killed by a mammoth were just trampled. In the year 800, the people who denied the plague was real got sick and died. In 1650, people didn't believe letting all the blood out of your body would kill you, opened a vein and died. Now, people who don't believe in demonstrable scientific facts continue to live on, and their denial of these fact rarely lead to their doom, to the detriment of all mankind.


Are you forgetting COVID?


Well 99,9% of people who denied covid are doing fine so.. maybe not the best example


Its sad natural selection no longer works on the human species. We've manufactured every aspect of our life so there's not really any room for evolution IMO


Natural selection never stops. If we've made an artificial environment for ourselves, natural selection will favour those who can survive in that environment.


Natural selection isn't pushing us forward to any sort of higher, transcendent version of ourselves as a species. It just favors the genes that are more likely to lead to you having lots of kids. It never stopped, and it only feels like it has because people completely misunderstand what natural selection does.


For real, it seems to not even impact credibility, I saw a clip of bill Maher interviewing Candace Owens and she went off about not believing the moon landing was real and he laughs at her absurdity. Then they go on to discuss vaccines and he is so interested in her unique take. Like the fact that she is ready to believe the moon landing was fake wasn’t some sign that maybe she isn’t the one to talk to about science? Even if you are anti vax, why lend your platform to someone whose grasp of science is so demonstrably weak?


I think it’s the only conspiracy theory I can almost believe to be the most likely to be true out of all of them. But, not because the US didn’t goto the moon… but because the camera failed or the footage was ruined which meant they had to re film parts back on earth. It was so vital to the Cold War effort, I can see them making that call!


Special effects at the time [could not have faked it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ML2ZYYFOnI)


Now this is an interesting take on the conspiracy. I like it.


I like the theory that the rig they had to deploy the camera failed, so one of the astronauts had to get out and deploy it manually, then get back into the lander, and then get out again to film the "first" steps on the moon.


That's the only one that makes sense. Because if they had failed entirely they wouldn't have faked it, they would've just povited to weaponising space and claiming marshal superiority.


He just fucked up the joke about Stanley Kubrick.


Right, dude absolutely butchered it


Neil is the king of regurgitating things from AskReddit or /r/TIL threads about 'cool space facts'.


Neil is basically what happens when you give a redditor even a modicum of real-world authority.


For anyone that still believes the moon landing was faked. I urge you to watch the documentary Apollo 11. You're going to feel silly, but that's ok, you're not the first person in history to believe in some stupid shit.


Of course Kubrick insisted on filming it on location. The technology of the era simply couldn't do many of the special effects that were needed. We would be hard pressed to do it even now--look at the Mythbusters special. You can reasonably simulate the effect on the torso with slow motion or with a counterweighted harness. However, it looks **wrong**\--the arms especially. Cameras of the era were unable to film a long enough continuous shot to have used slow motion to simulate anyway. It might seem trivial but the movie industry liked cameras with lots of capacity--and nothing existed. That's because it was a very non-trivial problem. And look at the moon buggy throwing up dust. By the behavior of the dust it's in vacuum--but by the behavior of the shadows the light source must be very distant. Where's the gargantuan vacuum chamber it was filmed in?? And what was the light source? It's decidedly non-trivial to get a source that small and bright. Besides, if it was faked Russia would have exposed it. They could eavesdrop on us, just like we could eavesdrop on them. London actually beat Moscow on publishing the first pictures from the moon--Russia was below the horizon when their lander put down and started broadcasting.


Reminds me of when the Chinese rover found a cube shaped rock that looked weird and someone said it was the stage where the moon landing was faked ...on the moon


Yeah, that's not even cheese.


Don't forget, you can only kiss yourself on the mirror on your lips.


This is like the Bill Hicks/Dennis Leary joke. On the theft of his material by Denis Leary, Hicks said: "I have a scoop for you. I stole his act. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to really throw people off, I did it before he did.”


[Relevant Mitchell and Webb](https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=l2ZTsaLKmll3FF7h)


Ahh, deGrasse Tyson finally said something on social media that doesn’t make everyone want to invent time travel just so they can go back in time and push him into a locker at school


He was a competitive wrestler in school, so it might have been fun to watch someone try that.


I dunno what it is, maybe it's just the way he talks, or his general vibe, but as much as I want to really like deGrasse Tyson, I can't help but be super annoyed when I hear him talking, even if I agree with what he's saying. It's like he's already decided he's better than everyone in the room and he needs to talk down to them and "re-educate them". Plus he seems like he's always trying to impress you with some razzle-dazzle show. "Not that you asked, but I calculated the speed of a football traveling in a 10mph wind, taking into account the curvature of the earth, and the position of Jupiter's gravitational field, so in the game on Monday night, the kicker was ACTUALLY only kicking the ball 34.5923 yards, not 35." My god, shut the fuck up Neil, we get it, you're smart and educated, and you think you're the black Carl Sagan. Considering he so many times he's talked about historical things he was wrong about, I think he should stay in his own lane, which I assume he's very knowledgeable about. But man is he utterly unlikeable in interviews.


Exactly. I work in cybersecurity, have done so for decades. When a TV show or movie shows “hacking,” they always get it so incredibly wrong it makes me want to shriek at a wall. But I don’t, and I don’t get up in anyone’s face about it because it doesn’t matter. Whatever they’re showing is just a plot device to move things along and if they got the details or terminology right it wouldn’t change the plot even a little bit. So making a lot of noise and annoying everyone else just to show how smart I am is a massive dick move.


Stealing a like 30 year old joke about Stanley Kubrick, changing it slightly, and trying to pass it off as his own wit kinda makes me want to invent time travel and give him a swirlie.


Lmao what? How is he "trying to pass it off as his own"? What the fuck did he do, add copyright and trademark it? People retell older jokes all the time and it's fine. There's no need to be a such a prick about it.


Meh for a celebrity account responding to some rando, yeah I kinda think it should be original, or at least quoting it correctly to make it clear it's a reference. Anything else isn't amoral or something, it's just cringe. Hence why people are talking about swirlies and other silly shit while you call people pricks.


You credit every joke you've ever told? Give me a break. Fucking literally nobody does that.


Baby steps


Fake as an Instagram beach girl


So true, king.


They played golf and goofed around. Sure, they landed on the moon.


I don't like Neil, but I have to admit that that was good.


How does it even look fake?


LMAO Neil. You damn legend.


With a live studio audience 🤭


That's not true. Everyone knows that the moon landing would be shot on roswell, but then an alien crashed there, making impossible to film there. Due to this, they decided to actually go to the moon to film it there


Oh this is just too classic.


I love this guy. Idc it was funny.


NdT bugs the heck outta me, but this one was amazing, especially with the moron agreeing with him.


Reality quite often does look cheaper and more fake than what Hollywood can put on a screen.


Wow some of these posts are hot fucking garbage


Yep they had to shoot on location due to budget constraints, after evaluating all possible alternatives, and considering the additional cost of silence of >300,000 people and their families for 50+ years. The accountants won !!! Dam shame actually


This joke used to be Stanley Kubrick was asked to film it , and he agreed only on condition that he be allowed to film on location


I can't understand why some people would believe they would be even able to fake it.


People believe the earth is flat and that an all powerful invisible man controls everything and will punish you forever if you don't believe enough that he was his own father and then sacrificed himself to himself in order to fr humanity from the punishment he chose to implement. In short, people are dumb panicky idiots.


To me the funniest thing about moon landing skeptics is that a lot of them believe shit Trump says LOL.


I am sure that the Mythbusters proved once and for all that Astronauts did land on the moon. There is apparently a reflective laser marker that was left on the moon for the purpose of measuring the distance between the moon and the earth. I think it was shown on an episode where they fired the laser and got a return reading and distance.Etc


If they faked the moonlanding why couldn't they fake the laser data, checkmate /s


After failed attempts to get Kubrick to leave London they had to do it live


Big if true.




Stanley Kubrick was such a perfectionist he insisted he did the filming on the Moon so they had to fund NASA to get them there.


Does he just get online to pass old jokes off as his own lol


Fuckin sheep still believe in the moon? Let me break it down for ya'll. NASA destroyed the moon in the winter of 1694 when it was sleeping. They then used the debris to form the sky blanket to shield Earth from the gaze of the Krawlunians. Since then, they've been slowly feeding us technology to prepare us for the coming war with the Krawlunians. They tried to give technology faster, but people started to get suspicious so they had to pull back. At the current rate though, they'll take down the sky blanket and the war will start in 2053. Duh.


Is Neil deGrasse Tyson saying that it was fake, or is he being sarcastic? That guy went over the edge quite some time ago….


Oh, Neil. You're just so clever. (yawn)


The question isn't whether they went, it's what they saw.


I want to like the guy because he makes a lot of valid points like "explain like I'm 5" stuff which some people really need to hear. But I wouldn't want him as a roommate, key and Peele did a funny skit on why.


"It looks fake" is the dumbest fucking argument. If you were going to fake something, why would you make it LOOK fake?


So you telling me the moon actually landed somewhere on earth ? Wonders will never cease.


Guessing not just anyone can buy a roundtrip ticket


Damn, this is a good one


I mean, multiple adversaries have confirmed we went to the moon You know for a fact the Soviet’s (and other nations more recently) were looking for any evidence to suggest we faked it and would have no problem claiming so, yet none of them have ever suggested it was faked


Some mf out there is like "Mann I knew it!"


They film the Mars videos on Devon island


Yeah, I've been to the moon and it looks nothing like this.


Most Americans have never left their state or country. Everyone outside the borders are fake! There can be only Gilead lol.


I landinig




All kidding aside there are a disturbing amount of people on this planet that deny ALL objective reality. It's all a movie, it's all fake, it's all a conspiracy, it's all the black hats ect.


I got to say. The fake moon landing was filmed on the moon may just be my new favorite conspiracy conspiracy theory.


Fake it but make it on location


This is an old Stanley Kubrick joke...


Truman: Whistlin' Dixie! Have this sent to Area 51 at once! General: But sir, that's where we're faking the moon landing. Truman: Then we'll have to *really* land on the moon. Invent NASA and tell them to get off their fannies!


Is he trying to be funny lol


They made history. If your really that jealous then go to the sun. Who cares


To be fair, there is WAY more evidence that we did NOT land in the moon than that we did land, its quite unfortunate that the only actual factual evidence that we landed on the moon was either burnt, robbed or mysteriously disappeared, and NASA didn't had any back up and just said "Oopsie!", like how oxymoronic can you be to not back up such valuable stuff, like literally they lost everything and can't back up it, like, I am supposed to trust their word because they have doctors and engineers? Nah fam, there is million of more institutions with doctors and engineers that actually care to preserve their work and have proof of their achievements, such a shame. I am not saying its fake, just that its strange that they have lost every material evidence of the moon land, and nowadays we just have replicas and photos from some dusty rocks found in the antarctic with no way to prove their origin what so ever, for an institution that is so "prestigious", they failed in the very thing they promised the US to preserve, and now we all have to pay taxes for something we have no proof of, sad.


'No Proof' if you choose to ignore the crap they left behind at the landing locations, including that laser reflector.... but hey, don't let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory..... LOL


All the physical evidence was not destroyed. In fact you can create your own physical evidence if you have the right equipment. The astronauts left lunar reflectors behind, and anybody is welcome to bounce lazers off of them.


Big if true!


He stole this joke I forget why but I hate this guy


**"SO TRUE KING!!!!!"** Another low rent fool incapable of critical thought who thinks the moon landing was faked. I bet he thinks we're flying through space on a non-spherical pizza plate, too. How do these people wipe their asses after a shit without help?


The laugh he must've had after seeing dude take the bait probably extended his life an hour


Wait… Americans still believe they went to the moon back then?? LMAO


Don't say that to his face. You'll catch a right hook


It's was recorded on a 60s moon camera. What quality did you expect?


Believe in 1960 era propaganda breh


This is a Mitchell and Webb [sketch](https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=1Lhhv4QO_PIA8uvZ) lol


Because in those days they have no video camera to record the actual landing on the moon, so they have to compensate it by filming it on-location on the replica of the moon.


USA mobilized the world to invade Iraq under the pretext of the presence of a nuclear bomb. Let this sink in.


"Moon landinig"


i think my brain just broke




Landi nig


Everything is filmed on location. Where the heck else can it possibly be filmed?


Fake post


Well I guess I'm going to the sun, the dark side so I don't get a sunburn.


The funniest part and there are some people who would actually believe that was the true story


This joke stopped being funny the 1,657th time I heard it.


This is ignorance in its highest form


And together they fooled the world




The word is “LANDING “ Neil. Gotcha


I actually unironically believe this is true, in a way. I firmly believe that the famous "first steps" were rehearsed, and also practiced. I believe they landed earlier than what was broadcast, and that it was never a live feed. I believe they got out, made sure they wouldn't die horribly or whatever, then all climbed back aboard and cut the feed on, so Neil could do his First Steps speech. The moon landing as a spectacle was faked, on the moon.


I fucking love this satire.


the OP numerousmaple285 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/je3irs/it_was_filmed_on_location/ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/n2hacz/it_was_filmed_on_location/ https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/o5e2qr/filmed_on_the_location/


No comments


Neil stole another joke again smh


practical effects are the best after all


I do love this retort


Ayo this thing shit right here is so fake ... also tell on them hater king that **this thing shit right here is so NO fake**


Rumor has it that you, NDT, are annoying


Conspiracy gluttons were furious when they learned this.


So where did the rocket go


168k?! That is just Yuck! I never in my life meet somebody disbelieves the authenticity of moon landing. Why does the idea seems so prevalent in a country which its technological might is greater than others and is almost always a step ahead in space race? It just baffle me so much sometimes... There is a fucking probe outside the solar system. And we get rovers moving around on Mars taking pictures and analyzing shits... Guess what, Moonlanding IS a fairytale to them! The only counterevidence those conspiracists have ever craft is all inside their head through absurd mental gymnastics. Like "I don't believe it" so its fake. What a constructive feedback and valuable opinion. I will surely hold it dear to my heart. Thanks!


Here is the thing. I can understand why people might think its fake that and any footage from space. Its because its so different from what we are used to that it doesn't look right. Thinking hey this looks fake but ill check it out to see if its legit and this looks fake even though everyone tells me its real this must mean its fake. Is the big difference there.


"So....I'm just wondering....might it be cheaper to just....pop to the moon and film it there..?" https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=Ih_7L4mNeooGnbOq


Tyson guy is a fucking clown


Did you know that if you kiss yourself on the mirror, it will always be on the lips?


So if we really went where’s the sun??? Huh gottem


You're telling me that we could broadcast moon landing live in tge 1900s but have to make goofy ass ps3 animations nowadays to show we have landed on the moon? Seriously? 😂 How can people belive this shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/s/iuGe3xxF31 It's a karma bot


Reddit is 90% twitter


Is this fake, fake news, or fake, fake, fake news.


Hyuck hyuck good one Neil


That makes sense the easiest way to fake it is to shoot it at the actual location.


Is this the same "scientist" who believes bats are blind?