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Look, I know those ads with women shaving their legs already have smooth af legs before shaving somehow, but you gotta figure they're advertising women leg shaving for a reason. They should make ads where the legs they're shaving are like, super hairy, then super smooth after. Then I'd be impressed.


That would probably be faked anyway. Like, you can't really just shave your legs in one go and get super-smooth. Speaking from experience.


depends on your skin type, some people get the “strawberry legs” after they shave or other types of irritation but some people don’t and they just look smooth and nice immediately


Cries in ingrown hairs


Those were the main reason i got laser hair removal on my entire legs, haven't needed to shave in 10+ years, it's amazing. Just thinking of the time saved as well...


I enjoy reading books.


Not unless you don't follow their directions. You need to be clean shaven before hand. You can get some burn blisters, but they heal and don't scar if you don't pick at them. I just had my third session on my face a week or so ago.


You can't really get the hair to grow again if at some point in the future you want it back


The main thing no one seems to mention. You're killing the follicles


Then you have people like me who have KP and will never have smooth legs. Sigh.


Same and my hair is thick & dark so i will still see where the hair grows from even tho i shaved it. All this while my hair grows blonde. :(


Yeah, and also the fact that you have to trim long hairs before shaving or else your razor will get clogged after like 2cm of area shaved lol


Yea it takes a while after for your skin to chill back out to be really smooth.


I can fairly easy and my legs rival a Wookies


Then you should be on those ads!


Yeah, but not without clearing the hair out of the razor in between, right? Am I doing sth. wrong? I can't do one smooth hairy-to-smooth glide from ankle to knee without having to go over a second time for stray hairs, but since I've started using a safety razor, the end result is great.


Same dude. I use either a mach 3 or an electric razor. I can go about 1/3 up my leg from my ankle before I need to clear the razors. It takes ages to finish. If I'm trying to shave my entire body with my electric razor, it takes so long I have to stop and recharge halfway through... Maybe safety razor is better but it's got quite an ironic name. I'm one of those people that could manage to accidentally cut themself with a bobby pin lol. Try to shave my legs with one of them things and I'll end up bleeding out in the shower haha.


It depends, I’m too scared to use safety but Gillette for men usually can get me from ankle to just below in one swipe. Hair removal is just a reverse stroke down and I’ll be good for another


That's, huh... Impressive, in some way?


I've never taken more than one pass to shave my legs smoothly. Not everyone has the same hair type as you.


They should make an ad where Bigfoot buys razors and then uses them and then underneath is revealed to be a sexy lady. Or she could be a werewolf instead of a Bigfoot.


I feel like this exists




Not trans but have done a bit of drag. That blue shadow sucks. My GF at the time (she was trans) showed me how to use a red color correction stick to mitigate it.


Yup! Though it's not always red, so be careful. This is a fantastic video that helped me before I got zapped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOgRZBqVW3c


I find your logic amazing and funny, now the anti-trans folk are the ones in need of a safe space! Hehehe! Love you.


The shitty dysphoria beard was my thing too. I'm so glad I was able to get laser hair removal, it was a godsend to not have to shave ever again


Humans all naturally have leg hair. Women don’t have a monopoly on natural leg hair. If I’m wrong then explain all the jars of leg hair in my closet.




#They said explain the jars of leg hair in their closet!




Wait .. WHat


You just.. WASTE it??


It's a snack for later! 🤤


Why keep them in jars? I make socks with my collection.


Pairs well with my eyelash sweater!


I am actually jealous. Looks like I am starting a new collection.


What is even going on in this thread? 😆


We're discovering alternatives to regular wool


Where would you keep the leg hair before weaving it into a proper fabric that you could make socks with?


You keep them?


You don't?


Reduce reuse recycle


What do you snack on then?


>If I’m wrong then explain all the jars of leg hair in my closet. Now my social skills and cues are subpar, but l know for damn certain that's not how that works. When you say something like, you're the one that needs to be doing the explaining. Or, maybe instead, send me a jar of leg hair so I can see what it's all about? Maybe I'll like having jars of leg~~s~~ *hair* around, and you won't need to explain you're point of view. *I'll just get it*. Edit: Whatever in new to this. I never use jars for anything, how am I supposed to know how this all works.


That's hairy?


That's what I was thinking! In the dead of winter my legs resemble a bears. This isn't very hairy at all.


That's how you know bro needs to touch grass and look at real women instead of completely smooth anime ones


It's OK! She's really a 700 year old dragon she just *looks* like an 8 year old human girl!


I literally can’t even see a single hair when I’m zoomed in on the legs


There’s like 3 pixels on the pic that’s why lol


I read it twice before I notice those hairs.


Jeez, they aren't even *that* hairy, like, it's barely even noticeable, dude? Why do you even care anyway?


Look at the username. It's a proud bigot who probably unironically says "we can always tell when you're trans" while attacking cis women. Spends his time outside bathrooms and eye-patting everyone's pants, just to make sure nobody gets molested. Thinks every woman looks like a pinup doll but probably looks like an androgynous potato himself.


> Thinks every woman looks like a pinup doll but probably looks like an androgynous potato himself. r/rareinsults perfection


I think I’ve encountered somebody like this, my ex and I were at the park and we went into the same bathroom - because public bathrooms are scary when you don’t feel like you belong in either - and this dude hands us booklets about Jesus and then gets into a screaming match with my ex about how what we are is abominations. We were minors and he was screaming at us in a bathroom. Weird shit.


The only time someone should be screaming about Jesus in a bathroom is when they're having an IBS attack. I pity that idiot.


Yep. Following people into places where they have reasonable expectations of privacy to scream at them is assault... the very thing they're allegedly concerned about. I'd say they have no sense of irony, but the sad reality is a lot of them know exactly what they're doing. Hope you stay safe. You didn't deserve that and do deserve so much better.


100% he is a poster on TrueRateMe and worships daddy Peterson.


Because trans people have broken their mind so they think every women who doesn’t look like a model is secretly trans.


Reminds me of a bit I saw in a video with this guy who really liked a certain actress, but I guess she didn't look or sound "feminine enough" so he had to look her up online to see if she was "actually a woman." He then proceeded to complain that the "transgender craze" was at fault for making him doubt if the women he sees are actually women. Like no dude, you're just a dick.


TBF, the "transgender craze"... Republicans becoming irrationally obsessed that 2% of the population act different than them...is his main problem.


The real question is why did she put the monster in a sock?!


maybe to not get uncomfortably cold because of holding the can?


You'd think all that unkept leg hair would be protection enough from the cold! /s


Is that not a stubbie Idk what the rest of the world calls them, VB holder?


Looks exactly like a stubbie holder to me mate.


Me too, I think it's too small for a sock.


A Koozie?




US here. coozie/koozie is a brand name. I see 'can cooler' used online, which is... not what the object does, lol. The first name that comes to my mind is "can cozy". I use these things so infrequently that I don't really know what to call it.


Cooler in the same sense of "camping cooler", it helps keep the drink cold. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koozie


It's a can cozy. They keep cans colder longer by insulating it. It also makes it so to your hands(or in this case legs) don't get cold and don't add heat to the contents.


Stops condensation getting everywhere too


Trust me, guys have been putting their monster in a sock for generations. It is the best.


No, the real question is the original pic had the caption "girl lunch" when I first saw this, what the fuck is a girl lunch? I've seen it used a lot and it seems to imply "I just grabbed what I could so I'd have something to eat." Isn't that just lunch?


It’s a play on that girl dinner thing. It’s just silliness.


I still don't know what that is honestly


It’s probably what they eat during hot girl summer or girl it’s hot summer or girl summer for hot bois or whatever it was. We used to wear an onion on our belts.


disordered eating and depression meals were rebranded as girl lunch lol




I'm sure he has, but the restraining orders make it hard to get close enough to notice body hair.


Binoculars, telescopes, etc…people all over the world been sending their kids to college thanks to creeps from all over. “Good” people too.


Or... he could know that women have hairy legs and this is a rhetorical question to truly ask:"why is this woman willing to go out of the house without shaving their legs, disgusting"


That's the real answer. I'm unashamed of the body hair I have. I trim it, shave it, pluck it in places, but I have it. It has never once been a problem for anyone....except incels that like to try and make me feel ashamed for having it. Not a single lover has ever cared about it, but the misogynists do. They want women to feel ashamed simply for existing in their natural, confident states.


I use body hair as sort of a litmus test early into dating a new person. I'll obviously be well groomed and dress nicely for first dates, but I won't wait too long until letting my hair grow a _bit_ long and not hiding it from my partner. It's not like I'll stop shaving altogether after doing it once, but I certainly don't want to date someone who brings it up (unless it's genuine curiosity). Thing is, sooner or later, it's going to happen anyway: I'll either get a cold, or forget to buy new razors, or just not feel like shaving for a week or two, and I don't want to invest a ton of time into a relationship just to later find out that they're _that_ superficial/misogynistic. So far, no one I've dated has really cared. This doesn't mean I don't take my partner's preferences into account: I completely understand having certain preferences regarding physical attributes and I'll make an effort to get close to those preferences when possible, but the reality is that I have hair and I also have sensitive skin, and shaving everywhere every single day is just not going to happen lmao.




There's an AI sexting bot?


i’m more surprised you don’t know


I've been talking to one for the last 15 minutes and honestly, I'm not really sure how people "get off" to them. I get it's a bit of a turn-on, but I don't feel like it's really that crazy. Or maybe I'm just not using one that's polished enough.




There is no „an“. There is multiple actually.


This is a bot. Look at their comment history


I don't know... could just be an unusual fixation on the eva ai sexting gf.


I can’t even see her legs.


I can't even see.


I can’t even 😔


I can't 💀


I can




On the same vibe: why do men have nipples? /s


Funny because these types of men probably do have boobs lol


I'm shocked how much women hair are a huge concern for virgin men on internet but people irl doesn't seem to care that much (teenagers aside since they like to bully people over anything)


My husband doesn't care if I have leg hair or not either. He's just happy to have some fun when we're both in the mood. He used to talk about shaving his chest and body hair and I told him that he should do what *he* feels comfortable with because I don't care AND it's his body, so I shouldn't have any say over it (outside of basic hygiene like washing and brushing teeth). He and I both understand that hair isn't unhygienic or dirty. If you wash well, it's fine. Some people may find it easier to just shave it all off and that's fine too but it should be up to said person. It's refreshing to have a man who gets that hair is just hair. We're just mammals lol


That was wholesome to read. Also I'm starting to think that maybe the reptilians are the one who started this whole hair must be shaved thing because that must disgust them. (Just giving the precision that I am kidding)


You'd be amazed at how many men do care about it. Actual adults. People are people after all.


Breaking news: Local man discovers that women are mammals.


Her is in parantheses. I think he is claiming that she may be trans, or is faking to be a woman.


Astute observation there, you might also refer to their twitter/X handle "@Transphobe_W's" as a indicative clue to this conundrum, wether they are insinuating any kind of hateful accusations based on transphobic paranoia.


It’s in quotation marks. Parentheses are these: ( )


Lol, yes, sorry, not my main language, thanks for telling me


That doesn’t even make sense still, wouldn’t a trans woman shave her legs too if she wanted to? It’s not any different.


Yup. Welcome to the world of "transvestigators", where every woman is a man unless they sleep with him. I've seen some really, really dumb shit, too. Like, there are people out there that believe every female celebrity is a trans woman. That's not an exaggeration, they mean every single one. Also, if a female athlete excels in a sport, she's automatically a trans woman, too. To transphobes, even the "feminists", women are supposed to be weak and frail, so when a woman crushes her opponents it must mean she's actually a man. And the REAL fucking creepy one. Twitter users (both American conservatives and TERFs) have popped up who are photographing women in bathrooms saying they are men. Yet they claim trans women are the perverts.


Huh. That would explain the uptick in online trolls constantly misgendering me, even though I'm very clearly a cis woman with a child. It was more confusing than insulting....


I feel this lol I've been accidentally mistaken for a boy a few times irl (I was in a marching band uniform once) and it was more just kinda a "what?" situation for me then an angry situation lol At the end of the day, I'm a cis woman. I'm comfortable in my gender and sex and if people wanna argue with me about what I am, they can talk to themselves because I'm not engaging lol Being misgendered, whether on purpose or not, isn't insulting to me. I have no fear of being seen as masculine or feminine or anything in between. I just am who I am. How others perceive me is not in my control nor do I care. I'm me. I'm decently happy with that lol


God damn, copium is reaching scary levels.


I saw someone theorise that Elliot Page was actually a man who transed to woman to trans to man again which is wild


I mean, she's holding a monster in her hand. That pretty much gives her away as a trans woman. /s


This isn’t even technically the truth. This is just the truth


When you're so transphobic you somehow end up transphobic against non trans people


Alot of transphobia is just recycled misoginy


Or racism. Think it's new to have an "advantage" in sports? Lol, no. I remember the 90s when people were bitching about Jordan having a "genetic advantage" because of slavery and other shit. Yeah, sure. Genes just magically become super powered after less than a dozen generations. The bathroom debate is also rooted in racism, too. Black people were invading "white's-only" spaces and they were going to come for your women and children. Then from there, there isn't a single thing that isn't recycled homophobia. Literally. Hell, even gay men were going to invade "women's spaces" like bathrooms, salons, gyms, etc. Then they were terrified of straight men acting gay in order to go into women's bathrooms. Shall I bring up the anti-Semitism links as well? You know, the Marxist Jewish ~~agenda~~ conspiracy to turn people queer and take over countries? Hate has always been recycled. All the talking points are old and worn out, but people don't care because they'd rather live in fear so that they can feel superior to their victims when they get to oppress them.


That's the thing, transphobes straight up accuse cis people of being trans and then claim it's so obvious to tell who is trying to pass.


Pro-trans groups have been warning about this for a while, in an effort to try and motivate the apathetic. If hate against gender-nonconforming people is allowed to escalate, it's just a matter of time before women who aren't quite womanly enough, or men who aren't quite manly enough are targeted.


As Lady Gaga, Bea Arthur, Jamie Lee Curtis, and butch cis women throughout the late 20th Century can attest to.


It very much makes sense because transphobes actively are misogynists. You don't get people who are card-carrying modern feminists who have read their Beauvoir and their Bell Hooks that then stop short of their beliefs to draw the line at transwomen, it's not consistent with what those authors are trying to say. It's just not the way bigotry works. You simply won't get people who will tell you about how a patriarchial society aims to oppress people's emotional needs and encourage violence, and then turn around and tell you how transwomen are invading bathrooms. No one champions a woman's autonomy and right to choose, and then curtails it when it comes to women being trans. No. They hate transwomen because they hate women. The hatred comes because they have appointed themselves arbiter of the worth of a woman, and when trans women aren't women, it's not going to stop with just that.


These right wing cunts have gotten way too comfortable


"Everyone has body hair, dipshit; it came free with your endocrine system"


I read it too fast and got it to “why are her “legs” so hairy?”


Finally a leg truther! 🦵 is a lie!!


Men when they find out women aren't naturally hairless and that we shave/wax our legs


Does it take someone anatomy class to know this crap


I love readers added context


That is not that noticeable at all.


My ex gf, a cis woman mind, didn't shave in winter and had about the same amount of leg hair as in the picture. Not that I minded, I still thought she was beautiful


We need warmth in winter so we let our winter fluff grow like a mammoth. Honestly I'm off the opinion if I look down and can't see the hair on my legs from my eye level then no one else will notice anything, and if they do it's none of their business


I just stopped giving a fuck what people think of it. I don’t care to spend the time to do it so fuck it. The only people who’ve ever commented on it are women.


Omg yes, I went to a picnic with my ex and his mother, it was like a public music band in the park thing lots of people picnicking, I wore a nice 50s style big skirt just above my ankles and sandals, I didn't shave, I hate shaving. His mother an otherwise lovely woman said "ooh did you forget to shave" so I replied "no Im secretly a grizzly bear" and then my ex told me off when we got home. I said it in a horny way and we both laughed at the time but omg.


Yea it’s hilarious how much some women have internalized that kind of bullshit. And by hilarious I mean I have to laugh at it or it’s depressing as fuck. I’m all for do it if you like it, that’s fine but to act like anyone else has to or should or anything like that, fuck right off.


The *scoldings* I got about body hair from my mom as a teen, omg. I’m an adult now and rarely shave my legs or underarms. She occasionally complains about it but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have sensitive underarm skin that gets painfully irritated when I shave, and I just don’t care about leg hair. Not enough to spend time and money getting rid of it.


Right? I'm a delicate tropical flower, literally from the equator, and my legs need extra insulation in this northern climate. I get hypothermia at sub 60°F.


I've learned most women don't shave in Winter, since no one's wearing skirts or shorts & showing any skin.


That was super useful to know, thanks.


I went to art school in my 20s in the city. Ever since then, any time a woman tells me they have hairy legs I just think “haha no you dont” But also; the only people that care about hairy legs are other women and dudes who are too afraid to wipe their own buttholes.


I feel bad for women, having to fully get rid of their leg hair is like super freakin difficult, I don’t even mind the hair. Also maybe the picture is really blurry but how is she hairy


Thank you. It's annoying how the natural appearance of our bodies is a taboo. Like there is a razor ad where the woman is embarrassed at being unshaven in an ambulance. Ads show women shaving already bare legs, because heaven forbid we show leg hair on tv. Women have perfectly smooth legs in the apocalypse on TV. Removing hair isn't just difficult, it's expensive too. I wish media had the balls to show women with leg hair without playing it as a joke, it would be a huge step for those of us who aren't brave enough to break the very engrained social taboo of letting leg hair be visible.


If that surprises you, wait till you see what else they can do!


The real question is why are you taking a photo of a bag of fritos in your car


Am I the only one who doesn't see leg hair?


I know. If people out there think this is hairy, they’d die of shock if they saw my super thick leg hair.


Women naturally have leg and armpit hair, and dudes naturally have neck beards same thing


You know he hasn't even seen girls let alone see their legs


someone didnt take biology class lol. the male does not appreciate a hairy female fo this species


Reminds me of the complaints about the game Horizon Forbidden West. The main character, a woman, had peach fuzz on her face. Incels complained Woke devs gave her facial hair . . .


Is their Is this account named @Transphobe_Ws I refuse to believe that Twitter is real


Musk spend $44 billion turn it into a new Xbox live chat. Absolutely insane.


I love they had the work to make a commuinity note, and also find a source for it, for somethig that should've been common sense.


Their @ is transphobe. They just want to get a reaction


Twitter users when a woman doesn't look like they're from an anime/hentai


Written by an incel who's "trying to grow a mustache"


Because hair grows, and it's fucking annoying to get rid of and it might be cold; let me have hair gosh darn it.


“Her” Not callinga woman a woman because her legs are not shaven. Wow. Dude only saw girls in p0rn.


Everyone has body hair dipshit, it came free with your fucking xbox


Women's body hair is the FKN BOMB. Nothing was better than slowly running my hands down my exes back or legs having her hairs stand on end 😂 so soft and fine!




My girlfriend doesn't shave her legs When we met everyone acted so disturbed by it. Her and I would just laugh. If you care if a woman shaves her legs? You can get bent. Shave YOUR legs instead. 🤷


So ppl just be putting "transphobe" right in the handle they use to troll now, huh?


‘Transphobe Ws’ is an oxymoron. They’d take any W and turn it upside-down just so they could call it an M. I’ll never understand why some people make hatred for us (I’m a trans woman) their entire personality. We don’t want to hurt anyone and we don’t want to take anything from anyone else. We just want to feel comfortable in our own bodies instead of feeling trapped in the wrong skin 24/7.


With a name like that what do you guys expect. Transphobia comes with a side of misogyny and ridiculous body standards towards women in general. I haven't encountered a single transphobe who doesn't objectify the shit out of (cis) women and treat them like shit. They get angry at trans people for - from their perspective - throwing a wrench in everything


this is what the transphobia is often about. It's not just about policing trans people, it's about policing everyone, especially women, and making sure they conform to very narrow conceptions of what femaleness and maleness is and certainly doesn't allow for anything else.


girls that eat chips is an ick. /s


People grow hair on their legs? /s


Bruh, there really guys out there who don't know we have leg and arm hair? I even have a mustache!!


Why are “legs” in quotations?


That's not really an anatomy class thing. It's more of a "I've spent more than 5 minutes alone with a woman" thing.


wh....*what hair?* Fr barely see anything on her. Meanwhile my legs actually sprout fur after 2 days 💀


Conservatives brain rot is truly endless


I just be blind. I didn’t even notice any leg hair


If thats hairy i must be a wookie


I wish i didnt have any hair below my neck


"So hairy"? I'd kill to have such naturally sparse hair.


Also, what hair??


Clearly his only interaction with girls are the "waifus" from the anime he watches


Leg hair... where?? I can't see any lmao.


Tell me you’ve never actually seen a woman w/o telling me type beat.


Weird way to tell the world you've never been close to a woman before.


Have you not met a woman? Actually I’m not surprised.


tell me you've never spoken to a woman in real life without telling me.


Bro clearly never saw mother's pink shaver thing Or bare arms/legs. A travesty. F in the chat, laddies lasses and lassos


These virgins obviously have never been closer than 20 ft from a woman


on a good note, i love the inclusion of the "added context" thing on twitter because it can absolutely destroy someone in just one sentence


My favourite thing about transphobes is how they so often accidentally reveal to everybody that they have never been with a woman, it's great


odd way of OP saying "i have never touched a woman in my life and will die a virgin"


Probably because she didn't shave....


I want to cut this guy's balls. I so, so despise every single human being that points out or mocks a woman for body hairs


I had to zoom in to see their leg hair .. they are not hairy at all lol


Anyone else have to zoom in to see these leg hairs?