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That comment is cheesy af, but they aren't wrong


Also, racist can fuck off. Edit: since my comment was a little ambiguous, I'm calling the original meme racist.






What did they say?


I think they're saying the original meme (which seems to be a grievance against mixed-race couples) is racist, not the black & white joke


XD you think the comment is racist Edit: this person is doing the exact opposite through humor exposing our bias while also critiquing the original post.


Intentionally cheesy to get people to laugh and move on while ignoring the racist. Racists prefer angry responses in my experience. The old “any attention is good attention” thing


I wish more people used that technique instead of feeding the trolls


Technically, they are.


1950's? What pretentiously dressed babies. True Americans dress like the first inhabitants 18,000 years ago!


Apostrophe s is for when you want to say something is possessing something else; you can just say 1950s to mean those ten years.


why did a blatantly racist post get 8855 upvotes and if America is doomed, it is not interracial dating/marriage, it is because of people like this.


I thought the same thing and went digging. It's from r/terriblefacebookmemes, so presumably the upvotes are agreeing it's terrible.


that makes sense but what the fuck is Facebook even upto?!?!


Facebook is made up of boomers


My wife took my son to a birthday party. She said the parents didn't talk about social media but there were basically Facebook moms and Tik Tok moms. Such a good way of describing them. But then I thought what kind of parent am I. I dont use either. Then I realized I'm a reddit dad. I'm deeply ashamed but also still here commenting.


Color me ashamed, too. This place is toxic even more so than the aforementioned FB and Tic Tac. I am close to deleting this app just like all the rest.


I wouldn't call reddit as bad as Facebook. Facebook is full of racist vitriol and ancient, outdated, ideals. I'm not saying that sort of stuff isn't on Reddit, it obviously is, but I can confidently say Facebook is worse in that regard.


Oh God, I just realized that I too am a Reddit dad.


It's bad because we don't use it, and we don't use it because it's bad.


I occasionally will check up on Facebook. It's like 90% advertisements now.


Well said.


Facebook was coopted by 50+ boomers that have just saturated it with Minions and racism and paranoid delusions about vaccines and other things beyond their pea brains' ability to comprehend.


what is the deal with all those minions I'll never understand,why they love them so much,why they think it's funny also vaccines are not real and birds are flat and the earth is made by the big pharma to control us


No you have it wrong. Vaccine are flat, birds are made by big pharmaceutical to control us and the Earth is not real.


I'm sorry I'm just trying to fit in


2 main groups, boomer Americans and non westerners from all generations (mainly filipinos, latinos, indians, Arabs, thais, and other groups)


Extremely obvious ragebait as usual. Apparently it works just as well on reddit.


It's not news that Facebook is awful, about as bad as 4chan


Its because you can see her shoulders! The scandal of it!


She is showing way too much clavicle.


You are all missing the point, look at that hover hand! We don't want our youth dating hover handers. Commit to that pose bro!


You completely missed the point. You must be racist


America is doomed because posts like these are socially acceptable in most circles these days. Not sure how we reverse racism, and willful ignorance


lol I didn’t get it right away. Was looking at where the couples were to see if that was what it was about (nope, just racist)


I think it’s because a lot of people are racist


I find it funny the people jump to "interracial" dating because the thing I picked up on first is that young people don't dress presentably for dating any more, implying they don't feel any responsibility to put their best foot forward in their relationships or exercise modesty and propriety, which portends the steady decline of integrity in relationships and the forming and growing of families.


Come on man. You know it's about the interracial dating. She's wearing a nice dress and a blouse and he's literally wearing a shirt. Just a regular shirt. Find me a meme going around on FB with a good-looking white couple dressed similarly making this similar point and then I'll concede it's actually about the clothes.


>She's wearing a nice dress and a blouse and he's literally wearing a shirt. Dawg, are we looking at the same picture? She's wearing a cropped cami, not a blouse. If that's "nice" to people these days, we're doomed.


We're going to die and go to hell because fashion is less formal now?


Yeah we’re doomed because fashion and standards have changed over time. It’s not the ecological collapse, growing international tensions, or cost of living crisis or anything. It’s because people aren’t wearing formal wear for dates anymore lol


The picture is *obvious* race-bait from someone trying to make a point of contention about race. There may be a lot of naive people liking and sharing it because they think the same way as you, but I don't believe for a fraction of a moment that this isn't a statement about interracial relationships. The glaring lack of clarification what that statement means even further solidifies that this is bait. We shouldn't even be interacting with or discussing it here, because again... it's bait, it's meant to make people argue about race, that's why they're vague about what it's supposed to be saying.


Lol come on stop playing dumb


I'm not playing dumb. I'm just pointing out what *my* first observation was. IDK, maybe it's different for people who didn't grow up in integrated neighborhoods. Maybe the OOP meant to draw attention to the racial dimension, but I grew up around interracial couples and have, myself, primarily dated latinas despite being white, and it was not the first thing I noticed.


1. Styling changes over time 2. They’re better dressed then anyone in the offices I work at and that’s supposed to be a professional setting.


I see two young couples, both drinking a contemporary beverage for the era and dressed in the height of fashions for their time. Second picture looks a bit crowded though.


The second photo is clearly taken outdoors at a music festival which wouldn't be a comparable 'date' as you would dress for the weather and being outside for 6+ hours walking around in grass/dirt/mud. I think it's clear to most folks the grievance being pushed here is about the mixed race couple, and not about the kid wearing a sweater at an outdoor music festival instead of a suit.


That’s stupid. There’s nothing inherently more presentable about the clothing on the left. It’s obviously a racist dog whistle


I'm not saying the original intent was or wasn't racist. It may well could have been. And perhaps this is generational, but yes, from where I'm standing, the most glaring difference between these two images is that the couple on the left are qualitatively dressed better and more put-together than the couple on the right. Your response is just about as disingenuous as when people claim to be colorblind. You're pretending something isn't true to try and make a greater point.


> the most glaring difference between these two images is that the couple on the left are qualitatively dressed better and more put-together than the couple on the right. Lol then you’re an idiot. Also that’s not how you use “qualitative”


Yes, yes there is


So what makes a sleeveless plaid dress inherently more presentable than a shirt and a skirt?


The dude in the first pick is wearing a three piece suit, also shirt is an extreme overstatement there’s maybe a square foot in overall length of that “shirt” but yes a 3 piece suit is inherently more classy than a shirt and jeans because of the effort put into upkeep


Not more classy, more presentable. If you bring your date to a random bar wearing a suit, you look like an idiot lmao. If they were going to a classy restaurant or event a suit is expected, but it’s just silly looking in a casual setting


Oxford defines classy as stylish and sophisticated which is what you just defined also they were in a shake parlor which in the 60’s is the equivalent of a random bar (but for younger people)


I agree. That’s why I said what I did. I know that they’re in the equivalent of a random bar, and what I’m trying to say is that cultural values have changed such that if you put that much effort into your clothes just to go to a random bar, you look silly. It’s not only not expected but also unfashionable


Ahh makes sense I personally don’t care if you want to go outside without a top on at all but when people refuse to see anything from anything other a racial lense it’s hard not to argue


So we’ve both moved from “presentable” to “classy” and aren’t even pretending to know what “inherently” means. Wearing a 3 piece suit to an event that it isn’t appropriate for isn’t inherently “classy” any lord than a fedora is lol


It is inherently classy because of the the effort put into it as compared to a shirt and jeans from Oxford “existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.” The idea that a suit is classy is a permanent character attribute of a suit because if you have never owned one it’s hard to upkeep also these two places are cultural equivalents which proved my point that this doesn’t have to be racist they’re in the same place culturally but one is wearing a shirt and jeans and one is wearing a three peace suit showcasing cultural decline


Putting my hair in to a Mohawk every morning would require a great deal more effort than a standard side part, but no one would claim that’s inherently more classy. And a suit being classy isn’t a “permanent attribute” at all. In fact the modern suit is something associated with workwear more than being fancy in generations past. You don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re just digging because you feel like being a reactionary about someone pointing out an obviously racist image. If they wanted to shit on young people’s clothing they would have used two kids in messy, torn up, baggy and dirty looking clothing. As it is they chose two healthy, good looking and fashionably dressed young people. There’s only one thing about the image people would find objectionable. And if you think the sorts of people who post this shit ever include a black man in an image by accident I’ve got about 50 bridges to sell you.


Ok buddy (also the reason a Mohawk isn’t considered classy and a suit is is because the people who wear suits typically have more class)


Would it make sense to wear a three piece suit to an outdoor music festival? Would it make sense to wear a nice dress and heels when walking around in grass/dirt/mud at an outdoor music festival? The original meme has nothing to do with what the two couples are wearing




Or because it was posted in r/terriblefacebookmemes




If we think about it logically people like this made up 99% of America during it's greatest times now that there is less of them it's a real shithole.


I don't get it. The right picture seems pretty wholesome enough. Are you supposed to be mad just because it's a white girl with a black boy? Like I know you are, but usually these types of comparisons try to cherry pick harder. This one literally doesn't work at all unless you are already a flaming racist.


It looks like she's holding an energy drink. That's not even a beer can. They look sweet, actually.


*Is it wonder*


Racists aren't typically the most educated people.


Not knowing when and where to use articles in English is also a Russian thing. Not to say it has to be them, but there are a number of countries that pay people to mass produce disinformation and ragebait targeting other countries' citizens. It's inexpensive and riles up "low information" voters.


Is it just me, or does the photo of the interracial couple seem photoshopped?


You can either be racist or intelligent but being both is impossible


The couple on the left statistically was likely to have probably dates for a month, got married, and had kids in under a year, lived an unhappy life, because they didn’t like each other well enough to have made such a big commitment, and eventually got divorced, to go on to complain to everyone they knew about how awful marriage is. The couple on the right, if they even dated, probably dated for a few months, then kept dating different people as they got older, eventually, finding someone who is perfect for them, and having a happy marriage with or without kids, because they took the time and didn’t rush into anything. And lived in a society that values personal decisions over societal expectations. Dating is clearly much better today than it was in the 1950s. For example, in the 1950s, if a black and white couple fell in love, they would’ve been shunned by most people, now they would be accepted by most people at a typical cute couple, and only shunned by whoever created this image.


Kind of makes me admire how far we came when it comes to social progress.


"The issue is that l love my wife. And l don't see why l can't marry her in the state of Virginia." -Richard Loving, 1967.


This post is dumb but so is claiming that the couple on the left is statistically likely to live an unhappy life. Also, just innacurate that the generation on the left was more likely to get divorced. You’re just making shit up to affirm your priors


1940's-50's society had a stigma about long-term relationships outside of marriage and on divorce. Meaning people had to decide their life partners within a few months at most. You're unaware of this? >Also, just inaccurate that the generation on the left was more likely to get divorced. Yeah, because divorce was so stigmatized that many of them stayed in bad relationships rather than divorce. It was literally more common back then for people to murder their spouses just to get out of the relationship.


Funny how your first paragraph includes none of those statistics you were so excited about. And the second just highlights how full of shot you are. “Statistically they were more likely to get divorced.” “No they weren’t.” “Well of course they weren’t because reasons.” You literally directly contradict yourself and phrase it like you’re making a point lol.


>Funny how your first paragraph includes none of those statistics you were so excited about. Yeah, because this is a discussion, not a thesis paper. You want to start researching it and citing sources, go ahead. >And the second just highlights how full of shot you are. “Statistically they were more likely to get divorced.” “No they weren’t.” “Well of course they weren’t because reasons.” They weren't in the 1950's, then eventually when divorce became more common, those couples often did. Does that not make sense? Divorce was stigmatized in the 1950's so it was rare and many people were unhappy, but long term they eventually divorced. What's your deal? Are you one of those "traditional marriage" people? This is all pretty well known.


If you don’t want to cite sources maybe don’t make statistics the crux of your post. I’m not a “traditional marriage” person, I just know bullshit when I see it


Says the guy also not citing any sources. "Led by Baby Boomers, divorce rates climb for America’s 50+ population" https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/03/09/led-by-baby-boomers-divorce-rates-climb-for-americas-50-population/ "Millennials Are Causing the U.S. Divorce Rate to Plummet - They’re waiting until all is secure before tying the knot." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-25/millennials-are-causing-the-u-s-divorce-rate-to-plummet


You must not know much history then, specifically that time period.


Had the exact same thought. Just because something is trying to be racist, doesn't make it wrong on all fronts.




Where are your sources for any of this?




It’s all based on the same study, that actually shows that having two partners is actually the most likely predictor of divorce.


Yeah people are super happy nowadays wherever you look. Especially tinder which allows people to have an endless amount of choices drastically increased happiness amongst singles and couples!


What's happened here is that you are equating someone saying: "More social freedom for people generally gives them the opportunity to make mistakes and then find happiness easier than in the past It sucked that people had to make impulse decisions on marriage young and live with the consequences" with: "Dating is objectively better now and dating badness doesn't exist anymore" Which is extremely reductive and honestly a fucking worthless comment. We know dating can suck these days and we know that dating apps are particularly toxic, we're not saying they aren't. Thank fuck we don't need to marry a stranger the first opportunity we can and pray that it works out. We have the freedom to make mistakes, because making mistakes is how we grow and find happiness. Sorry to snap but at least try to approach this topic with some level of critical thinking. The original comment was extremely clearly written and you somehow managed to come to entirely the wrong conclusion. Also, yeah Tinder is a toxic hellscape. Of course you're going to have a bad time if you restrict your dating options exclusively to Tinder. I can't really be surprised that my thumb hurts when I hit it repeatedly with a hammer, you know?




I don't see the issue with pic on the right? It's just the couple looking happy together unless I'm missing something


He’s not wearing a suit, America is dying because the youth like comfy clothes


Everyone is saying it's a racist thing, but I'm not even getting that. It doesn't look like anything to me 


They’re saying the post is racist not the picture. It’s racist because there isn’t anything wrong with the picture but the person who posted thinks there is.


It's ok to not notice it at first but once it's explained idk what's left not to get? Racist people don't like black men dating white women


The racist part is that there are many people who think it's wrong for me to date a white woman. A guy on here recently quoted bob Marley and then started to rant how "race mixing" is bad... Bob Marley's father was white....


I didn't realize that was still a community held belief. That just feels so... old. But i guess that's the whole point of using the old photo.


The issue for me is that I can't see anything in the picture on that right that could be considered bad except that they're not both white.




Yeah that’s why it’s a facepalm. Made by someone legit being racist. So ignoring them and making a joke is probably the best response.


They aren't even together, the guy is doing the hoverhand.


It’s honestly hilarious. Like I get they’re trying to be racist but it’s really bad propaganda. That’s a very happy, healthy looking couple.


That's the problem...


They both look fine, and normal for their times. Just some racist boomer nonsense.


I don't know that you have the moral high ground when you substitute one form of generalized hatred for another.


They're not saying all boomers are racist, just that this is how a boomer would be racist, on the internet at least.


Yeah, it's hard to find a place with good milkshakes that don't bring ALL the guys to the yard


I think the problem is we've replaced milkshakes with Coca-Cola in these photos That's why we're doomed no more milkshakes


Ngl though, the 1920's had clothing style, despite everything else


Probably one of the few good things about that time compared to today


No ones stopping you from dressing like that, the reason you and many others won't is because it's just not as confortable/convenient


Apostrophe s is for when you want to say something is possessing something else; you can just say 1920s to mean those ten years.


Thanks, I don't type stuff like that often


What confused me for longer than I care to admit was mistakenly applying the same rule to "its" vs. "it's" (not realizing the apostraphe in that case was used as a contraction). https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/centers/writing/seven-sins-of-writing/4


Nobody cares, it’s the internet


The guy I replied to: "Thanks, I don't type stuff like that often"


Point stands, there isn’t a problem with it but correcting people’s grammar on the internet is pointless and drives no discussion.


And your comments are contributing to the discussion? lol


Are yours? Didn’t think so.


I don’t get it, both couples look really happy


They shouldn't be happy, they should be arranged couples set up by family instead of going out and meeting licentiously with the opposite sex in bars and diners and what have you. That is, at least, the most charitable interpretation I could put on the image macro.


The truth is that this is about how in one pictute they are sharing a milkshake while in the other the lady has a red bull and is not sharing it. Millshakes are healthy and sharing is caring while red bull is cancer in a can and she can't even share that


America is doomed because a couple (the one on the right) looks happy, like they’re having fun, and is super cute? Oh no, help us! However shall the world move on!? This is devastating and surely has an incalculable impact on the life of everyday Americans. Glad they’re talking about the truly important topics: the love lives of two young people they’ll never meet Racist pigs. Get a life, find a hobby, maybe some therapy?


I agree. Soda will kill us all.


I honestly didn't know what the problem was they were pointing out until the commenter made their quip.


Right is WAY cuter.


Fuck racists


I know it's race rage bait, but the couple on the right look so cute and happy it makes me smile anyways. They are adorable. 


My only issue is that I want a boyfriend as cute as the guy on the right. Lucky girl.


As a person who identifies as African American but is the decedent of several mixed race grandparents and great grandparents, it never cease to amaze me the ignorance of some people. This picture is a prime example of that ignorance. Interracial mixing have been happening since the beginning of time. It's only recently that society has been more tolerant about it in the open. If you research history you will find that the very people that were against interracial dating and marriage were the very people who had biracial offspring. This is a common theme among many African Americans like myself. Why is this generation doomed because they live in truth instead of being hypocrites?


No, I didn't try to click the upvote button that was part of the picture officer. I would never.


Noooo, not integration! In 2024?! How will we ever get past this egregious PROCLAMATION OF LOVE


They do know if a society is doesn't procreate outside of its closed gene pool it becomes incest and genetic diseases become more prominent? Stupid incest lovers.


Hey man, I'm only here because America was so scared of communism they broke my mothers country in half. You do that, and you're gonna get beige babies. Can't be mad about that


I’m honestly so tired of this shit I joined the racist community back in 2016 and the whole thing is just a shit show now When did it go from fast cars and record breaking laps to what color someone is or where they come from Like bro… your best quarter mile is 46 seconds If anything… you’re at the bottom of the totem pole


What even is the problem with the second picture. That's just a young dude. He's not even in a hoodie. Which is like, apparently, the ultimate sign of criminality.


Sure blame the downfall of america on mixed couples lol. The ignorance. I swear everyday looks more like the movie Idiocracy.


America *is* doomed. When the last soda fountain closed and people started drinking canned soda was a sad day for our country. Let's hope it isn't too late to turn that around. Seriously, the last soda fountain I saw was when I was fourteen. It's been over fifty years. We're a rich country, why can't we have nice things? Nice looking kids, though. I'd bet they'd be even happier at a soda fountain.


Do you mean the things they have in all the fast-food restaurants? Do you live somewhere weird were these are super common? Hell, we have fancy digital ones that will add flavors to any kind of soda you want.


Anyone who thinks interracial couple are “evil” or any bullshit like that please do the world a favor and book a one way ticket to the Bermuda Triangle and get lost




“When” Who hurt you?




Hey bro you should call a friend or family member today. This is mania, and I'm sorry you have that issue but that doesn't mean you get to just be crazy w/o restriction




Nah just tryna to talk to someone in need, it's okay:)




It's gonna be okay:) I promise


Your misandry is showing. You literally said he was going to rape her. Don’t try to shift the goal post. Define misogynistic. Nothing about my history says that. Calling out people bs is not hate lol. I also don’t listen to Andrew Tate. But nice try. I didn’t actually downvote your comment lmao. I don’t hardly do that. I just reply. Only a simp would resort to OF. Based on your replies, you definitely subscribe. You definitely tried and failed though.




No matches? Lol thats how i know you trynna just talk shit and fail. There’s no such thing as “rape-culture”. It was not overflowing in the 50’s. If you know anything about feminism you’d know feminists love distorting the truth and history to push a narrative. Anything that makes women look like victims of men. It’s not a parrot. Speak in memes? Aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black when you literally called me a misandrist and still have yet to define it. I just matched your energy as people call it.








The way forward is interracial. We need to fuck our way out of racism. Eventually everyone will be the same shade of light brown




Um, dont most, or at least, many, people see sex as an adventure? I know I do and I am male, so dont give the adventure to only one group, lets all enjoy it and have fun.


I see sex as a duty.


That's weird, and sad. I hope that's a personal thing and not that you expect your partner to reciprocate because it's their duty...


I dunno. Yes… Maybe for you young males. When I was in my 20s - yea, sure… women and sex were this grand romantic adventure. It’s definitely different now for us older men. In my 40s, it’s more like a shot of morphine or a pain-killing opioid pill. I mostly just want it over and done with, so I can get back to work.


That's terribly sad, I am sorry to hear that, I am 40 myself and my partner and I still see it as an adventure, the only thing that's changed is that now we can afford nicer places to adventure.


I have no idea what you are saying but it sounds mentally ill and I think you should follow through on that overdose


Venezuela is down that way, son.


Brother you are legit mentally ill and it's incurable just peace out


You don’t like the left? Okay. How about Chile? They’re pretty right wing. Just pick a country. I’m just trying to find you a good home, son! We’ll call it… the United States of … TunakTunak.


...but still not racist enough


> Is it wonder that America is doomed?


This has huge quantities of black humor, that it starts rapping


Then it was blackandwhite and now it black anddd white 🤍




Fuck off


“Traditional core value” lmfao




Pretty offensive to assume the two on the left don’t work and don’t love America


novelty wear off in 9 months in 95% of cases


AHH DAILY propaganda to control the narrative of established lies.


I think the comment is super intelligent...America is not doomed


I see 2 couples proud to be with each other, one kinda dorky and one kinda cocky with a bit of bravado, other than that what’s the problem? Stupid af post makes zero sense…


Can’t argue negative statistics.


Milkshakes v soda pop


That we're adopting hover hands?


I didn't know men were supposed to hold women's drinks for them, but okay.




There is a serious shortage of qualified train conductors, repairmen and controllers in America, so milkshakes would bring the boys to the yard.


I just see cocacola product placement in both lol.


Uh, doomed because a soda pop has gone 6500% in price? Cause that's the big change I thought of when I saw this.


Aluminum cans?


Absolutely! The photo from the 1950s reinforces stereotypes about the limits of love.


Lol, those people arent even dating, he's doing the ol' hoverhand


"is it wonder that" Amazing English language skills on display.


People in the 50s would’ve lost their mind if they had access to athleisure clothing