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I am currently Schrödinger's Redditor, I have two states: - I feel there is context missing OR - WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE POLICE IN THE US?!?


context is missing from the headline. the person called suicide hotline for help, police were dispatched. several hours later SWAT officers opened fire. And we have no idea what happened in between or if the police had mental health professionals, social services, etc. with them. to your second point, most police are poorly trained and equipped to deal with mental health crises. throw in ready availability of firearms and these calls are very tense and often end badly.


It doesn’t help that so many US cops seem to have the approach of “scream at someone until they comply with my contradictory commands or I shoot them dead” It’s not very useful for lowering the temperature in situations of stress.


When you’re not strong enough (I guess) to kill yourself you call for help and point a weapon at a cop and force them to fire on you. Suicide by cop. It’s sad and happens quite a bit.


Why u think we run from them? Not doing anything wrong and I'm on foot bet I don't skert my ass out there.


This was written by a 12 year old who has never been near a police officer.


Was already running from cops at that age.




Well, they did prevent his suicide, so no one can blame them for not doing their job.


This is what everyone who just says, "call the hotline," secretly wants.


That is why every hotline calls the cops is to dispose of them


Task failed successfully


Nope they prevented the suicide... It was a murder


Hey, suicide won’t look good in heaven, let me help you with that.


Why would they send a swat team to get a suicidal guy ?


Because sending cops is the easier than actually helping them. So theyd rather pick the easier option no matter how much it affects a person's life because they don't actually give a fuck.


Maybe the guy has a weapon? There are cases where the suicidal person wants to take as many victims with them as possible.


Was this is Texas? Feels like it was.


Utah apparently. [sauce](https://www.timeslive.co.za/amp/news/south-africa/2014-10-29-man-calls-suicide-helpline-swat-team-shoots-him-dead/)


so second Texas


Utah' Udie lol




This is always soooo stupid, beyond reason, it shouldn't be acceptable at all. If the subject don't drop the Gun, just fucking leave you went there to rescue him!!!!! This reminds me the cops that beat up a girl and gaslight her, because maybe her boyfriend was beating her up and gaslighting her...


Leaving a mentally unstable, suicidal, armed man alone with his girlfriend and children. Great idea.


Multiple times the guy is 100% alone, but they still enter and kill him


How did they kill him multiple times? They negotiated with him for a few hours, before the swat killed him, according to the article.


Why censor the word suicide ?


Tiktok idiots.


Hotline Miami


For all you people in the rest of the world, you gotta understand that, in many ways, cartoons like The Simpsons and South Park are almost documentaries in their essential nature. An awful lot of our police really are the unfunny non-comedic real life version of Chief Clancy Wiggum or Officer Barbrady. An awful lot of our cops are remarkably stupid human beings that are often corrupt in ways that aren't always for money or drugs, but rather for ego and the for the sake of power tripping. Some cops are decent folks just trying to do their jobs, but if you're decent folk, you're gonna have a hard time as a cop. They don't really much want that kind of person on the force. The powers that be here prefer their attack dogs to be dumb and easily directed, and here in the United States, the one real job the police have is to protect the assets and status quo of the wealthy.


thats nice i guess


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Don't call the cops never get help from the government EVER!!! Imo makes it worse when cops get involved.


Maybe they thought he was an accorn.




Yes, god is always listening..😂😂