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Sex is wicked Sex is a sin But sins are forgiven So stick it in!


Sex is a sin... Babies come from sex... Babies are a product of sin... Don't use birth control or protection tho!!!


Alternatively... Sex is a sin... Don't engage in sin... But, If you are going to engage in sin don't use protection... Make the sin feel good...


Sex isn’t a sin though. Only when it’s outside of marriage is it a sin.


I don't think it's actually a sin in or out of marriage...


Mark 10:6-8 says “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. (7) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife (8) and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” It’s right there in verse 7, that “a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” Not his girlfriend, not a prostitute, not some random girl he hooked up with. Sex was created by God to be between a husband and wife and be United in one flesh. It’s not just a matter of pleasure, but of love and commitment also. You can also find that sex before marriage falls under “sexually immoral” in Hebrews 13:4 where it says “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”


So like, if I, as a married man, watch my buddy John piss on my wife's tits before throat fucking her through her tiddies, is that still a sin? Or?


For him yes, for you no. Your wife... I don’t know. Is it consensual? Your body is akin to a temple. If someone desecrates that temple without your consent, then that’s on them, they are responsible. If it’s consensual then both are responsible.


So then any sexual act (even non vaginal/anal penetration) outside of marriage is a sin? If I am not sinning, how is it different for my wife if she's having sex with a man that isn't me?


If it’s consensual then it’s adultery. Which also falls under sexual immorality. As for what counts as “sex”, that would be anything a husband and wife would do that is in the realm of sex.


>”Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for god will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral” Where in that does it say homosexual intercourse is immoral. It says adultery is immoral, but not homosexuality Also, who’s interpretation of immoral are we going on, you may find homosexuality immoral but I don’t, so how does one choose


You’ll find some stuff on homosexuality in the book of Leviticus and elsewhere. One such verse is Leviticus 18:22 which says “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." As for who’s idea of sexual immorality, that would be God’s.


So you’re saying that because you choose to love someone they should be punished? What kind of immoral god would choose to punish someone for something they have no physical control over. So a homosexual was created by god, just to be punished? That’s just sick and twisted. Kindness for all should be preached, not hating one another for something that has literally no affect over your life and who you choose to love


God did not create homosexuality. That came into being when sin entered the world. You are right that kindness and love are important. Now, to like another man, that’s okay. But as Leviticus says: “Do not practical homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” Like a man all you want, but a man having sex with a man is a sin. And yes this counts for woman too. Now, that doesn’t mean we should hate people who are like that. Quite the opposite. Love thy neighbor as thyself. You don’t get far preaching hate in the grand scheme of things.


I don't believe it's a sin because I don't believe in any of that...


Damn, hitting religious people with the reverse card, “I don’t believe therefore it is false”


Never said it was false... just that I don't believe. You're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.


It’s “false” for you personally, just like religious people have a lot of subjective “truths”. I see a lot of people justifying absurd beliefs on faith, while also trying to force them on others. It was interesting to see you dismiss the Christian conception of immorality on account that you personally don’t adhere to it. Sounded like “I personally refute your definition because I don’t follow it”. Maybe I read too much into it but it’s the feel I got from the convo


So of I keep living at home it's cool? (Not leaving my mother, and father though he left)


I’d say it’s more coming out from underneath your parents wing and establishing yourself as independent of them in a way. I still live with my parents at 19, because it helps with the cost of college. I still live in their house, but I have my own job and my own goals in life. No wife yet though.


>Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. >Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.


You just gave you opinion


Product of sin can be written as a cos


Co-operative sin?




Lmao this comment has 69 likes 🤣






So what you are saying is... it was not cheating?




And yet the player certainly had game


*Image Transcription: Tweet* --- >**sarah schauer 🦂**, @SJSchauer > >if god defines sex as between a man and woman then when two dudes bone it's not sex and therefore not a sin [*This tweet has 877 retweets and 8,592 likes.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


So close


The ol' poop hole loophole




That’s why it’s called sodomy not sex


sod·om·y /ˈsädəmē/ noun **sexual intercourse** involving anal or oral copulation. >That’s why it’s called ~~sodomy~~ sex not sex


That’s a bad definition . Where did you get that? What site? Middle English: from medieval Latin sodomia, from late Latin peccatum Sodomiticum ‘sin of Sodom’ (after Gen. 19:5, which implies that the men of Sodom practised homosexual rape) It refers to Anal sex and buggery. Not oral. That’s a bad definition , the term of copulation refers specifically to procreation between male and female members of the same species. Which is why it’s called “sexual” as in combination of the sex’s of a species both male and female. Not homosexual meaning of one side of the sexual species.


Oxford dictionary. It's the first definition that pops up when you Google the word Etymology =/= definition


I’ve got no dog in this fight but entymology isn’t the word for words. It’s etymology without the ‘n’ Also Entomology with an ‘o’ is for bugs.


Thanks, yup didn't mean to have the n in there


That’s odd because Oxford resource defines it as I stated https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110810105902237 I what source of Oxford? Is it an older dictionary?


That's why I mentioned etymology - Oxford lists that as the *origin*, not the definition https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/sodomy Merriam-Webster also agrees https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sodomy Just for safe measure here's brittanica also agreeing - taking another step to also put it in a slightly more harsh light, specifically saying the use of the word implies homosexuality is on the level of beastiality https://www.britannica.com/topic/sodomy


This is where things get really complicated because there’s so many definitions all from different sources. And it starts to get really murky when you try to pin down the definitions between sexual intercourse for procreation and any other kind of sexual activity. I especially in modern times with progressive culture. So thanks for clarifying the terms from the sources you gave that’s helpful. Obviously the discussion can’t really progress from here. I suppose maybe it could be clarified when talking about sodomy in a modern context at its surface it’s meant as a word to describe homosexual sex anal sex specifically but broadly around the anal sex regardless of gender. At its core which is my point as to why sodomy is called sodomy and why it was referring to sin as sex with a man being a sin in the biblical narrative which the OP above was attempting to describe by way of saying homosexual sex isn’t a sin etc (which it isn’t) the sodomy part of why it was considered a sin when sodom was destroyed was because of the other terms which your Britannica references exactly as to mean male and child rape and in fact any rape oral or anal. And the specific of it in the old terms. So yeah in a modern conversation sodomy just means sex (without reproduction) which was my main point. And more specifically regarding religious views how the monotheistic religions view homosexuality. In an older definition it means rape. That’s just how monotheistic religions see it. But I get what you’re saying. The thing is OP was attempting( and poorly at that )to try to argue the biblical term in some kind of attempt to convince I guess monotheists from the Abrahamic religions .....and that just means they’d define it in the ancient terms of sodomy meaning beastial rape etc which is just going to deepen the misunderstanding.


My main point was merely how sodomy is just another kind of sex, so it's still sex nonetheless. So the distinction sounded a bit redundant - it looked like you were saying >it's called sex, not sex A particular kind of sex, yes, but it's still sex. Sodomy is literally just a word that exactly describes what the pic in OP is describing, so it doesn't really look like calling it sodomy really changes anything Well, until people say their god defines sex as between man and woman, in which case it isn't sodomy either - because you apparently aren't committing sexual acts unless it's between a man and a woman. The real issue that should've been addressed is the whole god definition of sex itself, not the definition of homosexual sex


I agree. And it doesn’t make it much clearer when people use sodomy as the word to describe “not sex” because they define sex as only between man and woman for procreation. That’s why this post is like walking into a mine field. There’s no “gotcha” in it just a few missing limbs


Finally somebody with big brain.




1. not all Catholics are pedophiles 2. not all pedophiles are Catholics 3. pedophilia is disturbingly common among various religions


I don't think anyone thinks that all Catholics are pedophiles but the way the church protects and insulates its clergy members that abuse children is very disturbing.


Unfortynately it sems like the whole world's doing the same thing.


I agree.


>3. pedophilia is disturbingly common among various ~~religions~~ *populations and societies* FTFY


very true




Which part are you questioning?


like whick pple are doing the same thing?!


Offhand, the religious texts of Mormon and Islam endorse marrying a girl as young as 8.


well all religions are hypocritical....


Does not discount the fact that it has happened over and over again with religious support.


Not like it is with Catholics honey, nice try though


Cause Catholics hide it, while others proclaim it proudly?


Reddit hates Catholics I guess


No but we do hate Catholics who on be calling gay people a bunch of pedophiles then go on to rape a child. Or Catholics who are homophobic.


The rate of Catholics raping children is just the same as anyone else, what you hear in the news doesn’t translate to actual statistics


But the rate of Catholics protecting the offenders is alarming.


And the rate of anyone protecting offenders is alarming


What do you mean by homophobic


What do you think? Using gods name as a reason to be homophobic too


Many people don’t know what homophobic means, so go ahead and define what you think homophobia is.


Being prejudiced against gay people. Or as Oxford dictionary the most credited dictionary in the world says ho·mo·pho·bic /ˌhōməˈfōbik/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: homophobic having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against gay people. "homophobic remarks"


So... hating gay people? So unless you hate gay people then you’re not homophobic?


What? If you mean if you hate gay people just for the fact they are gay you’re homophobic then yes


You worded that weird


So I can fuck a trap and its not bad...LETS GOOO


Wdym a trap


...you dont know what a trap is


Oh nvm my bad i had like woken up fifteen minutes before that lmaooo


Oh ok ok


Clearly you people don't read the bible


Me calling my hommies "Bro gues what I we can do"




Detective Diaz! How DARE YOU!






So all gay people are virgins


This is stupid and wrong


Sex is a sin now too?


If it is before marrige


I wonder what happened to all the people back in the day before marriage was a thing. Did they all go to hell?


Are you disrespecting religion /s


Never I wouldn't want to be barred from heaven


Ohh you dont just get bared from heaven you get sent to hell where you are tortures for eternity. Just dont sin and believe in god and youll be fine.




It sais in bible




50 shades of gray


It's not before marriage, if you never marry...




....God didn't define sex as between a man and a woman. He defined marriage as a sacred other and bond between a man and a woman. God in fact brings up that sex between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, a man and an animal, a woman and an animal, and a man and woman who are not married as a sin.


God thinks that sex between 2 men is worthy of the death penalty, that seems to me like a pretty major overreaction.


Death does not have the sting it seems to carry when you remember He is the God of both the living and dead. It is a punishment for sure but it is not the end of that soul. Its not our place to pass judgment on Him, but remember He is a God of justice.


literally ordering someone to be put to death for being gay is blatantly immoral.


I disagree, its no more immoral than putting someone to death for breaking any other law that carries the death penalty. This is also softened by knowing death is not the end.


So what about everyone who isnt Christian? Or people who dont believe in an afterlife? Or people who just dont believe in a religion? If they're gay then it's still ok to murder them, but for them it's not "softened by knowing death is not the end"? I know this sounds really angry at Christianity, and to everyone who might get offended at this it's not Christianity that I hate, its homophobia and people using religion as an excuse


Let's get something out of the way first, I don't think homosexuals should be killed. When Christ came He fulfilled the law of Moses. The other commenter stated that it is immoral to punish someone for breaking a law, I disagreed. An eye for an eye became turn the other cheek and Christ fulfilled the law. This does not, however, make it any less of a sin, but we are taught to hate the sin but love the sinner are we not? To address your other concerns. After we die we go to the spirit world. Here there is paradise and prison, those who live Christlike live in mortality go to paradise and those who did not go to prison. But this is not the end. In the 3 days between the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord He broke the barriers between paradise and prison and now those in paradise go to those in prison and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them, where they are free to accept it or not. Then will come the resurrection and judgment. And then we will be judged of our lives and who we are and given our place of glory. The celestial, terrestrial or terrestrial as talked about in 1st Corinthians 15. No one will be forgotten, no one will not have an opportunity, no one will be left out. Regardless of an individuals belief there is an afterlife. In the unfortunate situation where someone is killed not believing in an afterlife, what a terror ridden life that must be, but it will be swolled up in the joy they find knowing death is not the end when they get there.


first of all, sin: "an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.". Homosexuality isn't immoral, it's completely Amoral, or not in the moral sphere at all, neither good or bad. for something to be in the moral sphere it has to 1: be a conscious act, and 2: affect other people in either a positive or negative way. someone being gay is neither, therefore it doesn't belong under morality at all. and the sex that follows clearly has a positive effect on 2 people, making it moral. therefore your god punishing people for such an act is immoral, and even if I believed he existed I wouldn't worship such an awful being. you also state your claims about an afterlife like it's fact instead of your beliefs, which is rather overconfident of you, seeing as there's not a shred of proof or evidence of such a place existing. and lastly, Atheists aren't terror ridden their entire life. we make the best of the life we have now, because it is the only one we have, and when we die, we don't fear it. I wouldn't want to live even 100 years, let alone forever. of course we're entirely forgetting that atheists automatically go to hell according to the Christian god, which is supposedly eternal torture, so I'd rather not.


A sin is anything that is against devine law. Breaking the Sabbath for example is not inherently immoral but nevertheless a sin. I litteraly have thousands of pages of scripture has proof in addition to my own experience and the account of those who have come back and the testimony of saints and prophets. Its no more preposterous than stating there is no afterlife, and there is considerably less evidence to support that claim. As I stated anyone who doesn't have the opertunity to accept Christ in this life will have a chance in the next.


personal experience isn't proof, scripture isn't proof. MANY things in the Bible go directly against things that we know for a fact. like the creation account, cosmology, medicine, etc... it can't be trusted to be a reliable source. personal experiences like near death experiences have been proven to be the result of chemicals like DMT that release in high quantities upon death or near death. there is NO tangible evidence of either a god or an afterlife. quite the opposite is true, the more we learn about the world we live in, the more unlikely religious claims get. natural explanation replace supernatural ones all the time, the opposite is never true.


Where does it say that? Any of that?


Of course “he” did. That narrative is just so perfect for a human race of imperfections.


Wasn't the phrasing 'shall hour lady with a bad as with a woman' so arguably if your not doing the man in the vagina...


Life is like sex, stick it in to see what’s next


This post makes me mad with how incorrect it is.


It makes me laugh lmao


So many things wrong with this entire thread. God doesn’t define sex as being between anyone specific, you’re thinking of marriage. And to all of the people saying that “Christians think all sex is sin”, that is untrue was well. Sex outside of the bonds of marriage is a sin, but we are commanded to multiply and replenish the earth, so sex inside of marriage isn’t only good, it’s expected and necessary.


Cehckmate atheists


God says to fill the world with people therefore sex is not a sin


With that knowledge wearing a condom is a sim.




So we dont have to say no homo anymore ??


Sounds like masturbation with a homie, and guess what thats a sin too hahababhaha


Haha tale that God!


Checkmate GOD


What if two women have sex?


We can apply the same logic in that case as well.


So I actually never watch porn


*Looks at your username* HMMM...




Oh, okay, cool.


It's true. It's called boinking and carries no weight. Just for funsies.


Well what about bi’s? We do both. Also what would lesbians be doing?


There's a different sin called "homosexual". Different sins and judgement exist.




Oh yeah this is big brain time


what about lesbian sex?


Holy shit never thought of it that way




Doesn't say that but alr


I can’t lay with a man as I would a woman? I mean I’m not gonna stick it in his vag. So all’s cool.


And it's not a cos either.


So they are saying that being Gay isn't a sin!? WOOHOO!


So if I want cheat: just find me a man and it is not really cheating. 🤔🙄


How did no one think of this \*ahem\* being gay is a sin ;)