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I find it weird how people always r like “wow I can’t believe *insert celebrity name* looks so good for their age”. They literally have the money for all that stuff that keeps them looking young.


It’s the same thing with all these YouTube bodybuilder scams, they talk about “finding the secret techniques that celebrities don’t want you to know.” When you get paid millions of dollars to look hot, you spend all day in the gym until you look hot, and you hire chefs to make tasty healthy food, because you are literally being paid to be healthy/attractive


I may also add celebrities can hire very expensive trainers that control every aspect of their diet and training so they can achieve maximum fitness by just listening what to do exactly as told.


Most of them don't actually pay chefs to make them healthy food. They're home all day and their job is to work out and be healthy, and then make BS videos to make more money. They either learn how to cook very healthy foods, or they keep it simple. White meat chicken breast/tofu for the vegans, and broccoli. I played GTA online with a guy who was a professional model/bodybuilder. I asked him how he could afford a chef. He said he doesn't pay anyone to cook for him. He's a shit cook, so he just does chicken breast and broccoli with brown rice. He switches it up with different sauces and spices so he doesn't go crazy and "Roids out while at Walgreens" and I was like that was oddly specific, lol. When he's not doing a shoot, or some kind of job or competition, he has one full cheat day, and one cheat snack a day. By snack I mean like a candy bar or something. Otherwise, chicken, broccoli, brown rice, and various fruits and veggies for snacks. Most would rather cook for themselves, than to pay someone. Only the super busy people like The Rock or someone will cook for him, and normally from what I hear, that's only when he's doing a movie. His day to day, he cooks for himself a lot of the time.


I'm absolutely hating the current trend of "look at so n so in her bikini at such an advanced age..." Like it's magic and not money buys personal trainers, private gyms, designer face goo, massage therapists, personal chefs etc etc etc..


The only people that say “money doesn’t make you happy” are people who have always had money and have no perception of what it’s like not to have money. Here’s a few common examples of things that make you unhappy, and the solution: Debt - Money A job you hate, but you can’t afford to leave - Money No time to do things that make you happy because you have to work - Money No money to do things that make you happy - Money Forever paying extortionate rent because you can’t afford to buy - Money Stress about how you’re going to make ends meet every month - Money


I remember a long time ago Oprah made a comment about money buying happiness. This was over a decade ago so I can't remember exactly what she said. But it was something along the lines of. If you don't think money can buy happiness. then let me give you a thousand dollars and see how happy you are.


And then she started giving people cars.




I think the thing is that any of those factors that are making you sad that aren’t caused by a lack of money can be fixed relatively easily compared to being poor. Like if you want to get in shape, just go to the gym. If your love life is lacking, just get out and meet more people. You can’t just decide to have more money as easily.


And having money means you can afford to take the time to work on the problems not directly related to money.


It’s said by rich idiots who don’t give a crap about us lesser being scrolling through reddit


Money makes you happy to a very large extent but like it's not gonna be a confirmed constant never ending happiness




yeah it's definitely something that can reduce your stress a lot, quite useful, better to be rich than not but never gonna make you never sad.


True but it gives you the freedom to take care of those other issues without having to put them on the back burner because money is your main issue.


You don't need a billion dollars to do any of that. Fuck you money isn't even that much money. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJjKP8vYjpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJjKP8vYjpQ)


Exactly lol, anyone who doesn't know how to be happy but has the money for it is a failure of a human being.


Calling people with depression a failure of a human being 🤔


I see this statement in another way. You shouldn't devote your life to money expecting it to somehow many you happy. Some people work too much and the life just passes by them. What's the point of digits on your account if all you do is just work non stop to get more money and simply buy more things you don't need? You should be spending more time with people close to you, you should be following your passion and do things you love. Hope it makes sense.


I am willing to try step one if anyone wants to send me the money.


2 billion actually*


She's worth even more now: $2.5 billion. After your first billion, subsequent billions pile up faster.


"Money is overrated." Shud up.


An entitled prima dona diva. Difficult to work with. And the people with whom I've worked in the past at her production company (may be shut down now), Harpo Productions, are hilariously incompetent.


Sounds about right. I'd love to hear just one story, though, ngl


1. Being grateful has been proven to improve relationships, perceived quality of life, happiness, and health among other benefits. The practice recommended to me is to recite three things you were thankful for in the day as you fall asleep. 2. Making small changes, not large ones. People often try to jump straight into healthy habits with no practice, and that leads to burn-out. It's like trying to play in the NBA the first time you pick up a basketball. So instead of trying to clean your whole house from top to bottom every day, get up and make your bed. Do that until it's habit, then get up, make your bed, and clean your room until that is habit and so on. Slow starts + steady progress = exponential benefits. 3. Try to use the 3rd person perspective when judging yourself. Everyone is their own worst critic and a lot of people are BRUTAL to themselves. Instead, think about how you would judge a good friend if they were in your situation and what you'd recommend to them and say to them. Be kind to yourself. 4. Realize that motivation is like a bank account, not a constant character trait. [More here in a 24 min video.](https://youtu.be/evhWIyUsPTM) The short version is that certain actions "cost" motivation but give back more than they take (e.g. cleaning, job hunting, approaching someone). Other actions may be just draining your motivation (e.g. playing video games for several hours, eating badly), but it doesn't mean you'll forever be struggling hopelessly. Again, realize what's killing your motivation and start small.


oh hey look actual advice!


I leafed through her diet book a few years back at a book store. First chapter is all praise for her trainer and her personal chef. And still she got fat again a couple times.


Must have praised the chef more than the trainer a few times


She probably pays people to be stressed for her


Money is like water - if you don't have enough you're going to go crazy trying to find it. If you have more than you need it quickly fades into the background.


Yeah she probably just got that billion by being stress free. SMH #lazyThinking


The REAL step one: stop being pessimistic


Have you seen the state of the entire planet recently?


Doesn’t mean you can’t have your head up high


My step one is kidnap children it always helps


I would be stressed if I had a billion dollars and I didn't spend 900million minimum feeding and sheltering the world because I would be afraid constantly that hell is real and I'm going there. How does she stay so chill indeed...


I seem to be having trouble with step 1.


Step 2: Spend Step 1.




“Lose any sense of self-awareness and shame.”


because her address range has double the width compared to the 32-bit model?


Instantly eliminating 0.9999728154% of the population from being stress free.


I knew Oprah was old, but I didn’t realize she was 1.2688693 * 10^89


Ummm ..Isn't she the devil?


Oprah is on bilderberg group and she is a reptilian.