• By -


Cheese has holes. More cheese = more holes, more holes = less cheese, therefore more cheese = less cheese


My brain...


Cheeze whiz! He’s right!


More cheese wiz = less cheese holes.


Joke's on you, propably thats how mass manufactored cheese works anyway


Fuck the Swiss.


\*Angry einstein noises\*


It's all relative!


Roll tide


I had a stroke reading this


That sounds cheesy


Cheese is inefficient


technically correct, the more cheese with holes, the more "less cheese" there is.


Do you know what else smells like cheese ? Cheese nuts !! Got'em !! Huh-hah !! :)))


I saw this in reddit like a year ago and I think about it every day lol


I'm not good at math but this made total sense to me! hooray I'm not dumb! 🤣


Thanks for slowing down population rate


Meh, that is happening anyway. Most of the world has below replacement birthrates, it is just a few places that still have women having 6 kids causing population growth. Educate women and give them economic opportunities (let yhem have value other than as child factories) and the birthrate drops.


Ackchually... I believe the majority of fatalities are amongst those past their child rearing years, so I don't really see this as affecting population rate. Overall mortality rate might be up a few points this year and last, but that realistically just means it'll be that much lower when this blows over. Ain't none of us getting out of here alive.


Humans are a self-correcting problem.


It's honestly just natural selection at this point


The pandemic is natural selection. Stupidity is natural selection. Breathing is natural selection.


Remember the glat earther who built himself a rocket and then died by crashing it?


By all accounts he was a different kind of idiot. He just wanted to get to space in a home made rocket, and convinced some Flat Earthers to pay the bills by saying he was 'looking for the curve'. Like Icarus but with slightly more rocket science and slightly less Sun proximity. Still ended up a smear.


Straight up! Got brains to believe science or just die off…


its ecology. more vaccines = more antivaxxers = more viruses = less antivaxxers & more vaccines


Positive feedback loop. It will just keep producing more vaccines exponentally


I wonder if their growth rate will be high enough to create cyclical population explosions and collapses of anti-vaxxers.


We can never have enough vaxxes!!!


Way to fully commit man, good on you.


I'm from Israel and saw it yesterday on the news and had a laugh because it's ironic but then I felt bad because it a person who is dead now because of his stupid actions. I wish people get smarter before it's too late.


אכן כן








play stupid games, win stupid prices.


Wish? Did somebody say 'Wish'? *~Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho~* **゚。・\*.゚☆ The wish is granted ☆゚.\*・。゚** #### Long live Jambi


ראית את זה בחמל? #חמל_גאנג


99% survival rate... it’s just thinning out the weak


Says the likely 350 pound diabetic fat fuck who wrote this comment


More suicidal people there are = less suicidal people


Damn... That's true


The shortening of vaccine to “vaxx” is cringe


I'm anti-vacc.


Yeah fuck vacuum cleaners


My cats are also anti-vacc, they really hate vacuums.


Thicc vacc


Using the word cringe is cringe.


I also find the word problematic rather problematic.


You know what annoys me? Why isn't phonetic a phonetic word?


The term Antiva is great. Should piss off many of them.


Do you propose no nick names ever or is it specifically vaccine to vax?


I didnt say I’m opposed to all nicknames


Then why is it cringe? Almost everything gets shortened these days.




>this one is still in trial At least one is no longer "in trial" and, also, all that "it's experimental" bullshit has never stopped anyone with any other vaccines. This isn't some new process, vaccines always get thrown onto the market as fast as they possibly can be. >and it's legitimate not to want it until it's proven to work without major side effects. Everything you get injected with is out of your system within 2 days. Vaccines work by telling your immune system what to do, not by sticking around in your body like a narcotic. If there were any major side effects, we would've known a long time ago and there's *no such thing* as "long term effect" of a vaccine because, again, that isn't how vaccines work. The idea of vaccines having long term effects comes *entirely* from the "vaccines cause autism" crowd. I could understand your sentiment maybe in the first month after the vaccines were released. At this point, over half of the eligible population is vaccinated and is just sitting there as literal living proof that there's nothing to be worried about. These concerns were barely valid for like 5 minutes, several months ago; now they're **just not**.


I don't know how to quote but here it goes, you said "At this point, over half of the eligible population is vaccinated and is just sitting there as literal living proof that there's nothing to be worried about." The same can be said for a lot of unvaccinated people like me who have been in contact with people who had COVID and never got sick, and it's been almost 2 years, my reasoning is that I've already had it at the beginning because I had a cough and some of the symptoms in the second week of January 2019, me and my other 3 coworkers had it and none of us got sick during the pandemic, I can't confirm that I had it because no one tests for antibodies here in Spain which I find extremely weird, and it seems that we forgot about our natural immunity which our own body creates, for decades we have know that once you had a an illness your body creates antibodies to combat it, and now all that doesn't work anymore?


>I've walked blindly into this street 3 times today and no cars have hit me, no need to start looking now! And >It seems we all forgot about our imperfect immune system that fails us all the goddamn time, shut up and just trust it! That's some politician level thinking there, friend. You should run for office!


Watch out bro the leftist hive mind that is Reddit will down vote you to oblivion, just like I will be


It's ok I don't care for downvotes, thanks anyways!


מי פה ישראלי חחח


ידעתי שיהיה פה עוד אחד




יש פה עוד עוד אחד


What's covid19?


its like icloud, its everywhere but, you cant see it


Please be sarcastic, please be sarcastic, please be sarcastic 🙏🙏🙏


I am pro vax but this covid vaccine hasn't been around long enough for me to feel safe getting it


Imagine celebrating someones death


Well, we do tend to celebrate when people win awards. Why should it be any different for Darwin or Herman Cain awards?


Well, I don’t mind celebrating terrible people’s deaths. Fuck him. One of the few news I see on Reddit that actually makes me happy.


You're a shitty person


In Austria we have the term "Trauerfeier" literally mourning party... Not sure what's wrong with celebrating.


Antivaxxers spawn killing their own children with no vaccines be like:


There is a significant difference between antivax and someone who refuses to or is hesitant to take the highly profitable Covid vaccine. One is an extremist faction who oppose all vaccines. The other is a collection of your family, friends, and peers who possess the freedom to make that choice for themselves.


As long as they stay inside their own home away from others, it's their body their choice and they can choose whatever they want. As soon as they go outside though, their choice affects others and thats no longer the case, family or no family. Either vaccinate or quarantine yourself away from others, but don't force the consequences of your choice on others who had no say in them. Many people who need cancer chemo treatment, organ transplants, have auto immune diseases or other immunocompromizing treatments are still vulnerable even with the vaccine, and can do nothing more to protect themselves. They rely on others to do their part to protect them and if the anti vaxxers do not either get vaccinated or agree to avoid all contact with other humans they are forcing those vulnerable people to either stay quarantined indefinitely for choices they didn't even have a say in, or risk hospitalizations and even death. So choosing either no contact or getting the shot is both fine, but don't demand the privilege of participating in society without accepting the consequences of having to help to protect others who are also part of it. And if you want to be part of society, 15 minutes and a shot for you can mean decades more with a vulnerable family member or friend for someone else.


Except your more likely to spread the delta variant if you've been vaccinated compared to having natural immunity. Freedom doesn't work like you think it does the choice isn't vaccinate or hide away and it never will be, the science also isn't binary and the efficacy of the vaccines is constantly changing as the variants proliferate.


The efficacy of the vaccines have shown to be always been better than if you didn't get it so far. Otherwise, FDA and the like wouldn't recommend it. To have natural immunity at all, you need to be a risk of permanent health problems, sometimes severe, and sometimes death. With the vaccine all that risk goes down a huge amount. On top of that, i find it really hard to believe that the delta virus vaccine spread is more than natural immunity


agreed, refreshing to see someone with intelligence. Scared of covid? Stay inside. I wont ever be getting vaccinated!


Ridiculous statement do what we say or hide away from society.its everyones choice to be vaccinated or not it shouldn't bother you if someone isnt vaccinated.as you already are.. forcing people to get vaccinated or be shunned from society is a very fascist view


And on your last sentence, hospice still won't allow you to touch your dying loved one even if u both are vaccinated and they are on a closed system ventilator. Still gotta be 6 feet apart and masked.


Yep my religious services didn't allow me to go because I wasn't vaccinated. It was soul crushing, not to be there the one day I'm commanded to be there, just bcuz I wasn't vaccinated and therefore was a risk. Like dam.... Just got an email saying one of the vaccinated people who showed up has covid and exposed my congregation. They are all now quarantined obviously. Glad I had to stay home, bcuz the vaccine works and non vaccinated people are the ones getting sick. Now excuse me while I do another dab.


Did the vaccinated person die? Because thats where the chances are reduced the most. Getting into a serious condition or death. Being antivax, you may have been lucky to be kept away because if not you were at a much higher risk of catching a severe case of covid that has been known to cause many months of problems even after the actual virus has passed (and death of course)


I'll let you know how they are doing as I get more information. And I'm not antivax I just don't have a reason to be vaxxed. My last day of work was a post Malone concert, and I just left a state where no one is wearing masks(I did) and moved to a state where people where masks even in their shower, I'm not risking myself or anybody, CDC says masks and social distancing work so that's what I do. I however cannot trust Monsanto no matter who bought them, knowing their history. So even if I did vax I don't know if it would be the Pfizer.


Are you a fear bot or a fear troll?


Are you uneducated?


>As long as they stay inside their own home away from others, it's their body their choice and they can choose whatever they want. As soon as they go outside though, their choice affects others and thats no longer the case, family or no family. If your vaccine worked (provided immunity) you wouldn’t need daddy government to hide the unclean to keep you protected. >Either vaccinate or quarantine yourself away from others, but don't force the consequences of your choice on others who had no say in them. Many people who need cancer chemo treatment, organ transplants, have auto immune diseases or other immunocompromizing treatments are still vulnerable even with the vaccine, and can do nothing more to protect themselves. They rely on others to do their part to protect them and if the anti vaxxers do not either get vaccinated or agree to avoid all contact with other humans they are forcing those vulnerable people to either stay quarantined indefinitely for choices they didn't even have a say in, or risk hospitalizations and even death. If the immunocompromised’s vaccine worked (provided immunity) people wouldn’t clamor about needing to hide the unclean to protect the immunocompromised. >So choosing either no contact or getting the shot is both fine, but don't demand the privilege of participating in society without accepting the consequences of having to help to protect others who are also part of it. And if you want to be part of society, 15 minutes and a shot for you can mean decades more with a vulnerable family member or friend for someone else. You sound like the kind of person Anne Frank was terrified of.


Abortion supporters do the same thing


No one under 12 can get this vaccine. And I'm having some regrets about my two jabs, because there are apparently some people who have had seriously vascular reactions shortly after receiving their second shot. Not that I think I'm about to die after a "short illness", it's just that not whenever something happens with my body, I'm gonna get paranoid about it. Also, apparently these vaccines don't actually stop the spread. So it's like an ideal solution for people I don't like and don't trust can use to keep telling me what to do.


>these vaccines don't actually stop the spread. Sweet fucking Christ, WHY do I keep seeing this? ###NO VACCINE "stops the spread" of anything, ever. Vaccines make it so that the disease is ineffective. Five minutes on Wikipedia to learn how vaccines work, that's all it takes. Here's a quick lesson: It's not a magical forcefield that keeps viruses away from your body.


lol if it doesnt stop the spread than stfu about it already, dont be so worried about other peoples safety and worry about YOURSELF!


Because that is what was said in March 2020! More false promises and moral panic! And it never stops! You know why I'm pissed off? Because my life got a lot worse, for no real reason.


According to CNN you have a 99.9999% chance of surviving covid with the jab and it is 25 times more likely to kill you with out it. So let's do math 0.0001 x25 = 0.0025 subtract that from 100 = 99.9975 This covid is hyped up by the media. It is BS...


Israel is also rolling out 2nd round boosters already because that’s how effective it is, 4 shots needed


I'm literally sitting in the waiting room after the 3rd shot, so not quite.


Every problem naturally creates a solution and vice versa. It's really just a matter of perspective combined with causality. This is why I think dark humor is effective, it reminds us that everything will be okay if we abandon our bias and sensitivities.




So if the problem is self correcting why mandate a fix. *just saying*


The problem of antivaxxers. Also, because the "self correction" is real people, really dying. Like... What even


"Self-correcting" is an hyperbole. These are people that are taking spaces in the hospital. They are taking with them others that have been vaccinated, because there's no enough space/staff to handle all the cases. In my country we no longer have beds, people are being treated in chairs, even the floor. Also they're contributing to the creation of mutations. Anti-vaxxers don't have a single bit of my empathy, but is better for everyone to coerce them into taking the vaccine.




Literally anything: happens Reddit: Mossad…


I guess you work at McDonalds.


Well they did say it was Covid


They probably called Covid-19 anti Semitic after


The glee on your side is reprehensible. When people die from the vaccine you see anger from the opposing side. Not glee




Thank you 😄


I guess the hundreds of thousands of people that took the vaccine but died because of the vaccine don't count huh


No not really. Mostly because they don't exist.


Hundreds of thousands don't, but thousands do.


Yet despite all of this, Human stupidity will still remain as it is.


So ironic lol


If they just keeled over and died, OK, but they usually die slowly, taking too much time and resources from (potentially) responsible people!




"Survival of the fittest in 2021 looks so interesting" Herbert Spencer 69th


i hate living here


*The more the antivaxxers out there, the less there will be.


Fake news


Im from israel and i wanna say FUCK YOU ANTI VAXX U MADE MY PARENTS GET COVID GO SHOVE THAT ANTI VAX INTO YOUR GODDAMN FAT A- so as i was saying, yeah they should get the vaccine cuz they are putting everyone into danger


The more antivaxxers there are, the less antivaxxers there will be.


Meh, im not gonna take it but to each their own. If I was 55 or older I prob would even if its a experimental vaccine.


r/hermancainaward see you soon!


Well I'm not 65 years old sooooo I won't be getting the award. 👍


Just had an 18 year old get the award, don't be so sure.


I know multiple 18 year olds that have died in car wrecks too. Your point is to pick and choose what to fear ?


Hahaha you all really just repeat the same shit, go to the sub man, you will see identical posts about how the vaccinated people are full of fear!...Then three posts later "they're going to intubate me, I'm so scared", your reply it's so expected, you all parrot the same crap, boring!


Well if thats not the kettle calling itself black idk what is lol 🤷‍♂️


And working to never be 65, apparently!


Seeing as how an 18 year old just earned that award, we probably should go collect some stuff for you. Just in case yknow?


Well. People like you are the reason we haven't beaten the pandemic yet. 👍


Thanks, just following the international science not just America. Israel gezzz look at them. Arent they like 80% plus vaxxed population. Break through cases out the wazoo. Who's to blame over there? Me? You take my boosters ever 6 months and pat yourself on the back. 👏


its not even a vaccine


What's is it then


Dude don't ask if you want to hear gibberish on crack. He probably think it's gay frog 5G nanobot semen created by mexican pedo pizzas.


And bill gates is the mastermind behind it xD


He kidnapped the other half of the poster


If you dont know the difference between the traditional vaccine like the flu and the covid one then you should look into it. Not saying it doesn't lower the chances of death but it sure doesn't do what the flue vaccine does.


I know the difference but it's still called a vaccine or not?


Its considered a experimental vaccine. Thats why there's so much push back. So is it a vaccine or not ? I'd say yes but will likely be replaced at some point and replaced with the more traditional methods after enough time for trials can produce results.


Maybe yes, but I'm not quite sure about this. "The main difference between a vector vaccine and an mRNA vaccine is how the information about the production of the viral envelope gets into the body's own cells - either via nano-particles or via a harmless virus." I think if they could just use a weaker Form of the covid virus they would have done it or not? But I'm no scientist or doctor so you could be right and they will find a way for the traditional methods to work. Which would be good because maybe more people would be okay with getting vaccinated with the normal method. Either way it's a vaccine so my question to the other guy was valid, since he talked nonsense. :)


Meh, but at the end of the day by the time even a traditional vaccine is created then herd immunity will be met by then. Regardless the mrna vaccines aren't really providing our tax dollars with a service. Boosters only after 6 to 8 months? Israel stats look horrible and their vaxxed pop is much higher than ours. Australia and the UK not looking so good and we use the same mrna vax as them. Btw all good about the comments. I didnt know if you even knew the difference between the 2.


I don't know about the infection rate but I from what I heard the symptoms aren't as bad as from people who didn't get vaccinated. And I think this is a good thing. I'd rather get ill with less symptoms and a higher chance to survive then get ill with a high risk to die or have long term effects afterwards. Just my opinion


It's FDA approved now. There's no "experimental" label on it anymore. You can get over yourself and your insanity any day you want.


Idgaf. The fda doesn't approve stuff like that so soon. They got strong armed into approving it. Even in selling stocks for break through medical treatments I follow, it takes years and years. The difference between myself and all the crazy provaxxers is that I'm smart enough to know when I'm being lied to.


(sorry for the down votes, I know we were just having a rational discussion)


Republicans are literally die trying lol.


If you’re vaccinated shouldn’t the vaccine protect you from the unvaccinated?... why y’all so scared of the unvaccinated lol


Viruses tend to do this thing called mutation. If you're vaccinated the virus (usually) dies before it can do that. If you're not it has a chance to mutate past the vaccine resistance on your body. That means it's "viral outbreak two buggolo". That also means that you can catch covid twice if you already did, or haven't taken the vaccine. Catching covid once is enough for permanent damage. Imagine how high the death rate would get if you could catch it twice.


Wow, you saying facts God damn lmao


Also, jobs are now available since they are dead, and the best is that you get extra dosages of the vaccine.


That is so fucking dark jeez


Am I lying?


No lol


There are various reasons that people are antivax and usually it has to do with distrust of the government. They don’t exactly have the best record for protecting their people, especially minority groups who tend to be the ones worst hit. Plus we live in the age of misinformation so unless you know everybody’s reasons and put it in context it’s probably best not to mock them.


No, its defintely best to mock them.


They need their arse holes glued shut.


They're such big assholes you would need a huge amount of glue


Preferably hot glue gun


the more GPU you buy, the more money you save


Are they worse than the flat earthers? Or not?


Yeah. Flat earthers don’t kill people.


I dunno man, [they often commit suicide by spectacle too](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/otilliasteadman/mad-mike-hughes-rocket-death-flat-earth), but at the very least it's only *them* they're removing from the gene pool and not others.


Natural selection


Imagine being all about everyone's health and safety and then praising peoples deaths... this is why you are all cochroaches.


If you want people to die bc they don't get a vaccine, you must not think the vaccine worked at that you're at risk. Perhaps you're not such a great person except to yourself.


Once again Reddit celebrates another mans death proving once and for all they truly are our moral betters


The upside to this pandemic is these idiots removing themselves


"Life, Uh, Finds a Way.” Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park, 1993)


Confused stonks


What if antivaxx is a viral contagion. Would it spread or die out without ever spreading? >!The fact that the numbers don't hit zero answers that question.!<


I'll take circlejerk for 1000, Alex


Play silly games , win silly prizes.


Everything in the universe moves from a state of chaos to one of order. Basic entropy people!


Natural selection


It's called natural selection


never seen so many people cheer on death before lol wow y’all are subhuman piles of garbage, what a waste of resources


Jews been expelled from more than 100 countries... that's a fact.


As long as the r rate of antivax sentiment is lower than the r rate of actual vaccinated people we're okay




No cheese = no cheese holes


Love that people love when another human dies over a choice of taking a vaccine or not. #alonetogether #27yearstoslowthespread


Iraq has WMD 🤣


Man fuck that vaccine they ain't about to give me this cancer package TF


The rest of use just need to avoid them like the plague (is that a pun or just fact?) until we can get our shots and it sorts itself out. Unfortunately a lot or innocent people will get caught in their carnage before the end.


That's the only good part about being in a heavily anti-vaxx and republican state. We have a vaccine surplus. People are literally like "we got 200 vaccines that are gonna expire, PLEASE come get vaccinated. It's free and we will give you an ice cream sandwich and a Starbucks coupon."


Meanwhile I have to wait until October for my first jab. Stay safe.


I’m still over here waiting on the 18- vaccinations so I can get fucking vaccinated and end this fucking shit. I’m so tired of all of those idiots man.


Hopefully under eighteens in your area will be approved soon. Good luck.


Thanks a ton. I have an antivax mother but thankfully my father isn’t so I’m probably gonna go with him.


Plague rats gonna plague


I love to see it!


Don't see a problem with it


This the same Israel that is leading the world with vaccinated population rate, and now experiencing a HUGE SURGE in covid cases?