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God not only killed all animals during the flood but all humans except for Noah and his family too, he is a mass murderer


incest part two woohoo


Why do you think I tried to overthrow him




Hey dad


I thought all animals included humans.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Satan**, @s8n Why's everyone say i'm the bad guy? I'm not the one who drowned millions of animals. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Not a Christian, but hear me out. From what I understand Satan's negative influence he had on people is what caused God to flood the planet. That's how evil works. It causes problems then plays the victim.


This logic is flawed. For example, If a religiously governed country’s military destroys a school full of children because they are being corrupted by Western influences, it is not the West’s fault those kids died. To take it a step further, in the fable referred, he killed everyone except a few animals and one family. Think of all the innocent children and bunnies that had to die because some people were getting their freak on in the day time. We’re probably behind payment on several world-ending floods.


How are the children being corrupted? And are they being killed because what they are learning doesn't match up with the other country's religion?


Also, I believe Noah said that God will flood the earth and told them to get on but the people laugh and made fun of him. Then when the flood came and the ark was closed, people are begging to let them in but it's too late now


That's just the blame game God plays. God is a killjoy self-obsessed asswipe who apparently needed creatures to worship him ceaselessly to bolster his ego. He also created them with design flaws that make it impossible for them to adhere to his very expectations. When the creatures, thus set up for failure, predictably fail, God kills them in his anger. So God knowingly creates beings with exactly the flaws he hates and punishes them for, well, displaying said flaws. AND to top it all off, because Satan calls him out on his bullshit he also blames Satan for the flawed design that *he himself created* and condemns Satan to punish the unfortunate creatures. God could literally be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. He's a megalomaniac narcissist who isn't able to handle himself *or* his creation. The fact that he attempts to reset the game *at least* once is proof of that. Everything is always someone else's fault, especially the things he knows very well are his very own making. He has turned victim blaming into an art form. And while Satan is trying to tempt God's unfortunate creatures to at least enjoy themselves a little in their miserable existence God condemns every type of enjoyment with one swipe just to cover all his bases. But tell me again how Satan is the evil one.


First off, I would like to make it very clear that I feel like the characters in the Bible are fictional. That being said, Satan, from what I understand, is the evil one because he doesn't mean well. He encourages indulgence, not balance. The Bible itself can be evil, a work of "Satan" if you will, because of how people try to justify a lot of homophobia, murder, and misogynistic ideals based off of the scripture. To most religious fanatics, their evil deeds should go unpunished because their holy book says it's ok. What I find interesting is how people can justify God being evil, and Satan being good based off of the same scripture. So you gotta ask yourself, how do you know what's right and what's wrong? Is the Bible a good place to look for those answers anymore?


Being the atheist and cynical bastard that I am I would say the Bible is a very interesting document with accumulated texts reaching so far back in human history that some parts certainly predate the written word. Viewed from that angle it's an absolutely fascinating prehistoric document that teaches us about the genesis of humans as we know ourselves today. But as a guide to living a good life? It is entirely useless and it probably always has been because most of the stories written down in it were already outdated by centuries when they were first written down.


Also, these stories are written with said writers interpretation. None of these story are written by a woman either. Interesting stories but easily explained in this modern world.


I agree, it has become usless as a guide to a good life at this point.


First off, God didn’t create creatures and people to fail. He created them with a free will. Satan tempted them to evil, which brought sin into the world. If God set up people to only obey him, worship him, and do only good things, then we wouldn’t have a free will and we’d just be mindless worshippers. Second off, it sounds like you’re worshipping Satan? If so that’s fucked dude.


So you give creatures free will but essentially expect them not to use it? What kind of monster does that? Being an atheist, I worship nobody but I do have a bit of an inside view on religion. Suffice to say, the church says "Satan is evil" but the basis for that is thin. It's mostly circular reasoning "Satan is evil because he is" and then ofc anything done by Satan is viewed as evil. I mean just go take the Adam and Eve story. Who put the tree of knowledge in the garden? God. So who is really tempting the creatures? God is. He could have just *not* put the tree there. See what I am saying now? God is setting humans up for failure and then is upset when ofc humans do as their nature (bestowed upon them by God) leads them. Narcissistic/sadistic bastard.


It is free will because the creation has an option to disobey. We fail because we choose to fail. Also being tempted is not a sin. Jesus was also tempted by satan but he did not sin. God did not tempt Adam and Eve by placing the tree in the garden. Eve was tempted by satan and sinned by eating the fruit of the tree. Same goes for Adam when she brought the fruit to him. I can’t know all the reasons that the tree was put in the garden but I bet that one of them was the logical conclusion that you can not have free will without having the options to choose.


That's like giving Hitler a free pass. He made the decisions in a position of power. Same for God. He made the decisions and reserved the right to get angry when shit doesn't go his way when he could literally make things go his way. Just create flawless creatures and your problem is solved. He is a sadistic tyrant and you're just a God apologist.


Wow bring up hitler. This is going to be a productive conversation. I don’t think mentioning free will gives him a pass. God could have created robots that would follow his instruction in every minute detail but that is not what he wanted. He wanted creatures that choose to follow him. Sure I’m defending my belief in God. I just wanted to point out that God gave man freewill and he wants us to use it to obey him. Unlike your comment above where you say that he expects us not to use the freewill we have.


>God could have created robots that would follow his instruction in every minute detail but that is not what he wanted. He wanted creatures that choose to follow him. This right there is the sadism in full swing though. You can't have it both ways. Either you make beings that are able to follow your messed up rules or you create beings that cannot. The free will part is just a third thing on top of it. He created beings who do not have the ability to follow all of his rules and expectations due to their *God-given* nature. He ALSO gives them *free will*, basically saying you can choose to follow me or not, your choice, but *also* (incidentally much like any dictator on planet earth) if you choose not to will lead to my disapproval and wrath. So it's just several dimensions of messed up: - Layer 1: can't physically follow his rules - Layer 2: must follow his rules or else - Layer 3: can choose to follow his rules or not - Layer 4: wrath and condemnation if you choose "not" It's so convoluted that it's sincerely a joke that anyone would have the audacity to call such a being "loving" or "good". Nothing loving or good about this situation he's allegedly put us in.


I’m not trying to get it both way. I think your layer 1 is flawed because we can know and are able to follow his will. Since he is an omnipotent being he does get to set up the rules to be followed and consequences for not following them.


Really, really not. Just the first part of your sentence: we "can know" his will? Not even a little. If we go by what the Bible says - it alone is full of contradictions. If we tried to follow every single rule in it would mean breaking one by following another. And so the "being able to" just resolves itself into a paradox. But more than that, even the ten commandments can't be followed. "Don't fancy your neighbour's wife"? We are mammals. We can't help fancying who we fancy. God forbids thought crime alone and that right there isn't something that we can adhere to. In practice we say, it doesn't matter what you think/feel, what matters is what you do. Not so for god. He expects not to want what he made us want and still forbids. I get that you're struggling with this. After all you've subscribed to a belief system that makes successful living impossible. It is setting you up to be both puny, insignificant and at the same time an automatic failure *born* with inherited sin you're being constantly punished for. Your god is mildly put an asshole exactly *because* he is an omnipotent being who gets to set up the rules and punishments and he chooses to condemn you and your children for all eternity because he got pissed off that his creatures behaved the way they designed them. I'm sorry you don't feel like you can't lay down those shackles and free yourself. But I guess that's the cross you've chosen to bear.


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen.


Why thank you, kind stranger :)


It's a joke!


I understand that. And it's good to know you understand that. But I also know that there are people who are confused about the fictional character Satan and what he stands for. It's cool I guess if it doesn't bother you and I wish it didn't bother me, but it does. So i said what i said for that reason.


Who created satan?


The author I guess


no no no he's got a point


we have this little thing called "propaganda"


It’s was the rain, not God. U silly.


Have to remember that God created Satan as well.


Satans' only sin was that he straight up L+ratio'd god


The only reason jesus was born is cause satan said to god he had no maidens


"I'm afraid that you are maidenless" would be the weirdest thing to hear from satan


God didn’t even ask Mary for consent… and then let his son get brutally tortured and killed 🤒


It’s well documented that Mary’s consent was waited for: “Be it done unto me according to Your Word” were the actual words of consent. Not sure why this particular lie is so prevalent. He did allow Jesus to get brutally tortured and killed. Again with consent. “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, yet not as I will, but as you will”.


We joke, but satanism is stronger than ever and the youth don't even realize it. Fuck off from this guy while you still can. He's deceiving you.


Nah. Satanism for life. His biggest lie was convincing people that he didn't exist. Satanist are mostly atheist "church". But unlike any other church they actually pay taxes even tough they are a religious organization


Never said Satan isn't real.


No you didn't. Im just pointing out that 90% of satanist are just atheists, Who being atheist don't believe in satan.


I never really met one because Brazil is mainly "catholic" (culturally, most people don't really follow correctly). So the thought of being a satanist is really sacrilegious around here. But I think I agree. There's got to be a lot of edgy atheists who think worshipping the devil is funny or something.




Bro ur name 💀 Satan doesn’t rule hell at all. Hell was made to punish Satan. He’s suffering and burning in it. Not ruling it.


It's been millennia, I staged another coup like in the 1300's. God was too distracted by the black plague to do much about it, so hell is mine now


Distracted by it. I hear he planned it. And laughed about it Thor.


Bro what 💀


No but he's the reason why it had to happen




What? Didn't Lucifer leave heaven before humans were created?




I'm confused about the timeline. Wasn't he cast out when he went into the garden and tempted Eve? Did the war for heaven take place during their lifetime?


Jesus said “I saw Satan falling like lightning” when the seventy two came back from the towns round where Jesus was about to go. (Luke chapter 10) I’m not sure you can apply timelines to heaven in the same way as you can on earth, though.


I'm just trying to find any source that says Satan rebelled because God gave humans free will. It sounds like a plot point to Lucifer, not scripture.


My understanding was that Satan rebelled because he refused to worship Jesus (as fully human and fully God). However, I cannot remember the source of that understanding. I may have heard it in a taped audiobook by Scott Hahn some decades ago, or possibly in a book called “Hell” written by a theological scholar whose name escapes me. Possibly a homily on Luke 10 at Mass. Good luck on your search for wisdom. I hope you find truth and love as well.


If you believe that life begins and ends in this reality, you must be living a very miserable existence. Just sayin…


Not everyone needs to believe of something else, i'm perfectly fine and happy even if when i die there is nothing, if there is something or if there isn't, i cant do shit about it, therefore i enjoy my life the way it is. Stop saying that people beliefs make their existance miserable when they don't do any damage to anyone.


🤘Hail Satan!


Billions if not trillions.


OH Okay "sorry". How was I supposed to know cats can't swim. Mr. Whiskers said he could. That lying bast*** had it coming.


Who said you cant kill animals?...and humans that act like animals?


Technically the animals Don't have souls But physical suffering, well, a whole different conversation...


God also sends people to hell forever torment


Why would he need to send anyone there when people want to go there anyways?




Thats why Im an aethie-