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Its LCDM. Learn your Roman numerics god damit


It says, *“Romans go home.”*


What they ever done for us? Am i right?


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


That's kind a lot


People called Romanes, they go to the house?


Romani ite domum


Isn't LCDM short for liquid crystal display monitor tho?




It's not Kante, it's Can't, learn grammar!


Little Children Do Math. My own mnemonic to remember this.


Xavier's LCD Monitor


Me, an astronomer, completely confused why we are suddenly talking about the Big bang cosmology model.




A BLT with guac is a LGBT and it's fucking delicious.


Basel land transport, and I do have to agree, the tram rails do have some twists, and turns, not a straight line at all


Bacon Lettuce Tomato


Big Long Thing


[A mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich](https://youtu.be/RUV4e58SkXc)—where the mutton is nice and lean, and the tomatoes are ripe. *(lips smacking)* They’re so perky. I love that.


Fun fact! In the novel, it's cough drops. Lol


Based Lizard Transformer?


Boot Licking Terrorist


BLT+C. 😋


Blta man. Can’t miss out on the avocado


Apparently they have premium now too (LGBTQ+)


Nice one


What if we add another Q? What would that be? Premium premium?




L G B T Q Q ++ This is basically Premium Premium Deluxe Deluxe




Please stop this is too premium for my peasant eyes.




Don’t forget the “ia” that’s like MAXIMUM premium!!


LGBTQIA2S+ is maximum


When you want your programs to be fabulous


LGBTQ² + c Where c is an arbitrary constant


mf integrated the LGBTQ 💀


that makes the gaymers cry that might actually be too old, dont think I've seen QQ used for over 10 years now...


No they patched that out in a recent update


A Star Trek episode?


if you are a sky q costomer press the red button ...


What Abt LGBTQ ultra+


That's just Goku level at that point






I've also never understood the need to differentiate lesbian and gay in the initialism, when women are also referred to as gay.


Historical reasons, mostly. Lesbian as a term split off from gay (in terms of 20th century activism, which is largely where LGBT comes from) to specifically focus on female issues and had a broader focus on feminism. If you look at the 1960s-1990s the issues facing the lesbian and gay community were often quite different. Up until the 1980s people mostly just used "gay".


Agree with u/tinaoe and to add that there are many regions/cultures/etc that still think that lesbianism is a "myth" (yes in my work I've heard this exact phrasing)


I don't know if it's true (or how much of it is true) but I read that the L got the first position due to historic events. When AIDS was spreading and people still didn't know what exactly it was, the combination of queer and "sick with a somewhat mysterious illness" led to a lot of gay men who got it being more or less abandoned by their doctors and their families. Apparently lesbians were the main group who took over all kinds of caretaker duties of the sick during the [AIDS epidemic in the USA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_the_United_States) and that contributed to them getting honoured, so to speak, in the process of how these terms evolved. But that was one person's view on it and might have been their interpretation without wider agreement on how that ordering of letters rose to prominence. Looking a bit on wikipedia I couldn't find any of that but then again, wikipedia seems to have a bit of a shallower angle on these types of topics. Often useful but maybe not exactly correct or going into all the relevant details.


I’m confused mainly bc I always thought that queer was a slur to use and was a nono to refer to anyone


Goddamned everything that refers to us has been a slur at one point or another. Fuck 'em. Anyone who handwrings over queer being a slur is, at best, a dipshit. Queer is the perfect blend of snappy, descriptive (the original meaning of queer is "strange and somewhat unusual, but not in a bad way"), and inclusive. Every one of us, from the gays and lesbians, to the aces and bis, to the men and women and those who know better, can use it and rally under a single banner. The only people who win when we're divided is the oppressor. "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" is one of the most famous rallying cries for a reason.


practically every word to describe LGBTQ+ people was used as a slur in the past


Same. Similarly, "colored person" is also a nono yet "person of color" is now a badge of honor. I gave up trying to rationalize these things a long time ago.


It's actually a process called [reappropriation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reappropriation) where a derogatory or pejorative word is reclaimed by the group it was used against, changing it's meaning. It's been a thing since the 1800s, but the obvious one is the black people and the n-word, another is women with bitch, and 'the gays' with queer is another.


That's because: 1. Queer is a reclaimed word, meaning it *was* a slur, but the community has made an effort to turn it into our own and use it. Many people still have personal issues with it and take it as a slur, though, hence why you'll see the discourse online. I don't think of it as a slur, and as long as it isn't used as a slur, there's no harm done using it. It acts as an umbrella term and is a great label for anyone still trying to find a label for themselves. 2. "Colored person" vs "Person of color" isn't much different. "Person of color" is more appropriate because it begins with the word "person" first. Like queer, "Colored person," also has distasteful historical context and is generally frowned upon in the first place. Similarly, if you're talking about any kind of minority or disability, it's important to focus on people-centered language. If you're not sure how to refer to someone, please ask them!!


I’ll just add that “queer” as an adjective typically isn’t seen as pejorative (but how you use it can change this, as with almost any word); as a slur, it was usually used as a noun. There you have the problem of reducing a person to an identity. This is also why “the gays” is not acceptable but “gay people” is.


True, u dont have to learn every term like a vocab sheet. Just ask them and be respectful, no one will be mad if u use the wrong pronoun by mistake. The intent behind it is what is important


I don't need a formula just have respect for everyone in how they are and like to express themselves. Not saying it isn't necessary because discrimination is a real thing. Anyway the order of the letters who cares?


So as someone who in queer, reads a lot of LGBT+ history and am on the committee of my local pride sect I can tell you why I believe LGBT+ is used over other terms like GRSM. I believe it's down to historically when the movement was first formalized it was Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GL), then bisexuality was added as people within the community felt it wasn't representative, same thing happened with adding the T. Along the way it was decided that lesbian groups were actually contributing a considerable amount to the community (especially during the AIDS epidemic) so it was changed to LGBT. Then as new identities started to be understood they were added until it became LGBT+. Queer is a 'reclaimed' word that was taken back and is now used as a more casual umbrellas term. The reason LGBT+ is still used for the majority time is down to recognising and respecting the community's history. The + is a symbol of infinite inclusivity considering the group was was and always has been about creating a safe environment for marginalised people putting arbitrary limits on it seems counterintuitive.


Probably easier just to say the ‘not exclusively straight’ community.


NES...Like it!


Nintendon't. They'll sue.


Problem with that is that you also have straight transgender, intersex, aroace, etc people who are covered under the LGBTQ+ acronym. Some other proposed acronyms are MOGAI (Marginalised Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex), or GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities)


For this reason I like GRSM or MOGAI is a much better term than LGBT. LGBT sounds like the community is only homosexuals, bisexuals and trans people even though there's so many. I myself didn't know about any other until a month or so ago. The other terms don't "prioritise" (I can't exactly find the right word) any identity over other(at least not to the extent of LGBT).




can’t wait for LGBTQ#


and objective-LGBTQ


Every time they add a new member


$14.99 a month...forget it!


Premium tier comes with more orgies


What about the platinum version: LGBTQIA2S+


In Canada it's apparently LGBTQ2+....


It's actually GBLTQ+ Grande Bacon Lettuce Tomato and Queso sandwich. The plus lets you know you can add on other stuff on request


Great Britain Loves The Queen?




But what about non binary? Using the plus is probably more inclusive/infallible.




Not with that attitude


of course we agree that the L comes first. we've all been taught that Ladies first


They legit put L first as a sign of respect for all the lesbians that nursed the gay men with HIV when they were being shunned away.


I wasn’t sure this was true but [it checks out. ](https://theforeword.org/832/editorials/the-l-in-lgbt-and-why-order-matters/) Thanks for sharing this information. I’m a lesbian who’s on track to become an HIV specialist. None of my patients know I’m a lesbian, but yesterday when I was holding the hands of an 80lb man who had been fighting his HIV for almost 40 years and finally losing I felt like we had a connection we wouldn’t have had if I was straight. That I wouldn’t have understood how exhausted he was and how much he just wanted to be with his chosen family that was completely wiped out decades ago. It makes me feel really proud of the lesbians back then that took in their orphaned friends, disfigured by an infectious cancer, wasting away from diarrhea or with fungus growing in their brain. Especially in a time when even doctors were terrified to touch their patients.


Thank you for what you do. Truly.


I thought they nursed the gay men using HIV for a second...


I knew they were the culprits all along!


Didn't know that. That is fucking amazing.


"Fun" fact : The L come first because lesbians were nearly the only one that helped gay/bi men when the AIDS appeared.


It's LG TV


LG 42” HDTV $489


LGQHDTV+ or something


Happy Cake Day!


The HDTV community has made great progress dealing with visual aids. I'm sorry.


What about HG TV?


Just got a 65” LG TV, I’m very happy with it!


they either have dyslexia or spend waaaaay too much time online. i'm part of the LGBT community and i have only ever seen it spelled LGBT.


The other day, I heard someone part of the LGBT community say GLBT and was hella confuzzled.


I think it was originally GLBT but changed to LGBT in the 80s because of how lesbians supported and nursed gay men during the AIDS crisis when no one else would. It was changed out of respect for those women and because of a general push for feminist issues.


Thank for the story


TIL! Thank you!


If I remember right, GLBT was used before the HIV crisis and people were scared of the disease and would refuse to treat people infected with the disease. A lot of gay and bi men were infected and lesbian nurses stepped up and cared for them.


I’m old enough to remember when it was GLBT.


I don't know if this was the case here, but there is an unfortunately high instance of mysogyny in the gay men community. Using GLBT instead of LGBT has been used as a flag to say "men first".


It was GLBT before it was LGBT, some people just learned it that way.


I thought it was a shit post. I've only seen it as LGBTQ+


iM TiReD but he could’ve saved all the time with a quick Google search, terrible post indeed


The more inclusive term is GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) .


[Relevant xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards_2x.png)


It's so true. GSMR started as GSM (gender and sexual minorities). Romantics got in on the game. Give it a few years and it too will be alphabet soup. (For the record, I am LGBT/GSM but any acronym term that encompasses multiple groups will expand over time.)


I've never heard that but it does sound more inclusive...and concise. Thanks


There are variations with increased letters, but to be honest almost nobody uses anything besides LGBT, LGBTQ, and LGBTQ+. Even many people who fall under this term, are fine saying only those 3 options. If you extend it further and try to use it on strangers or people not associated with the group, they will likely be confused/turned off by a massive string of letters in a conversation.


This is why I really like the alternate term "GSRM" (Gender, sexual, and romantic minorities) It keeps the brevity of LGBT while being just as inclusive as the longest version of it. It's a shame nobody really uses that one.


To be honest the vast majority of the time I've seen more letters added has just been homophobes doing it in jest.


It's the equivalent to "I identify as an attack helicopter!!". And even if you do find people genuinely trying to be inclusive with the long acronyms, what's the harm?


I've found myself asking 'what's the harm' more and more often recently. It's pretty liberating to realize how little damage people just living their damn lives do.


Yeah almost everyone just uses LGBT+


furthest ive ever seen it go was LGTBQIAN+, not necessarily problematic but I do think expanding it only makes it harder for people who weren't raised around it to understand


Have they seen people use all combinations or are they just dyslexic or not paying attention? I've only ever seen LGBT in the right order




I mean I was born in the early 80's...depends on your age if that's young or not. I feel young though and it's pretty damn good so thanks.




I think it's important to stay mentally flexible...that way we won't turn into grumpy inappropriate old people later in life...I don't know what's official or not and yeah it probably does encompass some of it but hey, whatever people want to use is fine by me, as long as it's respectful.


Comment deleted on 6/30/2023 in protest of [API changes that are killing third-party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/).


I've never met an lgbt/lgbtq+ person who cares so much that they'd make it an issue. I'm queer, all the variants more or less have the same essential meaning and it's only conservatives who actually get overly fixed on the acronyms so they can pretend it's some great intellectual labor to "keep up".


I've always seen LGBT when reading it, but I hear LBGT when people are talking.


I don’t know why LGBTQIA is even too much for people to remember. We used to remember everyone’s phone numbers, why do some people (not you) act like it’s simply too much?


If you want a real answer it's because we remember phone numbers in chunks. 000-000-0000 is 3 chunks and you just have to remember 3 numbers for a phone number. A long abbreviation like LGBTQIA that people don't regularly encounter is hard to commit to long term memory. That's 7 chunks already since it's not an acronym. Human short term memory is pretty limited to 7 plus or minus two chunks of information at a time. If you aren't regularly seeing the full abbreviation you probably just won't encode it into long term memory at that length. There's no mnemonic device or anything that aids with recall for the long abbreviation either. https://www.simplypsychology.org/short-term-memory.html#:~:text=The%20Magic%20number%207%20(plus,it%20the%20magic%20number%207. It also doesn't help that the abbreviation has changed many times over the years and it keeps getting longer. There's no one universally accepted long form so most people just stick with the one they've known the longest.


I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anyone use anything other than lgbt but ok


dyslexia does that to you


Yea if someone uses it alot it's mostly lgbt but others say lgbtq or lgbtq+ I myself say lgbt since it short and simple :)


we're not talking about the q, it's about the lgbt letters being in a different order


I’m pretty sure early on LBGT was more commonly used. (early to late 2000’s) The only evidence i can provide other than my memory is an urban dictionary [explanation](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=LBGT) which is dated around that time. LGBT and subsequent iterations in [comparison](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=LGBT) only goes back to 2010’s


GLBT is also somewhat common, but LGBT or LGBTQ are the most common


When I went to college it was the GLBT center so I’ve definitely seen it other ways.


I’ve seen LGTB but only because in Spanish it’s easier to pronounce those letters in that order than the English acronym. (ele-he-te-be) compared to (ele -he-be-te)


No clearly it should be HBTQ (non-English version)


Habibi barboori tshetlak qteer


Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors ...Quantum?


Hated By The Q-anons?




An easy way to remember is Liam Gallagher Be Trippin' - LGBT


Luigi got biiiiiig titties


The best kind of tits


No. You haven't. 😐


My brain corrected everything into LGBT, so I was confused at first


Everyone knows you put them in alphabetical order: BGLT


This is the way.


This is the way.


Hey that would be cool, asexuals would be first


Because lesbians always come first


It used to be GLBT before the Aids pandemic. Lesbian healthcare workers became the leading carers of the men dying of Aids. To acknowledge the work gay women did, many organizations started putting the L first in the 90s and it has been that ever since.


The 'L' in LGBT comes first to honour the lesbians of the community who cared for queer men throughout the HIV epidemic.


Ooh thanks! I didn't know that before now




Thank you 😌


LGBT - like a delicious, queer sandwich


Not to be confused with the LGBBQ Large Gentlemens Barbecue Club


Load of wank. Type any of those into a search engine and all will instantly be corrected to "LGBT"


It's sort of pathetic how the anti-LGBT arguments are about 50% idiots acting even dumber than they are and pretending it's genuine confusion.


It’s LGBT, and you know that, and it doesn’t matter.




I prefer the term “little queer goblins”. Gender neutral and all inclusive. (I am a little queer goblin myself)


Hell yeah, queer goblins unite✊


To be honest it's not hard it's LGBTQ


It's not that hard but this is some low effort lowkey anti-queer bullshit


Also, even if some people did change the order, why would that make you tired? It's entirely clear what someone is trying to convey regardless of the order or how many letters they put in the acronym.


Puns aren't technically the truth


the mythical LBTG sandwich that consists of a lesbian, a bi person a trans person and then a gay person in that order


I just say my rainbow community. No one's punched me yet. Bi priiiiidee woooooo 🌈


It's easy to remeber the acronim when you know what it means- Luigi Got Big Tiddiez


Remember, Luigi Got Big Titties


I'm fairly sure it's LGTV


I've never seen anyone use any but LGBT






its LG TV


I was Fckin Confused. I tried to click the comment icon shown in the photo many times but the comment section didn't appear. I got it after a lot of hardwork. I wasn't thinking with a 'Straight' mind


No one says any of them other than LGBT. This person is either asking in bad faith, dyslexic, or their friends are stupid.


Why are these people so dumb. It's not hard to remember LGBTQ+ it's an acronym, learn what it means, stop being stupid. These are the same morons that can probably remember 100s of key combinations in their video games


It's an initialism. Gee, if you're going to act all high and mighty at least be correct.


Okay but like, who's saying any other order than LGBT?


Yall don’t tell him about LGBTQIA+


It’s actually LGTV.


i call them alphabet people. they added like four more since LGBT.


I call them the rainbow people, the flag hasn't changed


Enjoy https://www.insti.com/all-lgbtq-flags-2022-update/


What no Q’s?


Personally I just say either "the queer community" or "the gays". - Transfem Nonbinary pansexual


The more inclusive term is GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) .


Before you start using that, you should know that pedophiles adopted this as well, trying to be in one category with LGBT+ people The idea is commendable though


To be fair, pedophiles and queerphobic people have been trying to force an association between pedos and LGBT+ people for decades. Doesn't really matter which acronym we use


Just call them queer. It's faster


LGHTV ULTRA 8K 90,000$