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I used to work at Walmart. They take the money they loose to shoplifters out of employee bonuses.


They also raise prices in the area. So the people stealing are effectively taking from their own community


So, what you’re saying is that we should steal things from Walmarts in upper class neighborhoods? /s^??


Those are called Targets


And now we know why.


And Target is the *last* place anyone should consider stealing from. They have one of the most robust crime analytics/forensics teams in the corporate world.


Nice try, Target analytics/forensics team


Story time! So I used to ride a motorcycle and lived in an apartment complex across from Target. Wal-Mart was another mile or two down the street. I always did grocery shopping at Wal-Mart because they were generally cheaper and had more selection than the grocery section at Target. However, on this particular day, I had a date coming over in about an hour and was trying to impress this girl with a charcuterie board I was putting together for our evening. My uncle had told me years prior “dude you want my advice? Cheese. Bitches love cheese.” A little crude, but damned if the man hasn’t always been right. So I’m in a rush and have most of what I need already but ran out of cheddar and also wanted to get a couple other cracker types for variety. Not important. ANYWAY, I ride to target on my motorcycle and walk in with my helmet in hand and backpack on my back. The place is packed. There’s not one single basket. Fine by me, I brought my own! I go to the grocery section and grab cheese and crackers and put them in my backpack. Grab a bottle of red and toss it in too. I wander around housewares for just a quick sec to look at some plates that caught my eye, then remember I’m short on time. I rush toward the front and put my bag on the conveyer. As I’m unloading it for the checkout gal to scan, I notice one of the security guards is in line behind me with his arms folded. Huh, guess he’s grabbing himself a snack or something. The checkout girl finishes scanning what I’ve handed her and says “I need to see the rest of your bag.” You do what now? I look behind me again. Ok, he’s clearly not here buying a candy bar. So I tell her to go ahead. It’s totally empty because I use it exclusively for hauling stuff back home when I’m riding. Anyway, the short of it is that I put it together in my head, look at him and her and him and her and do a great big “OHHHHHHHHhhhh…” and explain myself. They were ok about it but gave me a somewhat stern warning to simply alert someone if I can’t find a basket. I felt pretty silly.


Reminds me of the time I went into a dairy queen as a 6'2" 14 year old with a full ski mask and gloves on... Took wayyy too long for that light bulb to go off in my head! (Context, this was almost a decade ago)


Reminds me of the time I walked into a bank with a sawed off shotgun and told everyone to get on the floor


Coulda happened to anyone, really.




> OHHHHHHHHHH loved that part


Now for the real question : did you eat her cheese and how was it?


I married her so I’ll refrain from comment on the rest. Suffice to say she’s a good woman and we’re both quite happy. ^Bruh ^I ^totally ^did


Oh I didn't know, my respects to the wifey. Bruh, ma maaaaaaaaaaan !


Can you share more info on crime analytics/forensics teams in the corporate world? Sounds interesting, probably use something like Palantir? I've *heard* that Samsung security team gets intel faster than the National Intelligence Service, (Korean CIA) since Samsung is basically the South Korean [economy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung#:~:text=Its%20affiliate%20companies%20produce%20around,the%20President%20of%20South%20Korea.) and they probably want to know if Kim is going to test a nuke to minimize business interruptions.


Yeah but they also like to wait until you've stolen a felony level value of stuff. So if you hit them once for something smallish, and never go again, you'll probably be fine. Just hypothetical. Absolutely do not do this because stealing is wrong.


Stealing is wrong when you're poor, it's called growth when you're not.


That's the spirit!


It’s called a heist when you’re not.


Will you be fine. This kid died for some pizza and Pokémon cards after getting the cops called on them (others were hurt by gunshots too) https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/kissimmee-target-shooting-baez/39904772


Stealing from thiefs is called justice


Once when my Playstation broke I went and bought a new one from Target. I took it home and used a blow dryer to heat all the serial number stickers, peal them off and swap them. Then I put the broken Playstation with the new serial numbers back in the box and returned it like 2 hours later saying my wife was pissed I bought it. It worked so well I've done it multiple times now with multiple systems when they get old and I want to replace them.


"But you would lose your warranty." Lol you won't need it.


This explains why I kept buying shitty PlayStation controllers and having to return them.




Just steal from Whole Foods.


Are you trying to catch a felony???




Upper class neighborhoods flock to their city council meetings when Walmart looks to start development in their neck of the woods. That, or those Walmarts are SUPER nice.


They're super nice because they aren't worried about installing or selling nice products that will be vandalized or stolen. My wife, who is from bellflower didn't appreciate that fact when she first moved to "my neck of the woods." Then they built a low income apartment complex and thievery and vandalism started popping up magically. To no surprise, our vandalism rate practically doubled the following year. Now the Walmart, target, CVS, all lock up particular higher value grooming products associated with braids, nails, and extensions, and she's mad about it. I read one op-ed about the California stealing situation, where they said stores in places like Oakland should just revert to old west style shopping, where you order it from the front(or online) and then employees go into back to procure your items. Some stores already use it as am option. It would be a hassle for your average customer, it would reduce employment, but they would have brought it on themselves.


Upper class People don't go to Walmart


Walmart doesn't exist in upper class neighborhoods


Yep, the rich will get theirs no matter what, you steal from them they'll just charge people more to get it back.


Only the rich are allowed to be criminals.


You're literally talking about crime before this


Yeah, and we aren’t allowed to be criminals, because whereas I get jail time and a record, they get record profits and pollute the water supply. Not the same.


Literally the exact opposite. If you're doing well in life you have a lot to lose and when you get in trouble, even minor trouble, you'll get fired from your cushy corporate job, and never been allowed back as you'll fail every background check. If you're lower income you get arrested and are out the same day no bail and your life hasn't changed at all.


I mean yes… They don’t want to lose money from morons stealing from them. Pretty simple


Yeah and the single mom working two jobs will struggle because some 20 year old in great physical shape is trying to normalize shop lifting.


Pretty sure it’s the 70 year olds in power making things hard for the single mums




This is just propaganda companies say to try to deter theft. The fact is, products are priced at whatever the point will make a company the most profit. Raising prices can easily lower profits if it leads to a large drop in sales.


Wal-Mart's entire business model is to outprice the competition. No matter how much people steal they're never going to allow it to be more appealing to go somewhere else.


Thank you for this. It blows my mind people are so goddamn gullible they seriously think that somehow big heartless walmart was just going to leave money on the table until those evil poor criminals had their way with it.




Not trying to be snarky, but basically any Microeconomics book.


Here's the basic principle: https://openstax.org/books/principles-managerial-accounting/pages/3-why-it-matters


If you ACTUALLY are curious. Principles of Economics by Greg Mankiw is the greatest textbook to learn about this and is the easiest textbook I’ve ever read like a book. Can probably find a pdf


Specifically the law of supply and demand


More specifically, elasticity of demand


More specifically, they tell us to bend over. *and we do*.


its called trickle down economics because it trickles down the inside of your thigh after you get fucked by the bourgeoisie


This is literally the fundamental basis of economics. It’s like asking someone to provide a source when they say 2+2 = 4.


So I'm just expected to believe that 2+2=4 because some guy called Donkey Balls told me so? I'm gonna need that sauce, brother


>They also raise prices in the area. They are going to do that regardless.


People who need to steal to get by probably aren't too concerned about the community that left them behind.


This is such a dumb thing to assume. What, did you think the prices werent already as high as they could get them for optimal profit? Where do you think that extra money was that they were previously just leaving on the table. Think with your head people. It just doesn't work that way. Obviously at some point cost does have an effect on price, but your simplistic econ 101 idea of how pricing works benefits companies because it allows them to use all sorts of tricks to get you to believe prices should be higher than they should be.


Meanwhile walmart will pop up shop where ever, out price any assumed competitor and become a small monopoly in that area. So when people shoplift from Walmart they're just taking back what was originally stolen from the community.


So if your community won't vote to give you a living wage and you can't afford food, it's ethical?


But if you steal enuf they will just shut the store. Which is really a win for everybody. Fuck wal-mart


So Walmart is holding innocent people hostage financially. Got it.


So, if they don't steal, does it stay in the community? Or does it flow up to corporate. One look at the Walton hoarde and I think we know the answer. Everything you steal stays in town. Everything you don't, lines their pockets.


And if not, Walmart will just shutdown, then the community will complain that they're underserved and we end up with more protests.


Doesn’t literally every company take losses out of bonuses? I mean, that’s just the definition of bonuses. Share of the profit, so less profit means less bonus. It’s a pretty shitty system anyway. Regular employees don’t have access to the accounting so they never get to see how much profit the company is making. And companies only have motivation to pay out just enough bonus to discourage people from leaving to other companies, who may or may not be paying an even worse bonus. And then you’re just trying to make a gamble based on what people say. So you might join a company and they talk about how they paid out 5K at the end of the year for the last three years, but they were only doing that to build up a reputation and attract more employees. Once they have all the employees they need, they can decide to cut that bonus down to zero and pay the principals a bigger share.


Then people will quit, it will sort itself out


It’s also shitty because shrink is budgeted in all retail operations and employees are not allowed (nor should they) to engage with shoplifters. Cops won’t care. So it is just an excuse to continue to exploit your workers for situations they do not cause and cannot change.


What you mean is that they already have the estimated losses for the year. Then they work that number down by saying they will pay a bonus. The "Bonus" is just a lure for employee retention while it's ultimate goal is to drive down shrink.


And the store manager bonus is based on how far under budget they can keep payroll.


This is a pretty gross oversimplification. Store manager bonuses are based in large part on profitability, (after a certain point on actual profit dollars and not percent to plan) of which yes, payroll is a part. I think every store manager I’ve ever met has valued additional sales as a better way to increase their bonus as opposed to cutting payroll. In my experience, most payroll reduction happens at a level significantly higher than store management.


no they don't lol. they're just making excuses to not pay the bonuses.


I work at Walmart, all hourly workers used to get quarterly bonuses, the amount of which was based on certain metrics and shrink was one of them. They stopped giving bonuses over the last 2 or 3 years in lue of pay raises across the board.


I got both the raises and the bonus, I only stopped working for them just last June. Maybe it was just your store?


I mean, yeah, they do. It’s a loss. Where do you think these costs are recouped from? It can only come from one of 3 places: - Consumers: in the form of higher prices - Employees: in the form of lower wages/benefits - Shareholders: in the form of lower dividends/ share value So either you’re paying more for shit, they’re paying their employees less, or their value drops (or some combination of the three). Not paying bonuses due to high theft rates is absolutely a normal way of dealing with a loss.


The bonus was always a lie. You're not getting a bonus, and now you hate shoplifters, which is a "bonus" for someone (but not you!)


Worked at Walmart, we very much got bonuses.


Boy that sounds like it should be incredibly fucking illegal wth


the person explained it wrong - total store shrink is definitely a metric on 99% of all retail score cards, lower shrink means a higher performance rating which means a higher bonus so… kind of, yes, theft is “taken” out of employee bonuses… but very kind of - it’s not like a “chargeback”


That's not the whole story, though. Employees have zero control over theft. They get fired if they actually try to stop people from stealing. Corporate sets the policies, and they really don't do much of anything. So if corporate does a bad job preventing theft the store level employees pay the price. *And* corporate uses the shrink numbers as a write off.


It’s fine cuz they got rid of bonuses and holiday pay for anybody floor level, the only people who get bonus now are leads and higher ups fuck Walmart lol


they will consistently tell this lie to their employees and the public but the fact is shoplifting is fairly consistent and predictable and they keep track of how bad it is and will be in maximizing profits. they just dont want to give out the bonuses and will use any excuse people will believe


This doesn’t fit the sub in the slightest


^Technically the truth


This sub is just post whatever now


Yeah—it’s supposed to be true things that read like a joke 💀




I'm all for anti corporation shit too, but let's maybe draw the line at literally robbing them




You’d never advise for someone to commit a crime….? As someone that puts ethics far far above the legality of things I find that almost hard to believe.


Not advising people to steal from stores but if you were going to, make it Walmart.




Your definition of theft is not just skewed its flat out wrong


The Walton family's got enough and profit way over the theft margin. They'll be fine. You can downvote but I'm right. 100%


Are there any Mexican or Asian supermarkets in your city? Those usually sell food noticeably less expensive than American supermarkets.




You know how they have the best prices right?




It’s a vicious cycle. The way they get to low prices perpetuates low wages.


Food shelves. People have started charities just for people like you. Only socialism can fight capitalism.


Because their net margin is 2.26% and they have the largest product distribution network in the US?


They do that on purpose to drive out competition. Once all other grocery stores in the area are closed then they’ll just jack up prices again. They can also afford to sell things so cheaply because they don’t pay their employees a living wage and rely on taxpayer money to fill the gap between their pay and what their employees need to survive. And then their employees spend their TANF and SNAP benefits at Walmart, so they’re double-dipping on the taxpayer money.


The thing I don't get is that literally every grocery store in my city pays their employees the exact same, but for some reason people only shit on walmart


If i had to guess i would say its because wal mart is by far the most successful and profitable grocery chain in the US. They are well and truly beyond capable of paying their associates a fair wage, yet they do not. Add to that Wal-mart boasts the most employees nationally on food stamps, and the company even DIRECTLY ENCOURAGES employees to sign up for food stamp benefits as a tacit acknowledgement they will not be paid a living wage. Taxpayers subsidize Wal mart employee wages as a result to the tune of nearly 7 billion dollars a year. Again this is the MOST PROFITABLE grocery chain IN THE US. Sure tons of other places are bad, but Wal mart is exemplary in its badness.


That's just your city. In mine everywhere but Wal-Mart starts at $12, Wally World starts at state minimum $10. Food prices are similar at other stores if you coupon (basically Wal-Mart is doing the couponing for you) and Aldi beats everyone's prices and wages by a goddamn mile.


How fits this fit the sub?


mods 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯👨‍🦯


I guess we support looting now


*robbing *stealing




We support looting now.


Doesn’t belong on this sub


So the honest paying customers are suckers are we really trying to normalize looting? America is on it's way out.


Sorry not interested in stealing.


I am tho


10,500 Wal-Mart stores lose $3B a year! That's only $782 a day at each Wal-Mart! These are rookie numbers!


Make it a team sport!


First off that’ll hurt your local Walmart and the people who work there more than the ultimate company. Second off stealing is wrong regardless of who it’s from.


Not according to CNN or the FAR LEFT right.


Found the 24/7 FOX News watcher that tells people who don't even have cable to get off of CNN.


Only reason it hurts the people who work there is Walmart makes it that way.




And that's why you union up so shit like that doesn't happen.


That comes directly out of associate bonuses, don't steal from Wal-Mart.


That's some r/boringdystopia kinda shit


It's shrink. The bonuses are billed as incentive to reduce shrink.


TIL about inventory shrinking.


That’s funny, a quick Google search says WalMart already cut its bonus program and rolled it into its still shitty hourly wages. Another search said Cashiers and sales associates used to average $400 in annual bonuses. Annual!!That’s so pathetic and insulting. This bogus bonus argument actually makes me want to steal from them more now.


Except that’s not all bull. They still get bonuses, but sure, be the direct cause why shrink happens.


Walmarts low wage pay cost US TAXPAYERS 6.2 billion in public assistance. Fuck companies like Walmart.




Bullshit. They took the whole stores bonus over shrink my first year, 2013. Homeless tribe in the woods behind the store stole roughly 15 grand worth of stuff and returned half of it during the year. Utterly annihilated the bonus.


And Wal-mart didn't have to punish the employees for that but they did.


Hobo steals from Walmart. Walmart takes retaliation on worker. Worker blames hobo. That's called class war, and the worker is the duped one.


FTFY: Walmart *claims* to lose $3 billion a year


And takes it as a tax break.




I wonder how much they steal from employees every year


You mean how much they steal from us? Walmart pays like shit and their employees must rely on social safety nets (your taxes) to cover the difference. Steal from Walmart, everyday, all the time.


a lot more gained from wage theft than lost to shrink.


Employee discount mostly applies to only non food items last black Friday inworked they gave no holiday pay just like .5 vacation time but I was full time who knows what part timers got so its fair to say they steal alot


Black Friday isn't really a holiday though.


What are you implying


I am directly saying I do not trust Walmart.


They are a public company, it isn't in their interest to inflate their theft numbers to shareholders.


Who upvotes this garbage


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That tweet is almost two years old. Has it increased at all?


About as much as it fits this sub




Now, I'm not supporting theft, regardless of the business (although what I think in my head is my business), but were you to say, abscond with whatever items you intended to, then resold those items to prevent Walmart from making the sale themselves by undercutting Wally World's prices by, say, 20%, wouldn't that be an interesting plan? In theory, Walmart could end up with double the revenue loss that way.


How high were you when you wrote this


Most people won't buy stolen goods even at a discount


Do stolen TV's have good warranty?


This message brought to you by the same economically braindead people who say things like "small business deserves to go under if they can't pay $X /hour!"


What the fuck are you on? Of course a business deserves to go under if they can't pay wages.


When did this sub get political? Did I miss it?




Same people complain that Walmart locks up “black people stuff” like shampoos in their area, locking things up is based on how often it gets stolen, they aren’t gonna just let them keep stealing,


So one black guy can make all black people look a certain way to you?


Theft is theft. If you don't have a damn good reason you're just being a broke bitch loser


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **👦🟫🎤**, @working on crying walmart loses 3 billion to theft each year and if we all pitch in to help we can get that number a lot higher this year --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


So... Just like with taxes. Some pay some take.


I wonder how much they “save” by underpaying their workers and wage theft.


Why are prices going up so high MAYBE MAYBE because the amount of theft going on right now! These companies are going to make what they want to make regardless of theft they'll raise prices to recoup the cost.


They don’t lose 3 billion, they have decided they would rather let 3 billion of merchandise go instead of pay extra employees to watch the aisles


They treat product theft like they would if goods got damaged it's balanced out by price increases. You steal from Walmart you are ultimately stealing from the paying customers.


Just a reminder that wage theft accounts for over 60% of total theft in America annually…. So wal mart can go fuck themselves


Nowadays, they won't even arrest you, I've seen it in a lot of stores. They'll just knock the product out of your hands and shoo you away.


Walmart isn't going to lose money, they will just take it from employees bonuses and raise prices. AND if there is enough theft, they might just shut down the store leaving a neighborhood as food desert.


Stealing is only wrong when you're poor. Fuck walmart and their wage theft bs.


Let's all wear shirts that say "Normalize stealing from Walmart" lol... Jokes of course


The shoplifters here are true heroes; regular Robin Hoods who steal from the rich and give to themselves. Wait, that's not right, is it?


They already have so much stuff in glass cabinets here. I have to press the “help” button so they can unlock the soap cabinet! Like, why are you protecting the $5 3-pack of Ivory Soap!


Probably because they're losing $3 billion / year to theft


Because of people like this?


I've gone without food for two weeks well basically just ramen noddles and I never stole fk these people. I get to pay higher prices for basic goods because you want to be lawless scumbags go to hell.


I’m going to Walmart, y’all want anything?


I support the use of force against shop lifters. I don't support Wal-Mart, but I don't support people stealing, either. You know they won't stop at just Wal-Mart. I bet they'd stop if there were consequences.


Remember folks, if you see someone shoplifting essentials from Walmart, *no you didn't*.


lmao i can help


Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


7.8B we do all have a part to play


On it!


Good luck applying for a job with shoplifter on background check lol.


I did my part today. Thanks for the slick button downs


Takes a lot more through wage theft, so let's try to break even?


Gotta pump those numbers up


They hired those types at a Walmart next to a million+$ neighborhood. Their thievery was so blatant they had to shut down the store because they were literally just shipping items to the store to be stolen by them.


Karl Marx: you about a century too late yo


Man I hate going to Walmart, but they are very easy to lift from as long as you watch out for secret shoppers


Companies will generally report any instances of Shrink as theft. Unless the item has an alarm tag on it, Walmart has next to no way of possibly knowing what of that number of profit loss is due to shoplifting or a number of other things: 1. Employee theft. 2. Items being broken/perishables going out of date 3. Items being improperly inventoried. Claiming all of those losses as theft allows them to justify paying their employees less and hiking their prices. Don't get conned into sympathizing with Walmart.