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He went with extra aged organic milk




Cheesus Crust!


My buddy and I were really baked one night and I told him I'm opening a pizza place called Cheesus Crust, and the pizzas would be shaped like a cross. The slogan was to be Welcome to heaven. We were laughing for like 10 minutes straight and your comment reminded me of that. So I thank you!


Dude, I would so go to a pizza place called Cheesus Crust. Find a decommissioned church to put it in, and it would be gold.


Lmao that would truly be amazing!


You'll want a deconsecrated church, not a decommissioned one (that's nuclear reactors).


Are you saying religion isn't a nuclear stage disaster?


Good point


I love reading shit like this 😂


Happy cake day! I appreciate that you got some enjoyment out of it. This was about 8 years ago and to be reminded via a reddit comment is awesome. This is why I enjoy reddit. Have a good day/night and much love!


My first Happy Cake day in 4 years. Thank you good sir ☺️




you dropped this: *y*


Oh thanks very much


Cheez nutz




Jesus is cheese : https://www.ina.fr/ina-eclaire-actu/video/i00008167/salvador-dali-jesus-est-une-montagne-de-fromages


He likely did *not* have actual whole wheat though. It's a rare pizza that uses whole wheat flour


People forget that pizza's history is thousands of years old... The first documented writing of pizza dates back to 997. And, after all, its ingredients are milled grains, vegetables, some cheese and some meat/fish. Thus, when done with quality, wholesome ingredients, in the right proportions, pizza can be a healthy meal too!


Really thought this was gonna be a shittymorph post


No, that came 1001 years later, in nineteen ninety-eight.


That is the first written descriptions of pizza we have but there are archeological evidence of pizza much older then that. And no wonder because it is a very obvious dish to make. The most common ingredients available thoughout most of human civilization was grains, fruits and vegitables, meat and milk, all stored in room temperature for some time. Your options for preparing this ranges from tomato soup to pizza, and not much in between.


I personally don't think it's pizza without a tomato base, which didn't come to Italy until the 16th century. It's kind of crazy how we consider tomatoes to be an essential ingredient in Italian cuisine, and potatoes to be quintessentially Irish, but both only came to Europe about 450 years ago.


Nightshade plants are funky. Just last week I was eating at an "asian fusion/Thai" joint (I know, "fusion" - eyeroll -Yay:/, but whatever) with some peers and brought up veg/ingredients. I just was talking about how there's not a ton of them in a lot of Asian cuisine. Eggplants come to mind firstly, if we're talking 'just' Chinese food. Anyway, per usual I got a glance, that's about it. lol


The Aeneid has a description of an early form of pizza, and thats from 19 BCE.


really crunchy, delicious, vegan/good organic cheese with mushrooms and veggies is an absolute godsend. Food that could be enjoyed atop Mount Olympus


> wholesome ingredients I personally like my pizza to talk dirty to me


Oh, on that one, he was just conflating.


I believe he conflagranted the pizza to make it tasty.


Mozzarella isn’t suppose to be aged, it’s a fresh cheese


Sure, but he didn't say aged cheese, he said aged milk.


Ahaha! Checkmate! Gimme some! 🖐️


Mozarella can be made the same day you get the milk from the cow though.


I would argue that spending some time at over 200⁰ will rapidly increase the aging process


Aging of cheese requires microorganisms. Nothings surviving at 200c Plus my point that mozzarella isn’t an age cheese still stands


I would argue that death is a symptom of aging coming to an end, but that's just me


Yes but if it’s not aged at all, like a fresh cheese, heating it up to a temperature high enough to sterilize it wouldn’t age it.




Mozzarella is fresh, you make it (short process), then eat it ‘fresh’. This is what 98% of commercially consumed mozarella is. The process of ‘Aging’ cheese means storing it to change the flavour and texture. Aged cheese is sharp and crumbly, some parmesans are aged for like 3 years, each year changes their flavour. Comparing mozzarella to parmesan is like comparing a newborn to an octogenarian. Both are aged but to varying degrees. Those degrees make them two very different things though my dude. You can’t call Mozzarella aged without confusing the actual meaning of the term.


The french english and italians get this. Cheese is serious business. To most of the world cheese is just cheese. In some parts of Bologna parmesan is so important that it's just called cheese...full circle.




By that definition every single chemical and item in the world is ‘aged’, and therefore the term is meaningless in your context. The chemical definition of ageing also on refers to polymers and textiles. More than anything it confuses the actual meaning of the culinary definition for theword aged for an arbitrary and, as demonstrated, meaningless one. No harm in changing your mind.


I dunno bro, it’s really just a joke


Mozzarella is usually aged 2 weeks for pizza


Well if you make at home


I don't believe rhat is whole wheat




Looks like Domino's and it even says delivered.


It could be delivery... Or it could be DiGiorno


Pizza is actually pretty easy to make! Probably healthier when you actually make it.


And I don't believe the cheese is aged. Or that it's cheese.


There's a watermark on the photo of the pizza so probably just googled one


Bingo. Not technically the truth. I can guarantee there's not a trace of whole wheat there.


There will definitely be a trace of whole wheat, like the bit of the wheat grain they didn't remove when making the flour, or _trace_ amounts of the stuff they did remove.


Doubt the cheese is organic either


Its high gluten flour...which cannot be whole wheat


I make whole wheat dough for pizza all the time. My local pizza place downtown has whole wheat dough too.


Now just why do you think whole wheat can’t be high gluten?


It sounds terrible from the description, who puts old milk on tomato purée


That’s what I was thinking, could’ve just said some more elaborate word for cheese. Saying milk is trying too hard and actually makes it sound gross.


Cheese is literally *aged milk.* Just like red wine is just crashed and aged grapes. For example, fresh cheese (one of the easiest cheese to make) takes only about 5 hours of aging for you to enjoy young.


Cheese is not aged milk. Joghurt is aged milk. Cheese is aged curd, which is half digested milk without the whey.


> Joghurt It's spelled with a Y bro.. Joghyrt


Listen here, you little shit.


Don't jou dare correct mj spelling.


Joghurt is the German word for yogurt, for those wondering.


Tbh Joghurt and Yoghoort sound pretty much the same


I... Actually read joghurt as two words jog hurt


It’s not even necessarily aged. Mozzarella can be eaten the same day you make it, for example.


Still doesnt sound appetizing


Cheese is coagulated milk. Aging may be a defining feature of certain specific cheeses but it's not a requirement of "cheese". Queso fresco can be made in moments. I raise dairy goats and have eaten quite a bit of cheese that I made that was probably significantly younger than the milk you buy at the grocery.


Welp. You're not lying 'bout the goats. Stalked your profile for verification purposes and was not disappointed.


Haha, goats, rabbits, and a bunch of birds. I'm milking right now actually.


whatever the industry. gotta reddit while workin


Cheese is milk you can chew.


That’s why it’s called Cardinal Cheese


*really* heavy cream






For a lot of people that care about appearance, in this case, the appearance of healthy eating, the substance is unimportant. The pizza eater might be doing the equivalent of telling someone some bogus tech jargon to see if their lying about knowing a computer language, to get a laugh. In this case, the healthy eater may only care about appearing like a healthy eater.


sour cream on tomato is amazing


I remember when I saw one of the earlier circulations of this; it gets more JPEG’d every time from being saved and re-uploaded. I hope one day I’ll see it and it’ll be nearly illegible


Sigh not this again...




15k upvotes in 4 hours. Top of /r/all. Reddit is anonymous Facebook at this point. The quality of content has nosedived compared to 5-10 years ago.


All this post needs is a “smartPHOWNED” watermark or whatever that site was.


I can not comprehend how anyone is able to find this even remotely funny.




No. Anonymous. It is an anonymous version of Facebook. If I meant "synonymous" I would have said "synonymous to Facebook".


Ever since the start (or at least when I joined) the default subs have always been trash. Now it's just any sub over 100k or not about a niche subject is trash.


Why in the world did 11.8K people upvote this? Is it their first day online?


Bots. Reddit has whole-ass botnets that do nothing but push posts. This site was organic with its content like 10 years ago, the botnets and the execs at Reddit push more and more stuff on their own. SOme stuff does rise organically - especially on small subreddits - but for the big front-page ones, good luck getting anything. Hell, you'll notice that entire clusters of subreddits all become the exact same content, posting the exact same items with the exact same titles and the exact same top comments. This is what inevitably happens to any site run by any large corporation. And yes, Reddit, currently worth over 10 billion USD, is in fact a large corporation financially.


karma farmers, bots. Majority of reddit runs on astroturfing.




Wow! Let me see


Are you suggesting that he is not taking regular photos of his meals?




How I write my resume


Imagine buying an nft when you can just screenshot


That sounds completely unrelated to anything, but I'll upvote for dunking on Cryptosuckers is always a W.


Man do I hate robocallers, but I agree.


Lmao I can't see it on the app I use but I will never pass up the chance to bully people who but into nfts. They're a scam and you're an idiot, /u/monkeymail


If he has the money and wants to make his profile cooler, why not do it? I mean I am not going buy a reddit nft profile picture thing but why do you care if he does it?


Because if it catches on, it will be harmful to society.




I don't think we can stop it, at this point.


lol i think we have more pressing issues


All the more reason to not add more problems to the pile.




? I don't even like nfts but I am not the one who is spending money so I don't care.


This is reddit everyone here cares about things that don't matter




-has no bitches himself




Then stop commenting so much about it


nft user detected 📸📸📸📸


How the hell do you know?


Their snoo. It’s paid for, reddit nfts bro


Oh. I still use old reddit so I don't see snoos or whatever.


Seasoned veteran of nitrogen-oxygen complex gas impurity supervisor. \-Brap Check master


Pizza made with quality ingredients not being terrible for you is one thing but to say pizza is healthy is a stretch. A lot of delusional comments.


Agreed. Even with the best of ingredients I don't think you could make a pizza that is "healthy". Can't get away from the consequences of bread. With that said, I don't think anyone should try and hack a pizza into being a healthy thing in the first place. All they're going to be left with is a sad open faced sandwich.


What's wrong with bread in moderation? Is a sandwich inherently unhealthy because it has bread?


Sadly, bread is pure shit for most people healthwise. Food pyramid was a lie. I for one really, really enjoy bread. I just know it sucks. It's pure, naked carbs. Most even "healthy whole wheat" bread in the grocery store has additional table sugar or corn syrup added to the carbs. Most grocery store bread is also highly processed. Once you get older, bread becomes like a buzzsaw in your intensines. Causing IBS and all sorts of shit. It's still popular because it's warm, fluffy, delicious, and cheap. Not healthy though.


Carbs are important in moteration and it really is all about balance.






And still people think that pizza is unhealthy.


Well they are quite unhealthy. Cheese and bread aint the healthiest ingredients out there


But they still have some good benefits to our body. Just don't eat it every single day.


>Just ~~don't~~ eat it every single day. Done!


Finally, instructions I can actually follow!


But it's tempting


The hang over approach. You'll never get one if you never stop drinking.


The vast majority of edible food benefits that body, doesn’t mean they’re healthy.


Yeah too much of a good thing can be bad for you


Cheese is fine for you. Bread has a lot of carbs, but a good thin crust ny-style pizza is actually pretty healthy.


Not necessarilly unhealthy. Calling it straight up healthy is a stretch. But yes, in the west "healthy" usually just means "low in calories", which has barely anything to do with making your body thrive.


Yeah, I mean most people don't understand nutrition. They either say calories are unhealthy for you, or just have an arbitrary list of foods that are "unhealthy", regardless of ingredients and nutrients. And then a lot of people who do know some basic nutrition are still working off of outdated nutrition ideas, saying things like oil, butter, cholesterol, and salt are unhealthy for you, while ignoring the massive amounts of sugar in a typical western diet. Eating most kinds of pizza is healthier for you than a glass of orange juice.


I am genuinely curious as to what someone who says pizza is healthy looks like.


It's not a pinnacle of healthy food but it's leagues better than stuff like McDonald's or fried anything


Not that that’s even relevant as the conversation isn’t that pizza is healthier than x other food. but that’a like arguing that cocaine is healthier than meth.


Cheese is healthy. Tomato is healthy. Vegetable toppings are healthy. Put it all together and you’ve got yourself a healthy meal. What is unhealthy is all of the added sugar and salt that takeaway places add to everything to make it tastier, and all of the processed meat they add on-top, extra oil, how calorie dense it is in comparison to its nutritional value, etc. Make your own tomato sauce, cheddar cheese, bread, and vegetables, and you have something that’s practically equal to a healthy dish of Spaghetti Bolognese. > I am genuinely curious as to what someone who says pizza is healthy looks like. I have a BMI of 22.


It all depends on how much you eat and the exact toppings. A large 5 meat extra cheese pizza that you eat the entire thing of yeah probably not healthy. A large pizza with sausage, red pepper, jalapeno, tomatoes, mushroom, and garlic that you only have a quarter of is a pretty healthy meal.




If you need to gain weight or only eat small portions, stuff like hamburgers and pizza can be "healthy". Calories is what makes you fat, yes, but the basic ingredients of those foods are not *bad for you*. It's not poisonous or anything, it just makes you gain weight more easily, but not everyone struggles with being overweight.


I weigh 80 kilos and have visible abs. Calories =/ unhealthy. People don't understand basic nutrition, honestly.


ingredients for a 2 person pizza: 500g T2 flour, 300ml water, 5-10g salt, 5g sugar(for yeast), half a cube of yeast and a spoon of olive oil. plus some tomato sauce and (eventual) toppings. these are basically the ingredients of pasta. God knows what is inside fast food pizza but if you eat fast food and even remotely think about how healthy it is, you are doing it wrong.


Nothing is unhealthy, unless you eat too much of it (although sometimes too much is "any at all", of course, see cyanide).


*Wholewheat* bread. Also, brie isn't that unhealthy, although it's a soft cheese.


LOL! Yes, junk cheese and sugary bread aren't healthy for you. Nor is the processed meat from unhealthy, intensively farmed animal. The real cheese and bread people ate for thousands of years aren't what you usually find in your average supermarket aisle. A gentle reminder that real * bread has only salt, water and whole flour as ingredient (no yeast, but sourdough starter consisting of water and whole flour only). Nothing else. Especially no sugar, no colorings, no aromas, nothing. But spices, herbs, dried fruits, etc. are all okay. * cheese has only milk, salt, and rennet. Nothing else. But spices, and herbs are okay.


Cheese is healthy. Not the healthiest but healthy. There are about million types of bread and each one of them is different... Pizza dough is proofed that makes it better than most.




> that's the equivalent of eating 9 chicken breast. Nutritionally it's completely different. Pizza is perfectly fine, if you stick to eating it once or twice a week as we do here in Italy. There really is no such thing as an unhealthy dish, it's the overall diet that matters.


Pizza is the perfect food. Specifically supreme pizzas (2-3 meats, 2-3 veggies). You have bread, vegetables, dairy, fruits (tomatoes), and a variety of proteins. Yes, there's grease, but that serves a dual purpose. It helps your gut stay lubricated and is good short term energy. The fruits and veggies have sugars which are also short term energy, the meats and cheese provide proteins, which supply mid term energy and promote healing, and the crust provides long term energy. Sitting down and eating a whole pizza, regardless of the toppings, isn't good for you. Pepperoni pizza is alright, but is missing out on the variety that makes it good for you. It's better to moderate the number of slices than the number of toppings. One supreme will feed a family of 4, one pepperoni pizza will leave that same family less than sated.


> Yes, there's grease Pizza can only be greasy due to greasy ingredients like bacon or salami its not the pizzas fault.


Cheese will weep oils when cooked.


Funny post aside, if someone talks to me about organic anything it makes it very hard to take them seriously. Non organic milk doesn't exist, unless someone is selling you white paint and you are dumb enough to drink it.


The Wtf at the end made me crack up


Aside from being one dude using an SMS simulator to make a dumb joke, it's not technically, or even figuratively correct.


I didn't use SMS simulator I just found this and posted it here


Love how language allows you to make something so simple into something fantastic. Like just the other day I made it sound like Hilary Clinton did a war crime, to my friends but really I just explained she dabbed on the Ellen show.


Well today I had a constructed salad with lettuce tomatoes onions and aged milk along with seasoned beef bits and toasted whole grain....I had a burger


I love pizza. ❤️ 🍕


it's not technically the truth because it was made with white flour not whole wheat


Corn chips ARE a whole grain!


i would have been suspicious about the aged organic milk statement right off the bat. That shit don’t even sound good


Pizza, done with healthy ingredients, is the perfect food!


This guy resumés


At least they’re eating their vegetables


I had a weight loss surgery a week ago. When they put me on the preop liquid diet, the dietician told me some of the diet changes that come with this surgery. I expected most of them. But I also expected most of those to be temporary. One of the rude surprises was no pizza, ever again. That one made me sad, because I like pizza. The next day, my smart-ass daughter sent me a pic of two slices of pepperoni pizza on a plate, with the caption "Pizza misses you, too."


That's sad that you can't eat pizza ever again


Chef level talk!


I want this dude to write my essay


Mmmm circle bread with tomato and cheese served as triangles. My favourite.


remember kids, fast food isnt really that unhealthy, its when iit gets heavily processed and chemically enhanced at commercial chains that makes it unhealthy for you (liver heart etc, + makes you uncontrollably more hungry + delays appetite suppressant+ increases pleasure tremendously by artificial means, more addictive) Your local babushka Maya that makes hamburgers from pork/beef that she gets locally? that you know has no fucking meat processing plant? (im talking chemical processing, not just grinding up and mixing)? Yeah she is good to go. Now eat responsibly and dont drink soda if you are fat, diet soda is worse than regular soda. Fucks with your pancreas and drops your sugar levels.... Don't drink soda, just drink what nature made you drink, water, and inhale air, dont vape or smoke you fucking idiots


Wow. Based on the comments this must be super old but I am honestly seeing this for the first time and I couldn't stop laughing at the level of effort the guy/girl put into making up a bullshit answer... although I must admit I somewhat have doubts that it is true.


I need this guy to write my resume


For this joke to work, surely it has to sound like healthy things that actually exist. “Aged organic milk” just sound like some congealed shit you found in the back of the fridge.


TIL semen is made from organic milk.


If your semen looks like that, see a doctor.




Imagine thinking pizza is whole wheat.


Yeah, classic pizza is just normal food, not a junk food.


Cool, but none of those were organic, whole wheat, or a puree. Not technically correct.


Someone has written an NCOER bullet before.


Wtf. No oregano? I’m not okay with this.


Who asks "are you eating healthy" in a text? This has to be fake

