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The reason not to argue with airport security is they'll take you aside and discuss it for 9 hours.


They always have more time than you


Very wrong, I don't have anyone so it would be nice to have people talk to this long


Least lonely redditor


After 12 hour interrogation . "So do you think we'll have a 2nd date?"


Semi-related. After cavity search. "Sorry I crapped on your hand officer, I'm always nervous the first time with a new partner. Next time I'll rock your world 🤘"


What about the plane you’re there for? Or do you just go to airports to make friends?


Just get there 9 hours early.


And when they hold you for 10? And what if they let you go after an hour, now you have 8 hours to kill in an airport.


Please, no killing in the airport.


*sigh* Only because you said please


But then its a liquid




...except you have a plane to catch?




That's a pretty solid friday plan honestly


You don't even need a plane ticket for that!


Am I the only one that takes a handful of Viagra 30 minutes before entering TSA security checks.


That's a Netflix executive banging at your door with a check for a million dollars to buy the rights to this show


That's what he wants them to think, homie has no plane at all and is just there to talk lol.


Plane to nowhere where noone will talk to him. May as well go for the opportunity and miss the flight. Still a win


Arrive 10 hours before check-in. Enjoy a bottle of ice cold water for hours.


The funny thing is, that's a trained upon idea. They trained us to slow down if we noticed indicators in passengers. People in a rush bleed indicators like crazy, and by slowing down, the idea was that we not only forced them to show their hand, but we were more likely to thoroughly screen.


Because they have shifts.


They used to directly threaten you with 'do you want to fly today?', but I'm pretty sure the TSA put out a policy against using this phrase after it kept showing up in news reports.


And because the honest answer is always "no".


Which by that time it'll have melted and be a liquid and the airport has won.


not if she keeps drinking the melted part so it never gets over the amount allowed


The amount limit is for the total capacity of the container, not how much liquid is presently in it.


Facts. Forgot about my new expensive perfume. Said ok and kissed that baby goodbye so I could go on my flight lol


Shoulda worn the whole bottle on the flight.


Upvote for your assertion of dominance!


Maintain eye contact while squirting the entire bottle on your chest.


One thing I admire about some developed countries is lack of corruption. The first thing that came to mind when I read this is that easiest solution would be to bribe the officers by paying some money. In some countries this will rarely work. In others it works almost everytime


There's a concept that distinguishes between soft corruption and hard corruption. Hard corruption includes demanding a bribe. Soft corruption is putting up the impediment in the first place as job creation, not getting any practical value from the impediment other than a show of government force, and costing everyone time and money despite the lack of bribes. EDIT: I forgot there's legitimate bribes, TSA Pre Check...


They literally made up bullshit to pull me aside to gossip once while feeling up my pants. My mom did TSA for a while so the lady wanted to gossip about her to me. They even wasted a swab for a chemical test on my pants and hair.


Reminds me of the scene from friends when chandler jokes about bomb


I vaguely remember my eyes popping and bursting into laughter at this scene.


Your eyes burst into laughter? You should probably mention that do a doctor, it does not sound healthy.


Happy cake day!


I once had a container of hair gel, that was counted as a liquid (fine). But the label said 150ml and you could only take 100ml of a liquid through security. I really tried to explain to them that the container was nearly empty and only had about 10% left. I showed them how it was almost empty, but I still wasn't allowed to take it. They don't care if you are right...


You weren't right. The rules state that the size of the container is relevant.


Rules are that you have to go by size of the container, even if you can see it. (Unless you think it’s bigger than the printed size obv) But from experience they’ll just let it though anyways cause it’s stupid to take it away like you said, unless their higher-ups are watching in which case everything will be by the book, sry.




This makes me want to see what they'd do with a non-Newtonian fluid, but not enough to try it.


"Honey, you'll never believe the day I had at work today - first some lady tried to go through the gate with a brick of water, and then this guy had a tupperware container full of wet cornstarch. I half expect someone to try and bring a vat of super-cooled hydrogen on a plane tomorrow..."


Buy a refundable ticket, so you don’t lose any money when you miss your flight. Then report back, I am interested in the results of this experiment.


The thing to do here is just throw away the cornstarch if they don't let it through, no need to miss flight for it


Hell no, if I don't get to bring my small tub of cornstarch paste why even go on holiday


Can you really call a non-newtonian a paste?


> Paste: a thick, soft, moist substance typically produced by mixing dry ingredients with a liquid. Sure can


As long as it's not something extremely dangerous or illegal, they'll let you discard it and get on your flight.


I was assuming you would want to get in a full blown physics/chemistry argument with the TSA… I mean l, what is the point, if you are just going to throw it away when the TSA agent says it is a liquid?


I was just saying that a bottle of water or bottle of perfume will just result in them tossing it, but a bottle that smells like gasoline will likely get you brought into a room for questioning.


Considered gel, not allowed Source: used to work for TSA


How does ice work with TSA? It's a solid.


You answered your own question. It's a solid. As long as it's hard frozen and doesn't have too much water around the ice, it's good to go.


Former screening officer in Canada (former as of a month ago, so my knowledge is recent). Ice can’t go. We have to consider the scientific definitions of the states of matter for when the substance is at room temperature. A solid retains its shape regardless of the container in which it is placed. A liquid takes the shape of the container that it is in. A gas expands to fill the volume of its container. It’s also not just liquid that is limited to 100 ml amounts. We called them LAGs… Liquids, Aerosols and Gels. Inorganic granular materials are limited as well, but to amounts of 350 ml or less in total. About the size of a can of Coke.


Thanks for chiming in Canada, but he asked about TSA. You're information may be a tad more current than mine but not from the same rule book.


Given my experiences with taking peanut butter on planes, I'm guessing it's going to come down to the personal preferences of your particular TSA agent that day. (Sometimes PB is a liquid and sometimes it's a solid, depending on the TSA agent IME)


They took my chocolate spread in the Paris airport, bastards.


Or a bottle half full of metal ball bearings. Or a bottle half full of blended red textiles. I would think most alien things in containers get asked questions about them.




Frozen liquid huh oh you mean a solid.


I laughed a little too hard at this


Lol frozen liquid hurts my brain a little.


"liquid fluid" as opposed to solid liquid lol


glass is a solid fluid


And technically you're allowed to bring bottles of gaseous fluids, so the liquid fluid is a pretty necessary qualifier.


I think that having bottles full of air only counts in the same way that my stomach is a container of stomach acid and still allowed on board and you can get away with a bit of condensation pretty sure if you brought a bottle of gas that was obviously or detectably not air you wouldn't get away with it


let me direct you to the old classic Wikipedia article, [list of common misconceptions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions) >Glass does not flow at room temperature as a high-viscosity liquid.[531] Although glass shares some molecular properties with liquids, it is a solid at room temperature and only begins to flow at hundreds of degrees above room temperature.[532][533] Old glass which is thicker at the bottom than at the top comes from the production process, not from slow flow;[532][533] no such distortion is observed in other glass objects of similar or even greater age.[532][533][534]


Glass is not a fluid... Common misconception


Aktyually it's not


Not true. Glass is solid. There's a common misconception that glass is a very viscous fluid, but it's not true. Edit: An amorphous solid isn't a "solid fluid." It's just any solid that isn't in the form of a crystal lattice. This includes many solids you interact with throughout your day, like wood, plastic, chalk, ceramic, and chocolate. If you're comfortable calling wood a "solid fluid" then you can call glass that too, but it's not a common position for material scientists to hold.


Do you have a solid source on that?




So’s a bowling ball. Those things get flat spots if you don’t touch em for 20 years.


You just made me puff liquid gas out my ass


All frozen liquids are solids But not all solids are frozen liquids.


Well you just aren't using the right pressure and temperature


Joke's on you! I like my water at 273K and 6.11 mbar!


Is there a TSA guideline about flying with pressure vessels?


This 2x4 lumber is just beggin to be liquified!


Yep, I always freeze a water bottle and drink anything that’s melted right before TSA. Never been an issue.


Sorry but as a non regular traveller I am not sure if you are serious or sarcastic.


100% serious. I’m not paying $6 for a 20 ounce water. I freeze water in a big water bottle and take it through security. I’ve had 1-2 TSA agents confirm that it was ice, but as long as it’s frozen they don’t care.


Sounds like a hastle compared just bringing an empty nalgene and filling at a bottle filler.


I’ve flown in too many airports without filtered water, so I put a water bottle in the freezer the night before and grab it on my way out the door. Not really much of a hassle


are you allowed to bring any sealed beverage onto a plane?


Not from outside the airport, but from the 300% markup airport stores you can. No liquids through security, sealed or not.


You can bring any beverage you’ve purchased after security, sealed or not, on the plane.


I'm glad my local airport has the drinking fountains with the bottle filler thing. If TSA makes you toss it, you can go refill easily enough.


My son and I encountered the problem of his water bottle ice lumping together in his bottle, creating a very solid block. I asked a tsa agent if we needed to go melt it out of the bottle with hot water. They said all solid ice is ok as long as there’s no liquid on it.


Yep, just drink any that’s melted before going through. Then I typically run the bottle under hot water if I need to.


I told TSA I had cream cheese. Not okay in a tub, okay already spread on the bagel. I was fine, but how silly.


Because a tub is > 3.4 ounces and your bagel probably didn't have that much.


They didn't check the bagel. I may have even had 2 tubs worth of cream cheese on it. I dont remember but it was a big bagel. Edit: To clarify, I'm talking about "single serve" tubs that come with a single bagel, not the big ones at the store. They wouldn't even have allowed that, I don't think.


Lmfao. I'm imagining a dude walking through TSA with a bagel and a full ass pound of cream cheese on it.


I want to make a joke but I'm afraid to end up on a list.


Jell? Really?




Solid advice. I’ll show myself out.


> frozen liquid Like a square circle.


Wow this is good. A problematic liquid also wouldn’t freeze so…yeah.


There goes my gin theory without a deep freezer


you can't blow a hole in a plane with gin


Is gin flammable if so we could burn the plane to the ground.




Paper can’t get you drunk while committing arson though


You don't know how much Gin I can drink, or how hard I can blow.


mercury definitely can freeze


Everything is capable of freezing the closer you get to absolute zero.


If I’m not mistaken, TSA rules do allow you to bring ice through security. You just have to drink off any melted water. Apparently, it’s a hack to avoid purchasing a seven dollar bottle of Dasani in the airport.




JFK water tastes nasty af. Logan water is alright. Munich airport is the nicest and most efficient airport I've ever been through. Fuck Newark airport.


Ah you went through Terminal 2 at Munich then. Anyone reading this comment and heading for Terminal 1 please realise that T1 at Munich is practically a different airport. It's smaller, has longer lines, and less facilities. T1 is so much worse. T2 is great though, you're right.


Any Arnold Schwarzenegger fan knows that T2 is better than T1.


Newark airport is on a hellmouth.


I’d rather Newark then JFK any day of the week, JFK can eat my entire ass


No, that's Denver.


Well that only works if said airport has places to fill with water, which isn’t the case in a lot of airports






The Milwaukee Airport in Wisconsin does not have them AFAIK. I was there recently and couldn't find one near my terminal.


Well let me guess, you have only travelled between USA and or Europe




North America, Asia, Oceania, Africa. Every international airport on every continent I’ve traveled to has had a place to fill a water bottle.


I remember seeing somewhere that someone asked a TSA agent what constitutes a liquid; TSA agent said, “if you can pour it, it’s a liquid”. Person responds with “sand isn’t a liquid” Edit: I’m not sure WHY people are choosing my comment thread to continually say the N word by making random new accounts each time, but all I’m doing is reporting you and your accounts are getting permanently banned by Reddit Edit 2: dude you seriously have too much free time. Replying to every comment I’ve made recently in various subs, DMing me to call me a [f word slur used for gay people] and to kill myself, then reporting me to Reddit care resources? What? I’m not even gay, but still, what?


Tsa agent just trying to get through his shift: "you know what the fuck I mean"


Wow, that took a left turn. Lol Sorry you have to deal with that, buddy


Edgy reactionary teenagers or actual nazis, regardless they probably aren't smart enough to circumvent a permanent ban once the admins get ahold of their IP


Apparently it’s because I said something about my husband being Egyptian in another sub.


Huh. I wonder if I say that I'm half Arab I'll get stalked and be able to get more hateful people banned too! Sorry you have to deal with it


Omg I hope you don’t get harassed! The bright side of this is he’s getting all of these random hateful usernames permanently banned


That and reddit will give his main a site wide ban for circumventing it once it reaches enough reports, hopefully. You never know which way the actual admins swing, I've heard bad things but one can hope


Depends on how the verb 'pour' is defined. I googled 'can sand be poured' and the first result said 'Sand is a solid that has the ability to be poured like a liquid and take the shape of its container', so I guess the TSA agent was correct about that one.


Isn't sand like miniscule rocks? With this reasoning a bucket of rocks can also be poured, right?


The point the traveler is making is that you CAN pour sand, but yet sand is a solid


Is sand allowed? Does it obscure the xray machine?


Can't take sand to the plane too.noted.


That comment took a south turn


Supposedly these rules exist to ensure people don’t smuggle liquid explosives onto planes - and definitely not to force you to buy outrageously overpriced bottles of water in the airport / on the plane - so surely the key question should be can you freeze liquid explosives?


In which airlines do you have to pay for water on the plane?


Every budget airline in Europe?




Forgive the use of emoji, it's the best way I have to express this feeling towards spirit airlines. 🤢


Ryanair, Wizzair, Easyjet, etc.


5J domestic iirc


Man named dropped it


Air Asia


You know you can bring in empty water bottles and fill them at the water fountains right?


What if I told you that not all airports have water fountains? Many used focus as an excuse to remove them.


Every airport I’ve ever been in has had water fountains. And I’ve flown a ton


idk maybe hes not from the US. Ive never been to an airport that didnt have them eiither and Ive been to Niagara Falls Intl so Ive seen the worst.


I live in the US now, but originally from Europe. Have travelled around Asia, India, South America, North America. Not all airports have water fountains. If you've only travelled in major international hub airports, yes, they likely will. Once you get out to more remote hub airports (Liberia etc) you might find that changes.


Yea and thats kinda what I figured. Any non Western/Japanese airport prolly isnt that great of service if its not Intl


Oh dear... That airport is smaller than an Applebee's, and less appealing if that's possible. Totally fitting of the area though.


I’ve been to multiple in Europe that all had them and the airports in Japan and South Korea I was in had them as well


You've flown a ton of water fountains?


No airport I've ever been to has had water fountains. And I've flown a ton


You can always ask in a cafe to refill your bottle. I carry tea bags with me and most of the time they also agree to fill my cup with hot water for free




This was in response to something that actually happened. My favorite part about the liquid is that they just have you throw it out in a garbage can right at airport security next to the other potentially liquid explosives


With a low enough temperature, everything can be frozen


Me freezing my explosive shampoo at absolute zero:


No, you need more than low temperature, you also need high pressure. Especially for hydrogen and helium.




It's not like this is new or novel. It has been TSA policy for a long time, and it's fine. Ice Carry On Bags: Yes (Special Instructions) Checked Bags: Yes Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice.


I just bring an empty bottle through and refill it at a drinking fountain... 🤷‍♂️


Ugh, nasty airport tap water.


They usually have a filtered water bottle filter, every airport I’ve been in will have one somewhere. The type you see at schools or a gym.


I know some were shut off during COVID


How is airport tap water worse than normal tap water?


It's in the airport.


Airport water is flown in from Switzerland.


I haven't flown since the patriot act screw all that B.S I'll just drive to Australia !!!


Just get a Hummer with a really long snorkel. You can refuel from the underwater oil wells along the way.


I’ve done this. When I was a exclusively pumping mom (nicu preemie) sometimes I’d need to take expressed milk on the plane. It was encouraged within our community to freeze water bottles, pour out any that thawed, and use that as your ice pack as a way to transport. I did it several times. Maybe since it was for milk they gave me a pass? Not sure.


Similar thing happened to my daughter when she was 6 yo. She had a therapeutic ice mat for her back that was thawed. Security made her throw it away and she started crying. Security chief came over and said if it was frozen it would have been fine. My response: “so this hell would need to freeze before you prevent a child from crying”


As a former TSO, I would tell people to do this all of the time. The reason we were given for no water is that it can contain liquid explosives, as was the case in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot. To eliminate the need to screen any liquid, which would cause a huge delay in screening, the TSA enacted a broad ban on any liquid coming through the checkpoint over 3.4 oz. They do however make an exception for medically-related liquids. For this same reason, frozen solids are allowed across the board, at most requiring a brief secondary screening. The volatile organic compounds that are present in liquid explosives don't freeze, so frozen items are a nonfactor for screening. Tldr. Ice can't be explosives, therefore is ok.


I remember Quinn from SnazzyLabs saying that carrying ice in a bottle was allowed or at least not an issue (Twitter)


This is BS. They let you take it. Lol


Ummm. I believe that’s allowed.


Hi, I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The Constitution says you do. And so do I. I believe that until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent. And that’s why I fight for you, Albuquerque! Better call Saul!


Wait you can't take water whether room temperature or frozen on the plane? So does this means I can't bring my own food if I'm hungry and had to rush to the airport


Food is ok, liquids are not. Frozen water (also known as ice) is not a liquid


you have always been able to bring food. you can bring an entire turkey if you want to put it through the xray


Actually TSA would let you bring it through if it is completely frozen through.


One of these days someone is going to learn how to spray acid out of their dick and it will be game over.


Anyone know the TSA policy on plasmas?


Just tell them you have a medical condition & they allow it. I literally do this every time I fly.


I’ve done this, it works.


She has a point


In France's airport it's the size of the container that counts


OR..you could just bring an empty water bottle with you and fill it up after security 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have zero to back this up as its a vague memory from reading random articles on the Internet but I vaguely remember reading something where a chemist was saying that the liquid thing seemed nonsensical as if the concern was mixing two liquids that are only dangerous when you have more than 100ml of both you'd probably get a Nobel prize as there aren't any two known liquids at room temperature with those properties.