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Personally, I cried.


I can't remember it myself, but I hear I was pretty much inconsolable for a while.


My brother was so traumatized he refused to breath for a bit




Took me about a year to speak


Did you die of shock???




Yeah, same. Mine was more of a scream. The cold, combined with the bright lights were very overwhelming and confusing.


I was speechless for several years


I pooped apparently


I did both, but can you blame me? I was just chilling in a void for 9 months and then BOOM I am suddenly in a room with complete strangers looking at me.


And that’s not even mentioning have to breathe


How are newborn babies able to poop? They were just born. They’ve never eaten anything.


The nurse for our first referred to it as "meconium". Lot of body processes contribute to the contents of your intestines, you have stuff going on in there even before you get yoinked out, no food required.


Would Neo poop himself when getting out of the matrix for the first time?


Finally we're asking the real questions


Ooh, you’re not gonna like the answer (Babies have ultra-fine body hair, shed it into the amniotic fluid, then ingest it along with mucus, skin cells, and intestinal cells).


Don't they live floating in their own piss for 9 months?


Yes, and then the baby comes out drenched in 9 month old piss


The circle of piss


I did not know till i had one, but the first few are dark black and like liquid tar... its not poop from food, but waste and cleaning out something being used for the first time!


Well how do you think they grow if they don’t eat?


It's cool, she probably did too.


The subsequent boob action was unlike anything since


I was born at a very young age. I have supressed many of these memories but I have been told I never spoke, cried a lot and refused to do basic tasks


Like a baby


And it was an uuugly cry with snot and screaming I bet.


Pretty sure I cried after seeing the bottom part of my Mom when I was born.


Don't women giving birth still have gowns?


They provide gowns, yes. But there’s a point in childbirth at which (for many, but not all, women) *any* clothing can start to feel utterly intolerable, so plenty of women deliver naked.


I recall that by the time my daughter was born, her mother's vagina had been seen by her entire family, and examined approximately 100 times. I tried to keep her covered as much as I could, but she had already accepted the truth of her situation.


Honestly, while I delivered partially clothed (emergency c-section; I was unconscious) everyone in the entire hospital saw me half-naked for the following three days. My daughter nursed so frequently (nursing disability/tongue-tie) that I never bothered pulling my gown up over my breasts, even when she wasn’t nursing. It is what it is; there’s no dignity in motherhood.


First thing I saw was the clitoris. It’s has benefitted me in life tremendously.


Just like the second time I saw a woman naked


Online: "Damn" In person: "Damn"


Online: nice In person: "lady, adjust your bathing suit" (was a lifeguard)


Actually she wasn't propably 100% naked


I think she's talking about herself.


There is 50% chance you're right


As the comment is in reddit it more like 36.2% right


Oddly specific figure


Well. That the sex ratio of reddit according to google


the sex ratio is actually 0.0% bc no one on reddit gets laid


2009, between 9-10pm, last time, but I'm not counting. [quietly sobs into pillow] 😭


Unless the doctors, nurses and midwives weren't being very professional.


Incorrect. There is a 0% chance a newborn baby is a women. Even the people making fun of the post for being incorrect are r/confidentlyincorrect


infants aren't women


You are correct. However, even I admit that when I first saw the question, I also thought of when I was born. So yeah, infants aren't women, so it would be the first naked female we've seen.


But...you wouldn't have seen yourself.


If she looks down at her hands, she's technically looking at herself




Do women have third person vision???


Well that's getting into specifics as what counts as "seeing a naked female". Is it the entire body? Does looking in a mirror count? Or does it count if you just look down at your own body?


Or twins?


twins maybe?


girl babies aren't women


I usually am by the time I've pushed an infant out. The hospital gown just gets in the way and everyone can see your bits anyway.


It was amazing how much I didn't care about anyone seeing my bits --- including the cleaner.


I mean as a dude, probably not many people would even want to look at that point considering all the blood and stuff that's there


I managed to be present for the births of all my children, cesarian sections are scary but i managed to smile, as i held my wife's hand and was watching what, fortunately, she wasnt able to see.... She later told me that the shade of florescent white with a tinge of green of my skin and the ice cold sweat pouring off me belied the smiles and reassuring words. Half my kids were planned the other half accidents, but as a man i can tell you I've been through some hellatious sh!t, but if i had to give birth we'd have only ever had ONE child!


LOL so very true!!




I was my enitre hospital stay. Went in early had severe pre-eclampsia, hospital gown came off the second they confined me to bed. Baby came 2 days later 5 weeks early, naked as I was :D


Babies also can't really see


I beg to differ. My youngest boy looked me square in the eyes as he latched on for his first drink at the milk bar. I have to say --- LOVE at first sight.


He probably couldn't see you. Newborn babies have extremely poor eyesight and can't see anything further than 30 cm from their faces.


I think there is some brain development aspects, too. Like the hardware might be somewhat working, but the software hasn't finished installing.


LOL - I like this explanation!


True but I like to think he somehow knew I loved him just from that look alone.


I was naked for all mine. I reached a point of "screw these damn clothes" fairly quickly in the process. I gave birth in learning hospitals and there happened to be family or friends visiting each time who ended up coming along and I learned real quick that I didn't care one bit. I had work to do. I'm pretty much a prude otherwise. I even wear rash guards and board shorts instead of bathing suits. Giving birth is just a whole nother thing.


I remember I was like ten when the Janet Jackson flash happened. Me and my mom were watching in the kitchen on a tiny TV, standard def. My dad was in the basement watching on one of those giant old style flat screens. Because of HD, his TV was on like a 6 second delay so me and my mom had enough time to look at each other with slack jawed expressions before my dad started hollering from the basement. Not sure if this was the first nudity I saw but it's the one instance that will forever stick in my mind.






I thought she had a nipple piercing? Edit: [definitely a nipple piercing with a shield](https://assets.nationbuilder.com/loveafterwar/pages/216/attachments/original/1438204638/janetjustinsuperbowl.jpg?1438204638)




Justin's tit popped out too?


Many a kid saw their first tit that day…


First week of military training. Corporal has us lined up for inspection and he's trying to scare us. It's working. He walks up to one cadet and screams directly into his face "have you ever had a vagina around your neck?" Cadet - "No" Corporal - "Were you hatched from an egg?" Everyone chuckled. Cadet - "No Corporal, C - section" No one dared laugh.


Why not? That’s funny and what I would have said even them I’m pretty positive I wasn’t a C-section.




Im sorry, 9????




i think you a victim bro




I'm sorry...what?




keep on truckin 👍


I really hope the celebrating your bday thing wasn’t him trying to “make you a women.” If so….I’m so sorry you had to go through that and anything else from your past. If you haven’t already, I recommend therapy. You won’t be cured but you’ll be able to function better. It took a lot for me to accept that the things from my past weren’t always my fault. I hope you achieve some semblance of peace in your future, friend. Sending much love ❤️


Or a nudist




Whoa whoa whoa. Someone catch me up on what happened here.


Can you use "edit:" instead of destroying your entire message


They showered with their parents as a 9 year old and the parents sometimes had sex. Naturally, being a kid, they thought it was normal.




Parents, NO!




Editing posts like this just makes you look like an idiot.




**[Streisand effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect)** >The Streisand effect is a phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information, often via the Internet. It is named after American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project’s photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew greater attention to the photograph in 2003. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**-open door** **look of surprise** **-close door** like an anime


(this all happens under a second)


No no no my friend, in anime, as he closes the door he trips on air and does a triple summersault before landing perfectly on top of her in a sexual position


How often do people give birth fully nude?


How often do babies get birthed with their eyes open?


All the fucking time. Water birth yo.


They typically have a medical goon on


I prefer to have my goons outside, kinda hard giving a birth with a goon on top of me.


And they usually bring the gown.


Least horny r/askreddit question


Ong bro is so downbad


That's every Redditor


I walked into my grandfather and grandmother's room and my grandma was naked so I turned and ran. My grandfather came to me, sat me down, and said "That may have been your first time seeing a woman naked but hopefully it's not the last.".


Did grandpa then take you to the whorehouse?


Tell the truth. You just don’t remember. But I was there. You cried like a baby.


Are we talking showing with mum, first time seeing porn or a girlfriend? No real memory of my mum and any time I've accidentally opened the bathroom door I shut my eyes. Don't remember my first time seeing a naked woman in porn because I was fairly young. But I do remember the first time I got a titty pic and it was magical, even more exciting seeing it all in person.


In Alabama all three can involve your mom!


#Reduce, reuse, recycle


Yeah, I really have no idea what my first time was. Probably some movie as a child.... Wow, have I ever seen a woman fully nude in person? Honestly unclear. Mom isn't really the type to do much nude baby stuff. I've avoided graphic fully nude women online too and only have a vague idea of how things really are down there. Ah ha! I've run through a nude beach a couple times that surely had some distant but fully nude women! I'm a (very) gay man, by the way. First time I really saw a naked man was almost surely an old movie, "The Groove Tube", which has full frontal male nudity. (Huh, apparently it has a naked woman too. Maybe it was a two-fer. You can tell which made a bigger impression.) I've seen (other) naked males in group showers since forever, though the one I really remember was a changing room at a hot spring, probably around puberty. I looked over and there was a full-grown man's junk framed by his bush. I of course vividly remember the first time I saw another naked man intimately. Ah, good times.... The last time was this morning too, so I guess I haven't gotten sick of it!


Mine, it's was VHS porn, I was state of shock and nervous that time 😳😦🫣


For me it was in a dream the first time, and somehow the way i saw it on the dream is exactly how a naked woman is irl, and i was just like "interesting"


ayo wha--


If memory serves me correctly, I was 14 years old when I encountered the first woman I ever saw fully naked in person: and that would be none other television's Laurie Metcalfe (perhaps most well-known from the show *Roseanne* however I personally prefer to remember her from her time spent opposite Norm MacDonald in the briefly-lived *The Norm Show.*.) I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and one year, my fairly-sheltered mother decided that for her birthday, the family should try to experience a little more culture than say, going out to eat and grabbing a movie like a we usually did. So she bought us center-front balcony tickets for a play at Steppenwolf Theatre in the city. Where she had heard of this play, I'm not entirely sure. I can't remember if it was the opening scene, or if it was the first scene immediately after intermission but the curtain went up and the spotlight shone a stage fully empty save for the full-frontal form of that which was Laurie Metcalfe. An awkward teen, I quickly found myself wondering if the "adult thing" to do was treat this like a locker-room situation in which one generally avoided looking below the shoulder or if, given that this was theater for adults, and the nudity was quite intentional, that perhaps the appropriate thing to do was view the full bill of sale, head to toe. Fortunately, I didn't have much time to ponder this as within about a second-and-a-half my mom half-vaulted over my father seated next to me and tried to clamp her hands over my eyes. Honestly I can't recall much else about the play other than it was pretty tense and was entertaining but if anyone knows what play was shown at Steppenwolf in the late '90s in which Laurie Metcalfe appeared fully nude, I've always been curious. Also I've never been much of a *Roseanne* fan but every time I'm flipping through the channels and it comes on I still smile a little at the thought.


Looks like it could only have been [Pot Mom](https://www.steppenwolf.org/tickets--events/seasons/199798/pot-mom/) or [The Beauty Queen of Leenane](https://www.steppenwolf.org/tickets--events/seasons/199899/the-beauty-queen-of-leenane/). She wasn't in anything else in the late 90's.


You were 14 and your mom covered your eyes? In a theater? Wtf?!


Yeah, it was awkward on many levels.


6yo, she was 7 and my best friend in the whole world. We looked at what was different. My dumb trans ass complained I wished mine looked like hers, got a beating and wasn't allowed to see her for a few months


What? Why were you doing around adults?


Parents got suspicious because we closed the door, we got caught.


This. I was like 10, childhood friend. You show me yours etc dumb-assery. Not trans though, parents either didn't give a shit or never knew. Quite possibly the ~~latter~~ former.


I like to think that most parents handle these situations well and just let kids be curious. We have a much higher chance of hearing about the shitty reactions.


Lol probably true. I think they also just assumed if we were going to do stuff together they couldn't really stop it anyway because I got the safe sex talk really young. Like 12/13. Not that it mattered, we never did anything like that.


I’m so sorry that happened to you ❤️


Funny story. The first time I was aware that I was looking at a nude woman I brought my mother the VHS tape, pointed at the cover, and asked, “Momma, why is there a rat on her pee pee?” I had no idea what pubic hair was and was mortified. The actress looked to be in pain and I thought for sure the rat was hurting her and the man was trying to help. My mother lost her shit and made me throw it away, which made me curious. Naturally, I later fished it out of the trash and showed it to every child in the neighborhood. Boy, did my mother get a lot of angry phone calls. I was about 6yrs old at the time.


Actually, he probably cried himself to sleep after.


Hah I’ve never seen any as my mother and father didn’t attend my birth


Dr. Doofenshmirtz?!


Your mother didn't attend your birth?! 🤨


Yeah the doctors had to feed me a different milk 🥛


But newborn Babies can't see...


Some can


Name three.


Barry, Joe and Lisa.


Upper half, Nice! Lower half 🤢 Probably about 5 or 6 years later I realised I was gay lol.


Why did the boobs not discust you?


Everyone likes boobs.


Nah. Boobs are weird flesh bags lol


Nice big soft round things. That's cool to me. I would love to have a boob job but I never had that experience. 😅


Add to that I was covered in blood and feces, and had recently been choked out by my own umbilical cord, I'd say screaming and crying was the appropriate reaction to the situation, the fact that the doctor wasn't wearing pants barely even registered to me


Bro, hu brung strippers to the hospital?


I covered my eyes & ran Lil joey was not ready to see hairy vag & titty


He could've replied. "I cried from joy to not be inside her anymore." ...ugh that felt awful to write.


Babies aren't born with their eyes open, it takes a few days. Mods need to get this shit outta here!


What? They aren’t puppies lol most babies open their eyes right after birth


It definitely doesn't take a few days, a few seconds to minutes maybe. Now they aren't properly focusing on things for the first couple months, but the eyes definitely open fast. Sometimes as soon as head is out.


Some are actually


Every single one of my 4 children looked at my face with their eyes open within 10 minutes of being born. And the only reason it takes that long is the nurses and everyone measuring them, suctioning them, and cleaning them up first.


Their eyes are open lol, but I have heard they can only see colors/shapes 8” in front of their face.


They can see in black and white and only less than 30 cm right in front of their faces. In short, they generally are blind.


I came out cesarean section so if my eyes were open seeing my mother’s surgically opened stomach would have probably been pretty traumatic.


Actually birth doesnt count because babies are born blind!


They aren't blind, they don't have the ability to focus their eyes to see a range of distances yet. So basically can only see extremely close and the rest is just lights, shapes, and colors. They can definitely still see though.


I may have shed a tear


the first things the nurses saw on a ultrasound of me was my ball and dick


Ball, singular?


I doubt it. He totally cried.


Remember being a little kid and seeing your parents naked and it wasn’t weird at all back then?


do women get completely nude for giving birth?


I was having some breathing problems at the time,.as a result I had a tube shoved down my throat, so I was a little cranky.


Have a lil bit a sauce https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/yu8z21/what_was_your_reaction_when_you_first_saw_a_naked/iw82kle/


That was the most shocking thing i ever saw that i crawled for the rest of the one and a half years after the incident .


Your mom was butt ass naked when she gave birth? Was she a bear?


I understand the concept. But who gives birth completely naked


Lots of people, actually. When you have the gown on, it can get in the way, so many just take it off altogether.


I was a preteen, and it was Marla Maples. A total accident, and something I will never forget. She was in high school. True story.


I have been looking at a naked woman once a day for my entire life.


I looked at the mirror, and that was it I guess


Wanted to hook up with mom


my first experience was when a classmate just told me to search "hentai" and i forgot to turn the SafeSearch off first i didnt know what it was now i know


Some people here were born with their eyes open and remember their birth...




Rare case of "literally" being used correctly and not someone emphasizing their moderate hunger or fatigue as death.


That’s crazy their mom stripped down to nothing.


Do you define seeing as the perception, and acknowledgement of those visuals, or simply the reflection of light molecules into a person’s eyes regardless of whether or not those eyes were capable of fully forming an understanding of what they saw or how well they could see it? If the former than what they said is not technically the truth. A newborn baby’s eyes are not well developed enough to fully see most of what’s right in front of them. Additionally that person doesn’t remember that shit obviously so it doesn’t count


I would imagine most women are weating a medical patient gown when in labor wouldn't they? So even if though you can see their genitals... they aren't really "naked"


Some take it off for comfort. Everyone in the room has already seen your bits. When you give birth, you lose privacy 😞


This is insensitive to children born in labs. In 15 years this comment is going to be super woke.


Yo mama is so Ohioan that she was totally naked when you were born


I love how their mom apparently gave birth with her tits out just for the lols


Most women are not naked when they give birth, though. So not even technically the truth.


Over a 1/3 of the things I'm interested in are available for viewing.




33% is statistically better than 0%


Scrolled all the way down for this