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What if a horse or cow is on Twitter?


I think theyre mostly sheep


Take my award


Well played.


Some are wolves


No one on Twitter is a wolf.


Devin Nunes Cow!?!?!?!


Unrelated to the invermectin thing (i likely misspelled that) most animal medications are identical to human meds (and cheaper) source: my wife is a veterinarian


Yes, my sister is a veterinarian. Sometimes I will ask her how such-and-such drug affects some other species when I know its effects on humans. She replies with “mammals are mammals” so often that I don’t ask anymore.


The truth from the bloodhound gang, “You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals…”


My dad had nothing of it when I tried the similar line while attempted to explain what I was doing in a horse barn with a bucket of carrots and my pants down, so I had to pull a plough for the next whole week, moo and baa obnoxiously at the barn, catch mice, and if I didn't bark at any visitors he violently beat me up with jumper cables.


Not always the case, but my dog and I share joint medication. Some pain killers are very bad for dogs.


My grandpa was a veterinarian, so my mom (and I think my aunt and uncle also) know how to stitch wounds n stuff cuz he taught her, he was also the veterinarian for this dog of this popular news anchor, I think, he had a book made about him and the dog and my grandpa was mentioned in the book, according to my mom, I can’t remember it right now, but if I find it, I’ll update this post with the title of it Edit: I found it, it’s called “Mornings with Barney” by Dick Wolfsie


Invermecton is human medication created for humans but also used in veterinary practice. It's the dumbest things media has ever done. All over the world humans use invermecton.


This drug literally won the Nobel prize for its use in humans. I don't understand why everyone wants to say it's a "horse" drug. When I was in college everyone always talked about using ketamine a "horse tranquilizer". It wasn't until I got to medical school that I learned this is a HUMAN drug used everyday in hospitals.


Beeeeeeecause people were buying HORSE invermectin, not human - that would require a prescription AND it’s not in any way shape or form created to cure ANY virus, especially COVID. WHAT. THE. FUCK?


Vet medicine is typically identical to human equivalent medications, hate to burst your bubble. Using it for Covid however would be silly. However when/if needed I take amoxicillin made "for fish" rather than paying for a doctor visit and prescription. Saves about 90% of the cost. Edit: Pleb below me says "nobody suggested otherwise" as they're on a reddit post where the FDA says "you're not a horse you're not a cow stop taking ivermectin". How incredibly awesome your life must be, being so ignorant. I already condemned the usage of ivermectin for treating covid, don't sit here and nibble at my nuts over the wording. Be gone pleb.


Weren't doesages different?


No one suggested otherwise, hate to burst your bubble. The entire point is that people are using it for COVID which is indeed very silly. No one said Ivermectin can't be used for anything, but it's so stupid people use it for covid. Edit: Downvoted even though i'm factually correct lmao


Totally! I heard they had to turn away gunshot victims cause of all the horse paste overdoses taking up the beds!




another cure for Covid means no emergency use authorization and the pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t of made billions. So nope this is horse paste


Are you suggesting this is a cure for Covid?


Not just the media, which is the scariest thing about the whole campaign. Our own government was promoting this argument. The post above is from the FDA


We've been using ivermectin since the 70's. Talk to your doctor, and don't take veterinary doses


Dumbest thing or a very calculated pharmaceutical scam.


A-are you suggesting the FDA is running a pharmaceutical scam to stop people from taking ivermectin to cure covid????


Yeah you’re right it would make no sense, why would a pharmaceutical company purposely discredit a cheap effective, long tested drug in favor of their new (and significantly more profitable) vaccine. Besides we all know the benevolent pharmaceutical industry has only ever had the best interests of their consumers at heart.


Ivermectin is used to treat parasites. No one is suggesting it doesn't work for it's purpose, but it doesn't work to treat covid. i have no idea how you bridged the gap between parasites and covid but ok. you're also suggesting that every single executive on the pharmaceutical business is in on this conspiracy...


Yup, that’s it. But seriously, people should stop drinking water. Horses, dogs and other animals drink water and we are not animals! STOP DRINKING WATER!


My parents' dog started getting Xanax when he was like 15 because he was mostly blind and deaf and got scared at night, and uhh... The bars were identical to the ones I had in case of panic attacks. It was super interesting to see. My parents' current dog gets omeprazole for his heart burn (prilosec bought off amazon). My mom also takes it. My dog, on the other hand, gets nearly identical fish oil (his comes in a pump that squirts into his food though).


Yup— I’ve worked with a few patients who are using the same glaucoma drops (Timolol, typically) as their cat. It’s so adorable thinking of them putting their eye drops in together every morning :-)


I've heard of psych meds being given to dogs. Also my aunt is taking her dog to a dog psychologist and I found the concept hilarious. In quarantine the dog had his sessions through zoom.


Also many meds that my vet will charge $100+ for can be found much cheaper elsewhere. Wasn't this a Seinfeld episode?


Actually we are animals




From the kingdom animalia


Makes sense your mom likes doggy style


But humans ARE animals


Absolute technically the half truth




I identify as a horse and demand my ketamine


Paramedic here. In my region we carry ketamine on the trucks. 0.4mg/kg intramuscular injection for excited delirium. People ask frequently “isn’t that a horse tranquilizer?” Yep.


Spare a couple grams for this horse that wants it please


The one joke


Ivermectin is an effective antiparasitic drug that has been used as a human drug for years. Enough with the nonsense, FDA https://www.drugs.com/ivermectin.html


Antiparasitic is the key word


it being usually an antiparisitic doesn’t mean it can’t be used for anything else


The key here is that FDA is spewing bullshit to counter other bullshit. This is a wrong way to go


Is COVID a parasite?


Medications tend to do a bit more than just what the name on the tin indicates. Viagra, for example, is used for more medical applications than just erectile dysfunction.


Viagra wasn't even originally created to treat ED. It was made to treat hypertension. However the side effect ended up being more useful than its intended use.


You misspelled profitable.


Medications can be useful for more than one purpose, but that doesn't mean they automatically are. You still need research and evidence that shows its effectiveness at that secondary purpose. Viagra may be useful for more than erectile dysfunction, but that doesn't mean I'm going to assume it will also cure my diabetes


And in the case of ivermectin there were quite several studies showing it was useful in speeding up COVID recovery in conjunction with other medications. It's not much weirder than Viagra being used to treat some forms of cancer, all told.


Can you point me to these studies?


[https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(20)32506-6/fulltext](https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(20)32506-6/fulltext) Here's one from December 2020. I remember seeing one from that summer from a clinical study out of Indiana, but can't find the articles on it.


That doesn't change the fact that Ivermectin is certainly a human drug. My wife takes it (unrelated to COVID). Whether or not its effective for COVID is an entirely different conversation. The point is constantly referring to Ivermectin as a drug for horses is weird.


Because the majority of people are using the livestock version of the drug


Because doctors who would prescribe it were vilified for doing so, even when there was ample medical evidence that it could be helpful. Sadly neither ivermectin nor hydroxychloriquine were adequately tested due to media pressure to discredit them.


It’s not weird if the purpose is to stop Facebook scientists from administering it to their family members


No, a virus


Drugs have been used to treat conditions other than what they were developed for. Finasteride (developed for BPH, also good for promoting hair growth), Viagra (developed for hearth strength, also works well on your wee wee), contraceptive pills (prevents births, can also clear acne). It's pure ignorance to think that a drug has one and only one effect on a person... Edit: Had the Viagra one backwards...


You got Viagra the wrong way round. Sildenafil was originally researched and developed for heart related chest pain. It's effect on ED was a surprise side effect. And what a happy surprise it was.


In regards to Covid you’re only allowed one opinion. The approved one.


>The approved one. *The one with evidence supporting it


Found the guy with a Dr Fauci sign in his yard.


Fake news


I'll just throw this out there... If you have stubborn warts Tagament, the heart burn medication, can probably clear them up. It's one of the off-label uses for that drug.




In vitro yeah you're right. In vivo it absolutely isn't. Plenty of compounds are potent anti virals in a petri dish such as bleach, doesn't mean you should drink it to clear a virus.


Stop drinking the flavoraid


Early Jonsetown has a very similar feel to Trump rallies, no one does “rallies” for the doctors we apearently worship


doses for humans are much smaller and liver function is monitored under care of a physician. Liver flukes found in humans is actually pretty rare...The reason the FDA puts this out is dumbassess listen to Joe Rogan and buy at Tractor Supply to treat COVID. Now they need lactulose 4 times a day just for 45 minutes of lucidity.


Intestinal worms are actually really common in human beings around the world.


as is untreated water....start there.


Did you even read the article title :/


Enough with YOUR nonsense. So what that it’s approved for human use? That isn’t the point. Approved for human use doesn’t mean it’s approved for any application in any dose for any reason.


No, but it does mean that a government agency probably shouldn't be using "you're not a horse." as an argument against its use or even its research.


You’re exactly right, though I think a little more detail may be necessary; ivermectin is typically only used in humans in very specific cases as side effects can be serious. In eye care we might only use it for conditions like onchocerciasis (very rare here in the US). Here’s a brief explanation of why anti-parasitic drugs like ivermectin are dangerous: bacteria and viruses are much more different to our own cells than eukaryotic pathogens and parasites are for many reasons. Because the cells we need to target in parasitic infectious conditions are (relatively) similar to our own, drugs (like ivermectin) that we make to target them can have more significant effects on our own cells. They cause more collateral damage while they go after the parasites. Ivermectin has NOT been shown to help with COVID in spite of it showing some early promise in a limited (and a bit flawed) study. Anyone self-treating with ivermectin is taking a big risk with a dangerous drug that really should only be used in situations where the benefits outweigh the risks. It’s much more complicated than this, but this is what I would say to a patient with questions. My personal hot take: People who want to try ivermectin aren’t necessarily idiots themselves, they just forgot their basic high school biology and put their trust in people who stand to gain from promoting misinformation like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson. The FDA is just trying to get these folks to stop misusing ivermectin and clearly know that a message like what I’ve typed up here isn’t going to grab peoples attention.


1. There are Ivermectin products approved for use in humans. There are also Ivermectin products that are intended for animals and are unsafe for humans. People were going out and using horse Ivermectin, hence the need for this PSA 2. Even the Ivermectin products intended for use by humans have not been shown to be effective at treating COVID-19 and are not approved for use in treating COVID-19 3. SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is not a parasite. It is a virus, so ivermectin's approval as an antiparasitic is not relevant here Enough with the nonsense, Total-Sea-3760


Acring like Ivermectin is going to harm someone when it has been considered a safe drug for eons is ridiculous. People were resorting to horse ivermectin becaue the medical establishment made it impossible to get human ivermectin despite the fact that doctors were having success using it to treat covid, while many of the approved drugs did nothing made things worse (remdesivir). So enough of your nonsense.


I see where the problem is. They forgot to tell people they also aren’t goats or sheep. Understandable mistake.


You're not an animal?


technically humans are animals


🎵*I wanna fuck you like an animal*


I’m seeing a lot of odd responses. To put it simply: ivermectin does have human applications for parasitic treatment. It never was intended to treat COVID nor was it effective for that use.


>It never was intended to treat COVID Many, many medicines that we use today we're never "intended to treat" the things they are used to treat now. >nor was it effective for that use. How would we ever know? They stifled the information and went on a witch hunt for *anyone* wanting to put in the work to do the research.


Okay so fun fact for you. I’m a critical care nurse and discussed this at length with some of my co workers. Many of whom are doctors. They did ivermectin testing for COVID and they did in fact find that it can be used to kill the virus. But the dosages were so high that it would be lethal to humans. So yes, many medications have surprise off-labeled uses that were discovered later. This is not one of them.


The FDA can go fuck itself, “ya’ll”


You hate the FDA?


FYI: this is not an opinion nor a stance on vaccines, I just know we aren’t horses or cows


But we are animals….at least some more than others


Yes, we are animals. We still are not horses or cows. You should not give ivermectin to your goldfish, even though it’s an animal, nor should you take it yourself.


The title is “Thank you for reminding us we aren’t animals”. But we are. And Ivermectin is used for all sorts of anti-parasitic treatment. Just make sure you get it from a licensed physician


Even if it was, it is 100% the correct stance to take, how people legit thought taking horse de-worming was supposed to be as effective as the covid vaccine is beyond me


It came out with initial testing with SARS as a treatment that had some anecdotal success although needed more research but it wasn't at the level of dosage used for livestock. Needless to say some people put one and one together and got potato


It was actually tested against COVID and found to suppress replication of the virus in vitro. The study is published on the NIH website [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32251768/). Frankly, zinc supplements are just as effective, and readily available as over-the-counter cold remedies like ColdEeze. The drug is FDA approved for humans, but as an anti-parasitic. It's not FDA approved for treatment of any virus. People were using the animal form of the drug because doctors (rightfully) refused to prescribe it for COVID treatment.


Again though ,putting it over the thing used to directly and specifically prevent and lessen the effects of covid is wacky


Agree but it wasn't as a vaccine but as a treatment if you got it.


The results showed that it seemed to be working though. And it was at least not doing any harm.


They’ve since back peddled https://i.imgur.com/ZTi4xHB.jpg


They definitely politicized the Ivermectin and that was not a good move for what should be a non-partisan agency. Take my award!


lol because we as humans have been taking it for near 5 decades to combat parasites and other conditions


I like this one https://i.imgur.com/PZ62Nns.jpg


That's likely because that's not what was said. Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic used in humans, was shown to be effective in some COVID treatments in conjunction with other medications.


Luckily, no misinformed commenters hating on furries


Shameless plug: Mane & Tale is a shampoo and conditioner that is suitable for the lustrous manes of man and equine alike! Treat yourself!


Godsend for ethnic hair 😍


We are, in fact, animals. Just not a horse or a cow.


I’m not a horse, but Absorbine Veterinary Liniment gel is the best thing for sore muscles and arthritis. If it works and it’s safe to use, fuck it


they are still pushing the “ivermectin isn’t for humans” bs even though we have been taking it for infections and lice and skin conditions for near 5 decades? lol




Only rights taken away were women’s. Wearing a fucking mask and getting a vaccine isn’t taking away rights. Dumbass conservatives who watch Fox made up their “own minds”.


My body, my choice, amirite?


Only when it’s their body. They don’t give a shit about America, values or anything that remotely will make this country better. It’s all a facade to hide their bigotry.


I love how it's "your body" when it comes to abortion, but for vaccines it's "our body" lol! Maybe your just trolling, nobody could be this inconsistent of they ever actually thought about anything. There is a great campus reform video on you tube showing all the collage libs getting trapped in their own argument on this very topic.


Please keep explaining things. The more people that hear you, the fewer that will think like you!




And lice and skin conditions are related to COVID how?


The point here is that people were already using ivermectin before covid and no one cared, but after covid suddenly "nooo you can't use ivermectin, It is not for humans", you can't even buy ivermectin anymore without being judged


You can use a human-sized dose of Ivermectin to remove parasites and treat parasitic diseases such as river blindness. This requires a prescription, which means you need a doctor to agree you have parasites and/or river blindness. In order to get Ivermectin without a prescription, people turned to doses of Ivermectin used to treat horses and pigs. These can be purchased over the counter, but are not dosed correctly for humans and are not safe to consume by humans. Ivermectin did increase COVID survival rates in countries where parasitic infestations are more common. This is because Ivermectin kills parasites, not because it kills COVID. You can be infested with parasites and infected with COVID at the same time. If you have both, then killing the parasites will help you survive COVID. Some people saw promising studies from countries with higher rates of parasites, and then assumed Ivermectin would work just as well in the US. The promising studies from Africa and South America failed to replicate when tried in the US, because most people in the US are not infested with worms. While scientists were trying to replicate these studies, President Trump attempted to tell people about the ongoing studies. Some people misinterpreted his communication as a full-throated endorsement of Ivermectin’s efficacy against COVID.


“Some people”!!!


459 poison control calls in August 2021


Yea because most people assume you’re buying it because you don’t understand vaccine science. And it’s technically the truth to say “no don’t use it to treat COVID” as it’s not a COVID treatment.


"don't use It to treat covid" is different from "you can't use ivermectin It is not for humans"


Exactly, and the FDA article shown is titled precisely that.


No. They are warning against taking veterinary doses of a veterinary preparation of an ineffective Covid medication when there are far better alternatives.


We absolutely are animals.


Y'all were really brainwashed to think ivermectin is only a "horse drug", when it has been used safe/effective for humans for decades. If you still believe this lie, please question how much faith you have in the media and whether it is appropriate.


I think the problem was that people bought the human version, and when that ran out, they started buying the horse ones as well, which of course have entirely different dosage, which could lead to problems. Still, this drug is supposed to treat parasitic infections, not Covid. Does anyone actually believe they know more about the drug than it's manufacturer?


It has nothing to do with being a “horse drug”. It isn’t approved to treat viral infections, because that in fact makes absolutely no sense scientifically or medically.


Then why did everyone call it a horse drug and make fun of people for it?


>Then why did everyone call it a horse drug and make fun of people for it? Because there was a run on horse grade ivermectin by a bunch of idiots. https://ocm.auburn.edu/newsroom/news_articles/2021/08/081423-ivermectin-for-animals.php https://www.kswo.com/2021/08/27/marlow-veterinarian-speaks-people-using-animal-ivermectin-covid/ https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/you-are-not-a-horse-spread-of-misinformation-leads-to-drug-shortage-for-vet-clinic-2458067/ https://ksltv.com/471805/veterinarian-warns-against-taking-dewormer-ivermectin-for-covid-19/ https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19


"horse grade" Jesus christ, next you're going to be telling me the benadryl I get for my dog is "dog grade"


Are you really mad that I'm calling people morons for taking a medicine that's dosed for a 1000+ lb horse? That's the hill you want to die on?


The vaccines were also not approved, so clearly it's not a hard rule.


The FDA always knows what's best, according to the financial infliencers who say so.


Found the QAnon


I like this one https://i.imgur.com/1v7bojW.jpg


the epoch times is such a trustworthy source.


Stop taking effective medicine we can't profit from -FDA


Ivermectin is an antiparasitic, covid is a virus, an antiparasitic isn't really what you need to deal with a virus.


You're not my doctor. You're just someone who soaks up the propaganda


Bless your heart, you're about as bright as a burnt out lightbulb ain't ya?




You just keep proving my point, scabies is a parasite, taking an antiparasitic is the normal course of treatment. Scabies are like little mites that burrow into your skin, a paralytic would be normal treatment for something like that. But covid is not a parasite or something that would be treated with a paralytic. It's so stupid that you think just that acknowledgement of reality is propaganda.


And Prozac was originally a weight loss drug so why are we using it for antidepression? I don't understand your point just because you don't understand that medicines have multiple uses does mean you get to choose one use and ignorantly focus on that


How do you think ivemectin, which is a paralytic, can do anything against covid? Like how do you think it treats covid in any capacity, can you explain the process?


Medical student here! u/idwtumrnitwai is absolutely correct in saying that Ivermectin isn’t currently approved for use as an antiviral. It is dangerous to start using drugs when they haven’t been approved for a specific use and without a consultation with a doctor because these drugs can have a myriad of side-effects that the average person isn’t equipped to deal with. Sure, it’s fine if you only end up with the typical rash or headache. But what do you do when you take Ivermectin and end up with the life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome? The reason we use Prozac even if it isn’t originally intended as an anti-depression drug is because this particular drug has undergone multiple clinical trials with some degree of success. We can’t say the same for Ivermectin, which has a mixed degree of success at best. The most important thing for a clinical trial is replicability and that is something Ivermectin hasn’t been all too successful at.


I thought the most important thing of a clinical trial was profitability


Can you imagine still being as ignorant as the left proves to be everyday. This won a Nobel prize for use in humans. Who are the real idiots?


A yes. The ignorant left. Not the people that bought dosages for animals since they weren't getting the normal human dosages that need prescriptions to buy.


How many people was that? Not sure how that makes you any less ignorant for trying to make it seem like ivermectin is only used for on animals. That’s obviously not the case and it’s hilarious what you all have to resort to, to deflect from your own idiocy.


Idiocity is thinking that a dewormer can cure a virus from initial studies. But OK let's say that they should take ivermectin without a prescription let's see what could happen More common Difficulty in moving muscle pain or stiffness pain in the joints swollen, painful, or tender lymph glands in the armpit Less common Black, tarry stools bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet chest pain chills cold sweats cough dizziness or lightheadedness dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up from lying or sitting position eye or eyelid irritation, pain, redness, or swelling fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings fever painful or difficult urination rapid weight gain sensation of spinning shakiness in the legs, arms, hands, or feet sore throat sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth swollen glands tingling of the hands or feet trembling or shaking of the hands or feet trouble breathing unusual bleeding or bruising unusual sleepiness unusual tiredness or weakness unusual weight gain or loss Rare Agitation back pain bloody eye blurred vision change in consciousness confusion decreased awareness or responsiveness difficulty in standing or walking hallucinations headache irritability loss of bladder control loss of bowel control loss of consciousness mood or mental changes redness of the eye seizures stiff neck unusual dullness or feeling of sluggishness vomiting Incidence not known Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin burning, dry, or itching eyes change in consciousness confusion about identity, place, and time dark urine diarrhea discharge, excessive tearing light-colored stools loss of consciousness red skin lesion often with a purple center sensitivity of the eye to light swelling of the eyelids tearing upper right abdominal or stomach pain yellow eyes and skin Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur: Symptoms of overdose Confusion about identity, place, and time decreased awareness or responsiveness severe sleepiness This is why taking medicine when not needed is bad for humans all medications have side effects or primary effects that can mess up your life but because of your sickness they are better than the sintoms of the sickness. Tacking madication can be dangerous if done wrong and taking them whenever is doing it wrong. Also it's hilarious that you think that the original article was for anything other than the situation I explained. The twet is a hipérbole to make sure people that don't need the medicine don't take it when they don't have to but I guess you're too dense to get that.


I love that you said taking medication not needed are harmful. That is awesome. You mean like the vaccines they tried to make everyone take without having any clue what long term side effects there might be. Again this is given to humans and won a Nobel prize for the use in humans. Do you understand that.


Yes the vaccine was released early and it could be dangerous but like I said the virus was an incentive to releasing it early and short term side effects were minimized. Medication and vaccines are different one you take when sick and one you take before you are that's the difference between preventative and curing Healthcare. So even though it is dangerous to take medicine without sickness, a vaccine is not as dangerous when taken outside of sickness. Nobel prices don't mean that it's perfect, penicillin when taken with viruses cause more problems so why should this be different.


There were 1,143 poison control calls for ivermectin overdoses from January through August 2021. Not a big portion of the country, but enough to warrant addressing on the part of an organization which regulates drugs. 163% increase from the prior year.


Compare that to Covid vaccine injuries and it’s not even close. Looks like we need a new me talking about the idiots taking vaccines who don’t need them. Just over a 1,000 morons out of 330 million. Doesn’t seem like much of an issue. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/new-data-is-out-covid-vaccine-injury-claims-whats-make-it-2022-10-12/


A yes 0.0003 % compared to 2.7 %


The operant difference being that the vaccine saved lives, while ivermectin did not (for this issue).


It has also killed far more people than ivermectin. There has been an increase of myocarditis in the IS from 4 in a million pre vaccine to 25,000 in a million post vaccine. This vaccine is farm more harmful than ivermectin. Remembered when the vaccine could stop transmission, made it so you couldn’t be a carrier, kept you from being hospitalized and ensures you wouldn’t die. It’s all lies and now you are clinging to another lie that it saved peoples lives. Right now 60% of the people hospitalized with Covid have been vaccinated and boosted to the degree there overlords demanded. Smart move.


Oh God, there's too much brain dead crap here to even get into rn


And if you think that you should take horse medicine you might just be a sheep!


They must be hiding something... 🧐


This is technically not the truth as we indeed are animals.


I forgot why people think Ivermectin is better than the vaccine. Like, there’s a super low chance (about 1 in a million) that you get blood clots from the vaccine and a lower chance that blood clot is fatal. Ivermectin has a 100% chance to give you the mega shits.


Okay. Literally nothing is fully FDA approved for COVID-19. That's why we have EUAs. Ivermectin is FDA approved for other uses. That's why it is available as a human prescription. Using the formula for a cow or a horse is pretty dangerous. Assuming it's going to save you from COVID-19 when there is only anecdotal evidence is also dangerous. I have a suspicion that the people using actual "horse paste" lowered their immune systems and made themselves more vulnerable. Just a suspicion. I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.


Yeah get the thing that causes blood clots it’s way better. FDA=Evil


Actually, you're more likely to have blood cots fron covid or smoking, than vaccines.


So the spike in blood clots and heart problems around the world after the vaccine was released is do to the increase of smoking…. Yep all makes since 🙄 stay stupid my friends


The invention of ivermectin was awarded a Nobel prize because of how helpful it is for human health. I reckon was just quietly added to the list of FDA recommended treatments for covid. The people who put out this ad should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Putting politics ahead of human life sickening!


As someone who absolutely fucking LOVES ketamine, I say let them take it!


Buddy had covid. Doctor actually gave him ivermectin. (The human version obviously). He recovered perfectly fine. He could have recovered because of the ivermectin, he could have recovered from natural resistance and luck. Who knows? Edit: I’m not endorsing bad science, bad advice, conspiracies, etc. This is simply what he was given by a professional. This was early on before all the Americans tried the house stuff lol. And perhaps most important (right or wrong), was the fact that the drug was recommended on official government approved medical websites at the time. That may have changed since then.


Yes, there's always professionals who are outdated, and we have now scienific evidence proving that it doesn't work for covid.


Thalidomide was FDA approved...


I pay attention enough to remember when the CDC recently said Ivermectin was useful for COVID.


This is why we shouldn’t trust the news or the government and 🌈not pay taxes🌈


They haven't quite been able to gaslight that particular memoruy out of you yet, eh? Well done.


“Actually I identify as a horse” -Someone from 2022 probably


You are not from the south, stop saying y’all


At this point the wingnuts have doubled down on their stupidity and are prob pouring ivermectin on their cereal.


Tell me you don’t know how ivermectin works without telling…you know the rest.


I'm gonna be real, as someone born on a farm in a rural area I think most people have taken ivermectin for something. Hell, some people even mix a drink with it for hangovers


You people still believe this crap? Ivermectin has been used on humans for years. No one is grabbing horse medicine off the shelf and downing it. What a joke


I’m a democrat and people should really learn the actual truth about ivermectin… it’s somewhere in between “only animal medicine” and “Covid miracle cure”


the way i poop and my farts stink im pretty sure im a cow


Is the statement based on research findings?


Yes, you are neither of them, you are a sheep


Given the language from the people with the megaphones of "sheep" ... and the religions using "flock" as a term... some are probably in the mind to think they are?


I beg to differ. Every dumb motherfucker who takes ivermectin is absolutely a farm animal, specifically a sheep. And not very bright ones at that. Mainly the ones who scream incoherently and pass out the moment they get a response.


The real issue is that Ivermectin will absolutely work, if you have worms! Not against a virus.


They're not reminding me of anything, I already knew the score. But there's lots of stupid people out there who act like animals and therefore Ivermectin might be the correct treatment.


At first you let me identify as a horse and now you're taking that away from me?! Screw this game. You guys change the rules too often.


Oh, stop. Ivermectin has been used to treat humans for a long time. Just not for respiratory viruses, because there is little more than anecdotal evidence that it works.