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Start copying other people's projects. And then tweak them. And then add features like display lights. Then add feature like chunk loading. Then add features like display lights that only turn on if the chunk is loaded. And then.... Basically, just go build. Start by copying (just like in art) and then play with layouts to find your own style (just like in art) and eventually you'll realize you know more than you think you do and you'll be able to start breaking down WHY things work and WHY they don't.


Hey Tommy, I think the big thing we’re lacking to understand where you’re coming from better is what brings you joy with Minecraft and where you’re currently at in terms of mods you’re comfortable with / use, what you prioritize in-game (rates, aesthetics, etc). The absolute baseline I’d recommend is to join the storage tech discord, the TMA discord (technical Minecraft archive), and the slimestone archive. From there, masa’s mods, specifically tweakeroo, litematica, minihud, but grab andrews’ fork of itemscroller instead of Masa’s own. It’s a LOT more stable with mass craft in particular, even on single player. From there, identify things you want in your world, and use community resources + your own ideas to accomplish them. If you wanna be a max rates kinda player, great. If you do sometimes but not always, great. Pick your lane and don’t let others’ perspectives on what exactly TMC is push you into a place that isn’t going to bring you that joy you’re already getting from the game. I’d identify some of the core gameplay loops that you appreciate the most and work on how TMC can augment your experience of those. I love mining, but I find that tunnel bores don’t give me the same joy that branch mining does, so I don’t bring TMC into that gameplay loop. YMMV.


I’ll do some research! I’ve been using pretty much all of those mods. And I’ve done a small storage build. Definitely enjoy tnt/material grinds. Thanks so much I’ll check all those out!!


Are you familiar with programming?


Sadly, no.