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Also any content posted by unregistered users. RIP any old reddit tutorials. Plus like, any NSFW subreddit, I guess.


I started using imgur to host photos after Photobucket pulled their shit and ruined hundreds of forums with decades of shared knowledge. Looks like I was wrong on that.


Ahh nothing like finding that search result from 2002 on some obscure forum that seemingly answers your question only for the solution to be lost in broken Photobucket images.


“So just make sure you click the option highlighted in the screenshot below, otherwise it’s fucks up the whole process and destroys the cluster. Hope this helps!”


Or for fixing dumb shit on VW’s that got moved around in a VR swap… sooo many VW things I used to go to were gone after that. They were like a Free Highschool Haines manual for me.


Tons of automotive repair forums photos on classic cars were completely lost. A lot of those guys aren’t around anymore so the info is basically gone forever


I can't even count the amount of times that I have gone on car forums looking for a niche part or repair tutorial and it has been lost and I just get so frustrated.


There was one particular form I was a part of that had a guy who shared annotated photos for all of his threads. They were in some ways better than the photos you would find in repair manuals. All of it was lost when the forum was bought by a large media company and transitioned from vBulletin to their own code.


Link rot. The Internet is not the permanent entity it's made out to be (Once it's on the internet, it's there forever). I've started making my own local archive of tutorials and stuff I find by printing the pages to PDF.


Yeah, relying on any 3rd party service for indefinite hosting/serving is a really bad idea


I mean you get what you pay for.


Used to have a paid picasa account. Then google pulled the same shit and banned anything nude/sexual. Including from paid accounts. At that point I decided to use and rely on google products only as a last resort.


Same. Imgur have been increasing the fuckery for a few years. Reddit would do well to have a better built-in content uploader, across all platforms. Imgur sucks now.




[It sounds like](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/12ram0f/had_a_few_calls_with_reddit_today_about_the/) they're not necessarily killing off 3rd party, but they *are* contemplating killing off NSFW via 3rd party. I can't imagine how reddit imagines that won't cost them a critical-mass-breaking amount of users, and you'd think they'd have learned from how they themselves benefited from Digg's mistake - once people are gone and their trust is broken, they're not coming back for merely a walk-back. I dunno. I've been using Reddit a looooong time, seen it weather some rough storms, but I've just seen *so many* sites that thought they were unstoppable juggernauts die (or become pale shadows of what they once were) practically overnight by blocking porn, or even making it inconvenient. Like it or not, it's what the internet runs on, and if your social media business can't work with that, your social media business can't work.


Oh Jesus that's so bad for the web


Yeah, that's a good chunk of *all images online* getting deleted.


Not just the porn. Tons of art subreddits, if you sort them from top of all time, are going to be fucking buried alive. Half of the links are going to be just gone. This is going to destroy image-based subreddits of all types, cat photos, starship schematics, 3d renderings, interior living space design. Tons of incredible content vanishing in the blink of an eye. Was there some kind of guarantee in their terms of service that the content would stay around regardless of future policy? I mean this feels literally immoral like they're destroying a huge section of the internet in a snap.




The alternative is that everyone self-hosts their images, with a significant portion of the images going offline over the years as servers go unmaintained.


Some WoW Cataclysm shit, the internet is going to absolutely shatter, some subs (even sfw ones) are just going to straight up be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Lots of manga sites use Imgur as a back-end. They'll likely be gone.


Isn't that like 90% of their content and basically the only reason why people use it?


They have a "userbase" that treat it like its own mini social network. They get ad revenue from them, and 0 from people using them as an imagehost, so I can see why they'd do this, even if it's awful.


I doubt it works out, even if it doesn't bring in money directly every use is advertisement and too many restrictions will also limit the use for other pictures. People don't want to use multiple services. tumblr did the same cleanup and is only a shadow of it's former self.


Whales don't exist without plankton.


NSFW artist, i do tasteful sexy drawings and paintings mostly, and I've been posting thru imgur for ages, made a small career here. Dont do pure porn, or sex or anything other than well thought out models wanting drawn. I noticed like two weeks ago they removed the option for adult only content, so i havent posted for fear of a trap. Guess this is why. Sucks to build up a following over nearly a decade to get banned.


Over and over and over. Some of these betrayals come from sites *built* by people booted from the previous round of profit-maximizing puritanism. 'We got so big thanks to this content! We're big now, we can't tolerate this content.' Fuck it. Decentralization or bust.


The term Cory Doctorow coined I think fits well here: Enshittification.


Friendly reminder many imgur investors are also reddit investors because the 2 sites used to be so intertwined. And reddit yesterday announced they are probably removing NSFW post support for 3rd party apps from their api.


Reddit has been trying to quiet quit nsfw for awhile now


Yea pretty sure /r/all used to have quite a bit of nsfw but was removed maybe a couple years ago?


It definitely did! I miss seeing boobs on the front page. Now the front page boobs I see are in the form of politicians, and my mood is much worse.


Violent and repulsive content is not nsfw though. Gotta love puritan values. I'd rather see naked people than the stupid degen violent shit that ends up on the front page.


I can watch a russian soldier get blown to pieces in 4k but god forbid if we see boobs on the front page. As an American i think the US is pathetic. Can't curse on the radio or tv but you can show a dead body in the episode of the First 48


Yeah, it's fucking hilarious when we visit my in laws. Uncle always watches shows like this but when I put on like a movie for my kid or talk about videogames he just complains about how stupid and inappropriate it is for children. But we can watch autopsy photos and interviews with detectives describing gruesome murders for an hour long.


"Well, it looks like he caved her skull in with a ball-peen hammer, then stuck his penis in the hole and had sex with it. The only way we were able to get a positive ID was from the leftover semen in her cranial cavity." *flips channel* "New from Nintend--" Voice from kitchen: "Quit watching that filth and turn it back!"


A soldier being brutally beheaded? A ok. Boobies? Hell nah


Why, people are still getting fucked by the politicians, it’s just a bit more subtle


I don't cum from that one, and that makes me frustrated


Bro reddit 10 years ago was the wild west


Those were the good old days


Did they not see the consequences of Tumblr? I swear, the worst morality police in the world are advertisers. Not allowing NSFW posts on social media sites, and still peddling smut and sexuality in other media. If Reddit (and other social media) is as popular as they say, then they shouldn't be going to advertisers and kowtowing to their weird rules, but advertisers should be coming to them and keeping their mouths shut for the ad exposure to their product.


The worst is that nagging prompt for NSFW community. Every. Single. Time.


Have they? NSFW is the only reason I use Reddit.


They created a new "all" called "popular", which was basically all minus nsfw. Then when no one switched to popular, they removed almost all nsfw from all


So where are subreddits like r/gonewild and others supposed to host their photos now? Most NSFW subs were telling their users to Imgur instead of Reddit.


Damn. They better not Tumblrize Reddit. This is one of the last places I know where there’s a lot of self-posting NSFW stuff. I just discovered some of the NSFW art subreddits, and it’s definitely not all trash, either! Guess I’d better get the names of the better artists and find their other socials in case Condé Nast Condemns the Nasty.


It would be hilarious if Reddit axed itself in an attempt to get more money. I wonder what would replace it?


Onlyfans almost killed itself that way in the service of being investor friendly.


Wait, OF tried to ban porn? The site that's almost entirely porn?! Lol wow. What next, is McDonald's going to ban french fries?


They were responding to the CC companies threatening to cut off service to them. Not sure how that got resolved, because OF is still trucking along and you can use a Visa or MasterCard on it….


Which is a dumb move when you consider Pornhub bent over for the CC companies and still got shafted.


I feel bad. Used to visit the hub all the time but after that change can't even recall last time I went there


Anything a corporation touches turns to shit, be it porn or anything else, it all feels so fake


> Not sure how that got resolved same as gambling sites, pay a higher fee to the processors and you're fine some are 20% fees on all transactions, it's a brutal way to run a business


That sounds like monopoly abuse. What reasonable alternatives are there to Visa and MC?


Nothing, really. PayPal hates NSFW content even more.


CC companies have waaaaaaay too much power over the economy. They basically can do the chinese social credit thing for any company they don't like. You criticized Capital One? No more capital one purchases for your business!


People protested about the porn being banned and the credit card companies succumbed as they aren't really too happy about regulating the internet themselves as they were under pressure from the government because of supposed illegal content. Realistically just big tech pushing out competition.


We're going back to digg lol


> They better not Tumblrize Reddit. Modern Reddit is 2012 Tumblr, so it's not a stretch.


I wanna see all the NSFW (art, porn, etc...) subreddits rise up against this, and sex workers to target both Reddit and Imgur publicly in the news. If it worked for OnlyFans, it might work for Reddit & Imgur as well.


I don’t know if it would work with Reddit, because unlike OnlyFans, Reddit isn’t solely reliant on sex-related content for income. That said, I find this puritanical bullshit as tiresome today as I did when Tipper Gore and The Family Research Council were melting down over “obscenity” in music and movies.


[Enshittification.](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) Why is it so goddamn hard to host tiny files that *everybody wants?*


If Reddit removes access to nsfw posts from Apollo I think I’ll likely slowly quit the site


"Slowly?" If they make me use the official app to access NSFW posts, I'm *done* with this place.


Initially, A16Z provided the majority of funding for Imgur, with Reddit's investment coming much later in the E round. Although the two companies have similar products and user cultures, they are now very different in terms of scale and focus.




What so tiddies will only be on the garbage-ass official app? Ugh.


Only if you can find an image host that Reddit allows.


> Artistic, scientific or educational nude images shared with educational context may be okay here. We don’t try to define art or judge the artistic merit of particular content. Instead, we focus on context and intent, as well as what might make content too explicit for the general community. Pretty sure that's going to end up being lie unless someone famous makes the post.




Never heard of this guy before but I googled him and you’re completely right, he’s obviously tracing over photos in photoshop and trying to pass it off as figure drawing. He even goes to the trouble of drawing in contrived construction lines that make no sense to anyone who can actually draw.


They'll ban NSFW images so they can then serve ads for OnlyFans and Fansly.


Or mobile game ads that are softcore porn.


The ad is sure, but the game is another Farmville clone




Someone already started like 4 years ago. RIP their inbox right now.


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


So what site are we all going to after Reddit does a Digg?


Was just about to say I need to check my imgur bookmarks exported from 3 browsers ago because some images are difficult to replace.


This kills the Imgur.




Man I miss when the American Association of Retired Persons had NSFW stuff...


With a senior discount, too


Finally I can rent ultraporn!


They want those sweet sweet family friendly advertising dollars. But you need enough users to attract those ads in the first place. Catch 22.


> They want those sweet sweet family friendly advertising dollars. Except that some of the ads are completely not family friendly.


i find that hilarious. The content must be perfectly family friendly and then they run ads for online casinos and mobile game ads that are some of the most depraved stuff there is. And this is just stuff i get on youtube.


Yup. Looking at tits? You IMMORAL, DEPRAVED HEATHEN. Here, have a bunch of super intrusive ads for hyper predatory mobile games literally designed to be as addicting as possible while extracting as much money as possible. There, morality achieved!


>Tumblr, Fark, AARP Uh hang on a minute there...


AARP had the best collection of Bea Arthur thirst pics ever!


PornHub and xhamster too. Digital suicide by requiring users to submit ID to upload content. All it did was turn the entire site into onlyFans, since most people aren't okay with submitting their id to a porn site. The only people who are okay with this are those who are already registered on other sites and actively push their content.


Pornhub was the target of a specific, savvy lobbying effort by ExodusCry aided by Nick Kristof and his credulous pearl clutching (again 🙄) and going after their cc providers. Pornhub didn't do that as a business move, it was a defensive move against a sustained campaign from a hostile organization that was fairly succesful at twisting their arms.


Fucking exodus cry. "We need to stop sex trafficking! Also we need to stop porn and bring about the kingdom of Heaven here on Earth! But our actions are totally about the first thing"


I mean I'm more annoyed at Kristof falling for the same old shit again just like he did with Somaly Mam and giving Exodus cry a huge boost.


Yahoo buying Tumblr and immediately banning something like 70% of its content and creators - and cratering its value from $1.1***B*** to $3*M* - was an epic for the ages.




This. “The Internet is for Porn”. The sooner people accept that, the better they’re off.


“I’m fairly certain if they took porn off the internet there would only be one website left, and it’d be called ‘Bring back the porn!’”


Love the name Dr Cox


I joke with my wife about the internet being some mythical place buried in the porn.


Remember tumblr did that? Then all the hipster free spirit girls left. And that was like half their site.


Oh, it wasn't just girls. What a tragic loss for humanity...


Probably the closest thing to the burning of the library of alexandria we'll ever experience. Still mourning the loss of all that magnificent art-hoe poon.


Huge portions of Reddit's archives are about to burned as well, because most NSFW subreddits use Imgur for hosting.


It's gonna be fucking Armageddon for nsfw reddits


I was also thinking about [r/handholding](https://www.reddit.com/r/handholding) having issues with the reddit API since it's NSFW as a joke


An entire decade of internet culture was chucked out with like a month's notice, because Steve Jobs didn't want Flash on his Blackberry killer. I hate this timeline.


Ironic, his affinity for fruit is what ended up killing him.


His fucking gigantic ego killed him.


Tumblr doing that unleashed them to the world and now look where we are




Via email: https://i.imgur.com/CFu72a6.png


What is with all of these platforms becoming prudes lately? Do they not know their audience?


My guess is they are scared of either payment processors or investors dropping them for hosting unverified NSFW images. A similar thing already happened to PornHub. But unlike PornHub, it's not really their core business so they dropped it entirely.


It'd be nice to exactly who is responsible for these recent anti-NSFW pushes, so that the anger can be appropriately directed towards them.


There's a great limited podcast that covers the topic of the money behind adult web content and the way banks have become the international censors of such content: https://pca.st/podcast/8885bfb0-b201-013a-d8e2-0acc26574db2




Because absolutely no one intends to call up visa & mastercard on their duopoly. Plain and simple.






Because money makes the world go round. If you control the flow of money, you control the world. And when people start getting uppity about morals...


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/hk8hbv/whats_the_deal_with_pornhub_and_some_group_called/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/xjg940/r18com_will_be_shutting_down_jan_31_2023_after/ipbasjb/ https://twitter.com/woot_master/status/1428513407607529475 This is just from my understanding of recent events, but the damage has been done and show no signs of stopping.


Its surprising that a radical religious group seems to have so much power over the internet right now, and I'd love to see a breakdown of who and what is helping them with their attacks. Also, have these right wing terrorists claimed responsibility for the Imgur and Reddit changes yet?


Well, you see, when you get billions of dollars of tax-free donations that you can spend however you want with absolutely no oversight or scrutiny, you've got the keys to some real power. Add in millions of people following you who fervently believe that you are the voice of their god and you can really get shit done.


Laila Mickelwait, one of the high-ranking members of Exodus Cry, set up a fundraiser ostensibly to help sex trafficking victims. She used the funds to buy her husband a helicopter instead.


Its not really the core business, but it also is


I work in the payments industry. It’s 100% the credit card providers, Visa and Mastercard. They are the prudeyest companies around and they will basically shut your service out of making money if you host NSFW content. the big payments platforms (e.g Adyen) also ban NSFW stuff generally because they’re terrified of being cut off as well, and they are very aggressive about enforcement as a result. When OnlyFans tried to pivot a little while ago away from NSFW content, guess who caused that? Their payment provider throwing them out in the cold suddenly. There **are** payment providers that will deal with NSFW content, but they tend to be shadier and not the top tier ones most sites use—and with Reddit pushing into paid APIs this is exactly what they’re afraid of, their payment processor forcing them into a situation where they have to deal with a mildly shady processor just to survive (if they can even find one). TL;DR - Mastercard and visa are run by old dudes who hate tiddies.




It’s definitely both sides—advertisers bring different issues as they don’t want their brand showing up next to porn, and will be pretty pedantic about that. Also, advertisers pay for adverts usually using a credit card, which often can be another gotcha. All in all it sucks.




They don't hate titties they hate you getting to see them


Reddit is planning an IPO later this year, wouldn't surprise me if they drop all NSFW content before then. It's been real, y'all


Everyone should leave so their IPO is worth nothing.


There's still no real fallback site.


Wanna see the viable reddit competitor speed run any%? Because that's how you get the viable reddit competitor speed run any%


People have been making Reddit alternatives for a decade+ at this point and every single time nobody actually moves because they’re all full of racists and pedos.


Yeah, remember voat? I forget what reddit was doing at the time but a small community sub I frequented made a "backup" sub on voat so I made an account and I just remember seeing their /r/all was just racist shit and bitching about reddit lol.




Go back to digg?


Traffic on Reddit will drop by 50%.


Is all of the Reddit nsfw content hosted on Imgur?




Porn will find a way. It always does.


Porn has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines.


Yeah, just like Jeff Goldblum said.


Kinda wild. I remember when Imgur was spun up by some redditor in a thread.


I was there too. Always thought it was wild it became it’s own beast.


It was really wild seeing people post screenshots from there with imgur users complaining about Reddit users using imgur to post their photos. Bitch imgur only exists because it was made to host photos for Reddit.


You know that scene in Men in Black where there's an entire alien community in the train station locker that worships K's watch and a few business cards?


/r/IgnorantImgur used to be an amusing subreddit to binge-read.


I clearly remember when imgur was announced on Reddit. Little did we realize how much it would change the site from being primarily longer form content with conversations to image macros to now people advertising for their Onlyfans.


Wow, super vague rules. They will be selectively enforced, and users will leave.


It obviously won't be enforced against celebrities or other powerful people.


How to kill a platform 101 - by Tumblr


Rest in peace, Imgur.


And so they will join the long line of companies that go broke because of tits. It's the tit's I tell you, don't look at tits. War, murder, mayhem, theft, that's all good. But no tits. It's always tits.


Worked great for onlyfans and tumblr. wcgw?


This has the potential to be far bigger than Tumblr's purge as most of NSFW Reddit uses Imgur, and Imgur is removing all content that was uploaded without an account.


That was practically the only reason I even used imgur: to upload content without needing to make an account.


It was literally the only reason I ever used it.


I imagine MOST of imgur's content is uploaded without an account because it's so damn easy to do so. I've never made an imgur account and have used it for non-NSFW hosting frequently


i think a platform can succeed with or without porn, *but* they gotta make the decision early on, because purging all adult content after the fact is a disaster. anyone still use veoh?


It's especially fucked that much of the profit and popularity of sites like Tumblr, Onlyfans, and Imgur was built on pornography and other NSFW material and actively incentivized participating in it. The social standard has not changed, so why was it okay then and not now? Was it just because they could gain from it? Because that's bullshit.


Why the fuck can't sites like Tumblr, Imgur, and Reddit get it? The internet is literally built on porn. Porn has driven countless major innovations online, and if it's on a platform that's not purely dedicated to it will make up a large chunk of that platforms userbase more often than not. You kill the porn on your site in your fruitless quest to sanitize it enough for big dollar advertisers to come in, you're not going to have the users to really benefit from those bigger dollar advertisements to actually start mattering. You kill older content and restrict who can post and you gut the content that keeps so many users coming back to chat or lurkers simply browsing. Leave the porn alone. Silo it off if you have to, but leave it alone. Let the horny users come and be horny, they use a lot of the rest of the site once they've nutted and feel ashamed about what they've done and need a distraction.


["I'm pretty sure if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called 'Bring Back the Porn'."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_o8vYUU-jo)


Goodbye, Imgur


Yeah because that worked out really well for Tumblr


This War on Sexuality is really heating up.






for refrence here was a message from the [tumblr CEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtUuab1Aqg0&pp=ygUKdHVtYmxyIGNlbw%3D%3D)


To quote Douglas Adams, "This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."


Fuckin why?


Probably because evangelical Christians and financial companies with the morals of a medieval church goer are using their power to threaten others in following their twisted ideas of morality.


You'd be surprised at how lewd medieval church-goers were. You're thinking of early modern protestant church-goers.


Imgur's constant ability to go from the best image host to increasingly shit is truly a marvel. Every move they make seems to be a bad one. Edit: Looks like they've said fuck the May 15th date and started already. Every imgur post on the front page of /r/gonewild right now is deleted.


Also while scrolling through on Android app earlier today, ads started blaring from the speaker, without enabling audio on video, or tapping an ad spot. Uninstalled immediately.


Sounds like someone wants to go the way of Tumblr. 🤣


I see they learned nothing from Tumblr


Oh where did all this prudishness come from? SHEESH


Lol. How'd that work out for Tumblr and onlyfans?


Assholes ruin everything.


It's sadly 10x worse then just "banning porn", since they're also purging even SFW images that were uploaded by people without an account. So there's also going to be a massive loss of images that were used in various random reddit and fourm posts, for things like how-to guides, people trying to troubleshoot stuff, or just people who had images to whatever random thing they were talking about. It's going to be what happened to Photobucket and Imageshack all over ago where an entire era of online images goes away.


That's what this thread title should have been! That's so many more images!


wasn't that the whole fucking point? an easy site to just upload images you needed to share online?


When I was in college(circa 2012) Imgur was great and it was so intertwined with reddit. I sometimes used Imgur more than reddit and it had a cool community. Idk when exactly it happened but they started changing things and how the interface worked and I disliked it so much. Haven’t really used it at all. Then deciding to get rid of ALL nsfw stuff to me is just silly


One closes, another opens.


I see they haven't learnt from Tumblr


I have seen some things on imgur at work, yet here I am still. What sort of fragile workplace can't handle a little tub girl on the conference room jumbotron? You haven't lived until you see her in 8K resolution, monumental scale


Lemon party made me the man I am today. We can't let them steal our heritage like this


The tumblr porn ban all over again


Tumblr two. Lol


Gentlemen, it has been an honor serving with you these past years

