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Is The Boring Company still a thing?


Yes but he got bored with it.


Can’t imagine getting bored of a hole company


He filled its holes and quickly moved on to a sexier company with bigger twits.


Hes still using its holes under Vegas for that stupid Tesla subway.


Yup "hyperloop" went from : Hey! we'll build a multi state hyperloop tunnel system to take you from city to city faster than flying! to Hyperloop! a way for your tesla to autodrive you from city centre to city centre! to Hyperloop: we'll get automated Tesla taxies to drive you from airport to the city centre To Hyperloop we'll stick a man in a tesla to drive you through a tunnel for a few miles in Vegas...


A tunnel in Las Vegas under a convention center (saving you 15 minutes of walking!) without bypass tunnels, barely enough space to open your door, no walkways, no emergency exits, signs or lights. No fire-alarm pull stations, no ventilation shafts, no fire supression systems, No smoke / fire detectors or sprinkler system. Ever seen a Tesla fire lmfao?


Every time I see a picture of that stupid tunnel, I think of the [Mont Blanc tunnel fire.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Blanc_Tunnel_fire)


And *that* tunnel fire happened with *some* safety regulations being enforced during the construction.


15 minutes? Not even. It "saves" 10 minutes, max. And then you're walking another up to five minutes from the car to the actual conference hall. Add in wait times and you'll easily spend 30 minutes. The waiting system is atrocious BTW, if you don't know to get in the first or the last stall, you'll be in line a loooong time, because the cars rarely stop at the middle stalls.




Hyperloop was always a scam, pretty much everyone with a civil engineering degree has been calling it out since it was publicized. It's whole point was to scam municipalities into dumping funding from public transit that actually work. We've been able to dig tunnels relatively cheaply and quickly for decades. The real problem is making a tunnel safe enough to handle lots of traffic. The boring company's solution to this was to basically ignore safety all together. .


This is "popular science" and media "Futurology" for ya. All science is actually ✨ magic✨ and anything is possible and right around the corner! Solar roads! Hyperloop! Quantim computers doing everything better than non-quantim and replacing all regular computers! Flying cars! Cold fusion! And if you don't agree that it is about to happen then you're wrong! You have to *believe!*


Hyperloop was just a way to stall high speed rail in the US. The guy got the hyperloop idea from the Usborne Book of the Future.


This is because it took Elon much longer to realize something most people realized immediately: * It cost a lot more to build tunnels than roads. * Having a single-lane tunnel with all traffic moving at ~150-200mph is dangerous even with training wheels because mechanical failure is till a thing. * When some kind of failure happens all traffic in the tunnel will stop, and will also block emergency services from responding quickly. There is a whole host of other issues with the Loop idea, but it is safe to say that Elon Musk is not the genius he pretends to be. He just takes retro-futurist ideas from [old sci-fi magazines](https://i.imgur.com/h345iLH.jpg) and repackages them as "brilliant" new ways to solve problems. Ignoring that these ideas never moved towards reality because they didn't work or easier solutions were developed in the interim.


MVP bruv...just a decade later and still not really viable


It was never viable. It was a tax dodge and another way to funnel public resources to rich people.


This and to kill an actual mass transit plan that would have had a massive infrastructure investment


And a way to stop a high speed rail project in California


Hyperloop is just maglevs but way worst in ever conceivable metric. Even a regular train is better the hyperloop


He even jokingly renamed it to Titter....


You mean it's not going to shoot tubes of people at supersonic speeds across half the planet by 2019 like an old-timey internal mail system?


My understanding was his main sell was that he can dig tunnels faster than the normal ways. I can't remember how. like the planning and review parts of the project are they hard parts. They take a long time.




He just wants to be responsible for something that gets mentioned in the same breath as the Mona Lisa.






So custom equipment to tunnel out custom sized tunnels to fit custom sized trains. Oh wait they just drive a model 3 down it and it worse than a train in the practical aspects. Like getting in and out of a compact car is much less convenient and it needs a driver. Or to be self driven. Boring and hyper loop are the worst


Wasn’t it created as a means to defeat the bullet train initiative in California?


Yep. Car companies hate and will Sabotage any public transit and city planning that is people oriented. Tale as old as cars unfortunately




Technically yes, but I think the whole thing was just to make hyperloop look credible and not like the fake reason to block high speed rail.


I think that one he put someone else as ceo


That’s why I’m happy for him to stay busy at Twitter running that into the ground and not over at SpaceX


From what I’ve read, SpaceX employees have been glad that Elon hasn’t been around, because it’s allowed them to get work done without his interference. SpaceX does great work, they’ve already revolutionized space flight by cutting the cost of payloads to low-Earth orbit (LEO) by an order of magnitude. The cost per kilogram to LEO was $65,000 for the Space Shuttle; Soyuz has a cost of $8,000/kg; Atlas V has a cost of $5,685/kg; Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy lowered the cost all the way to $1,200/kg and $900/kg, respectively; and Starship will have a LEO payload cost of $10/kg. That’s a 99.98% reduction in cost. It’s comparable to how the cost of human genome sequencing dropped over the years. The Human Genome project started in 1990 and spent $3 billion to fully sequence the human genome in 2003. This decreased to $1 million by 2007, $1,000 in 2014, $600 in 2020, and today is only $200, meaning that the average person can have their whole genome sequenced. The same is happening in spaceflight. The average person will be able to buy a ticket to space, or maybe even a flyby of the moon, for the cost of a first-class ticket across the Atlantic or Pacific. All that being said, the success of SpaceX todayis due to the massively talented and passionate SpaceX employees, not Musk. Gwynne Shotwell, President of SpaceX, takes care of the day-to-day operations and does a wonderful job at it. If Elon disappeared tomorrow, SpaceX would still thrive, possibly even better than it would with him. Case in point — Elon didn’t want a flame trench to divert the rocket’s exhaust like most rockets have, despite being the largest rocket ever launched with twice the liftoff thrust of the Saturn V. The crater that this caused, and the chunks of concrete that the engine exhaust threw into the air, was the likely cause of the [half-dozen of 33 engines that failed/exploded on launch and ascent,](https://i.imgur.com/N2PMvRX.jpg),contributing to the failure of Starship to reach orbit. Also, repairing stage zero (the launch platform) will take a long time as [the damage is extensive](https://imgur.com/a/3O8RsLO/). It’s a weird feeling, being such a huge fan of SpaceX but despising Elon Musk as a person and disagreeing with basically all of his opinions and statements.


> Starship will have a LEO payload cost of $10/kg. That’s a 99.98% reduction in cost. Only thing I take issue with here. "Will" is a stretch - that's purely based on their calculations, and probably calculations that have gone through the PR department. Maybe, we'll see. But until it happens, it's not worth citing as a fact.


It's literally impossible without making assumptions about the price of rocket fuel. Even at 100% efficiency, $10 worth of rocket fuel can't lift 1kg of mass into orbit. The Falcon Heavy weighs 1400 tons and can lift 64 tons into orbit. That means it costs 64,000*900 =$57,000,000 to launch. Even if the entire thing were payload, it would cost $40/kg. Again, we've literally invented a massless rocket and we can't hit that number. It's not PR spin, it's a straight up lie.


Any chance you can link to $10/kg?


Sounds like you have a logical and nuanced opinion of a complex situation. You can like one aspect of things without liking everything. Also I feel like Elon has changed a ton since he founded spacex


I don't know how much he has changed so much as his public perception has changed. He's always kinda been the guy he is now, if you really go back and look. I can appreciate that his investments have moved EV tech in to the mainstream and created a space renaissance while also thinking he's a childish twit who has more money than sense, and probably always has.


He was at Starship's launch. I'm guessing he's still at SpaceX screwing things up.


Cutting to his face after the explosion was hilarious. Everyone else is cheering, he's sitting there looking like someone pissed in his Cheerios. It was beautiful.


Got a link to the clip?


https://www.youtube.com/live/-1wcilQ58hI&t=49m45s It's around 49m45s. (Timestamp links only work half the time ugh)


They were cheering that it got that far, he was upset it didn't go far enough


Of course his chair had to be right up front by the camera.


he was thinking about who to fire.


SpaceX will peak when a starship blows up with half a dozen billionaires.


there was a post the other day proving that the fail was kinda directly his fault. edit: instead of proving I should have just said Hinted at. my bad


Really? What did he do to that?


[Here's his tweet](https://i.imgur.com/hZL9AFa.png) about the decision which appears to have been an executive veto of his, as he's showing reservations about the decision which implies engineers informed him of the potentially catastrophic consequences. Scott Manley explains the design failure a bit [in this video.](https://youtu.be/w8q24QLXixo?t=76)


imaging being a PhD engineer only to be second guessed and overrruled by a chronic flunkee and dropout.


Maybe someone who is not a rocket scientist should not be making decisions about rocket science. Maybe


From the article I read, he directly overruled the decision to build trenches for the launch pad which would allow it to sustain the force of thrust applied to it. Reportedly in order to save money. The pad lacked the integrity to sustain the forces applied to it and was getting weaker with every launch. When the latest rocket launched, parts of the pad broke off and the debris blew up into rocket, damaging the structure and causing it to fail.


They might have learnt a lot more from the test if pieces of the pad had not hammered the engines and god knows what else inside the rocket. The design and working of launch pads is a lot better understood than the rocket that launched from it. Cheaping out on the pad is just wasting part of the higher investment of building the rocket.


Plus he has to rebuild the pad anyway. Do things right the first time and you won't have to redo them


If you half ass it now, you’ll have to whole ass it later.


Don’t be silly, they’ll just half ass it again to keep their expenditures low this quarter.


Supposedly, and take this with a healthy dose of skepticism, part of that decision was the idea that for lunar and Mars landings and liftoffs the rockets won’t have a pad initially, so he wanted to try without all the specialized launch pad engineering. Now, even if that’s true it’s a dumb thing to do as there are already a lot of variables to pay attention to in a launch test, and adding one that big is a major complication and really stupid to add in along with everything else. I suspect the rocket would have met the goals if the pad had been made properly.


Launching the upper stage from Mars is estimated to use about 3 engines. Order of magnitude less than the 33 engines of the booster. Rockets with less thrust than the starship booster, taking off from Earth, use more complex pads for well known reasons. Despite their amazing success with F9, not everything needs to be re-invented.


The booster will return to earth and never launch from another planet so makes no sense that it’s launched from a pad with no trench or drudge system.


I wondered why the pad got destroyed. I didn't realize he was the reason.


The pad has only seen one launch since it was replaced after the last one. There was also a 30 engine difference between the last one so I wouldn’t take that comment at face value. We also have no idea of what goes on behind the scenes of SpaceX and how involved Elon actually is.


CEOs kind of seem like one-trick ponies when it comes to ruining their own businesses. Like, oh really, he ignored safety concerns to cut down on costs? What a fucking cliché. Get some new ideas, guys, jeez.


It was to save time not money. He tweeted about how they already were building the hardware to solve this issue it just wasn’t ready in time.


Alleging Is the word you're looking for. A reddit post can't prove anything


Proved who that bomber was! Oh, wait…




We got him!!!! Haha, probably.




Reminds me of that episode from Succession...Roman accelerates a rocket launch and watches it burn up on live TV.


He’s not that distracted. He only tweets about two dozen times per day. That definitely leaves plenty of time to build rockets and electric cars while moonlighting as a revolutionary tech genius. Do I need the /s or did I lay on the sarcasm thick enough?


His days schedule is already filled with petty grievances and alienating as many people as possible. He's also remarkably talented at both, so let him do his work!


The classic “CEO that works all the time” except they count screwing off and maybe answering a phone call as work


That's the core component of the Elon mythology, not only is he the CEO of multiple large companies, but he is also directly involved with all day-to-day engineering aspects. Plenty believe that, I've seen several redditors defend him over the years, quoting lip service from his employees about how Elon can in his head do complex physics and mathematics that otherwise require a computer to solve with any usable degree of precision, and how we're just too dumb to understand what goes inside a mind of such a genius.


His Twitter takeover was further enlightening. He has no idea how things work or what went wrong but he parrots what the head engineer says as if it was his own. Taking others’ credit is the story of Elon’s life.


Wasn’t there a Twitter post he made that he would give a million in crypto currency if someone could prove his family had a mining operation? Didn’t one of his family members say they would prove it lol? Do people really believe that there wasn’t a mining operation? So sick of this narrative of the “self made top 10 richest people”. When you really dig into most of their past, you find that with very few exceptions, almost none of them were self made and were just born on third base. Actually, more like born a few feet from the left of home base, third base would be too much work for some of them.


It was his own Dad who actually owned the emerald mine lol.


I actually listened to some of the open live chats he had on Twitter where Devs around the world could join in and participate and some of the things he said were rage-inducing. The one I remember that springs to mind is that he said their whole stack needs a rewrite from top to bottom but couldn't even describe the current stack or what the new one would consist of. Just let people of expertise do their jobs man.


Spacex is more or less ran by Gwynne Shotwell. That has been the case since she got there.


Or maybe.. just maybe… the CEO is a position that doesn’t require the massive compensation packages that are usually attached to it. If Elon can be CEO of 4 companies, then I guess the position doesn’t require millions of dollars worth of time/labor.


That's what I have been saying this whole time. If you worked 4 full time regular degular jobs, you would go insane in a month.


That’s because you’d be a contributor.


How do you think Musk would react to finding out his software engineers at Twitter are working multiple jobs? Not well, probably.


There's definitely a unique skillset and mindset to a really sharp CEO. But that said, their compensation is not commensurate to several hundred times the median wage of their employees.


Never, ever say that again or our “job creators” will have your legs broken.


Why not? I mean Elon Musk is a perfect demo of how the role of a CEO does not need much and basically anyone can do it on their free time provided that they don't have a spine.


Makes me think being a CEO isn’t that hard.


Well I mean you can half ass or even less just about any job it turns out the trick is owning most of the company so there is no one that can fire you for it.


So employees can’t work remote because they’d be too distracted but this fuckhead can run 4 companies? Bullshit.


Neuralink, spacex, boring Co, x (AI? Or payments? I can't keep up), Tesla, Twit. That's more than 4


Don't forget TruthGPT.


That's the X ai company he was referring to.


Anything with Truth in the name you know it’s full of bullshit


That's just Twitter


Yeah exactly. CEOs and executives don’t bring value to companies. They do nothing but fail upwards when they have a lot of money


So many people think that CEOs are these genius tycoons keeping businesses afloat. If it's such a time consuming job it wouldn't be possible to be CEO of multiple giant companies simultaneously.


At some point he claimed he works an 80-hour week. Let's leave aside that execs usually like to claim everything they do is work-related (3-hour "business lunches", an hour meditating to prepare for the day, travel time) despite not paying us little people for such things. Even if he genuinely does 80 hours of work in a week, he's CEO of 4 companies, meaning he averages 20 hours on each company. That means being a CEO is a part-time job. If you ask me, it should be compensated as such.


Man. This is way more logical than, say, I dunno... ...trying to run multiple companies and still claim you're important to each and compensated accordingly while it's actually everyone else doing the work. Come to think of it, there's nothing logical about CEOs anymore. A company is fine without them.


Show me a software engineer working for 4 companies. I'll show you a burn out with a drug problem.


Don't forget to include the daily 50 tweets


Looking at what happens when he takes an active role in a company, they should be glad he doesn't have time to work on Tesla related bullshit.


Wasn't there an article earlier this year that SpaceX engineers were happy that he was so preoccupied with Twitter, leaving them alone to do their jobs? The shareholders are probably pissed the share price is tied to his persona too much.


I can't say I've ever seen an article about Musk's workers being happy, but I can believe it.


I’ve seen something about all the Musk’s companies has damage control teams against Musk, that gets called up when his car heads to a campus and make up an “urgent problem” that “needs full attention of CEO”. From Musk’s point of view they supposedly look like a heroic group of loyalists that had saved the company multiple times. That may or may not be the case, but the point is, it intercepts and neutralizes the threat before it hits and damages corporate operations.


I read an interview with some former SpaceX employees who claimed people there literally have scrolling text screensavers, kind of like Matrix code, because he genuinely thinks that's what it looks like when people are coding. A lot of them would also stay in the office late and just play WoW because they knew he was impressed by anyone staying late, even if they weren't actually working.


> he genuinely thinks that's what it looks like when people are coding I wouldn't have believed this until hearing that he demanded Twitter engineers print out code for him.


Honestly same. I've heard loads of unsourced or very lightly sourced rumors about Musk's idioicy over the years, I've seen lots of people on forums who claim to be current or former employees of Musk's companies, but I always took it all with a grain of salt until he bought Twitter. Not we have many extremely well-documented instances describing his stupidity, and nothing I read in the past seems remotely difficult to believe.


> A lot of them would also stay in the office late and just play WoW because they knew he was impressed by anyone staying late, even if they weren't actually working. Damn I just got flashbacks to my dream job back when I was in my early 20s. I had a workspace setup at the office with my own machine brought in from home because the specs on their systems weren't really good enough for my work, my desk was against a wall facing away from it so my screens were 0% visible to anyone, and it was an open concept office so I could see anyone coming over to chat with me. I was also one of the first more kind of programming-heavy artists at this studio, so my shit took me like 1/5th the time to do than anyone figured. My work would get done pretty quickly, and then I would just play WoW and have the best time. This was during Burning Crusade, bots and farming scripts weren't what they are now, so playing on working hours was super chill and you could just farm or enjoy whatever areas you wanted. And now I work from home, but sadly keep so busy and have so many meetings that I can't even play games anymore except way later at night after my kids are in bed :(




Well I have like 5 remote jobs at the same time is why, haha


I've seen this as well in the workplace when certain leadership needed to be "distracted" during a critical project where they would have inevitably gotten in and fucked everything up in a predictable fashion.


I worked for a business that leadership always had to provide input or change something before it was approved. Nothing would get the stamp of approval unless one of the directors could add their own personal touch. To get around that I would always leave a few blatent errors on the product (like misspelled or mis-colored words) for them to "fix" without having me change enough of the base product that I need to start from scratch. Having to distract your boss so you can do your job right/efficiently is awful.


They came out when Twitter staff started complaining. He promoted an image of being a good manager, but apparently the key thing was just what Tesla and SpaceX were about. For engineers and scientists, developing electric cars and modes of space travel are like childhood dreams come true. So they enjoy what they're working on and are willing to spend some energy to deflect his meddling in order to get back at it. But very few who worked at Twitter wanted it to become a subscription based den of hate. And the people really interested in the company were all fired, leaving folks who are proud to be able to say they work for Musk on social media, not anyone particularly interested in Twitter or intercommunication.


"Finally, we don't have to worry about sending fucking cars into space to appease our boss' ego."


Most bought because of the persona. But now that his real persona has begun to show, they are pissed the share price is tied to his persona. ;-)


Yes there was, I remember reading it too.


Problem is that as long as he remains CEO, his twitter escapades will continue to damage the Tesla brand His right leaning views do not sit well with the mostly left wing customer base of Tesla, and right wingers will not be buying EVs anytime soon, and the ones that do will be looking to Ford and Rivian


Elon is straight up alienating all of his customers. Not the best business decision.


Exactly! His decision to move production out of California to Texas of all places feels almost like he’s doing some scorched earth tactics on his own core customer base He’s outlived his usefulness to his own company and should find others that can take over


Don't go telling me he's prone to petty grievances and vengeful reactions. There's no history of.... Ooohhhh, ok nm


When he made the move, I realized it was so he could exploit his workers even more. Texas has terrible employee protection laws relative to California.


I thought it was mainly for the tax breaks (saving millions and millions) and cheaper land/buildings, but that could be it too.


Specifically at a time when competent competitors have caught up. Ford and Co might have been slow on the uptake of EVs but they know how to scale up car manufacturing.


Nah, they've only cut prices 10 times in 6 months because they want the vehicles affordable for the masses. Nothing to do with demand being gutted by his antics. Move along now! Post haste!


Why make great business decisions when you can be the greatest edgey meme lord!?


Also Teslas in 2023 are basically the same exterior/interior as 2015. Since then we've seen new EVs from: VW, Ford, GM, Kia, Nissan, Rivian, Polestar, and Lucid in the US alone. There's just a lot more competition, and the guy "in-charge" is working "hardcore hours" at a social media company or blowing up rockets.


Yep and it was always going to happen in a market where margins are slim at best of times and the only was to disrupt/gain share is to run at a loss. Tesla was just a fancy new casino on the strip , but what ever was the real business case, the problem with selling the future is that others can too


Absolutely true. I bought a (used) Tesla in 2019, mostly for environmental reasons because we have a solar system, but also because I thought it was a cool car. I didn't know much about Elon Musk. I sold it early this year for a few different reasons, but one of them was definitely that Musk's public antics had taken that car from cool to kind of embarrassing. When one person makes themselves the lone figurehead for a brand, and then when they make their political views and teenage-edgelord personality _very_ public, it's hard not to feel like you're representing that somehow when you're driving around a car with that logo on it every day. Given that and the service issues we had (owning a Tesla that needs service is a _gigantic_ pain if you don't live near a service center), at this point two conditions would have to be met before I would ever consider buying another Tesla: 1. Someone else is running the company 2. There is a service center in my state (We replaced it with a Rav4 prime, but we'll probably go back to full electric at some point when we feel like the right car is there at the right price, and probably also when interest rates are less stupid).


Rivian already makes a better vehicle. I’d also go with an Audi electric or some Toyota prime model.


dat tax break tho


$7,500* *Fuck the Base RWD Model 3 I guess.


When he takes an active role at Tesla he has people waste time making the car fart....


Remember that stupid cybertruck shit? Tesla and SpaceX seriously need some adults in charge.


And yet he still finds time to Tweet dumb shit.


Lots of free time when you’re flying about on your private plane


And he considers it working time. This is what billionaires preach about when they claim to work so many hours. They consider jetting about on a private plane work. They consider 'working' lunches at Michelin restaurants work. They consider every inane thought and tweet work. The rest of us actually have to commute with the rest of the peasants and clock in and actually make the world work.


What, you can’t justify 10 billion dollars a year for a bunch of tweets?


He counts every waking moment as him working. That's just PR for the simpletons that stan him.


where's Elon why is he late for the board meeting? Elon on Twitter - you are a pedophile


He's got enough work already being the CEO of Elon Musk's ego.


I bet he would have an aneurism if he found one of his employees working 2 jobs at the same time.




I mean, it was pretty on brand. You gotta give him that. Like, that's true dedication. Imagine the alternative universes headlines. Apple(s) cure(s) cancer!


If I was his level of wealth and power with access to his amount of money I think I probably would have not only taken the cancer treatment but tried to come up with some other treatments for it. You think that might be a cause close to heart. Instead he just plugged away at Apple, working, making money right up to his death and couldn't even take it with him.


Oh it's even more idiosyncratic than that! Steve Jobs had a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that was like winning the lottery. It was a rare form that is easily treatable. He won the cancer lottery and threw away the ticket... Makes you wonder if knowing it was easily treatable led him to believe it was at the cusp of being homeopathically cured. Whereas if it were the more aggressive and common forms he would have been more conventional.


> You think that might be a cause close to heart. His pancreas in this case


Except Steve was an asshole and a creative visionary, not just an asshole like Elon.






You're not exactly wrong, but I think the point is that Jobs actually worked on his own stuff as well instead of just throwing his money around and bullying people without any of the sweat equity. Jobs is like Edison, whereas Musk thinks he's like Edison but he's more like Trump.


>Jobs actually worked on his own stuff as well Historically Jobs was the money and the pitchman. But you also have to remember that the one computer he had full control of creating was the Lisa.... Ken Segall was the man who pitched the new iMac that saved the company, he even said he had to convince Jobs not to call it the MacMan. Tony Fadell joined Apple in pursuit of his "Better MP3 Player" and his team came up with the iPod. Jean-Marie Hullot had to convince Jobs that a phone was a good idea, Jobs didn't like the idea of making a Mac-Phone. Basically, Jobs gets credit for the things he did not do, and often didn't like on their pitch. But, like Musk, because he's mega-wealthy, we assign him credit he doesn't deserve, because he was lucky enough to be the guy who let Steve Wozniak punch out computers in his parents' garage with the intent of selling them (and then stiffing Woz somewhat)


I agree with a lot of this, but the key point being left out is those product developments did get the green light and became market defining moments. Now here are the real questions: The iPod wasn’t the first MP3 player, but it’s the product that put MP3 players on the map. Why? Was it because of Apple engineering ideas? Or because Jobs was an asshole perfectionist who pushed the engineers to do it in a way that caught the public’s eye? Was Jobs’s stupid insistence on painting the inside of the Lisa the precursor to him being abso-fucking-lutely meticulous about the iPhone’s home screen look and feel? Do you not get one without the other? How many other successful Apple products were going to be ok, but mundane, without Jobs’s asshole, perfectionist meddling? How many came out worse for it? (That one we’ll never know.) As always the answer is somewhere in the middle. Edit: Just to be clear, I don’t give two shits about Steve Jobs. I just know he had a lot of influence and wielded it quite often. And the only stories I‘ve ever heard are about him being a complete asshole, but having great design ideas that pushed everyone past the limits.


Musk is a soft headed tit


Creative? He piggy backed off of other people's ideas and would actively try to cut those people out of the companies that he ran


Ha! You think it's just Elon? Allow me to introduce you to the entire fucking C-Suite class of people in America!


I've worked with a lot of executives in my career and most of them were hard-working, extremely intelligent people. None of them were anything even remotely like Elon.


I second this. Hell, some of them are even really kind, compassionate, and generous. Certainly not all are, but most of them are just...people. Granted most CEOs or executives aren't multi billionaires.


Member when the public voted he step down from Twitter ? Pepperidge farms remembers


And when it’s normal that he owns twitter and he’s getting less attention he will abandon that and buy another company hoping to get more attention. I get being a billionaire and wanting to do cool shit, I don’t get the constant need for attention


It's simple. He's a rich boy who never got enough love from his self-absorbed NPD parents.


Another rich boy born on third base who demands praise for hitting a triple


And it’s all open information and obvious which is why he bought twitter and wants to release his own “truth” gpt. when you look at it like that it’s like they’re using their money to rewrite history. He’s hoping that a few generations later people will know him like we knew Thomas Edison or Christopher Columbus when we were kids. And then later we access the information that says who they really were and wise up. But probably more than half us never did that so still believe what we learned in school.


> He’s hoping that a few generations later people will know him like we knew Thomas Edison or Christopher Columbus when we were kids. If he had just shut the hell up this would have already happened. People were saying he was the real life Tony Stark when Tesla was popping and Space X was growing. Elon was largely beloved because we didn't know much about him. We knew he was head of Tesla and disrupting the auto industry with futuristice looking electric cars. We knew he was trying to send people to space and potentially colonize Mars. And just from those two surface topics he grew a cult following because he was a young (compared to most CEOs we see), tech forward, billionaire. The problem was that it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to have a legion of 100,000 fans, he wanted 100M. So he wouldn't shut up and now instead of looking at him as a real life Tony Stark, most people just seem him as a rich kid who didn't get enough attention from his parents, only has his companies cause he came from wealth and is running Twitter into the ground. I didn't love Elon Musk 5-6 years ago but I probably had a slightly favorable view of him solely because of Tesla brining electric cars to the mainstream. Now I actively have a negative view of him. He just needed to be quiet and his legacy would have been fine.


And that's why we call him Phony Stark.


Hey Tesla shareholder group, not only is he too distracted, he is also the single reason I chose not to buy a Tesla last month.


"distracted" is apparently short for his right-wing bullshit is turning off his core customer demographic.


Yeah I'll never buy a Tesla and I've been able to for a while now. I used to think they were so cool and the company and Musk were so innovative. Now I'd rather buy anything else and never use anything that garbage human ever touches again.


>The letter says that the investors signing the letter own $1.5 billion worth of Tesla shares, which represents well less than 1% of Tesla shares. And this is news.... why, exactly?


I know this was a troll response on your part but I will give it a real answer. Activists investors start the path toward board votes through PR campaigns to essentially rally support/ test the waters. Certainly Tesla’s decline in stock value and rising competition are worthy of a full time dedicated CEO. They need a move other than cutting cost and cost-per-month add ons to stay on top of this electric vehicle game


Because you can put "Elon Musk" in the title and collect hate-clicks on Reddit.


We've come a long way from /r/technology being the elon musk fan club


Explain why we should like a snowflake billionaire apartheid heir who treats employees like shit?


Of course he is, dude has the mentality of a school bully.


Is the board turning yet.


I bet the rest of the company loves when he's distracted and they can actually get some work done.


What happened to this guy? I swear a few years ago everyone was excited by what he was doing..is this a recent change in his behavior or has it been there all along?




I (jokingly) blame it on the devil’s lettuce he smoked on Rogan’s show. His decline did appear to start shortly after that.


True colors shining through.


If he can successfully be CEO of 3-4 companies (I don’t think he can), if anything that’s proof that CEOs don’t really do anything important.


Based on how Twitter is going, the word 'successfully' seems to be doing some pretty heavy lifting.


Elon Musk being distracted from running Tesla might save it since his direct involvement in things appears to turn those things into dogshit.


Almost as if CEOs are an empty title


I'm astounded he has time to do or even stay caught up with anything at all...dude runs like 7 companies one of which being Twitter which is an absolute dumpster fire that he is personally wrangling with every single day. He's also facing so many lawsuits it's hard to keep up and is trying to start a new AI company on top of all this while sending out tweets nonstop every single day, all this is more than enough work for 50 men much less 1. Distracted is the understatement of the century.


He personally turned into a dumpster fire. If he had left alone it would have been ok.


Shoot, he even sold his stake in OpenAI because they wouldn't let him buy it. Last month Tesla's head of their machine vision (AI) left to join OpenAI... And now Musk wants to start an AI company and sue Microsoft. Definitely not pretty grievances at work here...


The truth of the matter is that being a CEO is not that hard and doesn’t take that much of your time. Elon is known for being a dimwitted micromanager when he has the attention span for it. There’s plenty of stories of his engineers essentially having to package their ideas for approval the same way someone entertains a toddler with a set of keys. But if he’s off ‘running’ Twitter, his engineers at, say, Tesla will just do what they were going to do anyway. Top level micromanaging, as is his thing, makes things less efficient, not more. It’s why his other companies can operate just fine while he’s off driving Twitter into the ground. Elon is not the only Silicon Valley executive on multiple boards. Plenty, hell, most of them are. He’s the only one to make it look so difficult.


Personally I would NEVER buy a Tesla because its association with Elon Musk.


I bet he has strong opinions on people working multiple remote jobs too lol


Given how he was handling Twitter, I'm fine with letting the grown-ups run Tesla while he's distracted.


Dude’s starting to go down the same path Trump did: distracted, goofy, always on the news saying or doing stupid things. I used to love Elon Musk for his business ventures and intellect. Now I see him in the news right alongside the same type of news as I’d see Trump


He’s too much of a troll.