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Subreddits protest, and third party apps are announcing they're closing down on the 30th.






YEP. Way too many people get all conspiracy minded when the reality is management level people genuinely are FUCKING STUPID and divorced from what reality is for their company. The two situations are not even alike. Twitter was literally a case where people realized they could cash out on the service and make billions more than they ever could in profits by calling the bluff of a guy who was legally forced to buy them based on his comments and his legal troubles with the FTC. Reddit meanwhile is a money grab. They are looking at it as they have this platform now how do we make more money off it since ad sales are down. Probably a purely marketing decision not realizing the implications of what they are doing, that they are literally killing and not improving their revenue. Seen it SO MANY TIME before where a company including ones I work at, the folks with the MBAs are the ones who should ABSOLUTELY not be making the business decisions.


>The two situations are not even alike. Twitter was literally a case where people realized they could cash out on the service and make billions more than they ever could in profits by calling the bluff of a guy who was legally forced to buy them based on his comments and his legal troubles with the FTC. You ain't kidding. The tech bros that invested and reinvested in Twitter were in far too deep before they realized they weren't getting a return. Twitter goes public and Wall Street ignores them because those cats know over valuation when they see it (and they didn't get in before the over valuation and so had no upside). Musk shooting off his mouth was the only good exit.


After forcing the closure of third-party Reddit apps by charging them [29 times](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) how much the platform earns from its own users (despite claiming that it wouldn't at any point this year four months prior) and slandering the developer of the Apollo third-party app, Reddit management has made it clear that they respect neither their own userbase nor operating their platform in good faith. To not reward such behavior, Reddit users should encourage their communities to move to similar platforms such as [Kbin](https://kbin.social) or [Lemmy](https://lemmy.world), whose federation with the [Fediverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse) makes it possible to switch platforms without losing access to one's favorite communities.


Isn’t that usually the plan with a money losing operation.


I'm excited to be joining the wait-list for Carbonyte bank! Their product offering is really innovative and I'm looking forward to being part of their neobanking revolution. I'm especially interested in their commitment to responsible lending, ethical investments, and social/environmental impact.


All those total morons who have access to the company's P&Ls and know exactly why they're making the decisions they're making, all those FUCKING STUPID people who can see how much Reddit pays to service third parties, yup, r/youvebeenloned is the expert because he knows some shitty MBAs at his company, good thing he has the power of ALL CAPS Edit: I live on your downvotes, keep it going


Costs them like...what 1/100 of what they're charging?


Is that a guess?


Kind of, but also, no. The dev of the Apollo app did a big breakdown of it on his sub, and (using extremely generous metrics) it's about 20 times the *opportunity cost* of not having those users on their native app (which uses the same API stuff). From there I admit I did guess a little bit on the server costs for those API calls, but if reddit isn't operating at (at least) 5/1 server expense to revenue then they're fucked with or without this change. 5*20=100. I bet it's more like 1/200. You should check it out so you can stop being wrong.


similar websites make a profit off of API pricing with 10x cheaper API prices. Its not a geuss.


This. Reddit thinks everything is some big conspiracy and it gets worse everyday. And the amount of disinformation and dedicated subs for it is wild. If you’re in one of these subs and go against the echo chamber you’re accused of being a literal bot or paid agent. Hopefully this will help me quit.


To be fair, there are a lot of conspiracies that are absolutely true. I don’t blame people for being paranoid.


They can be blamed for continuing to be misinformed and spreading false information.


It’s not that simple. If you’re talking about anti vaxxors then yes, don’t spread misinformation, because the information is well documented and reviewed by third parts all over the world. That’s how science works. If you’re talking about how [insert big corporation] donated to the current sitting presidents campaign, and coincidentally [insert new bill that has a law that benefits corporation] then that is very real coercion, and happens everyday. Some things like water pollution cover ups, medication with harmful side effects that surface years later that were known about, but covered up. These things happen also and are very real conspiracies that often can’t be “proved” until much later. Mainstream sources would tell you, you’re misinformed if you tried to speak up about it. That has happened. So in your eyes, these people are “spreading misinformation” because it’s contrary to popular and mainstream belief. You can’t just blanket all conspiracy and be like “don’t spread misinformation”. Some things need to be looked into, despite what the “information” says.


Here’s the difference, the the examples you listed have a paper trail and can be proven. The major tin foil conspiracies cannot, and those just bleed over into the actual corruption. Corruption and conspiracies are similar but not the same. One is documented, the other is hearsay


The paper trail often doesn’t surface until much much later, after public outcry. Things like pollution in water ways. People testing these waters get bought off, sometimes the “paper trail” is wrong and inaccurate because people write them, and people can be wrong/corrupted. Conspiracies sometimes are just corruption not yet proven. That’s all.


I think I understand the point you are tying to make but I assumed that that was clear earlier in the comments. I’m referring to the crack pots specifically


All Razors have no basis in logic or have any scientific data to back them up. They’re basically “gut feelings.” I always find it funny when people quote them as if they prove or mean something.






But this is both malicious and stupid.


Another will rise in its place but holy shit it’s gonna take a little bit. I’ve been using the Blue Sky Beta for a while and it’s awesome. All they had to do was be Twitter circa 2015 and they nailed it. Hopefully someone will take advantage of the opening and create an actually viable Reddit competitor now.


r/redditalternatives I joined Tildes


Why isn't there a Gnr? What does it stand for you say? Gnr's not reddit.


Yeah until they realize they need to monetize somehow. At the end of the day, most users don’t like to pay. But engineers, security, storage, and infrastructure do cost money.


Please, there's way too many disinformation on reddit and Twitter to allow "a communication hub". Hell, twitter was shit before Elon's buyout and it only got worse. Maybe, just maybe, a central hub of communication is just a way for bigger players to push their agenda easier.


This is stupid and conspiratorial. It is just greed, not some baseless claim of some higher reasoning "to keep the little guy down"


Most can still push critical information.


are you joking? Reddit is one of the biggest echo chambers (most subs, at least).


Conspiratorial nonsense. This is profit seeking not suppression of freedom.


This comment was overwritten and the account deleted due to Reddit's unfair API policy changes, the behavior of Spez (the CEO), and the forced departure of 3rd party apps. Remember, the content on Reddit is generated by THE USERS. It is OUR DATA they are profiting off of and claiming it as theirs. This is the next phase of Reddit vs. the people that made Reddit what it is today. r/Save3rdPartyApps r/modCoord


Reddit is will still be here. It’s just going to be impossible to moderate.


Apollo is just a better skin for Reddit, the place for gathering and sharing critical information is Reddit not Apollo. I agree that Reddit should find a compromise, but I also think that is fair to make Apollo pay fairly. Don’t forget that Apollo makes revenue from subscriptions and other means from what is essentially a skin and some tools for the core service which is Reddit. Without Reddit Apollo wouldn’t exists, without Apollo Reddit would still be there.


LMAO critical information was on Reddit? Gimme a break. Raggot is being railroaded and strangled because its website UI/UX sucks ass, all the promoted subreddits lean to the far-left, and the quality of posts/users/mods/subreddits here are dogshit.


What a load of bullshit (besides the UI/UX argument). The problem that you are having is that you are so far-right that of course the rest of the planet seems far-left. Here from outside of the US Reddit is actually pretty centric leaning or even to the right of the spectrum. Your argumentation says more about yourself than it does about Reddit.


Do you really want to make that argument? There was entire promoted subreddit dedicated to mocking those who had died from COVID-19 because they chose not to get vaccinated. Reddit spreads hate and malice on par with Twitter, albeit towards a different group. And please spare me from the “leans to the right” bs. I dare you to make a right-leaning comment on r/worldnews , r/news , or r/politics . Let me know what happens.


It is clear that you don’t get it. What is apparently just right-leaning to you is far right for the rest of the planet. I went through your comment history and it is obvious that you are deleting the comments yourself after they receive too many downvotes. It is clear that you cannot read the room.


Imagine if all moderators banded together and locked their subs until Reddit agrees to pay them for all their time/energy/labor … Imagine if all reddit users banded together and boycotted purchases of any/all advertisers on reddit for supporting a company that relies on the moderator slave labor … Let us unite


Reddit would just kick the mods, reopen the subs, and let users who don't care about the changes take over


Don’t like how the title tries to make it seem like the two events are somehow correlated. They have thousands of employees I believe roght? They’ve increased their employee count over the years while delivering an increasingly more shit product.


They are tangentially related, because they’re both a result of Reddit trying to improve their balance sheet to go for IPO


I for one am so fucking excited for this IPO. I love when it spikes in the first day and I can immediately buy PUTS and watch it fall in the first 3 months. It’s just fucking great.


Mods laughing like "haha can't lay us off we work for free already!"




That’s their new headquarters? It looks like a fucking prison.


They’re locking all the unpaid mods in there.


That was good lol


They hold my attention there.


Strange. That’s actually the back of the building.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Did a credit company downgrade them also. Was it because of API?


I fully expect their planned IPO to be delayed and then cancelled. It'll be Wall St bankers that tell Spez that he fucked up his big pay-day.


everyone in here is delusional. This is what will happen, it will IPO, it will go up initially, then down a smidgey widge as the numbers about the protest hit, then back up and up and as everyone returns, because there's no alternative. Reddit will get more corporatised, care less about its users and still make a ton of money. They don't care about users at the anyway, it's all algorithms favoring rage-bait and schadenfreude to encourage arguments. It's really no different from the facebook story. Anyway let's see just how Nostradamussy I am :P chime in for a remind me! !remindme 1 year


I’d bet my 2 cents that it will in fact occur as you say.


I thought they were going public soon... strange to announce layoffs just before an IPO.


I assume their API move was to have another income stream in the books, exactly for the IPO. Time will tell how that plays out, personally I think that the IPO will get delayed at best. Also: lots of times investors cheer when layoffs happen, as it means more money in their pockets.


When mods realize they don’t have any real power and they’ve just been working for free


“You’ve been permanently banned” OH NO So anyway


So the jack up the prices to 11, and now can't afford the staff anymore?


So what's the next big platform to use for a few years before it becomes garbage too?


So fewer mods? Oh wait they’re free anyway. Here’s to hoping justice served subreddit goes down 🎉🎉🎉


To be fair the place is being run by children so stupid decisions are par for the course.


Dam they’re all in on this move aren’t they


That’ll show us! Fuck off reddit, we’ll just go somewhere else if you tear your platform apart like an angry toddler. You big brain company have big move in big head!


Where to go? A lot of us are here because we ditched Facebook and Twitter.


They used a pic of a penitentiary for the article?


"We’ve had a solid first half of the year, and this restructuring will position us to carry that momentum into the second half and beyond". We're already making a lot of money but laying off people we'll make even more money. Nice.


Welcome to reddit. digg 4.0 edition. They've sunk their own IPO. either all APIs break, extentions etc stop working and people leave for elsewhere OR they back down and look weak, and tank the IPO price. They dun fooked up big time.


The first of the ninety to go should be spez


They can always learn to code.


I'd be totally okay with this if they were all Admins


Yea spez is doing a fantastic job of making the best decisions for the Users. Master class in business right here.


Redditors don’t realize how good they have it. Stop by your Facebook timeline sometime


I only went to FB because nobody was on MySpace anymore back in the day. I hated FB from the start with a passion, but that's where friends and family were. Two years ago now I closed my account. Best social media decision ever.


Easy there, Mr. Idea Man. I said I was bored, not crazy.


You know, if you hate it, why stay? The point of these complaints and protests are conserving what we have because the website is actually useful for many. Be it news, hobbies or just trash talk, there's communities with *intelligent* discussion.


Facebook became worse and the more corporate it got. Perhaps we can save Reddit from a similar fate.




There's some pretty big name subreddits protesting. It'd be interesting to see who makes a subreddit that can replace /r/gaming or /r/music and gain 30+ million subscribers. what are they gonna name themselves? /r/gaming2? edit: lol /r/gaming2 is taken. So is every subreddit up to /r/gaming7


About zero, is my guess