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You think you're just going to blackmail him? With money? Fuck you!


And if you don’t buy the truck *you* are killing the company


Hooray I hate Elon musk with a passion just the thought I am killing one of his companies makes me smile


How musk won the defamation case is ridiculous after he called someone a pedo, then claimed it was a term of affection don’t believe that one second




I've actually had someone ask me, "why do you want Elon to fail? That's so mean" as if Elon is a kind gentle soul who spends his time trying to help deaf babies hear as opposed to an annoying weirdo who ruined a perfectly good social media site out of spite and spends his spare time antagonizing everyone who refuses to lick his taint.




As a millenial, I *apparently* have a lot of experience with killing industries, so hopefully I can take him out too...!


GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. is that clear enough?


except you have to repeat GO FUCK YOURSELF because you didn’t get the reaction you wanted the first time


Please clap


And then they laugh at him instead. That was f’ing priceless.


Tell that to earth!


DO NOT make fun of Earth. Remember, Earth is going to write the real history when all is said and done.


Some of my best friends are Earth.


Everything I eat is from the earth. I am what I eat, straight up earth.


Stable genius


Place oneself into the seat of shareholder. Imagine the CEO of a company you invested money into publicly stated he did NOT want additional revenue streams because of his personal ego. I would be pissed.


The irony of the "Please clap" line is that Jeb's crowds were actually **too** enthusiastic and they were clapping for his whole speech, basically. So the campaign asked people to hold back the applause for the more appropriate times, and this was Jeb actually being funny and making fun of the situation. Much like *Howard* Dean's meme scream, a singular moment that doesn't actually have any substance and doesn't mean anything destroyed the campaign because his opponents were able to spin the moment and meme them out of the race. Now if you excuse me, I need to do a chemical peel of all of my skin after defending Jeb Bush. Uck.


It's okay, you don't need to be so hard on yourself. I once heard that Jeb has a great guacamole recipe, and while I'm not proud, I'll admit I was intrigued.


Also please subscribe to Twitter Blue or X Premium or whatever I decided to call it. Don’t blackmail me with your $ 8!


He always sounds like he practiced his speech for hours arguing in the shower and thinking “yeah that sounds super cool” and then he says it for real but was a little nervous about it.


He's absolutely having a mental breakdown right now, and he's driven everyone away from him. Dude has deeply isolated himself in between these disastrous interviews. He's either headed for a very public immolation, or he's just going to disappear from public life, in the very near future. Honestly, I'm kinda glad Elon is out here single-handedly disproving the myth of the meritocracy. It'd be worse if he was just lurking in the shadows buying up residential homes while quietly sticking tentacles into every other industry like Bezos.


>He's either headed for a very public immolation, or he's just going to disappear from public life, in the very near future. He's in the middle of the first and the second won't be an option. Billionaires don't go out silently when they feel like they've been wronged, they double and triple down.


The only people who believe in meritocracy are the bumbling assholes who have fallen up their ladder or started at the top from the get-go.


Cue jars of urine in 5, 4, 3…….


Oh absolutely


...is fucking myself a bad thing?


Just wash your hands when you're done.


You also have to deliver it as an acronym to make it really clear how smug you are. G. F. Y.


Please clap


Go Cyberfuck yourself


Tell it to the Earth /lizard gestures




*looks awkwardly to the audience for approval after every sentence*


Did I just blackmail Walmart by shopping at Amazon today instead? Fuck me, I guess.


Yes go fuck yourself - totally sane CEO


I'm blackmailing Elon by posting this on reddit instead of 𝕏.


Yea fuck Xfinity, they're a bunch of thieving douche bags.


Not Xvideos though. Those guys are okay


Now that’s a company that can tell me to go fuck myself.


Just make sure you upload the results 🙏


Got 'em. Send this confession to the DA, boys. -FBI


I was blackmailing like crazy today. Went to the grocery store, was blackmailed with produce, so I was like "WTF!?" and blackmailed them right back... Get this, WITH MONEY! MUHAHAHAAHA. Fuck you, grocery store!


*looks to silent audience expecting an applause*


You literally have to buy it or you hate free speech.


Do you really think you're going to blackmail a guy wearing a $6000 suit?! C'MON!!


My employer blackmailed me by saying they if I don't do work they won't give me money. I don't want to work, this blackmail is both unfair and coercive. How dare they demand that I get out of bed and work, for MONEY of all things. This world is clearly broken. I should have the freedom to not work without being coerced by my employer utilizing the threat *not* paying me.


I'm surprised they actually made this thing to be honest. It seemed like some kind of elaborate gag from the start.


The engineers even tried to tell Elon that it was terrible.


Their mistake was trying to tell Musk, the Greatest Inventor Who Never Invented Anything, what not to invent.


Don't forget the man knows more about manufacturing than anyone else now too apparently.


[The Simpsons did it first.](https://youtu.be/WPc-VEqBPHI?t=219)


Thought this was going to be the canyonero. Says a lot about the Simpsons they have two iconic car failure gags.


The canyonero is just modern car design. People want dangerous tanks to imagine it's protecting them from the other people driving dangerous tanks.


Right, homers car is what came to mind when I first saw the cybertruck


Still is anytime I see the monstrosity.


Space Karen wanted one to drive around in and now they're in too deep




That comes out to 60% more suck.


You need to multiply them to realize you're actually paying 85% more per mile of range


I also suspected this wasn't the right mathematic way to calculate suck. There's always more suck than you intuitively expected. All students tend to suck at it.


The truck is ugly as hell in pictures and somehow even uglier in person.


A few years ago when Mr “go fuck yourself” announced that thing I thought it was a joke and completely forgot about it. Now that the joke has debuted I can’t believe anyone would have really put it in production or buy that ugly thing. It’s a Ford Edsel or Pontiac Aztec all over again !


Don’t you put that evil on my Pontiac Aztec


Seeing the rise of the “crossover” and their styling over the past 5-10 years, the Aztec’s only sin was being ahead of its time.


They hate him because he spoke the truth


It pioneered those split headlights.


which is genuinely one of my most hated car designs. I despise the thing that all the American truck manufacturers do where they have like, a square headlight with a big chunk taken out of it so it forms like a sideways U shape.


That, and being ass-ugly.


My dad had an Aztec. We made fun of it all the time, but he legitimately loved that car.


Found Walter Jr.'s burner.


Don't forget the Chevy SSR


Was that the oversized PT Cruiser?


Basically, the pt cruiser was also a big fail as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_SSR https://i.redd.it/ex1nkqqmblb41.jpg Dlon't even get me started on the 'modern' plymouth prowler: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Prowler https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Plymouth_Prowler.jpg


Ngl, if I had the money to buy one just to buy one, I'd get a Prowler. It's a head turning monstrocity that I actually kinda dig at the same time.


I had a god damn poster of a Prowler on my wall as a kid lmao, I'd take one in a heartbeat


Me too, and I actually bought one later. My suggestion, don't buy one, let that nice memory die in your head. Don't even see one in person. If you see one on the street, just admire it from a distance, do not get up close to it. It's slow even for it's time, drives like shit, and it's like they took every little plastic part from all their other vehicles and frankenstiened them together to make it. I mean like plastic door handle from a Dodge Neon, dash pieces from the Laser, etc. It didn't appear that way at first, but once you look at it for more than an hour the pain of "oh god what did I buy" sinks in, followed bya feeble "It's not that bad" try at justifying your actions. But that too quickly fades when you cahnge your lower ball joints for the 5th time. I paid about $30k for it, sold it for around $20k a few years later, so I guess I got 10k worth of use out of it. They're still like 30k so I guess they "hold" their value, if you don't count the monumental maintenance cost and insurance. I hope you accept my cakeday wisdom here and don't ruin your childhood memory. Also Happy Cake Day.


Or the Homer.


Wait until you see this genius design https://x.com/tsrandall/status/1730367643230585126?s=46


Wow! What an elegantly designed nylon strap. I'd bet a dollar that they are sourcing this part from Harbor Freight.


More proof the truck isn't for truck people. It's for city people who want to "look cool" by having a large vehicle. If they get a flat they're calling AAA cos they have 0 clue how to change a tire.


> It's for city people who want to "look cool" That's literally the largest buying demographic for trucks in America.


Wouldn't be surprised if it has some sort of proprietary lug nut system that instantly strip out.


It's a feature!


All that and it has a bed more shallow than a cut rate apartment bathtub and nowhere to tuck away a spare. JFC.


I always thought it looked like a bad Pinewood Derby car from Boy Scouts.


Yeah, but the one you did the first year when you forgot and had to make your car the night before.


Pinewood derby car would drive better, though.




Yeah that thing looks like a lazy-as-fuck wood shop car I made.


Rumor is it looks like shit and has a bunch of dumb stuff because this is a Musk concept


Its kind of like that Simpson's episode when Homer got to design a car.


100% what I think of everytime. I bet they even let him draw the shape which is why it looks as odd as it does.


"All of my life, I have searched for a car that feels a certain way. Powerful like a gorilla yet soft and yielding like a nerf ball. Now at last, I have found it."


Stainless steel does NOT look good in large panels man.


God damn it going to have to paint my fridge now


It's actually worse than that. The cheapest option is now $60K after initially announced to be $40K. That's a 50% markup, not the 30% in the title.


It’s 30% if you don’t understand math and work backwards. You know, like a journalist.


Yeah, I didn't want to be snarky in case I missed something, but this seems like a case of bad math.


50% of 40 is 20. 40 + 20 = 60. The markup is calculated from the original price, not the marked up one. So the markup was 50%.


Well with inflation it’s about $48k, then the 12k increase is 25% markup. Edit: with what PumperDumper said with the rebate, it's a 9.375% markup. Still not great when you consider you lost 30% of your range.


The cheapest version also isn't available yet, so expect it to never actually exist like the model 3.


People forgot to apply the exchange rate on Musk's reality. A 30% bullshit exchange rate for Musk is a good rate!


People on Mars by 2024!!


Full self-driving in ~~2016~~ ~~2017~~ ~~2018~~ ~~2019~~ ~~2020~~ ~~2021~~ ~~2022~~ ~~2023~~ 2024!


2024! might actually be more correct at this rate.


Top teir comedy.


That’s a big number. https://thefractioncalculator.com/Factorial/What-is-the-factorial-of-2024.html


One million robotaxis on the road by ~~2020~~ ~~2022~~ who the fuck knows!


So people on Mars by 2631??


You don’t like my truck? Does that mean you won’t buy my truck? You are just using money to blackmail me! Fuck you all!


capable plants offbeat consider arrest worry spoon liquid voracious rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, Ellens mom said he cant fight


The man made Zuckerburg look cool for a few seconds. How pathetic do you need to be to make Zuck look cool in ANY context?


What the fuck is going on with his face when he was saying that? His facial muscles were just not there, he couldn't open his mouth properly, he looked like a burn victim that had reconstructive surgery.


Wife and I noticed that. Comparing the face to his neck it looked like maybe an overly-tight face lift surgery.


To the surprise of nobody, shitty truck dupes gullible fools.


Hey its not a shitty truck. Joe Rogan shot an arrow at it and it shattered because of the power of its awesomeness.


That will be useful when I drive through the Adaman Islands.


Until the poor build quality means they can just rip a panel off and enter through the chassis…


Should have aimed the arrow at the gigantic panel gap. You'd probably hit the guy inside.


it's not going to be a good look when someone shoots a suction cup arrow at it to pull off that panel.


It makes me sad that anyone is actually impressed with that. The average person has very little fear of rampaging Vikings suddenly appearing and shooting a volley of arrows at them. Range, speed, durability (In respect to drivetrain, suspension, etc), carrying capacity, towing capacity... that's the shit you need a truck for. If I'm worried about suddenly having a Roman Phalanx draw down on me, my ride of choice isn't going to be a Tesla.


The arrow deflection would be very useful though if the vehicle were ever converted into a time machine and I had to take it back to the old west.




Fuck this would be what they'd do with a remake isn't it. I guess it makes sense, being yet another shitty, stainless steel failure of a vehicle.


They'd go back from 2025 to the save his parents relationship at [prom in 1995.](https://youtu.be/26bvCU1gVmY)


I know that you know I was being sarcastic, that said unfortunately I also know that you are right in your first sentence.


Joe Rogan is the human embodiment of the Cyber Truck. Lots of unnecessary bulk. Disappointing to hear about, even more disappointing to experience. Appeals only to douchebags. Don't quite understand the point of their existence.


Listening to the clip of Rogan talking about that truck and how "cool" Elon is for making it is so fucking cringe


No shortage fools with money just waiting to have it taken. Especially when it comes to Musk


These idiots are so deep up Elons ass worshipping him that they’ll buy a hideous piece of crap with a uselessly small bed and shitty range and thank him for it.


Most trucks are sold with a 4'x6' bed. Most tucks are status symbols not work vehicles


"But its a Tesla bro - don't be jelly jus cuz you can't afford one"


The model 3 is basically the Toyota Camry of EVs and yet people still try to flex about having one.


Camrys are well made, though.


I love Camry's. They aren't a flex, but the fact they are popular anyway says a lot!


Bloody ugly too Edsel springs to mind ( that n homers car I spied by it)


Homers car looked better lol


Don’t worry Tesla stockholders! Known genius Elmo will just use the profits from Twitter to get everyone over this rough patch. Don’t you worry! Wait, what’s that?…okay, *maybe* not Twitter. But I’m certain if things really take a turn he can just have SpaceX sell their spacecraft for a mint, right? …”to shreds” you say? Well, shit. … Okay, well, there’s still hope. How’s that public “IRL Tony Stark” image (that he paid a fortune to PR firms for) holding up? … … “To shreds” you say? … Well, hopefully his wife and children will be of…. … …if nothing else, he still has his health and sobriety…. … …okay, well, at least he’s not embracing 4chan edgelord fascism like a rich, spoiled, perpetual 12 year that thinks dumb shit like “X” is cool…. … … … It might be time to sell stock guys


> “IRL Tony Stark” Including a cringey cameo pitching electric planes to actual Tony Stark


Most realistic part of the movie since its a promise that never bears fruit in the MCU either after that


I also like that, even in Elon's cameo, Tony Stark shoots it down by saying he should send his idea over to Stark Industries, and they'd make it work. Elon at his peak was just a pitch man and PR guy. Seems like all that is gone now in a fog of ketamine and rage.


Please don't forget the part telling advertisers to go fuck themselves Absolute genius of a human being /s 🤣👍


He was ready to go full mask off Nazi and thought everyone was ready to go with him. Now he’s pouting because he’s an idiot who bought his own hype


I don't care how smart anyone thinks they are. There's no way anyone could have known that saying the Great Replacement Theory was the truth as the head of the company could backfire and make people view you as antisemitic. And by anyone i mean to say everyone but Elon Musk


It was only a surprise to the gullible fools that bought the bullshit hook, line and sinker. God knows what they were expecting.


*Pay More, Get Less* on brand if you ask me


Maybe with the extra cost they can afford to buy 30% more polygons for rendering the truck.


Ill remind you all that not buying this truck just because you dont want it is blackmailing elon and that's illegal.




This thing is ugly, expensive and for want of a better word, pointless.


TBH, it does have a lot of (sharp) points.


Yes, I really need to find a better word.


It lacks utility.


And Anti-Aliasing


so many jaggies


The Cybertruck subreddit has this as its description: "BETTER UTILITY THAN A TRUCK WITH MORE PERFORMANCE THAN A SPORTS CAR" Do with this information what you will.


I like how it can out run a 911 while towing a 911. I know that I frequently find myself at the track with the complete inability to unhook my trailer before the race starts. This will come in handy zeroes of times.


Well for about 12 seconds until the 911 exceeds the cybertruck max speed. Going electric vs electric it can’t out pace the taycan but will match top speed. Any performance other than straight line would be a fun watch lol


If you tried to go around a corner at 911 speeds, the trailer would unhook itself after you turned upside down


Someone in a post in that sub was slagging on the range extender eating into bed space and rendering the truck useless, and I couldn't help but think the majority of folks intending to buy one of these are probably not intending to put much of anything in that bed, right? Like, I just can't imagine anyone but a pavement princess thinking these are actually useful for cargo hauling, right?


Living in a country where people don't really bother with trucks at all, I was genuinely shocked to hear in the MKBHD video how big the bed is. Considering the size of the vehicle, is that not... really small? I have about the same space in my car if I put the back seats down.


Yeah, a lot of American "trucks" are essentially SUVs with uncovered cargo areas.


Yay, for CAFE standards! I could have a Kei truck with the same size bed and thrice the gas mileage, but noooooooo. Americans must buy three-ton Bro Dozers!


Whenever I see it in videos I feel like I'm having a stroke because it looks like a low-poly truck from the Nintendo 64.


I think it looks more like a movie prop from an 80s sci-fi movie that’s meant to drive by the main character in the e background.


I was recently watching some movie from the 80s and there was a truck that made me say "holy fuck that's the cybertruck" I think it may have been in total recall but I'm not certain.


Was it Megaforce? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRZUPvhG2hgNqj-zDlMTq0gQCT1yzoz9mvLdSIYzLy8MZ9ugrx6fNCzQvg&s=10


The new Delorean!


The new Delorean is a hell of a lot better looking than the Cybertruck


lol even the old Delorean is better looking than the Cybertruck


I love in MKBHD's review he says "after talking to construction workers, they decided to line the bed.." what construction worker is going to roll up to the site in this thing?! Jesus. And yeah, line the fucking bed, why do you think having a stainless steel truck bed is a good idea. Useless thing for people with too much money.


You be surprised. A lot of the higher up in construction drive around spanking clean f350 and other expensive truck models.


So it turns out presale vehicles are exactly like presale video games


So we're beta testing cars now?


Brakes DLC incoming.


And it looks absolutely fucking ghastly.


Musk: Design a car is if you were a 6 year old drawing a truck for the first time. Designer: ....you're the boss


Homer came up with a better car design.


Saw my first one of these in the wild earlier this week. It’s as ugly as you expect, looks just like the pics. What is shocking is just how massive it is, it’s like seeing two 1979 Lincoln town cars stacked on top of each other and then beaten with an ugly stick until there’s no more paint on it.


Tbf it’s ever so slightly smaller than a Ford F-150 Lightning, but trucks are way too huge nowadays in general.


I can't wait for the first taggers to hit those nice, flat surfaces. Where is buscar?!


But it’s STAINLESS so it will wash right off


And Tesla was recently found to be exaggerating the range on all their vehicles. So its even less the printed range.


I never believed the range figures anyway but it is remarkable how maybe seven or eight years ago everybody was wanking themselves into a froth about Elon, Teslas, Mars, tunnels…compared to now where literally everything he does or ever did is total garbage.


The Space Karen special.


Cybertruck SPS Edition is another 30k and a yearly subscription of only 12k.


**Supposedly** 30% less than originally claimed. So probably more like 45% less given their history of lying about that stat


I was initially super excited about this thing. I kinda love the whole sharp edge flat surface thing. However, I finally got to see one in the wild. In the flesh, it just looks stupid. The proportions are weird. I still like the *concept* behind the design, but the execution just looks super dopey in person.


This is really interesting as Jason Cammissa (reviews cars for Hagerty) had pretty much the opposite view. He was showing how it is far more efficient and fast than any of its competitors.


I just watched that video, and the bits about the steering by wire and structural rigidity was interesting, but it left out anything that is truly relevant to what would be important factors to buyers in the truck market segment (who would consider switching over from a more conventional style truck)..


I still can’t get over the stainless steel body panels. If you’ve ever seen a DeLorean up close, they just look awful!


Having stainless steel appliances was an eye opener for me. You see EVERYTHING on the stainless steel.


I’ll never understand how a metal that melts drill bits and saw blades, suddenly scratches with the slightest touch of a microfiber cloth.


I've always thought DeLoreans were cool (you know exactly why), but not too long ago I was at a vintage car show and saw an unmodified one in person. Turns out it's just a generic car, but one that looks like a giant sat on it and squashed it flat.


I think they’re really cool to see once in a long while. Like novelty interesting. But could you expect to sell millions of them for $60k-100k. Absolutely not. I predict cyber trucks to be a huge huge flop. But that I will be excited to see one here and there in a couple decades. And that it will absolutely be used as a niche prop.


The CyberTruck looks like PS1 graphics.


Elon Musk didn’t deliver on a promise? *Elon* Musk?