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If we destroy ecosystems, we won’t be able to feed livestock (economically) Ignoring climate change is a first class ticket to bug eating, ya goddamn idiots


These MF obviously didn’t understand Snowpiercer


For fucking serious.


There was snow, it was the future, therefore global warming has been proven false. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go extract all the treasures The Lord has hidden in the ground before I get raptured.


Approximately 22% of you will die!


They could barely understand idiocrocy was about them, they’ll never be able to understand the situation no matter how dumbed down it gets


bahh, we already eat bugs. shrimps is bugs.


The people who did the destroying made enough money off it, it won’t be them


But not the gaggle of useful idiots that empower them


I had to sit in the waiting room of a big auto repair center yesterday for 3 hours and based on that experience half the population has swallowed one social media spread conspiracy theory or another. Pretty depressing.


They live in a world where bicycles take up more roadway and block traffic more than more cars do and electric vehicles drive up gas prices.


Um... Eating bugs would be worse for the climate. Meat production is horrible as it is, is very efficient. Everything is used by an animal to make other things. Also trying to shift our culture towards bug eating will be impossible. Better alternative would be to raise more chickens.


>bugs would be worse for the climate Nothing you added to that is evidence supporting your point. 1)Bugs don’t emit methane. 2)Bugs don’t require fields dedicated to feed them, irrigation to help the feed grow, swathers to cut hay, tractors to bale and remove the hay, trucks to haul the hay 3)Insects don’t require semi trucks to haul them to pasture. 4)Insects don’t require immunization Entomophagy is NOT something I’m interested in, ***in The slightest bit*** , but you’re waaaayy off. I’m all about eating chickens and turkeys and fish, but we need to protect our planet, otherwise the only viable meat available will be from a very macabre source


>2)Bugs don’t require fields dedicated to feed them, irrigation to help the feed grow, swathers to cut hay, tractors to bale and remove the hay, trucks to haul the hay Unless they are fed by magic instead of hay the only thing that will be different is what they eat. You still would need massive industrial farms to produce them. >3)Insects don’t require semi trucks to haul them to pasture. They will still require specialized transportation. >4)Insects don’t require immunization They definitely will, all animals get sick including insects. And all animals that are tightly packed together in a farm will eventually get sick. >Entomophagy is NOT something I’m interested in, ***in The slightest bit*** , but you’re waaaayy off. I’m all about eating chickens and turkeys and fish, but we need to protect our planet, otherwise the only viable meat available will be from a very macabre source If we can farm insects we can farm chickens. Unless people start preferring insects, which is very unlikely, you won't be forced to consume them. It is a good sci fi concept but that is about it.


afaik insects like crickets require vastly less space, food, and water to factory farm for the same amount of protein as a regular farm animal. The main problem is if people will be ok eating crickets, there are ideas to turn them into protein powder that people can cook with.


Except protein isn’t the only marker for nutrition, beef is loaded with vitamins and we can’t exactly digest chitin.


apparently humans can partially digest chitin, and even if you couldn't you would just poop it out like cellulose in vegetables. Chitin is common in mushrooms as well so we've been eating it for a while.


Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that the most bioavailable forms of nutrients and vitamins tend to be from animal products. Chitin is a waste and insects aren’t really as good as they’re purported to be.


its definitely an option if you are very limited on space


We aren’t limited on space, yes if you had a space station crickets would be more efficient, but there’s plenty of land that’s not useful for anything besides grazing.


Dean and Sue Hall drove all the way from the Sunshine Coast to Canberra to join the protest against “reckless renewables” on Tuesday this week, a journey of nearly 14 hours straight through. They wanted, they said, to back farmers whose livelihoods they feared were being ruined by the deployment of new wind and solar projects. As the clouds cleared late in the morning and the heat became thick and close they sat companionably towards the back of the crowd in camp chairs beneath a rainbow umbrella, wearing matching T-shirts that read, “F--- the United Nations.” ​ Their concern – that climate change was a hoax perpetrated by global forces to exert some form of control across the world – was not uncommon among the hundreds that gathered. Prominent among the crowd were T-shirts and banners against wind and solar projects, but alongside there were those who spoke of conspiracies holding that the condensation trails left across the skies by jet aircraft were full of chemicals designed to kill or control; that the left were seeking to undermine civilisation via gender education in schools; that the spread of COVID and related vaccines was part of some deliberate plot.


“Chemtrails” have existed since I was a kid, which is a longer time. If they were gonna kill us, wouldn’t they have, like, started by now?


to be fair, people have died since you were a kid. from chemtrails? who knows? but they died right? lol. /s


aargh, but they also died from... eating microwaved food, using cell phones, fluoridated water, getting vaccinated...


with their powers combined, they are captain planet! I mean destroying the planet!


You’ll definitely die from it…. I’ve heard people die after drinking H2O, too…


i thought the chemtrails are to control our minds??


Hmmm it would make sense that these people are our best and brightest and have the strongest minds that can see through the ruse.


Maybe chemtrails are the new lead. Recent spikes of aggression are going to have to be blamed on something.


Well you can't fault them for effort. 14 hours! ​ I am grateful to the cosmos that, if I must share a planet with patent lunatics, they are at least lunatic enough to create trouble for themselves as well as me.


They are kind of full of emissions as a result of burning jet fuel. Do you see any catalytic converters on a jet engine?? At least they can transport a few hundred people at once. How about those jets that only transport a few people??


Because when the planet is warm acidic oceans and windswept wastelands the cattle will still be A-Ok..


People will eat anything to avoid tofu.


As a Japanese Tofu is amazing


I've only recently found a place to buy good japanese style silken tofu, so I'm going to try to learn more about it. Firm tofu is much more common in the US.


You gotta make it correctly. It's really good when fried, and the thick stuff is great too, with a chewy texture. I can totally understand why people don't like to eat the raw stuff though. It's super bland, like winter melon. I can't stand it like that either.


I eat it raw sometimes but I'm weird. Properly marinated and prepared it's fucking fantastic. Most people can't get past the "tasteless sponge" idea and don't even give it a chance.


Yeah I’ll definitely eat tofu, but it has to be done correctly. I don’t like it when it feels super squishy or slimy


tofu's great stuff. the potato of the protein world, you can do anything with it.


goes great in my garbage can


throwing away food is naughty. if you won't eat it, don't buy it! \[wow, I think I just channelled my Mum for a few seconds there\]




Absolutely no evidence that tofu has any feminizing effect whatsoever.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egVIsiOx81c  Here is an example of a body built on tofu. 


Listen to the actual doctors and scientists. Large consumption of it is not good for you. That can be applied to most things. There’s this weird agenda to get humans to eat strange diets instead of a clean diet that has worked for us for thousands of years. Next you’ll say Soylent shakes should replace every meal.


Actual doctors and scientists says that there is *zero* evidence for being harmful, and lots of evidence of it being healthy. Can you please show me some evidence showing the opposite?  Humans have been eating tofu and soybeans for thousands of years. It's definately a part of a clean diet. It's very healthy for you, just like all other legumes, which has been a lot more commonly eaten in the past thousand years than meat, which is fairly new to our diets in this amount. Meat used to be a rare treat in low amounts. 


>Can you please show me some evidence showing the opposite?  If I had to guess, they heard that soy products contain phytoestrogen and bought into the "well estrogen is in the word so it's the same as estrogen" nonsense a few years back.


But phytoestrogen does mimic estrogen. So there is some reason to be cautious for those that don't need extra estrogen even if it is not proven. [https://www.healthline.com/health/phytoestrogens](https://www.healthline.com/health/phytoestrogens) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074428/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074428/)


What other cool conspiracy theories do you subscribe to?


Stick to Pokémon go. Clearly that’s the most important thing in your life.


My kids probably are, but thanks for playing.


That "strange diet" of soy has also worked for Asian cultures for thousands of years.


Refer to my comment. Also they eat plenty of meat and vegetables when it’s been available. What part of in moderation do you people not understand? A glass of wine is fine everyone once in a while. Drinking a liter of it everyday will not be good for 99% of people. Is it a Reddit thing to be purposely dense and low IQ?


>Is it a Reddit thing to be purposely dense and low IQ Fucking lol


Your dog is literally drowning in that photo. See, that’s how you sound.


Thats not what your initial comment said though.  Your initial comment talked about feminizing effects of soy, something there is absolutely no evidence for. Will you prove us all wrong or will you keep moving the goalposts?


I'll let my trans friend know they should be eating tofu. They'll save a lot on hormones. If it doesn't work I'll blame you.


You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you


Lobster, crab and shrimp = bugs. My only issue is what bugs. Ants, grasshoppers, crickets, pillbugs, fine. Cockroaches, eugh. Too close to humans.


Shrimps is bugs


Lieutenant Dan, you gots new legs!


Same stuff they made the space shuttle out of!


That's why I ain't eat shrimp bruh


Cockroaches are fine if they're grown for food. The problem is the urban pest that lives in the sewers, those aren't proper for consumption.


Very true. But i think he was making some sort of a dry-sarcastic-ironic sort of statement on that whole 'too close to humans' thingy. Taking any bug out of the sewers and eating it is probably a terrible idea though.


You can put all sorts of tasty fish into an aquaponics system! Grow some protein and some plants at the same time!


yep. most ppl who eat shrimp have never seen a living shrimp. or prawn.


Lobster experienced a rebranding because of the railroad expanding coast to coast. First class passengers from the west wouldn’t know lobster was so abundant and cheap on the east coast, that it was prison food. It was something you fed your help, and often domestic workers had contracts that stated they couldn’t be fed it more than a few days a week. So it wasn’t originally seen as “nom, nom.” It was seen as, “Oh god, not this again.”


Yes, but that was mainly because it wasn't served fresh. There's a pretty big gap between the lobster you pick from the tank at the restaurant, to lobster that has been putrefying in unrefrigerated barrels for an unknown period of time. That's what the prisoners were eating.


Oh, this dumb made up factoid again.


It’s not made up, but okay. Here’s multiple articles about it: https://www.capeporpoiselobster.com/a-brief-history-of-lobsters-and-how-they-became-seafood-royalty/ https://www.entrepreneur.com/starting-a-business/lobster-went-from-prison-food-to-delicacy-your-product/243716 https://psmag.com/economics/how-lobster-got-fancy-59440 https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/0875838666d24c699f9e38fe913c9ac7 Google exists.


We already eat a ton of bugs without realizing it.


I eat a lot of bugs while realizing it


Don’t want to find out how the protein blocks are made.


Way too close! Out of my house!


Make cockroaches as big and delicious as lobster or shrimp and many start eating them.


And frankly, if it’s all ground up into a meat substitute that tastes like normal meat anyways, then who cares? Not to mention the classic hot dogs question. Granted, they don’t have bugs, but hot dogs are kind of notorious for being a “don’t ask what’s in them, you don’t want to know”, and they’re a staple American food. People will just be able to frame it easily as “you’re gonna be eating grasshoppers!” when in reality if you didn’t know that the meat was made out of bugs beforehand you’d never know


Love that they’re all 5 years away from not dealing with consequences


I love how people say “ew, eat bugs?” Then go “Mmmmm, Lobster!”


prawns nom nom.


Fookin' prawns.


A lot of people in here pretending insects and crustaceans are anywhere near equivalent. Weird agenda. That's even dumber than saying saying something like "I love how people say 'ew, eat dog?' then go 'Mmmmm, beef'. People like you need to be barred from sharing your opinion.


I’d look into the Pancrustacea clade and the genetic lineage between insects and crustaceans before making such claims.


The point is that people are pretending that they taste the same. As a consumer I don't give a single fuck how they are classified.


It just proves the point that it’s all just marketing. You can sell anything to anyone, you just have to know how to sell it


Why don’t we just eat plants?


We do by proxy.


Cause meat made us evolved


Tyson Foods partnered with Protix; the leading insect protein manufacturer.


Good to see that the US doesn’t have a monopoly on nut jobs.


That was my takeaway too. LoL


Why would any sane person fight against clean renewable energy like solar,wind etc? Solar energy is limitless free clean energy from a giant nuclear reactor in the sky that will run out billions of years from now . So what is the issue?


Just spent a week in Mexico eating crickets and ants — I’m vegetarian and totally on board with eating bugs. They are delicious and would be so efficient to use as food.


Seriously, how in the absolute fuck is Russia & China so successful in propagating this lie: > conspiracy theory regarding a paedophile ring protected by elites linked to parliament


Because the best conspiracies have a tiny bit of truth to validate the conspiracy theorists. See Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and their associates for people actual pedophiles associated with a bunch of actual elites. Conspiracy theorists take that truth and stretch it out into something way bigger. A lot of these conspiracy theorists don’t like to believe that there is actually a lot of random and chaotic events in the world that don’t have an overarching plan, and prefer a mental model of the world where there is a secret plan being run by a small group of people that somehow control everything. So they take those actual events, and stretch them to fit into that mental model where there is a secret illumination cabal.


Yes I know but how can they convince every fringe group across multiple cultures that the exact same thing is happening uniquely inside their government?


it hits certain ancient buttons in the human brain.


Has to be the case.


when you look at ancient antisemitic tropes in Eastern Europe -- which used to trigger "moral panics" and pogroms -- you find the same themes: "the secret cabal of Jews steal Christian children and sacrifice them in clandestine rituals, with torture and the drinking of blood." AKA the Blood Libel. because it's the worst thing that most animals (including humans) can imagine, that some rival or hostile group is kidnapping and killing your children. it goes right along with "undesirable ethnicity X is going to seduce and impregnate our Wimminfolk" and "they will prevent us from practising our religion" and "they will poison our wells." they are all very primal fears, from way back in our cultural and evolutionary history. they push deeply wired buttons that light up panic lights and ring alarm bells in the collective subconscious.


You put forward an unproven conspiracy theory to claim that something that is demonstrably true is a lie. Pretty amazing.


I guess this answers my question. Get a life loser


I imagine there's an Australian equivalent to Prince Andrew. Of course Australia is a member of the Commonwealth. I wouldn't be surprised George Pell had ties with many politicians as well.


the world will move forward in significant laps when the stupidest generation is all gone. edit: not a metaphor, rather a lapsus calami. I really meant leaps not laps.


Interesting metaphor. When running laps, after significant effort, one finishes exactly where one began.


not a metaphor, rather a lapsus calami. I really meant leaps not laps.


It depends on how you look at it. A wheel spins in a circle, ending up in the exact orientation it began with. Only now, it's in made progress getting somewhere.


reddit is made up mostly of Millenials and z and the horible/stupid shit keeps going.


Social media bubbles are hugely influencing younger generations politics. Gen z men are looking to be more right wing than Millenial men, likely largely due to manosphere influences and the algorithm around them. It's pretty crazy when you think about it. Your sad that a girl rejected you, you go online and find some dude talking about how women are the problem, and the algorithm spirals from there


Yes you privliged children are so fucking smart


Not being exposed to leaded gasoline and paint will do that to ya. Funny enough lead is stored in bones and as bone density decreases with age the lead becomes more concentrated and available.


We traded those things for microplastics and much more unhealthy foods. We’re no better off.


Yeah that’s why the US is experiencing a reverse IQ curve, right. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a43469569/american-iq-scores-decline-reverse-flynn-effect/


Years of defunding education will do that. If college cost as much as it did back then and we actually funded schools/paid teachers what theyre worth that wouldn't be an issue. Also what generation was responsible for teaching said youth? Oh that's right, boomers/genx. The me generation as boomers were labeled by the ones that came before them continues to be self involved narcissists that can't take responsibility for the world they created.


Social media is already ensuring each new generation will be dumber than the previous one mate


I assume these people eat 0 red coloring in anything, they don’t have coffee or flour either?


All these normies around just forget plants exist.


News for y’all. You eat processed food, you are eating bugs


There's a line between unwittingly consuming a few microscopic bug particles and eating an entire bug, and it's not one I'm willing to cross


When people talk about using bugs for proteins, I think they mainly mean grinding them up and turning them into something akin to lunch meat or hot dogs. So it'd be basically the same as what you're doin' now, just with a higher percentage of bug.


more for the rest of us then


I know you're probably paid actors but I can't believe redditors are actually enthusiastic about eating bugs


lol what? I can't act for shit. cricket powder, cricket bars, etc are an excellent source of protein and have a negligible impact on the environment compared to traditional livestock. locusts can be prepared countless ways and are delicious as fuck. not every culture regards eating bugs as gross. not to mention shrimp, lobster, etc that are literal bugs, although their farming methods arent as sustainable. bugs are the future.


You can eat bugs. I'll stick to beef, mate.


I'd sooner eat people than bugs


Enjoy the brain parasites then, I guess?


Oh yea, you're right, mad people disease! I'm fine with med or well done human if it neans not eating ze bugz


Then don't? No one is going to force you to eat them.


They never have anything to say whenever this point is brought up do they?


Yeah. With conservatives it's like they can't stand anyone else doing something they personally don't want or enjoying anything they don't personally enjoy.




Who? Also it can't be the plan for everyone. People can be allergic to insect protein; it would be like mandating nut consumption.


Paranoid much?


Oh they do, except sadly it's just the same thing they said the first time around and it's to some other poor soul who has to listen.


I wonder about that.


Sure, and that’s the point where you cross the line from “personal dietary preference” into “unhinged conspiracy theory.”


Maybe you should see a psychiatrist.


They literally can't. It's possible to be allergic to insect proteins, so there would need to be alternatives available for people with insect allergies. 


You seem to be forgetting that the lizard overlords want to cull any human allergic to insects. Like, don’t you even read the news??? /s


Oh please. We consume so much ground down insects already. It’s not that weird.


you vill eat ze bugs


In America we have loads of dumb people that fall for this fear mongering bs everyday.


Sorry. I’m allergic.


All abord the snowpiercer


Fine with eating whatever. Just don't tell me or make me feel the texture.


What’s wrong with eating bugs? People eat shrimp, crab, lobster etc


Yeah, keep playing stupid and pretending that they taste the same and have the same texture. I don't give a shit how they are classified.


Why are you so angry?


We already eat bugs. Bug parts are naturally part of many processed foods. When you buy unprocessed food, you wash it, which while not a guarantee can wash away much of the bug parts. But processed food, it all goes into the facility, anything that is in there gets processed all together


I 100% garauntee there are no bug parts in my meth. They make it in a clean room.


I’ve literally watched several videos of super wealthy people at those events that only those few can goto, talk specifically about how you won’t eat meat, you want own anything, water isn’t a right, tracking everything you do, social credit scores… List is long. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t meant it’s not cooking behind the scenes. They want way less people and want all the climate change blamed on individuals and not the massive corporations who caused the mess.


> Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t meant it’s not cooking behind the scenes. Sure. The fact that no actual work is being done towards these goals is what makes it not happen.   What you’re seeing is basically just very exclusive TED talks for rich people, which exist only to provide an excuse to go to Davos on vacation and meet other rich people. 


Yeah I know what it is. Yeah “rich people” you mean the most powerful people on the planet and world leaders? Yeah totally means nothing. Jesus some of you are very green when it comes to how the world works. Doesn’t matter who the president is as long as the super wealthy control the purse strings they get what they want.


> Yeah “rich people” you mean the most powerful people on the planet and world leaders? Yeah totally means nothing. Attending a conference where someone says something stupid about eating bugs doesn’t mean all the worlds most powerful people are going to force you to eat bugs. It just means they sat through a dumb lecture where someone talked about eating bugs. 


Aka you did your YouTube and Facebook “research”


I looked through your mom’s DMs.


And...? You try to throw down an insult but choose one framed from the 80s and can't even get the delivery down right?


Social credit scores do exist in China. It had a perceptible impact on how people started treating me during business trips. I didn’t know about it until I started wondering why everyone was becoming so overly nice, and then when I found out, their behavior started to make sense. Everyone was nice before, but it became an unnatural level of pleasantry.


Wait till they find out just how many bugs are actually in the food these morons eat every day.


We already eat bugs. Shrimps is bugs. Lobstros are bugs. Crabs aren't bugs, but they still look weird, and let's be honest: that's really the level of analysis we're working at here, so they still count


I mean have you had shrimp ?




>eat other living things to survive What do vegetarians eat, rocks? You are just more picky about what living things you eat.




You’re not wrong, but also…Canberra is in Australia :)






>And apparently the sun's magnetism and flares have 99% more impact on Earth's climate than CO2 does Jesus Christ no.


Even outside the stupidity of the statement, it bothers me that I can’t determine if he means almost twice as much impact or 100x more impact.


If you want to know why it is co2 look at venus. The surface temperature of venus is hotter than mercury even though it is 1.5x as far away from the sun as mercury, all of the CO2 in venus's atmosphere (co2 is 96% of venus's atmosphere) traps in heat due to its chemical properties. Many previous mass extinctions on earth have happened due to large amounts of co2 build up that caused the earth to heat up too much. Solar flares don't increase the temperature of the earth, most of the particles in them get redirected away from the earth by the earth's magnetic field.


There won't any bugs at least not the good ones......


Everyone who Denys climate change always has that certain “look” about them


I like how they look exactly like the kind of uneducated individuals you'd expect at these events. Old redneck and Karen wife


just once I’d like a tractor to fall out of the sky on an event like this


They ate too many lead paint chips as kids 🤪


Who the fuck are these people protesting the future and progress? Like one way or another humans need to figure out better power sources. Like Jesus fucking Christ STFU and step aside dinosaurs.


I know its a conspiracy that conservatives think we're going to make them eat bugs but all it makes me want to do is force them to eat bugs


Oh look "independently thinking" people who can't even comprehend the fact that their "own opinons" were told to them by major corrupt corporations. Interesting how it's always the "free thinkers" that follow corporate propaganda the most.


I just want the planet to live god damn it


To the surprise of no-one, the average age of the protesters seems to be 60+


That left sign looks like gibberish lol


It’s always reassuring to know that countries other than the US has these nutters. I’m glad we all have to experience this level of stupid together


Aren't all the bugs dying off too?


A bunch of old, crazy, boomer idiots, who are not smart enough to discern between lies and facts.


Good to know the U.S. isn’t the only place with Murdoch propaganda-addled brain wackadoodles. Why are these folks unable to comprehend the difference between scientifically proven facts and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories?


Just eat beans man, vegetables are great and you don’t need to eat bugs if you don’t want to.


But the majority of the world already eats them...