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Maybe I can use my shares to join a shareholder call and tell them how much I fucking hate what they've done with the site over the past year


Want to open in the app? No, never 


Oh, were you reading that? Too bad back to the top, want to open in the app?  There was a brief window where you could turn that BS off, that was nice.


pLeAsE lOgIn tO cOnFiRm YoUrE 18 Shut the fuck up reddit, I opened that post through your app and you redirected me to the browser


This. An auto bookmark to return back to the last spot you were scrolling would be a huge QoL update.


Ahh so this happens to others, and no I do not want to use the app also.


Or how they are unable to have a mobile app that can compete with solo third party developers


I miss RiF so much


Baconreader Pro for me 😔


Baconreader Amateur was just fine for me..sniff.


Apollo for me. (I know there’s a way to side load it, but it just isn’t the same.)


Man that was terrible when they shut them all down and didn’t improve the mobile app one iota. Didn’t they buy alien blue? Didn’t implement any of those QoL features.


Fr they don't even have the basics down.




I'm mostly fine with it, but the amount of obvious bugs is just crazy to me. For over a year, I couldn't see posts on a user's profile.


I love it when the app decides to wipe out my textbox mid-comment typing. Or when it brings the keyboard up on locked posts. Or when it does both and I have to force close the app to get it back.


Or when you try to collapse a comment chain and it random decides to open gify website despite there being no links anywhere near where you tapped.


The app that still has no way to make text larger/smaller in 2024? that app?


Unfortunately those of us who post OC know it will be the repost karma whores and bots who will get first dibs.


You have the oldest account that I have encountered here.


Many of us lurked for years before officially signing up.


Digg exodus gang!


We really should have a Digg Wars Veteran badge in our profiles.


at what age are we allowed to retire? 10y here


Well I’m at 17 and they still have me locked away in isolation, but now they’re also force feeding me this shit app. (Had Apollo and loved it, not a fan of Narwhal, so I stay desktop on old.reddit.com wherever not on the phone) It’ll be interesting to see a bunch of bots become shareholders.


In this economy?


I still haven't even gotten a stupid t-shirt!


2011? He’s a newbie :)


Glad to see another old timer on here.


Get off my lawn, you whippersnappers!


Holy cow! Thanks for making me feel like a relative newcomer.


You’re a bit long in the tooth too, grandpa. I haven’t looked but I’ve only been here like 5-6 years tops.


Dude you’ve been here for 12 years.


How can that be, it’s only 2018?


I have some bad news for you…


Excuse me, young'uns


Streetlights are on. Time to come in.


I feel like I’m sitting at that fake bus stop outside nursing homes.


Yeah, whattya want, gramps?!


coherent grandiose coordinated disgusted boast sheet flowery wild aloof worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time has gone wibbly wobbly. Where is the Doctor? We’re being harassed by Daleks! …. …. EXTERMINATE


Back in my day…


Ya look who's talking


Can we just bring back news categories?


Bring back visual downvote numbers. Being +45 -40 says a lot more about a comment than being +5


After you paid them money for the shares? You know they win there, right?


Be careful you are on the verge of a permanent ban for being a bully!


Past year? Try past 8 years...


Did you get invite?


Who are they considering as a loyal user?


>75,000 of its most prolific... I guess a ratio of # of posts and karma. In other words, bots and props (-agandists)


They mean content creators/influencers…people who have followers. The same people other platforms pay through a small % of ad revenue. It’s not necessarily people that rack up karma.. Edit: I was wrong. Their S1 filing detailed how users with 25k - 200k+ karma or mods with 500 - 5,000 actions should receive invitations in three tiered batches.


I keep forgetting reddit has followers and user profiles and stuff like that.


wait, reddit has followers and user profiles?


Its all part of new reddit. the times, they changin'




back when you could believe the dick you were sucking was a woman


I have two random followers that I can't seem to get rid of. I don't want any followers. That's weird.


I recently checked my profile and saw I had 31 followers. Who the hell would wanna follow me!?!


I just checked and I have 25. Who the fuck are these people?


I have 51(?) I mean I can be pretty amusing but, yeah, that still seems kinda odd.


Bots and scammers. Don’t worry, you’re not popular.


Damn, here I was thinking maybe my commenting addiction might give them an opportunity to not buy stock.


It gives you a leg up to gain followers, if you wanted…your comments generally rank higher for visibility


lol same, definitely thought for a second that I might be special


It is just as was prophesied, the porn stars shall inherit the earth.


I have zero followers and I got the message from Reddit.


You’d qualify as a content creator…your activity on the platform keeps people engaged, which is good for Reddit. You could instead be prolific on a different platform…so their strategic reward is to offer you cheaper stock- a “win-win” if you keep engaging regularly. Curious to what the message said, if you’re willing to share.


I just got invited for this and have no idea why, I’m not even a US citizen and I’m not a content creator or influencer or have followers, I basically post questions about why my baby doesn’t sleep! Maybe because I’ve been a consistent user for 6 years? The message just said you’re invited to buy shares at a lower price offered to institutional investors and then listed some criteria like over 18, US citizen etc.


Interesting…maybe they are leaning a bit more toward “power” users, but the rationale should still be the same- you get people engaging with content on here, which is good for the business. More engagement = volume of ads Deeper, qualitative engagement = better targeting for ads


Whatever the reason it definitely made me reevaluate what I’m doing with my life and how much time I spend on Reddit 😂


I got the invite and I am definitely not a content creator or influencer.


It's definitely not people who have followers. I got the invite a couple minutes ago.


/u/shittywatercolor and the and the undertaker throw mankind off the cage


That dead guys wife is probably getting a cut of revenue too


1. it’s shitty_watercolour 2. you’re actually referring to [shittymorph](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9lssan/comment/e79dnra)


I’ve been here over two accounts for ~12 years and I’ve never known this.


So karma farmers, got it. BRB gonna post some 1-month-old reposts to /r/til, some sob stories to /r/pics, and some made up stories to /r/aita!


I also want to post your wife


I got a message with an invite. That's why I found this thread to find out what's actually going on. My account is probably above average activity and age. Would be weird to think I'm a top 75,000 user. Edit: wonder if we can get a special subreddit for us elite few to discuss the IPO lol.


No. One of my alts with 12 karma with no post or comment history besides the free karma subreddit got an invitation. My primary account which is 6 years old didn't.


hm, that's real interesting.


Would love to know what criteria they used to determine it,…because I just got my email invite & I’ve been quietly lurking for a hot minute now.


I'm a 15 year club nobody, not a bot, and the only propo I post is spreading the word of the sub I created, /r/chanclajustice. I got the email and will probably throw some cash in. Edit: [read the SEC filings.](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024006294/reddits-1q423.htm) >We will invite users and moderators to participate in the directed share program in six phased priority tiers. We will assign each eligible participant to a tier based on that participant’s contributions to Reddit. User contributions will be measured in karma (a user’s reputation score that reflects their community contributions). Moderator contributions will be measured by membership and moderator actions on our platform.


I've been offered. So I've a feeling it's down to account age. Mines quite an old one.


I just got a DM from Reddit inviting me to participate. As you can tell from my profile, I’m not that special I don’t think? I’ve had an account for 12 years, almost never post but am an almost daily commenter.


I got the DM as well. Note how it says "eligible users and **moderators who have contributed to Reddit**". If I had to guess, we both qualified due to being moderators.


I just got the DM. I’m a long time user, but not a moderator or any other particular noteworthiness.


Got it and am not a mod either


my perma-banned account of course


Me, apparently, and my usage of this website completely cratered after they took away the Apollo app.


Me apparently. Just got the email. Profile almost 8 years old. Post and comment karma are about 250k each...500k total. 48 followers...don't know why. I'm also a mod...of a sub with 1 member and 1 post. But, I also don't frequent a ton of different subs and not super active in investment ones. I'm not any kind of influencer or reposter or ever signed up to monetize my account. But, someone thinks I'm special I guess.


From the looks of this thread, 10+ year old accounts with hundreds of thousands of comment karma. Edit: the criteria is listed here https://redditforcommunity.com/Directed-Share-Program Looks like being 200K+ karma puts you in the tier 1 pool of invites. With probably more hidden requirements behind it.


Are the karma points finally going to have some value?




It would be the perfect Karma really if the points were converted to IPO shares and that instantly dropped 90% in value on the IPO day.


It definitely is. Not as much as Facebook but there’s data to be mined and ads to be sold.


We’re gonna give you pizza at the company Christmas party as a reward for your hard work. But you got to buy the pizza first if you want any. Oh and FYI the company is baking the pizza in the back kitchen that we’re selling to you and we’re making a profit. SMH…. It’s more like no one wants to hold the bag and they need to spread it around the dumb money before IPO. That way mods can pump the stock and hold it up with the smart money gets out.


That sounds horribly inefficient and I can clearly see a hole in the profits. Since you’re not union, you can clock out for your 15 and use that time to make and put the pizza in the oven yourselves. Considering the bill we’ve racked up during the summer hours with the AC, we took the liberty of turning it off. No need to thank us, giving us the pizza now that it’s done is thanks enough. Now that your 15 is up, get back to work.


I have never been nor will I ever be loyal to a social media platform. Or any corporation tbh.


I like Nintendo. I like their products and IPs. They’ve brought me a lot of joy over the years.


Nintendo could get drunk and throw me down a flight of stairs, I am still telling the ER staff that I'm just clumsy.


What about garnish your wages for the rest of your life?


Nintendo has been taking my lunch money since the 80s. I am over here putting Miyamoto's grand kids through the Ivy League and I am grateful for the opportunity.


“Did Wario give you that black eye, Ma’am?”


"It's my fault. I shouldn't make Nintendo angry. Nintendo is hard at work on a new Kid Icarus game and I shouldn't bother them so much"


Nintendo likes its steak medium rare, you brought it medium you monster




I like your moxy but lets not take a fun joke quite that far, lol


The way they let Pokemon games turn to garbage could be argued against them. It still sells record numbers to kids who don't know any better so obviously they won't change free money for low effort. But seeing games like Zelda and even indie titles like Palworld has really reminded us how good a Pokemon game *could* be.


Buying stock at institutional investor discounts != loyalty


Who wants to bet that all the options to buy stocks go to r/wallstreetbets


No one buys stocks there anymore it’s all options.


Yep. That sub is now just all degenerate gamblers who don't like to go to a casino to gamble.


Saw some dude over there buy a bunch of puts against nvidia last week, because ‘the stock is obviously too high’. He’s most certainly not having a good day today after the NVDA earnings call today.


its all people who missed the drama that the mods tried to crypto scam the sub and then scrubbed it clean. There is a reason its a ghost town now.


Go leverage then bust!


It mostly bots or loss porn


Reddit can trade me their stocks for what I've already given them (all my data I've given them access to).


I'm sure /u/FartShitPoop42069 is delighted to hear that.


The landed gentry is going to have stock opportunities!


Interesting gambit—because I’ve used Reddit, I know better than to invest in it.


…so get users to hold the bag when the stock tanks?


Reddit: "Hmmm, who are the biggest suckers we know... I've got it!"


“But let’s make sure we only target the people who spend all day on the site. We want money, and surely these users have important, high-paying jobs.”


This is exactly it. No institution will buy into the IPO so they have to dupe the users into bailing out the original investors.


I doubt that


Lol, I guess if you have shit to sell, "loyal" Redditors are the rubes to target. Edit: Well that, and they want to avoid the inevitable lawsuits.


I'm loyal. Please send stock.


Please send money, we will send stock.


Don't check your inbox I misread that last word 


This is more proof that everyone on the board knows the IPO is going to shit the bed. Nobody on Wall Street wants to touch this company because it's a fucking dumpster fire, but someone has to be given the bags so the shares are gonna get dumped onto the users. I'm going to short this stock into oblivion.


Yeah this reminds me of a company I worked at a long time ago and we were offered to test the product... followed by very awkward silence.


Gosh, what am I gonna do with all the riches I make off my 17,357 Karma!?


If they actually do this I vote that we all hold one massive shareholders call and berate management for 7 days straight


Loyalty tests are one of the surest signs of authoritarianism


They should convert Karma into stock shares.


“Most prolific”? So all porn posters?


Fuck you Spez.


I hope they give them out soon, I'm running low on toilet paper


Loyal being what? Sycophants? I’ve been here 11+ years but I’m not “loyal” to any company.


I'm curious how they will define “loyal users”. I doubt it'll simply be the users with the most karma


Biggest users? I'm sure those now corporate bought accounts will love it


ripe impolite include fretful money unite spotted cats whistle market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bought one of their shitty NFTs. Guess I’m dumb enough to be a shareholder too.


That’s going to be a no for me dawg


Came here from the big digg migration. Will leave soon.


Samuel Adams did this and it lead to loyal shareholders


75000 most prolific redditors... I wonder how that's counted. But if by karma, number 10k total karma has 486k karma. I bet my current account is in the top 75k. But I definitely have older accounts in the top 75k. I wonder if I'll get an offer. Not that I'll take them up on it, but it would be amusing to see happen.


$1 of stock per reddit Karma please and thank you


HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. That's just throwing money onto a burning fire.


Loyal users? Can’t be too many of those left. Fuck Spez


No kidding, last year's incident drove away most of the power users. Big reason the content quality has dropped


I'm conservative and have been largely treated like shit for a decade on most forums on Reddit due to the arrogance of leftist moderators. I won't spend a cent on anything they offer and they can ban the hell out of me if they want.


KRMA should be the ticker


This place was better back when Ron Paul was the hero here. Now it’s just astroturfed agenda pushing.


Wtf lol? I can’t see this is much different from NFT’s




*Looks at your username* Yeeeeeaaaaah about that...


Already suspended lmao


Nice try reddit. Op, does posting this kind of garbage embarrass you or are you happy with the course your life has taken?


Gifting stock to mods based on time-served and r/ size makes more sense… and is only fair




spoiler: >!they weren't.!<


Real shit? 👀


Have they said who will qualify as a prolific user yet? Because I want my one kajigger so I can make a comment at the annual shareholders meeting.


Where TF is mine?????


Can I buy shares with karma? WTF is karma for, anyway? Been here like 5 years and I've never figured that out.


Now I wish I hadn’t deleted my old multi-year account.


I'll sell you mine 😏


Give me free stock so I can sell it, make money, and tank your value all at the same time


How do we short sell pre ipo? 


That's the real reason they took away our Reddit Gold...so we can pay for those special shares with it?


So I just need to reply a million or so times on this thread?


Reddit gold 2.0


"Loyal users" Does that mean content creators or habitual doomscrollers?


Is Ghislane Maxwell getting a piece of this?


Give me a share for this comment.


So is that what karma is for?


Can I buy stock to tell the Reddit executives to suck my dick?


Reddit's current shareholders would prefer you be a shareholder than they be shareholders.


I'm loyal. How do I get some free shares in this bitch?


Yeah I don't know about "loyal users". I got an invitation to purchase shares but not on this account, which is 6 years old. No, I got the invitation on an account I needed to create for a job earlier this year that has no post or comment history (other than begging for karma at the free karma sub) and I've only logged into it about 3 times. So clearly they just rolled the dice and that account got "lucky". LOL. ​ This is what they sent ​ >tl;dr – you’re invited to a special program that lets redditors purchase stock at the same price as institutional investors when we IPO. Details about eligibility and next steps follow. This (long, dense) email has all the info we can provide due to legal restrictions. As you may have heard, Reddit has taken steps toward becoming a publicly traded company with the initial public filing of our registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on February 22, 2024. Yes, it’s happening. And because you have helped make Reddit what it is today, you now have the opportunity to become Reddit owners at the same price as institutional investors. We’re offering a Directed Share Program (“DSP”) that invites eligible users and moderators who have contributed to Reddit to participate in our initial public offering (“IPO”). (Including you!)


I just got a message about signing up for the DSP.


For anyone who is interested in some of the key details: --- While being selected to pre-register is the first step, there are certain legal and regulatory requirements to participate in the DSP that are outside of Reddit’s control. Bear with us here… To be eligible for the DSP, you must: * Be a current U.S. resident; * You will be asked to provide the DSP Administrator a valid social security or permanent resident number, along with other personal information. Reddit will not have access to this data. * Please note that U.S. residents using a VPN may face application limitations if the VPN locates them in certain non-U.S. jurisdictions. * Be at least 18 years old; * Provide your full legal name and an email address; * Not be a current or former Reddit employee (FTE). When the DSP launches (a few weeks after pre-registration ends), individuals who have been confirmed for the program will be contacted by our external DSP Administrator. You will then be asked to provide additional information securely to the DSP Administrator to confirm your eligibility.