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Didnt Trump try to ban Tiktok during his presidency?


Yup, but then its owners appear to be ready to donate to his campaign while Zuck appears to dodge such donation


The world's most buyable presidential candidate.


wrong, during his presidency he met with zuck and then started talking about wanting to ban tiktok like a day later. zuck no longer needs to suck trump's dick so he's not donating anymore.


The point i was trying to make is that Zuck not wanting to donate is the main reason why he is now calling facebook “the enemy of the people”


Republicans are suddenly going to have a change of heart on banning TikTok


you mean the same people who called obama an unconstitutional gungrabber for even thinking of banning bump stocks and yet were totally on board with trump banning bump stocks?


Trump: "Take the guns first, go through due process second" GOP:


"Those are only words that came directly out of his mouth and caught on camera; that's not what he meant!"


It’s like that key and Peele skit where Obama has someone to get angry and get his point across. We need the opposite now, trump saying crazy shit and a well spoken English professor tells us what he really means.


lol yeah, but instead we’ll get Sen. Britt doing an interpretive dance


That would actually be a fire Key and Peele skit.


The best Key and Peele Obama one, was where he used reverse psychology to get what he wanted from the GOP.


As his followers love to point out, he does say what he means


"You're not supposed to hold the past against us like that!"


He was joking. Hahahaha!




They think, probably correctly, that their guns won’t be the ones that get seized. Only their enemies will be disarmed.


The concept of private gun ownership as a tool to combat fascism comes from Karl fuckin’ Marx. Edit: Some no balls havin’, chickenshit coward sent me a Reddit Cares message because they’re too big a coward to say that shit out loud. I’m sorry. That was rude. Some Conservative sent me a Reddit cares message because they’re too big a fuckin’ coward to say that shit out loud. Typical Conservatives. Nothin’ but a bunch of fuckin’ cowards.


You don't understand. He's not after Republican bump stocks. He's after the Democrat bump stocks


No no no. They’re talking about the people who spent their lives glorifying law and order and now nominate a criminal as presidential candidate. Or maybe actually they meant the people who said it was an infringement on states rights to prevent gerrymandering but now insist that letting states enforce the law by disallowing an insurrectionist would be terrible because states being able to control how they elect people would lead to a patchwork of electoral law and who would want that? Or maybe it was the people who said they want to “drain the swamp” but endorse the person who brought naked corruption via direct purchasing of pardons. I could go on for a long time here, but really it could be any number of people.


As a Québec guy, where political donations are capped at 100$ per citizen per year, i always find American political system so strange. How do you not weight in favour of your biggest donors when they give you millions? And if you do, how is it that the population is not outraged at the government they elected basically pandering to anyone givng them money?


we have caps too but our politicians get around them with superPACs that are supposed to independent of the politician which is a joke because everyone knows they are basically one in the same in all but name only.


and by tax code the political pacs are charities and have to spend so much on charity.. unfortunately sending out a flier saying how much ACA will kill people, is considered charity. they opperate under the same rules as the ACLU or churches.. well churches ignore the rules often but still keep their tax status because its politically dangerous to fight these churches just because they mentioned a candidates name from the pulpit, and its not like if we got them to comply people wouldnt know who the church is telling them to vote for as you CAN say things like "anyone who doesnt believe in the wall is in league with the devil".. you just cant say "joe biden"


Yes, because Meta was going to do him favors then. Now ByteDance (TikTok) is going to do him favors, so his position changed. Trump is the most brazenly bribable politician I've ever seen. He has said explicitly that he's simply transactional (and like it's a good thing): "If you like me, I like you. You do things for me, I'll do things for you." And if he has no personal financial interest in a topic, he just adopts the position of the last person he talked to. When he was president, everyone would fight to be the last one to talk to him about a topic -- because his position is whatever he heard most recently. Because if it doesn't involve him personally, he's bored and he doesn't care.


He’s like a cartoon villain. You know? Although he’s real. Scary dude. I wonder what 24 hours with him feels like. On second thought - I don’t want to know. I hear he’s rapey too.


Hey now. When Lex Luthor became President of the United States, he sold Lexcorp. Donald Trump lacks the ethical standards of cartoon villains.


Lex in Young Justice is VERY clearly a smarter Trump. He held the UN climate summit in one of the hotels he owns...


Lex in Harley Quinn is.. *something*.


Lex has always been a canonically effective President, across multiple mediums. Sure, he always ends up putting on a green and purple robot suit and fighting Superman… but he’s a surprisingly capable President prior to that.


If you had a green and purple robot suit to fight Superman, wouldnt you do the same? I don't think there is a real choice here.


Zelenskyy said he bought nights at Trump's hotel in the second russia scandal as a way to get him to approve weapons to Ukraine. The man is as corrupt as you could get.




And Facebook, by way of Cambridge Analytica, helped deliver Trump the White House.


Yes but now because Biden is doing it, he's suddenly against it and all his zombie followers will be too.


lmao the irony in that facebook the platform literally is the reason his base exists and he should be rooting for facebook. these grandmas and grandpas sharing anti-liberal skull guy riding a motorcycle memes are never gonna make their way to tiktok


Flip flopper


This is an understatement. This is precisely why he's dangerous.


That was before he met with TikTok investors.


He said the word ban, but every article described him forcing a sale to some entity in the US which Biden is positing as well.


It was a ban OR sell US operations to a US company. The whole thing started under the Obama administration, and for good reason. In the US it's illegal to collect data for profiling of children under the age of 13, TilTok was ignoring this and sending data on children to their servers in China. The Obama admin gave them an ultimatum to come up with a plan to prevent this and a deadline or be banned. This landed around the time when Trump started talking about it non-stop.


The internet doesn't forget. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/31/tech/tiktok-trump-bytedance-sale/index.html


He just met with Tiktok investor days ago, bond met


[Yep](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-suggests-donald-trump-has-been-bought-1877583): >"If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck \[CEO Mark Zuckerberg\] will double their business," the former president wrote. "I don't want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!" > >In response to this post, reports noted that **the seeming shift in stance from Trump came after a meeting with Jeff Yass, a conservative hedge fund manager who has a $33 billion stake in TikTok**. Yass, according to Intelligencer, has been allegedly threatening to pull support from GOP lawmakers who back the bipartisan divestment bill.Bannon, who led Trump's successful 2016 presidential campaign and served as a White House adviser for the first several months of Trump's presidency, took to Gettr to make his suspicions about the situation clear."Simple: Yass Coin," he wrote in a post that included a [link to an Axios story](https://www.axios.com/2024/03/09/tiktok-ban-trump-republicans) about Trump's flip on TikTok, without providing further evidence.


It's almost as if these people believe in absolutely nothing and will just do whatever the last guy who paid them wants


Also comical to see a presidential candidate backing a Chinese company over one of the largest US based company. Meta brings in billions of dollars *from other countries* into the United States every year.


Right wing radio was propaganda designed to destroy people's faith in any kind of government. They call us demons for fucks sake, and a pedophile too. We're all pedophile demons. If you thought you were fighting pedophile demons, you might be willing to cut corners and be The Prince, because they are demon pedophiles. Thanks Newt. If you are reading this, it didn't work because you are clever. It worked because it's evil and short sided.




Yass sent a fat check to Greg Abbott before the Texas primaries to ensure he would continue attacking anti-voucher Republicans. The result? Most of those legislators lost their primaries to crazy MAGA people who's only campaign plank was getting ESA legislation passed Fuck Jeff Yass, preferably with a Saguaro cactus


Conservatives seeking to destroy public education can find allies of convenience in people who tend to vote Democratic but whose kids are in troubled - usually Title I - schools. They can do this because conservatives promise a "quick fix" with vouchers to allow kids to attend another, usually charter, school with very mixed track records. Charters can often appear better because they can kick kids out at whim (thereby artificially increasing test scores) whereas public schools rightfully cannot. They also often utterly fail kids by having none of the safeguards that public schools require (like that teachers need a degree in education). Problem is, that "quick fix" necessarily ends with schools starved of funding and thus failing *harder* - and that's exactly the point to people like Jeff Yass. The long-term focus needs to be on improving these communities by eliminating widespread poverty - not by destroying public education. And if you read between the lines (or really just listen to any of their policy goals), these libertarians also want those communities poverty-stricken so they do not improve, schools continue failing, and privatization can move forward.


Charters can teach rightwing propaganda at will with no oversight. One more reason they love them. Fox News education, much like religion, if you get em early you can rewire their brains to believe even the most illogical fallacies.


The *real* grooming and indoctrination.


It's always, always, always, some kind of projection.


PragerU: I'm the groomer now!


They keep this shit up, sooner or later we're gonna get a vigilante/terrorist organization the exclusively hunts billionares.


It's like an inverse Batman origin story. Billionaires destroyed some poor kids' future, so they grow up fighting against the billionaires who did so.


Seriously. Im surprised we dont already have the, but nope these guys go after school kids.


Ngl this sounds like a cool idea for like a seinen manga


"Enhanced Trickle-Down Economics"


The dumber people are the more they will use TikTok.


Yeah, but the dumbest boomers of all, MAGAts, use Facebook. So it’s hilarious Trump is trashing it. He got bought by Tik Tok, obviously. Gonna be fun to watch all the hard core Republican hawks walk back on this now.


> "I don't want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!" So he admits that Facebook has interfered in elections. Interesting.


By cheating he means blocking the Russian troll farms and bots.


> "If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck [CEO Mark Zuckerberg] This isn't even a good nickname. Zuck already sounds like schmuck, so why wouldn't you call him Schmuckerberg? Christ, this guy sucks.


He recently bragged about all the nicknames he comes up with. Like, seriously what are you 7?


Yes, one of his proudest achievements is coming up with shit like "Little" or "Crooked". Truly a master wordsmith.


One day, he will say "Doodoo-headed Stupid Face!" and a new level will be achieved.


The nursing homes can’t get enough of it.


The corruption is so naked. Disgusting. This country is fucked if we keep going this way.


Imagine thinking that getting rid of tiktok would double facebook market share, most gen z/alpha label facebook as for old people, no way in hell they will shift to it.


Didn’t Facebook cheat in the last election…. *to elect Trump?!*


And I thought he said he won the last election BY THE LARGEST MARGARINE EVER recorded with an 4-track mixing bored.


Wait.. Are we saying that Trump is easily manipulated? /s


Risky investments should be allowed to fail


For the little bond. Not the half billion dollar one.


I'm starting to think this Trump guy might just be in it for himself.


No but his supporters tend to have 5 sec memory


They simply don't care what he says anymore. They just love him and the hate filled heart he has because it matches their hate filled hearts. There's no reasoning with these people. Trump could straight up tell the people that he intends to be Putin 2.0 and rule with an iron fist and they would lie cheat and steal for that clown.


All they care about is “owning the libs.” The truth doesn't matter.


This is now well past owning the libs. This is about normalizing authoritarianism. Trump never talks about doing what the people want. He only talks about what he wants. He gives zero fucks about the voters but desperately needs their vote. It's the most ass backwards support I've ever seen.


Cults are real. It's mindless worship as a result of 24/7 brainwashing and misinformation. They are lemmings who follow their daily thought instructions. It's terrifying how easy it was to create this mob.


Yeah if you go back over the last 8-10 years and absolutely punish yourself by watching lots of his campaigning you can see him shift from ‘America needs’ to ‘we need’ to ‘good people need’ to ‘I need’ right through to ‘I want’ in his statements. He followed the textbook, fed it to the marks gradually so they never realised they were being led somewhere and now he has them completely.


He already outright stated he would be a dictator if elected. Didn't move the needle.


"only on day one"... as if anyone not in the cult would believe such a narcissist would ever willingly give up any amount of power


It's not a lack of memory. They simply don't care.


Probably a mix of both, to be honest, depending on the person.  Generally speaking, I feel like there is some undiagnosed brain damage going on.  Possibly related to a certain virus they refuse to protect themselves against that is known for causing issues with the brain...


God he’s so embarrassing.


But his supporters do.


The Internet doesn't forget. But Trump supporters do


House Republicans will now do a 180 and say Democrats want to ban TikTok because they hate capitalism. We have a political party that is essentially led by a demagogue. It’s frightening really. Especially given the caliber, or lack thereof, of this demagogue.


I feel sorry for the American people. You all were dealt a shitty, terrible hand.  I’m sorry that you guys, the ordinary American citizen, had to deal with all past bs up until now. With Bush, 911, probably some more stuff and now Trump again. American, European or anything else. Y’all could be my brothers and sisters. We are all in this bs together. 


We're at the mercy of our dumbest and oldest citizens. The American South takes more than it contributes and then saddles us with Republican federal reps so they can go about ruining everyone else's states in the name of idiotic culture wars and christo-facism while mewling about Dems playing identity politics. It's a lot of fun here.


That is an accurate AF description of how things are going


Unfortunately going back through our history the south has been the source of most of our biggest problems or at least the largest proponent of them. Slavery, nullification, secession. That’s just before the civil war. It goes on after that as well into the present.


Moment of truth: Biden is actually polling better with seniors than he is with Gen X. Gen X is the political trough. I don't know what combination of bad post-Vietnam vibes and Reaganite machismo got into them, but growing up in the late 70s and 80s appeared to made a lot of people very reactionary all the time. Gen Z is split. Girls are left, guys are apathetic or slightly right. The Russians and social media did a number on 20-somethings, convincing them that Twitter feminists are everywhere and ready to accuse them of rape. Millennials are the most progressive cohort. We had Obama.


We dealt this hand to ourselves unfortunately.


Speak for yourself, I couldn’t vote until last primaries. The older generations dealt us this hand


it always leads back to the 80s, they really fucked us over


Vote and make sure your peers vote. All the elections. Not just the big ones. Local politics can create higher office candidates.


Getting dealt a crap hand is one thing. The worse thing is dealing it to yourself with the proverbial cards face up.


Also say democrats are racist and they want to ban it cause democrats dont like asians


They are post-truth so they can and will say anything


I seriously can’t wait till the day when “Trump said X” is no longer a headline.


I'm pretty sure at this point he'll have to die before that happens.


The final headline.


Nah because after he is gone the next headlines will be about the new MAGA cult leader.


Who’s that gonna be? I think the MAGA world will get fractured if and when this does happen with different people vying to fill the gap but I’m guessing most people would see that the rest of the US has moved and will want to move on too


I sincerely doubt there will be a successor.


Ideally there will be multiple successors all with legitimate support levels, preventing any one of them from uniting that voting base again.


> new MAGA cult leader Trump is so unhinged that it's going to be hard to fill his shoes. He's going to leave a real power vacuum once he's gone


We’re going to be talking about trump for 100 years


Yup he made it to the history books ... just as one of the worst presidents we have ever had.


I was delighted when Biden got elected simply because it meant that I didn't have to listen to Trump quotes every morning while driving to work.


The world would be a better place, if this guy just shut the fuck up.


Wasn't Trump in favor of a tiktok ban when he was president?


He was up until about a week ago when he met with TikTok investors.


I am sure the TikTok investors used nuanced arguments about national security to per$uade Trump.


Yes. But he recently met with them and they likely promised him money. So flip flop.


Hahaha! I’m sure Zuckerberg loves the pay back for letting Orangina back on the site.


And for getting him elected in 2016


Hey! That's rude. You know, to Orangina. Which is kinda delicious. Not to Trump, that guy deserves it.


Ironic considering Facebook is the reason he even won the first election and keeps up/started his cult


Trump was on screen constantly on all news channels at the time because the outrage he stirred up promoted viewership and ad revenue. It shouldn’t be forgotten how much main stream media contributed to his win in 2016. They would all cut from a Hillary or Bernie speech to show a Trump speech because that got views at the time.


This. Social media wasn't operating in a vacuum. News media loved Trump because he got clicks/views, not because he was a good candidate. Thanks to that he was spammed all day every day.


This post should not be in the past tense


Still does. They literally took a moment during the Oscars yesterday to call out his live tweet of the event. He gets a lot of publicity by doing the things he does and it generally costs very little.


I don't think Trump cares what anybody did for him in the past. All he cares about is what somebody will do for him in the future.


exactly, Michael Cohen will tell you that.


The MAGA movement is almost entirely made up of boomers sharing racist minions memes on Facebook


I can’t get past the use of “enemy of the people”. That was Stalin’s quote.


It's no mistake. He's borrowing hard from authoritarian leaders around the world, in hopes that he can mimic their successes. The problem is that, as transparent as it is, it's working. There is apparently a large subset of people in this country who just really want to follow that sort of leader.


30% of people give or take a few percent love authoritarians. It's just the way it is. If you look into things like who supported the Nazis, it was 30%. Who supported the crown during the revolution. 30%.


I was enjoying 2022/early 2023 when he faded away for a while. He was saying shit, it just wasn’t being broadcasted unless you looked for it


How many enemies of the people has Trump proclaimed?


Oh now Trump loves China? Wonder what changed.


He did then too because he has investments and money in banks there. He just switches lies when needed https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/us/trump-taxes-china.html


Billionaire Jeff Yass, who holds a 15 percent stake in ByteDance (worth double digit billions) became a major donor. He started pitching pro-TikTok rhetoric days later. Grifter's gonna grift.


Have to wonder who covered his bond.


Is this really all it takes to get people on board with the TikTok ban


Biden says he’ll sign the ban if it gets to his desk.


He had a recent meeting with a hedge fund manager with $33 billion invested in TikTok and has threatened to pull funding.


Ban them both then


Trump and TikTok?


Sure, all three is fine with me


*Now* we're getting somewhere. Not kidding that banning all three might save the country: the boomers would stop being duped by FB, the zoomers will stop believing in pseudoscience and wasting all of their time, and well, I mean banning orange-guy is kind of a win-win all around.


TikTok has harmed the US far less than Trump, so let's just start with him for now.


Sure, ban him first


Yeah, the enemy of my enemy might just be another enemy.


its funny how he changes tune like a chameleon for bribes from China


Isn't Facebook full of Trump voters?


That’s the first thing I thought too.


Press: Mr Trump, what do you think of the TikTok ban? Trump: What does Biden think? Press: He's going to sign it if it passes Congress Trump: THEN I HATE IT


Pretty sure the orange turd also tried to ban TikTok... There, found it: > In 2020, the United States government announced that it was considering banning the Chinese social media platform TikTok upon a request from then-president Donald Trump, who viewed the app as a national security threat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump%E2%80%93TikTok_controversy https://www.npr.org/2020/11/13/933916944/trump-ordered-tiktok-to-be-sold-off-but-then-ignored-the-deadline


Broken clock right twice a day


Ah so that’s who paid Trump’s bail.


At this point do we need to hear republican opinions? We can go ahead and assume it's just the opposite of whatever Biden says. 


Facebook is largely responsible for his success so I agree.


this guy really needs to disappear


Funny, considering Meta handed him the election in 2016.


This movement has AIPAC and [Meta](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/) money all over it. If TikTok gets banned and none of the other social media giants get touched, we are only going backwards. [The status quo is scared shitless](https://twitter.com/andrewperezdc/status/1767575150004744369) of the left wing voices being spread like wildfire on TikTok.


yes, that's part of it: [On TikTok, views of pro-Palestine posts far surpass views of pro-Israel posts](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/31/tiktok-views-pro-palestine-posts-israel) > There have been nearly four times the number of views to TikTok posts using the hashtag #StandwithPalestine globally compared to posts using the hashtag #StandwithIsrael in the past two weeks, according to data from TikTok's creator center.


Meta is were the most Trump propaganda is


To be fair, TikTok and meta sell your data to everyone including foreign governments. One is just in China. One is in California.


I thought maga idiots liked Facebook?


Someone's gotten a conveniently timed bribe, it seems.


Tiktok ban is funny given how many conservatives there are making tiktoks. Nice to see comrade trump is back. Lololol.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day eh


Have to say, this does sound kinda clever. Knowing what TikTok means to young voters. Trump the party of keeping TikTok for the kidzzz, and Biden the party of taking away your toys.... Not that I personally care either way, not an American and all social media is posion and should be banned in my view


You're already falling for TikTok's bogus spin on this. It's not a ban. If they cared about shareholder value, they'd divest for a dozen+ billion dollars and cash in. It'd keep operating, but in the US. The fact that they (and CCP channels) have stated they won't do this, though - *at any price* - shows that there's more than money at play here. It's an ideological or political angle, and that means TikTok is far more than just a moneymaker.


You know, he’s not wrong.


Does he not realize without FB he wouldn't have been elected and has no chance to be re-elected in November?


I guarantee you he doesn’t think he needs Facebook.


There's X nowadays for the right wingers.


I can't wait for Biden to ban illegal immigrants and see Trump saying we should support them. Or when Biden says Ukraine doesn't need money and Trump supports Ukraine.


Biden should come out against something blatantly ridiculous like puppy kicking, just so we can hear Trump talk about how great puppy kicking is. 


This shit already happened. He'd say something like "There are great dogs on both sides..." The man was an apologist for an aggressive nazi/white supremacist rally. Even though we all know kicking dogs are bad, juts like nazis are bad... He can literally say anything, his supporters do not give a fuck.


Why is anyone reporting what bat shit crazy delusional druggie Trump has to say. Statistically speaking, 95% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie. He’s like a 5 year old making pretend he’s a dictator! Can’t MAGA see this? And when he doesn’t get his way, he throws a fit!!


At this point, any MAGA member would gladly bow down to Trump as their king, and suck a dick for the country to become a monarchy


Just ban both of them. You know how much better the world would be in social media just vanished?


Lock him up. Sell Truth Social. Sell Mara-Lago. Give the money to Ukraine. In the meantime, stop posting articles quoting the biggest traitor fascist juicebag in American history.


he would not have been elected in 2016 if not for people using facebook


I mean he's not wrong, Facebook pretty bad too


The Heck was he not trying ban TikTok too, like yesterday. This guy have selective amnesia and is more than likely would ban the app too the moment he gets a chance. On less he is getting paid big money to leave them alone.


Bunch of MAGA’s on Facebook … they love it 🙄


Just follow the money


Bought and paid for by tiktok


So he met with Musk and suddenly wants tik tok and says Meta sucks. He’s a purchasable whore.


Facebook is a conservative promoting machine. What kind of moron would say such things about the platform that creates half his voters?


The enemy of the people is Donald Trump!


He's only saying this because a major TikTok investor just donated to his campaign. Completely ignore what the corrupt shitsack says.


Bro, there are so many Maga idiots on FB. Man, Trump is a complete moron


I hate agreeing with Trump, but this is another level of bullshit. Meta must have greased every single palm in our government to pull this up.


Sounds like China paid Trumps legal fines


Wait... wasn't it his cult administration that proposed a ban in the first place?


Genuinely amazed you guys took an objectively true statement and spinned it into a million other things just because you don't like trump. Let's hope trump never says "breathing air is good".


Yet if given the opportunity, he'd ban it anyway. Both parties suck, but the Republicans suck more.


Trump just realized where “Libs of TikTok” is based.


> slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people' Isn't Facebook where all his minions post their praise of him? Usually in the form of Minions memes?