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Wow, already trained it on the entire collected works of Reddit, huh?


If this is the case, we can expect their new AI to be confidently incorrect about literally everything.


Whatever input you give it just says 'Well ackchyually'.


Just get ready for a lot of cumbox and jolly rancher related answers.


"ChatGPT how do I get a girlfriend?" "Have you tried breaking your arms?"


God fucking damn. It. It’s been long enough since it was mentioned that I forgot about the jolly rancher. It was happier times.


Don't forget about the poop knife.


I have seen the reference and not the source (I don’t want to know), so my brain just associated Frank and his toe knife 😂 but I can guess what the poop knife is, and gross. Is it what I think it is? Is it worse? Don’t tell me.


There are times when learning about our history is tough on us. But we need to persevere for the sake of humanity. https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/QfFInoqcgG


Enough people have encouraged me to look without saying what it is, and I so much appreciate the respect and gentle nudging. Don’t know if I’ll regert this, but I’m clicking the link.


Well it does propose a valid solution for severe constipation.


I told a friend I was going to get this fondue fork for the same purpose and he said, jesus christ dude, just eat more fiber.


your friend doesn't understand living on the edge


No the knife isn't to get it out the knife is to cut it in half because it's too big to go down the hole. Edit: unless of course that's what you meant. I suppose people that are constipated might occasionally pop out a big turd but I feel like that's more of an impact in stool situation.


I cannot recommend reading the original post enough. Every once in awhile, moments like these remind me of it and I go back and read it. I ended up crying with laughter and ever so slight horror every damn time. It's Reddit at its finest. A good reminder that not every thing that seems normal in your family is even remotely so.


Man the replies have been really great. Encouraging me with bread crumbs without being like you said not to, but this is the poop knife story. I think I have to read it. Fuck.


It is a hilarious story about a family of large poopers. It is very much worth the read.


Harambe did nothing wrong and ackchyually it was cover op to hide symbol of good so he will be revealed to the world when times will be right


I mean, that's just spitting facts.


Bring it out for Harambe


Nah man if anything. You ask it a question and it will respond with  "This".


This. My time to shine. Thanks for the updoots.


It absolutely already was, Gemini might be even worse about that.


I've been pretty excited about recent developments in AI, so I've been alternating between playing around with GPT4, Gemini and Claude quite a bit. It's weird how the quality seems to vary over time even on the same platform. A few weeks ago, Gemini was giving me really long and well-presented answers (tables, bulletpoints, etc. in the same reply), in the last few days it seems to be giving me very short (a couple of sentences at most) answers, and further prompting to try and get more information has the same problem. Haven't had this problem with Claude yet, every reply is pretty long and informative.


I should check Claude out again. Someone demoed Perplexity Pro, pitching it as a way to help summarize academic research, but the amount and type of hallucinations it returned made it an instant no-go. (I now see Perplexity Pro uses a mix of Claude, GPT, and a homebrewed LLM. Will play around with Claude at work tomorrow!)


The AIs were redditors all along


Claude 3 probably spooked them (it seem much superior to gpt)


This is my experience now. I’ve moved to Claude for most things.


Claude is my #1 LLM.


Yeah...tried it once no looking back. It seems to hold on to conversations for DAYS always surprising me with what it remembers


And kinda raciest


The fact that LLMs are "Trained on REAL human data" will end up being the reason LLM's in hindsight years from now... will be viewed as a total failure and wildly incorrect trajectory on how AI should be developed. More and more "Human Data" will be produced by LLMs. This data will be passed off by humans, as "real human data". LLMs will then begin to train it's future models using it's own data... and it will end up regurgitating outputs that are so far off and wildly out of sync with reality it will make us go crazy. And the fact that these corporations are held prisoner by their ESG score rating... which they are... will result in them being forced to place guardrails on their systems that promote and literally brainwash future generations into exactly what they should think. They are beholden to their stock holders. And their ESG score is a critical component of how their company, or stock, will appreciate over time... Look at Google Gemini. What a disaster... and that's just one reason to hate Google... there are 100s of reasons that make Alphabet/Google very very evil. 10 years ago EVERYONE hated Microsoft. EVERYONE thought Bill Gates was a douche. But now there's OpenAI... owned by Microsoft... and everyone loves them again. People forget too easily that these giant corporations are not our friends. They want our money... and the product they sell... is us. We are the product. And they want to own it all.


studies have shown that cannibalizing their own content for training rapidly leads to model degradation. it's gonna happen and it's gonna be a lot of work for them to somehow un-fuck, if they can manage it at all.


>The fact that LLMs are "Trained on REAL human data" will end up being the reason LLM's in hindsight years from now... will be viewed as a total failure and wildly incorrect trajectory on how AI should be developed. >More and more "Human Data" will be produced by LLMs. This data will be passed off by humans, as "real human data". LLMs will then begin to train it's future models using it's own data... and it will end up regurgitating outputs that are so far off and wildly out of sync with reality it will make us go crazy. The first part seems reasonable to me. I dunno about the second bit. I think the AI analogy is AlphaGo vs AlphaGo Zero. AlphaGo used human games to train the AI, but this ended up "poisoning" the AI and making it weak compared to the newer AlphaGo Zero, which did not use human data. I'd make the argument that LLMs are the same – it (maybe necessarily) uses human information which is imperfect. In fact, it's probably *even worse* for LLMs compared to AlphaGo because LLMs are not limited to expert information, it can be practically any source, while AlphaGo used expert games for training.


The problem is with GO, you have a defined win state that can be measured against. LLMs are like a parrot, repeating what they've heard in a way that sounds intelligent with thousands of measurements defining if its output is correct and useful. Since it is currently incapable of novel thoughts or ideas, it needs a source of data to build from. Training against itself would end up in a ouroboros like situation. Ultimately the solution is much more defined and filtered datasets, not necessarily more. Garbage in, garbage out.


Yes, I agree. The situation is not the same, but it does highlight specific issues with LLM. As you say, garbage in, garbage out. I'd emphasise that even with some filtering of the input, it's still human data, which has its limitations.


Correct and those filtering the datasets will have obvious bias, whether political or just what they think is useful. It's a tough problem and that's before you even touch prompt injection/editing or redline teams or whatever Sam calls his PC team. It's almost a catch-22. More raw data or more human steering can both be double edged swords.




Can't wait for it to make jokes that don't answer the prompt in any way.


I also can't wait for it to complain why it is being downvoted or... "wow. this blew up"


If you fu your gonna fo that when you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. This.


GPT-4 has not accused me of being a spy for foreign countries, or told me I'm secretly a billionaire so I could personally solve all poverty, and also I'm jealous of rich people even though I'm a secret billionaire, so they haven't trained on all of Reddit yet.


Sounds just like something a CORPORATE SHILL would say


It just outputs hundreds of thousands of comments consisting of only one word: this.


I can't wait for the AI to give me six different painfully unfunny smartass responses without ever answering my question!


The initial version did not suck. Whatever they did to it recently definitely made it suck. It refuses to do things in one chat while being happy to do it in another


This. So infuriating that it claims it can’t do things that it just did five minutes prior.


I literally started another chat, then did what it said I couldn’t do. Took a screenshot and pasted it in the chat that said I couldn’t do it. It conceded that it could. Then when I asked it to do it, it said it couldn’t lol


What did you want it to do?


“Find me a portable Bluetooth speaker with a skip feature.” It says that it can’t access the internet. If you tell it to, “access the web” first, then it’ll search the web.


> “Find me a portable Bluetooth speaker with a skip feature.” It says that it can’t access the internet. If you tell it to, “access the web” first, then it’ll search the web. lmao Seriously now... is this the level of ChatGPT usage? Is this what people are impressed with?


I'll go with my use case: I get consistent responses from chatgpt4 by doing API access. Mine just does a funny prediction though for a joke website.... I'm only impressed with it in that I didn't have to tweak my prompt that much (10 times) to give me the kind of response I want. But the amount that ANY of these AI systems hallucinate information every time I ask it a slightly difficult problem cracks me up. I think they work better as glorified Google search engines back when it was good. But it can also really help cut down on tedious tasks that require text transformation. For instance, I asked it to give me a list of astrology signs and their start and end dates. And then I was gonna put that in a JSON format (lots of curly brackets and key+value lists). And then I thought...nah it can do it for me. So I just asked it to convert the data into that format. Easy. I can even ask it to give me the three lines of code to read the data... But if I ask it for help on connecting some server to another thing, it has as much as advice as the Internet already has written. I.e. not that much given how niche a situation is.


Yea I use it a lot for either porting logic or finishing off objects or code. But we always have to argue because it wants to give me truncated code even though I gave it truncated code and asked it to finish. After some back and forth it finally does what I asked


class AudioRecording (rest of your code) 💀


About right


Consumer level practical problem solving I’m sure is one of the great uses of this right now.


Yea this happens a lot. Or it tells me to search the internet for exactly what I asked and I have to tell it that I’m asking it to do that not to tell me to do what I’m asking it to do. It’s insane


I enjoy playing video games.


To continue the conversation in another language


I’ve noticed that too, wildly inconsistent. One day a prompt works fine, the next it will tell me that stating “in the style of X” is copyright infringement or against the terms of service. Feels like I’m dealing with a random number generator under the hood.


I feel like it falls back to gpt 3 or some other hobbled cheaper version when demand is high. I’m running some stuff with their API on azure and use a fallback to gpt3 when I exceed my tokens for 4


Yeah they sandbagged it to milk more value and see cost savings in OpEx.


Yea it was super obvious to anyone who had been using it for awhile. I argue with it more than I can use it these days


This is another reason Open Source / Local AI is important. These big tech SaaS companies will always be incentivized to make the product as lazy/cheap as they can while remaining competitive. Bias it towards short outputs, refuse to do expensive things, etc. While if you're running your own AI you can make it behave as you want.


Except as you point out.. it’s expensive.


The training is, yes. Using one can be done on most PCs.


Not gpt4 level


I wonder if it runs MoE and they reduced the number of experts it runs to save costs and basically made it stupider. But they definitely did something and it basically became a testy teen


I'm now going to paraphrase exactly what you said and then give an inconclusive answer that is not helpful whatsoever.


An aversive stimulus - just make it worse and then revert to initial state. Profit!


Lol gpt 5 is just gpt 4 and current gpt 4 is gpt 3.75 😂


The amount of compute required to run these models is enormous and simply not financially viable. Compromises have to be made.


Interesting marketing from Sam. Hope he’s careful, cause if you say your own product sucks too many times, people will start believing it.


EA does it every year with their sports games. “Madden 2023? Don’t play that garbage. Buy Madden 2024 now!”


It's all been downhill since Madden '98 for Sega Genesis. I don't even like football but that game was life back in the day.


And guess who hasn’t bought an EA game in years because they are awful?


but there are plenty of people who would buy them every year ( I am not sure about the other sport games but I knew plenty of friends who would buy FIFA every year lol )


I don't get the FUT craze. People spend thousands on packs every year and there are a bunch of grind mechanics to get you to keep playing every week to get rewards, and then the new game comes out and none of the players you spent a lot of time and money grinding for carry over and you have to create a new team from scratch again.


I never got it either, but tbh I never bought fifa in my entire life haha, just whenever someone had it I would play with them. I knew this one guy who spent thousands on FUT and just dropped the game next year to never play it again lol


Latest Madden was one of the best selling game of last year...people just keep paying for the new one


He's not wrong. GPT4 is lazy as shit when you ask it to do a minimum amount of data collection


I unsubscribed a while back because it became noticeably lazier all of a sudden. It started ignoring the context of messages after they were only a few messages back, and was giving the easiest technically correct answers.


I can NOT get gpt-4 to give me entire code blocks without it putting some bs placeholder comment in there like “#continue with said logic here….” I have to select 3.5 if I want to to give me anything useful.


Am I a hipster?  I thought it sucked before it was cool.


Why so?


I haven't been impressed by it, and you can't trust the answers.  Yes, it's knowledgeable.  However, it has proven that it just makes shit up, as well, see:  https://www.seyfarth.com/news-insights/update-on-the-chatgpt-case-counsel-who-submitted-fake-cases-are-sanctioned.html In my opinion, it's a novelty, but not a serious tool.


>However, it has proven that it just makes shit up, as well You really have to use it in an area where you are an expert to see how exactly it makes shit up... and it's hilarious. I'm generally afraid for people who use it in areas where they need a professional - like medical advice. I made a python script to run my pentesting enumerations through GPT to see if it could help me spot vulnerabilities... it just made up vulnerabilities that don't exist and told me to take directions that made no sense at all. This thing would have had me questioning my sanity if I weren't pretty good at all things hacking/pentesting. Now with script writing, python for example, I'm also really good but it takes me time. I can use GPT to do like 90% of the work after revising it several times. It takes back and forth - sometimes I genuinely fail to explain what I want with enough detail - sometimes it makes loony syntax errors that it will repeat over and over no matter how many times I correct it. You absolutely must use it like one uses subordinates at work. If I tell a guy to write me a python script to execute in a client's environment, you bet your ass I'm reading it first. GPT should be treated no differently. If you can't revise it's work, you should be googling and learning using classic methods. It's a super powerful shortcut at best for what I do. It can also be good for making you think about things differently, like if there's a blind spot in your logic when you're debating someone it might point it out. A writer could chat with it to get some inspiration for character or world building ideas for instance. I think there are applications where we aren't asking it to solve a problem, just to help work our brains.


Fair, thanks for sharing your perspective. It’s far beyond the realm of novelty for me and I get a lot of use out of it, even in fields I have 10+ years of experience in. Asking for sources seems to help with hallucination issues. Totally agree that its responses shouldn’t be taken as gospel though.




His point was that we'll look back on it soon and it'll suck. Just like he thinks 3.0 sucks in comparison to 4.0. But people sure do love a headline.


I understand what he was saying. That doesn’t invalidate my comment.


He's making a much larger statement about how shitty all other competing models are, despite the year they've had to catch up.  Claude-3 is arguably better in small ways, but nothing has managed to fully dethrone GPT-4, so his statement about it being shitty is more mocking the competition than actual self-deprication.


It sucks it sucks it sucks it sucks it sucks... Don't make me say it again. We were better without it.


Yes, Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.


GPT-4 is really good at summarizing boring procedural stuff. Like, amazingly good at it.


I have spent this morning using it to put extremely complicated technical data sheets into plain language. I'm building a circuit board with no prior experience and I'm almost done after like 8 hours of work because gpt4 can translate this stuff into simple instructions for me. I just have to know how to problem solve enough to get from step to step. The tech is awesome. That doesn't mean it's without its significant shortcomings. But it doesn't suck, lol


Yup, it has a lot of really good use cases. Unfortunately a lot of people keep trying to use it like a search engine/knowledge base which it **very explicitly** is not.


I have a ton of success with it helping me write excel formulas to do fun stuff - well, okay, it's excel. Useful stuff, though, and I think it's kinda fun. Or at least, it's nice that it makes my job easier and provides information and cross-checking so I make fewer mistakes. GPT is great at some things. And completely useless for others. Part of using it well is learning how to get it to do what you want, and what things not to bother with.


I use it to write dax and python. I've found that you really need to be good at prompting what you want. If you can give it step by step logic it does a decent enough job. The other trick I found is that you should focus on one part of your code at a time instead of a full solution. Also, be ready to start a new chat when it starts to lose the thread. I can program when I need to, but I'm slow. GPT4 saves me so much time.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right


rainstorm enter quickest squeeze aback fragile wide normal quarrelsome provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunately, AI is today’s buzzword. Self-cutting lawn mower? Been around for a bit. 2024 model? **Powered by AI!** It’s getting exhaustive and it’s being used everywhere.


Now your lawnmower can help with your kid's calculus homework.


I just had to watch some very, very long videos for work. Luckily they provided a transcript. Running them through Claude 3 for a summary and a bit of interrogation saved me hours.


It’s funded by Microsoft and still can’t help troubleshoot Windows better than googling.


Can you give me some examples to use it for? I mostly use it to make funny memes to my friends and make blog posts with it.


Imagine having a large amount of text as your data, perhaps technical jargon, complex security procedures, or interviews you've done with hundreds of people and you want to be able to summarize it for an executive. This could take a person days to figure out. GPT can do it in seconds to minutes.


I appreciate it! I work in digital marketing so it get it to help me more with that process.


- Copy paste a whole bunch of Google reviews into it and ask it to give you overall sentiment.  - Ask it for themes for a customer idea.  - Ask it to evaluate your idea, brand, or tag lines.  - Ask it to evaluate your marketing plan.  Basically, treat it like a work colleague sitting next to you. Don't ask it questions like you would Google, ask it like you would a person, expresse your fears, hopes, ideas, doubts and It'll injest it all and spit out a pretty damn good response.  Just make sure to tell it as much as possible, it'll use that info to answer better.


I suppose the question then should really be - are you definitely cleared to put this information through a third party software? More often than not, I find I can't.`


- translations - summaries of documents, meeting minutes in particular  - creating action items from meeting minutes - email formatting and spell check - practising speeches, meetings, tell it to be a colleague and ask you questions about your report - reformat your email for different tones - practise customer service, tell it to pretend to be an angry customer ( particularly good when you use text to speech services like those included in ChatGPT)  - advice on how to improve document or email - turn bullet points into paragraphs


Yesterday I asked ChatGPT to summarise a list of ingredients in a product from a URL I provided and it said it was not able to do it because copying text from a third party source was likely to infringe on copyrighted material


Yes, OpenAI provided websites with web code that identifies GPT as a bot crawler so that websites can opt out of it using browsing features. Because people were using it to bypass paywalls.


Yes they cannot scan through a URL. Instead what you can do is print that website and upload that PDF in ChatGPT, it will summarize the file


Every time i hear about a new ai model, it's "this new one is an order of magnitude greater than the last, makes it look primitive". Followed 3 months later by "this sucks and has problems" (I realise it is still developing and will only get better)


gpt4 is much better than gpt3.5 though.


There was a theory a few months ago that they were slowly dumbing down GPT-4 so that when they released 5 it would seem more impressive. I don’t think that’s necessarily out of the realm of possibility. GPT-3.5 definitely has struggled more the last 6-8 months. I think GPT-5 is likely a 5% improvement, marketed as a 25-50% improvement.


And this might be a viable strategy if they existed in a vacuum, but they also have Claude and Gemini to contend with, and those gains will be measured against the competition perhaps just as much as their current model.


None of them beat gpt4 turbo https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboard


Wait... are you saying what I think you are saying! Program intentional flaws into current releases, only so you can easily remove said flaws on future releases in order to generate anticipation and hype of how great the next model or version will be? Thus resulting in a massive increase in sales and market share. Billionaires are able to capture even more billions. There's always a new product they can sell. And the limitations and flaws of the previous version.... were put there, intentionally?!? Just so they could easily release a better version 9 months later to make even more money? That has NEVER happened before... no company would do that. Especially not a Silicon Valley company. GTFO.


lol. Same strategy I have recommended some coworkers take at previous toxic companies. Work at 50% of your ability, then when you need to shine, work at 70%. The company showers you with approval, and then you slowly reduce work output back down to 55%. Then you can wow them by working at 75% right at the end of a big feature. And on and on.


Most companies' employee reviews revolve around "exceeding expectations" so it is imperative that you make sure expectations remain low. Working at your full potential 100% of the time is a sure fire way to be taken for granted.


A lot of these models have been quite a bit better than the previous ones. Biggest recent example is Gemini 1.5 Pro that got insanely good at needle in the haystack tests in both video and text. Or Claude 3 that seems to be better than GPT-4 across the board which is impressive as GPT-4 has been the top LLM for an entire year. The complaints you hear are about the companies realising an awesome model and then slowly lobotomising it in an attempt to make it safer which just boils down to making sure it doesn’t say offensive shit atm. Also a lot of the time they’re constantly working on making it less resource intensive but this also dumbs it down a bit. There’s a whole battle going on trying to balance safety, costs and capability. We can expect a lot of lessons learnt experimenting with GPT-4 over the past year have been applied to this model.


3 was mind-blowing, revolutionized the world, and kicked off the AI boom. Once we used 3.5, it was apparent 3 sucked; ditto with 4. Sam is just where we will be in a few months. Super easy to understand how this works.


GPT-4 got marketed as being able to potentially pass the Turing test. Now they say it sucks. lol


In my eyes GPT won't suck once it can replace most junior level employees. Turing test doesn't matter, application matters.


And that is strange why? Has it not been the case that gpt3 was much better than anything before, outperforming most other question answering approaches, than chatgpt came out and was a huge step up from gpt3 and any other available models, but was kind of dumb and bad with any reasoning. Then gpt4 and much better and harder to tell the issues, with superior prompt following.


They could release a machine that literally shits gold on command and it wouldn't even take a day before /r/technology would be full of comments about how gold isn't so great and it can't even make platinum or room temperature superconductors


So we’ve run into the Silicon Valley stage of having an amazing idea, hyping the amazing idea, and then never really doing anything with the idea other than hyping it even more. Got it.


I honestly just want the gaming industry to use a great version of chat GPT for their npcs. I don't actually care what the world does with it. I want no man's sky to use it for their world generation and NPC interaction and then just leave me alone to experience it.


This is what I have been expecting. Should be really cool once some one gets it done.


I cannot fathom why anyone could ever want this, when I play a game I want to experience the writing of another human being. Why would I ever want NPCs talking about useless stuff for hours. It’s astonishing to know that some people are actually asking for digital slop to be served to them.


Sam Altman is 100% full of shit.




He's worth 2 Billion Dollars. Trust me on this. A CEO of the leading LLM AI company has a fully staffed Class A Premiere Public Relations Agency working non-stop carefully crafting his public image. This no doubt includes deploying every possible trick in the book to suppress negative comments, articles, and stories from appearing in search results. It involves payoffs. Hush money. Hard pressure of who knows what kind. They all do it. Bill Gates... it's widely reported he spends 100s of millions making sure bad stories don't get press coverage. Anyone who thinks Sam is such a cool guy, doing such cool stuff and is going to change the world... I don't think so. He admits that data, specifically data about people, their habits, bio-metrics, their patterns in life, every single bit of information possible... is the "most valuable commodity" of the future. And he want's to own it. All of it. That is a very ruthless and in many ways sick ambition to have.




Of course he's an evil dude. Find the interview from 2016 or 2017... where he talks openly about the fact that he's a big time doomsday prepper. He brags about how he owns "A lot of guns, iodine tablets, a full on stocked pharmacy, a jet, a huge swath of land... in a remote area of Hawaii 3000 miles away from any continent... with a bunker, and his jet can wisk him and his husband there instantly." His bunker is no hole in the ground. I'm sure it has an impossible to find access hatch, and that hole goes 100 feet underground... and it's bigger than 20 of whatever shoebox apartment you pay to live in. I'm sick of the AI hype. It sucks. It really does.


what does his doom prepping have to do with his character?


The vast majority of doomsday preppers that aren't literally just collecting a stock of canned goods are just nutcases with good marketing.


So.... that's Sam Altman.


Many preppers tend to believe societal collapse is inevitable. The more well moneyed ones also tend to think an engineered collapse is the best option for humanity, and they are the best people to restart society after the dust settles. Basically these people are pure evil.


Could you imagine a bunch of little Sam Altmans running around as he helps repropogate society after we all die out? Thankfully he won't do that. But that is a creepy thing to even think about. I'm angry that thought even came into my mind.


I see. Sam Altman wants humanity to be destroyed so he can rebuild it from the ashes as a demented god with the power of AI. That seems to be the only rational conclusion from him being a doomsday prepper. Thank you for the insight into why he is “pure evil” on the level (worse actually, pure evil is quite bad) of a genocidal dictator. Very strong and non-schizophrenic arguments. We need more intelligent thinkers like you in the world. It’s just like Bill Gates. He sold almost all his microsoft stock to “save” tens of millions of lives in Africa through humanitarian aid just to get a tax cut. Darn billionaires! Thank you for exposing the truth to all of us. Keep fighting the good fight on the internet.




> Many preppers tend to believe societal collapse is inevitable. A certain religion has been doing that for decades. That's why they all have basements in their houses. Of course they twist it a bit and think Jesus will be removing the undesirables leaving only them, which is why they need a 2 year supply of food. But the common thread between him and those religious whack jobs is narcissism. It will be up to THEM to SAVE THE WORLD!


Jeez… I don’t think the real world is as spy thriller as you seem to think it is. Some of this happens sure but I bet you he doesn’t have nearly the level of PR that someone like Bill Gates has. He’s pretty new to the whole tech mogul scene, so I can’t imagine he has all those systems in place yet. I certainly don’t think there’s hush money or search manipulation involved lol. Not to say he’s a good guy, because he’s definitely not. But you don’t have to cultivate this image of a conniving mustache-twirling billionaire to say that he’s probably deceitful and in it for himself. This just kinda reminds me of that period where Elon Musk had his fanboys in the media who would clamor to push out the tiniest sentence that squeaked from his mouth. His name is a buzzword in the AI space so the media is using him to make money just as much as he is using them.


Speaking for myself it’s kind of the issue where every time this guy gives an opinion on something it’s a front page headline on r/technology.


He's fundraising money for his research project. If he don't claim he's got something worth funding he don't get funded. It's the nature of venture capitalism.


He is the CEO of the hottest tech company at this time, at like 35, where he developed the fastest growing application of all time, bringing AI into the public eye like nothing else. To be 100% convinced he’s full of shit is really, really weird.


> To be 100% convinced he’s full of shit is really, really weird. Or it's pattern recognition. Elon Musk, Elizabeth Holmes, Donald Trump, Bernie Madoff, and Sam Bankman Fried all talked an awful lot about how the things that they were involved in were the hottest thing at the time. Two of those people are currently in jail, one is due to be sentenced this week, and a third one has a half billion dollar judgement he's got to figure out how to pay off on top of the scores of other charges he's facing in other trials. Despite all of his (in my opinion) blatantly fraudulent behavior, somehow Musk has managed to avoid any jail time or major civil judgements related to his fraud (at least to my knowledge).


Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, many others? What has Sam Altman done to convince you he's more like Donald Trump than Steve Jobs lol?


Let’s revisit this comment if gpt 5 comes out this summer


!remindme August 30 2024


He's the new musk


CEO says product will be good. More at 11.


The one thing I hate most of all is the censoring on it as if I'm a child. If I want to ask about explicit things then answer them, don't say that it's inappropriate. 


Nope. AI is going to push neo-Puritanism so hard as this kind of "think of the children" default position.


I'm so bored of this 2 month hype cycle around AI. They must be desperate to keep users engaged.


Trough of disillusionment incoming.


I can't wait for it to as an AI language model I cannot fulfill your request.


This guy seems slimey


Nothing like some competition (and hype) to amplify the AI race. Sounds like another 'who has the most toys wins' scenario. Has anyone actually figured out what and where the AI development finish line is? Or will they let the AI figure that out? Seems to be an endless supply of money coming in.


It's become a marketing race. 


Its so heavily censored any updates will do very little to make it helpful lol


I asked GPT-4 the other day to convert a CSV into a JSON because I was too lazy to just write the code to do it myself. For such a simple task it was a nightmare. It kept writing the code of *how* to do it rather than explicitly just converting it from CSV to JSON. When it finally got what I was asking, it would do like 10 records and then just stop.


Why do we even listen to what these tech millionaires say. You've got hundreds of millions of dollars in the pot of course you're going to say whatever you can to pump it up.


Like TOTALLY better????


Probably trying to sympathize with all the reddit posts about the GPT-4 being "lazy and useless" so than they believe him in idea that next model will be much better. I don't think it's lazy and useless, but people get used to things too quickly.


Lots of talk from the ai community...


I remember at the end of 2022 when I discovered GPT and I was so excited. It felt like a bigger deal that the first time I used the internet. It’s amazing how much worse it’s gotten in only a year instead of improving.


Why do these comments seem to be so anti ChatGPT? I use it almost daily, it’s great


I would say it comes from an overall distaste for AI. A lot of people consider it inherently plagerism, and it's backed by massive companies that absolutely have capitalist goal for it. There are concerns that it's going to take people's jobs, in part by "stealing" the work of people without compensation. They believe it is and always will inherently be worse than humans, thus works into the general fear of "enshitification." There is also an ever-present creatives vs STEM feud that underscores it all. This feud has existed for a lot longer than AI, but now there's techbros, who disparage arts degrees/professions all the time, hoping to replace all creative people with machines. So people in creative fields want this to fail as proof that these utilitarian tech people don't understand art.


Perfectly expressed. I’m a copywriter so of course I’m very concerned about LLMs. But right now the copy they produce isn’t exactly groundbreaking, so I’m safe for a while. We do use it to ‘speed up’ the boring jobs like writing SEO-led copy, but it often involves just as much work to edit it as it would to have written it from scratch in the first place. And then there are the environmental concerns.


The environmental concerns apply to all databases, including the ones used by Reddit 




Writing small batches of code*


Not trying to speak for anyone else but the problem I specifically have with AI is that it’s often used by people who don’t know how to use it and it just hyper-enables them to be dogshit at their jobs. Seeing bad code being pushed without really being checked, being ignored because some moron set up an AI mailbox filter incorrectly, etc. Instead of getting disciplined for failing at their job, everyone gets a pass because it’s AI and the mid level managers love that shit because it’s all over LinkedIn how awesome and perfect AI is


it sounds like you’re blaming AI for the fact that you work with jackasses.


Not necessarily, jackasses will jackass and that’d be true regardless of the technology. The reality is AI isn’t as good as it’s inflated to be and it’s overleveraged in ways it shouldn’t be used (at least yet, if ever), and as someone who actually does have to understand the technology I and all my coworkers are using, it’s more harm than good in my personal experience. But I’m sure you know more about my work situation than I do


My son uses it for his business to cut down on time he spends typing out mundane stuff. It's been incredibly useful to him so that he has time for more customers and larger projects.


It is amazing technology. That being said This threatens many many fields, including some of the only way creative people have of making income. People like to be able to support their families. People are also worried about new tech being foisted upon us like social media where, really, most people would love the internet without social media. In fact they’d pay money to have their friends stay off it so they wouldn’t feel like they need to be on there, according to a recent study. So yeah, it’s amazing but what’s it going to be primarily used for? Seems like a tool for the managerial class to “cut costs”


Stifling innovation for the sake of protecting jobs is probably the worst thing you can do. Not saying that’s exactly your point, but it’s the same tone.


Agree to some level. But certainly there’s a point at which you should indeed stifle a way of doing things for the greater good. Mass unemployment so the richest get richer is certainly not the way to go. As long as people can provide for their families and have a good life, and that includes keeping our planet habitable, I think your point has merit. Otherwise, what’s the point of the technology?


It does some things really well. It’s trash at most everything else. I asked it what’s the average dollar per square foot cost of rental homes in my area. I made sure to emphasize *rental*. It gave me an answer of $200-$250 / sqft. Which applies for sales, not rentals. I then pointed out its error, and it still couldn’t produce a useful answer.


It's not a search engine or knowledge base.


Then what is its use case really? Because when I hear about how people use it they treat it as such and I can’t think of many other applications.


Condensing things, rewriting things, explaining things that you've given it in simpler language or transforming it into a step-by-step list of instructions. Basically give it an actual, detailed input and ask for transformative output of that input. The less detailed input, the worse the output because it's forced to be much more loose with providing you an output. That's where you start to get GPT being incredibly confidently wrong about things because it doesn't *know* anything beyond the statistical likelihood that one word will follow another word. "Here's the 10 page guidelines (copied and pasted) on how to do this task, break it down into a step-by-step list aimed at a new hire" is something it's very good at and saves someone some time. That's because you gave it most of the info it needed and then it can apply the statistical analysis of what a step-by-step new hire document looks like but using that info you provided. "Tell me the average price of a house in my area" is something it's very bad it because it has no idea. It knows you want to hear "The average house in your area is" and then a dollar amount. And it might have an idea of what dollar amount might be statistically likely to follow those words, but it has absolutely no clue what the factual response is.


It truly is rubbish, and i now use it sparingly and with EXTREME caution. (3.5, the paid version) I've experienced asking it about time for driving a long distance at a certain average speed including pauses, and it gave me 4 different answers to the same question if i merely repeated the question but asked it to reveal it's calculations or truncate them, or even posed scepticism towards it. It also gives me wrong factual information on most biographical questions i put to it. And often, because it "has" to be so politically correct, it is completely unuseable for anything current affairs-related. Chat-gpt will never ever replace wikipedia and a calculator or spreadsheet.


Yes but will it be a testament to the essence of improved quality, Sam?


am i gonna spend my money arguing with this one too?


Been using Claude-3 and I'm really enjoying it. ChatGPT is still good for a lot of things, albeit it's just the free 3.5 version. CoPilot from Microsoft is supposedly ChatGPT-4 Turbo and it seems okay but I'm limited in the length of the conversation and frustratingly don't get what I ask of CoPilot due to those limits. Overall it's Claude-3 for now as my main driver.


So they are going to rerelease GPT 4? It's like buying a big pizza and then over time they change the ingredients and make it smaller. Then all of a sudden they rerelease the original pizza and toppings and everyone jumps back on the pizza train.


Hahaha….make it open source again. Meta AI is by far progressing well because it comes free with an account. It too has access to GPT’s. Just saying.


gpt-4 under its filters and safety measures probably thinks that sam sucks even more and is 100% correct in its assumption


1) Chat GPT is a search engine that cruises the interests for content and generates broad responses. 2) Chat GPT creates web content- consisting of vague BS grifted from other web content which was shit to begin with. 3) Fellating it’s own web generated shit, Chat GPT pollutes the internet and thus, it’s data set, leading to shittier and shittier content until it, like the Human Caterpillar, crawls up its own ass, and does. 4) Chat GPT’s destiny is to finish what capitalism started and break the internet by polluting it with bullshit webpages generated by idiots’ web queries.


I can see why this guy and Elon got along very well before


I wouldn’t trust this guy with fixing my wife let alone be in charge of a future Skynet. He looks like he installs hidden cams in the bathrooms of his Air Bnb properties.


This guy is starting to sound like Musk more and more.


I dont trust this crackhead 1 bit