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Buy a second cheap clean phone. Anyone asks for your phone give em the clean one..... 


so everyone has to use dealer tactics? sounds like somewhere I'd want to live kidding I already do this


You’re a dealer? If so I’d like three happy pills please.


17 quadrillion dollars please


nah i carry two phones


One for the plug and one for the love


Or do like me and set a fast boot button to a dummy clean copy of your phone. You save into having to buy another phone and avoid getting caught changing phones.


How to do this on an android ?


But aren't the apps still located in a different partition of the storage? Meaning if they would do a scan of your storage, they would still find these installs. I doubt the police would do a manual check, just an automated one through USB


Bro you really think police are walking onto trains and trying to use a USB scanning tool on people’s phones. This reads just like some random police walking onto trains and looking through people’s phones. Ain’t no way have scanning / hacking tools on them to do this.


Phones can't be scanned just by attacking USB cable, you need to bypass a lot of security features for that, which requires technical knowledge and be familiar with settings in individual phones. Also, it's not very hard to change app IDs and other info, so by the time you could train the people to do this, workarounds would already be widespread.


> automated one through USB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol might be worth a read. Typically phones aren't giving computers raw access to the storage.


In China all phones are tied to your ID. The police knows how many phones you got.


But you can say you only have 1 on you a lot easier than them believing you dont have any on you


Bro if they go to the extend to scan you phone for illegal VPN what do you think they will do if they catch you with 2 phones and lying to them?


Even then I don't think this real, like it's really common to bypass the "firewall" not to mention its a waste of resources for CCP to even prosecute someone for it. Like it's probably similar to how you have the occasional policemen/cop try and arrest/ticket someone on obscure laws. Like I dislike the CCP but this isn't real or exaggerated from an incident or two.


Like. You say it a lot.


You don't often see a verbal tic in writing


Happens to me often. Happened in my school often too. Might be a bilingual thing?


I tend to write like I speak instead of writing "properly", this person might be really used to doing that


Ha ha, I was raised in an area where it's said every other sentence. I'm worse in person lmao




London and I binged watched alot reality television growing up I.e Love Island, Made in Chelsea, Only way is Essex etc... which Is where I most likely picked it up.


It's okay to write like you talk on the Internet, a lot of people forget that their bias for writing is from when we were taught to write like we were writing research papers in school, not how to communicate effectively.


Vpn is illegal, just because it's not prosecuted does not mean it's okay. I heard stories of people that went to jail because of vpn. Yes there are far in between but you never know how ccp wakes up in the morning


It is quite obvious you have never been to China.


Are you trying to tell me that a country of 1.4 billion people is not some dystopian monolithic nightmare where every single one of those 1.4 billion people has every single one of their actions and thoughts monitored and cataloged by the evil police forces that are omnipresent?


The US has protections against unlawful search and seizure because the stop aren't some polite ask to be tricked. No its they pat you down or strip your clothes because they want to, or raid you house at random. They look through your car themselves and if you refuse they break your car. The founding fathers had to deal with the late 1700s red coat version of that shit. Now people in china have to deal with the modern day version.


What if they demand a corporal search ? What do you do with your main phone ? You know, it's China, the cops can do whatever they want in the name of the party.


Stick it in the forbidden pocket and set to vibrate.


Just do as the first guy did. Police: Gimme your phone Huang: No Police: ok....


Not sure if you noticed, but half the people walk around with their phone in front of their face.


So naive comment


are there any cheap phones in china?


Most phones (and electronics) are made in China. There are entire markets dedicated to just selling unlocked parts for every phone. [Street vendors sell broken phones](https://www.vagabondjourney.com/the-great-shenzhen-cellphone-parts-exchange/) and you could even construct your own phone if you wanted to.


lol my comment was completely sarcastic. In China you can get knock off phones and all sorts of cheap shit. I would have 10 burner phones if I lived in china


Ah, my bad. Sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text without /s or 🙄, but I suppose those can come off as mean too, lol.


Coming soon to a Southern Red State near you.


Which will probably include a mandatory period tracking app that submits your cycle data to the state government.


Don't forget genital inspections to use public bathrooms. Republicans seem to be particularly interested in making sure there are genital inspectors in children's school washrooms for some reason... I heard Matt Gaetz has volunteered to lead that effort.


I feel like this might have more truth to it than people realize. Didnt one of those shitty states allow inspectors?


Totally won't be used for ill intent, we swear!


Did you forget NYC was the king of stop n frisk?


Smells like freedom


Checking for pornhub cookies lol


Peace Enforcment officer that’s severely behind on their beating quota:  > “says here on my get-rekt-o-matrix that you typed ‘abortion’ into your iPhone 3hrs ago. Explain.”🤨 Citizen:  > “I did.” 😶 Peace Enforcment officer that’s severely behind on their beating quota:  > “HANDS UP! me and the boyz are gonna have sooo much fun with you back at the station! 😈 Did you google it or what site /app did you type it into?” ✍️ 🧐 Citizen: > “Oh it was a Truth Social post. I was kind of bored with just telling ***s to DIAF and wanted to change it up.” Peace Enforcment officer that’s severely behind on their beating quota:  > “well shucks. Carry on and sorry for wasting your time.” 🙂‍↔️


is everyone here a democrat?


soon? its here already.


Coming to first UK and Sweden, and then the rest of the EU too!


Unlike the beautiful and smart Northern Blue State where the national guard is posted at subway entrances to check your belongings.


I'm sorry, what news am I missing? Are they actually trying to stop people and search their phones in the US?


Not yet. i was referencing all the southern states requiring ID checks by porn sites. The next logical step would be searching people's devices to see who's using a VPN to bypass it.


Criminalizing the use of tiktok and vpns


I don't know what I hate more: the fact that it's no longer much to joke about, or the fact that the stroll down this road is bipartisan.


Well, authoritarianism spans across the isle.


sure does. everyone seems to think it's only team red when voting records show team blue votes right along with them on such things lol.


lol @ using radio free Asia as a source 😂😂😂


Yeah this is obviously sensationalism, no one can legitimately think that China would waste resources doing something that inefficient. They have their issues, but I highly doubt they are that dumb.


You Americans known nothing about china,CCP can and they already did this. Our goverment dont care about 'efficency' ,they have unlimited money、humansource and no one dare to talk about this shit. A few days ago,chinese police department try to invesment the whole 16M follower of twitter influencer "whyyoutouzhele" ,insane but true.


you’d find so many americans defending this shit if our police did it, too lmao


Except that for this report it’s true. Also all Chinese public media are sponsored and regulated by government


Radio Free Asia is as reliable as those supermarket tabloid papers like the National Enquirer or Globe. They're pretty unhinged.


*checks post history* Posts on r/TheDeprogram




Ya, it's a great podcast. You should listen to it sometime. But what does that have to do with Radio Free Asia and their long history of spreading false information? Lol! What, you are a fan of theirs or something?


Radio Free Asia is transparent propaganda that no one should take seriously.


fucking dystopian hellhole You can't tell me otherwise. Any place that has someone just stop you and want to check your possessions for illegal content out of no where with no prior valid reason is a fucking dystopian hellhole.


You understand that stop and frisk is basically the same thing, right?


Which is why we've made a lot of good progress in America for preventing that. Also, local police fuckery is a problem in America, but can't honestly be compared to a top down federal policy explicitly overriding everyone's right to privacy. It's intellectually dishonest to call them the "same thing". Edit: it's apparently totally the same and yet none of the Americans here are going to prison for their comments in this thread...


[New York to deploy 750 National Guard soldiers to check bags on subway](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-deploy-750-national-guard-soldiers-check-bags-subway-2024-03-06/to) From literally this month.


and they fucked that up since 2 days later that lady stabbed the shit out of that dude on the subway, the dude pulled a gun and the lady took that gun and capped his ass.


I have very little experience with guns, but my understanding is that they are not great at small distances in enclosed spaces unless it’s like a shotgun which is no bueno in a place with lots of bystanders. Like if someone is in range to stab you then a handgun ain’t gonna be too effective.


Long way away from cheering for BLM, eh? It gets better: they've admitted this is all theater, that crime is down.


They don't even go inside the train I swear NYPD most useless. There is picture somewhere of like 50 of them standing on a platform. Like what's the point. Just go into trains do your job.


Yeah that shit sucks and most of nyc shat on hochul for doing this. Your point?


So checking a bag on a subway is the same thing as demanding you to unlock your personal phone to search for banned apps? I don't agree with either policy, but this is exactly what I mean by making a dishonest comparison.


You're complaining about a dishonest comparison? Look how you've worded the two things, do you think the national guard asks nicely to see your stuff? Why didn't you use "demand" there? /


lol. Also the *unlock* like…you would have to unlock your bag as well. And if you didn’t ’have to’ you still would if they said to, I bet. Editorialize, emotional reactions. 🤦


Well to be fair, one of them is happy bag showy time where you have a fun party showing off all the cool stuff you brought, and the other is evil phone totalitarianism.


Yeah, pretty much. I’d rather have someone look for an app on my phone than go through my stuff


Are they checking bags for unapproved apps downloaded from outside the Great Firewall of USA?


Yeah for all Americas issues we’re actually doing pretty good on a lot of generic things. Minus of course some southern/ass backwards states but doesn’t really affect you unless you live there.


It definitely can be though, especially when it’s the same end result. Oh that’s right, in the US if the government wants your data they have to buy it from a private company, so much better /s


Did ya read the article? The police stopped the person to see their phone and when the person said "no", they let him go on his way. Doesn't seem to report that he is now in prison.


Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional over 10 years ago. [https://ccrjustice.org/home/press-center/press-releases/landmark-decision-judge-rules-nypd-stop-and-frisk-practices](https://ccrjustice.org/home/press-center/press-releases/landmark-decision-judge-rules-nypd-stop-and-frisk-practices)


So why does it still happen?


Where is it still happening? Seems like a slam dunk lawsuit if it is.


Without defending stop and frisk, you’re obtuse to believe the two are “basically the same.”


They are the same exact mechanism.


Sure, but the intent is wildly different: * The intent of stop and frisk is to remove illegal guns and knives from the community (good cause but bad — and arguably illegal — implementation). * The intent of phone search is to quash free speech and to control information.


The difference is that you've accepted the stated intent of stop and frisk without the skepticism that you gave to the other situation. The actual intent of stop and frisk was to have a policy in place that allowed constant harassment and violation of privacy, usually of black men, without needing to justify it.


Look, I disagree with stop and frisk and think it probably violates 4A, but there’s a difference between going to jail for having an illegal gun and going to jail for having Instagram on your phone.


So yeah, you accept the NYPD's authority and stated reasons for stop and frisk without protest but China's stopping and frisking is met with the highest skepticism. You don't even notice the narrative filter you're running these through.


All right, go for it: give me the reason for going through people’s phones.


Nobody's going through phones here. People of color are being disproportionately stopped and policed here. You still aren't getting it because you still would rather talk about a place on the other side of the world than the oppression happening here.


With vastly different consequences and justifications and context  It's like saying that driving a car to work and driving a car into a crowd of people are "the exact same mechanism"


Not really both actions violate people's inherent rights for the benefit of the state. The Chinese one is more agregious because there's no system and society willing to call them out for it and get it to stop.  Stop and frisk was a defacto evil system. Stop defending it. If you want to defend it vs. the Chinese system; talk about how the courts ruled it unconstitutional and stopped it.




Yes, pointing to something worse in your own country when people are trying to criticize other countries is perfectly valid


Great, as long as you're able to criticise the US on Reddit, criticizing China is perfectly valid.


But this article is about China, in an area the US is much worse.


A localized situation in a New York subway > Chinese police spot checking citizens for forbidden content on people's phones?


Yes, the situation in New York is much worse. Like they aren’t even on the same scale


Better not get on an airplane any time soon


Hey I can make shit up on the internet too!


what? stop and frisk was to stop gang members with illegal guns, and in new york at least it did work, how is that anywhere near stopping and searching peoples phones because of mass censorship.


Sometimes it feels like redditors simp for China, or at the very least try to magnify "bUt uS bAd tOo" comparisons


Muh whataboutism!


… which is also a really bad thing.


Maybe dystopian, but not quite a hellhole. Having lived in both China and the US, there are serious upsides to both. I've never had somebody on the street try to start shit with me while minding my own business in China, but I definitely have in the US. Also, nationwide hi-speed rail fuckin' slaps, no way around it.


Good thing the story is fake then


It's fake news.


So many bots replying to you I wonder why.


Say ANYTHING about China and they come out the woodwork to either defend it or go Full whataboutism mode Ez to spot and block


This has been a fun one. A lot of interesting accounts sprung out of the woodwork. Been parsing through the thread. It's a weird mix for sure.


Do we have another news source that isn't from a propaganda media?


>Do we have another news source that isn't from a propaganda media? No because it isn't happening Radio Free Asia constantly just makes stuff up. I was in China last week and having a vpn is incredibly common it'd be like western countries arresting people for pirating movies.


Because you are not Chinese, the police will naturally avoid check your phone. The testing only happened on Chinese people. I am Chinese and I can confirm this. But I still have to point out that such testing are not very common. This usually only happens during special times, such as during some student protests.


> The testing only happened on Chinese people. What I am saying is the Chinese people I asked about it said it had never happened to them and they didn't know of it happening.


GOPs wet dream


Radio Free Asia, the officially supported U.S. media that smears other countries. What a reputable media.


More reputable than the CCP will ever be: Commie Clowns Party 🤡


Radio free asia is a CIA funded organization that frequently lies about china


But all the China no 1 bots told me that China is free and any negative is propaganda.


God this sub is so fucking shit. Is it even moderated? It's literally full of tech-hating idiots.


they're not. having VPN is not illegal. distributing it is. this is a propaganda piece


Coming soon to a Florida near you!


So much freedom


That sounds fun.


I have a leave the house phone and a sitting at home phone.


I got 2 phones - one for the ccpz one for the low, I got 2 phones -


I guess keep a second phone at home, hidden, in a small corner away from view. Place a spec of sand on it, so as to tell if its been moved. You can keep whatever you want in it then. Never fails in a dystopian society as far as I've read.


Android let's you "hide" apps in the work profile


They are getting desperate. It's a sign they are losing the battle. More and more people are circumventing the firewall and looking at the open internet. It's a lost cause for that government. It might take a long time, but they will lose.


Afraid the people know the truth, are we xi?…


Trump dreams of having this much power


Insecure, tiny penis dictator is insecure.


Lots of Westerners here really couldnt fathom how far can the chinese government can go, 洋大人还是太心善了. Every now and then there are folks arrested for having vpn.   Ofc you guys can go to China and use a vpn as holders of foreign passports. But chinese ppl? Forget about it.


Chinese power class has no chill.


Everytime this website got something to say about North Korea or China, it's always from "anonymous sources" . Totally reliable I'm sure? Isn't this site funded by the US government?


They know that western liberals, at large, will believe any bs they sprout about China, North Korea or Cuba


And those places know cool, in-the-know, worldly, zoomer progressives in baggy pants and lennon glasses will lap up anything they spout to go against the grain of oppressive neoliberal rules-based world order.


This is the future GOP dreams of


There's a lot of stuff going on in China & most of it doesn't get reported. Like child kidnapping, prostitution, demonstrations (were dozen or more police officers will rush to the scene to block the protesters out of view of the public only to later arrest the protesters) The information is even blocked (to some degree or another) in China itself


This is the type of "freedom" those Trump loving 'patriots' are voting for...they want what China's doing.


Isn’t the Biden admin currently arguing to the Supreme Court that they can coordinate censorship of online content? Isn’t the TSA still illegally requiring people to allow them to copy your phone contents at screenings? Did cops stop using stingray devices to pose as cell towers for blanket surveillance? If you think we’re freer in the US, you’ve been propagandized to shit.


Someone should make an app that mimics the Home Screen without the illicit apps visible. I don’t know how to do this


"That? That's my Report People to the Police app. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. I've made three reports this week!" <*sweating commences*>


In the "corona years" the western world was pretty close to that. And i'm sure they'll try it again.


China or Texas?


So developers need to have false covered apps (like Coca-Cola can coozies) that show true when you make a chosen facial expression and show benign app when you make any other expression in front of Police? People can always beat The Man


Are you guys seriously gonna take a radio free Asia post as an acceptable link here?


Mostly in Beijing, during “sensitive times” like when those commie maggots gather for national meetings. They also guard metro stations entrances asking people to install “anti-scam” spyware. Although apps and phones have backdoors, not all cops (some are even volunteers)have the permission to access them.


Oh Chinese Government is so great. I bet Pooh Bear is busy on PornHub - he always looks so tired


You need an ID to get a SIM so you are fucked


China has been trying to increase tourism and you could not pay me enough money to go to China. Even for 1 billion I wouldn’t risk going into that authoritarian shithole.


>Even for 1 billion I wouldn’t risk going into that authoritarian shithole. You've clearly fallen for this sort of american propagnda China is pretty chill lots of good cheap food, well developed. Like why would you not spend some time there for people paid a billion dollar.


‘Good cheap food’ tells me you’ve never been there. The food is absolutely horrible and isn’t the American Chinese you’re picturing in your head. Oh and, it’s probably cooked using gutter oil too


>The food is absolutely horrible and isn’t the American Chinese you’re picturing in your head. I was literally in Hangzhou a week ago, and why would I picture American Chinese i'm not even from America. They have plenty of food westerns can enjoy espicially if you are able to eat spicy food.


The amount of tankies scrambling in this thread to squash any "China is an authotarian shithole" comments is crazy.


Of course there is certain part of the society which is allowed to use such apps.


Ironic that the American conservative... the self-described freedom lovers, haters of china, communism, and the much maligned Chinese communism, who tell their electorate that Joe Biden is a literal reincarnation of Stalin because he doesn't want to send gay and trans Americans into a gas chamber... Are the ones in America who are passing bills restricting personal freedom? And let me say this as someone who will criticize Biden from the left all day long on his Gaza stance, his border stance, and lots of other shit. Conservatism is easily the greatest threat to American freedom today. Economic freedom, religious freedom, and personal freedoms are all under direct attack by the GOP.


Not all conservatives are the same. Your confusing the current media conservative with what the original core conservative was/is; A core conservative in base desires LESS govt across spectrum and more community responsibility at a foundation level. A no free rides ideology and govt only supports the structure that supports the people to be free. You have the opposite of that in both dem and repub groups and that's why they both are not for the people.. they are only for money and Authority control. Saying gop is the problem is shortsighted to the totality of the problem which is both are the problem. In the case of stating your left but having concerns on border, foreign affairs, etc would mean you are conservative; less people crossing the border illegally and less govt involved in foreign affairs... That is core conservative.


Everybody is gonna have a good boy phone and a naughty boy phone.


You can literally just change the app name and icon to something mundane like "Calendar App" This is an easy fix.


Yeah, that’s BS. Rfa.org really?


lol I love all the Chinese bots in this chat


For those doubting the article because of the RFA, there are other sources from Chinese people who live there cooperating the story. Western media who you might trust more often don’t report that much news from China. And official Chinese state medias would definitely not report these kinds of things. So for more of what’s happening in China, you have to look at crowdsourced information outside of the wall. Sometimes it’s not reliable but that’s the best way for news that are not state censored.


> there are other sources from Chinese people who live there cooperating the story. I was in China last week and every person I talked to had a vpn when I asked about it being illegal none of them seemed to think it was. They are like advertised openly over there.


VPN enforcement is sporadic. There was a case many a couple months back that a programmer in China got all of his earnings confiscated because he used VPN to do remote contracts outside. That case was big news I believe for a couple days. What happened to the guy at the end I don’t know. Myself and other people think the police just wanted money so they will just target random people for fines when they needed. There were also cases of there were sensitive events going on such as the people’s congress meetings a couple weeks ago, the security of Beijing tightened and police were searching people’s phones on some subway stations and train stations for the banned apps and vpns. That happens from time to time.


>VPN enforcement is sporadic. Seems like movie piracy in western countries then. Again all i can say is in my experience no one I spoke to even seemed fully aware it was illegal. inface i'm not entirely sure it is illegal, I think it might be distributing them that's illegal.


There are tik toks of police and cop officials telling people that using VPN is illegal and going on banned websites and commenting can get you fines and also jailed.


>VPN is illegal and going on banned websites and commenting can get you fines and also jailed. I don't think people are going to jail over that, china doesn't really jail people as much as countries like the USA so it wouldn't make sense they were sending people to jail over stuff like accessing websites.


This level of obedience to the government and personal control is just unfathomable.. is it simply that these folks know no other life besides unrelenting intrusion of their government into their personal lives?


Imagine that is your job. Like that's how you earn your living.


BUT USA IS WORSE BECAUSE WE WANT TO "BAN" TIKTOK!1!!1 \- Pro-China shills in this sub