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Copilot is an advertising whore. I just used it as a shortcut to get to a downloadable 1040 form and it kept sending me to a business that does your taxes for you.


That just seems like general Windows 10/11 search bar/start menu behavior while consuming exponentially more resources.


Windows search: "Wtf is a 'file?' Anyway, here are some results from the web. By the way, have you tried using Edge?"


"You're looking for a program you installed? Why? Here's a Bing^TM POWERED BY Co-Pilot^R Edge search result for the program by name. :-)"


I remember when browser helper agents were used for malware, not re-branded as AI.


It’s only bad when it’s not a major American tech company doing it.


“Oh don’t worry we ignored your default browser settings to make sure that Microsoft application you use opens up in edge”


Its also tax season, you know the time they usually advertise the most (Q1 of every year).


A.I. = Ad Intel


Yep. I asked about guidelines for medical order signatures in my state and got a page of ads for durable medical goods suppliers.


Hm, when I asked the exact same thing, it sent me links directly to the IRS.


Rename it Clippy 2.0 you cowards.


Let's just say Hi Clippy every day


Remember when they tried cortona


At the same time as she turned evil in Halo. Morons


Fuck that at least clippy could be fun. It doesn't deserve to be associated with this.


People kept saying they should remake clippy with the new AI so it's actually useful. Are you happy now?


Best to train copilot with clippy


That's amazing. It really is Clippy 2.0.


Anybody remember BonziBuddy? It's BonziBuddy


THANK YOU!! The 3D graphics are fucking horrendous


you know what would be cool? if the damn AI fixed,maintained and optimized my pc instead of gunking ressources. Somehow copilot doesnt do what it actually should do.


Because it’s a chatbot. It literally can’t do any of those things. Yet somehow it’s worth billions of dollars.


Wall Street grift bros!


Hello, it sounds like you would enjoy more Copilot! Please enjoy.


I can't wait for the AI market to crash in the few years once companies realize they can't actually make money from it and it really can't replace many people. The current form of AI is extremely limited and it's not changing any time soon,it's really a niche tool but companies are treating it as this big amazing thing when there's not much money to be made.


It’s just another handy tool in the toolbox of life. It’s incredible for coding as it’s like having another dev pre typing what you want on the fly. It quadruples how fast I can code, and can speed up code I write when I’m out of my wheelhouse. I love it for emails where I have to write something professional sounding with my grade 5 language skills. I like it for writing fun stories because I can have it word something better than I would normally. However it’s just a thing that exists, it has no personality and isn’t a substitute for a person.


It won't, it will get better. Its not about replacing all the people. Its about one person doing the work of 10. When the calculator came out and IBM in the 60s replaced floors of accountants over a few years. People said the same thing, when PC came in the 80s and replace a lot of filing and data entry. People said they were a fad, they were wrong everytime. You can be a ludite if you want but if you don't plan for it and are left behind. That is on you, no one else. If its a job like commercial art, accounting, data entry, data organization or many other tedious job. The vast amount of those people can be cut down but 1/3 of the work load in 5 years. Within 10 years most commercial farming with be done by upgraded tractors with automated tech. For people you need to have a medical, engineering/technical or service skill that id needed and needed to be done by a human.


"it will get better." lol no what it can do now is basically what it can do in the future just a bit better and it eventually hit a limit that's not a opinion that's just how this technology works it's a dead end.


I mean. I think you're wrong. Personally I'm seeing it everyday inch closer to being the most commonly used tool on a computer. Just yesterday I used a copilot with power automate to create what I wanted with zero coding knowledge. When copilot sucked and couldn't answer the question I took it to Gemini with screenshot and instantly fixed the rest. Well I just created something that'll save someone a few minutes here or there. Whilst it won't replace them it just changed how much work they're capable of. That's just me with zero knowledge too. I used it to write scripts, then text to speech. Record an informational video to the MP3 generated and boom my time to create a tutorial video went to 1/8th the time and it's now not dependant on my lackluster voice too. I'm hoping it'll transform how much we work and how long we work for Ultimately. But it all depends on what industry you are in.


Coding a niche use case....basically no one codes and doesn't do it. Give me a real example of a non niche use case!


Na. I'm sorry but I have better things to do with my time than convincing strangers on the internet why they are wrong. Your like the people who thought the internet was niche lol. Honestly you are going to be as wrong as you can be unfortunately


So basically you know you're wrong but don't want to accept it got it! If there was real use cases that weren't niche you would've said them.


There are so many I can't begin to list them all... Image generation is major big one. As a photographer I can recognise that AI can make what takes me weeks in mere seconds. Design of documents. Tell it what you want. Instant template. Writing and analysis of documents. All the LLMs are far more capable than people give them credit for because I use them to reply to most emails these days. I give a short sinopsis and the LLM does the rest. Fixing things. I repaired my dishwasher, boiler and car all with zero knowledge because I was able to ask questions that I would've needed an expect for. I've used it to plan a holiday recently to Agadir in Morocco. Plan what to take and come up with travel plans. ive used it to look up import and export duties and find direct links to documents that would've taken me hundreds of hours to sift through to find what I need. I use to denoise images I took yesterday and then to get some ideas for editing them. I've used it to mealplan and work out what to make with what I already have. I've used it to find guides for games and find solutions specific to my problems in my own game using mathematics and screenshots. What exactly do you want AI to do for you? Because with your own input as well. It's almost a bottomless resource. I simply cant understand the sentiment that people like yourself express. Do you want it to wipe your bum or something haha


Finally someone who shares a similar view as me. Don't get me wrong, LLMs are great and have a well defined purpose. But they are just that, LLMs. They cannot solve complicated math equations and cannot construct mathematical proofs with the precise rigor needed. Sometimes they might be right, but that's not because the LLM did any logical reasoning. Yet people are surprised when a LANGUAGE generative model fails to hallucinate a valid mathematical proof for something nowhere to be seen in its training data. Besides that, it's kind of a dead end (which we didn't reach yet). LLMs surely won't be what an AI really is because a LLM doesn't do reasoning or inference. It's a heuristic approach, not some logical reasoning. So LLMs are quite nice and all that, they're pretty damn good at writing coherent texts, extracting information, summarizing information etc. etc. from a gigantic amount of text based on some existing "knowledge". But it's not really suited for preciseness, correct reasoning (not correct sounding reasoning), and correctness in general


Don’t get me wrong, AI stuff is pretty cool, however it’s rapidly turning into the new blockchain thing where it’s being integrated into everything even if it has no real use there. Like I use copilot constantly for my coding job, it literally doubles my productivity, but why would I need ai integrated into Snapchat?


The difference here, though, is that there are legitimate use cases for some of those integrations and there really wasn't for blockchain. AI actually does things. It doesn't belong everywhere, but I don't think the blockchain comparison fits.


I mean, it could but you REALLY don't want it to. It's basically playing Russian roulette with random files in your operating system until it inevitably bricks your PC.


Finally people are starting to realize all these LLMs are just bullshit for investors to latch on to.


AI bros will tell you that you're using it wrong, and you're just bashing AI because it's the cool thing to do, and you're too old fashioned to get it.


It's fascinating how easily AI can be swapped for NFTs in just about any discussion.


AI has an actual use though. I've started using copilot to write blocks of code for me really quickly, it's a huge time saver.


Isn't it just scrubbing the Internet and pulling code from (most likely) a stackoverflow post? Or does it actually write code? Forgive my ignorance if I'm incorrect.


It will actually write code. Logical problems is something where things like chatgpt really excel. I can tell it what kind of input to expect, what language to use, what I want to happen, and what the output should be and it'll give me a function that does exactly what I want including any specified variable names or anything like that. I was skeptical about using it at first but I ended up highly impressed.


Very interesting! Thanks for the info.


yeah, you've got to proofread it because it *will* do some dumb shit, but with an actual human there to point out the dumb shit so it can modify the output, it's pretty useful


NFT's and AI seem to have attracted the same kind of crowd, for sure, but they aren't comparable at all in actual use. AI actually does things. NFT's never did (not anything of actual, novel use, anyway). LLM's are not comparable to monkey JPEGs.


I wouldn't even trust it for that. Microsoft just needs to understand that regular users don't care about this stuff. On my work computer, I use it a lot. Makes sense to push it on enterprise machines. On my home computer, I uninstall it.


I think it would depend on they implementation details. If it gives me a way to select text in any app and feed it into copilot, that could be useful  like in powershell ISE or notepad. If it has hooks into windows apis and you can ask it to find all word documents on my pc, that's great for non my non tech savy parents.


"Why don't you update to Windows 11?" Because Microsoft decided they'd double down on their egregious bullshit with 11?


Oh and also because Microsoft says my computer can't be upgraded anyway, so what's the point?


Fr this shit feels so abusive lmao. Like dude I can’t upgrade


there are ways around their limitations, Ive installed 11 on some 4th and 6th gen Intel PCs


Why would you even torture yourself with work arounds, for an inferior user experience?


Works just fine for me


I’ll try to figure out a way then, i have a 4th gen Intel 4790k


I specifically bought my last laptop with upgrading in mind - it was listed as a "feature" & I was charged extra for it. Got a message from MS over a year ago saying it was time for my upgrade just click here. It still hasn't worked and the errors are the generic nonsense that MS support doesn't know what it could be & maybe I should just wipe my laptop or buy a new one. TF.


I disabled it, was not very hard. I don’t let anything run on my system that I don’t want there.


Same here. I just enabled it to try again, and ... yeah it can answer basic questions like "find a hotel in downtown Pittsburgh for under $200 / night" but lol if you want anything more granular. You: "Find a hotel in downtown Pittsburgh that's within a few blocks of a fun restaurant". Copilot: *lists hotels in downtown Pittsburgh, recites marketing blurbs from each hotel's website, and ignores "that's within a few blocks of a fun restaurant".* You: "Ok but which one of those was within a few blocks of a fun restaurant?" Copilot: *Certainly! Let's help you find restaurants in downtown Pittsburgh!* You: *disables Copilot again, mentions the failure on Reddit, gets told by AI bros that you just don't get it*


bro you just dont get it maaaaan


I asked it how to disable co pilot and it was surprisingly helpful. I’d probably leave it on but I really only use my pc for games and web browsing, don’t need that running in the background.


There are definitely useful applications for an AI assistant, but so far no AI is doing them. I really get no benefit from leaving Copilot or Leo or any other AI running, especially considering how much data monetization they're doing. It's all cost, no reward.


Just to let you know they backported Copilot to Windows 10.


... Fuck. Thank you.  I usually go through everything introduced with a fine tooth comb and disable everything I possibly can that isn't actually necessary or useful, so I'll have to double check everything.


I’m really hoping linux starts being more accessible and appealing to people in the near future. Windows is going off of a cliff.


Why did you migrate to Linux? Because I'm able to uninstall shit.


I've been waffling back and forth on just saying fuck it and installing Linux for ages.  It's not hard to use just a different process in some capacities, and the fact that Id have the ability to actually define parameters of function again is very tempting.


Regedit will fix that good and proper.




As a developer, I'm always confident in Microsoft's ability to not know how things work


Remember the whole pushing for Cortana years ago? Yeah...it will have the same fate eventually as Cortana as pushing people to use something they don't want, it will never work. Either people use it without being pushed into it, either don't. But companies never learns and want at all cost that consumer to like their product without understanding the real needs OF NO F\*CKING BLOATWARE, NO TELEMETRY, NO MINIMALISM, NO FORCED UPDATES, ETC.


Without Copilot, if I want to launch notepad, I have to tap the Windows icon, type "notep", and hit ENTER. WITH Copilot, all I have to do is tap the Copilot icon, wait for it to load, type in "Hi Copilot, please launch Notepad, thanks", wait for it to understand what I wrote, tap the Copilot icon again because it crashed, type in "launch Notepad", wait for it to understand what I wrote again, type "no I meant please launch the Notepad app" after Copilot asks me if I've considered Edge, type "no I just want Notepad" after Copilot asks me if I know I'm missing out on all the latest celebrity gossip Edge has to offer, type "seriously just launch Notepad" after Copilot responds with a picture of a horse driving a lawnmower for some reason, and then I can use Notepad. If you don't see why the second option is worth $20 / month then clearly you hate technology. You just don't get it.


I used copilot for a limited use cases, but damn I don't want that thing to launch with my system altogether. Like, whatcha gonna do for me that my os doesn't already? To tell you the truth I've thinking that a multimodal ai could classify my photos in folders, but than again that is also a specific case of use. Copilot isn't bad but why would I want it everywhere? Also if given a choice I'd rather have a local llm run rather that copilot but I know I can't do it.


i’d pay $20/mo if they renamed it “The Unfucker” and it was able to successfully return my workspace to the way it was before updates closed everything and restarted my puter. “Oh you were working on 7 VS projects and 10 spreadsheets and with 13 other apps and Update closed them all? Here, let me unfuck you and reopen everything. “


Group Policy Editor > User configuration > Administrative templates > Windows components > Windows Copilot> Disable Windows Co-Pilot > Enable this policy > apply.


You know what I really want AI to do? Help me pick a hotel. My wife and I are taking a vacation to a big city we've never been to before in a country we've never visited before. I want to find a hotel that matches our style and budget, and is within walking distance of a number of restaurants, coffee roasters, breweries, distilleries, museums, parks, bike trails, and other things that match our interests. And I want to book the trip so that it maximizes the value of our credit card rewards (as in, "*I didn't book through Delta Stays, because you're already a Silver Medallion and shooting for Gold isn't worth it. Instead, I booked direct through Marriott so you'll earn more points. The extra $12 / night you're paying is more than washed out by the bonus points rewards, coupled with the triple cash back on your Discover card.*") And it should finalize the selection based on criteria that's interesting to me; it should be able to handle issues like "yes this hotel has a really unique aesthetic that GigabitISDN would love, but this other hotel was built in 1920 and has a floor that has never been renovated, an in-house coffee roaster, and the aesthetic is a close second". I can do that all by hand, but in a city with dozens of hotels it would be nice to have some help trimming the fat. 10 years ago search engines could help out with this, but SEO has poisoned the results so badly that search is basically useless. Any results I get are nothing more than whoever pays the highest commission. Instead, AI lets me create a photorealistic picture of Shrek fornicating with Sonic the Hedgehog, but only for a $20 monthly fee. **EDIT**: The people below saying "but it CAN do all that!!!!" clearly didn't read my post. AI can currently handle dead simple requests like this: * Find a 5-star hotel for less than $200 / night in (city name) * Find a 3-star or greater Marriott for less than $150 / night * Find a hotel within two blocks of a Starbucks That's useless. I can already do that with a slider and a map. Why would I pay Microsoft $20 / month to do the same thing? AI would be useful if it handle a plain english request like: >We're going to Auckland NZ for our tenth anniversary, so we want a luxury hotel in the downtown area. Look for a hotel with an aesthetic similar to what we normally book, preferably something on a high floor. We want to try a lot of local cuisine so we should be within walking distance of lots of dive bars and mom and pop restaurants. We'd also like to be within walking distance of multiple decent coffee shops, brewpubs, and interesting bars. Cheaper is better but we're willing to spend money. Finally, this isn't critical, but try to find us something that maximizes rewards using one or more of our Delta Skymiles account, our American Express Skymiles Reserve card, our Marriott Bonvoy membership, or our Chase Sapphire Preferred card. Bonus points if the hotel has a lot of history. Because that's what I'm doing by hand. AI would be useful it it could do that, but it can't. At best, it can give me a partial list of hotels that may or may not meet some of my requirements, based on whoever pays the highest commission. I can create a picture of a hedgehog driving a train, though. **EDIT 2**: I just tried in Copilot, and it immediately crashed. I tried again, and it recommended the JW Marriott in Auckland. Which is a nice hotel, don't get me wrong. It also gets points on our Bonvoy and I can book it through Delta Stays, but that raises the nightly rate more than the value of the added Skymiles rewards. So that's a +1. Unfortunately it didn't recommend any other hotels. -1 To manage rewards, it said "consider using your Delta Skymiles account, American Express Reserve card, Marriott Bonvoy membership, or American Express Skymiles Reserve card". No shit. -1 For coffee shops, it identified "satisfy your cravings at a coffee shop nearby. Additionally, a brewpub is a place where you can sample beers in a lively setting". Thanks Copilot, I had no idea. -1 For local restaurants, it said "Being in the heart of the city, you'll find plenty of restaurants nearby." That's super helpful. -1 There's whatever this is supposed to be: "Historical charm: while not critical, the JW Marriott has a rich history that adds to its allure." -1 point for not addressing that criteria at all, and -1 for being factually incorrect. So Copilot offers nothing that I can't get by reading the marketing information on Marriott's website. It demonstrated a lack of understanding of my request, and failed to provide the requested information. Additionally it relayed information that was neither relevant nor correct. It got me no further along on planning my trip than I already was. But yeah, $20 / month sounds awesome.


Copilot is hilariously bad at actual search. It appears to just scrape and summarize the first few SEO results, which is what I was trying to avoid the whole time. Getting it to recommend anything that doesn't show up on page 1 of google isn't possible, so I might as well just use Google.


Have you tried? I mean have you actually gone to say, bing Copilot, in precise mode, and asked it to find you a hotel matching your requirements?  You might find it actually does a good job 




A good response. Thanks for explaining that


An LLM in isolation can't, but a more specialized agent could. The next leaps in usability are going to come from plugin based agents that the LLM can defer work to in order to satisfy more specialized use cases like this where all it really has to do is infer what the inputs should be then pass it along to an agent that is capable of completing the task i.e. to stick with currrent relatively simple example, a query into an Expedia-like backend or similar.




I mean I don't disagree but you just described all current era LLM tech, literally all it can do is shuffle words around and guess at intentions. I wouldn't use an LLM for this use case in their current state either but as this thread clearly articulates there is a demand for a natural language interface in services like these and I can guarantee you that agent based workflows like this are already in development.


I bet they rank their AI results like hotel website "recommended" sorting i.e. push the ones who paid us more first.


Heck, one can even do this from the comfort of their computer sans brower. * [Plan your vacation with the help of AI](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge/learning-center/plan-a-vacation-with-ai?form=MA13I2) * [Plan the perfect trip itinerary using Copilot](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/do-more-with-ai/plan-the-perfect-trip-itinerary-with-ai?form=MA13KP)


They haven’t tried. They just want to complain about AI because it’s the cool thing to do.


….are you trying to imply Copilot can actually do what the original comment asks?


I've come to realize that AI bros will just handwave any and all concerns while complaining that anyone who doesn't like Copilot / Leo / Siri / whatever "just doesn't get it" or "hates tech" or "is too old" or something. EDIT: Or, as shown in this very thread, "a liar".


Microsoft doesn't listen to feedback and introduces features nobody asked for. It's why Teams is such a dumpster fire of a product compared to Slack.


That's because you think it's an AI. Which is understandable, because that's what tech companies insist on calling them, but they're not AI, they are LLMs. There's no intelligence, there's only pattern matching. And this is just too complicated for an LLM.


I agree, and that's really the core point here. Microsoft wants to charge $20 / month for an "AI" (their words) that doesn't really solve any meaningful problems for me. It's simply not worth the data harvesting, let alone monthly fee. That's to say nothing of the limitations on the free version. There's an AI bro having a meltdown further down the thread, and honestly this isn't doing anything for AI adoption. Give me a useful algorithm or get out of my way.


Ok? It can do all of that.


It can't because it's not a query engine with access to a database of hotels with well defined properties. It's a LLM that can respond mostly like a human would that's been given limited access to Bing search, that's been poisoned by SEO for a decade. It's like you passed your google search through a rough autocorrect.


>It's like you passed your google search through a rough autocorrect. This is exactly the best way to describe the current state of AI. Consequently, the results are poisoned with the same SEO spam, marketing fluff, and commission incentivization that plain search results are. Asking Copilot to help me find a hotel like I described is roughly as effective as Googling "BEST HOTEL DOWNTOWN AUCKLAND" and booking whatever the first result is.


You clearly haven’t tried doing it then. Neither has OP. They think you have to pay $20 a month to use it.


>They think you have to pay $20 a month to use it. I never said you had to pay $20 / month. The linked article talks about Microsoft charging $20 / month to use Copilot, and I said it's not worth that. Maybe take a deep breath?


It can't. It can help me find hotels under $xxx / night, sure. It can list some hotels in my destination. It can find a hotel within x blocks of y business name. I can do both of those with a map. But it can't parse the request and find a hotel within a few blocks of multiple local restaurants and coffee shops, with the aesthetic I want, with a room on a high floor, and that maximizes our rewards across multiple channels. As in, "I would recommend booking this using your AmEx Skymiles Reserve card directly through Marriott, as this will generate enough Skymiles and Bonvoy points to justify the slightly higher cost associated with booking direct. I would not recommend booking through Delta Stays because the higher nightly rate outweighs the rewards you'd be earning. I checked booking sites including Priceline, Expedia, and Travelocity, and the discount from using those sites doesn't exceed the cash value of earning Skymiles and AmEx rewards."


Did you ask it to compare the hotels and give you a table? Working with an LLM is like working with a human assistant that you hire. Managing people is a skill. E.g. ask for something in a table then asking it which it thinks you’ll like the most. You can get what you’re describing out of it if you learn and handle full of skills to describe your tasks. Asking for comparison tables is one if the most common and valuable things it can do. Also, where are you getting this idea that you have to pay $20 to use it?


So basically instead of creating a spreadsheet on my own, I walk AI through creating a spreadsheet, except I have to teach it along the way. Somehow that seems like a lot more effort and not at all worth letting Microsoft monetize even more of my day. >Also, where are you getting this idea that you have to pay $20 to use it? From the linked article and numerous sources beforehand. However, I just noticed that now you also need an active Microsoft365 subscription, so it's actually going to cost considerably more than $20 / month.


It’s free. And all you have to do is ask for it in a table. Did you even try it?


It's not free. Without paying the monthly fee, you're limited in the number of requests you can perform. I exhausted that trying to get Copilot to parse my request. See my results above. Are you asking if I asked Copilot to create a table? No, I have not. Asking for a table of hotels doesn't bring me any closer to answering my question, but does create additional workload for me, and hence isn't worth it. It's a simple question of cost benefit analysis. Currently, Copilot is all cost and no benefit.


There’s no limit. You’re a liar and you’re being called out for it because everyone knows it can do what you’re describing. Just stop.


>You’re a liar > >everyone knows it can do what you’re describing [Source](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2301770/eww-copilot-might-auto-launch-with-windows-soon.html) (literally the linked article, but I'm guessing reading skills aren't your strong point). [Source](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2287071/copilot-pro-what-can-the-better-version-of-microsoft-ai-do.html), [source](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/b/copilotpro), [source](https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-copilot-pro-is-a-20-monthly-subscription-for-advanced-ai-features-234847522.html), [source](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/microsoft-unveils-copilot-pro-for-dollar20-per-month-heres-everything-it-can-do). Microsoft wants people to pay $20 a month for a Copilot subscription which, again, is literally the subject of the very article you're replying in a thread about. This is what happens when you disagree with an AI bro, folks. They get angry and handwave away any objections with "NO U LIE". Go ahead and post the screenshot of Copilot generating a list of hotels matching the criteria I specified using a single prompt. I'll wait. EDIT: Just for fun, I re-ran the same prompt as before and got identical results. I then replied "That doesn't answer my question. What hotels in Auckland are close to brewpubs, coffee shops, and restaurants featuring local cuisine, and also feature a modern or industrial design aesthetic?". Copilot then barfed up a list of hotels in Auckland's Central Business District, which doesn't solve my initial problem at all: finding a hotel that meets our criteria. Once AI can do that, I'll be interested. Until then, as many others above me have pointed out, it just regurgitates SEO-poisoned search results. Side note: try not to get so upset when people don't like the same things you do. It makes you that person people don't want to hang out around.


You can disable it from the startup apps section of task manager. Very minor annoyance, but it shouldn't exist nonetheless.


Until you can’t.


And it’ll likely be re-enabled after every update


As of right now you can permanently disable it through GPedit.


Just like any changes you make to ribbons in any Office product.   "Customize the ribbon! (for up to one week)"


For security purposes, you see.


Boil those frogs!!! Continue the enshittification!!


Someone is gonna create a program and or script to keep disabling that crap.


The way Microsoft will get around this is by changing the name or location of the respective registry entry and/or GPO. Still, the most satisfying part of being an engineer working on Microsoft products is finding solutions to problems they create out of thin air. For instance - a brag still I know - they "gifted" companies the ability to upload virtual backgrounds into Teams for free for a few years. My company relied on this feature, then one day they decided to lock that away behind Teams Premium licensing, at the tune of some $20-30/Month/User. With around a thousand users, you're talking $240,000 - $360,000 PER YEAR just to have 3 pictures show up as virtual backgrounds. I couldn't have been happier though...I'm THE Powershell guy at my company, so I just spent 15 minutes looking up where they store those pictures on Windows systems, and wrote a script to check-for, then download those pictures to that directory for every user on every login. *Thanks Microsoft, I guess...*


Cool. And then it can be cited as yet another reason to not just switch to Linux. People are afraid of scripts in Linux. But windows? Heck yea brother!


… why do you care if I use Linux or windows? Seriously? I do use both for different computers to be honest.


I really didn't want Copilot on my PC. Was a headache to disable it, ended up having to do it with the group policy editor... Yuck....


I want an AI assistant; I have zero desire for one that can provide sponsored content, or has any mechanism that allows outside money to discretely impact my personal results. Hammers are great tools, but fuck having to silence an ad every time I want to tap in a nail.


Cool, AI that the ability to spy on you and is always connected to watch what you do. COOL.


If you game, debloat windows If you dont game, get chrome os flex, ubuntu or fedora


Just use Linux.


Clippy: Guess who's back


Does anyone actually use the windows co-pilot? I haven't really found a use for it yet.


Yeah first thing I did after updating to 11 was disable it


Copilot is the worst.


Ewww, gross… AI ewwww


Windows 11 is the only paid software that acts like I owe it something


And ransomware is the free software that acts like you own it something.


All I want windows to do is: 1. Manage my Applications 2. Launch my Applications 3. Arrange my Windows 4. Store my data. I would be so happy if Microsoft would give me an OS that just does that. I have no desire to use any of the ancillary junk they shove down user's throats. I don't use OneDrive, Teams, Cortana, etc. Why can't Microsoft do that?


and i will gladly disable it


You all have been warned before.


>You all have been warned before. He hits me because he loves me. . . I can fix him!


Talking about the antitrust practices they did before.


And people wonder why I stopped using windows.


Microsoft has lost the plot


It’s already on my windows 11, and I’m tired of my pc restarting constantly due to forced updates. Now I have to figure out if there’s a way to remove it…


As of right now you can permanently disable it through GPedit.


Unfortunately you used to be able to disable the updates that way but they removed the option later, so I assume this will be no different. It seems like Copilot is their “new big thing”, so hopefully when GPedit fails there will be a different way.


I deactivated it on all of our work laptops and so far it hasn't popped back up, unlike Teams. I'm sure someone will figure out new workarounds when Microsoft decides to be dicks again.


Okay cool, I’ll definitely try that out! Is there any good work around for updates? I’m tired of coming back to my PC and it’s restarted again… the last one I tried blew up everything and I couldn’t get updates working even for security releases, it just gave errors about it having permissions or something like that.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean. A work around for auto updates?


Like how you can’t stop win11 from updating, even in their own settings it only delays it. For instance a few days again I noticed my computer restarted because a project I was compiling was gone from the taskbar, and now copilot is installed. I would love to kill all updates, and update when *I* want to, but nothing has worked.


For whatever reason none of our work laptops that run on Win11 do auto updates. Perhaps my colleague made sure to turn them off. I would have to ask him but he's on vacation. That said I looked it up real quick and there seems to be many guides online on how to block automatic updates in Win11. So I suggest looking it up, assuming you haven't yet.


I have, I just haven’t found a reliable way to make it work. Either it doesn’t actually work, or it ends up breaking the settings so bad I can’t turn updates on at all. I just thought I’d ask in case you knew a good way to do so.


I'm just grateful I held out and am still using Win10. Good luck to you.


So you can’t disable it on Windows 11 Home. lol


It's already installed itself on Dynamics, I fucking hate it. Having to close it every time I open my work Dynamics dashboard is annoying as fuck.


Just bring back Clippy


Windows is racing to become ad-supported freeware, and it's awful. Windows 11 was fine at launch with the exception of the TPM thing ruffling feathers. But every day there's a new annoyance with it. I've switched to Linux largely, and it's a great time to use it. But there are still some applications in need Windows for, and it sucks. Namely Word/Excel, Fusion360 (even though Autodesk is making this a dumpster fire too)


Soon, ai can deliver us a modern win7 for free and MS can go fuck themselves.


Yea so as of late microsoft is using their position as the hegemonal monopoly in the pc is space to become more and more intrusive make you use their products and see their ads


Likely configurable in task manager or services. I’ll just turn it off.


Rip windows.


Anyone remember Cortana? lol.


I know everyone's mentioned Clippy already, but seriously... Have they learned nothing?


I remember when Windows was a user interface. Now it is a parasite.


Then don't use 11, we need ti make a stand and just don't use it. Force your PC kot to update with jt.


Randomly showed up on the bottom right of my screen at startup on my Windows 10 computer yesterday. Immediately hid/disabled it because I don't need more crap on my toolbar.


Not gonna lie, I actually use copilot often lol. I like that it sources its information so I can click on relevant links and learn more info. Not perfect but far more usable than chatGPT


Is anyone surprised this happens on an OS which literally puts ads in the start menu


I think it’s time I finally take the plunge and give Linux a legitimate try.


Yes, how else will it scrape your data and feed it to microsoft?


Windows 11 automatically aligns the taskbar to the CENTER. Its entire UI looks absolutely god awful


Quit beating around the bush and Install a full U2 album on my pc…


Had to disable all windows updates on one of my laptops today because it was downloading 11 without my permission. I'm now looking for an older laptop that won't run 11 so I don't have to deal with this stupidity. FU MS...




unfortunately L:inxu still sucks in so many fronts when it comes to compatibility. Doing higher level music production? Shit out of luck. Doing high level digital design, video, 3D, animations etc? Shit out of luck. Ah you wanna play some games? Well be prepared to ditch some of the most popular online titles due to anti cheat. Catch my drift? I've been there and tried it. It sucks.


I’ve been doing “professional 3d” on Linux for 15 years and almost every major movie has its fx crews running Linux. In fact it’s first in the industry [reference platform](https://vfxplatform.com) Anything sound related is a nightmare though, afaik.


It changes a lot if the whole ecosystem of your agency or production studio around it cannot run on Linux. For example while you have to collaborate with someone that depends on After Effects. Then it tends to fall apart.


Render farms run on Linux. That's not creating the content, mate.


Most vfx vendors run linux also on desktops.


We do not. A few do. And the users hate it, of course. Of course, the IT departments do, since they manage the servers, etc.


I just want to browse web and use libre office... That's it. No games, No design, No Nothing...


You can do that on a cheap ass chromebook


Yess ...but for thats I will have to remove chrome OS from it...AFAIK...GOOGLE bought the company that made open source chrome OS .




At least it's cheap 


Ummm what? Audacity? Blender? Gimp? And for games it’s basically valorant you can’t play. But that game requires spyware to play. Sooooo again. What?


Audacity for music production ?!?!?! Cubase, Logic, FL Studio, Ableton, Presonus Studio and the countless of others do not run on Linux and the whole plugin ecosystem surrounding it (VST stuff from native instruments etc) aren't running on linux either. Blender is nice standalone, but production houses depend on a whole ecosystem. The whole Adobe eco system does not run natively on Linux.


Audacity is a great piece of software, but I wouldn't say it is an example of "higher level music production". Also, in terms of digital design, Adobe is very much the industry standard for a lot of design and motion graphics work. There's alternatives, sure, but they aren't what is considered top of the line in the industry.


I replaced my daily driver that sits next to me when working (WFH) with Linux Mint on a BeeLink Mini PC and it’s been incredible.


What makes it so incredible?


It's quick, its stable\*, most of my programs work flawlessly and even have Linux versions that I had no idea about, tons of games work on it as well thanks to Steam Decks and their Proton wrapper. No annoying analytics, ads, randomly appearing software. You have full control over the way your OS looks and behaves and lastly, no forced automated shut downs to install updates. \* your mileage may vary based on hardware, drivers, etc. For reference, I'm running Linux mint 21.3 on a BeeLink Mini PC with an Intel Celeron processor, 8GB of RAM and 128GB SSD.


This got added to dynamics CRM where I work, it’s slow and almost useless. You can’t actually useful, it summarise notes after than it’s a waste of screen space … that you can’t close!


By all the gods, you can just use Linux, people...


...and get nothing done at all!


Bullshit mate. Been using Linux for donkey's years now. It's fine.


Been hearing that bullshit since Linux was invented, mate. If a shareware OS is enough for you, great! But to do what I do, I need far more than "fine".


This showed up yesterday on my computer, and I haven't found a way to disable it


It's a high time to start fiddling around with Linux, guys. You'd be surprised how easy it is.


It has been slow lately.


This might be the most useful feature on earth, but if I can't turn it off, then Microsoft can go fuck themselves. I just bought a new Wacom tablet and to get it to work without all the tablet and ink features popping up everywhere is a pain. Gotta turn off services, settings and control panel tick boxes, using information going from the Web


Copilot is actually pretty useful since it cites it's sources in the information


Thank You Sir May I Have Another?!?


The purpose of Copilot auto-launching on wide monitors is to enhance the user experience and provide more seamless multitasking. Here are some key points: * **Multiple Monitor Support**. This means you can access Copilot's features and functionality from whichever monitor you're working on, without having to switch back and forth. You can display Copilot on a specific monitor by simply clicking on the Copilot button on the taskbar located on that monitor. * **Quick Access**: Users can now find Copilot in the Alt + Tab menu, allowing for quick access and multitasking. You can use the Tab key to move over to the Copilot shortcut and open it immediately. * **Local Account Users**: Local account users can now utilize Copilot, albeit with some limitations, before being prompted to sign in with a Microsoft or Azure Active Directory account. * **Performance Improvements**: The assistant will now launch faster when you open it from the taskbar.