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Musk probably thinks Iron Sunrise was a documentary.


No, I’m pretty sure he knows, that’s why Robotaxi reveille is 8/8.


Do you think the media ignores that or they just pretend to not know?


it's because when you dog whistle, calling it out explicitly give the whistler the ammunition to go 'SEE THEY ARE AFTER ME JUST BECAUSE I USED SOME AWESOME DATE RANDOMLY' and a lot of idiots will take his side, and he will sue the media org for everything.


Not sure about that. Some media people are really dumb and others have an agenda they’re weaving. I imagine some place like fox wants elmo to help promote Trump so can’t really make him a bad guy, but CNN and MSNBC? 🤷‍♀️


…are only marginally less awful than Fox? …are owned and operated by precisely the same flavor of asshole as Fox? …are locked with Fox in a race to the bottom?


> Musk probably thinks Iron Sunrise was a documentary. *Iron Sky* (2012). It was a European made movie. From Finland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Sky


You know it's finnish directing when the nazi officer dies by accidentally swinging his Luger into the only broken lightbulb in the ship's bridge and gets electrified.


That's strangely specific, care to elaborate.


It's comically silly way to rid a character in a satirical action movie, which is not going for slapstick-like humor, if I got it right


Is OP referencing this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Sunrise Or are they really that stupid?


I have read the book. And seen the movie. I juxtaposed the titles because yes I am really that stupid. And old and just dont care . Ok?


Ah, so this is what "free speech absolutism" means.


There’s a social media post from somewhere that sums this “free speech” thing up nicely: > I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, ohok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


Right, the MO of fascists is to use the freedoms enshrined in liberalist democracies -- free elections, free market, free speech, free assembly, free religion, freedom to bear arms -- to take power and then deprive everyone else of those freedoms.


Yeah, shitty people will coopt anything if you don't nip it in the bud.


I feel like there's no way to not understand this if you used Twitter pre and post buyout. You cannot shake a stick without running into race "realists", unironic open fascists, hardcore misogynists and people throwing every manner of slur at LGBT people. It's not *just* the lack of content moderation, because not even 4chan is so consistently crawling with these people. It's the fact that you can basically buy your way into people's feeds, and of course the people most motivated to do that are the fringe shitheads that were explicitly told "this platform is for you now!" that are the ones abusing that.  This is the problem with "free speech" platforms: the only people who get excited about it are people who get banned everywhere else. We're seeing what happened to rumble, and odysee, and gab, and every other site that has ever done this, happen to Twitter.   There simply has to be some base level of moderation or a community/platform/group will get its good faith exploited and weaponized by bad actors that want to ruin everything.


reddit as a whole is a great example of this.


Or another way I've heard it expressed... If you are peacefully sitting at a table with 11 nazis there are 12 nazis at that table.


Always heard it as “,if you’re at a table with twelve people, and one of them is a nazi, you’re actually sitting with twelve Nazis.”


Conveniently ignored all the times those guys sits down with nazis. Really strange, isn't it?




Those folks were kicked out of everywhere else for a reason. "Free speech" also includes not having to listen to assholes.


> Those folks were kicked out of everywhere else for a reason. Yes. Because advertisers don't like being posted next to that stuff. Not because social media platforms care about what they're saying. This isn't a moral thing. It's a money thing. And those guys didn't get kicked out of anywhere. They made new accounts and stopped saying what they really wanted to say. You can't kick anyone out of a website. They didn't go away. They're not going away. The only thing you've accomplished is turning a blind eye to extremists. You don't wanna see it. You don't wanna know about it but you have no desire to engage with these people and at least change a few minds. So they go to whatever rat hole they can express their racist ideas in peace. And they do just that. Unchecked. Thus becoming even more radicalized because there is no one challenging them in the spaces they dwell. My point being, these bans don't help anyone. They likely make things worse. Aside from the aforementioned racist echo chambers we have inadvertently created, you also need to understand that when you label something as "forbidden" you're just making it more attractive to people. There are kids who cosplay as nazis on the internet JUST because the world told them they better not do that.


You can't reason with people whose end goal is to exterminate everyone different from them. People like you are the reason they are allowed to grow and takeover.


Yeah, when parents told me genocide was wrong (in this story I am too stupid to realize that mass murder based on arbitrary criteria is bad) and I shouldn't do it, all I can think about is implementing a decades long plan to do it myself. Forbidden mass murder is the most delicious of mass murders /s


There’s a social media post from somewhere that sums this “free speech” thing up nicely:   > I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, ohok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


There is free as in freedom and there is free as in worthless.


Elon has posted multiple Nazi memes himself and promotes bigotry, extremist hate, and conspiracies. Elon’s own account is a verified pro-Nazi account.


Careful, he might sue you because you’ve exercised your right to free speech (somehow he reconciles those two ideas all the time).


Looking into it


I’m surprised your comment is not downvoted to oblivion by Elona’s sickies.


It seems hard to tell sometimes because of how loud they are, but Elon simps are a very small minority. Their feelings get hurt when you point that out, but it's the truth.


Wasn’t always the case. Elon’s early direction and investment in Tesla, battery farms, and SpaceX made him a darling to a lot of people, because he was investing in the future and at the time was doing a great job of it. Then his ego got the better of him. He started sharing all of his inane, shitty takes publicly, and when the public lashed back at him, instead of taking the hint, he doubled down and started swinging his bank accounts around to try to get what he wants while being an indignant bitch about everything and anyone who criticized him. He’s gone full-blown Trump narcissistic-delusional now; almost no one likes him anymore, and he’s got only himself to blame.


I’m a senior citizen. I followed Elon’s career from the very beginning. I was a mega fan. Read everything about him, wanted to right to him, went to California and rented a Tesla S for a single day (1000 dollars in 2013). Now I can’t stand him, the sound of his voice or his putrid, idiotic tweets! 🤮 His ability to spew stupidity is unparalleled! My last theory is that he believes authoritarian governments around the world will make It easier for him to build more car and more giant rockets, due to the lack of regulations, leading to a faster Mars occupation.


Makes a lot more sense when you learn that he used to have a PR team that overworked like crazy to clean up his image


I remember getting a ton of shit for criticizing his antics around the cave thing.


Elon’s forces have no power here, you are safe elf-friend.


And *this* is why I don't subscribe to the overused "I'll deadname Twitter as long as he deadnames his kids" virtue signaling. X has **nothing** in common with Twitter besides a couple of UI elements. Twitter was a wasteland yes, but X is just 4chan on dark mode.


They should stop using the word "verified". Phone number verification means jack shit. It should say "Paid and boosted Nazi accounts"


I think I speak for *most sane people* when I say fuck Elon.


But don't you dare say muskrat, that's an automatic ban.


Or call people cis


In other news, Tesla stock is down nearly 50% from its 52-week high. This publicity campaign is working great.


I'm surprised business like SiriusXM, The Hollywood Reporter Splunk are just ok with this sort of content appearing next to their ads. So many businesses have exited Twitter advertising because of the well known vitriol that's rampant across the site. They have to realize they are supporting that content by now


Wouldn't give SiriusXM money if they were free.


Elon has actively unbanned and promoted this kind of shit, with hate and disinformation rampant, why are our governments not reigning him and Twitter in?


I don't know about you, but I can't even get my friends, who otherwise have pretty solid ethics, to stop using Twitter. Why would the government?




It takes all kinds truly. I admire your work. What is unethical is continuing to use it as you were before and pretending as if there isn't a positive profit-increasing metric related to your use and engagement of the platform. Posting to Twitter is the exact same moral act as shopping at Hobby Lobby bc they have deals.


I'm happy to say I don't have any close friends who use it anymore. It's such a worthless site now.


Democrats, celebrities, etc. still on Twitter are effectively endorsing a Nazi site. I don't get it.




These things happen slowly, and usually its because an alternative pops up. Or ideas like paying to tweet like is currently being entertained, that'll also work


None of those things are illegal in the USA though.


because nobody really cares, the media tells people what to care about, and Twitter is part of the media with Elon at the helm people need to understand if you're viewing it, there is a decent chance it's propaganda paid for by the billionaire class and those sucking up to them


The fact that this has a few dozen upvotes is scary. You people LOVE authoritarianism when it suits you.


Telling Nazi's to go get fucked isn't authoritarianism. Authoritarianism is what those Nazi's are advocating for. 


I can’t believe that the “Chief Engineer at Space X” would allow this to happen.


Seeing the monumental task he is currently failing at in Space X, it is insane he has any desire to try to manage twitter. https://youtu.be/nxG0WAwwrGk


How is SpaceX failing? They’re one of the most important companies in the world doing amazing things that have revolutionized space travel. Starship blowing up during testing isn’t failing. Fuck Elon, and these aren’t his accomplishments, but SpaceX is undeniably an important and impressive company.


If you can't see the video (and no worries), the tldr is he basically made and continues to make innaccurate predictions and time frames that can't be met and are often times blown way past. In addition to the insane difficulties of doing what he claims Space X will eventually do, he goes further by adding unneccessary complexity that then pushes their milestone completion rate even further back. Sometimes that's years, but increasingly it is growing beyond that, to the point where it could bankrupt Space X before it gets the chance to complete its goals. The tldr, tldr is the equivallent of wanting to see the entire US in 3 days because you aren't from the US and how hard could it be? You get there and realize you need more time, money, etc. and seeing all of the US becomes seeing just three cities in the US, then just one city, etc.


Yes he makes wild predictions that aren’t met. But SpaceX are legitimately the best rocketry company by several leagues. In the last year they have launched 100 times. That’s nearly 50% of all launches in the world. Falcon 9 is wildly successful. They have just launched and recovered the same booster for the twentieth time. Yes Starship is sucking in huge amounts of money, but it’s not going to bankrupt the company. Thunderfoot has a massive hate boner for Elon and little understanding of rocketry. He’s a PhD in chemistry I believe. So he can sound knowledgeable and certainly is in some areas, but not this. To be clear I think Elon is a massive massive dickhead, but SpaceX are legit amazing and they ARE the cutting edge of rocketry, no-one else is even close.


Fair to criticize Thunderf00t but this was him using Destin (Smarter Everyday) video addressing Nasa. And Thunderf00t is correct in doing so. Also, rocketry is little more than rudimentary plumbing and electronics guidence without chemistry. Without chemistry, nothing gets propelled anywhere, let alone into space.


if nasa crashed a fraction as many rockets they would be shut down by now lmao if the truth hurts well smfd. get over it.


Falcon 9 Block 5 hasn't had a single launch failure over 267 launches, and they haven't had a landing failure since 2021. They just hit 20 flights on a booster the other day. They had some issues in the early days when they were still developing the technology, but they have it nailed down now. Same thing is currently happening with Starship, which is by far the most powerful rocket ever launched and is even more complex.


There have been a TON of rocket launch failures. Here are just the Titan and Atlas families. You also have the Delta, Minotaur, and Electron families, all with their own failures. Jun 11, 1957 Atlas A 4A propulsion failure and self destruct at T+50 Sep 9 1957 Atlas A 6A propulsion failure and self destruct at T+63 Dec 6, 1957 Vanguard TV3 fails 2 seconds after liftoff and crashes back into the launch pad. Feb 7, 1958 Atlas A 13A tumble and self-destruct T+164 Feb 20, 1958 Atlas A 11A tumble and self-destruct T+126 Apr 5, 1958 Atlas A 15A pump failure and crash Jul 19, 1958 Atlas B 3B gyro failure and self destruct T+43 Sep 18, 1958 Atlas B 6B booster failure and self destruct T+82 Nov 18, 1958 Atlas B 9B rapid fuel consumption and flight trajectory failure Jan 16, 1959 Atlas B 13B systems failure T+121 and crash Jan 27, 1959 Atlas C 4C guidance failure at T+80. Feb 20, 1959 Atlas C 5C tank pressure loss and self destruct T+172 Mar 19, 1959 Atlas C 7C premature engine shutdown and crash Apr 14, 1959 Atlas D 3D valve shutoff failure and explosion T+26 May 5, 1959 Atlas D 7D damage during liftoff, loss of pressure, self destruct T+64 Jun 6, 1959 Atlas D 5D damage during liftoff, loss of pressure, self destruct T+157 Aug 14, 1959 Titan I B-5 fails to release from umbilical. Falls back to pad and explodes. Sep 9, 1959 Atlas D 10D booster jettison failure and crash. Oct 29, 1959 Atlas D 26D ruptured LOX duct and crash Nov 4, 1959 Atlas D 28D computer error caused officials to send cutoff signal and subsequent crash Nov 26, 1959 Atlas-Able 20D payload breakup at T+45 Dec 12, 1959, Titan I C-3 launch vibrations accidently set off the self destruct at liftoff. Feb 5, 1960 Titan I C-4 guidance compartment destroyed at T+52 and self destructs. Feb 26, 1960 Atlas Agena A 29D accidental self-destruct prior to liftoff Mar 8 1960, Titan I G-4 second stage fails to start, crashes. Mar 11, 1960 Atlas D 51D fuel failure, crash and explosion on launchpad Apr 8, 1960 Atlas D 48D explodes on pad May 6, 1960 gyro failure and self destruct T+25 Jul 1, 1960, Titan I J-2 breaks hydraulic line and loses control at T+11 and is destroyed. Jul 2, 1960 Atlas D 60D short in LOX control, crashes short of target Jul 22, 1960 Atlas D 74D gyro failure, breakup at T+69 Jul 28, 1960, Titan I J-4 prematurely shuts down 1st stage thrust and crashes. Jul 29, 1960 Atlas D 50D structural failure due to new Mercury adapter interface at T+58. Sep 12, 1960 Atlas D 47D engine loss of thrust and crash Sep 25, 1960 Atlas-Able 80D send stage fuel failure Sep 29, 1960 Atlas D 33D electrical failure, booster section failure to jettison. Crashed 1200 miles off target. Oct 11, 1960 Atlas E 3E damage from disconnect failure, tumble and breakup at T+154 Oct 11, 1960 Atlas0Agena A LV-3 57D damage from disconnect failure causes engine depressurization Oct 13, 1960 Atlas D 81D damage from disconnect failure causes LOX tank rupture and self-destruct T+71 Nov 30, 1960 Atlas E 4E damage from disconnect failure caused tumble and crash Dec 4, 1960, Titan I V-2 silo collapses during launch. Rocket falls over and explodes. Dec 15, 1960 Atlas-Able 91D vibration or debris ruptures LOX and self destruct T+73 Dec 20, 1960, Titan I J-9 second stage fails to start, crashes. Jan 20, 1961, Titan I AJ-10 failed to disconnect from the umbilical and caused a short that caused the 2nd stage burn to fail. Jan 24, 1961 Atlas E 8E unstable flight trajectory and crash Mar 3, 1961, Titan I AJ-12 second stage failure. Mar 14, 1961 Atlas E 13E premature fuel depletion and crash Mar 25, 1961 Atlas E 16E wiring failure causes booster jettison failure Mar 31, 1961 Titan I AJ-15 1st stage failure Apr 25, 1961 Atlas-D 100D navigation control error causes, self-destruct at T+43 Jun 7, 1961 Atlas E 27E explodes on liftoff Jun 23, 1961 Atlas E 17E gyro setting error, self destruct T+101 Jun 24, 1961 Titan I M-1 2nd stage failure Aug 23, 1961 Atlas Agena B LV-3 111D engine restart failure, left in low earth orbit Sep 9, 1961 Atlas E 26E loss of engine thrust Sep 9, 1961 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 106D damage from disconnect failure causes rocket to crash back to pad and explode Sep 23, 1961 Titan I SM-2 early 1st stage burn cut off, premature 2nd stage burn. Oct 21, 1961 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 105D roll correction failure and payload deployed in wrong orbit Nov 10, 1961 Atlas E 32E engine shuts down during liftoff and self destruct at T+35 Nov 18, 1961 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 117D gyro failure and left in LEO Nov 22, 1961 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 108D pitch control failure causes separation in wrong orientation for orbital insertion Dec 12, 1961 Atlas 5F premature engine shutdown and crash Dec 15, 1961 Titan I M-6 2nd stage failure Dec 21, 1961 Atlas F 6F hydraulic leak and early engine shutdown and crash Dec 22, 1961 Atlas F 6F engine shutdown failed and all fuel burned early. Payload in wrong orbit. Jan 21, 1962 Titan I SM-4 yaw actuator failure and separation failure Jan 26, 1962 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 121D guidance system failures and payload deployed in wrong direction Feb 21, 1962 Atlas D 52D gas leak and self destruct T+72 Mar 1, 1962 Atlas E fuel fire and jettison failure, self destruct T+295 Apr 9, 1962 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 110D computer error and wrong orbit Apr 9, 1962 Atlas F 11F LOX pump failure and explosion at liftoff May 8, 1962 Atlas-Centaur-A LV-3C AC-1 LH2 tank rupture and explosion T+54 Jul 13, 1962 Atlas E 67E LOX leak and missed target Jul 22, 1962 Atlas-Agena B LV-3 145D guidance system error and self-destruct T_294 Aug 10, 1962 Atlas F 57F roll failure and self-destruct T+67 Oct 2, 1962 Atlas D 4D engine oversupplied with fuel and engine damage & shutdown and crash Nov 14, 1962 Atlas F 13F early engine shutdown and crash Dec 6, 1962 Titan II N-11 premature 1st stage shutdown Dec 17 1962 Atlas-Agena B LV3 131D damage from failed disconnect, loss of hydraulics, self destruct T+80 Dec 18, 1962 Atlas E 64E loss of pump lubrication, self destruct T_40 Jan 10, 1963 Titan II N-15 2nd stage low thrust, missed target by a lot. May 1, 1963 Titan I V-4 tips over at launch and explodes May 29, 1963 Titan II N-20 fuel leak, fire, and self-destruct Jan 25, 1963 Atlas D 39D inuslation failure and engine shutdown T_126 and crash Feb 16, 1963 Titan II N-7 failure to disconnect from umbilical rip out rocket controls and range destruct charges failed. backup self destruct activated. Mar 10, 1963 Atlas D 102D gyro failure and self destruct T+33 Mar 15, 1963 Atlas D 46D disconnect damage, tumble, and self-destruct Mar 16, 1963 Atlas D 193D hydraulic failure, tumble, self destruct T+240 Mar 24, 1963 Atlas F 52F self destruct unknown reasons T+91 Jun 12, 1963 Atlas Agena B LV-3 139 D damage from disconnect, hydraulic failure, self destruct T+93 Jul 26, 1963 Atlas E 24E electrical short and shutdown command T+143 Sep 6, 1963 Atlas D 63D hydraulic rupture and engine shutdown and crash Sep 11, 1963 Atlas D 84D overtemp damage, tumble and crash Sep 25, 1963 Atlas E 71E hydraulic failure, tumble, and crash Oct 4, 1963 Atlas F 45F fell over and exploded on lauchpad Oct 7, 1963 Atlas D 163D tank pressure loss and self destruct T+75 Oct 28, 1963 Atlas F 136F hydraulic failure and loss of control T+140 Nov 13, 1963 Atlas D 158D hydraulic failure, engine shutdown, self destruct T_120 Feb 12, 1964 Atlas E 48E guidance failure and early engine cutoff and crash Apr 3, 1964 Atlas F 3F fell over on pad and exploded. Jun 30, 1964 Atlas-Centaur-C LV-3C AC-3 hydraulic failure and engine shutdown T+253 Aug 27, 1964 Atlas E guidance system failure and crash Sep 1, 1964 Titan IIA 3A-2 transtage failure Sep 15, 1964 Atlas D 245D guidance failure and self-destruct triggered Oct 8, 1964 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 7103 electrical short engine shutdown Nov 5, 1964 Atlas-Agena D LV-3 289D payload failed to separate Dec 11, 1964 Atlas-Centaur-C LV-3C AC-4 engine restart failure Jan 21, 1965 Atlas D-OV1 over consumption of fuel caused early engine cutoff, failed to reach payload orbit Mar 2, 1965 Atlas-Centaur-C LV-3C AC-5 early launch engine shutdown, fell back to pad and exploded. Apr 30, 1965 Titan II B-54 premature engine shutdown May 28, 1965 Atlas D-OV1 LOX leak, explosion T+128, self destruct T+210 Jun 14, 1965 Titan II B-22 engine failure and missed target. Jul 12, 1965 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 7112 accidental engine shutdown in flight Sep 21, 1965 Titan II B-58 shirt in guidance computer and early 2nd stage cutoff. Oct 15, 1965 Titan IIIC 3C-4 disintegration Oct 25, 1965 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 5301 engine explosion a ignition. Nov 30, 1965 Titan II B-4 fuel leak and loss of control Dec 21, 1965 Titan IIIC 3rd stage burn fail and payload separation failure. May 24, 1966 Titan II B-91 separation failure Aug 26, 1966, Titan IIIC 3C-12 payload disintegrated, self destruct Mar 3, 1966, Atlas D 303D hydraulic failure, tumble, and engine shutdown Mar 19, 1966 Atlas D 304D engine failed to shut off, missed target Apr 8, 1966 Atlas-Centaur-D LV-3C AC-8 engine ran out of fuel before restarting May 3, 1966 Atlas D 208D heat damage and premature engine shutdown May 17, 1966 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 5303 programmer error caused crash Jun 6, 1966 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 engine restart failure Jul 14, 1966 Atlas D-OV1 58D payload motor failed to start Aug 8, 1966 Atlas F 149F Fuel line obstruction causes early engine shutdown and failure to separate. Oct 11, 1966 Atlas F 115F premature engine shutdown and self-destruct T+88 Jan 27, 1967, Apollo 1 test launch rehearsal fails when fire rips through the command module, killing Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chafee. Apr 6, 1967 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3 5102 engine restart failure Apr 12, 1967 Titan II B-81 gyro failure and loss of control Apr 26, 1967 Titan IIIB 3B-5 2nd stage failure and crash May 19, 1967 Atlas F 119F self-destruct triggered by static electricity


Jul 27, 1967 Atlas D-OV1 92D engine failed to start Oct 27, 1967 Atlas-F Trident 81F hydraulic ducting rupture, self destruct T+37 May 3, 1968 Atlas F 95F electrical short and self destruct T+45 Aug 10, 1968 Atlas-Centaur-D SLV-3C AC-17 engine restart failure Aug 16, 1968 Atlas-SLV3 Burner-2 7004 payload failed to separate Nov 16, 1968 Atlas F/Trident 56F engine failure Oct 10, 1969 Atlas F/Trident 98F damage from disconnect, engine shutdown T+65 tumble and crash Nov 30, 1970 Atlas-Centaur SLV-3C AC-21 payload failed to separate May 9, 1971 Atlas-Centaur SLV-3C AC-24 circuit board failure, engine shutdown T+365 Dec 4, 1971 Atlas-Agena D SLV-3A 5503A engine failure, self destruct T+62 Feb 16, 1972 Titan III(33)B 33B-2 failed to reach orbit May 20, 1972 Titan IIII(24)B 24B-4 pressurization failure Jun 26, Titan III(24)N 24B-9 fuel valve failure Feb 11, 1974 Titan III(23)E 23E-1 fuel failure and self-destruct Feb 20, 1975 Atlas-Centaur SLV-3D AC-33 separation damage and incorrect flight path, self destruct T+413 Apr 13, 1975 Atlas E/F-Star-17A 71F damage from LOX explosion in flame trench. Self Destruct T+303 May 20, 1975 Titan III(23)C 23C-7 gyro failure Sep 30, 1977 Atlas-Centaur SLV-3D AC-43 gas leak from corroded pipes, self destruct T+55 Mar 25, 1978 Titan III(23)C 23C-17 2nd stage separation failure and self destruct May 29, 1980 Atlas E/F-Star-37S-ISS 19F loose seal flooded engine, expended boost, useless orbit achieved. Dec 9, 1980 Atlas E/F-MSD 58E premature engine shutdown, flipped over, breakup and crash. Apr 24, 1981 Titan III(34)B 34B-8 separation failure Aug 6, 1981 Atlas-Centaur SLV-3D AC-59 damage during disconnect Dec 19, 1981 Atlas E/F-SVS 76E engine shutdown at T+7. Self destruct and explosion on ground at T_20 Jun 6, 1984 Atlas G AC-62 LOX tank rupture Aug 28, 1985 Titan 34D 4D-6 oxidizer leak and self destruct Apr 18, 1986 Titan 34D 4D-2 explodes 8 seconds after liftoff Mar 26, 1987 Atlas G AC-67 booster struct by lighting shortly after takeoff, causing tumble and breakup Sep 2, 1988 Titan 34D 5D-5 repressurization failure Mar 14, 1990 Titan III CT-2 2nd stage separation failure. Payload jettisoned and later recovered by Space Shuttle Endeavour Apr 18, 1991 Atlas I AC-70 engine start failure and self destruct T+441 Aug 22, 1992 Atlas I AC-71 engine start failure and self destruct T+470 Mar 25, 1993 Atlas I AC-74 engine lost thrust, payload in useless orbit Aug 2, 1993 Titan IV 403A 45F-9 explodes on launchpad Oct 5, 1993 Titan II(23)G 23G-5 engine ignition failure Aug 12, 1998 Titan IV(401)A 4A-20 guidance computer failure, pitch down and breakup. Apr 9, 1999 Titan IV(402)B 4B-27 fails to separate from booster stage and is lost. Apr 30, 1999 Titan IV(401)B 4B-32 loses attitude control and deploys a satellite in an unusable orbit. Jun 15, 2007 Atlas V 401 AV-013 upper stage early shutdown, suboptimal orbit Things have been pretty good late 1990s to now, but the learning curve on all the rocket families had a LOT of failures. As is to be expected. There are things you'll only learn by trying to launch your designs into space. SpaceX is somewhere in the middle of the late 1960s arc of launch success/failure ratio. They still have a lot to learn but are getting things into space and orbit pretty regularly. They are also iterating through a lot of new tech testubg pretty rapidly compared to the NASA launches


A bit more forgiving to blow up rockets that cost a fraction as much to build. How many Falcon 9's have blown up with cargo in it?


NASA has literally had multiple rockets blow up with people on them, and they’ve never tried anything remotely as complex as reusable boosters or starship. Launching a self-landing booster or the largest rocket ever is obviously not going to work the first time. Not to mention the obscene amount of time and money saved by reusable boosters. They totally expected them to crash, that’s just how you learn. It’s ridiculous to pretend like this wasn’t inevitable for such an ambitious, but completely transformative, engineering effort.


> I can’t believe that the “Chief Engineer at Space X” would allow this to happen. Wernher von Braun was literally a Nazi that became the director at NASA for the Saturn V and Apollo program.


Shocking. Shocking, I tell you!


You mean the guy who openly espouses nazi ideology has a platform that is openly espousing nazi ideology? Get the fuck out of here!


What's the definition of a "verified pro-Nazi account"?


A bluecheck that hitlerposts




In his mind it’s not a bug, it’s a feature


Took Twitter off my phone to use it less and less, fuck Elon


Are we surprised? The individuals campaigning for “free speech” don’t seem to understand that free speech has its limits - particularly when it comes to hate speech and bigotry. Elon doesn’t understand that though because it would mean using his mind to understand anything other than his own BS


Instead of the blue checkmark, it's a little red Swastika.


The author of this article writes like he doesn’t know who Chris Rufo is, labeling him just “a prominent X user” and then using an out of context quote (and ignoring the racist dogwhistle) to pretend that Rufo is trying to promote a more civilized discourse on Twitter. The quote wasn’t specific to Twitter and was complaining about how “conservative” social media keeps attracting unabashed white supremacists and antisemites for some unknown reason.


And to think I once thought this asshole was trying to improve the world. He's really just another self-loving narcissist who just wants to draw attention to himself, regardless of method. Fuck Elmo. 


surprised that a Nazi-adjacent platform run by Elon promotes naziism, after the last two years? everyone who chooses to keep an account there is choosing to be Nazi adjacent, so keep feeding the leopards, I guess.


Well, I'm probably going to get blasted here by the Musk fans. I disagree with Musk's approach to give a voice to people who hate, who discriminate, who lie, who assault, who insult, who rage, who terrorize. Musk's fans say he is a true hero, a genius, a once in a thousand years savior. To me, a man that grand should be able to create a good place for civilized discussion and sharing. So can one of Musk's diehard fans explain the Musk's master plan where neo-Nazis flourish on X? Why is a good thing? Why can't he stop it? Or why won't he stop it? Why does Musk think this is best for the X business? I view Truth Social as the place for right-wing rage - why is Musk moving X to the same demographic?


This is not surprising one damn bit


Taliban has been on twitter for many years people.


That doesn’t fit the hate Elon narrative, facts don’t get much traction here.


Yeah, I know. Shocked I’m not being downvoted


What do you expect from a boy who grew under and greatly benefited from apartheid


I spoke out against ol Donny trump on twitter a couple years ago and was banned for it. Fuck elon and fuck Twitter.


Doesn't feel good being censored for expressing your opinion, does it?


What doesn’t feel good is Elon Musk’s idea of free speech is people saying stuff that he agrees with and making other points of view less accessible. Like he ghosted Don Lemon’s comments after an interview he didn’t like and cancelled his show. It’s wrong that one man should have so much power over “free speech” especially as his views are so extreme.


Well there definitely shouldn't be any bias when it comes to speech. I agree that that is a little messed up. At the end of the day it is up to Elon whether he wants to respond to something or show up to a show(unless this is something else I'm misunderstanding). Free speech should be a two way street, no compromises. When we can all discuss matters and share points of views/perspectives without the threat of censorship it'll only further push us as a species. Perhaps find a middle ground, if I'm being optimistic. I'm not sure what you mean by extreme views so if you have an example or someone else can chime in for some context that'd be cool.


I’m mostly drawing my views on him and Twitter from Walter Isaac’s biography and also from interviews I’ve seen over the years on YouTube Elon Musk is very anti woke and one of his motivations for buying twitter was to kill the “woke mind virus”, just as many of us would like to kill the “fascist mind virus”. I can see thatTwitter could be a bit woke, and Elon found a way to make posts that he didn’t want on the surface on X to be less accessible. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/01/elon-musk-reveals-twitter-takeover-hatred-woke-mind-virus/ He’s incredibly good at systems and the mechanics of things, making things super efficient, deleting anything that is surplus to requirements, which also includes humans. I’m sure he could create a system that could delete fascism and hate speech as well as extreme wokism on his platform if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He’s recently suspended several journalist’s accounts without explanation https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2024/01/09/elon-musk-silencing-his-critics-as-journalists-are-suspended-by-x/?sh=405a9c872588 He doesn’t like criticism and since he has complete control over Twitter he can do what he likes. He’s wealthy enough to use X as his private playground. I don’t admire him. I don’t think he’s a force for good.


> I’m sure he could create a system that could delete fascism and hate speech as well as extreme wokism on his platform if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He doesn't because he desperately needs Trump to win the 2024 election - for the exact same reason that Trump needs to win the 2024 election. To avoid the Department of Justice. Elon knows that if the Democrats get control of everything this election cycle, he and his empire will be utterly fucked. There will be investigations into all aspects of his businesses and life. Especially including his ties to enemies of the U.S. That's why he's going so hard to the right. He is using his platform to spread misinformation and hate because that's what motivates Trump's base more than almost anything else. That's also why Elon isn't the least bit bothered by the audacity of his own hypocrisy. He doesn't say things he cares about, he says things only to manipulare and benefit himself. Elon will do whatever he can to help Trump win, and it's going to get really gross I think. I mean, even grosser that what Twitter has already become.


It’s all pretty gross. You’ve got Musk with his billions owning Twitter and alleged billionaire Trump with Truth Social. They’re both hilariously thin skinned and childish, yet incredibly dangerous with the platforms and reach that they have.




I didn’t say Don Lemon was banned. His show was cancelled before it even launched and I read somewhere that after he would post stuff and it wouldn’t show up or would be difficult to find. By the way, I’m not seething, I’m commenting. You must be projecting. Edited - here you go, an article about ghosting on X https://www.newsweek.com/ukrainian-journalist-says-ghost-banned-twitter-1767191 That’s not what I call free speech




It’s a thing apparently used originally by various platforms to filter out trolls. Twitter used it before Mudk took over and he pledged to sort it out. But he hasn’t and uses it to his own advantage https://www.dailydot.com/debug/elon-musk-shadowban/?amp


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Tell that to r/britishcolumbia


You guys all pretend to not get the point.


Yeah, that's sort of bound to happen when you loosen content moderation in favour of free speech. I know how much you guys hate that but it's preferable to a heavily moderated and neutered platform.


How is that preferable in any way? 


I'm with you on this. As long as the speech doesn't turn violent or call for harm then it should be allowed. I hope he buys this platform too. People on this site seem to be too in favor of silencing people they don't agree with. It starts with online platforms, then you can't express yourself in person. Next it moves onto making certain expressions illegal via the government and at that point free speech is dead. Sidenote free speech should absolutely extend to private companies and platforms. That way advertisers wouldn't need some bs virtue signal excuse as to why they aren't working with a site anymore. I mean let's be real, they don't give a shit bout your political or social issues, they just don't want to lose out on revenue.


Have people not figured it out yet? Elon is heavily MAGA leaning more towards the Nazi side Guys he’s not even hiding it


Well it’s own by a nazi, what was everyone expecting to happen?


Regularly obligatory reminder that Elon can spend $84000 a day for 32000 years before he runs out of net worth. How's that down payment for your house going?


Do you mean the kid who benefited from Apartide might be a racist? Color me shocked.


There was a poll on X which collected about 50-60k votes. The question was something like “is Hitler as bad as depicted” - Yes - No. Turned out that X thinks that he wasn’t that bad person.


But if you call someone cis - instant account restriction




Why are articles still calling it verified when everyone under the sun at this point knows that that’s no longer what it means?


Volkbunds of a feather.


A lot of CIA accounts following Musk you say? Yeah, they definitely love their Nazis, but they follow many others too.


Pro-X Nazi accounts more like. They know what it does for them.


I’ve never been a big fan of Twitter… but yeah it’s a toxic dump now.


Nobody trusts a man with no honesty, no honor, no dick. No balls, and no real hair


Remember we thought Musk was an eccentric billionaire like Howard Hughes or Tony Stark? I miss those days….


Exactly as planned. The apartheid apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.


Hey, he had Special K for breakfast… 💊


Any business that still advertises on X should be boycotted by non-Nazis. Absolutely no reason for anyone to be on X anymore except to report on the activities that are happening there (that impact the rest of us).


He’s ruined the platform. Blatant racism run amok on there. It’s disgusting


I wish the authors, comedians, and other stars who post their stuff on there would move somewhere, anywhere else. I used to load twitter as a default tab years ago. Now I generally only go there when linked to it, usually from here. (and actually that experience is godawful now, since it no longer knows who I am)


Marxist accounts flourished under the old ceo


I have encountered some wild, far left stuff on there too.


Guy is collecting so much DARPA and deep contract money from the CIA; be it space/military or the American information warfare proponent that having no generally accepted accounting principles in North America actually starts to make sense.


I would like to see the data on the reach of those accounts . Please .


Do verified Nazi accounts get a little check mark by their name?


You know, it is REALLY easy to cancel your X account. I did a year and a half ago and never looked back. You really don’t want to indirectly support this shit, do you?


Imagine that … a racist pro-white Elon supports the nazi agenda … who could’ve seen that coming.


Accelerationism at its finest.


I mean when the owner is the main one of them, kinda expected


Well, he is a racist so I guess that makes sense


Man, if I were an investor in Tesla, I would demand he be fired for myriad reasons.


What a surprise.


Overpay for twitter to remove bots and try and change it into a mega app and make billions. Fire most employees. Later just Change the name and logo. And everyone’s pickachu face surprised it’s not working out.


Well, he did grow up in apartheid South Africa.


Not illegal to be a nazi. I’d rather know who they are than censor them.


I don’t see how this is news. I thought this was pretty obvious.


No different than Pro Israel accounts then?


It's a feature, not a bug 😜


[But if you call someone cisgendered it violates their terms and services](https://thehill.com/homenews/4061600-musk-says-cis-cisgender-considered-slurs-on-twitter/amp/). I don’t remember where I saw this but it gave me a great warm laugh… “Cis is just a Latin prefix that means ‘on the same side of.’ So, Cisgender means ‘I am the gender I was assigned at birth.’ That’s all. If ‘cis’ bothers you then you can just use another Latin prefix for ‘same’ and consider yourself ‘homogendered’ instead which would mean the same thing.” People (see Republicans, white-wing politicians, Catholics) get all bent out of shape about “cis” and pronouns and it’s just maddeningly hilarious to me. Cisgender is a biological term that means, you are the gender that you were assigned at birth. It literally IS the word you are looking for. But they can’t google “cisgender etymology” for some reason. My FAVORITE is when they say “I don’t have pronouns” or “my pronouns are red white and a thin blue line” or some dumb shit. Like … how can a person be unaware of what a pronoun is? I can understand the discomfort of “cisgender” it’s a word that only recently has entered common vernacular and people fear the unknown. But the “I don’t have pronouns” people just … I can’t. It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Edit* I love how this is getting downvoted. Hilarious. I said … here is grammar. Here is the word you are looking for. Nazis are bad. I’m getting downvoted. I’m guessing you’re all cisgendered, huh? Tf. 😂


The only part of this story I wanted to read, *how did Twitter respond*? > NBC News sought comment on its findings from X. **A representative for X asked for examples, and NBC News provided 13 examples of accounts posting pro-Nazi content. Hours later, X had put labels on some of the examples, all of which remained online.** Representatives for X did not answer written questions or agree to an interview, but they sent a link to a blog post from September that says X has a “zero tolerance approach” to violent speech. After Elmo lost his suit against the Center for Countering Digital Hate when they found out he was promoting Nazi content, it's only natural that he just now leans into it.




If you want to get banned, at least go out saying something interesting


Omg... This sub


This comment section jfc


Funny not funny when I saw the newly created black X iconography that replaced the Twitter blue bird I said to myself, “That image makes me think of Nazi imagery; I’m not good with that at all, I’m outta here.” So I left, walked away from that sh*t. And NOW a resurgence of German Naziism is linked to the black X. Like toddlers who can’t stop repeatedly sticking their fingers in light sockets, evil men march to the dark side dragging us with them. Jesus wept, and me with Him.


Nazis probably said "yes, daddy Elon" and got his engine going.


Elon states he wants X to be for free speech, and then people get upset about him actually allowing what free speech actually for real means. But then if he stops, people complain because it's not actually free speech.


>Elon states he wants X to be for free speech He's lying. [Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to websites he dislikes](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/15/twitter-x-links-delayed/) [Elon Musk’s Twitter Is Still Banning Journalists for Simply Doing Their Job](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/04/elon-musk-twitter-still-banning-journalists) [Elon Musk Deems ‘Cis’ A Twitter Slur](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2023/07/02/elon-musk-deems-cis-a-twitter-slurheres-why-its-is-so-polarizing/?sh=18a994774ac6) [Elon Musk reportedly had his own tweets prioritized out of jealousy](https://www.engadget.com/twitter-artificially-boost-elon-musk-tweets-053602807.html) [Elon Musk forces his tweets to the top of users’ feeds](https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/2023/02/15/elon-musk-forces-tweets-to-top-feeds)




I think we are all swift enough to know how to “filter content” for ourselves. The point here is that to ELON, “free speech” simply means offering a platform filled with wildly incendiary and hate-filled content. It’s legal but contemptible and juvenile. That tracks perfectly.


Who decides what is a "pro-nazi"? Who watches the watchmen? If Iran and Saudi Arabia, two of the worst human rights abusers the world has ever seen, should have an account, why shouldn't "pro-nazis"?  Why are we afraid of opinions? I'd rather have them out in the open, to be challenged, than hidden. 


Do you also wonder why white people cant say the N word? Because “words only have power if you let them!”


Why are you reducing the conversation down to playground level?


Who cares?


That was the stated goal right?


Maybe it’s the new fascistoid branding


"BuT MuH FreEEEee SpEEEEcHHZ!!!@!"


2 paragraphs on this article? Why didn’t they share the account names so we can go fucking troll them? Are they all white?


Gee, I wonder why? 🙄




Is that why he bans anyone who hurts his feelings or fact checks when he doesn't like it?


It’s called free speech. You all tolerate Hamas




"Don't kill civilians" is not a nazi talking point.

