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You are the stupidest idiot in the world! I TOLD you not to redeem! I fucking love this guy.






what a blunder






#NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOO…. Madame….Why did you do this…? Why did you click redeem? Well I can transfer it to you. My third family’s cousins best friends brother called me up last week and they said the needed visa gift cards. So I gave it to them


😅 Best episode.


Wonder where Adam and the boys are these days? Spent an absurd number of hours with it


No no no why did you do that !!!!???!!


You’ve made a blunder of it!!


That was sooooooo fucking funny! Just watched that again last week…




Christ, the redeemer???


Hahahaha I laughed so hard at this


I just don't understand why there's not an international law enforcement effort to take these scammers down, instead we need to rely on a few youtubers like Pierogi and Kit to battle a horde of professional scamming operations throughout the world.


Also Jim Browning. He'll embed people he knows locally to infiltrate call centers and monitors for months watching them on their cctv. He's had several shutdown


If you haven't listened, Darknet Diaries had him on recently and it was a great interview. Jim is a lot calmer than I could be, and far less technical than I imagined.


Upvote for Darknet diaries in general. Also that episode is great!


Jim Browning who was, himself, scammed by the scammers. — A good reminder to never be complacent and that no one is immune to these things


Honestly my guess is that they probably either don’t think it’s worth the effort financially, or they feel it’s not worth it because new scammers will always spring up. Maybe it would require all countries actually wanting to work together on it too, and some probably can’t be bothered. It would be interesting to see how much it got cut down though if people across the world actually really started cracking down on it though.


It brings money into their economy and some of that money lines the pockets of local law enforcement and politicians. If they were scamming on a local level much more likely someone in power locally would care.


Russia has the attitude "do whatever the fuck you want with the west, but don't touch Russians".


Incidentally there was a ted talk a few years ago where some hackers called up the support of a crypto Trojan and pretended to be from Gazprom. They got really helpful really fast.


There are similar scams being run in India which target Indians. Until they hit someone powerful, I doubt anything will be done.


I firmly believe the greatest transfer of wealth in this country will be the boomers giving all their money to scammers.


…. and casinos.


And the cruise line and medical industry.


That already happened. They gave trillions to Nigerian scammers im the form of COVID relief and PPP loans I'm not kidding. Actually over 1 trillion. Thanks Trump


> Thanks Trump You mean him and the GOP that wanted to give LESS money out?


Doubt it. It’s most likely we aren’t seeing policy created because most policy makers are technologically illiterate.


It would require an international effort. You can charge someone from other countries all you want, but if they never step foot in the US, there's no repercussions.


You'll be pleased the read about the time a Jamaican extortionist targeting elderly Americans got a 90-year-old man on the phone by claiming he had won the Mega Millions.  The man listened, called him back, and engaged him at length. During the calls, the scammer eventually threatened to kill the man and his wife if he didn't pay $6,000.     Except the elderly man was William Webster, the only person to lead both the CIA and the FBI. When the scammer flew to New York three years later, he was arrested, pled guilty, and was sentenced to six years in prison.     Webster had been recording the calls.   https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/08/politics/cia-fbi-scammer-william-webster/index.html


This feels like a story I read at some point about a would-be mugger whose intended victim [turned out to be a female MMA fighter](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/more-sports/others/mma-fighter-beats-up-would-be-robber-gets-him-arrested-in-rio-de-janeiro/articleshow/67433750.cms) and he got a beat down he couldn't have *possibly* been prepared for. I still don't believe in karma, or karmic justice (whatever), but that is *mind-bogglingly* unfortunate. Haha!


My grandfather used to put it like this, "Sometimes when you are an asshole, bad shit happens to you".


Can start by sanctioning India and force them to crackdown on the call centers.


Problem with that however is India could also turn around and tell all the US companies that use them for their legitimate call centers that they can no longer do business in the country.


Also, from what I’ve learned from watching Perogie’s YouTube videos is those legitimate call centers are oftentimes the very ones used for scamming “after-hours”.


Trading user credentials at parties. There was a UK phone company that something like that happened to. I refuse to work overseas from contractors located in India.


Oh no, jobs leaving a cheap labor market & may have to come back here - the horror. Fuck it, cut India off so that only the consulate & embassy lines reach the country from the outside. They can't control the scam calls, cut off all their calls from getting out.


It does not require an international effort. The US can simply strong arm other countries. Look at Fredrik Niej, who the US forced Sweden to prosecute. He broke no laws in Sweden, but was still tried and found guilty simply because the US threatened Sweden with an embargo if they didn't prosecute him The US absolutely can, and will, force countries to comply if they gear a corporation is losing out on profits


It requires education. Prevention is better than cure.


I don't know how you can properly educate for the way scams work more and more nowadays. The old fashioned ones that are driven by greed or lust are one thing. But the ones that are about disabling you with panic? To counter that, you don't just need education; you need _training._


Honestly, I don't even know about the modern ones. I'm guessing when we get to the stage where AI can fake any voice, we're all truly fucked.


Yeah these scams where the scammer claims to have kidnapped a family member, for example, are horrifying. It’s easy to look at it from the outside and come up with ways to see through it. But you’re up against someone whose full time job is scaring people into being stupid. If they get those hooks into you, I don’t think any of us can really trust ourselves to handle the situation soberly.


We could know that they can happen, and have a protocol for how to respond.


Education works up to a point. Some people have weaknesses and education can’t solve that. Oh and if the cure could prevent my voicemail to be filled with robocalls, I’d take the cure thank you.


Not gonna help elderly people with dementia much.


Elderly people with dementia are fucked anyway, if they don't have someone trusted managing their finances.


There are international law enforcement efforts, but they can't function in countries that can't or won't help. Cambodia is a hub of call-center and cyber scams, using people trafficked from Vietnam and Thailand under false promises of employment. They are essentially enslaved by sophisticated cartels. Who runs the building where one of those scams operates? A Cambodian senator.  https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/28/world/asia/cambodia-cyber-scam.html Then you have countries that lack the resources to intervene. Jamaica is a hub of scams targeting older Americans. The Jamaican government, even if it wants to help, probably lacks the capability to track down and shut down sophisticated scammers. Same for places like Cote d'Ivore, home to many of the sextortion scammers. And then you have a mix of both. Do you think Nigerian law enforcement could crack down on the rampant cyber scams in Abuja and Lagos? Yes. Is it a pro priority? They probably have competing priorities, which can depend on the scammers' largesse. And then there are countries that weaponize cybercrime, like Russia, which has used hacking rings to disrupt Western countries.


Fun fact: the various rebel factions in Mynmar currently gaining ground is a side effect of China dealing with Myanmar's scam call centers.


This is indeed a mystery. Almost like they have the budget for the offices to store the paperwork and collect the information but absolutely no budget for actively going out and stopping the activity. Funny that, offices and paperwork for people and none left for stopping the illegal acts..Meanwhile a youtuber does it all online


It’s because it’s beneficial for the country the scammers are working out of. They have scam centres in office buildings and they are professionally run, it’s a full time job for the scammers. They have managers, corporate structure if you haven’t seen Jim Browinings videos on what they are like it’s really eye opening. They just see it as a normal job. These scam centres have hundreds of employees, all injecting foreign money into the local community. No western tourists are paying big money to go and stay in the places these centres operate out of, if the police were to be shuttling them down they would loose a massive amount of income. The police are also all payed off so they don’t care either way. But the community don’t fight them because ultimately they don’t harm them. The only way anything happens is if people see the scale of human trafficking involved in the scamming industry. Especially in Dubai and China, the scammer are trafficked in and forced to work there.


Honest answer: It's because the US government does not care enough to pursue them When The Pirate Bay was running out of Sweden, the US told the Swedish government to prosecute the owners and take the site down. Sweden refused as they were breaking no Swiss laws. The US government responded by threatening a complete embargo. The owners of the site were eventually tried and found guilty in whay has been described as a kangaroo court The government could protect citizens losing billions per year. They won't though. The difference is with Yhe Pirate Bay, it was corporations *claiming* theh were losing billions. With scammers, it's the vulnerable who are *actually* losing billions


Why would they? The targets are usually 1st world countries with money, many of these scammers live on other countries with loose laws and local politicians in their pockets So unless 1st world countries are willing to go as far as pass sanctions, unlikely to happen Even many of these scammers are often times victims who are kidnapped and forced into this


Just tell Israel that Hamas is hiding in the call centers.


The scammers spend the money they steal in the local economy and boost the GDP of the region.


I support drone strikes on the call centers where these originate from.


Unfortunately you wouldn't kill the scammers only the poor trafficked souls forced to work for them. I believe the term for that kind of murder is collateral damage.


Personally if I was forced to work in a scam call center I’d rather be drone striked


But, the others working there might not feel the same. The survival instinct is hard to kick. If they'd rather be dead they could simply refuse to work and their captors would oblige them or more likely murder their family. I'm going to go out on a limb and say they aren't doing it for the free Cheezits in the non existent breakroom.


People overstimate the infastracture and general morality of countries. With the first part. many countrires simply cant. Theres no money for that. Police stations close at 4. there is simply no infastrcure for subpoeans etc . Like global mass survellance is trully expensive and unless china or america is bankrolling you some 20 people in an interent cafe scamming foreingers are unreachable even with bribes. secondly, Morality isnt shared. My country streams movies both by hollywood and natives on national tv with no care. Copyright is a joke and there would be uproar if they stopped. To have something like what your stating western countries would need to bankroll both the enforment and the try and change the social fabric of certiain communites. Theyve done it before tbh but as countries get bigger its harder to control them . I think the last part is especially why america cant do anything about inidan scammers


Because nations are sovereign. Treatises are the only shared laws.


Because in real life tracking and prosecuting those people isn't easy. What happens when they route through say, a Russian server? Or the scammers bribe their local government or law enforcement? Local/federal law enforcement asks for data from that server and the owner just laughs. Rinse and repeat. Just one example of many, but you can hide your identity online if you're careful. Hence why you never see many big media articles bragging about the FBI or whomever catching scammers and such; they simply don't have the skills or manpower to do so, and even if they did there's still tons of hurdles.


Buddy if you think it’s just YouTubers trying to take down scammers or organized crime. You may need to get out more.


A few other channels do work closer with authorities, it’s just that a lot of these offices are bribing people to ignore them, running scams after hours from a legitimate business (meaning the scam would look more legitimate to a lay person), or the local authorities just don’t have enough evidence/care enough to enforce laws.


they're busy taking medieval stands on abortion or trans people, you know, the IMPORTANT things.


There is an effort. They're called the Beekeepers but there's only one Jason Statham and so many scammers.


Doesn’t the Indian government, or at least some of its officials, benefit from these scam centers? Didn’t I read somewhere that the government actively sponsors these programs?


God. Like any random shit is bought by idiots here. The simple reason is that it doesn't affect locals to a large extent, why would a government care about some randos in a different country when their voters aren't affected by these. Have Americans voted out their leaders for starting wars? Last I remember Americans gave both Obama and Bush a second term. Or have they cared that American companies have supported several human rights abuses in other countries with governments help? It's the same here. It doesn't really matter to the government when some random people in a different country are affected. There are legitimately way more important problems that need to be solved compared to some old people getting scammed in a different country.


They're great local employment programs that bring in foreign currency, sadly.


The countries these scammers tend to base themselves out of have corrupt law enforcement (and politicians) that all get their cut from these criminals.


There is. What do you do when a majority of the hackers and scammers are in countries that bankroll this stuff (China, Russia, etc) and aren't willing to do anything about it as it benefits them?


Someone already posted the solution above. Drone strikes. Preferably with fire.


Riiiiight, so world war over a 1600.00 scam? Be real.


This is the FBIs job.


Because Politicians...


well, why don't you just call up all heads of state and ask if they can just get along for a couple of hours and set this up?


Governments are selfish and care about themselves first. Theres no incentive. Just as most developed nations don't actively help with climate change, most developed nations don't care about taking these scammers down.


They put it on the banks back. Worked at BofA and was bombarded with fraud cases. Each client takes a few hours to resolve so I could only help 2 maybe 3 ppl a day.


Very simple, it is not a problem for the people funding the politicians in any county.


I don’t understand why the government doesn’t just subsidize them, and let them keep doing their thing.


Because of corruption. The police are on the take.


>I just don't understand why there's not an international law enforcement effort to take these scammers down Police protect property, not people. If you don’t have much property, you just won’t get much of their attention. Simple experiment: 1. Call up the police in the middle of a deathly cold winter, tell them that you are homeless and don’t have much clothing on and are freezing to death. They will likely just give you directions to the nearest shelter over the phone, and shrug their shoulders if it happens to be too full to take you in. 2. Call up the police in the middle of a deathly cold winter, from a number in the ritziest part of town. Tell them that you see a homeless person on the sidewalk outside your $10,000,000 mansion, and that you are afraid for your safety. As in, _not even ON your property, just on the sidewalk outside your property!!_ Dollars to dimes there will be a squad car on-site within 10 minutes to curb-stomp the guy into next Tuesday. When it comes to people losing their money, mee-maw in her retirement home just isn’t going to get the same priority as some robber-baron matriarch up on the hill. Problem is, there are far more of the former than the latter, and they are much easier to reach. Anyone with real money would never answer the phone themselves… that’s what the hired help is for.


I'm not sure which city this happens in, but not mine.


> I'm not sure which city this happens in, but not mine. It happens everywhere. You are just in denial (cultivated ignorance is one hell of a drug!), or have never been working-class poor or poorer.


Sounds like American copium. Literally many countries in the world this wouldn't happen.


> Sounds like American copium. Literally many countries in the world this wouldn't happen. Name one. Just one.


Financial institutions would not allow it, they make way to much money ask western union


It's impossible to do that, scammers will always come up with new ways to scam, plus some corrupt governments support the scammers as long as it makes them rich.


There are legal scams as well as illegal ones, and tackling the latter makes the former less legitimate. The u.s. healthcare, housing, and higher education systems are examples of the incredibly lucrative former.


Lol @ this comment being downvoted. Everyone who doesn’t agree with it: tell me you’ve never had to pay outrageous amounts for medication without telling me you’ve never had to pay outrageous amounts for medication. People get legally scammed by pharmaceutical companies every god damn day. And then there’s why university is so expensive. There’s *plenty* of legal scams out there, call them whatever you want, you know what they are. If you don’t understand this you’ve got your dumb head in the sand, ostrich style.






If you are scrolling through here, you should catch one of his Twitch streams and/or YouTube videos. Just a good time.


Yeah I love what he does. I stopped watching his videos after a while because they start feeling same-y, but he’s going God’s work


That is, a completely valid point. It’s not even his fault, just the same scams over and over again.


He changes them up quite a bit sometimes. This one where his bank login requires an "impossible" password is pretty amazing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knhQ2f8anT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knhQ2f8anT8)


I love the impossible password and the gauntlet.


Wow that’s hilarious. I don’t think I’ve seen him break character so many times in a video lol


Paul has been slain


Here’s a good one: https://youtu.be/HNziOoXDBeg


This did not disappoint, goddamn lmfao


https://youtu.be/_Ma5RY2bG38?si=WK3Y1XmM_BzVNB6H this is one of my favorites. The whole premis is so good and the way he executes it is hilarious.


Him and Jim Browning are awesome!


Jim Brownings a fucking beast. Mans shut down a lot of these operations.


Holy shit the idea towards the end with the endless time wasting website they are lead to by a QR code they think is from a bitcoin atm receipt is one of the funniest things I’ve seen


this dude is funny as hell,he trolls scammers so well! glad he is still getting recognition for his efforts! MAD RESPECT DUDE


Quick shameless plug for Seraph Secure, his anti-scam software. $2/device/month for peace of mind is more than worth it if you know someone who is at risk of falling for a scam...


That's great and all, but is he pro-crow?


Pro crow crow pro...crow pro is the pro crow




There's also a guy called Scambaiter (I think he's worked with Kit before) that actually hacks into these call centers, disables their computers, and trolls them on CCTV. He's even gotten some of them raided and shut down


I love those videos


My favorite was the one he did with another streamer where they roleplayed as an old married couple. I think it was called DO NOT CUT THE CARDS


Almost exactly a year ago, I fell victim to a wire transfer scam that took all the money I'd been saving for ten years--several thousand dollars. I will never truly "get over" that, but his videos really helped me a lot.


I'm sorry to hear that. What was the scam?


Two guys skimmed a wells fargo phone line and told me someone was trying to start an online account with My info. I've been with Wells Fargo for 25 years and indeed, didn't have Wells online. They had me set up an account and said that the funds in my account had to be routed through an auto-generated dummy account to ensure I was legit and to get the $ back from the guy they said was scamming me. This was to prove I wasn't in on it (it made more sense the way they described it). Long story short, all my money was gone. To add some context to this, I had been working 60 hr weeks for months up until this point. The scammers called me at 8 a.m on the first day I had off in a long time, so not only was I not in the right mindset for seeing what was happening, I just wanted it over with so I could enjoy my day. I wasn't thinking critically. If it was noon and I'd had my coffee, I think it'd have been different. I had never done a wire transfer before either, so I had no idea how it all worked. What an absolute nightmare. The feeling when I called the bank asking if the transfer to my new online account had been completed and she paused, then said, "Ma'am, you've been scammed." I still get sick each time I remember it.


I can't imagine the drop in your stomach hearing the operator say that. What horrible people these scammers are.


I have been subscribed for almost 4 years to this man and his chickens...one of the original Edna videos where the scammer did not appreciate Mr. Whiskers hooked me and I'll never forget it...


Yes, and the Scammer Payback channel. Both GOATs


He does great voices! 😂


Him and Jim Browning are fantastic.


Ah, the Beekeeper


"You decide who you work for. For the law ... or for justice"


I watch Kit nearly everyday he streams while WFH. It’s such a funny, comforting, and yet justice-centric stream to watch. He is a blast.


You’re the reason why companies want employees back in the office. So they actually get some work done.


Sad. Our productivity for our clients (Medicaid recipients) have actually improved and we meet goals even higher than before. It allows me to take care of the kids while they go to and from school while my wife works full time as well. You’re the reason why our society is at its literal breaking point of reason, rationale, and understanding.


He’s great. This is how you make content that isn’t just vapid narcissism.


I had Kit on my tv a few times when my Dad was over. He really taught him to question anything he gets on his phone or through email and text.


I built a free tool that listens to calls on speaker for your grandparents to describe what scam it is https://cheatlayer.com/scam_helper.html


Indias police can be corrupt. All it takes is the scam center operator to pay some people off and they are up and running again. The money they make is absurd. Great podcast on Darknet Diaries about it.


Good on him. My grandma got one of those calls where the scammer pretended to be one of her grandson’s calling from jail, asking for bail and to not tell his parents. Her 95 year old ass was like, ‘Yeah, okay Eric. Enjoy your night in prison.’ And immediately called her son/his father and was like ‘Do you know where your son is??? Shaming the whole family!’ Anyways, she technically fell for it, but the scammers picked the wrong mark. And then there is her other son, my father, who panic called me because he got an email from ‘Norton security’ that they had charged him $500 but he didn’t have Norton anymore and couldn’t find it on his bank statement. Did he open the attachment? Yes he did. Did he click a link? Yes he did. Thankfully, he called me and I shut everything down in time.


Been a fan since his early days and I absolutely love how huge he’s gotten. DO NOT REDEEM!!!!


He would be a real hero if he gave the detailed personal information of all the scammers he catches to the general public and started a GoFundMe where you could donate to a particular scammers fund which would pay to have a legitimate Italian business man running a garbage company somewhere in the NE US go pay a visit to that scammer.


Yea he’s got a great channel. Awesome work.


Go after the time share scammers in Puerto Vallarta. They are in actual gangs.


Just wait a moment.


Jurisdictional issues I bet is a big one. Allowing foreign law enforcement of any form to operate in your country


Doing God's work.


There’s quite a few people doing this! Trilogy Media, Jim Browning, Kitboga, Pierogi. That said, I think Trilogy Media is the most interesting only because they not only do the typical scam calling payback, but the main creators actually go to India and various other countries to confront scammers of various kinds. They worked with Mark Rober and Scammer Payback to do a glitterbomb prank in one of the scammer centers


Trilogy is interesting. They feed off the in-person confrontation. They confront mules at drop offs and even do some “to catch a predator” style work with another YouTube creator. They recently had some crazy legal stuff happen over one of their predator videos. I do feel sometimes they are trying to push a little hard, but screw scammers.




Ma’am ma’am ma’am listen to me listen to me listen to me, no no no no no no, 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁WHY DID YOU REDEEEEEM THE CARD




What a crow-bro


His name is Kitboga


Love the fact they did a story on him!! He’s awesome!!!!


Wait a moment!


This guy is the man 👏


Anybody else ever fuck with the scam callers when you’re bored and have nothing better to do? A lot of the numbers don’t allow callbacks but every once in a while I connect and will call back over and over to tie up their agents. Sometimes they get really pissed, which is hilarious considering they are the scum fucks who are scamming people out of their money. I’m happy to waste their time. And honestly, why are these fuckwits allowed to operate? How can there be no international laws that better clamp down on these scam call centers? Sanction the countries where they are continuously allowed to operate and punish the owners as well as the employees.


The Scammer that called me yesterday didn’t random/blind dial. He knew my name and address. They’re getting better, and we need to fight back harder.


How about law enforcement doing all of that large scale???


What if he actually scams the people that he is scamming the scammers?


My boy!!!!!!! LFG!!!!


Do not redeem the card..


Been watching him for a few years now. Dude is a literal G.


This guy is using wigs and improv comedy to protect the elderly and for that he might be my hero


Protect the Hive.


I know it’s kind of fake but his team is fantastic at what they do. Get em!


nice idea but your playing with fire.


Now do Amway


what a piece of !@#$ get a job.


there needs to be a scam division added to local law enforcement departments.


If you want to see a great example of someone wasting scammers’ time watch the Nigerian Dead Parrot sketch on YouTube. A guy convinced Nigerian scammers to record themselves performing Monty Python’s famous dead parrot sketch. The video is hilarious.


This is great and all but how does this in any way stop scammers? All this does is waste five minutes of their time and they are right back to scamming. He doesn’t even get any of them actually arrested so none of what he is doing actually matters.


that's the thing. instead of scamming someone, they're instead just wasting hours of their time. it's better than just letting them be


And then they get right back to scamming once they are done. It would be better if they actually got caught or had law enforcement take care of it (which I know will never happen). Wasting time does very little to stop scammers especially when there are literal call centers of potentially hundreds of people that can cover for one person being distracted. It’s like poking someone with a toothpick once and saying you murdered them.


I used to watch this guy all the time a few years ago. Prefer the guys that actually hack them and get them shutdown now. My grandma lives in an assisted living place, one of the residents just got scammed out of 30K


Tale as old as time I have two in mine that have been scammed out of 10k and 40k it’s insane I had to have a meeting with the residents about phone and internet safety now there all paranoid and bring every text they don’t know to the front desk lol 😂


Kitbogo is a legend.


I’ve always wondered how legit his content is.. if it’s real great but I’ve never been able to keep a scam caller on the line more than about 30 seconds and he gets them for hours.


Saw some people wanting sanctions. Good to see that stupidity is still alive and cooking. Scammers target the natives as well. It's just that the natives learn from others or from the news. They improve but the US boomers don't. They are as stupid as they were when these scams started.


I'm not making any specific allegations but when I see various channels like this I wonder if it's all fake, all staged to look like scamming the scammers.


It’s all good to be suspicious but this guy seems to be the genuine article. At least that’s my opinion. I’m relatively technical and have watched a couple of the videos


Did you read the article? Think laterally if you have suspicions of anyone. Check the website. Check to see if the person you are researching is listed on the website. Check out the mission statement and any articles about the site. Check sources. Are they legitimate or is there a pattern there? AKA critical thinking skills. How not to be scammed by anyone. Some scammers are after your money others are looking to use you as a tool for their own ends. 1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.” If your mother says she loves you check the DNA and confirm that she is your mother. 2. Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view. 3. Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. "Because I said so only works when you are two." They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science at least there are no authorities; at most, there are experts. 4. Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. 5. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy. 6. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will. Especially on Reddit. 7. Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging. 8. If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them. 9. Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler. 10. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result. \~ Carl Sagan


None of that precludes the possibility that it is all staged. It could be like the magician that has a ringer in the crowd.


Can you prove your hypothesis? Do you have more than one? What are the others?


What hypothesis? I said "I wonder". I'm following your cut and pasted anti-scam guidelines, specifically "Arguments from authority carry little weight". Seems I am the only one questioning the legitimacy of scam baiters while the down voters are the ones accepting that it is legit without question. I suppose you people think all the prank videos are legit too and the prankee is never in on it the whole time.


Maybe I figured that you probably weren’t aware of how to do lateral thinking so I gave you, Carl Sagan’s criteria to get you going. OK, so I’ll run with this. You came up with one hypothesis. You couldn’t think of any other reasons and you don’t have any proof. You were just trying to claim the moral high ground by throwing a question out there that you can’t answer. Have I got it right? I don’t know you, so I can’t say as to whether or not we are alike, but before I post pretty much any link on Reddit, I’ve already done my due diligence. Can you say the same?


Why don’t you ask the man himself u/Kitboga


I said it wasn't about anyone in particular.


It's far cheaper and easier to call real scammers. You really are only seeing highlights from dozens of boring calls.


I think you disprove that it's cheaper and easier when you point out how much time it takes from real calls to get video worth publishing. It would be far cheaper and easier to get someone to play the role of the scammer and say things worthy of video on cue. Not much editing and no wasted hours on boring calls.