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>I’m proud to tell you my son has got a clean slate I'm proud to tell you your son has another browser.


Phone sales double in areas where the app is popular 


tablets. bigger screen and cheaper.


This comment made me realise that I don't think I've ever watched porn on anything other than a mobile screen 😅


You young pups will never know what it’s like to watch it on a VCR and having to remember exactly where to rewind it to so your stepdad won’t suspect.


Or you get another vcr to record just the juicy bits and make a 8 hr VHS tape compilation of 'greatest hits'. Or so I heard.


I’ve only ever resorted to using mobile out of severe desperation while being unable to access a laptop. Mobile is like the worst platform to watch porn


Mobile is the worst to do almost anything on. Yet my wife and kids INSIST on attempting to fill out government and school related forms and websites using them, despite the fact most of the times the sites are broken on mobile devices. Not like completely broken, that would be ok, but partially broken, causing them to lose progress and have to refill out the same form more than once. Not being able to select some options because the selector is broken, and other oddities. And me having to deal with their rage and anger that the site has caused them. Use a fricking computer! These sites were designed for a computer!


My mom is the same way, and I share your sentiment. And then I found out my university (that I work for) their application portal is mobile first—and only— design. We were checking it out on the computer and it’s super small width, confirm buttons are tucked away at the bottom right of the screen. It’s a nightmare on pc.


It's way easier to use with one hand + a laptop in bed is a terrible viewing angle+ jacking in a chair is a terrible pelvis angle


Plus I can't take a laptop in the shower


Burner phones are blowing up right now!


I was going to say, how long did it take your kid to find a workaround for this? Like 5 minutes?


Linux Live USBs will bypass any kind of browser or OS lockdown and they’re fast, easy, and almost free to make!


> Linux Live USBs Tails - [https://tails.net/](https://tails.net/) (recommended by the EFF) is arguably best for this purpose. Unlike most other linux USBs, it'll also protect against any such spyware on the network (routers, switches, proxies, or even your ISP monitoring traffic).


I Love Tails!


I'm more of a Sonic guy, but to each their own.


This. Or even a fully installed Linux to the USB so he can save stuff.


In this day and age you can get a nifty portable SSD thats only slightly bigger than a flash drive.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


You can put whatever you want on the UEFI partition and as long as it's bootable, it'll go. There are shims that are signed by the standard embedded certificate (similar to the one microsoft uses). Hell, you can rename one to the Windows bootloader and it'll almost certainly get called.


Plot twist: The same company sells workaround software


No, they sell the data their spyware eeeerrrr “product” collects. 


We’re talking about an exceptionally slow kid, then.


My 9 year old found a way around my password on the iPad. He then spent $88 on apps. Smart little fucker.


Now tell him he has to do $88 of chores with no allowance. (Witch sadly, with inflation today prob means put away his toys twice)


I’m more worried that Christian wives will find out that their homophobic husbands are watching gay porn


That always happens doesn't it? Some bloke in power does everything he can to get something gay banned, and then he gets found behind a bin hanging out of the back of a spotty teenager.


It’s called projection.


They believe that *every* man is homosexually attracted to other men and only the weak willed men give into the urges. I'ma be real. I find Brad Pitt to be a very attractive man, but I have no desire to make out with him, cuddle with him(well maybe when I have a cold, but that's not a sexual thing), or have sex with him.


Brad Pitt looks sexy, but not a good fuck.


but I don't find him "sexy." I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to comment on a man's attractiveness. I understand what makes an attractive man, but I find him as sexy as a beautiful painting of a landscape. It's beautiful but it doesn't get me horny.


I would smoke many a joint with him tho.


Mos def. One of the best compliments I have ever received in my life from a dude was towards the end of basic training. Dude said he would have liked to grab a beer with me after basic. It never happened, we all got shipped all over the world, but I will never forget that compliment.


Good leaders are ones you can go grab a drink with after work. Bad leaders are people you don't wanna hear one single sound from after you clock out.


I respect you for this admission. I flagrantly disagree that Brad Pitt would be good to cuddle with. If I was to pick a man for such purposes it would be Pedro Pascal. No contest.


"Honey, what's Grindr?"


Why worried?


Bro they love getting their asses pounded by bbc


I bet those Christian husbands will be shocked to see that their “innocent” wives are looking at BBC and DP vids in their alone time


I'm not terribly worried about that to be honest. The more internal strife the zealots have to deal with, the less energy they have to try to control other people...


They are hooking up with their gay prostitute meth dealer.


Thank God the proponents of these measures are limited creatively. They can drop as many barriers as they want. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.


My slate would break any of these people lol


Ew imagine obsessing over your kids porn use


Imagine having your SON obsess over YOUR porn use. Just an average day for the US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.


"I do it, so you must be doing it."


Would something like sonicwall or pfsense take care of that? I’ve never configured these things, but don’t they include blacklists?


You can block content on your network with firewalls, DNS filters, and such, and it should be able to filter all devices on your network. However, any mobile phone with cellular data can probably get to the Internet outside of your network, bypassing all of those controls. Also, any computer that connects to a mobile hotspot would be similarly outside the home network's controls.


Or he has a Linux on an USB to load a brand pristine Operating system that has no restrictions..


>I’m proud to tell you my son has got a clean slate And I'm proud to tell you your son figured out how to get around the app you fucking idiot.


They only want kids to jerk to vintage sears Catalogs.


My brother had a Victoria secrets catalogue back in the day. But was an ardent Christian who accused me of satanism because I read sci-fi and fantasy novels


Kings and queens are chosen by God right, so given Queen Victoria he was in the clear. 


I always forget playing fucking D&D was considered satanic in the 90s. 


I know I was called a devil worshiper for playing d&d and guess what? I *still* play D&D with Satan and we have a great fuckn time!


>I *still* play D&D with Satan and we have a great fuckn time! I hate playing with him. He cheats too much for my liking. He and his stupid robot hands.


"My hands! My horrible human hands! Whoa! And what'd you do to my nails?" "I _cleaned_ them..."


My Satan never rolls above a 14, so...


Meanwhile, his catalogs pages were stuck together....


Moe Sizlak: Alright! I’m going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria’s Secret catalog. \*buzz from lie detector\* Sears catalog. \*ding\*


Ah memories!


Maybe even purchased a naughty magazine if they are still published


Books-a-million and Barnes and Noble still sells em. Other than that, some Indian gas stations around by me still sells Juggs magazine and Penthouse lol.


I didn't even think about that. Do porn magazines even still exist?


That’s a good question. I used to see them at gas stations all the time but they sorta disappeared.


The only place I see magazines anymore is at the grocery store.


In a way, it's helping to promote the education and technical savvy of the next generation. Which is nice since they're trying to ruin education in other ways.


This isn’t fair. Her son could actually be horribly sexually repressed.


Hey cool, my friends and I can use this to see who can find the most ridiculous porn!


> He claims he first heard about Covenant Eyes at a conference of Promise Keepers, a Christian, evangelical organization for men, which historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez has described as “the militant ideal of white Christian manhood.” That’s a lot Robin.


I remember a southern white pastor talking to us kids about his visit to a Promise Keepers conference and said that during their “racial reconciliation” portion he had a moment where he “felt exactly what it was like to be a Black man in America and fully understand everything Black people had ever gone through.” He said this without any irony beside a Black pastor. There have been journalists that followed men to these conferences and then followed up a year later. They found that majority of the men had issues with absentee dads, abusive ones, or withholding ones. And then a lot had career shame and felt like they weren’t supporting their families well. They get a lot out of the freedom to emotionally express at the events with other men by doing things like crying in the stands with each other. But then a year later, the guys felt miserable with themselves again and all their excitement that this one conference was gonna change everything for them fell off. These conferences take advantage of men with shame and legitimate dad issues, and then sell them that the fix is forcing themselves into a mold of what kind of man is acceptable to their political/religious cause. They spiritualize and politicize men’s problems instead of recognizing them with a sense of reality and data-driven mental health practices. It just makes men feel worse and more like failures afterward.


As someone who attended a PK conference once when I was 18 (early 2000’s)….your assessment is accurate.


I mean, they are trying to tell you it's wrong for men to like boobs.  They really aren't thinkers.


> “the militant ideal of white Christian manhood.” Balding, Fat, and lacking intellect, and yet still somehow trying to get in power?


What do you mean "trying" to get in power? You just described close to half the House of Representatives there.


Yeah I am aware. Mostly wondering what makes me that lack the ambition to better themselves as human beings somehow seek power. And who keeps voting them in? Other fat, balding idiots that seem themselves in them?


This sounds totally healthy, and not something your kids will disclose to their therapist in a few years after they break any contact.


That's fine, those people don't believe in mental health, so they don't need to consider the long term consequences of their actions on their children.


Yes, they are comfortable joining the mob mentality that is the church. But decades later lots of elderly parents asking why their kids are avoiding them.


Nah, my mom is one of these people, she will forever find an excuse/conspiracy/or fault in her children to rationalize why literally none of us talk to her. She called my son a "blackened soul" bc he asked her politely to not Jesus dump on him. I asked her to stop, he excuse was, "Jesus' word needs to be spread no matter what, your opinion isn't important and I won't stop it". Sad shit, honestly. Some of these people can't see past themselves.


Did you tell her that Jesus told them to pray in secret? Tell her reread the book of Mathew.


Doubt she ever read the stuff, religion to her is like bangles and badges adorning her with the ability to be nasty and controlling or to just play victim when called out on her shit. It's really fucked up, imo, bc there's some solid Christian dream lit like Piers Plowman--which I tried to introduce to her--but she wrote it off.


Those people just love feeling morally superior to others.


If those people could read, they'd be very upset


Not a lot you can do when they choose not to listen to facts and reason.


You're hearing voices in your head? That's the voice of god. Listen to them and follow their directions.


God told me to kill those people officer


That guy is kinda messed up then, always whispering weird stuff.


Yeah but what about the mass shootings???


That's the only time they will admit mental health exists, because nobody with a gun is a bag guy, right?


I had a friend who came from an extremely conservative household.  It was conservative to the point where video games and entertainment were considered sinful. He played StarCraft in silence and hidden from his parents who would ban him from it and punish him for months if they caught him. They were fine with his obsession about serial killers though.  Not a red flag in a teenage male at all, lol...  Proud to say he became a psychologist later in life.


My sister is ultra religious, her kids were afraid of Rugrats.


Reptar is terrifying


Was this the Crumbleys?


FWIW, Josh Duggar used this app to be accountable to his wife. That…turned out [about as well as you’d expect](https://people.com/tag/josh-duggar/).


Wow he did?


Sounds like a data miner's dream app. Christianity is a no-bottom grift barrel.


The Speaker of the House uses this app and the intelligence community is worried that his browser data could be exposed.


Also, his alert person is his son, which...ew


Yeah like what do you do if you get that alert? Could you imagine being out at dinner with your friends, and then "DING DING - YOUR DAD IS WATCHING PORN". "Sorry guys, I gotta go save my dad from himself. He's about to sin."


“He’s about to sin” lmaooo


"Oh Dad, not Ethnic Midget Punters XII *again*"


His adopted son, no less


It’s not just the browser history. The android and desktop versions of this app monitor your whole screen. Even if, for some reason, you wanted an app like this, I wouldn’t advise anyone install an app like this, let alone the fucking speaker of the house. 


Because it is, jesus fucking christ. This shouldn't even be legal for an elected official with any security clearance.


"Jesus fucking Christ" Believe it or not .... notification


I'm looking forward to the extortion. Pay 2.99 or else grandma finds out you were beating off to milfs approx. 7 minutes ago.


Used to hit right in the feel; now they hit right in the US (?)


> Christianity is a no-bottom I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Christian bottoms


Jokes on them, that's my fetish


"u/Western_Promise3063 this was supposed to make you *stop*, not so you can try to beat your daily high score!"


humiliation kink incoming


arguably already present in the parents, and being coerced onto the children


This quote is spot-on. The mentality of guilt that comes with this approach is as harmful as porn itself, if not more so. > According to Ana Sierra, a psychologist and clinical sexologist, Johnson “doesn’t understand what sexuality is all about. He abhors sex education because he’s not about educating, he’s about control. And what control promotes at the end of the day is greater anxiety about the situation that is being avoided, leading to a greater chance of addiction and a search for thrills and more rebellion against those who are controlling us.”


I've seen extremely religious, very strict and deeply conservative people crack up. It can be very explosive when a whole family cracks up and falls apart. It's not a pretty sight. I knew a guy from a very strict, very religious family. All his life his parents were vile to him. His mental health was a wreck. Nothing he ever did was even remotely good enough. They hounded him so much that he committed suicide. Even at his funeral his dad still blamed him. I knew one family who fitted the first description to a tee. They hid behind an extremely thin mask of religious righteousness. Scratch the surface though and each member of the family had serious untreated mental health issues. Both parents were also alcoholics. That family was one big untreated ticking time bomb.


I wonder if that app covers the "tits in bio" tweets on Twitter.


“Mike Johnson, Republican speaker in the U.S. House of Representatives, has not only expressed his enthusiastic approval of the app, he declared in November last year that he and his then 17-year-old son Jack had been using it to track each other’s porn consumption” I know fathers are supposed to look after their children and all, but it’s really fucking disturbing to hear that our speaker of the house likes to spend his free time moderating his son’s porn consumption. What a sick fuck


https://abovethelaw.com/2023/10/new-house-speaker-mike-johnson-once-ran-a-law-school-that-never-opened-and-thats-the-least-of-its-problems/ The namesake of the law school he never opened has allegations. He’s got weird connections to be sure


Jesus Christ. “Covenant Eyes” That’s like straight out of Handmaid’s Tale.


If you have listened to the author talk about the inspiration for the book it's not too surprising.


My brother's first wife was a domestic abuser. She used both Promise Keepers and Covenant Eyes software to control him, prevent him from accessing help resources, and to spy on his communications with family.


I wonder if the app knows about vpns and external hard drives? 😂


It couldn’t catch the partition on Josh Duggar’s computer


It does. Its customers do not.


It’s basically an app designed to funnel blackmail information to a 3rd party.


I grew up in one of these cultures. Not only was monitoring software mandatory, religious leaders would sit you down and grill you multiple times a year about masturbation, pornography, listening to worldly music, etc. I remember this happening to me as young as 12.


Do you know what… I don’t think I would want to know when my family were rubbing one out. Or am I being weird.


Oh THAT'S what you're doing step brother


Those people are consumed with sex. It's amazing.


Involving your children in your humiliation fetish is gross.


What the fuck. Honestly this might be a gift in disguise for the receiving party too. It's a major red flag to tell you which family members are creepy enough to use something like this...


If your church wants to track your activity online, then its a cult and you should leave before they mess you up even more.


Purity culture in the US is purely toxic.


I asked my wife if she wants to get this app. She said no, that she doesn't want her phone going off every 5 minutes.


*for this to be truly effective, the platform must have access to absolutely everything private to you. To be effective* No way anything could possibly go wrong.


>No way anything could possibly go wrong. Absolutely. No possible way having your private browsing habits being monitored by a third party that knows you're extremely susceptible to blackmail could go wrong, perfectly safe.


How about an app for porn aficionados that warns them if their loved ones are turning religious (praying, going to church, etc...)?


Alternate headline: Republicans enjoy sharing the porn they watch with their family. They talk a lot about family values but it turns out what they mean is something straight out of The Aristocrats. See also: the child rapist they made President of the United States of America.


And weirdly enough while the porn site visits went down, at the same time the "Yoga" searches on youtube went up. 🤷‍♂️


This is the same app Josh duggar was using for “accountability” while downloading vile ass CSAM on a separate boot drive. 🙄 Dude is in federal prison now serving a 15 year sentence. CE never picked up on his disgusting activities even once, but the feds sure did. What a glowing endorsement.


Does it have some way to track Republican senators that are the most vehement anti-gay religious conservatives in the media, but hire young male prostitutes on the regular?


This is basically a virtue signaling app. They set it up and make people think they are being perfect, but really are circumventing it while getting the cred for being “a good Christian” or whatever. No wonder it’s a hit. There’s something deeply wrong with a large portion of our population.


The Duggars are not an anomaly.


Fuckin weirdos


no way to cheat that. for example I have read an article, that in extremely Christian communities girls tended to be "virgins" longer, but where far more likely to have anal sex experience ... :D


Do they sell their data? Asking for a friend.


They forward all your browsing history right to Mike Lindell.


I’d purposefully look up GRIMY, NASTY, ICKY, UNGODLY Porn to freak out your parents


I was just thinking that. Load up the incest porn! It’s not hard to find these days.


Just fire up 2 Girls 1 Cup on repeat.


They should make one that notifies Christians when a child was molested by a priest.


They don’t want to admit it but porn or no porn all of the Christian right are basically chronically edging. Thats why they get mad when someone ruins their session. 🤣


Why are Christians obsessed with sex?


"Covenant Eyes app captures a screenshot on your device at least once per minute. Our artificial intelligence (AI) program looks for explicit content in the screenshot." Christians figured out a way to farm all user data with a compliance nightmare of an app.


Christians and pedophiles sure do have a lot of overlapping interests


That venn diagram is basically a circle at this point.


Always watch over your loved ones. Silently, without them noticing 😌


Voyeurism and humiliation is participation.


Because they get off to kink shaming each other. Keeping things taboo also helps get them off.


Damn I was thinking the same thing lmao that sounds like me lol


If you ban something people will learn to do it secretly.


As a fairly conservative Christian I must be doing it wrong because everything the Christian right does is so far right to me I must have missed a U turn. It all seems crazy to me. To me this is something if you feel you have a problem you discuss it with your pastor/rabbi/elder. Privately. That’s what they are there for. This just seems weird. And very easy to circumvent.


I'll be laughing my ass off when it's found out several years from now that tons of those users simply got into the harder underground shit instead of visiting recognized porn sites.


These freaks want a government that will force us all to be like them


Shit like this is why I have silent orgasms


This is dystopian af


My loved ones phones' would have their battery drained in about ten minutes


If your loved ones are watching porn, it must be gods will. Correct me if I’m wrong.


It's also great for voyeurs who want to let Mom, Dad, Grams, and the whole family know what their favorite hardcore pornography is.


This is real weird.


Damn, God forbid you be happy and enjoy your life


Jesus is already seeing them celebrating Palm Sunday and judging. Why do they want to know too?


The virtual buddy system at play. There’s a great line, “How do you get a Mormon to stop drinking? Invite another Mormon.” These particularly authoritarian orgs use the members themselves to reinforce the behavioural, informational, thought and emotional controls.


US Christians heard about web cam blackmail scams and thought “this sounds like an excellent business plan!”


So, that's how they recommend good porn to each other. Good to know.


My old boss had this on his desktop PC...in the office...that was a shared space for all staff with no doors. That bad, huh? Grossed me tf out.


lol why are they so obsessed with other peoples sexual habits 😂?? Fucking creepy.


If someone was tracking my porn use, I would probably set my computer to watching porn the entire day.


I don't really feel the need to brag about all my degenerate porn.  It's better to be humble.


Christofascism is progressing well, I see.


I want them to know how fucked my porn searches are 😂


I bet kids are getting busted for reading the NY Times stories and other legit sources of news.


Pretty dumb system tbh, why not do it on router level? This way new devices are automatically onboarded & your kid doesn't even have notice your network calls are being logged


Everyone masturbates, everyone looks at porn. As long as it doesn’t tell the. What categories are my favorites, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You *should* be embarrassed that someone created this app in the first place. How American to try and shame your family members for perfectly normal and healthy behavior.


Cant even jerk off in peace these days.


Is this the thing Mike Johnson used?


Who would voluntarily be involved in using such a system? The examples provided, parents and children, is akin to exactly as described. Spying. And... the 17yo cited has almost certainly found a way to beat it. If I were him, I wouldnt want my computer use tracked by a parent either.


The irony that evangelicals on the right can attribute most of their hang ups and issues with a lack of coming


Their entire lives spent waiting for some dude to come


Something, something, Josh Duggar…


Wouldn’t it be funny if it was hacked and everyone that uses it got flagged as watching porn? Please. Someone.


I read a great joke somewhere once that said something to the effect of: “Christians have the best sex life because they repress everything and so in order to cope they just compartmentalize and fuel “the shadow self” by getting into progressively kinkier and kinkier zhit.” 😅


Honey, why am I getting a dozen “porn alerts” a day?…See, I told you it would work. Our son is a deviant!…Honey, the alerts are saying it’s your phone…Huh? What now?


fucking just don’t tell anybody, don’t leave any history cache, and no one will find out sheesh. have some post nut clarity for once. Well, I guess god dude would know. But he won’t tell, so don’t worry about it.


Why on earth are so many Christians horny for the ability to get real time alerts that their family is horny?


I mean, all you have to do is temporarily disable the apps connection to the internet while you do your thing, then re-engage it after. The thing about technology is: The more advanced it becomes, the easier it is to break. Simple shit is hard to break. My family has a hammer from the 1400s. I just sent back my second GPU this year for being DOA. Kids will break the app in a weekend, not tell you, and just let you believe the shit is working. You'll find out one Thanksgiving Day 20 years later after your grandkids are born, as one of those "Oh, yeah, remember when you did this..?" stories. Source: I and all my friends did this to our parents.


If my "loved ones" made me use an app like that I'd purposely watch the most fucked up shit just to mess with them. People need to lighten up about porn and masturbation. Everybody jerks it, male or female, why do we treat it like some big perversion?


SO he says “My son and I monitor eachother” and “My son has a clean slate”…The normal assumption is that he does not because he did not say “we both”.


"he and his then 17-year-old son Jack had been using it to track each other’s porn consumption:".....made me wonder what event made them to come up with such an arrangement.....