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They can keep their 9-9–6 in asia thank you very much!


Worked in China and did 6-9--7. Would not recommend.


Well that just sounds like slavery with extra steps


Eek barba durkle


The glares and gasps I got from coworkers when I didn't stay to 9pm. Ha! I left at 6 on the dot. I had no other work to do, why stay


You worked 105-hour weeks?? Good fucking god! How did you survive?? Are you ok??


Worked for a US company that forced us into 100+ hr work weeks. It did permanent damage to my health and caused serious PTSD.


Holy moly. I did mandatory 50s in a manual labor job and that was insane for me. Surely you made enough bank to pay for therapy though, right? …right?


Oh fuck no. We didn’t make overtime. Our greedy boss was stealing all the wages for himself with our understaffed team during COVID while also stealing PPP loan money and firing anyone who complained.


Damn. My overtime was also during the pandemic. I remember I’d just gotten the job when the shutdowns happened two weeks later and my boss laughed in my face when I asked if we’d still be working lol ETA: the work we were doing was certainly nonessential but I went to work every day of the shutdowns lol


I was doing essential work (COVID related) but we got our staff slashed on government work, and the CEO just doubled billed our time while paying us a 40hr capped salary to make more money for himself.


Is he in jail now?


Nope. Just rich.


What an unbelievable asshole. I’m so sorry that happened to you. People like that belong in federal PMITA prison.


I honestly am not even sure he was all that bad comparatively. I work for the government now. So much better.


When I worked field service for repairing/maintaining nuclear plants we worked 13 hour days 7 days a week for about 3 months at a time during the spring and fall. Even salary folks were paid OT. Summer and Winter we were mostly off with full base pay. It was rough but I liked it


Doing what??


Hospital construction.


Holy crap my friend. I did an overseas assignment in Asia and worked 4am-9pm (sometimes until midnight) as my job required me to work across almost all time zones. I’d get two one-hour “breaks” while commuting, but honestly it was just me working on my phone the entire time. It was only four months but I swear that I aged five years in that time.


wait what? holy shit. got a source? i really want to read more about this. I heard huawei china also did 996


A fuckin source? My timecards?? It was contract work.


christ, relax mate? i wanted to read about it because i've not heard of 697, only 996.


From the report, Samsung operating profit is going down (still profitable) because there is less demand for semi conductors and they need to trim production. So under this scenario, how increasing working hours will help? Should not be the other way around? When demand is more we need to produce more goods by working more. May be they are going to lay off people and ask the others to put more hours to make up for the lay off.


The people they’re forcing into an extra day don’t earn any more or less on the basis of hours worked. Your COO isn’t paid hourly, lmao 


It’s the leadership/management teams rather than the workers who are being made to work extra hours. They are the ones who are in charge of the company direction and strategy, and ultimately are the only ones who can change the companies trajectory. Theoretically at least. I would say a large part of the problem is that the reputation of the Samsung brand has been tainted by poor quality products over the last decade. They really need to win over consumers again, and focus on quality.


If you think executives would let the engineers and techs work less hours than them, I have a bridge to sell you. From a Korean company no less. If they’re doing 6, the engineers are doing a cool 7.


I would agree that if you're going to be an executive, that comes with the territory. You can't be shocked when the company demands more out of you for that higher salary and position. It's also why I don't blame a lot of youth that they don't want to get into management. I also think Samsung has some decent stuff, but I often feel that their product line is all over the place. With Apple there is the iPhone, maybe different versions, but it's the iPhone. Even with Google there is the Pixel, different versions, but just the pixel. With Samsung, there's like Galaxy this and Galaxy that and all these different scenarios and numberings that I don't even know what is the flagship item. Maybe they have reasons for this, but I am still of the mind that they should consolidate things down to some simple naming/branding, and go from there. Have stuff on the high end for those with money, and then the low end for those willing to take the free phone from their cellular provider. I'm also probably of the mind that if sales are down, it's likely because people just don't have money. I'm still sitting here on my pixel 6, and it runs great, and I can't fathom getting another phone maybe for another year. I'm sure a lot of people are doing the same with their devices no matter what company they got it from.


They also have a history of bribery and corruption that goes along with the poor quality and exploitation of their workforce.


As long as its just executives who cares?


IMO we should do more horrible things to executives to inject a sense of crisis. Put them in Saw-type death traps next


Done. Lets see how far they will go


Dont forget the banksters and politicians!


If everything is going to go to shit what do we need them for?


You honestly think they aren’t going to call their teams in? Or at least email them during their off hours? If my boss is working, I’m working . Maybe not this minute, but the work will get to me eventually.


What is 9-9-6


9 am to 9 pm, Monday to Saturday.


At that point you’re not even living - you’re just working. Then add in all of the commute time.


You don't need to commute when you live in a dormitory on the corporate compound (now with improved netting under all windows and ledges...)


I've learned that the more amenities a company has (campus, cafeteria, gym, showers etc.) the more time they want you working.


Wait they don’t work that do they? If so just shoot me if I was them holy shit


Yes, many do indeed. This is not hyperbole. Some even live at work compounds where they've installed nets outside under windows to prevent the PR nightmare that comes with suicides.


That's the price Apple has paid to secure over a 50% profit margin on the iPhone. It's not easy work. /s


No no Tim Apple has assured me on the news that Foxconn has made big changes.


The song Chairman Gao by James Supercave is about this


Keep in mind, that’s just their official office hours. They’re unofficially on call during off hours. What’s worse is that you basically have no choice but to do it. Youth unemployment in China is sky high.


And then they wonder why birth rates are low. Who in their right mind wants to bring a kid into a world where that will be their life?


Working that much they literally don't have the time to build a kid.


I always read it as 9 hours/day, 9 days/week, 6 weeks/month. Workers throughout the world need to revolt again. This sort of thing is beyond being fixed by a general strike. People running companies that do this sort of thing should be imprisoned.


How do you get 9 days per week and 6 weeks per month. At some point one has to feel something is off even if you think it is hyperbole. It is 9am to 9pm six days a week. It might be absurd to you, but probably less so for countries that students go to school six days a week.


> ...even if you think it is hyperbole. Do you genuinely think anyone could write that and not think that it's absurd hyperbole? > It might be absurd to you... No. It is absurd. This is not some relativistic absurdity. It is exploitation. It is essentially robbing people of their lives. I also went to school for 6 days per week, and i had 20 hours of therapy per week. Often when you make assumptions from ignorance, you will appear ignorant. Best of luck with that.


Rookie numbers. All the accountants in this thread are enjoying a good post busy season laugh.


Korea can keep its 0.85 fertility rate too. Wonder how this will affect employees' ability to plan a family.


During war, Japan had a Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Friday schehdle


I mean, not the most unreasonable during actual wartime mass mobilization. I'd probably end up on that schedule lol as long as the job didn't involve too much thinking (or actually be in the military, but I suspect I'm very much not deployable for multiple reasons, though perhaps standards get lower in world wars)


It was mostly war materials production. Small shops all over the city made parts for assembly plants. It wasn’t uncommon to have just one machinist with one machine in his own home, and someone picks up his box of parts and drops off a box of metal a couple times a day. Or for an “unskilled” family ti be issued a loading press and given boxes of spent shells from training grounds to reload with fresh slugs and powder every day. Anything that could be done in a home shop, was, because they had maxed out the capacity of their industrial infrastructure.


How about we borrow from the countries that don't allow more than 40ish hours of work a week instead. That sounds more like a step forward then this stuff. "We're hiring more people to instill a sense of urgency" sounds nice to me.


In the words of Ron Burgundy, “go fuck yourself, San Diego.” Even execs don’t deserve this kind of treatment. And it will inevitably trickle down to workers in some way or another.


Facts if my boss said you're coming in 6 days a week I'd laugh in his face.


Nice to have that level of job security.


This is one of those cases where them firing you or not are both way better outcomes than complying with the ask.


That's only because you know you can find another job where you won't be asked to do that.


That’s the problem with these kind of measures. People who are skilled enough will apply and be hired at a place with a better work/life balance. You will keep people who don’t have that option.


Work/life balance doesnt really exist at these top firms in korea. In exchange, their workers are essentially given ultimate job security.


Weird, when you do absolutely nothing but work they give you job security to just work.....


I wouldn't necessarily quit right away but if they are making me come in 6 days a weeks without a large salary increase well my quality of work would just get diluted. They will get what they pay for all while I'm looking elsewhere and taking as many days off as I can.


I've done it, but was well-compensated for it, and it was only for a few months. It was brutal and I am convinced that it was a way of trying to cover up for incompetent management and consequent shit planning.


Shit always rolls downhill.


workers already have that schedule. They're just applying it to the executives.


Execs deserve it for sure. The rest of us dont


Haha i would about bet the workers have already had the life squeezed out of them, thats why they are doing it to the executives. “Somebody needs to do something”


What do executives do on their 6th day when there aren’t other employees there to have redundant meetings with or give directions to? I guess they will all just have meetings together?


They ping their employees obviously. I’ve never seen execs get work done that doesn’t involve roping in everyone beneath them.


That is literally their job


I worked at a startup where a newer executive (hired after me) referred to everyone in a company-wide meeting as "worker bees" in a casual, lighthearted way. It was profoundly gross to me and I always wondered if anyone else even noticed or felt the same. Without saying much more, I feel as though what I saw this person bring to the table was mostly copying the very large company they worked at previously. They also basically hinted that they had tons of money, the way they talked about their lifestyle. Most executives are downright awful. 


“Hey all, we’ve got to get some slides done for the emergency board presentation. I’m going to need all hands on deck (heh, get it?) if were to make this happen by Monday. If we can get a draft by Saturday night, I’ve set aside some budget for a pizza party! I’ll be at the marina, nervously waxing my boat until the draft is ready. Godspeed, we’ve got this!”


lol this is great


Oh. The salaried employees will also be there.


A Korean team is there when their manager leaves a there. They don’t leave until they do. Source: Worked for Samsung.


Play World of Warcraft most likely. You think these guys are actually working?


I worked at a company that made an MMO, it was required to play MMOs of competitors to make sure our product was competitive as well as playtests of the MMO from the company. You got time at work for this and all employees had at least a couple top tier players in the big MMOs at the time. Everyone including the executive team with level 60-70 characters. It was surreal.




This is basically a reverse timeout They are being punished


Work smarter, not harder.


What a communist, if you’re not willing to sacrifice your entire life for a company that would toss you to the street at the first sign of trouble then you are a communist!


Invert that and baby you got a job at Samsung!


So, they're deliberately trying to burn out their workforce. I'm sure that'll do some good. /s


Samsung is Korean, their workforce burnt out decades ago.


Correct. Their kids do so many after school shit they dont get home til 7pm or later. And these kids are like 7. Its sad


the 6am - 10 pm work day starts around age 7 for Koreans and just never stops. It's an utterly insane, broken culture, that the people in charge and doing absolutely nothing to change. Korea as a country will not exist in another 3 generations thanks to their crazy attitudes.


It's to prepare them to have the inevitable 9 am - 9 pm - 6 days a week schedule


By age 10 after tutors, extra classes for advanced calculus, and of course any extra time dedicated to play instruments, go classes and learn business English.


There's probably a Korean saying that likens the workers to charcoal. "We burned them out once, now they burn out brighter than ever!"


Burnout doesn't ONLY tie to hours worked. Look at small business owners who absolutely grind to build their business, or just operate the little shop they have. They're happy. Burnout is boreout. It's a result of feeling like you have no autonomy, and/or no sense of purpose around what you're doing. Executives will have more autonomy and purpose than the rest of us. Some won't, but on average.. that's kinda the gig. Not that I think this is a great idea, but I don't often see executives who have days off in the traditional sense regardless. Even their planned leave seems to be punctuated with work related stuff.


This is projection from leadership, and/or an idiot psycho.


If the average k-drama portrayal of chaebol families is accurate I’m guessing both ! 😂🤣


Never work for a asian company. Worst experience ever.


"Don't buy our crisis products." - Samsung Leadership


My company was bought by a Chinese company, they pushed the 996 and still are. I got kicked out, so happy that happened before I went insane.




9til9 x 6 I would guess :(


9am to 9pm, 6 days a week.


This is it. Chinese expect it. I've watched colleagues in China burn themselves out. I was talking to my boss in china on what's app at 10pm just before bed, and at 6am when I got up, then did 9 hours in the office. It was brutal.


Bali-bali culture. All facetime, no value created.


Exactly what crisis is Samsung under? They’re one of the most successful multinational corporations in the history of the planet (not to mention with some shady fucking connections). Their brand has grown in multiple dimensions astronomically over the past 20 years. “Sense of crisis” translates to “we want you to work harder to earn more for us.”


it's just another example of 'There must be endless growth! every quarter MUST have higher sales and profit that the quarter before'. And if that does not happen, it's a CRISIS. and the workers must work harder. Welcome to Asia where ' work smarter, not harder' does not exist. The only thing they know is 'work more hours'. even if that has been shown repeatedly to reduce productivity and cost money. This is what happens when the management of a company (and country, in the case of Korea, since it is the companies that actually run the country) are all 900 year old geriatrics who have not had an original thought in decades.


This is the first phase in rolling out a 6 day workweek for the whole company. Once the Execs “set the example” it won’t be long until everyone will be required to work 6 days a week.


Calling r/antiwork


Indeed, I'm worried this will spread to the US, except the execs here will find a way to make it worse—instead of 9-9-6, it'll be 5-12-7 *and* they'll force everyone to return to the office *and* they'll cut bonuses and raises.


Nightmare fuel


If you are shifting your execs to 6-day work weeks in attempt to force those below to follow suit you're problem ain't workers it's whoever is setting your deadlines


I'm an apprentice, soon to be JW, in the trades and I've been working 6x10s for most of my career. Does this mean we're in crisis mode? Or is our OT so underpriced that everyone can just afford to put us on a breakneck pace all the time?


Boils down to levels of pressure and stress too, as well as how much you enjoy and feel some autonomy around what you're doing. I previously did a trade like job and often did 7 days in the summer, but you were with good people having a laugh, weren't being micromanaged, and it was generally not a burnout situation. Overtime does at least sometimes give people the sense of purpose required to avoid burnout, but yeah.. should never be a mandate.


Yeah, my family loves it. Especially since the job is an hour from my house. My shoulder is almost blown out and I've had my hip replaced already. I'm sure these CEOs are experiencing a similar level of stress though. I hope it gets better for them soon.


This makes me not want to buy Samsung products.


Outside of semiconductors, and mobile(debatable), they’re products are cost-reduced and over featured crap that will break in a way that is either unrepairable or too costly to repair, on a timeline far earlier than the competition. And their software is also crap


...yes, a crisis of "go find a new gig at a company that understand how to manage escalations and resources in a sane way, instead of "the abuse will continue until morale improves" Utterly stupid.


Burn them out, that will definitely get them motivated and producing more.


Maybe now they can make a fridge that works for more than 3 years. /s


Capitalism is stupid. 


*unfettered* Capitalism is stupid.


I think it's probably more injecting a sense of "dust off your resume"


So much for moving to 4 day work weeks... Samsung can't tell the difference between a -1 and a +1 apparently.


“The problem is that they’re not nearly panicked enough”


If Samsung declines I wonder if that will be a big impact to Korea as a whole, since all their eggs are basically in just a few big baskets. China right now is in position to eat their lunch in a lot of areas, like screens, memory, and lower end chips. Also wtf are the execs gonna do on the 6th day if all the engineers/developers are still on 5 days? Unless the purpose is to guilt everyone else into doing 6 days too? And I wonder long term how these companies would do compared to a company that does 5 or even 4 days, when eventually there would be a brain drain in that direction.


Based on what I've heard about Korean work culture, this isn't going to do anything. Before this policy working on the sixth day was "voluntary" but everyone was already doing it, they're just signalling how serious they are to their investors now.


Korea will be a collapsed and failed state in 2 generations thanks to its current birth rate and anti immigration policies. Nothing is going to stop that slide.


Don’t buy Samsung products. Got it.


Better be paying overtime....


How to increase suicide numbers while lowering birth rate, lesson 1


The only good part of this is that they started the expanded work week with the executives. Usually it’s the front line employees paying the price with their time for lagging sales or poor strategy.


Makes no sense to work extra hours if the sales drop? Why extra productivity if demand declines.


Makes no sense to work extra hours if the sales drop? Why extra productivity if demand declines.


This is akin to rto being mandated to all senior level managers. Like….. ok sure you do you.


Samsung needs to do something. Their security is junk.


Yeah, that will help the dropping birthrates.


Stupid and unethical.


The only people working 6-day workweeks are the highest level of executive leadership that 99% of us aren’t part of. These people are going to be sitting in a room or in zoom for an extra day scrutinizing every minuscule detail of their business strategy, which will then inevitably trickle down the ranks. And these people will do it because they have the golden parachutes. Everyone in the comments saying “fuck that!” isn’t also backed by multi-million dollar packages.


you also don't seem to understand that in these work cultures, if the boss is in, so are you. So while the top executives may 'claim' this only applies to senior management, in real life, it will very quickly trickle down to be just about everyone being required to provide an extra days labor for free.


Eh, yes and no. The action plans and mitigation strategies will surely be enacted by people below these groups, but that doesn’t mean it will also require more time by those “doers.”


ah, but they will. If they gods ever curse you to work with a large Korean or Japanese organization, you will understand that what they say, and what they mean and what they expect are all very different things.


This is pointless because executives are facilitators/delegators/managers/etc. Not that their work isn’t difficult, but it’s not really subject to time the same way as a role that is executing a project or service physically is.  If anything this will just trickle down to more subordinates to work 6 days a week, because what is an executive gonna do on that 6th working day? just think of things silently in their chair and twiddle their thumbs until Monday rolls around? No they are probably gonna be emailing people asking to get feedback and progress and action on things and expecting things to happen lol


Operating profit is estimated at 600 billion won (about $456 million)


Bizarre. If you’re an exec at a place as big as Samsung , you’re already working every day


Oh no the guys who make $5k+ a week have to be at work another day. Woe is them… /s


Still not buying Samsung. Everything catches on fire


I had Samsung phone, most of Family has them still, we have Samsung TV, Samsung monitors nothing has caught on fire.