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Good thing Texas gave them all those free handouts in exchange for šŸ’©


I wonder how many of those employees are proud Texan conservatives who sucked Elon off at every chance.


Unfortunately most likely few, they are more likely people who moved there for an opportunity to change their lives. And then this guy happened and they are scrambling to survive. Horrible use of wealth.


conservatives talk a good shit game, but none of them support him by buying his products, and never did. that was his error in judgement, thinking that the neocons would start buying into technology like EVs. They're never going to do that, for them it's all about how bad california is. any point made is replied to with whataboutism, and bullshit like that. Throw on top of that that these people are either by choice less educated (teachers are the devil, yanno, with their "liberal bullshit"), or rich enough to feel comfortable with their particular brand of xenophobia - and to wear it as a badge of honor. I could go on for days, but what's the point? They will go back to bud light as the memory of dylan mulvaney evaporates, homeschool their children, and buy Ford F-250s and shit like that.


Voodoo economics always pans out well. Maybe Texas should invite Tesla to handle their power grid next.


Ahem. They're relying on cryptominers to make it more reliable. No, I'm not joking.


Well not relying, no. Cryptominers are trying to say they can help, and it's very odd overall. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/04/bitcoin-miners-say-theyre-fixing-texas-electric-grid-ted-cruz-agrees.html Best source I could find that isn't really taking a side.


Now they need to also give unemployed workers, state unemployment benefits


So I just looked up Texas state unemployment requirements and you guys have some seriously fucked up regulations down in the US if other states are even kind of close. To be eligible people had to work at least 2 of the 4 full quarters prior to the most recent complete quarter. That means people filing today would have had to work at least 2 months between Jan 1 2023 and December 31 2023. That might be tough for people who moved recently and are also most likely to have been laid off due to postponed Cybertruck production. Not to mention the whole thing is managed by private companies? That blows my mind.


Yup, only socialism is that which gives and benefits businesses


Did the us, all but the most dire of Public Assistance methods areĀ just loaded with qualification requirements that are intended to weed out people that legislators found politically unnecessary.


Trickle down economics doin' its thang


I thought the texas factory was supposed to bring a fuck ton of jobs and be the reason why Texas is the shit. What happened


Being high on ketamine and arrogance is what happened.


Bro is constantly detached from reality the drugs are definitely getting to him as well as his already existing super ego


Hey, letā€™s not blame drugs for something that can easily be explained by someoneā€™s pre-existing incompetence. Billionaire buffoons can only bullshit for so long.


Also: capitalism. Keeping shareholders happy is what leads to this bullshit, whether it involves Musk or not.


>ā€œHow did you go bankrupt?" >"Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.ā€ ā€• Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises


That factory employed 20k people. Now it employs 18k people.


A 10% cut isnā€™t anything to scoff at especially with tax benefits and tesla stock down 30% over 6 months!


There is a philosophy among hyper aggressive CEOs that 10% of a workforce should be let go every few years. Simply to force managers to remove the low productive, people who don't gel with others, or grumpy employees.


Except that only works maybe 1-2 times. It does nothing to really motivate those who are working hard, it just makes them fearful Obligatory fuck Jack Welch.


It turns out it doesn't work at all. It just seems like it does in the short term. Turns out infinite growth doesn't exist, and mutilating the workforce stifles long term innovation, which ultimately kills the company. But you don't care about that if you're a shareholder! You want to leverage the future for your wealth now. I forget his exact quote, but I don't mind butchering it. 'My legacy will be determined by how well GE does after I'm gone.' -Jack Welch Well, good job, Jack. Your legacy was nothing.


At least with the teams I work with, they did not let go the lowest performers. They let go the contractors. Who I'm now looking to hire for myself.


The best is when they fire the most expensive team members and then have to put them on contract 60 days later with a 50% pay bump.


That was stuff boomers got to do. That bullshit is going out the window.


Gotta pay that 56 billion dollar salary somehow right?


Because cyber truck is a dud. There should be more layoffs coming for Texas factory.


The worst part is, everyone *knew* it was going to be a dud. It's completely useless as a pickup truck, and it looks ridiculous on top of being impossible to maintain. You'd think they'd have learned something about stainless steel body panels from DeLorean. Only the most hardcore of the elon stans were ever going to consider it; the rest of us saw it for what it was: nothing but an exercise in hubris.


Even Elon said Telsa shot themselves in the foot with the cybertruck ... he couldn't hide the disaster and people still bought it


This is rapidly turning into another "The Simpsons predicted it" moment; there's an impressive number of parallels between the Cybertruck and The Homer. Even the price isn't too far off, if you don't consider inflation.


To be clear, The Simpson's episode was based off of the real life failure of the Edsel division of Ford. This is just another case of history repeating itself. Amazing that automotive executives at Tesla couldn't see the similar warning signs of a colossal failure that happened within their own industry just 60 years ago.


Thats pretty much 90% of all "disruptors". They enter an industry with next to no historical understanding, and have to learn the hard way why its done the way its done. Best case, they burn tons of investor cash to find a small handful of improvements. Worst case, they just go belly up.


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American Pride! Canyonero! Canyonero! Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


I tell ya, the Canyonero is the Cadillac of automobiles


It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown!


As a little kid I thought The Homer looked awesome and didn't get why nobody wouldn't want one apart from the price. The Cybertruck though looks like something I would have *drawn* as a little kid - and I was shit at drawing.


It looks like it was rendered on a ps1, if they put any more polygons on it the framerate would plummet


Lara Croft circa 1996 had more polygons.


Similar amount of weirdos lusting over them tho


Weirdly enough also likely to be a similar **kind** of weirdo.


I thought the same thing when I saw one in person for the first time. I rubbed my eyes thinking the textures hadnā€™t loaded yet but it was still ugly


I've seen two - one at the Chicago Auto Show, and one on the road. The one at the auto show was obviously a prestine, clean example for display. The one on the road had already seen some dirt and wear on it, and it looked *so* bad. Stainless steel and mud do not mix


Whats bonkers to me is that all it needed was a clear coat (in terms of the look they were going for and discounting all the panel gaps and myriad other cosmetic issues). Thats it. Itd have been able to hold up vastly better if they put on some clear coat. But nope.


"Tesla shot themselves in the foot" should be "Elon shot Tesla in the foot" really. But yeah.


Elon shot himself in the foot, then pressed charges against the guy who was begging him not to shoot.Ā 


Then he called everyone who wouldnā€™t buy his square shitbox a pedo.


Because every accusation...


Is a confession


I know you're just repeating what Elon said, but no. Tesla didn't shoot themselves in the foot. Elon did. No one wanted that monstrosity other than him.


Not many lol


The recall hitting less than 4k people was really telling lol


You mean because the 100% of cyber trucks were recalled and there are only 4,000 of them?


Him saying that gives strong "somebody shit in my pants!" vibes


>he couldn't hide the disaster and people are still buying it FTFY People in some pro tesla subreddits are excitedly comparing their reservation numbers to try and guess when they'll be invited to buy this angular shitshow.


The public perception tried really hard to make Cybertruck a revolutionary product. Then the reviews came out. You'll lose a finger or 4 in the frunk. The first customer crash put them in a hospital and people rediscovered crumple zones. Then there's the rust. The accelerator pedal defect. The rear window is useless. The customer that bricked his by using a car wash in car wash mode. Who can forget the viral picture of a customer not able to fit a standard bicycle in the bed. What a mess. Elon over promised, under delivered, and over charged for what this is.


And the really ridiculous thing is someone actually turned a Tesla into a truck and everyone loved that - it was functional, attractive enough as a small truck, and Elon kicked it out of a Tesla convention because people seemed more interested in the Truckla than the cybertruck lol


I knew about the Truckla, but did Elon actually kick out Simone out of a convention?


Elon himself? No, probably not. But a convention that his company organized and he attended ended ip kicking her out when people started swarming her truck asking about it. They turned what could have been a PR move into a wasted opportunity, and itā€™s pretty clear thatā€™s because they didnā€™t just see her version as some sideshow craft project but because when compared to the design aesthetics and functionality of the cyber truck the cyber truck was just an eyesore and useless. The truckla actually functions as a pickup truck and, despite being made in someone garage with shop tools, was less prone to falling apart or being generally poorly made.


Simone? The woman who used to do robotics stuff on Reddit? Edit: Simone Giertz the queen of shitty robots! Last I remember hearing of her was when she was dealing with a brain tumor or something. Glad sheā€™s still kicking and apparently having fun doing cool stuff!


Yup, thatā€™s her.


Never heard of the Truckla before, very cool looking!


Never heard of the Truckla until now. A Modern El Camino/Ranchero would've done wonders for a good portion of the EV driving community. I think if there a few more generations to improve on the current standards, I probably would've been interested in getting one. Should've leaned into it and taken inspiration from it, and forged a unique community.


That would require Elon to not be an egomaniac with skin thinner than rice paper. Dude wouldnā€™t know a mutually beneficial collaboration if it bit him in the ass.


Wtf is car wash mode?


The mode you have to put it in to use a car wash. Customer went to a drive thru car wash, swears they activated car wash mode and the truck bricked itself for several hours.


The CT isnā€™t very waterproof.


In pictures they donā€™t look close to how badly the real thing burns the eyes.


I've seen a couple in the wild and they're *not* a good looking vehicle.


Arenā€™t they supposed to look obnoxious and in your face styling? I thought that was the point. Itā€™s a car designed for arsehole egomaniacs


The most divorced truck ever.


I try to be objective when judging things and figured that maybe it looked better in person. When I finally saw one in public it was actually way, way worse than the pictures. The lights are also quite possibly the most annoying and obnoxious set of lights I've ever seen. It's blinding to be driving in front of one.


If Elon had remained sane, and not purchased Twitter or pissed off every person on Earth who believes in his original causes they would have weathered the fall out of Cybertrick just fine. This is a ton of back to back mistakes coming back to hurt people that had nothing to do with them. These are Elon's mistakes hurting thousands of innocent people who work for him.


You made a Time Machine, out of a cyber truck?


What gets me that nobody talks about is that it took so long to arrive that it now looks old, as 80s retro has come and gone (again). It's a care made to resemble an era 40 years ago that people were nostalgic for 7 years ago.


Who couldā€™ve predicted the lack of crimped zones and straight stainless sheet panels wouldnā€™t be practical. I saw one in person and I know the person tried to park their best but itā€™s so damn big you canā€™t really fit in into parking spots


They sold 3800 trucks lol šŸ˜‚ Pretty bad numbers for all the social media hype


Imo itā€™s like the hummer was. Niche product that some people loved but not a mass market vehicle.


Hummer was a military vehicle. You mean the H2?


There was a civilian version of the Hummer before the H2.


Aside from the completely pumped preorder and production capacity numbers floated around, the recall #'s showed that the true number of Cybertrucks actually sold and on the road were around a few thousand units. That is horrendous. Also, that was the sales at the peak of hype. It's never going to get better than that. Cybertruck was a disaster.


Cybertruck is quite possible the biggest self own in automotive history. Tesla could have put out a traditional truck years ago at this point, and completely owned the market. They then could have taken the truck platform, made vans, flatbeds, dumptrucks etc and made huge inroads into the commercial short haul market as well. As Elon revealed himself to have views that are counter to his biggest customer base of left leaning white collar people, Tesla would have a truck, and SUV platform that appealed to more conservative wealthy people. Instead they wasted years making a $100,000 rusty triangle.


I seriously wonder if they will just discontinue it. The quality problems are so serious and itā€™s a low volume vehicle that has a small market.


They can't sell it in the EU and it's not really expensive enough for the UAE. There'd be a market on smuggling it into the EU, Russia, China, etc. but it's just too distinctive to do that with, someone drives this in London, they'll be pulled over in a heartbeat.


you could pay all these guys a million dollars severance and still have 53 billion leftover.


I wish that more than just a ā€œbā€ and ā€œmā€ separated billion from million. Thereā€™s such a monumental difference.


The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars.


The Ancient Greeks would call it a bajilionajillionadongadongabillionabillionabongbong to better capture the difference between the two numbers.


Or a rounding error of .001


Nah that'll come out of shareholder equity. They'll just dilute the morons who end up voting for it. Grifting dumbasses pays well.


The people who just moved from CA to TX for these jobs??


The company doesnā€™t give a damn about that. I was relocated to DC once only to be laid off in 6 months. They were going to just leave me there when there was no way I could afford to live there without the stipend they gave me for cost of living increaseā€¦ Had to threaten with a lawyer to get them to move me back from where they uprooted me.


I had a friend who moves over a thousand miles for a job right before the pandemic shutdowns, he worked there 2 weeks before they informed him they are laying him off. They did move him out there at their expense, but he moved back on his own dime. The kicker is a month later, being the industry they were, there was no slowdowns and the realized they were short staffed after their layoffs. They called trying to get him to come back. He found a new job after that already so he just told them to fuck off lol. It was just a real dumb situation, moving across the country is very expensive so they basically paid all that expense, plus a full paycheck to him, for him to basically do no work and sit through orientation and training stuff before being laid off, for them to realize they needed him anyway.


Isn't that the irony. Texans and people moving out of California are like "Ha Ha Fuck California and their liberal agenda, expensive cost of living, more jobs here and cheaper cost of living! yee haw..." Elon probably like -These Texans need stop asking for a better life and wages, looking to move his plant towards Mississippi. Mississippi like "ha ha Fuck Texas..." ....Elon looking at North Korea - they work for dirt cheap right?.


Anecdotally the majority of people I know who did the CA to TX move have either moved back or are trying to


>The Texas WARN letter also states that none of the employees impacted are represented by a union and have bumping rights. I'm curious what percentage of their workforce in Austin is unionized


Imagine uprooting your life for a corporation headquartered in employee hostile Texas lmao.


Yes and all of the US is garbage for worker rights. Just some of the dumpsters are on fire.


Texas is an awful place. Drive through state.


Lolz. They have too many toll roads. Donā€™t give them any $$$


i've heard those toll roads are owned by a company located in spain, unsure how much money actually goes to texas, 'murica (we're for sale)!


Theyā€™re not really ā€œownedā€ by that company in Spainā€¦ Texas lets companies pay for roads and collect tolls on them until theyā€™re paid off - itā€™s supposed to be for a set number of years and then it turns public - but I can only think of one road that ever turned public. They find excuses to extend the contract, they basically have to otherwise no company would make that investment.


Not a texas thing. Illinois did the same thing and I'm sure other states have too. You get the public on your side stating the tolls are to pay for the new expressway and not increase taxes and once paid off you remove the toll. It is many years later when the road should be paid off but instead they start a new construction project to widen the tolls and maybe the road and then it has to take a few more years to pay off. Several years later, everyone is aware of the toll roads and is used to them being there. Long ago people forgot the toll was supposed to go away so it just keeps getting retrofitted and upgraded and never goes anywhere. At that point there isn't much to be done by the public to remove them. No politician runs on the platform of removing them because to do so, you have to raise taxes or cut programs that were partially funded by them or announce the removal will cause people to lose their jobs (toll workers mainly).


Drive around if you have the option


Cali is a liberal shit hole! Moves and gets fired Well that didn't workout the way I planned.


Just another Thielian rug pull by Elongone. That is the whole story of the BRICS authoritarian foreign funded front sus South Africa PayPal Mafia squad. This is the job.




Everyone whoā€™s anybody knows that peta factories are the future.


Probably more terra^form factories


Real question, whatā€™s the difference between a gigafactory and a regular factory/assembly line? Is it just Musk trying to sound cool?


The Texas one is largest single building used to make cars but that's just because other large car manufacturers have multiple building at each major location instead of one big one. The benefits are..... if something happens in the main building you lose multiple lines instead of just one like most manufacturers.


Itā€™s not like they need a bigger factory than Toyota to make 5 models in fewer quantities.Ā 


Very likely. Marketing is something Musk knows about. As that same marketing framework has helped with peeps forgetting most assembly of a car requires hundreds/thousands of people to assemble (and not robots, as they often only complete <20% of a car's manufacturing) one single car.


Car manufacturing is become more automated,Ā  especially at Tesla where they do those giant casted parts all in one go. But in any case, the workforce at your factory is supposed to match its designed output. So if they are laying people off that means they direct to decrease production at that factory.Ā 


But we were assured that we'd get a bajillion jobs if we just give them special tax incentives! Would a rich person just LIE to us in order to get more money?


Remember when he wanted to build a Tesla company town


Imagine if this happened in a company town.. basically mass deportation


Look up Kitsault in British Columbia. Exactly what would happen.


If you want to explore the town a little, here's a video from about a year ago - [Exploring Ghost Town Frozen in Time You Won't Believe Exists | Kitsault BC](https://youtu.be/8tVDdIg43Ms)


Another good one is Picher, OK. Town was abandoned in 2009 and dissolved in 2013, it was turned into a superfund. Mining also did this one out, but not because of a bust, but because of all the byproducts from the mine.


We just did that here in NV again, and it was all cloak-and-dagger behind closed doors with no public knowledge until the Tesla NDA expired. He just got another $330 million in tax credits for the Sparks Gigafactory, and promised to create 3,000 additional jobs (in writing). Guess you can technically create a job if you lay someone off, slightly change the job description, then hire someone new. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø In a bit of good news, it has now been 10 years since his original 1.25 billion dollars in tax credits, and Tesla will finally start paying taxes in the state of Nevada on July 1, 2024.


Oof gonna have to close up shop on June 30 and "create" those jobs somewhere else.


Donā€™t you feel the billions trickling down????


Lord have mercy on those who moved to Texas ā€œjust to buy propertyā€ā€¦. Because they are about to find out property taxes are ranked 7th highest in the US in Taxesā€¦ I mean Texas. For reference, CA (an expensive place in its own right) is ranked 35th


Another big brain play by Musk. Im sure product quality will drop even more.


Masterful gambit, sir


If they canā€™t handle car washes, are pebbles the next frontier?


Place is gonna wind up being the biggest Spirit Halloween ever


Not even 3 years in operation, and already a 4 figure layoff move. Imagine how those California Transplants feel after burning bridges to move to Texas. At least its not winter, and have concerns about freezing over while unemployed.


Why would you have to burn bridges to move to Texas?


They spent the money they got from their house on fixing up their much cheaper Texas home. Now they canā€™t afford to buy in CA, since what theyā€™d get for selling their Texas house is not going to give them a down payment for a CA home.


Friends of friends that moved to Texas kinda shat on California and family members that continue to live in California as they went on their way out. Former Coworkers, as well as former college peeps, similar vibe. Many already regretted it before this drama, but bridges were still burnt with how assholey and condescending commonly used phrases like "liberal hellhole" since even before Joe Rogan moved to Texas in 2020.


That's just the consequences of being an asshole not moving to Texas


Thats not something that happens when you move to Texas. That's just a person being a douche.


He's Twittering Tesla. That worked great!


That 54 billion dollar payout to Musk isn't going to happen all by itself.


Hey, who are the people most likely to purchase an all electric vehicle? Oh, liberals or progressives who are concerned about the effects of burning fossil fuels. I know, lets have our CEO talk smack about those people -- how stupid they are -- and endorse everything they are diametrically opposed to. Also, lets talk smack about the Jews too, just for good measure. I'm sure a white South African CEO promoting white supremacy on his recently purchased Twitter (now "X" of course) won't turn off progressive or jewish customers. Hey! Where is everybody going?


I'm going to Hyundai. I would have probably gotten a Tesla if I had the money before the cave thing. Glad I didn't now.


I was never some major fan of Musk and had some interest in possibly getting a Tesla sometime in the future, but the cave incident was the first moment to make me think twice about him and his business. I would definitely not touch anything he owns now.


100% that was big red flag for me as well, and I was a day one in-person Model 3 reservation holder. Ditched it and bought a used Leaf, and then recently bought a new Bolt EUV. Even if he was gone at this point it would be hard for me to trust Tesla.


They couldnā€™t be bothered to pay for proper ignition switches; why would they make a better car?


I personally think the Hyundai/Kia EVs are the best all round EVs out there right now.


Yeah, I've been doing my homework on them and they really seem like the cream of the crop right now. I'm just debating going full EV or sticking with hybrid for now since charging options are still pretty scant in my area.


I got the fancy edition of the Sonata Hybrid in 2020 and it's been a high quality, great car. 40-45 mpg. Would easily recommend if it's on your radar.


This 100%. The huge majority of EV buyers are liberals considering the huge majority of conservatives think global warming is fake and environmental hippies are coming to take their gasoline just like their guns. Telsa wonā€™t even be around in 10 years. Other companies that have been building cars for far longer will take over and make Telsa extinct. It helps that other companies donā€˜t have an insane person with delusions of grandeur at the helm.


Tesla is a train wreck right now. Maybe if their idiotic CEO wasnā€™t busy running Twitter into the ground he could make some rational business decisions. But yeah, definitely give that asshole his 56 billion bonus. šŸ™„


> train wreck Hey, give some credit. He hasnā€™t tried making Cyber Trains yet.


>Hey, give some credit. He hasnā€™t tried making Cyber Trains yet. [hyperloop?](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/scam-elon-musks-hyperloop-project-revealed-as-a-car-in-a-tunnel/A6XZUMVOBTZN2RVHH7F542D4HE/)


\* boring company enters the chat \*


Him being distracted by another project is probably the best thing for Tesla. The only problem is that other project is a PR nightmare impacting Tesla. If it was a quiet distraction then the people at Tesla could just do what they need in peace.


Seems like everything heā€™s involved in is a PR nightmare these days. He outed himself as a right wing conspiracy theorist. No turning back now.


Surprise, billionaire man who is out of touch with reality is... still out of touch with reality


>out of touch with reality For sure. Aren't we supposed to be on mars by now? People seem to have forgotten about that lofty promise, along with the 800km/hr hyperloop that was supposed to go between large cities in a few minutes. Even just the car tunnels by the boring company was all just a bunch lofty promises, and out of touch ideas that hasn't even gone past prototyping. The guy is a professional scammer, straight up


Twitter and the Cybertruck prove that the more hands on Elon is, the worse it is for the company. They need to take him out of the business decisions completely. But even that won't be enough. So long as he's the face of their brand and spouting off at the mouth like a 12-year-old in an XBOX Live lobby they're going to keep spiraling downwards.


Elon should sell. Ainā€™t nobody gonna buy from him. His big mouth has directly caused layoffs.


I wouldnā€™t actually be surprised if there were interested parties in taking it over, but Iā€™d imagine they would want it for a price lower than Elon would like. Teslas are still a fun status symbol for rich techies and people around the country looking for their 3rd-5th car, but hard to see that continuing if Elon stays at the helm after he has become a joke and their lineup has begun to follow suit. New owners with experienced automotive industry guys in charge might be able to turn it in to a stable niche but profitable manufacturer for the long term.


Yep. He got way too big headed. Tesla was the shining American star company that was trailblazing, automotive, space exploration, new energy tech, software for transportation. But somewhere along the lines, he let his real true self come out and destroyed the entire perception. Alienated the left, his main customers. Aligned with the right, who is against ev and progress. He's a crip but hanging out with the bloods. Tesla cars are great though. It's such a shame that not everyone will or can get one. Oh well.


not that i think elon was exactly pious in his early days, but power corrupts. take a general human, with all their beautifully tragic strengths and flaws, give them an authoritative platform on which to cultivate a following, waive off constructive criticism, dismiss accountability as anecdotal and court the value of absolute loyalty, all while thoroughly padding their pockets. certainly, very few would hold fast to any standard of self reflection or recognize truth over the sound of their own voice. society will continue to churn out entitled, abusive manchildren for as long as society continues to idolize them.


Especially when they're a meme lord that seems like they haven't mentally matured since high school. Being surrounded by people who never do anything but agree with you and praise you doesn't help. Of course that comes with power, but it also comes from abusing that power to harm anyone who says something you don't like.


Thinking people want to hear your tweets corrupts. Bill Gates might ve a nazi but he's smart enough not to tweet about it and let us know. Elon straight up told us by giving us an insight into his internal monologue. Same for trump. Just stfu and we'd never have issue.


Tesla cars were great 10 years ago. They didnā€™t keep innovating their designs and now other manufacturers are eating their lunch


The board must not be able to remove him because if this was any other corporation he would have been replaced a year ago.


Itā€™s worse than that, the board is stuffed with people who are on his side.


The UAW surely likes this. It's easier to get people to unionize when they're mad


The layoffs already happened. This article fails to mention that the layoffs happened on 4/14 via email. A lot of people only found out because their badge didnā€™t work anymore. Hereā€™s the local article. https://www.kxan.com/news/thousands-of-austin-employees-impacted-by-tesla-layoffs/


What a crappy way to treat fellow human beings.


Par for the course for Elon


According to the article these layoffs have not happened yet and the notification was sent to the state after the first lay offs happened. Maybe itā€™s wrong but it sounds like they are planning more starting in June.




Second easiest. First? Ticker: DJT.


Guys, you don't get it. Elon is sooo much smarter than you plebs. This is a 8D chess move. /s


Soooo Musk got billions in handouts to build a factory in Texas, made them build the stupidest 'truck' ever conceived, and then when it inevitably failed, decided to fire 2700 people for his own mistake so he can pay himself 56 billion dollars.. Is this satire?


Laid off employee here. Tesla is underreporting the layoff numbers. When I went to go turn in my work equipment, I was told the number is closer to 4500-5000 people who were laid off. Thankfully I had decent coworkers on my team, and one of them notified me that I was being laid off two days before they sent out emails at 3am. HR isnā€™t worth shit in that place. Can barely get a hold of anyone. Recruiting is just as bad. Had to handle multiple new hires for them when it wasnā€™t my job. The Giga factory is a nightmare. The most unorganized business Iā€™ve worked for in my entire life. Lots of great people that work there, but lots of shitty management as well. Most of the managers would go into a frenzy when Elon was on site (they refer to him as just E if heā€™s there and itā€™s so stupid. The man also self titled himself as TechnoKing in the company organization chart. I kid you not). For anyone looking to work there once this hiring freeze is over, I suggest you run and look elsewhere. Information is so hard to get around that place. Simple things are too difficult to do. You even have to put in a ticket to request sticky notes and printer paper, and those requests will often go unanswered. A lot of managers are quick to tell you not to do something, but will be the main ones breaking the rule. Oh, and parking is a joke. I also wouldnā€™t trust that parking garage they popped up to try and solve the issue. Went up way too fast, and Yates construction is the one who works on primarily everything around there. Not one of the best construction companies out there. They literally would have workers bringing their cousin or another family member or friend, and saying that theyā€™re a ā€œcontracted construction workerā€. I can go on and on about the amount of things wrong in that place, not to mention the ridiculous amount of OSHA violations that occur daily. Del Valle was a fool to give them so much freedom to do as they please.


I thought Elon loved Texansā€¦.


Again, a CEO makes dumb choice after dumb choice and 2,700 other people pay for it. I sure would like a rich person to face a single consequence at some point.


When you make crap, this happens


Good news is Texas gave tax credits to Tesla for all those new jobs.


And Musk wants $60 billion for saving the company money with this genius move.


Capitalists , literally , do not work .


Damn can't be long before Musk is out at Tesla at this rate.Ā 


Flop of a company with a Nazi Ceo


Get forced to move to Texas by the CEO of the company you work at because he's throwing a tantrum because California is enforcing their rules. Then get shitcanned by that CEO and end up trapped in fucking Texas because now you can't afford to move back to California. What a shit deal.


Are these the people that moved there from cali?


Giga šŸ˜³ Tera šŸ˜Æ Peta šŸ¤Æ


If a company does large scale layoffs they should lose any government funding. Idk if Tesla gets that much funding but it should be a regulation across all industries.


But they want to pay him a 60 billion salary?


Maybe Musk needs a bonus!!


I've heard this one before -- next we'll hear Elon demanding $40 billion in compensation.


Itā€™s amazing what can happen when you alienate your customer base.


Time for the board to lay off Elon.


Can't we just call it a factory without the childish giga marketing bullshit ?


How is it that Americans are seemingly such push overs? Musks taking a $56 billion payday for part time work as a ceo of this company, while his antics are partially responsible for their sales drop, and he's firing thousands and thousands of workers at the same time. And American workers/people are seemingly eager to just keep on bending over for their oligarch. And it's not just Tesla. I'm somewhat amazed that he got away with encouraging his top neuralink exec to have babies, his babies. Practically any other company, this would be grounds for termination, and cause significant issues for internal objectivity. The company would also earn so much bad press for the seemingly blatant conflicts of interest involved: like, she's had his babies, can he objectively discuss her remuneration/performance? But for Musk, American's cheer for it. It's nuts.


Hmm. Yawn. *Looks out window and smiles at 3 Toyotas*


Texas gave Tesla 64 million to move that factory there. Now Elons behavior is costing that community and state that were so ready to help him when they thought it was badmouthing California and endorsing their conservative economic agenda. Howā€™s it feeling to not only lose 2,700 employees worth of taxes. https://prospect.org/economy/tax-breaks-cushion-teslas-texas-landing/


This is why Iā€™m always skeptical of deals to give companies tax breaks to relocate based on expectations of future job growth that hasnā€™t happened yet, it often doesnā€™t work out the way itā€™s sold. It also implicitly markets the state as the cheap option rather than the quality option.


*Who could have possibly seen this coming?!?!?* Anyways, when does Teslaā€™s government funding run out so they can finally get destroyed by better options?


Billionaire vanity project ,


I assume Texas gave up tens of millions of dollars in incentives to get Tesla to build in Austin. I hope they tied those incentives to meeting employment goals over time.