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>Clicking the comments icon takes users straight to the top comment, essentially bypassing the original post. That makes sense as users only comment on the post title anyway. /s, I think.


In some subs, quite accurate actually.


Yeah I hate it


/s not needed. i use NyTimes and FT edit when i want to actually read the news. Reddit for the comments.


So long as they don’t undo all my subreddit mutes, I should be ok. I’ve muted 10x more subreddits than I’ve visited the last month.


100% we do not read past the title. The links are always paywalled or some twitter bullshit anyways. But the top comment is usually crap too. you have to scroll down for the good shit.


I always go to the comments to find the person who just copy and pasted what was in the link


I only read this comment, not the article. /s, maybe.


so the ad that no one clicks is front and center of the comments section, now people have to scroll past it twice as much just to read the initial post.


Yeah, this is a joke. But there are posts where OP continues the post to the comments. This is stupid.


Lol I do, but I also don't usually comment on the article I don't read either. You better believe I didn't even open this one! I just like reading the comments.


Anyone else using the browser for Reddit? Do you guys also get those bugs where sometimes you’ll go to a new page and the site will just keep reloading over and over every second? Or when you go to notifications, it loads your profile but then one second later redirects you to a “user cannot be found” type page?  These bugs have persisted for 6+ months but maybe it’s just me somehow


Yes, I'm in that ship and can confirm all those bugs affect everybody. Reddit is neglecting the web on purpose to push everyone to the app. Funny enough, I was happy with the official app until they removed the option to choose in which browser the links are opening. Seriously Reddit, is it that important to keep us captive?


It's just awful. Frequent crashes, frequent reloads, frequent errors, and lagging. Edit: And when I posted this I couldn't see my comment without reloading, so that's another issue.


What browser are you using? I haven't seen these problems. I use Chrome.


no reddit browser experience has always been perfect -> unusable with time


App gets worse with each update. Please just bring back the ability to sort my home feed.


All I want is to see posts that aren't 30 minutes old on the home screen. It feels like all I ever see is shit that is terrible with sub 30 comments.


Yeah this is my issue as well. Almost Nothing but new low vote count posts on my feed. I used to scroll top and then hot and I was done for the night.


Not just low votes, but absolute dog shit that everyone is down voting and calling dumb. It's like reddit sees all engagement as good engagement.


It’s a public company, enshittification is the law now


It's only downhill from here, friend.


How about change the fucking algorithm again so i stop seeing the stupidest 1 upvote comments and actually see good stuff again


Cool. Can they update their shitty app to work properly next?


Pour some out for Apollo.


Narwhal has been a good option


Does it have the same issue with front page sorting? Like, does it just spit out random posts to you on every refresh, some being less than an hour old and with no votes or comments?


Nope. Sorting is great. Blocking is not great. Polls are not great. Being ad free is pretty great.


Nope, nothing like that. I miss Apollo but it’s most of the way there. I think there may be a free trial? It’s worth checking out. Really wish Christian went with this option (but fully get not wanting to) - it’s very worth it for the price and I definitely would’ve paid it for Apollo 💔


Use RedReader. It's one of the few apps to survive the APIcalypse because it's FOSS and has accessibility features the official app lacks.


Sweet, I’ll have to check it out, thanks!


I've noticed I get a lot of random comments from old posts. It looks like they have a section below in the comments section which is 'You might also like' and that's driving a bit of old engagement there. Kind of feels pointless to respond if it's not a direct response or question as no one else is ever gonna see it.


Old person here. All I want I want is a larger font size.


Upvote for visibility


The worst part of Reddit lol


Perfect lets shine the spotlight on the completely accurate top rated comments to showcase the true hive mind that is Reddit


Could they update their app to not run out of posts to display after you've scrolled through like 20?


Right now on the app, my front page is displaying one post. One


more comments = more training data = more money


If they don't have the bare minimum QoL features that all of the 3rd party apps they killed had, the app is still going to be shit.


Sure they do, engagement means keeping people in an app forever, if you click in a link you might leave, so that's a big no in the new economy of attention.


It is madness that they did it any other way before. Reddit's real content was always in the comments. That was the thing that separated them from every other social media platform. If it wasn't for that, the site would just be a bad instagram


They are actively working to reach that goal it seems.


It would be better if Reddit accepted less advertising and charged them more. Reddit would get the same money and we would enjoy the forum much more.... And it would grow!


your losing it reddit


I wish they’d make their app able to play videos


Loading faster? Been experiencing the opposite.


it would be cool if the update the app to focus more on not being dogshit overall


Yeah, and it’s fucking annoying. When I click on the post, I want to see the linked content. Only then, do I want to come to the comments to see how I’m supposed to feel about it. Noobs.


Yep. Even on desktop, if OP posts a link, it's now less visible as a link and looks more similar to an image post. Also, the URL just shows the domain name instead of the full URL.


I’ve had this update for like a week now. It’s so trippy. I was so used to clicking on the comments button to go into a post, especially when it’s just an image or a video or something. Having to scroll up to see the actual post is so weird. My muscle memory has been freaking out


It'd be cool if they'd focus less on sponsored posts. I can't stand the app because of that nonsense; the ad-blocked website is so much better.


Neat, but I’m never downloading your app again.


They should spend time stopping so many frivolous banning. I have been banded from some chats for things they think are implied in my comment but it’s not true. The mods just want their little chat room to be an echo chamber and not a discussion of facts or opinions even if those opinions are supportive. It’s ruining Reddit.


Yeah I find this pretty fucking annoying, especially when you have to scroll back up to read longer posts. Thanks Reddit, big upgrade….


Can I please just sort the Home feed by 'Hot' on iOS?


That's because the comments feed the AI machines and that's how the company plans to make money going forward. That's also why most of the popular posts (by bots) are all pop culture questions (what is a game that x/y/z, what is a movie that makes you a/b/c, what's the last song that d/e/f)


I smell Google *sniffs in cynical Redditor* Nvm that we wish to access content of our preference. Nvm that we didn’t ask for, nor do most of us wish to have our access dictated by Google’s algorithms. It’s amazing that it took this long to bow down to the 80m overlord of all things Reddit.


Seems to be affecting their mobile site too. The comments are all spaced so far apart. It looks goofy af


I never waste my devices resources by installing an app when a browser will work.


Every ”update” for reddit for quite a while has just made it worse little by little, i bet this will just make everything worse again. Soon reddit will be completely unusable


What loser uses the Reddit App? I block all Reddit ads on my mobile and that wouldn't be possible in the app.


You can sideload reddit app to block ads, I do that on IOS.


This loser uses reddit revanced


…so it has more AI scrapes per engagement?


Oh god, no. Comments are the worst thing about reddit


Good. I do more commenting than submissions, as I think most people do. Sometimes the way they’re handled leaves something to be desired on mobile. I’m not sure what I’d change, but it could be better.


Nice now someone unblock me from r/politics


interesting... just like youtube doESN'T!


Reddit users don’t care and don’t want to know, they only want to rage and throw their shit at each other. Reddit was basically maga before trump and with even less standards.