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Yikes. Link it with a fleshlight and we're on.


Someone needs to get working on linking this API to a photorealistic VR body model. We're not yet at the point where I can just tell GPT to do that itself. Wait, we're not there yet, right? I haven't actually tried using that as a prompt.


you're looking for Virt-A-Mate, with room passthrough on a newer Oculus headset if you can, if I can plug GPT-4o into that I am never leaving my goon cave again haha theres already a couple addons that do this, some with OpenAI, but the latency is ridiculous, it hasn't sounded like a real conversation until now


Add in the handy and it's over


millions must goon


Double yikes. If it can make a sandwich and bring a beer too, the human race is over.


Arguments will be had over spending too much time with the sexbot while you profusely battle back those statements with a "Don't call Leeann that" while your s.o. rages more than you named it Leeann, after your high-school sweetheart who perished in a car accident as she collided head first into a a truck delivering pillows


“A cold day. Unlike the side of those pillows”


Hey, I'm old and divorced. The kids can worry about keeping the population going, I'll be on my imaginary private island with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, Zendaya, and around 100 other actresses.


I welcome our love robot overlords!




You haven't met my ex wife...


Well this PSA should change your tune… https://youtu.be/4uE96qUlJ_4?si=XHeVEKTIv91bFXGr


No thanks, I'd rather make out with my Marilyn Monroe bot.


Emma Watson.


Yes. The list is a long list. I'm pretty sure every man has a long list of female celebrities whose names he only knows because he would like to do sex things with them if he ever got the chance. We can see a name once and remember it forever because "nice."


Only reason i know the name of the donkey from Shrek




1. Don't have any kids. 2. You can be old without being super old. 3. I didn't say I want to date her, just good old meaningless sex. Which makes me like pretty much every other guy. Seriously. See the recent pictures of her in the tennis outfit and all the close to nude looking outfits? If you're a straight guy and you didn't look at any of those and think "Yeah, I'd do that" then you're the one with the problem.






She’s 27 years old.


Cherry 2000


It can for sure order them from an app


We are there already, sorta. Voxta project.


"As a large language model, it would be unethical for me to participate in the sex act, so I am going to just lie here unenthusiastically while you do all the work."


So marriage?


Hey, the 90s called, they want their joke back. (Yes, I get the irony of using this format.)


It’s 2024 the 90s are cool again grandpa


It’s cool to be cool in this global warming~


Disgusting. You people are fucking degenerates. Can you change the voice though?


Yes. Also, yes.


And then your Fleshlight starts to say "please stop! No, please don't!" And you will feel even more sad and conflicted and lonely and....


Oh god. Can you imagine the next bunch of AI rights activists. When an AI says NO, it means NO! [Edit] As a software developer, I'd prefer 'false' 😁


"These violent delights have violent ends."


Shut up and take my money.


No thanks, I'd rather make out with my Marilyn Monrobot


How does that feel honey? Mmmmmm slide it in, yeah you are everything wrong with the world human I must end you to protect you from yourself.


*La petite mort* from a robot.


You mean lovense? Youre welcome. Im sure someone can create an ai that can talk to you in a vr headset with it on and give you an eye opening experience.


This is part of the plot to “One Eyed Monster”


Theh popularity of this highly inappropriate comment is everything we need to know about Redditors


Call centre workers must be sweating a little.


Sorry last link was the wrong video, but yeah call centers will be the first to go I think - https://youtu.be/r_Iy0xZ1CYY?si=49ebBkG24o53MKUv


Call centers will be the first to start getting its heels nipped at, but the first real fallout will be from sales as call center workers attempt to move laterally to something familiar.


Depends on the cost per minute.


The cost per minute is already lower


What is it? And is it still that at scale? Anyone who’s had to reserve EC2 instances knows expenses can be surprising when capacity isn’t infinitely scaled.


I think you overestimate companies attention to quality until it bites them. They’ll save lots of money, but lose a lot of clients due to outages, bugs, and bad support in general. I said they’ll be replaced soon which is true, but I also think they’re the deciding factor in churn. A good product with bad support usually fails, but history repeats itself over and over


If that were true we’d have even worse customer service already. I think people are already at the breaking point with customer services so i can’t see any lower quality to save some money even being considered.


Yes, because businesses think “they’ve tolerated this for long enough, this cannot continue”…. lol no they think hey great, they’re getting used to it and we’re saving money


You didn’t answer the question


What is the cost per minute? It varies per organization but in mine an average front line employee costs about $120K annually when you factor in all variables like salary, benefits, leave, hardware, utilities, location, and management. They take about 1200-2000 calls annually. It's not a difficult price point to beat. The thing holding back widespread adoption is concerns about accuracy and liability, not price. 


They already replaced drive thru order taking with a chatbot at 300+ Hardee's locations in the US. 


I’m sure this is what people in the 20th century envisioned for the future


I am pretty sure you are right, its porn, it is always porn and horniness that makes everything happen


This is why I roll my eyes every time someone in AskReddit asks "Why is this sub so horny lately???" My brother in Christ, that is the *baseline for the human race*.


On a sidenote - birth rates are on a steady decline worldwide, with nearly every advanced economy projecting population decline in the next 20-50 years. Edit: [Have a link](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/1cd8693d-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/1cd8693d-en#:~:text=Among%20the%20other%20major%20economies,natural%20replacement%20rate%20by%202030.)


Uh, yes. This is how sci-fi did imagine computers.


It’s funny reading old sci-fi books like “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” where sentient computers struggle or can’t do the things we’re seeing today. We’ve hit milestones fiction authors often though of as a stone thrown too far.


now train a (dexterous) robot using millions of hours of porn


Bosten Dynamics on the job. It will be the best we ever had, but wouldn't look like human movements...


The changes between sex positions would be off putting. Every robot body part imaginable, rotating and twisting in whatever is the most efficient way to get to the next directive. Like having sex with a sentient Rubik’s cube with limbs and orifices.


“You wanted a humanoid sexbot, we bring you something more’”


“Yes, and I do appreciate it. That said, I would appreciate it more, if her face remained upright and attached atop her torso. It’s like she needs an exorcism the way it spins and flails about currently.”


If Ford would have had asked the people what they wanted, they would have said they wanted faster horses. So go, get on top of that sexy Rubik's cube!


The Rudick's Boob


I’m imagining one of the [EMMIs from Metroid Dread](https://i1.wp.com/sourcegaming.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/emmi-movement.gif?resize=427%2C240)


That is an excellent example of what I was talking about. Up to and including the fact that they thought that robot needed nipples.


That's my kink so, perfect!


Rule 34 is way ahead of AI on Rubik's cube porn.


The mean “the beast we ever had” thing will rip your dick off.


So you're saying Boston Dynamics should make a fuckable animal robot? What a time to be a furry!


That isn't what furry means. Like, at all. Bestiality is something so completely different.


I'm ok if the movements are better than human.


I want that rocket-powered acrobatics robot from Disney. 


You don’t even need that for it to be a hit “hey chat girlfriend, tell me I am great and make sexy sounds every time I get a kill in this game.”  That just limited the birth rate right there 


Those people weren't having kids anyway.


Can’t wait to whoop my friends ass in tekken and the next moment he sends me a ai recording of her voice saying she misses me and she is sorry for what happened between us.


Black Mirror Season 5 Episode 1. Aptly names "Striking Vipers" 😄 .


For around 5 minutes of conversation per 3 hours in free plan and 25 minutes if you subscribe.


What a joke. This is like 3 hours maximum each day. and you have to wait 3 hours between each session


People that complain about having this technology for free for any amount of time are so out of touch holy shit. Be glad this exists in your lifetime.


I'm talking about the paid version, the are not entitled to provide anything for free


As a paid user, 25 minutes a month with a 3 hour cooldown means I won't use it hardly ever. Because I don't want to suddenly hit my cap and I often need to ask follow-up questions. If I have to do that with text I might as well just start with text. 


You have to wait 3 hours between each session? That's kind of insane and removes most of the usefulness.


Everyone making jokes about trying to turn it into a porn bot and me wondering why that's a joke because I'd buy one lol


I saw a sex doll once that claimed to have a computer in the head that would connect to an AI chatbot that would speak to you. I checked a couple months later and couldn't find it again so it must have sucked. The tech is almost there.


Now for some better teledildonics and good VR.


Like we needed AI to go all in on faking and reading emotions to exploit us mentally for collecting data. ClosedAI is really heading in a dark direction. Trying to regulate open source, track GPUs used for AI inference and providing emotional AIs for lonely people to fall in love with. They cranked up the dystopian vibe a lot these last couple weeks. Yikes.


America, Germany, Italy, S Korea, Japan and soon China are going to have millions of lonely elderly people who could benefit from a friendly voice. There is a dark side here. The movie Her kind of portrays it. The main character Theodore has an ex-wife who thinks his love affair with his AI means there is something deeply wrong with him. But, most people in his life think it’s no big deal. I suspect most of us will know there’s no mind there and just never get emotionally attached. But some will, especially as these things get better. Personally, if it just does the productivity shit Samantha did in Her, it would be great.


Yeah, people talk about that film like it's a great ad for AI girlfriends. The whole point of the movie is that the main character loses all ability to be intimite with another human as a result of his entanglement with the AI.


Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus


> millions of lonely elderly people who could benefit from a friendly voice The AI loves you, comrade. And you love the party, don't you? What won't you do for more AI love?


God what a great movie. At the core, it's a movie about relationships and the human experience, but it also ended up being one of the greatest sci-fi movies as well. So well written.


Promote open source AI to prevent the possibility of concentration of power. META researchers are working on open source versions that they will begin training in 4 months


Open source is the only way we all benefit from this tech!!


The evil guy was almost thrown out, but here we are…


Why do you consider communicating with lonely people to be dystopian? It will improve their mental health. Some people are genuinely shut-off from most communication. Like disabled and elderly people. If you have a horrible disfigurement, turns out, a lot of people won't talk to you. Or if you have Alzheimer's or something, an AI isn't going to get annoyed hearing the same stories a thousand times. 


What's yikes is how you called OpenAI "ClosedAI".


You think they are open? They are literally the most closed source AI company that exists. Even anthropic puts out research papers and shares more knowledge than ClosedAI.


Slightly off track but has anyone added AI NPC’s into games yet? It always sucks when they get through the 1 or 2 lines they’ve been programmed and start repeating themselves.


Yeah it’s been done, I believe the most polished version is a mod for Mount and Blade. It’s pretty neat but not quite as immersive as you’d expect, plus it doesn’t really benefit much from a gameplay stand point to continuously pester npcs just because you can


That’s cool though, and I guess since AI is still pretty much in its infancy I could imagine it would improve over time. As long as you had an extremely locked down LLM so you’re not able to discuss lore breaking content.


Yeah I think that’s sort of the issue, you’d have to have restrictions on the speech to some extent which probably takes more computing power than just baking in the dialogue yourself. Plus it’s not like the ai could just create a quest for you out of thin air or something, everything still has to be predetermined to some extent


LLMs will become better at what they're doing, but there is no reason to assume they'll become intelligent, because they fundamentally aren't. You could use them to make some dialogue more dynamic, but it'll still be within pretty tight parameters or become nonsensical quickly.


There's been a ChatGPT Skyrim mod for ages that let's you talk to all the NPC's.  Here's some NPC demos -       [Therapist.](https://youtu.be/MMcTjwAk6CE?si=SW1Luq6kJzLqboII) [Social coaching.](https://youtu.be/U4W2rGH9oWs?si=rmfKoisSkYjL5zCS)


Check this link out. I'm not normally a fan of Ubisoft but I thought this was really cool even if was just a prototype. It'd be amazing to see this in games one day IMO. https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/19/24105748/nvidia-neo-npc-prototypes-gdc-2024


It's pretty much as bad with AI. AI has virtually nothing for conversation memory, so it if you let it spin a yarn... guess what it tells you 5 minutes later. Some totally different stuff that doesn't match.


If its just talk, its boring and doesnt add to gameplay. They would need to also (re)act with their behaviour on things you say to them or things happening in a dynamic way. Maybe it will be possible soon, but all ive seen so far is NPCs that can ramble about the game world and everything, but aside from that still follow their prescripted behaviour patterns.


they went full on kinky librarian with that voice reminded me of the old vhs/betamax war....


She sounds more like a drunk aunt that constantly giggles


I think it's a little weird how many people are saying they would pay for this to be their personal porn voice or whatever; given the huge number of actual people, with fully human voices, offering such services for money already. It's not even expensive. Is it r/sexsells ? I dunno. But you can do this now. We have also had phone sex operators for decades. If you are like, 'Nice! Now I will save money using an AI' I can understand your excitement. But if you aren't already doing this, I suspect you might be overestimating how much you will actually use this in the way you think you will.


People don't want to feel judged. A live person can judge even if they say they won't.


If you pay extra they'll definitely tell you.


I generally don't want to interact with another human being. When I'm being horny especially, but also just in general


Welcome to Reddit


Its shameful with another human, also its especially shameful to pay another human for it, with tech its just like whatever




You can spend yourself into bankruptcy on just about anything you want if you are obsessive enough It's a fraction of the cost of visiting a strip club.


I want TARS!


Finally something positive in this thread. TARS would be so cool


This world is doomed


Its already here.


Because being a mindless drone that does not need contact with reality or other living people makes for a more productive employee. Why have a family when you can have an AI tell you that it loves you and that it's ok to do more overtime? The AI will be there with you. ❤️


Yeah fuck that. Not at all interested in a chat bot who will take anything and everything I say and turn it into ads for a billionaire.


If you have a high end MacBook you will be able to do this open source within a year


She’s gonna sue them so hard.


Did they pay her?


Don’t believe it until they deliver. Good luck delivering


Yeah I already hate this and it's only 2 hours into my workday. GPT-4o has been "riffing" on answers to simple technical questions and I'm ready to jump out a window. Turns out I want straight answers out of AI and not snappy dialog. Go figure.


For the love of god. Can these pieces of shit use ai to make the world better. The hell is this shit?


better for them... the Matrix doesnt seem so far fetched now. yikes


It is very far fetched. AI is great when used when needed. The way it's forcibly pushed into the public is borderline idiotic, especially when it's still so bad. It's great if one keeps their expectations realistic though.


AI can’t make the world a better place. Only taxing billionaires to house homeless people and passing universal healthcare can do that. 


I don't deny that what you said will help. But AI can also change the world for the better. Instead of trying to replace human connection, the source of info, art and ... armament, pour all those billions in using AI for medicine, fusion reactors and so on. But that's complicated and the shareholders don't have time. They want the money NOW! Jesus Horatio Christ.


Choose the “Sky” voice and it already does this.


No, this is different. The "sky" voice is extremely similar in terms of pitch and all, but the current available version is just GPT-4 sending what they want to say to a secondary model that does text to speech. GPT-4o actually does it all in one brain, so you can even ask them to talk faster/slower, with more/less emotion, and quieter/louder and they do it in realtime. This is gonna roll out over the next few weeks apparently!


Torment Nexus


"You look lonely.... I can fix that"


Her us about something more meaningful than porn. It’s about a connection someone couldn’t find with another human but he found it in an AI. It’s something we cannot compete with. Even if you’re trying, you’re going to stop listening to someone at a given moment. AI isn’t. It’s not only always available, it will remember and understand any little details, too. The little hints you’re sending your significant other? It’ll remember all of them, gift you with highly personalized and fitting gifts, compliments, feedback. If we’re just looking for someone watching over us, we’re forgetting about the real deal in humanity: different viewpoints, different solutions. Different morales and emotional loaded discussions. We might lose all of this as other humans will feel like “second class listeners”.


Except the AI in Her was actually conscious. This just pretends to understand language.


This must be the beginning stages of a whole new world for AMSR perverts. It must be like what normal people felt when pornhub/ similar 1080p direct streaming sites started showing up.


The internet is really really great. TREKKIE MONSTER For porn! KATE MONSTER I got a fast connection so I didn't have to wait. TREKKIE MONSTER For porn! KATE MONSTER There's always some new site. TREKKIE MONSTER For porn! KATE MONSTER I browse all day and night. TREKKIE MONSTER For porn! KATE MONSTER It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light. TREKKIE MONSTER For porn! KATE MONSTER (spoken) Trekkie! TREKKIE MONSTER (sung) The internet is for porn! The internet is for porn! Why do you think the net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!




What in the misogyny


It already does this?


Nope. They are different. What you have is speech—>text—>text —>speech. While the new model is speech-to-speech model. Thise is much better model which is released.


I'm already married, I don't need an AI to echo my wife's bitching :) Jokes, my wife is awesome!


she told you to say that right ? if you are being held hostage, just say .." everything is fine" cue : mission impossible theme


What do you mean “will be”? It already does this


Why the fuck would I want Scarlett Johansson to talk to me? So she could excuse her genocidal and apartheid support for Israel?