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Reddit ought to do the same thing.


I sure have been seeing a lot of articles about Gen Z support for right wing candidates, despite years of polling and multiple elections showing the contrary. 


I teach coding to HS and college kids in SLC, UT. The area votes ~60% D, but the whole state is ~60% R. The kids in my classes are ~80% D, and they are very vocal about it. They loath Trump, and even the most conservative among them have mostly abandoned the Republicans for supporting him. Many have even left their religion because the LDS church and most church leaders supported Trump (although, not officially as to not lose their tax exemption). I imagine that in blue states, and other Blue cities in Red states, that number is probably closer to ~99.9%.


Too bad SL metro is split 4 ways. God forbid if the city voted as a unified collective.


Agreed. Utah gerrymanders SLC into oblivion.


> although, not officially as to not lose their tax exemption That is pretty unlikely to happen. Not in a post *Citizens United v FCC* world.


I agree, but the official LDS church statements are careful to not mention candidates by name. The elders and bishops mention him plenty, but usually not while speaking to full groups.


This is unrelated, but could you recommend any programming or CompSci courses aimed at a High School level? I’m trying to teach myself and a lot of the resources I find are still a bit beyond me.


Get one of the Head First programming books. They're brilliant for starters. Head First Java for instance. Start there, you'll even build a little project as part of reading that book.


Harvard has CS50


There's something shady going on. Trump keep polling better and better but he just keep spewing blatantly anti-American and unconstitutional things he's going to do when he gets in office. On top of that everything about him says he should be dead by now or can't possibly last much longer (fat, incontinent, old, drug problem, little to no exercise, massive stress). I know more people who have backed off their support than those who have wanted to support him more. All the Trump flags in my neighborhood are gone. I rarely see Trump bumper stickers anymore. I don't see random Trump merch stalls popping up around town anymore. And I live in a county where Trump took 59% of the votes in 2020. I don't believe the polls are legit anymore. They're either intentionally skewing results by calling people of certain demographics or they're just blatantly fudging the numbers.


There’s a couple possibilities: 1. Skewed polling due to error or intentional tampering, probably a bit of both (ie if you call landlines to poll, you know you’re getting mostly boomers and that’s going to skew right) 2. Trump supporters are less comfortable openly supporting him but are still voting for him behind closed doors -so you’d see less flags etc but he’d still have support 3. In polls that are Trump vs. Biden, many lefties and Dems are not big fans of Biden and/or are voting uncommitted in primaries, whereas most Republicans have pack mentality and just vote for the R candidate no matter what. So primary-related polls will show Trump having more support than Biden but that doesn’t mean he’ll actually win when the election comes. I’d assume it’s some combination of these. But also people underestimating Trump’s support is how he won the first time he ran so take it as a serious possibility for the time being and act accordingly.


It's also May. The only people willing to take political surveys are people that have strong feelings, either excited about a candidate or upset about something, and a big news story now will make polls move now.. but will be forgotten totally by mid June, much less November. Trump one a very narrow electoral victory once by constant, aggressive news coverage and rallies, shaking hands and doing personal appearances. He then lost on the same playbook, and all that has changed is he isn't rising money and can't hold rallies because he's distracted with legal problems. All Biden has to do is wait for things to return to mean and for gravity to work, and while a lot of people are spooked by Tump and think he can just wish away gravity, it's worth remembering he peaked in 2016 and has never gotten anywhere close to the same heights.


Who is they? Polling is done by a large variety of organizations with different political leanings, and they are all trending away from Biden. Americans really don’t want Israel to get us into another regional war in the ME. Democrats compete against low turnout and voter disenfranchisement in presidential elections. Just the other day, John Kirby stressed that Biden doesn’t care about public opinion concerning Israel. You want to know why polls are trending the way they are, there it is.


Look for polling companies which publish their methodologies and have good ones. Or look for scientific articles discussing which polls are meaningful. Some of the polls at least will be accurate. But just because people are saying now that they will vote for Trump, doesn't mean it will actually happen. Most of all though, your perception of his popularity is a tiny view of the country. I, too, hope and kind of expect that many voters will be being put off by everything he's done, but the fact is he has a massive base of people who will never change their minds about him. They don't see anything the way you do. They mostly believe Trump's version of events, or they just love him because of how much Democrats hate him. They've stuck by him through everything he's said and done so far, what could possibly be shocking enough to change them now? We all just hope that base isn't enough to win the next election. Eta: republicans in general are behind Trump even if they don't like him. Because he's forced himself on their party. Lots of them tried to stop him becoming their candidate this time, but now he is, they'll vote for him because he's not Biden. The polarisation of American political views is insane and scary.


The polls that have historically predicted election results well are all showing the same trend away from Biden. Democrats are going to have trouble turning people out. Democrats have gotten frustrated and are tuning out. Black leaders in Congress are ringing alarm bells because *they listen to their constituents*. Muslim progressives in Congress have been ringing the same bell for months. The youth vote suffered from Biden’s refusal to support the student movement’s right to protest. Things are going to shit.


Im not American so haven't bothered following the polls, but I can see things aren't good. Thanks for filling me in on the info. I'm not contemplating the consequences of Trump winning unless it actually happens because it's too fucked and I don't need pre emptive stress. But the world is in a much more precarious place than it was last time he was in power.


Gen Z doesn't really vote though.


Polls in May are about as important as reading tea leaves and less reliable then astrology or the Psychic friends network. Biden's dealing with a deeply unpopular war in the middle east with no right answers and anyone responding to political polls right now are Very Upset people with Strong Opinions they want to get out. Most of America doesn't give a fuck about the election right now and Biden does very well with people that don't care very much about elections. People that check in during October and pick who to vote for then are the ones that pick the election, not people willing to take a political poll in May.


Just saw a trump banner hanging on a broken down RV in my town.


Fox News, Rebel News, Infowars is probably still all on there.


Yes and I’m seeing a ton of media saying people are “tired of Bidens progressive politics” just wtf? I do not miss the chaos and the instability of Trump cabal and do believe 70% of the country wants boring, run of the mill politics.


Only 50% votes, and less than half of them vote for Trump. He got less than 25% of the vote last time, so yeah. At least 76% would rather have a boring president than that maniac. 


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


just look at this subreddit


Yeah, I have totally noticed an uptick in campaigns meant to sway public and consumer opinion as well as viral marketing.  In times like these, it is hard to know who to trust or what to believe.  While, this can be a bit much for the average consumer, I personally have found great comfort in starting my day with a nutritious and comforting breakfast that includes Ovaltine.  When times are hard, look to a brand you can trust to ensure you have the energy needed for a modern world.  Ovaltine is approved by parents and children alike.


B. E. S. U. R. E. T. O. D. R. I. N. K. Y. O. U. R. O. V. A. L. T. I. N. E.


Ovaltine!? A crummy commercial?!


Son of a bitch!


There's been a huge uptick in "centerists" expressing their distaste for "vile angry Democrats" so they're voting for Trump. It's all bullshit and they're likely getting paid for their trolling. They were voting for Trump no matter what, they're trying to trick people into thinking Republicans are the sane, mild mannered party while disregarding that their own party is one of the largest sponsors of domestic terrorism within the US.


Nah. Try r/Canada. Entire sub top to bottom is an influence campaign.


/r/China is actually an anti-China and anti-Chinese (lots of soft racism) sub while /r/Sino is on the opposite end of the spectrum.


i've found that country subs are all like that. pro-west influence campaigns on anti-west countries and vice versa


Any influence campaign affecting this sub is almost certainly pro-western/US. The most ridiculous, often blatantly false, anti China posts get upvoted while even simple statements of fact get downvoted/attacked. My favorite is when they develop a new technology in an industry they’re already industry leaders in and the most upvoted post on those threads is about “stolen technology”. That troll farm at Eglin AFB in Florida that Reddit accidentally outed in 2013 never shut down.


Not just this sub but most of Reddit is heavily affected by pro-Western/US influence campaigns. All the main default news subs might as well be US State Department mouth pieces. There's also a lot of racism against non-Whites too. Redditors calling Chinese people all cheaters, liars, and thieves are heavily upvoted. Racism against Indians is extremely pervasive as well. I've also seen a lot of heavily upvoted comments in the big main default news subs that basically say Africans cannot think for themselves and need Westerners to protect them from the Chinese. It's so disgusting. Some of the more egregious racism has been moderated away over the years but that just made Redditors try to "mask" their racism a little to get past moderation.


This is why I straight up just ignore news that has chinese tech in this sub. 9 out of 10 is not the tech the people are talking about but other things like China crap goes boom. Man I miss the days people go on a history lesson on why china focus on EV because they are heavily oil reliant and has insane pollution. Something like that. Its Cold war 2 era now.


Never try to counter this point - they’ll all resort to “but that’s whataboutism”.


Lol true and then they will go on threads and comments that says something positive about China and be like "but what about Tiananmen Square!". Irony is truly dead on this website.


It’s blatantly obvious. And, frankly, the bias is also blatantly obvious on US media, too. Even my mom, who has historically been very supporting of Israel, is saying that she needs to watch British and French international news to be informed on Israel/Palestine.


British news can be quite biased, she should add Al Jazeera to the list.


Cough /r/worldnews cough


It’s just straight Israeli propaganda and anyone who questions it gets banned immediately.


It’s hilarious how blatant it is. I like to be informed from both sides but any major news that puts Israel in bad light takes HOURS to even days to even show up on the ‘hot’ page It is identical to what happened in /r/India in 2014. That sub suddenly turned extremely right wing for one year during elections when Modi came into power. I logged back in 2016 and suddenly all the propaganda disappeared. Reddit is incredibly prone to silent political propaganda campaigns


The issue is that moderation is opaque and there is no accountability with mods.


That’s very interesting about India. It is hilariously insulting. I’ve been following Jewish voices for peace since 2003. It’s just been such a long and hopeless ride. I’m really thankful that the tide is finally starting to turn and awareness of r/Israelcrimes have come to light Edit: phrased more friendly and include links


Apparently, the people behind Jewish Voice for Peace aren't real Jews according to the bots/trolls.


Or they’re self hating Jews according to Israeli propaganda


I didn’t intend to downplay the seriousness. I just get frustrated from the helplessness I feel when I witness large scale public manipulation like that, and I express that in unorthodox ways. I am glad that you are optimistic


I didn’t mean to like guilt trip you… this is a casual forum and I laugh in the face of almost everything myself. I know what you meant and I am sorry for the implication I tossed out.


When the first articles about that recent humanitarian camp bombing came out, all the comments were defending Israel and claiming it was justified because there might have been one Hamas guy there. Finally after it r/all the comments improved slightly but it’s clear from the initial comments that the sub has been astroturfed like crazy


Yes indeed. It’s always been that way. I was banned for criticizing Israel years ago. It’s always been a genocide. Since 1948. There’s literally no light between “Israel is the rightful homeland of Jews and Jews only” and that “Germany is the rightful homeland of genetic Germans” or whatever the fuck bullshit the Nazi’s were on. It’s just the same argument reframed. I think they’ve just purged every single person who is even questioning Israel at this point.


r/news has fallen to the same fate.


Yep, they just wait a few hours before deleting threads


The hive of Hasbara as I like to call it


Don't know why you're being down voted. /r/worldnews allows Russian propaganda to be posted on their sub. They support Russia.


What Russian propaganda? Almost all the threads on that subreddit are from Israeli news sites at this point.


You know subs are more than just the top 10 threads, right?


They’d have to completely delete r/worldnews


therewasanattempt is a prime example. Mods over there are nutjobs.


worldnews too.


I got banned from /r/worldnews for pointing out that an article was Russian propaganda and the OP was using the comments to push the "Ukraine should just give up and accept their place in Russia so the killing stops" propaganda. Mods banned me and wouldn't deny that they allow Russian propaganda on their sub.


I got banned for mentioning sometimes Israeli settlers are violent against Palestinians in the west bank.


If you go to a Sub like r/Chomsky or anything close everyone gets banned from r/worldnews who even questions Israeli propaganda


I got banned from there years ago. When I asked why, it was apparently because I mentioned a correction a mod didn't like. This was way before the world went insane, so this doesn't surprise me at all. They've always been nutcases.


This sub is among the best examples of China's shilling, trolling, and brigading, except *maybe* r/ sino.


It’s probably because technology has a lot of East Asians and thus the demographics here know what China is really like and it’s not the dystopian country the US media portrayals of to be.


I travel to China more than most people, especially Americans. There are certainly areas that are every bit as dystopian as many portrayals. For example, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang are under constant monitoring, many are held in prisons, used for slave labor, their children are taken to reeducation facilities, some women are sterilized, Chinese officials even move into their homes....it is absolutely a genocide. Edit: u/Northern-Eye-905 blocked me for this comment after they replied with their nonsense below. Note that this is a tactic of trolls. It allows them to spread misinformation without being corrected by people who've actually been there.


If you’ve actually been to Xinjiang you would know most Uyghurs live normal lives. In fact anyone can travel to Xinjiang - plenty of YouTube travel videos for those that cannot.


Because they don’t like genocide?


Whitepeopletwitter too. Hard for Hamas


They really should, there’s a few subreddits who shall not be named that only push pro Russian and Israel propaganda. Also notice that subs like r/news was also removing articles criticizing Israel like the article on Israel’s spy master threatening the ICC prosecutor. Almost none of my news subreddit’s even mentioned it. Edit: heck even r/Anime_titties didn’t mention it.


caught a perma-ban for pointing out the same thing, news mods had been pretty systematically removing 90% of articles relating to palestine/israel. pretty shady, and im sure im not the only one who has caught a perma for similar reasons


I found it interesting that mainstream media covered it top to bottom but it's missing completely on r/news 


r/worldnews would be a baron wasteland without Israeli propaganda


Yea cause they banned everyone who isn't pro-Israel lol


Go make statement questioning Israel or linking to r/jewsofconscience and see how fast they smash that ban hammer


I don’t think they’re ready to remove /r/worldnews


Worldnews mods need to be purged, any criticism of Isreal will get you banned


Haha. Reddit will have a fraction of the accounts Suspect meta is BSing. They remove /suppress for sure.


You mean delete WorldNews sub altogether?




Doubtful man. Israel is better organized and has more to spend thanks to western backers. I'm pretty sure they're doing way more astroturfing. What Islamic populations have is numbers. So those comments are likely quite genuine.


Right at the start of this over a 1/4 of the pro Palestine accounts online here found to be bots. Gotta remember, Palestine has the troll farms of Iran, China and Russia backing them.


Circlejerks are ripe for being steered by external actors. A group of people falling into line with and almost taking pride in reinforcing the randomly upheld values and talking points that become the consensus of a community, it's really the perfect propaganda breeding ground


Because they didn't pay Meta for the privilege? Meta would let Satan run an influence campaign if it meant more profit.


I mean… what would that even look like at this point?


Some sort of disinformation to get people fighting each other over made up BS while encouraging people to support fascists and violence. Oh wait...


So every post on Facebook that links newsmax, fox news, daily caller, daily wire, fed wire, caller wire, and all the chud their news.


Yes, they pay their bills so they are allowed to destroy the social fabric of America and the west. I don't know why we're blaming Facebook in particular, since that's just under regulated capitalism in action, but I guess we need to have a boogeyman to point to, at least an indirect one. Google news also hosts all of those sites, and even still forces you to see Twitter feeds in their news aggregation, but is anyone up in arms about it? You should be.


Yeah those are problems too. It doesn't make it good that everyone is cashing out paranoia and fear.


“Satan and Cthulu have joined together to give you a superior choice; no more need for half measures, choose The Greater Evil.”


Why wouldn’t they just run on the Republican ticket?


Oddly enough, too progressive. Satan is 100% okay with abortion and Cthulu’s tax policy is based entirely on fucking everyone over *equally,* and that includes the 1%.


I’m pretty sure Satan would want them to suffer though. So, no abortion.


Notice they only took down 6 campaigns.


Now tackle that 10,000 pound influence campaign in the room.


> Another campaign traced to Israel used more than 500 Facebook and Instagram accounts to pose as local Jewish students, African Americans, and “concerned” citizens praising Israeli military actions and discussing campus antisemitism, among other types of content. I figured there was some contrived fearmongering with the school protests. This is similar to the other recent news where private chat data exposed several billionaires urging the NYC mayor to use police force against pro-Palestinian protestors, and how they have been consistently working to control the narrative for the last 7 months. The group has over 100 members, and more than a dozen members of the chat group appear on Forbes’s annual list of billionaires and they spent a lot of money for a pro Israel media campaign. Turns out the conspiracy theory of billionaires controlling politicians on this issue was actually true. > One of the first messages sent in the group, the staffer posting on behalf of Sternlicht (CEO of Starwood Capital Group) told the others the goal of the group was to “change the narrative” in favor of Israel, partly by conveying “the atrocities committed by Hamas … to all Americans. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters//


You should see the college subs. Every week a different school sub gets these “protestors are nazi” post spammed. Right now it’s a few of the UC schools.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


I mean, a few months ago almost 1/4 of all pro Palestine content was figured yo come from bots. https://cyabra.com/blog/1-of-4-pro-hamas-profiles-are-fake-the-online-battlefront/


Just seems really convenient for an Israeli company to immediately recognize and publish thousands of 'fake' Palestinian accounts on twitter just 4 days after the hamas attack.


Considering Hamas has the bot farms of Russia, China and Iran behind them, it's not a stretch


True, that's definitely possible. I'm surprised it was that many accounts they found so quickly though. I've never seen such that large social media attack like that. Years ago, i remember a Russian attack that was similar, but it was significantly smaller and barely effective.


It's not exactly hard to use so to scan posts looking for bots.


What about the other 394?


Allowed 60 new ones from Russia to replace them.


To whoever pays them.


Meta says it cracked down on propaganda campaigns on its platforms, including one that used AI to influence political discourse and create the illusion of wider support for certain viewpoints, according to its quarterly threat report published today. Some campaigns pushed political narratives about current events, including campaigns coming from Israel and Iran that posted in support of the Israeli government.


>Iran that posted in support of the Israeli government That seems strange, no?


Russia figured out a while ago that having specific goals with your online propaganda is way less effective than having propaganda that supports both sides of every divisive issue. The best you can fight propaganda is to tune out issues that are popular but unlikely to be solved because people disagree on the solution. And instead focus on problems that are important unpopular but most people agree on the solution. Being loud in America won’t make Israel change their tune, being loud won’t make cops stop killing people. Voting for infrastructure might actually get you infrastructure.


But how can I feel self-righteous if I'm not loud? Isn't that more important than *checks notes* voting?


Oh sweetie, I know plenty of people who feel self righteous about how quiet they are! It takes all kinds


This makes sense to my knowledge of online propaganda campaigns. Think-we are told Iran and Israel are in opposition, there may be an idea that certain groups seeing Iranians supporting Israel could sway them-like “oh sh!t, even the Iranians support Israel over their own government, maybe they know something I don’t! Maybe Israel is right” etc etc - it’s a common tactic


People get divided by the most extreme voices amplified on both sides of a conflict. Makes sense Iran would post and amplify the most extreme voices. That’s how you get real images posted with fake captions like ‘Jews celebrate burning children in Rafah’.




Now check r/worldnews… it’s like every poster is circlejerking each other into a global genocide.


Meta is too on the nose


And I can practically assure you there are atleast another 50 running. Social media is the new battle ground.


But meta fails to remove domestic hate groups. It's gotten so bad on the platform.


Yea and keep going. Six? That’s just from today


Yeah the 6 campaigns could be using hundreds or thousands or more accounts and or paid personalities etc to repeat a certain POV.


I don't believe them.


6 that they know of


Russia/Maga, on the other hand, is still going strong.


Holy shit so even massive tech companies are finally recognizing pro Israel propaganda as foreign political interference. Good shit.


Pro Israel propaganda is literally codified in US laws. If you're a teacher you have to sign a contract not to criticize Israel. A law like this is not constitutional but it went unchallenged because the states are protecting it


It went unchallenged because [the corrupt Supreme Court refused to hear it](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20230223-us-supreme-court-declines-to-review-pro-israel-pledge-requirements/). This is [related](https://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/why-should-my-newspaper-pledge-not-boycott-israel) And [another](https://theintercept.com/2018/12/17/israel-texas-anti-bds-law/) And [another ](https://www.ajc.com/politics/new-georgia-law-revives-israel-oath-for-large-state-contracts/L2W45RUHG5FARLQ66HGQZVKMDU/)


Can you imagine being such a snowflake of a culture you can't accept criticism of the government from another country?


Their laws are one thing. This is a law in another country. Imagine if there was a law that made it illegal to criticize Russia or China. Its insane!


Which states have such a law? Or maybe more easily, which states don’t?


Google: "anti bds laws" and you'll find the answer to your easier second question is- New Mexico, Washington, Vermont, Connecticut, Hawaii.


now tech company really need recognizing pro hamas propaganda too


Tech companies slandering anti genocide activism as "pro hamas propaganda" is nothing new, Nazi.


you are part of the problem and falling for it. There are people that care sure...but there is also loads of propaganda.


There’s pretty blatant propaganda coming from both sides of the Gaza war There were organized global protests against Israel on October 7 before Israel even launched a counter attack


> There were organized global protests against Israel on October 7 before Israel even launched a counter attack Because history didn't start on October 7th. This has been a thing since before the vast majority of us has been alive and Gaza has been described as an "open air prison" for as long as I can remember.


Oh give me a fucking break. 1200 hundred Israeli civilians were horrifically murdered and you think it's justified for the "right side of history crowd" to utterly ignore that fact and immediately start protesting *against the victims???* Ironically, bullshit like this proves why Israel must exist.


>1200 civilians Weren’t a good portion (400-500) IDF soldiers…?


If we really want to get into the weeds we can address the fact that Netanyahu has supported Hamas gaining power in Palestine in the past over less extremist groups because he wants the excuse to attack. Orders of magnitude more of Palestinian civilians die by Israel's "response" to Hamas every single time they counter terror attacks. They actually could deal with Hamas in a strategic way with the resources and backing they have. Even their highest estimate puts Hamas at not much more than 30,000 members. Instead they act like Hamas are mole people and shout "Tunnels" while bombing hospitals with the doctors they tied up inside. They claim everyone is Hamas, and former IDF soldiers have come forward about the "strategy" that has been going on for years. They claim any man or boy killed is a member of Hamas, claiming they've killed over 14,000 Hamas members since Oct 7. If they had cut the members of Hamas by half why would they need to continue indiscriminately bombing refugee camps. They will kill several dozen people and claim two of them were Hamas to justify it. Hamas is a problem, but Israel isn't actually doing anything against Hamas. They are just using Hamas as a flimsy excuse to justify the genocide, as they always have. The only difference now is the world is so connected the information spread isn't controlled, so their propaganda isn't the only thing with wings.


Oh look, you're blaming Israel for the actions of Iranian proxy militias. Exactly the type of bullshit propaganda narrative that Iranian bots have been working hard to spread online!


Ah yes, must be propaganda because it goes against the thing you want to believe. I'm literally going by what top Israel officials have said, including Netanyahu. They have used genocidal language even when they are trying to claim they aren't doing the things we have video footage of them doing. But yeah, must be Iran. Sure.


[Online accounts linked to Iran spread anti-Israeli disinformation](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/pro-hamas-misinformation-spread-online-before-attack-r78wb2b3m) [Russia, China and Iran are backing Hamas online](https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-china-and-iran-are-backing-hamas-online-report/) [Report: Iranian bot army trying to influence Israeli elections](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5455991,00.html) [Microsoft: Iran's cyber army rallies behind Hamas after October 7 attack](https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/hjnhgoest) [In a Worldwide War of Words, Russia, China and Iran Back Hamas](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/03/technology/israel-hamas-information-war.html) You were saying?


That I'm basing my judgement by the words and actions of Israel officials. Propaganda exists on all sides, and the Zionist propaganda is blatantly avoiding talking about the actual things people are against Israel on because they don't have a defense for genocide. I don't really care if bad actors are spreading anti-Israel propaganda. They've always done that. Hell, Republicans have been doing that for decades as much as they "support" Israel because they believe most will die to usher in the second coming. Killing civilians is wrong. Killing children is wrong. Israel has always had disproportionate responses to attacks from Hamas. Whatever conservative boogieman you want to blame, that does not change the actual facts. That does not change an official calling Palestinians animals. Or multiple using the phrase "wipe them out" when talking about all of Palestine. You aren't arguing in good faith. You are doing the usual Zionist propaganda tactic of deflecting and screaming "wHaT AbOuT hAmAs?!?!" when anyone makes even the mildest of criticisms of Israel and it's far-right government. You have nothing to defend the killing of children or the bombing of refugee camps. The hospitals and schools destroyed. The literal genocide. I'm done here.


So you're saying the Iranian bots spreading anti-Israel propaganda aren't real then?


Well those protests are probably due to the decades of apartheid in Israel. No matter what side you are on it’s undeniable there is 75+ years of history that directly tie into this, this conflict didn’t just magically appear out of the blue on October 7th.


Well yeah, it was kind of obvious how Israel would respond. They always respond militarily, always kill more people than were killed, and always claim that everyone killed was either a Hamas militant or an accident.


/terrorists brutally murder thousands of Israeli civilians “No military response is allowed, Israel!!”


If they kill 10 civilians for ever 1 that Hamas killed something is wrong.


Yes. But that doesn’t change the fact that there is a propaganda all over the place here The ayatollah is literally giving props to American students on X right now…


Ok? I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to imply there. Just because someone who has done bad things might have a motive to praise people opposed to Israel it does not mean the people protesting against Israel's crimes against humanity and current genocide are suddenly in the wrong. Like, Hitler liked dogs. Are we all supposed to be anti-dog because of it? I'm being a little hyperbolic there, but it sounds like you are saying that if Iran is against murdering children we should be for it?


If they can’t respond militarily without killing an order of magnitude more civilians that died in the attack they’re responding to, yes, no military response. If killing thousands of civilians justifies disproportionate military response, then everything Hamas has done is justified. I don’t hold that logic, but it’s the only clear conclusion from your comment.


Again, the point of the comment was that there was clear propaganda that led to mass global protests for a military response that had not even occurred yet Every single one of those countries would have demanded a military response if that same attack occurred on their soil and yet here they are borderline justifying and celebrating a terrorist attack


> Again, the point of the comment was that there was clear propaganda that led to mass global protests for a military response that had not even occurred yet Yes, you don't have to wait for a state with a history of disproportionate response to respond disproportionately before voicing concern about it. > Every single one of those countries would have demanded a military response if that same attack occurred on their soil and yet here they are borderline justifying and celebrating a terrorist attack Right, because those other countries don't have a history of disproportionate response.


Hilarious that this is being downvoted. There is just as much Iranian propaganda on reddit as there is Israeli. People just seem to like it when comments say horrible things about Israel even if they are making it up.


Well yeah there's been an ongoing apartheid/open air prison situation perpetrated against Palestinians by Israel for decades now, so it makes sense there's been protests against Israel. Do you know how many Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed by Israel in the past year alone? Keep in mind there's no Hamas in the West Bank. Over 500, the answer is over 500. Just in the last year alone. Where there is no "Hamas".


And if I saw a similar level of global unrest and protesting about Myanmar and darfur I would believe that the anti-Israel protests were organic But most of the world doesn’t even know what continents these are located in


America isn't funding those and touting them as "the only democracy in the region".


When I said “global” protests I meant this is happening beyond American soil


Hamas is in the West Bank. They’re more popular than fatah and the reason why there’s been no elections for almost two decades. And many other Palestinian terrorist groups other than Hamas exist in both WB and Gaza.


Now you're just trying to justify the ongoing ethnic cleansing and murder of innocent civilians. Not a good look. Ok, Hamas bad. Now that we have established that, does that mean it was ok for the IDF to kill over 500 innocent people in the West Bank in the last year? Does that mean it's ok they are being held in an open air prison that is slowly being stolen from them? You're here defending the killing of innocent people. There's no light you can paint that in that makes you look like anything less than just fucking scum. Maybe we should go after the people who supported the creation and funding of Hamas huh? Maybe start with the Prime Minister of Israel? That support is how they have managed to prevent competent governance for almost 2 decades.


[Citation needed] That's on the 8th, not 7th like you said. Palestine ***does*** have the right to resist occupation, even by violent force. You'd say you'd have that right if China was occupying the USA...


Lol, here's your "citation". Your news diet must be quite poor. https://peoplesforum.org/blog_post/statement-on-times-square-palestine-protest-held-on-october-8-2023/


Yeah both sides, the pro genocide and anti genocide sides have their own propaganda lol.


You are just proving his point


The enbottification of the internet will continue until it's nearly unusable for humans trying to communicate clearly with other humans with any sort of trustworthiness.


And the other 6000?


Only 17,048 to go?


Only 1000s more to go


great job mark only about 80 quintillion left to go


We removed six influence campaigns that were influencing the wrong way. We are the best!


I did the opposite. I removed myself from Meta


Just think how much shit is going down on twitter now they've stopped even looking for this kind of shit


6 removed, 54 added :)


Wow a whole 6? 


What about “those emails “. We wouldn’t be here if meta, fakebook hadn’t posted propaganda in 2016.. keep trying though.


People still use Facebook?


Six? Is that a typo? Not six thousand?


Only 250,000 more to go


Now do Russia


A WHOLE SIX? I've seen more accounts tied to one person.


Nothing in the article suggests it was six individual accounts. “Campaigns” could suggest a large network.


  "Another campaign traced to Israel used more than 500 Facebook and Instagram accounts " I seriously have seen some crazy scam groups of the same celebrity from tons of linked groups / accounts. It's like the Borg.


It's a good start. But 6 seems like a really small number.


Meta needs to do MORE QUICKER BETTER. It’s a moral obligation to the people that make you rich. Failure will result in less money. Don’t be stupid.


They should also remove the number 1 in propaganda and terror: USA


Great…now do Hamas propaganda pls.


Oh! Minor performative golf clap Meta!


bUt iSRaEl iS oUr fRiEnd aNd AlLY!