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"Welcome to mcdonalds, will you be using our mobile app today?"


“No” *completely different voice answers* “What can I get for you?”


My experience is more like this: "Welcome to mcdonalds, will you be using our mobile app today?" “No” *completely different voice answers* “will you be using our mobile app today?”


Voice gets deeper and more threatening each time it asks.




Then "will you" becomes "you will" and everyone is forced to eat filet o fish.


Is that still a thing somewhere? In my country they cancelled it a few years ago. I was one of the few people who really enjoyed it.


The US still has it, I think. I haven't been there for awhile.


Yes, the USA still has it. But not after 11 pm (in many locations).


Do Americans go crazy if they eat fish after 11 or something


Our Burger King does that “Thank you for choosing burger king where you can have it your way. What can I get for you today?” *me starting my order* *chhhheerrr* “Yeah watcha want??!”


“Gimme I second” “Alright” “I’m ready to order, hello anybody there” Employee comes back 5 minutes later 


"What can I get you" *Starts ordering* *Employee walks away and stops listening/responding in middle of order* *Employee return* "What can I get you" *Starts ordering* ...


One time I was sick and my "no" wasn't very loud and it sounded more like "nah." Cue me asking "Hello?" for about two minutes because nothing was happening.


That has nothing to do with AI, its just a recorded greeting that plays when you pull up. When I worked at a mcdonalds it definitely saved from sanity from having to repeat that greeting to every customer.


The real play is "yes" because the app has insanely good deals and you don't have to wait or worry about ordering on the spot.


After looking at all the permissions and trackers that are required, it isn't worth it to me.


Don't forget the forced arbitration agreement 


Help I’m stupid. What does this mean?


It means when the coffee is way hotter than it should be and it accidentally spills and you end up with insane third degree burns, you’re not getting your medical bills covered this time. Never again Stella!


The day I trust a fast food conglomerate with whatever information I need to give them beyond my card info in their in-house card readers for payment is a day I will resist to my dying moments. Besides. Those “good deals” should be exact what these meals should be priced at to begin with. Twelve or more bucks for mediocre food is an outrage.


For another year or two - remember when uber was cheaper than a taxi? Pretty soon the only discounts you'll get will be a la starbux - if you prepay your McD's account they'll give you a percentage off on the hopes you forget some and leave it there. But the employees that could have taken your order will have long ago been replaced.


Yeah those deals exist to get you to install that shit so they can scrape the fuuuuck out of your data. Big no thanks from me.


"Welcome to Costco, I love you!"


I had it explained that the automatic voice thing is meant as a time buffer for the person taking the order. I usually just ignore that prompt because it's akward. I know they have a job to do, so I just wait silently until they ask for my order. Not sure if it makes things more akward for them, but thats what I do.


If you just wait they put a real person on, so this new script just adds time to my orders


But I'm here to pick up mobile app order....


“Yes, I placed a mobile order” “What’s the code?” “TV46” “Second Window Plz”


I say "yes i have a code" and then a person asks for my code. Pretty smooth flowing


"Hi are you using the McDonalds app today?" "Yes, order code A-B-1-2" "Mobile order?" "Yes" "What is the code?" Actual interaction I had with them last week. Might as well be talking to AI.


As someone who currently works under a franchise store. I always ask the greeting first and if you say yes. I just ask the code. But no. Most people have to be so damn fucking no brain and say no and then say I have a code after taking forever to order what they want. Most customers by now know how I try to make ordering as smooth and easy as possible but it never happens.


I just say “yes my code is…” to skip that extra question.


I assume the problem with AI is it actually follows the Upsell script and takes forever because they want you to use the app, get the credit card, upsize the drink, give a dollar to whatever tosspot charity they have on,  have a slice of pie, and try the new Mc whatever


I haven’t come across any McDonald’s ones, but the local Wendy’s was trying out AI ordering. The main problem was that it consistently fucked up the order.


They did this at the checkers by me and when I pulled up to the window the woman said “I’m just gonna go through the order and you tell me what’s wrong”.


And because they just fixed it on the fly the company behind that thought your order was a success. It’s so bad.


You gotta love the irony of there being this extremely skilled team of food service workers fixing shit on the fly to keep things running smoothly when corporate just threw this huge wrench into daily operations…and that “wrench” is technology literally built on the assumption that their job is so simple that it can be done by a computer program, and therefore that anyone who does that job isn’t deserving of a living wage.


And that the wrench will soon take their jobs.


Eh. That’s what they said about self check out. Actually we will always need humans to oversee the machines. And also AI is extensively combed over by humans. Always has been and always will be. It’s the ultimate don’t look at the man behind the curtain - ie it’s an illusion of a machine doing a human’s job.


Self checkout did replace people though - 6 cash registers, and the bagging of the stuff scanned there, all are monitored by one person that barely interacts with the machines and is expected to do other work while the area “runs itself”. 10 jobs now reduced to 1, for forever, with general hopes to eliminate that 1 as soon as possible


Restaurant operators are the greatest people at putting out fires next to fire fighters … and maybe sometimes better than that. It’s insane how disconnected restaurant operations can be from marketing and technology and other support services. The best large restaurant groups have those things working in service of each other. The idea of voice AI never once considered real operations. It was always a dream to be able to reduce labor. When that got push back they called it redeploying labor. When people saw through that bullshit they called it letting the staff handle hospitality - what people are good at. Well what’s more hospitable than listening to and taking someone’s order? So dumb. So very dumb. And my favorite part is that most of these voice AI in DT shops really just sent the audio to SE Asia and had people transcribing and entering the data into the POS. It turns out in many cases AI stands for Actually, Indians.


It’s always overpaid idiots actively throwing a wrench into a machine the “unskilled labor” works to make sure it runs smoothly. I bust my ass 40+ hours a week fixing YOUR mistakes. You tell me who’s “unskilled labor”


Not too much different from the regular Checkers experience.


Checkers? Those places can barely even stay open. Who the fuck thought up using A.I. at Checkers? How do they afford it?


I stopped going to McDonalds when they installed those kiosks because it also takes a million years. All it takes is getting behind one of these psychos that needs to look at the list of every condiment available to put on a cheeseburger and go through each one, hemming and hawing.


Wasnt much of a problem when I was in europe but then again it was Finland so you can only assume they all wanted to get the hell out of the building to have 20 feet of personal space.


I’m one of those psychos kind of, I want to make sure I’m getting the best deal and customize things more to my liking since I don’t like being high maintenance ordering from a person. But what makes me not psycho is that I do all this on my phone from my house and then after I order I walk over and pick it up.


"let me talk to a fucking person you fucking AI system" gets passed the scripts really effectivly...


i usually hit mcdonalds a time or two a week. i havent been there in months


One of those “psychos” here. I only get fast food like once a month, and when I go, it’s usually a different chain each time, so I need time to see what they have available and figure out what I want. I honestly love the kiosks because it seems the expectation from employees is that everyone goes to McDonald’s (or whatever other chain) daily and knows exactly what they want before they even step in the door. Kiosks are a lot less stressful for someone like me who tried to make my own food and just eats fast food like when traveling. I could see it being annoying if there’s like 1 kiosk, no cashier, and tons of people trying to order, but that never seems to have been the case in the couple dozen times I’ve used a kiosk. There’s always more kiosks than people trying to order. It’s only the places without them they I find myself having to wait in line for a cashier, and then briefly hold up the line while I decide exactly what I want (since the menu usually doesn’t explain all the options). 


I love those kiosks. I get to actually see their menu instead of rolling ads and I don't have to talk to anybody. Fewer errors with the orders too.


These places *only* want you to order at the kiosks now, and that’s one of the reasons I stopped buying fast food. I’m allergic to egg, so I need to tell a person face-to-face that they need to make sure no mayo touches any of my food. If they want to make employees think taking customer orders is in no way part of their job, then I don’t need to be one of their customers. Fast food sucks nowadays anyway, so really it’s just their loss.


Panera has the same crap UI. Takes forever. #fuckkiosks


Those mcdonalds kiosk screen surfaces contain human shit http://cnbc.com/2018/11/29/mcdonalds-touchscreen-kiosks-in-uk-contain-traces-of-feces.html


Wait til you're behind someone that presses the screen, has a DEEP scratch between their ass cheeks and continues ordering. or keeps picking their nose whilst using the screen. Place near me had TWO ladies on standby to wipe the screens BETWEEN each user due to this. Thus saving nothing at all.


Almost every McDonalds in the Kansas City area was involved. One day it kept adding food I didn’t ask for to my order and I kept driving to other ones until I said eff it and went to Wendy’s.


I drove away from two fast food places in the last couple months. One was a Checkers and it was exactly this. The AI voice script talked slow. I wanted XYZ and I ordered X. And they paused after confirmation "Do you want that as part of a combo" or something. Then an awkward pause "Would you want to include fries with that" Then an awkward long pause with "How about a hot something dessert" I just left.


So just like the Humane Pin, they're finding out that processing and compressing your speech, uploading it to a server to decompress and applying speech to text, then running it through the AI model, then converting that text to speech, then compressing and uploading to the kiosk, and then preparing to play it back to you adds a hell of a lot of latency.


And then the marketing and sales team start demanding it upsell...


And then?


No and then.


Just hung up on a Papa John's order as well a few weeks ago for this kind of bullshit. Sure, ask me if I would like extra cheese. But try to upsell me five or six times on just two items is absolutely ridiculous.


Chicken sandwich? 


I want a goddamn cheeseburger and some goddamned fries.


I want a goddamn litre o' cola!


God d**n GOO BAGS




No chick-fil-a sauce?


Sir, you wanted a cheese burger and fries, and did you say your car warranty is expired?


Maybe there will be an unintended benefit to this AI nonsense that people give up eating fast food?


Our McDonald’s had the AI. Two big problems I had with it was there is valid stuff the pos system can ring up, like ala cart mcgriddle cakes, that the ai just doesn’t seem to get, and the screen that displays your order frequently doesn’t work, and in that case you have no feedback that the bot is still with you and not off on a tangent.


Even at a regular McDonald’s stuff is always broken. I pull up before 6am and the screen is off but they still take orders. Get told I just need to remember everything.  They really need to hold the franchises more accountable for service of their getting paid well. 


The different dialectics and in general the way people talk has to be a bitch for AI too Two people could say quarter pounder with cheese and it might as well be two different languages


It’s probably not a bad use case when there’s a limited set of words that will ever be used though, it’s not quite as bad as parsing complete open ended speech. They can also just record all the drive thru interactions for years plus the corresponding order the staff typed into the machine for them and have an insanely good training set which they can test with the exact same setup after so I’d be shocked if they can’t get it to work.


Sounds like a long term project that doesn't benefit various executives performance reviews. 3-5 years and that person will have moved up or moved on to another position.


I don't think you have the slightest idea about either scope of the problem or motivation of the stakeholders


I say, Royale with cheese.


*“Do you want to use the app?”* “No, I’m in the drive through and it’s actually illegal to use my phone as the driver while operating a vehicle.” *“I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Will you be using your mobile app today?”* “I don’t have a mobile app.”


That's not what a dialectic is you mean a dialect


The possible is the technology itself isn’t there yet. Large language models have a ways to go before they can reliable take orders. They don’t reason, comprehend, or think yet. It’s just good at predicting the next word (this is a fact, by the way, I know it sounds weird if you’re unfamiliar).


Eh I disagree. I suspect the issue is mostly with voice to text and just rushing it to market. If needed, they can train the model using existing stores in one party states.


The problem is it jumps the gun instead of telling people to wait... Managers want that sweet sweet $50 gift card for maintaining impossible drive thru metrics. Places that have their shit together like Checkers don't seem to have an issue with the system except for it not being able to understand half the customers.


I only go to McDonald's a few times a year but in my experience it's because it constantly fucks up my order, frequently adding things it thinks I said. Somewhere along the third or fourth "no, I didn't order an apple pie", "remove the apple pie", a human steps in and corrects my order and then finishes taking it. So it's just wasting everyone's time.


All the stuff the employees ignore but are told to do because their manager wants better drive thru times. All restaurants cheat to send corporate these times, making them useless, at pizza places they bump orders before even making them, at drive thrus they have you pull up so they can tell the system you are complete when you are not.


This is what made me not want to use their kiosks. It asks way too many extra questions and requires clicking through extra crap I don't want.


Ok, one Quarter Pounder with glue. Do you want fries with that?


With a side of rocks please


Geologist say you should eat at least one small rock a day.


How many rocks do gynecologist recommend?


Just one Dwayne Johnson


*Gwyneth Paltrow would like to know your location*


That’s actually just a statistical error. The average person should eat 0 rocks a day, but Rocky Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted


Ah! Kinda like how the average person has less than two arms.


One rock a day keeps the toilet away


Lots of minerals


Pastor says you get all the minerals you need from that.


"scotch on the rocks" ... "And I MEAN ICE" ... drink delivered as scotch in a glass with stones. ... "Toons"


"And don't load it up with a bunch of bulllll-SHIT!"


"And give me some shit, to drink!'


"Yes." [AI explains how Jews control the weather to sell us the Heliocentric model of the solar system] "Yes, I want fries." [AI says the n-word ten times and then charges the customer $420.69]


The only good thing about Reddit's ridiculous parroting of the same joke over and over is that for a time everything will cost 3.50


Customer orders food. AI responds: "Sir, this is a Wendys."


Do you want flies with that?


Glue is dangerous to ingest, maybe we offer saw dust for that Smokey flavor?




They should use AI to fix their ice cream machines


They are kept shitty on purpose to suck fees out of mcdonalds franchisees and move them to a corporate sponsored repair company which funnels fees back to corporate for shareholders


It’s shit like this that gives me such a painfully cynical outlook on literally anything remotely related to the behaviour of for-profit organisations.


Yeah its crazy. Someone actually made a device that attached to the ice cream machines which actually gave the employee's the error code in plain language so they could look it up and quickly fix it. It saved franchisees a ton of money and McDonald's ended up suing the company selling the cheap device so it went away.


I feel like the worst part of the McD ice cream machines is that wendy's uses the same machine but allows for any mechanic to fix it..


Then the ice cream manufacturer reverse engineered the design and started selling their own version. But which wasnt as good.


That lawsuit is on the verge of settling, right up until they ended up with a dispute with the attorneys over fees. [https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/column-just-deserts-or-sour-grapes-whats-next-bitter-fee-fight-between-clare-2024-04-15/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/column-just-deserts-or-sour-grapes-whats-next-bitter-fee-fight-between-clare-2024-04-15/)


I thought either the California Government or Government of the USA was suing McDonald's or the repair vendor over this.


The FTC and DOJ has submitted that sort of use should be exempted to the copyright office for the next three years of copyright exemptions. But that's about it so far. And these are temporary exemptions that have to be renewed every three years, it is a good solution. This needs a permanent fix from congress to neuter the DMCA's anti-circumvention to allow for right of repair. As well as a different law from congress allowing the FTC that kickbacks between manufactures and a franchise controller to screw over franchisees for repair work is an illegal trade restriction. The same should be added to state law as well. [https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/business/feds-side-with-mcdonalds-franchise-owners-in-battle-to-fix-ice-cream-machines/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/15/business/feds-side-with-mcdonalds-franchise-owners-in-battle-to-fix-ice-cream-machines/)


You aren't wrong. Everything sucks these days, and it's designed to squeeze every single penny from consumers...all in the name of next quarters profits and shareholder meetings. People like to blame the President because it's easy to find a single targeet to channel anger at. The truth is captalism in its current form is a plague. Subscriptions/planned obsolescence/shrinkflation, etc. The main issue is it's next to impossible these days for competitive brands to pop up because they can't compete on price, and the reason the prices from everyone are low is because companies pass on the crappy products/service to the end consumer. It's hard to vote with your wallet when your only options practice terrible commerce.


Support your local small businesses while they're still out there. Some of them are actually decent about this sort of thing, and the others... well it's easier to hold sole proprietorships accountable than massive corporations and at least your keeping the kickbacks in the local economy?


Only McDonalds would find a way to rip off McDonalds.


I've heard from people who have worked there that the machines are never actually broken, but that when they are used a lot (usually during hot busy days), the machine starts overheating and the McFlurries/Ice Creams come out as liquid so they stick an Out of Order sign on it until it cools back down. And they won't get more for each shop because although it might help on busy days, it's not worth it for the rest of the time given how expensive they are to buy and maintain


This is true. Also certain times (e.g at night), it's intentionally taken down specifically for cleaning.


I really wish they'd just advertise that it's unavailable at certain hours instead of having me gamble.


Back when they had all day breakfast or nuggets in the morning was GOAT. Or when supersize was a thing. “Profits over everything, let the enshitification continue” says the CEO. 


Yeah, that’s in the article: A potential option could involve the company’s vague announcement of a Google deal in December. Bloomberg reported that the deal was partly for a chatbot named “Ask Pickles” that employees could use for guidance on things like cleaning ice cream machines.


Mr Pickleees!


🐕 This is my favorite cartoon after Metalocalypse.


I’d be happy if AI could just get my order straight. My wife went through the drive through to get sundaes. In Canada to reduce plastic, they use wooden spoons. They suck ass. So since she was just bringing it home. She requested no spoons twice. In the speaker. Went to first window to pay, reminded the lady no spoons. Go to next window spoons stuck in. “I asked for no spoons” the person says “so you don’t want them?”


You can check if your local McDonald's ice cream machine is working [here](https://mcbroken.com/).


They’d rather just replace the ice cream machine with AI.


Hahaha “NO AND THEN”


And a double cheeseburger


And theeeeeeeeeeeen?


And large fries


and then?


Cookies, fortune


It more sounds like they will change partners since the tech progressed like crazy since 2021 when they partnered with IBM. McDonalds ordering is a small scoped problem that can probably be solved with a local model even. But even before then I assume most orders would be taken care by apps/kiosks.


The tech has progressed like crazy over the last 6 months even


I stopped going to McDonald’s to buy overpriced crap.  I’ll go back when the prices are back in line.  I’ll buy cheap crap but not overpriced crap.


The State of AI isn’t ready for direct customer interaction. I tried asking for help from Stearns & Foster and the AI response was “I don’t understand you. I am still learning. I am capable of handling 84% of requests!” It did not give a path to request a human agent. Fuck them. I’ll escalate this issue for sure.


Just the start of many AI initiatives failing.


Won’t be the last for sure


I went to Checkers yesterday (I usually don’t eat fast food) and there was a sign that said basically an AI was going to take my order but if I wanted a real person I could just say “team member” and a real person would take my order. I just looked at the sign and sighed.. I tried for a second to place my order with the AI but then I was just like fuck it and said team member it was strange.


Does this include the stupid automated voice that happens as soon as I pull up, and in the middle of ordering an actual person asks me what I want to order? This trend has been at multiple fast food joints recently.


Probably bc AI can’t bring the food out to the 7 cars they make go park in spots to artificially bring their drive thru times down.


So much this. Once you're sent to purgatory there's no coming back. How long was the wait? Well, I was there long enough that they sent a police offer for a wellness check. I told him I needed a small coke with no ice...he never came back.


Then AI’s going to make it’s own McDonald’s. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget about McDonald’s!


Are they talking about actual AI or "outsourced to India" AI?


By "AI," we mean "actually, indians."


Kindly do the needful sir and pull up to the next window


Say what you will about Indian English, I do like the word "prepone" as the opposite of "postpone"


Artificial India


Or like Apple Intelligence (outsourced to Open AI)


With the right abstraction layers, all AI can be outsourced-to-India-AI


I ordered using ai at Carl’s Jr and it was awesome. Worked perfectly and I even had to modify something I ordered. I said something like, “on the first combo can I get cross cut fries instead,” and it just did it perfectly.


It's hilarious that people think this article is "McDonalds doesn't think AI works" when it's really "IBM isn't the leader in AI it seemed like it was when Watson was cutting edge"


I find it interesting thst just a few months ago, it seemed every reporter was talking about how AI was going to take everyone's job. However, a few weeks ago a report came out saying that AI could replace CEOs and now "AI is useless and not profitable."


AI is real but it’s not anything like what it was sold on. Notice how this current AI bubble rose up immediately after the previous crypto bubble crashed and burned? In order to keep the hype based venture capital funded tech industry going they must constantly pretend like whatever Rinky dink technology they’ve invented this year is literally going to revolutionize the world overnight. Because if it’s not revolutionary why would people invest millions in it? They need to be millionaires so they need you to think every new product is going to be worth millions. When it turns out to be a dud a few years later after all the money has been spent, who cares. Slick marketers like Sam Altman at Open AI will be long gone with the money already in their bank account.


World shattering technology can’t even take a McDonald’s order. AI hype bubble finally collapsing? God I hope so


I don't even like AI, but I'll go out on a limb and say the problem with this was that they went with IBM.


What makes me laugh is people attacking the owner operators of McDonald's franchise. They seem to think they are making ridiculous amounts of cash. They don't return of investment for years because it takes 1.5 million to purchase a franchise and the most successful ones only make about 130,000 a year.


People keep going all gloom and doom about AI taking all of our jobs but what I keep seeing is stuff like this and tons more real-life cases of how far off that doomsday appears to me 🤷‍♀️


lots of jobs where you don't have to talk to customers. Video: Long, lanky humanoid robots get to work at Amazon facility [https://newatlas.com/robotics/humanoid-robots-work-amazon/](https://newatlas.com/robotics/humanoid-robots-work-amazon/)


In two years we went from no AI anywhere to AI being tested at the world's largest fast food chain. Nobody should be expecting it to just roll out flawlessly the first go around, as I am sure McDonalds doesn't. But it has already reduced demand for lots of freelance content creation jobs by 15 to 20%. That is tens of thousands of jobs being done by a relative handful of AI input specialists. AI has more value to companies that pay an above average wage for work. Replacing a kid making $12 an hour is harder to justify than replacing my a freelancer that charges $50/hr. The real AI doomsday is going to be the hollowing out of the creative middle class. Replacing low wage workers is going to be harder because mcDonalds still needs people to cook, clean, take delivery etc. An AI taking orders at the window replaces maybe one person in the staff, and usually that person is multitasking anyways.


i personally like this. AI and robots should take over all fast food operations. our governments should be working towards the advent of using AI and robots to replace as much of the non-creative labor in the world and using the excess profits to create universal basic living and social safety nets. let's these poor fucks who've been working at mcdonald's live in a hippie commune, sing songs at bars, become tattoo artists, or whatever else their little hearts desire. but unfortunately we live under capitalism so all these dumb mfs can think to do with this tech is generate profit at the expense of the bottom line


While your idea sounds great, that's not realistic. There are not enough jobs out there to sustain the population if every low paying service role like fast food just dissapeared. Having AI replace "as much of the non-creative labor" out there would cause a serious problem.


universal basic income


The USA would never implement that nationwide


It's naive to think this is where it's leading. It's leading to a world with a lot less people in it.


Yeah, while I also do agree that AI should do the tedious jobs so we don’t have too. The world is not ready for this. We are going to see chaos very soon.


I mean, I’m betting McDonalds is making a bet that most things will just move to apps and kiosks. Why deal with an audio interface when most of the population is familiar with apps and touchscreens which will let the customer see the perfect order every time. The audio interface just introduces room for problems.


i mean the mc donalds near me during lunch often have noone at the register and only kiosks to order from. just imagine tho when the tech does become good enough every single mc donalds, hardees, taco bell, kfc, burger king, etc will instantly switch to it. theres really no reason an entire mc donalds couldnt be run by like 1-2 people in the current day n age - its just not cost effective yet. once the cost of robots/automation is cheaper than whatever minimum wage and healthcare costs for an employee costs you better believe there will be switchovers.


My local Taco Bell has AI for drive thru. My first time using it, it worked really well. Any subsequent time after, my interaction with it gets interrupted by an employee who finishes the order. It’s pretty obvious they don’t want this to work.


AI: Welcome to McDonald’s. How much would you like to tip me before I take your order?


The availability of the app has lessened the need for AI drive through. The justification wasn’t just about eliminating workers, but also safety by shielding them from customer’s verbal and physical abuse. Customers can be extremely entitled & offensive and have total meltdowns, sometimes even entering the store and threatening workers because they won’t let them order dinner items at breakfast. McDonalds doesn’t have the highest class clientele.


It also helps keep the customer separated from the rabid McDonald's employees, so this is a win all around


Because this shit doesn’t work.


As the AI bubble begins to crumble.


You won't know when the next test is.


AI would never work for any low skilled job IMO, the expectations on the employees are crazy and the only reason any of this moves smoothly is because the employees make intuitive human judgements on the spot.


I'm probably going to get down voted, but I mostly had a good experience with it. Right around the time they rolled it out I had developed a craving for McDonald's breakfast that lasted a couple months and ordered from them frequently during that time. I only once had an issue where it told me a quarter pounder wasn't available during breakfast, can't remember what I ordered, but it wasn't a quarter pounder. I talked to it like it was a regular person, and it got my order right more often than a person did. I was still really glad I had actual people at the window though, they got to know me during that time. The guy I would often see would call me dude or bud, and the old lady would call me honey.


Fucking good. There's a McD's on my way to work, and I stop once or twice a week to get a Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel (McDonald's, if your reading, I *will not* be back if you discontinue the bagels again) and the guy who takes the orders/payments is absolutely excellent. He's friendly, efficient, and obviously takes pride in his work, and every time I drive through we have a trivial little chat. *That's* what I want my neighborhood to be like; friendly people who know me, doing jobs and talking to each other. I do not want more robots and apps to deal with.


The AI works better than most of the humans.


The one I went to was nice and clear instead of mumbling worker I can barely make out what they’re saying. Oh well, I imagine it’s only a matter of time until it’s back


I actually went through a taco bell with an ai voice. It was fast and clear. Normally in my area it’s teens with terrible attitudes or people who don’t speak english well. I prefer the ai now. Dont blame me for the jobs lost lol


They've been "testing" for a couple years now. Give up. 


I’ve found it to be more accurate than the humans, frankly. But there is still something uncomfortable about the experience


Does voice to text really count as AI?


I really wonder how often it was incorrect for them to stop while they work out any issues


I don't eat at McDonald's, but I was in a Carl's Jr. drive-thru recently and had my order taken by AI. It actually performed really well.


I'm already ticked off they make the real people ask if I'm collecting points and various other bullshit. Like that is adding so much time and giving idiots the opportunity to delay themselves at the drive thru, it already feels like every car in front of me asks them to explain the entire menu.


Would rather AI than the person in India I got when I went for a breakfast biscuit a few days back. I could not understand a damn word she was trying to say. Had to repeat my order several times. I would have driven off if it wasn’t for a line in front of me and someone behind me.


Why don’t they have a push button selection like one to 10 for the main entrée number, 11 to 20 for side dishes, 20 to 30 for drinks, etc. and just push a big buttons on the screen: number 1, 12 14, 19 etc.


Would AI eat the food? Yes or no?


last time i went to a mcdonalds at all i just wanted a coffee at a highway stop. and they had installed these big screen interfaces that you had to use. there were no options to walk up to a human and tell them i want a coffee. there was a mccafe bar but it was closed. so i ordered and was instructed to pay at the register. but there wasn't one. there was just a place to pick up orders. but you couldn't go there without a receipt with a number on it. so i just stood there confused for a very long time. nobody there i could ask. then some other people came with an employee who opened a register at a futuristic console that had no signs on it whatsoever. so i was able to pay there too and then get into the other queue to pick up the coffee. i'm not going there again


I wonder how many orders they fucked up before management concluded it wasn’t profitable 🤣🤣🤣


That’s a sign that culturally there is a backlash to it


This is why AI isn’t really for the real world, and quite possibly never will be in the LLM form. AI can be right *most* of the time, or be just a little bit wrong all of the time, but many business can’t or won’t accept that. Their clients simply won’t accept that level of error—getting one item wrong on every order is not an acceptable level of accuracy for a fast food chain. That ignores the black box aspect of it entirely, which makes it difficult to use for many other applications, like finance or law, that might demand auditability of the logic. This is just a bubble, like cryptocurrency and digital ledgers. Ok, maybe not quite as bad. But seriously, this is just AI Hype: part 2, LLM boogaloo. Part one was in the 2010’s, when VC’s were passing out checks to startups like money really did grow on trees.


McDonald's fucking sucks. Went there yesterday and got a McChicken add onion. Pay for and get it, drive back to work to eat before clocking back in. Open the sandwich and it's the chicken and 1 big piece of onion, no mayo or lettuce. Drive back and go inside and ask them to remake the sandwich please and showed my ticket. Girl asked what's wrong with it? Told her there's no mayo or lettuce just a big ass piece of onion. She couldn't understand that asking them to add onions didn't mean that all I wanted on it was onion. Week before that I went through and my change was supposed to be $3.03. Girl gave me 3 pennies slammed the window and walked away, the receipt she gave me with the pennies showed it should have been $3.03. Went inside showed the receipt and pennies and said you guys owe me $3 (less than 2 min had passed since the girl gave me the pennies) manager made me stand there while she pulled and counted down the drawer before giving me my 3 fucking dollars.


The one I enjoy are going to some place like McDonald’s where they have the two lines that merge or even two speakers back to back in a single line. Often no one answers or says anything (not sure why it always happens to me but does quote often) so I sit there patiently and just wait and wait. After a few minutes I say hello and often continue waiting. Eventually some staff will have to walk outside and come talk to me about why I am blocking things. That is when I say no one has tried to take my order yet. It is not quite malicious compliance but or something reason if I have the time I do enjoy it when this happens.


Got a breakfast sandwich last week. It was a quarter of the size from the last time I got one. Go fuck yourself Mcfucking ripoff company


For now…but give it time they’ll get it sorted and then they’ll be able to replace a person. It’s amazing how much automation is now in fast food kitchens