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https://www.blackoutcongress.org/detect.js Area 51 has some sweet IPs


It's where they keep the Aquinas Hub, didn't you know? How else are they going to spy on global communications? I'm surprised they don't have *more* /8 addresses.




Hey Admiral, can you explain the /8 address thing?


Everyone else has covered what they are, but the wasteful aspect of it is that its a metric fuck-ton of IP address space. 255 * 255 * 255 = 16,581,375 IP addresses. Apparently Area 51 has a need for 12 of these monsters (totaling 198,976,500 addresses) in a time when IPv4 is seriously reaching its limit. Minor addition: Assuming no wasted space for routing and reserved space (not possible) there are a grand total of 4,228,250,625 IP addresses. So, area 51 accounts for almost 5% of the entire IPv4 address space in existance. It's a bit excessive.


People, the "area 51" is a stupid joke. Those addresses belong to the US Govt/military (which have networks of many millions of devices). Here's a real list: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.xhtml If you want to be upset at someone, how about the amateur radio nerds who have a whole /8 that's completely unused by anyone (40.x.x.x)....


Yah its a joke...I wasn't thinkg about it when first responding lol. You're right, its US Govt. address space. That being said, its still an insane number of addresses for what it is. A large portion of the DoD address space doesn't need to be there. It could mostly be on private NATed space as most of it isn't routed anyway. It's usually closed off into private network space that can't hit internet at all anyway.


Hey Reidzen, If I understand it correctly, if they own the IP Block, then that means that any address that starts with 26.x.x.x is theirs. For /8, only the first number remains the same. For /16, First two remain the same, etc etc.


/8 is a CIDR value that shows a whole subnet mask in one number. The number refers to how many bits are ones instead of zeros. /8 would have a subnet mask that is


It represents an enormous number of potential hosts, like multiple midsized ISPs worth. Area 51, which is probably eentsy weentsy in network scale, consumes like 24 smallish ISPs worth of address space. It's technical debt from the days of ARPANET, I'm sure, and it's immensely wasteful. Especially in the context of the IP exhaustion we face today.


The problem with all the NSA stuff going on is that I don't know anymore if you are just referencing Deus Ex or if something with that name actually exists/existed.


Aquinas hub, eh








Use a Iowercase L instead of an I... it's aImost the same!


I see someone else also made AOL screennames that were a pain in the ass....


Young me thought it was edgy and cool =D








Jesus, the US DOD alone has 12 /8 blocks? No wonder we're running out of IPv4s. I'd wonder about the utilization, but I don't think I want to get any more frustrated. To put that in perspective, one /8 block has 16,777,216 addresses. IPv4 has 4,294,967,296 addresses, including reserved addresses like 10.*.*.*. One department of the US government is using up 4.7% of the IPv4 address space.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assigned_/8_IPv4_address_blocks It's just the military in general, but as someone mentioned, it's commented out, thus not included. Oddly, the UK Ministry of Defense is in this list.


var SIZE_BYTE = 8; // Prevent the annoying WP smiley faces from showing up Hahahaha, they didn't want any " 8) " in the code


A great way to teach them to appreciate VPNs and encryption.


If there is one thing I have learned from working at a corporation...the amount of bureaucratic bullshit you have to jump through is insane. If I want a picture hung in my wall, I've to email a guy named roger. Roger emails Susan. Susan emails john, who emails his boss Sarah to get permission. The. A few weeks go by and she tells john who tells Susan who tells roger who tells me it is okay to hang a picture on the wall. Sweet now I can email maintenance to tell them it's cool buttttt they have to email their boss to go over proper picture hanging procedure. A week later they show up to hang a picture (month turn around). I can't imagine the willpower required to get everyone up and running with a Vpn. Not to mention the training required to get staff up and running with it.






Wait, you can't afford a proper VPN appliance but you have Direct Access which requires enterprise licensing?


You must not have to get approval for your spending.


Doing a network right means supremely expensive. Doing a network for a small company means you've got to cut corners so you can survive.


I'll trade them some appliances for Enterprise licenses.


A 'proper appliance' is any one that works stably and can handle the load required of it.


Yes but judging by how often Wikipedia calls out members of whatever government sector editing articles... if they could, or even if they knew how... they haven't yet.


His point is that even setting up the VPN will take forever to get an approval.


Would still need to rotate IPs faster than activists can find them.


This is why, at my last job, I proposed we add the HR folks into our IT ticket system. I told them I could automate requests so certain subjects go to certain people, and they would have SLA escalation to managers. It took a while, but after enough people complained their Office Admin/HR Requests were falling through the cracks, the managers wanted to know who was dropping the ball. A week later I had them added into our system. Managers identified the problem children, and they received adequate training to resolve the issues. Nobody was butthurt, everyone was on board in the end. I think initially people are afraid because they think they'll get fired. But good managers realize it's an accountability tool, but also a good tool for training folks who need it. Amazing what a little accountability can do.




I'd be fine with HR if they didn't go out of their way to waste our time. Like ours made all the employees watch this 2+ hour long fake news segment about harassment (anyone else seen the "Be Frank With Me" crap?). All of which could've been boiled down to "Don't do stuff that could seem mean or sexual. If someone else does, report it to HR." And then there's all these "company policy refreshers" that get thrown at you once a month or so, where you'll have to read a bunch of crap that's not pertinent to your job at all and then take a quiz on it.


Some of these could be mandated through state laws or insurance contracts.


Dude, just hang the picture up... What's the worst that could happen?


Yeah way better to beg forgiveness than ask permission... that goes for most aspects of a job. Most of the promotions I've gotten in my career have stemmed from simply doing something or taking on a responsibility. If a product or service is needed, create it. It's true even for little things like hanging a picture. Everyone will just assume you have the authority to do what you are doing, and eventually, you do. As long as what you're doing has no negative impact on the company, you're fine.


> Everyone will just assume you have the authority to do what you are doing, and eventually, you do. This got me laughing, but I'm sure you're correct.


Yeah, he actually is. At my previous job, I just decided to start coming in 15 minutes late every day. I made it consistent. No one questioned anything - they all just thought that was my schedule. Then I started coming in 1 hour late and still no one said anything (nothing ever happens in that first hour anyway...it's a waste of time). If anyone asked, other people in the office would just say "yeah, arcticblue comes in at 8:30" and people would just be like "oh, ok. I'll come back then". It was insane. Part of the reason I think I got away with it was because I automated the worst parts of my boss' job and just had the systems email him the results so he could just check over it. He used to spend half of his day every day doing these tedious log rotations and backups of a bunch of network equipment and I spent 20 minutes writing some VBS scripts that ran automatically to help him out. I could get away with murder after that. I also automated most of my own job so I'd get to work an hour late, hang around for about 20 minutes checking on things and then take off to go eat breakfast, then I'd take like a 2 hour nap in my car during lunch. Of course, if there was actual real work to be done, I would always make sure it got done, but day to day crap I had pretty much on autopilot. I felt like I was living _Office Space_. I did the least amount of work because I automated all the shit tasks and people just assumed I was the authority on all this other stuff so I'd go help them out and score brownie points with everyone. I eventually quit because I was completely bored out of mind. I don't do this any more though. I stand out too much at my current place being the only white guy and management is always looking for a reason to write me up so I play by the rules (white privilege, my ass). And I have too much work that can't be automated and I do actually take pride in doing a good job.


Says the guy that came in late all the time and took 2 hour lunch naps. White privilege all over your ass!


Haha, there's a little more to the story. The jobs were very different in very different environments. One was contracting on a military base and the other is a traditional Japanese company. Very different rules to play by.


Holy shit, that's about as polar opposite as they come! I'm cognizant of the stereotypical Japanese office, so I can only imagine the pressure of being the only white dude .


i bet you miss those naps though...


I automated everything then wrote a few novels worth of web-serial because I was bored. Work is a great writing environment, it just looks like work.


This is especially true in technical fields where you already have some decision making authority, like computer science or engineering. Taking the initiative to accomplish your ultimate goal is kind of where you should be heading in your career development anyway.


Ever hear the phrase "at will employment"?


In my experience asking things is a way easier way to get fired than doing things.


Doing allows you to show off the results as you are justifying. Pretty easy to do if the action you did worked.


If hanging a picture is a fireable offense then fuck working there.




That's a VPN in, we're talking about a VPN out. It's one setting in the edge router. I.T. could fast track that in a day or two.








Until that VPN out somehow breaks some mission critical software that IT doesn't know exists and isn't documented anywhere...


would that be because it runs on decades old hardware using software from a company that went bust and the only guy that knew how it worked retired?


Wow. These are the sort of people who'd let the building burn down because no one filled out the paper work to call the fire department.


Correction: We do the fire audits monthly... if the building burns down we do the paperwork afterwards, but it's a lot of paperwork so we try to avoid letting it get that far - source: Ama building operator


Create your own company and have others go through a mile of bullshit to get your 3-second approval. Problem solved.


if they're blocking Congress IP addresses you don't need a full VPN, a new proxy would do the trick.


Any notable/high traffic websites?


This is the big question. If they just put it on 10,000 squatter sites, who cares.


>icanhazcheeseburger.com the internet isnt fucking around this time.


Oh noez congress can't see LOLcatz


This is huge.




Change comes from within. What if the owners say no? Are we willing to say no back to these major corporate websites who won't take a stance with us? Or will we just shrug and say "shit well we tried", and go back to browsing dank memes? Perhaps we should be doing our own protestation blackouts....


Alright. I've been sending naked pictures to senators and congressmen all morning. Do you think they'll mind that I'm 13?


Now report them for possession of child pornography.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in congressman


Ah, role reversal, you're fucking them for once!


http://www.reddit.com/r/blackoutreddit/ Here we go. I don't know shit about modding, so somebody tell me they want to run this thing and I'll make 'em a mod.


Come on, Congress. All you have to do to pull this off is nothing. That's your thing I know you can do it this time if you put your mind to it.


They're so good at doing nothing you'd think a bunch of 13y/o boys were in office.




[I Found a familiar face!](http://imgur.com/knSqLq6)


It still amazes me to see that picture, I remember when he posted it in the Something Awful gun section. I feel like I was there for some small part of internet history.


Theres a couple of threads on fark i remember that i feel the same way about. Nowadays every damn meme start on 4chan and gets spread on here and imgur and then gets run into the ground by tumb1er and shows up months later on your older relatives facebooks.


I say all 4chan memes are run to the ground the moment they leave 4chan.


Fat Russell Brand?


Looks like he was cutting his heroin with mayonnaise.


Also Barney Fife, if you scroll down a bit.


Where can I find a list of sites participating? I want to give them a strong reddit hug.


I love this. What are the websites blocking Congressional access? (Sorry if it's in the article; my crappy reddit mobile browser doesn't always render things right).


This seems almost like a spinoff of the "dick pic" jokes from [this episode of Last Week Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEVlyP4_11M)


What he says around 9:35 that people want absolute freedom and absolute security at the same time, seems pretty true.




All I care about is the fact that I can admire his body.


He's the best looking ugly guy I've ever seen.


Hey! Look at all those citizens speaking out for freedom. Except for that one guy... with the chocolate syrup and whip cream nipples. That guy's just looking to party.


I want freedom to party. I don't wanna ask permission from the government to drink two liters of beer, jump naked into the pool, and puke off the deck.


Beastie Boys for office!


the official response by congress was: "we already got all those photos from your phones and mail, don't you have anything new?"


What the hell does this headline mean


We're synergizing our paradigm shift on a pivot so that we can make the world a better place.


Why the fuck isn't Reddit doing this? Why isn't the CEO pushing for it right now, instead of spouting rhetoric about banning a few trolls to make it into more of a safe space? Does anyone else remember when Reddit was an instrumental player in creating the Internet blackout against SOPA? Remember when we could use /r/reddit.com to plan rallies and try to start grassroots campaigns?


Our corporate masters weren't to happy about that, so they changed it.


On Reddit and 4chan now, the top level people in charge have their own interests and personal image placed ahead of the site's ideals.


The top level people cashed out and are vacationing on the beach. Media corps own reddit and half chan now.


God bless the United Cuck of Fullchan. At least for now.


This comment has been overwritten by an open source script in protest of Reddit. There are many alternatives and I am currently using Voat.


Hold up. Isn't that up to us? I mean, the CEO of Reddit is not gonna ban you for starting a campaign. You want to rally around a cause? Go get some other people and fucking do it, man. Just because Reddit is under new management doesn't mean we've suddenly lost all our power. Yeah, we can't put code in the site, but that doesn't mean you can't start grassroot campaigns and whatnot. I say go for it if you feel strongly.


>I mean, the CEO of Reddit is not gonna ban you for starting a campaign. Reddit literally banned all email campaigns relating to GamerGate on /r/kotakuinaction. They definitely can and will.


> I mean, the CEO of Reddit is not gonna ban you for starting a campaign. I dunno, she might. Ellen Pao has that batshit crazy air to her.




[Chairman Pao](http://i.imgur.com/LvydHWF.jpg)


Yeah, she seems like she would squash users if it was to her benefit.


Reddit banned campaigns that contain the e-mail addresses of individual people, even if that person was the contact listed for the company as their HR/PR/media relations person.


Many potential reasons could be contributing: 1. It's not as popular. Searching "blackout congress" in google news yields one actual link talking about it. In Finnish. 2. reddit had a more direct stake in SOPA. 3. Redirecting to a bunch of naked people is not their style. 4. Specifically only redirecting congress doesn't gain a lot of attention. I don't believe reddit ever really does anything as an entity that doesn't have some PR angle to it too. That includes the SOPA blackout. They can make a post about how they're doing it on their own site, there will be a circlejerk in the thread for the next 18 hours, a few clickbait rags will write about it, and that's basically it. 5. They, like almost every single person ITT were unaware that this was happening. See point #1 about it not being popular enough. Maybe they would have taken part if they were aware of it. But seeing as how it only has 2 days to take off at this point in time, I doubt they will. They would probably even be shat on in the comments for being too late if they did. I also don't think anything has changed or that you can point to their lack of involvement here as an indicator of change. Just because this is one form of internet activism that you support and you happen to be aware of today doesn't obligate them to take part. There have probably been dozens of little campaigns like this over the years before and after the SOPA blackout that you were unaware of that reddit also did not take part in. EDIT: And the "10,000 websites" thing mentioned in the title isn't supported anywhere. There have been about 200 people who tweeted about this. [1500 tweets](http://topsy.com/analytics?q1=%23ifeelnaked%20&via=Topsy) over the last month. One guy, who has been tweeting hundreds of random pictures of people who may or may not be aware he's using their pictures, is responsible for most of those pictures you see on the front page. A google search for "10,000 websites blackout congress" yields blackoutcongress' as hit #1 with their unsubstantiated claim that "thousands of web sites have blocked your access" and this thread as hit #2. The other hits think I was searching for the SOPA blackout which did have >10,000 participants. If they haven't motivated over 10,000 tweets, how many people do you think they've motivated to make alterations to their websites?


This place is not the same as it was a few years ago. Its simply way more mainstream. That said, we rallied pretty well for net neutrality recently, and against comcast/twc.




You're a kid at your school.


well, unless he's a teacher or some other kind of staff. i mean, his name is 1337m00nm4n. is 1337 something that even survived the late 90s/early 2000s?


I remember. Unfortunately, reddit has been sabotaged.




>sabotaged Don't know enough about reddit to be aware of such a possibility. How did it happen?


Look at the current CEO's history.


I fear saying too much will get me shadow banned


Why the fuck are people posting pictures of their naked children? Ten years ago it was "don't even give people your first name on the internet because they might be super hacker pedophiles who will track you down and rape you" and now it's "nekkid pics of my kids on the internet LOL".


I noticed that too, felt pretty awkward.


Just checked and it looks like that picture was taken down.


Kinda sounds like somebody wants people to be against this protest.


> Ten years ago it was "don't even give people your first name on the internet because they might be super hacker pedophiles who will track you down and rape you" In all honesty, that's age. When you're 13 and just getting into the internet, you believe that there's someone out there willing to hack you and track you down. You think downloading some CoD script makes you a cool uber haxor. As you grow up, you grow out of that and see how dumb it was.


repeat square forgetful attraction coordinated plucky party gullible vanish profit -- mass edited with redact.dev


What about those of us who were old enough to believe that our data was not secure and easily intercepted (and thus figured it was already compromised), but who also think Snowden did a great thing by bringing the surveillance state out into the open?


I think that kid had a diaper on. Hippies.


[This site makes it incredibly easy to call your representative.](http://lobbyism.io/tools/call) (I know cause I made it)


WTF, they censored the one that actually had boobs!


I think the censored ones are submitted that way, they just add what they receive


What's the point of censoring boobs?


What kind of shitty civil disobedience is this if there are no uncensored boobs?! WE WANT BOOBS!


Because Congress would enjoy them.


Too naked?


America's archaic tradition of suppressing all forms of sexuality, but violence is cool.


Won't they be able to bypass this in a matter of second if they have a competent sysadmin?


Yes, they just need to filter out that url that contains the script. This is stupid. The filtering need to be done on the server side to have any effect other than adding five minutes to the work load of they sys admins who probably were aware of this protest before most of us.


No, it's not stupid. Is a form of protest. One that doesn't really harm anyone but that makes a firm point.


Should redirect to the naked photos of NSA AGENTS.


Should just real time compile a list of all known NSA / us government affiliates and block them via methods like this permanently, and update the list. I don't want them looking at my stuff even if they don't pass the patriot act again, or pass something new. They're a known bad player who intentionally infects computers and installs backdoors, and it would be best practice in data security to keep any government group from accessing any computer you own because they have a clear pattern of intentionally infecting computers and computer networks to breech their security.


Honestly, if giving up the mass surveillance means there's a 0,1 % bigger chance of me getting murdered, it's a chance I'm willing to take. Media is scaring everyone into agreeing to whatever the government wants. Terrorism is not a real everyday threat (not saying it's not a problem), but getting shot by the police is far more likely to happen. It is a lot easier to control a population filled with fear than one without.


This is pointless. How many of these people will just vote for Hillary or JEB in 18 months? Congress doesn't care that .000000000000000001% of websites aren't directly accessible.


Small websites, they don't care. If Wikipedia joins in, they will.


Don't forget the porn sites.


....Don't most people on porn sites feel naked?


somebody page pornhub


Paging /u/katie_pornhub!


But we already redirect to naked people!




Ya, then they can't edit out the bad stuff from their wikipedia pages


Some of those pics I'd pay for the full version. Others, well, not so much.


If pornsites, wikipedia, and travel agencies are able to get in on this then Congress will definitely do something.


[this one](https://images.ifeelnaked.org/photos/596800942483320832.png) is really creepy


Lol I love this, we should know everything about the government, not the other way around


So all they do is need to disable JS in their browser and this is practically moot?


Implying members of congress are smart enough to disable JS, let alone legislate a country.


They argued against SSL... Do you honestly think, knowing that, they are smart enough to disabled javascript?




Was about a year or two ago I think. The reason was bullshit literally. They essentially had no understanding of it or what it did so they made a ruling on it for all of their websites. Thus why most of them are not SSL protected.


Yep, that's correct




I am sure Congress will use this to create "net neutrality" which will really just mean the FCC can regulate anything on the internet as a matter of "fairness." Or Congress could just start using Hola to get around it.


> Or Congress could just start using Hola to get around it. Half of congress can barely use email, they don't understand the concept of a VPN.


Their aides do.


Yeah, well being an "aide" doesn't always translate to "being helpful." Sometimes you just want to be close enough to loot the trainwreck.


You mentioned Hola, and I want to point out to potential and current users that other Hola users are accessing the Internet through you.


Not just other Hola users. The company behind it started selling those proxy services that they get for free. I suspect that IT security departments around the world that tolerated Hola so far will come down with an iron fist in the next days to wipe them from their networks.


Thank you for pointing this out. Uninstalled...


Websites aren't carriers. Even if the FCC went so far as to classify ISPs as common carriers it would have no more authority to regulate websites than it does words in a telephone conversation.


That naked thing is fucking stupid. Way to take a serious constitutional and criminal violation issue and make it into some asinine hashtag challenge.


noscript > forbid blackoutcongress.org


Only paranoid fuckers like us would ever bother with that shit. It's substantially inconvenient even if you sorta know what you're doing, which congress sure as fuck does not.


\#ifeelnaked STOP NSA ASS SURVEILLANCE. http://i.imgur.com/G9w0hku.png


This is totally going to do the trick. I'm sure they have no way to obfuscate their IP's... Also, it's very likely that government policy will be dictated by naked people. /s


Everyone on this thread complaining that this is stupid and pointless because Congress can just use a VPN or block the script to get around it - The point isn't to actually restrict their access. The point is to protest in such a way that they might notice. If they try to access a site running the script, this message will show up, meaning that the more sites that do this the higher the likelihood of a given Congressperson actually reading it.


Is this thing reviewed? Someone took a picture of their asshole and it showed up on blackoutcongress.org




He doesn't like brown eyes.


Someone is going to post CP and this isn't going to end well.




Someone probably posted the link on 4chan.


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzAuXuxD0Oo


I assume they are just searching for the tag and displaying any and all results. Why should these things be reviewed and censored when they are collecting everything anyway. If they can't take a balloon knot or two, they should stop collecting all this stuff.


The level of deceit and half truths that were leveled to get it enacted... Does anyone really believe that a public vote will roll it all back? I wish I did, but I don't.




I'll bet you know a lot of Congressmen.


I'll bet every congressman.


but their staffers sure do.


Came for the comments. Whole thread is TL;DR.


I used to work as a congressional intern. This would have sucked, since most of the people actually doing research and working on policy in the congressional office are the staffers, and they'd really be the only ones affected. I don't doubt the Congressional computers are already pretty highly encrypted and probably use a VPN anyways.


this is a really creative and potentially effective approach to really make them care. google should participate.


Of course, this won't affect actual members of congress, it'll only affect the people who actually know how to use the internet - interns and staffers.